United Republic of Nicaragua's first rebellion
Gente Del Agua
25-10-2006, 23:46
10 Miles SE of Managua in Alpari; 8AM-3PM|November 12th, 2009
A gang of 18 13-38 yr old men, (9 men) dressed in Dark blue jeans with a black line going down the sides, with black underarm or, dog tags, and a civil war like cap on their heads headed towards a gun shop. Their they purchased 4 variants of the Mauser Karbineer design and 5 Glok 9mm pistols, along with 2 (50 rounds each) boxes of 8mm Rounds and 20 clips of Glok ammo.
With this arsenal three of the gang, carrying Gloks, all of which were under 17, marched into a public school Science class room and took nearly all of the explosive devices. The cops were called by a student using their cell phone.
As the three gang men exited the school, they saw a black van coming with UCF (Urban Chaos Force) written in white on the sides. They quickly ran to their HQ, in the center of the city, and abandoned Iron factory.
UCF followed them their and quickly charged the position with 8 troops holding M-4's with night vision goggles and Kevlar breast plates. The 4 gang members holding Mauser variants unloaded on the UCF force. Before the UCF pulled back 1 man was dead and two were dying out in the open.
A single thirteen year old ran outside and picked up the UCF's fallen comrade’s Kevlar, goggles, and weaponry. The UCF troops at the seen were not hardened enough to shoot the little boy, as he retreated into the strong hold.
Meanwhile inside the factory the 4 older men took the equipment and left the boys with just their Gloks. The 4 men escaped using the sewage system and made there way south.
Inside the factory the boys made up their minds to assault the UCF forces, now numbering at 42. They rushed outside.
Seeing the lead man 5 8 the UCF forces thought the older men were charging and leveled all 5 boys.
News Report at 5PM
News Lady: Today at 1PM nine terrorists were held up in an Iron Factory. Trying to negotiate peace the UCF forces tried to give them a phone, but were fired upon, and this left two officers killed and one severely wounded.
Fearful of the consequences five of the terrorists charged with just Gloks and fell to the expert UCF fire. Thank you citizens, and have a pleasant Evening.
New Report at 7PM
News Man: It is now confirmed that the terrorists were a uniform; dark blue jeans with a black line going down the sides, with black under armor, dog tags, and a civil war like cap. UCF forces ask you to please report anyone wearing similar clothes that have objects jutting out of their person. Thank you, and good night.
Deaths/Wounded of the War
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Sorry if this seems a little noobish, first time posting an Incident for my country.
Emporer Pudu
26-10-2006, 00:28
OOC: It was fine for a first post. Also, I may get involved in this if any kind of larger conflict breaks out.
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 01:11
24 KiloMeters S of Managua in Depri;1AM-10AM|December 29th, 2009:::
A troop of 73 men, all of which were wearing, non-faded black jeans and black under armor. 14 of these men had AKM's with 3 magazines on hand, another 28 had AK-47's with 4 magazines on hand, and the rest were holding Variants of a Mauser Karbineer.
These men marched into an NNN (Nicaraguan National News) station and sent a simply broadcast: "The Facist Govermental Revolution has come, meet us at Depri for recruitment. Death to the Socialist dogs!"
Withen a few hours nearly a hundred young men were recruited from Depri and a few surrounding villages. (Southern URoN (United Republic of Nicaragua) has not yet recovered fully from war and several gurrila empires have stopped any attempt to get supplies south, but the population still blames the URoN goverment.)
These new troops were given an odd assorment of weapons; from Kar98k's to modern shotguns and even a few QBZ-95's.
The Facist Govermental Revolution Army (FGRA) started to build bunkers and create a HQ in the nearby mountain.
150 URoN troops are marching down to Depri with 8 Type 85 MBTs.
20 RPG 7's are found in the policestation withen Depri.
News Report at 5PM::: (URoN)
News Lady: A new revolutionary group has sparked up and brutally attack the southern city, Depri. Our great nation is sending its military to destroy these brutes.
Also, a Kolav(URoN's army) sponsored message has asked that the citizens of the United Republic ages 16-41 join the Kolav. Thank you Citizens, and have a pleasent evening.
New Report from 10AM-the rest of the day::: (FGR)
Basically what they said at the begining...
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Kolav killed: 0
Kolav wounded: 0
From the PM of Oslea, Taylor Larscheid
To any available TV station, please relay this message onto your news reports.
