Cult Leader found, Execution planned (MT open)
ONTV Official Broadcast, Feb. 9 2007:
"General Wraithe today made a public announcement at 9pm, about the capture of FLDS polygamist cult leader Robert Blackmore."
Greetings, fellow Osleans, we have found the elusive leader of the cult known only as the FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christs' Latter Day Saints). The previous leader has already been found in the USA and jailed in the year of 2006. The FLDS is a deformed form of Christianity, as you may all know.
We had already conducted Operation Sledgehammer and wiped out the FLDS population in Oslea, but the leader's body was never found, so we assumed he escaped right before our bombardment. We were right.
Here is the leader now, Robert Blackmore. Sitting in his chair without his little minions earning money for him. For the crimes he has commited against humanity, we have deemed that life in prison is not good enough a punishment, and have decided that death by firing squad would be most appropriate.
The execution is scheduled for tomorrow, 7 PM. You are invited to watch on Channel 9 but the program is not suitable for younger viewers. 10 of the most decorated soldiers in all of Oslea will take part, each holding an Objective Individual Combat System ready to fire. I will be there personally to count down to his moment of execution.
This is a great victory for all freedom-loving and law-abiding citizens, and all of those affiliated with peaceful religions.
Let this be a message that membership in hostile and law-breaking cults will not be tolerated.
Good night.
"Osleans are divided upon this decision, some think he should just be jailed and some think he should be shot and killed. Comments from the international community appealing for a different punishment are expected, and so are comments of encouragement.
I can't help wondering, do firing squad executions have a place here in Oslea? We live in a this appropriate? I just don't know... He's scum, but I don't know if he deserves this...
Up next, the Whales won 5-0 last night with a shutout performance by Whales goalie..."
27-10-2006, 05:50
ICCD formally requests that you turn over Blackmore to ICCD and we can insure that exile is emposed and he will not cause you anymore harm.
Logothe of the Drome, ICCD
x. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ICCD-Intracircumcordei;11862895']ICCD formally requests that you turn over Blackmore to ICCD and we can insure that exile is emposed and he will not cause you anymore harm.
Logothe of the Drome, ICCD
x. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Department of Foreign Affairs
To: Whomever it may concern in ICCD-Intracircumcordei
From: The Department of Foreign Affairs of Oslea
We will have to turn down your generous offer of taking Blackmore off of our hands. We here in Oslea are not sure if exile is an appropriate punishment, he routinely moves between countries and only happened to be in Oslea when we conducted Operation Sledgehammer. Exile would be almost like lifetime imprisonment, possibly with even more freedom than prison. It is not that he will cause any more harm now that he is in our hands, (he will never bother us again, in fact) it is that we need to select the appropriate punishment for scum like Blackmore. We simply believe exile is not sufficent. Thank you for offering, though.
The Department of Foreign Affairs of Oslea
The Principality of Ezaltia disagrees with your persecution of the the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, but will not interfere with your execution. To each nation his own.
27-10-2006, 06:19
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Kahanistan unreservedly denounces this infringement upon religious freedom. Simply because you and I consider marriage to more than one person immoral does not mean the whole world sees it that way.
We simply do not see why one should be executed for bigamy; such a penalty is far excessive and unprecedented in the civilized world.
Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Kahanistan unreservedly denounces this infringement upon religious freedom. Simply because you and I consider marriage to more than one person immoral does not mean the whole world sees it that way.
We simply do not see why one should be executed for bigamy; such a penalty is far excessive and unprecedented in the civilized world.
Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: Margaret Delray, Minister of Foreign Affairs
It is not that the members of the FLDS practice bigamy; it is that their cult routinely abuses their partners and children, and restrict freedom to all their members and try their best to prevent anyone involved, to "quit" their religion and subscribe to a more mainstream, appropriate form of Christianity or any other religion. (What we are saying is basically, once you get in, you have no freedom whatsoever, and you can't get out. If they had the choice, many members would've quit right now. That was the point of Operation Sledgehammer, where we tried to liberate as many members as possible and eliminate the rest who would not comply.)
Bigamy is not the issue here, it is the treatment of their fellow people. This man restricted the freedoms of many people and ruined many people's lives. I hope you understand. We're only trying to make the world better by cleaning up the dirt.
