Gente Del Agua
07-11-2006, 04:13
To the, Great Nations of Earth
The gracious empire of Cladonia has donated plans for the
production of NW-590, five hundred kiloton yeild nuclear
warhead. Although he have the plans and the metal casing,
our nation is devoid of enriched uranium and other neccesary
resources used to make a nuclear warhead, therefore, we
call upon our allies and other nations to help us. This can prove
as a large turning point in our history and for the rest of the
world, please become a part of this monumentice event.
All donations and information on how to build a NW-590 five
hundred kiloton yield nuclear warhead will be dilveried via heavy
escort of a Jimuhn Armoured division, to Fort Managua. There all
supplies, information, enriched uranium, and possibly scientist will
be used for the estimated production of ten NW-590 five hundred
kiloton yield nuclear warheads.
We must tell the world, as there have been some nuclear threats
somewhat close to our size, for example the events of New Galation,
and others. For these reasons we must tell the world that we will
only use these nuclear devices of mass destructions as a fire-or-die
manuever against larger, or overwhelming odds. Also our allies, we
will use these nuclear warheads as another means to protect your
fine nation and its people, and will not be fired inside of your territory
unless you personnelly request, via overwhelming council vote, or any
other system you use.
Thank you, and may God be with you in these trying times to help you
make the right decision for the Latican Empire, your own, and most
importantly the world. Please do not turn this into a large politicial
scramble and/or war waged against or because of our request for
help building a nuclear arsenuel.
Blessed our new nuclear program,
Emperor Airch Rien
OOC: What materials will I need to make 10 NW-590?
The gracious empire of Cladonia has donated plans for the
production of NW-590, five hundred kiloton yeild nuclear
warhead. Although he have the plans and the metal casing,
our nation is devoid of enriched uranium and other neccesary
resources used to make a nuclear warhead, therefore, we
call upon our allies and other nations to help us. This can prove
as a large turning point in our history and for the rest of the
world, please become a part of this monumentice event.
All donations and information on how to build a NW-590 five
hundred kiloton yield nuclear warhead will be dilveried via heavy
escort of a Jimuhn Armoured division, to Fort Managua. There all
supplies, information, enriched uranium, and possibly scientist will
be used for the estimated production of ten NW-590 five hundred
kiloton yield nuclear warheads.
We must tell the world, as there have been some nuclear threats
somewhat close to our size, for example the events of New Galation,
and others. For these reasons we must tell the world that we will
only use these nuclear devices of mass destructions as a fire-or-die
manuever against larger, or overwhelming odds. Also our allies, we
will use these nuclear warheads as another means to protect your
fine nation and its people, and will not be fired inside of your territory
unless you personnelly request, via overwhelming council vote, or any
other system you use.
Thank you, and may God be with you in these trying times to help you
make the right decision for the Latican Empire, your own, and most
importantly the world. Please do not turn this into a large politicial
scramble and/or war waged against or because of our request for
help building a nuclear arsenuel.
Blessed our new nuclear program,
Emperor Airch Rien
OOC: What materials will I need to make 10 NW-590?