To all members of the FGRA:
Disband immediately and surrender yourselves or risk being destroyed by the combined might of the Oslean Navy, Army, and Air Force.
Our forces have just come back from a major assault on 2 FLDS cities and wiped them out completely. No survivors. Do not think that we are a pushover, YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED.
That is all.
Meanwhile, at OFB Corona:
"Alright, this very well could be your second military sortie, troops! We could leave as soon as tomorrow if Parliament gets the thumbs-up for this mission! Make sure you do everything you need to here tonight, we might not come back soon! I want you to target practice for at least 30 minutes today! Get your skills better before this operation! Now, get moving! We could have a big day tomorrow." the person in command there shouted at the troops. They all scattered and then did their own thing, before possibly departing tomorrow.
26-10-2006, 01:32
The nation of Darvainia condemns this extremist rebellion, while we do have distaste for socialism, we have even more for facism and terrorism. If you will authorize us we'd like to send in 200 of our newly trained infantry men to test to their new hk47 assault rifles, as well as 10 elite trained snipers, and 20 policemen riding in their ceptor five vehicles, all to deal with the new terrorist threat and stop it in its tracks. Give us the word and we will move in immediately.
-His glorious Emperor Valerius of Darvainia
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 01:53
OOC: Um. There not really terrorists, or atleast bad ones, the haven't killed a civilian yet. It's just propoganda by URoN
Reply to letter:::
Even if you kill us all, more will come. You'll have to burn all of southern Nicaragua to stop us.
Letter to Darvania:::
You may send in those troops, but we will leave the responsibility of capturing Depri. Repeat, our Kolav will not add you until you request it.
A hundred more troops are assembled and given bad equipment.And more are spread across southern URoN and turning the population to their cause.
War news at 5PM::: (URoN)
Major: Darvania has offered their assitence and we have accepted, but the FGR is still growing, all southern people, please do not turn to their fatalistic cause.
War news all day::: (FGR)
Coporal: The FGR is swelling in numbers, and even though another nation is joining agaisnt us we will prevail for our people! Curfew is imposed at 7PM, all outside will be shot in the legs. Lights are to be turned off at 10PM.
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Kolav killed: 0
Kolav wounded: 0
Darvanian killed: 0
Darvanian wounded: 0
26-10-2006, 02:15
Sargeant Kikokie's Address to combined Darvainia forces in the republic:
"Alright men the objective is simple: defend all civilians at all costs. Also round up and arrest terrorists whenever possible, take them alive. I want to personally interrogate one of them and keep them in our custidy until I order otherwise. I don't trust the republic anymore than the government does, though were here to help them we should know what's going on first. Now your orders are quite simple shoot ANYONE attacking civilians, and look out for the uniforms we just heard about. Now move out!"
OOC: they seem like terrorists to me, they were raiding a public school.
To the leaders of the FGRA
The nation of Camgo would be willing to send 3 thousand of are troops to aid you.
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 02:40
OOC: They only raided it to get the explosive stuff out of it for use. And they didn't even threated the kids.
Reply::: (FGR)
We accept your aid, and thank you. We're moving out of Depri and are heading south towards Talagua.
The 400 FGRA troops moved farther south to Talagua, gathering nearly two hundred troops with more rag-tag equipment. They had left only 100 troops with the worst equipment left in Depri to man the NNN station.
War News at 5PM::: (URoN)
We're currently waiting for the Darvanian to attack, and the FGRA has been reported to be having talks with the Camgo nation.
War News all day::: (FGR)
Was cut off by NNN network.
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Kolav killed: 0
Kolav wounded: 0
Darvanian killed: 0
Darvanian wounded: 0
Camgo killed: 0
Camgo wounded: 0
Camgo's troops landed in a small port town. They captured it they started to biuld there hq and a few bunkers. They called up the FGRA and asked them where they where needed most.
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 03:02
88 Kilo Meters SW of Managua in Talagua; Feburary 8th, 2010
The FGR begin training there troops at Talagua with no-standardized weapon. And also there is no NNN station or communications outpost. The only good part is that the position is surrounded with mountaints and there is only one entrance point to the NE. Several snipers are trained with Kar98k variants equipped with scopes and are placed guarding the NE entrance newly crissend, "The GateWay".
(Nothing going on so news is normal, and causelities are the same)
Emporer Pudu
26-10-2006, 03:15
Pudite Prefecture One, Administration Compound One, Office of Emperor Pudu XLII
The Emperor was reviewing a small dossier he had just received from his diplomatic officer, Mr. Grey. It was a thin document, relatively standard, these people had no distinguishing characteristics to them. Nothing, save for a single page. This page detailed the recent insurrection suffered by that nation, an armed revolt.
As of yet, it was relatively mild... but the Emperor had noticed, and that was all it took...
Mr. Grey stood before his Emperor, hands folded behind his back, his posture straight and attentive. "Sir, this... Gente Del Agua... They are a tiny nation, no more than a Legion or two should be able to control anything that happens..."
The Emperor set the manila folder down, "Yes... control...", he spoke slowly, without lifting his eyes from the desk.
Mr. Grey continued, "Yes, of course. In any case, we can put boots on the ground in three days time. We'll need to re-mobilize a division or two from the ready Undershi force, but we can do it."
The Emperor looked up, "Yes, and this is why I am ordering it. I want two full Legions there before seventy-two hours has passed, understand? Grazskar Legions, Grey. Grazskar."
The Emperor emphasized the strange word, the foreign word... It was not strange to Grey, nor anyone else in the Dominion. The Grazskar... the elite ground forces of the Dominion, the warrior-fanatics of the Emperor. They would bring order.
Community, Conformity, Stability.
Twenty-Four Hours off the coast of Gente Del Agua, Pudite General Purpose Fleet Eight, Command Battleship Redemption
Admiral Kakova stood aboard the observation deck, behind a great plane of plexiglas, that was, on the command tower of his Roydia-class battleship, the Redemption.
He stood, watching his two-hundred plus ship fleet, all gleaming in the brilliant white paint that marked the Pudite navy. Seamless, colorless, the ships rolled on, crashing through the waves as they moved forward constantly forward, inexorably so. Reaching out... closer and closer to this new nation. This new proving ground...
Behind Admiral Kakova stood his own Mr. Grey, an exact likeness of the one that graced the Emperor's own halls only thirty-six hours before. Like his counterpart, he stood, hands folded, grey trench coat resting calmly, an emotionless expression etched into his face.
He spoke, "Admiral, we are now exactly twenty-four hours away from foreign soil, what are your orders?"
The Admiral, shaken from his trance, responded, "Oh... well, yes. Have the foreigners been contacted yet, Grey?"
Grey responded instantly, his almost mechanical voice simply relaying facts, "No sir."
Kakova continued staring forward, "Well, we'll have to do that. See to it that a message is sent, let them know we're coming. Oh, and decide who we're here to support, too. Don't say anything to... emotional... We're here for ourselves only. They are not to know."
Grey brought his right hand up, across his body, snapping it perfectly to his temple, palm out, fingers straight, saluting his commander. Kakova didn't turn. Grey spoke, "Yes sir, I'll let the communications room know, right away. I shant take long."
Kakova spoke, slowly. He was still watching the fleet, his fleet. Entranced by their magnificence... "Yes, of course..."
Grey turned about sharply and left the room.
To: Gente Del Aguan Government
From: Mr. Grey, diplomatic officer
It has come to our attention recently that your government has fallen on hard times, and we would like to ensure you, we are here to support you.
We will not let these rebels get a foothold in your nation, we will fight for you, we will defend you. Fear not, we will save you.
Two full legions of the Emperor's finest soldiers have been freed for the use against this guerilla war. Our troops, as well as a full fleet and air compliment, will be arriving within the day. We will not take no as an answer.
We will save you.
Good day,
Mr. Grey.
A humvee drives up to the town with the Camgo's nation flag on it. A soilder gets out of the humvee and asks to talk to the leader.
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 03:25
No where|Feburary 15th, 2010
Reply to Pudite: (URoN)
We accept this, but keep your navy and aircraft grounded, they are not to fire on URoN land.
Message to ARoC: (FGR)
We need help securing Southern URoN and we need supplies for our troops. Also we need some armoured units.
Communication had been disabled...
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Kolav killed: 0
Kolav wounded: 0
Darvanian killed: 0
Darvanian wounded: 0
Camgo killed: 0
Camgo wounded: 0
Pudite killed: 0
Pudite wounded: 0
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 03:36
OOC: Lol, are like all of you guys trying to take my nation?
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 04:43
110 Kilometers E of Managua in Kala|Feburary 16th, 2010
Four cities break off from URoN and declare that they are a Democratic state and call them selves the Democracy of Nicaragua. (DoN) Their standardized infantry rifle is a variant of the Tokarev (STV 40). They only have 24 humvees with AK-47's on top that are modified to be used like a machine gun. They had 12 M2 Bradley.
DoN Military:
12-M2 Bradley (Infantry Fighting Vechile)
24-Humvees with AK-47 machine guns
1,000-Troops with the standerdized rifle, SVT 40
The DoN military sent in 100 troops along with 6 Humvees to assualt a small village chain on the NE part of URoN.
URoN purchases 3 F-100 Super Sabre Fighter
FGR purchases 7,000 AK-47's and ships them to Talagua were it begins to standardize the troops, and familiarize them with their new gun.
They also purchases 14,000 Stick Grenades and ship them to Talagua, and training with the weapon begins.
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Kolav killed: 0
Kolav wounded: 0
Darvanian killed: 0
Darvanian wounded: 0
Camgo killed: 0
Camgo wounded: 0
Pudite killed: 0
Pudite wounded: 0
DoN killed: 0
DoN wounded: 0
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 05:54
Angered by FGR's colonization attempt URoN sends an invading force of 2,000 troops to attack Talagua along with a 100 Type 85 MBTs. And 3 destroyers to blockade the colony.
FGRA troops are an effective modern combat force that is still under going training with their new weapon the AK-47. There are currently 1,700 troops fortifing Talagua.
And several dozen snipers are on the look at at "the GateWay"
FGR purchases 20 Type 97 infantry vechiles and moves them to the defence of Talagua. They also by 300 RPG 7's with 8 reloads each and move in another 300 non-standardized FGRA troops and their training begins with the RPG 7.
UCF killed: 2
UCF wounded: 1
Terrorists killed: 5
Terrorists wounded: 0
Citizen killed: 0
Citizens wounded: 0
Kolav killed: 0
Kolav wounded: 0
Darvanian killed: 0
Darvanian wounded: 0
Camgo killed: 0
Camgo wounded: 0
Pudite killed: 0
Pudite wounded: 0
DoN killed: 0
DoN wounded: 0
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 08:36
During Election, the Communist canidate had been assianated and since it was too far in the election so the Facist won. Nicaragua in now under control of the Latican Republic of Two Continents.
(Sorry for the short ending just wanted people to know that LRoTW owns Nicaragua now)
26-10-2006, 17:00
Undershi City, Undershi Empire
Aleksander Miller sat calmly at his desk, hands folded over the report he had just finished reading. He looked up as Yursuf Schmidt, the dreaded, sadistic, IIS Colonel who was rapidly becoming his chosen operative, entered the room. He smilled, and then asked:
"Well? I've read the reports. However, even if I am the Leader, I still need to know what the IIS thinks. We're involved in a massive operation already, holding down the Occupied Territories... can we spare an Airborn or Air Infantry division to come to our Pudite allies aid?" Yursuf grimaced, then replied:
"Yes. We need all the AB units we have at this point, for use in rapid strikes against the cities... but we could spare one - and I mean one - division of Air Infantry for use in that conflict zone." Aleksander nodded, a single brisk movement of the head, then ended the conversation by saying:
"Good. Then, see to it, will you?"
The 197th Regular Army Air Infantry division moved to load itself onto the transport VTOLs that would soon take that division to the contested territories, officially as part of a larger CA plan to "restore order." They would show their Pudite allies that they were anything but useless...
26-10-2006, 20:27
The parliament has agreed to up aid efforts to the republic. We are currently transporting 2,000 of our howister tanks, and moving 200 additional light infantry assault riflemen closely behind to help secure the southern part of the country. The reinforcements should arrive within 1-3 days. All forces are also being redirected to retaking the south.
Gente Del Agua
26-10-2006, 20:31
Request to Darvania,
We want these foreign power out, except you. We'll give u the southern part of Costa Rica if you kick out all the people. Our main force of standardized troops is in Africa, we can do little to help ourselves.
Your Friend,
Ex-Prime Minister Chela Yola
Emporer Pudu
26-10-2006, 20:32
The Shore of Gente Del Agua, Pudite Landing Force, Unloading of Soldiers
The great amphibious ships pulled into port, sailing together in close formation until reaching their piers of choice. Coming to a stop along the sprawling steel and stone walkways, the bows of the stark white craft opened.
Inside the cavernous bowels of the ship it was complete darkness, no lights, no windows, no flashes. Darkness.
Suddenly, all at once, a light appeared. Ten-thousand tiny points of blue light immediately lit up aboard every one of the twenty craft in the harbor, each tiny point an eye...
A great resonating boom echoed out of the depths of the ships, sounding again and again in perfect time. As it did so the eyes moved, up and down, closer and closer... Suddenly the ranks broke into the daylight. Out of each ship marched five-thousand colossal armored soldiers, each standing seven feet tall and weighing over two-hundred and fifty pounds. Their armor was a dark grey, supplemented by patches of black Kevlar showing below the metal, the entire suit meshing together, flowing perfectly in and out through joints as the soldiers marched on.
Feet rising and falling in perfect time, their wide boots resting on the bottom of legs as wide as a man's body, and above that, a great armored plate covering the soldier. His arms were thick, and in his gloved hands rested a large-caliber automatic rifle. Their helmets were complete, centering around two blue-glowing eyes.
There was no visible flesh on these soldiers of terror...
Riding out of the ships behind these forces were the tanks... These tanks, the Mekhev family of vehicles, were the best in the world. They had proven themselves to the Dominion time and time again in half a dozen major conflicts and countless testing besides. They were a dark green hue, their low profile typifying the modern battle tank. There were ten-thousand of these behemoths of the battlefield creeping slowly behind the perfectly ranked infantry.
Behind these rode the armored fighting vehicles and wheeled light infantry vehicles. The SIV-25, the Dominion's standard armored personnel carrier, numbered over six-thousand and five-hundred of these next generation combat systems and twenty-thousand of the quick, powerful light infantry trucks.
Many thousands of these trucks were towing behind them many thousands of artillery pieces, from the 88mm anti-aircraft weapons, the 90mm multipurpose guns, to the gigantic 280mm medium howitzers, they rolled forward. Riding behind this gun parade were even more guns. There were the low-profile wheeled armored self-propelled 128mm anti-tank guns, the large tracked anti-aircraft systems, which mounted both the powerful 88mm guns and eight anti-aircraft missiles, as well as a tracking radar system. Following these were their counterparts, the LV-08 light infantry trucks wearing on their roofs a large missile system, used in both an anti-aircraft and anti-tank role. Finally, taking up the rear were the self-propelled howitzers, numbering over a thousand guns in each denomination, those that were either 155mm howitzers or 240mm howitzers.
All this rolled ashore, one-hundred thousand soldiers, ten thousand advanced tanks, six-thousand five-hundred armored personnel carriers, and twenty-thousand light infantry trucks, and over fifteen thousand towed and eight thousand propelled artillery pieces. They were taking up positions outside the city's limits, marching indifferently and inexorably through these foreign streets, paying no attention to any of the human beings around them, marching forward...
And this was only the first wave... There were still nine more to come...
Rotten bacon
26-10-2006, 22:08
Commander Cody got off the phone with his Commanding Officer. he had clearence to enter Gente Del Agua and drive out the Armys of emporer Pudu. Cody picks up the phone and makes a phone call
Cody says "Bly get up here fast we got a job for you" An hour and a half later Commander Bly was walking into Cody's office. Cody looks to him and says " Bly the nation of Gente Del Agua is under attack your job is to move in and drive out the invaders. they cant do it on there own. you land in Karalawa. then your charge in and make a firm holding from there to Waspam. you leave within the hour got it?"
Bly Saluted "yessir" he turned and left the the room the then went to the harbor where he found a regiment of soldiers waiting for him.he gave the order for them to bord the ships. when that was done the ships began the journy to the Gente Del Agua.
one week later:
he boats began to draw near the shores. this week had been hell for the people on bord. but now they were close to the destination. Bly looked out the front window at the shores and said to his asissant"ready the men." a moment later the speakers were blaring. the troops got to the locker rooms and started putting on their armor. as the patrols finsished they took their place about the loading platforms. transport ships would land in front of the soldiers and they would load up as many people to a ship as they could. one they were filled the ships would go and land on the beach. as the army exited they would position themselvs along the line they were told to protect jets were sent up to assess the situation from above. everything was according to plan
Emporer Pudu
26-10-2006, 22:48
The Shore of Gente Del Agua, Pudite Landing Force, The Fleet's Eye
The gargantuan Pudite fleet sat, immobile and immovable, spread out across the coast of the city's surroundings, advancing dozens of miles in each direction. This force was waiting, watching over the infantry's landing. By now four full loads had been deposited on the shore, and the fifth was even now unloading...