The PM of Oslea, Taylor Larscheid
27-10-2006, 06:37
To: The Department of Foreign Affairs of Oslea
From: ICCD Imperial External Division, Office of the Logotheth of the Drome
Perhaps we can hold him pending a decision by the Government of Oslea, to avoid a political quagmire. We can very much insure he does not leave the boundries of ICCD without adequet approval by Oslea.
We at the least by providing you with a clean conscience in regard, and avoidance of political unrest.
The option is still available, please do reconsider. Afterall he could die here due to a number of reasons, naturally. The government of Oslea wouldn't have to worry about upset on the death sentance, or vice versa the life imprisonment is more expensive then exile, so ICCD saves you resources in regard to his imprisonment. It is a win win resolution. You can always change your mind later.
Logothe of the Drome, ICCD
x. ~~~~~~~~~
Gente Del Agua
27-10-2006, 06:45
Dear, Prime Minister of Oslea
We are aware of you sisutation, and we have a idea for the bastards torchers.
Have your ten men shoot him in the legs, and afterwards drop a nuclear bomb on
him.Or have him piss his pants as you launch artillery attacks on his positions.
And video tape the fear pulsing threw his head, for your nations to look at.
A Hopeful Friend,
Prime Minister Fey Zolix
ICCD-Intracircumcordei;11862971']To: The Department of Foreign Affairs of Oslea
From: ICCD Imperial External Division, Office of the Logotheth of the Drome
Perhaps we can hold him pending a decision by the Government of Oslea, to avoid a political quagmire. We can very much insure he does not leave the boundries of ICCD without adequet approval by Oslea.
We at the least by providing you with a clean conscience in regard, and avoidance of political unrest.
The option is still available, please do reconsider. Afterall he could die here due to a number of reasons, naturally. The government of Oslea wouldn't have to worry about upset on the death sentance, or vice versa the life imprisonment is more expensive then exile, so ICCD saves you resources in regard to his imprisonment. It is a win win resolution. You can always change your mind later.
Logothe of the Drome, ICCD
x. ~~~~~~~~~
Department of Foreign Affairs
To: Whomever it may concern in ICCD-Intracircumcordei
From: The Department of Foreign Affairs of Oslea
Your offer will be considered shall the Prime Minister approve it, since he is now reconsidering the execution. As of now, the advisors of the Prime Minister are filling his mind with so many ways to solve this, that he has postponed the execution because his mind is clogged with many solutions. This will take some time to solve, certainly your offer will be considered.
We certainly hope we can come up with a clear response soon.
27-10-2006, 10:23
Supreme Overlord Young from the Za'aan Imperium would like a copy of the recording of the execution if that could be arranged.
27-10-2006, 13:31
Statement from President Stylesjl
"The Republic of Pontbridge offers their support for the execution of evil cult leaders who ruin the lives of other human beings. Pontbridge herself has also been harrassed by evil cult leaders who seek to undermine democracy for their sick twisted ends"
27-10-2006, 19:03
To: Margaret Delray, Minister of Foreign Affairs
It is not that the members of the FLDS practice bigamy; it is that their cult routinely abuses their partners and children, and restrict freedom to all their members and try their best to prevent anyone involved, to "quit" their religion and subscribe to a more mainstream, appropriate form of Christianity or any other religion. (What we are saying is basically, once you get in, you have no freedom whatsoever, and you can't get out. If they had the choice, many members would've quit right now. That was the point of Operation Sledgehammer, where we tried to liberate as many members as possible and eliminate the rest who would not comply.)
Bigamy is not the issue here, it is the treatment of their fellow people. This man restricted the freedoms of many people and ruined many people's lives. I hope you understand. We're only trying to make the world better by cleaning up the dirt.
The PM of Oslea, Taylor Larscheid
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Liberating members of the church who wish to leave is an admirable goal; we struggle with the problem of spousal abuse in conservative religious communities. However, those who do not wish to leave the sect should not be eliminated simply because they wish to remain members.
Spousal abuse and imprisonment are reprehensible and to be suppressed. However, we do not believe that all Mormons are abusive to their plural wives, any more than we believe that all Muslims who have multiple spouses are abusive. Many are, but that is because they were raised to believe that abuse is acceptable, not because of their religion.
We urge that rather than persecuting and executing members of a religion, that the energies devoted to programs such as Operation Sledgehammer be diverted to programs to combat spousal and child abuse in general.
Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs