OOC: Ivocir, Zukariaa, and others
26-10-2006, 23:13
I've checked this over with Ivocir and he was pretty sure that no one is currently using Sweden, so...I thought I'd move Morgiland there.
If there are any complaints or someone already has Sweden, let me know.
26-10-2006, 23:17
Why is this directed at me?
lol Zukariaa.
Ok, let's just wait. If anyone claims Sweden, then fight em. I can sell you some nukes to fight em off.
26-10-2006, 23:22
I've checked this over with Ivocir and he was pretty sure that no one is currently using Sweden, so...I thought I'd move Morgiland there.
If there are any complaints or someone already has Sweden, let me know.
Maldorians is in Southern Sweden, but the rest is unclaimed
The World Soviet Party
26-10-2006, 23:27
Maldorians is in Southern Sweden, but the rest is unclaimed
Remember Icovir lives in yet another NS European-African-Asian continent.
26-10-2006, 23:34
Maldorians is in Southern Sweden, but the rest is unclaimed
I'm invading Maldorians as we speak.