Although the fleet was directed to watch over the infantry, these duties were not limited to the beachhead alone. They were tasked with controlling the entirety of the eastern coastline, which they would not exercise.
For hours now the Pudite's had been tracing a sizable foreign force heading for Nicaraguan shores, presumably to aid what was now fully accepted as the enemy. Yes, it was final. The Dominion had arrived, and had no intention of helping anyone or leaving anywhere. The Dominion was here to stay.
In any case, the foreign fleet was in for a surprise... Admiral Kakova, commander of this operation, had ordered the accosting of the hostile fleet, an operation which was soon to come to be.
Waiting about thirty miles off the coast of Karawala was a force, commanded by Admiral Rogovets, laying in wait for the enemy fleet. This force, fifty-three ships strong, had been preparing its position for the past few hours, and it was ready. This fleet was centered around three Tye Verna class fleet carriers, six Roydia class battleships, six Helina class battlecruisers, and six Portlandia class missile cruisers. Surrounding this heavy center sat six Triara class light cruisers, thirty destroyers, half of which were Adari class while the other half was Atlantia, as well as nine Fredora class destroyers, twelve Royale class frigates, and fifteen Grevant class frigates. Resting below this fleet was the final arm of this operation, fifteen Forthar class quiet attack submarines.
The first strike would go to the Pudite defenders, as the three carriers waiting in the read of the fleet launched their compliment of aircraft. Each carrier set loose fifty-seven fighters. Forty five of these craft were the Dominion's Strakhen Sokol advanced air-superiority fighters, while the final twelve would be F-41A multi-role fighters. These aircraft were equipped each with seven medium-range air-to-air missiles, as well as three heavy anti-shipping missiles.
The aircraft would fly over at fifty-thousand feet and release their missiles at first sight of the enemy ships, which would be almost as soon as they took off, their missiles having a range well over a two-hundred and fifty mile range. These missiles would descend quickly, skimming the sea only two or three meters off the surface, moving below most radar ranges, before rising the required few feet and slamming into the decks of the surface of the enemy ships, or better yet, the command masts. Even one hit with one of these three-hundred pound explosives would nearly certainly disable any one of the enemy’s ships...
Meanwhile, back at the fleet, the dozens of escort ships, which were resting in buffer positions around the larger ships, were preparing their own missile barrages, waiting for the right moment.
Behind these ships were the massive battleships and cruisers themselves, who were now readying their larger caliber guns to be ready to initiate a barrage as soon as possible. Also, their missiles were preparing to launch as well.
This was the Dominion's country, and nobody was going to get in their way.
The Horned Rat
27-10-2006, 00:03
Ooc: Tag
27-10-2006, 01:27
a small legion of advanced stealth Strike Owl air superiority fighters moved in with speed, armed with targetting computer scramblers, proton torpedoes, and heavy machine guns came soaring into the nation of nicaragua with a vengance, quickly swerving into position, ready to strike. More reinforcements were quickly to follow.
Meanwhile Commander Grunlock, now involved in the strategy sat at his headquarters planning a massive recruiting campaign for nicaraguas militia.
"This invasion is fullscale and much more serious than we thought." he told his agents. "If the people of Nicaragua don't get a move and form a militia we don't have a chance, however, if they do they will know their land much better than the enemy and will able to form alot of devastating guerilla assaults, with the help of our technology, organization, and back up reinforcement, nearly a third of our military is already working its way into the nation, but we will need help from the locals, if the people can united and stand against these invaders with a vegeance we canc create a quagmire too big for even these nations to deal with, but we'll need a HUGE percentage of the population. Any questions?"
"When can we coordinate strategies with allies?" asked one of the agents.
"VERY soon, I've already sent word to our allies and requested their presence in this meeting, and they should arrive shortly. We are also searching for the former prime minister in hiding. If nothing else the good prime minister can take refuge in our nation if need be, until this conflict is resolved. Until then we have to win locals over, and at least make a dent in enemy forces. New tanks are moving in, and light infantry is coming to bulster their ranks. This isn't just an incident anymore...it is a war."
