NationStates Jolt Archive

Sol Giuldor Extends Invitation to Chirstians Worldwide (MT)

Sol Giuldor
03-11-2006, 19:24
"Brothers in Christ,
For too long the factions of Christendom have stood as enemies! The Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the many Protestant churches have become too splintered! How are we to face the evils of today if we are not united? Amen, this is what the Devil wants! He wants us to fight amongs ourselves, so his servants can cary out his evil will unupposed! We cannot allow this! To encourage Chirstian unity, I, Catholic Archbishop Benedictus VII, through God's Grace and Mercy the Ruler of this Crusader State, do hereby call for all theologians, Catholics, Protestant, Orthodox, Morman, or any other follower of Christ to meet in the Cathedral of Sol Giuldor! We must resolve our differences! May God be with you,

Archbishop Benedictus VII
Theocratic Ruler of Sol Giuldor"

This letter is a formal invitation to attend a Christian Unity confrence in Sol Giuldor. Here, Christians will attempt to resolve theological differences and grow closer as a faith.