3,000 troops moved into the town of Talagua and started to give out L85A1 to the rebals. Camgo's troops started to lay mines out in the woods.
Camgo's Naval units went to attack the enemy. Camgo's naval force had 15 carriers, 17 destorys and 10 frigates with 300 fighters and 150 bombers they where closing in on the enemy.
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 02:10
...proton torpedoes...
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 02:12
3,000 troops moved into the town of Talagua and started to give out L85A1 to the rebals. Camgo's troops started to lay mines out in the woods.
Camgo's Naval units went to attack the enemy. Camgo's naval force had 15 carriers, 17 destorys and 10 frigates with 300 fighters and 150 bombers they where closing in on the enemy.
OOC: My fleet is divided between the beach head and the Rotten bacon fleet (which I have no idea what is in...). Which one of my fleets are you trying to get slaughtered by?
OCC lol lets say beach head
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 02:15
OCC lol lets say beach head
OOC: Beach head it is, I'll post tomorrow. 'Night.
Gente Del Agua
27-10-2006, 02:18
ooc:Ok, well I think i'm keeping my African colonies, so i'll be shipping 150,000 troops back to Nicaragua, 3,000 Type-85 MBTs, and 10,000 Type 62 light Tanks. tommorow
Gente Del Agua
27-10-2006, 02:21
OOC: It isn't a rebellion anymore, the rebellion has been squashed.
PS im making a new account called Latican Republic.
27-10-2006, 02:24
OOC: rofl, omg I'm sorry, I was thinking back to the days when i used play an old star wars flight simulation game...ah the good 'ole days of X-Wing Vs. Tiefighter...anyways I just meant some kind of flight missiles you know, I'm too tired to come up with a fancy name, let me go to bed!:D
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 02:26
OOC: rofl, omg I'm sorry, I was thinking back to the days when i used play an old star wars flight simulation game...ah the good 'ole days of X-Wing Vs. Tiefighter...anyways I just meant some kind of flight missiles you know, I'm too tired to come up with a fancy name, let me go to bed!:D
OOC: Lol. :p
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 02:27
ooc:Ok, well I think i'm keeping my African colonies, so i'll be shipping 150,000 troops back to Nicaragua, 3,000 Type-85 MBTs, and 10,000 Type 62 light Tanks. tommorow
OOC: I'm attacking you there too...
Gente Del Agua
27-10-2006, 02:28
Nah. Im not joining the new thread, most likely. Besides I gotta go on vaction for about 3 days, so night.
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 02:29
Nah. Im not joining the new thread, most likely. Besides I gotta go on vaction for about 3 days, so night.
OOC: Hmm, well then I'll just attack TWSP there then...
You should join there though...
Gente Del Agua
27-10-2006, 02:30
I would, if I wouldn't get malled by someone who has been playing for a month or two, and I just started like three days ago.
27-10-2006, 17:03
The Undershi Arctic Finch VTOL transports flew over the Pudite beachhead, deploying the 197th Air Infantry onto the shore. They were here to show the Pudites what they could do, and hopefully to strengthen the alliance they shared with that nation - not for any territorial goals. That had already been communicated to the Pudite government - these men were there to help the Pudites secure their new colony, not to secure territory for Undershi.
When the troops had been deployed, they began building a fortified command and supply center on the edge of the Pudite zone (basically sand-bagging a few pre-fabricated sheds, then setting up some razor wire and command detonated mines). While their supplies were being unloaded and their base set up, constant air cover was provided by the same Arctic Finch VTOLs that acted as their transports - each one featured RPG launchers and Gauss-autos, making them a formidable threat to any enemy infantry or light armour...
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 20:36
I would, if I wouldn't get malled by someone who has been playing for a month or two, and I just started like three days ago.
OOC: I've been playing for over two years.
Also, I have a post here I need to throw up later today about my city being fortified and the foreigners attacking the fleet off shore from it.
27-10-2006, 21:42
It is with great regret that we must inform the struggling republic of an immediate pull out of forces, our military personell are being rapidly evacuated from the premises of your nation. While I do wish to stay the course and help your people, the two-thirds majority in parliament is much more powerful than I am, and I have been overruled on this matter as the people have grown tired of a war we clearly cannot win. I am very sorry for this unfortunate event, and hope your republic can overcome. enclosed in this letter is also an electronic transfer in case you did not already get it, $500 billion from our treasury to defend your nation. I am dreadfully sorry, and will pray every night that your nation overcomes these hard times. Best of luck and God-speed to you.
-Emperor Valerius
OOC: This is bullshit quite frankly, and I'm pulling out, Gente Del Agua the only hope for your nation may be just to put on ignore cannons, but if you do choose to stick with this thread, you have my utmost respect, as this is clearly overkill on the part of the nations invading you. Obviously they have no lives and so their multi-billion population nations invade newbies in their spare time for nothing more than a pathetic ego-trip, and because they have nothing better to do in their spare time.
Emporer Pudu
27-10-2006, 23:53
OOC: This is bullshit quite frankly, and I'm pulling out, Gente Del Agua the only hope for your nation may be just to put on ignore cannons, but if you do choose to stick with this thread, you have my utmost respect, as this is clearly overkill on the part of the nations invading you. Obviously they have no lives and so their multi-billion population nations invade newbies in their spare time for nothing more than a pathetic ego-trip, and because they have nothing better to do in their spare time.
OOC: He was offered help by a six-billion nation. Preach at them, they'll fight us.
28-10-2006, 02:07
Colonel Sammuel Rwatzi cursed as he examined the latest reports from the Undershi Front of the war against the Anti-CA forces. The most distressing single fact that he could find was that there was an Undershi Front now... he cursed, and crumpled up the report before absently throwing it perfectly into the wastepaper basket.
He wished he was back in Undershi, fighting the Hatarians... but he wasn't. He was here, commanding the rapidly growing Camp Friendship - an odd name for a camp in an occupied nation... but it was meant to show Undershi friendship to the Pudites... he cursed, and began to pace - he would see this little problem dealt with as soon as he could, so that he could return...
OCC if u want me to i will make another thread where we can fight
Emporer Pudu
29-10-2006, 22:59
OOC: Alright... I'm back...
Pudite Landing Area, Occupied City and Coastline, The War Begins
The Pudite landing was complete, two complete Grazskar legions were now ashore inside the city Puerto Cabezas, on hostile soil. The first of the two legions had taken up positions outside the city, blocking off roads and encircling the settlement. These first five-hundred thousand men, their tanks, vehicles, artillery, and trucks were the 'net'. They began establishing a perimeter, knocking down trees and burning away fields to create a kill zone outside the sandbag and trench defensive line they were starting to establish. It would stretch from the coast on one side of the city to the coast on the opposite side. Artillery and heavy machine guns were emplaced all throughout the three-layered defense. Nothing was comining in or out of the Emperor's newest city, a fact that the one-thousand new Pudite fighters now occupying the region's airports would serve to enforce.
Meanwhile, inside the city there were just as many Grazskar. They, however, were unconcerned with external threats, they were more interested in what lay within the city itself. You see, the Emperor was not looking here to capture himself a new city, new buildings or people. He wanted the land. Everything else was just an obstacle, and had to be dealt with.
Starting at the docks, and expanding outward in a giant half-circle were rank upon rank of the giant armored Grazskar, marching in perfect step as they carried out the Emperors will... the destruction of a people.
Every person not in Pudite armor or of allied nationality was a target. Civilian, animal, inanimate object... it did not matter. This city would burn. The objective was a field of rubble, tanks rolled over cars, engineers flattened the tallest buildings, artillery pummeled the suburbs, the ihabitants of which screams were cut short by accurate rifle fire...
In a few hours this would be a wasteland and a dock, housing the one-million soldiers that would conquer this land...
While this slaughter was going on on shore, a slightly more two-sided fight was unfolding a few miles out at sea. The arrival of a fleet of enemy fighters above the Pudite armada, and the subsequent picket reports of an apporaching enemy fleet of ships tipped off the Pudite commanders...
The response was lightning fast and hopefully as devastating. The fifteen Pudite carriers, six of which housed over one-hundred and fifty aircraft, set loose their charges. Only seconds after detecting the foreign aircraft over twelve-hundred gleaming white Pudite aircraft were taking to the skies.
Nine-hundred and fifty Strakhen Sokol next-generation fighters lifted off the decks of their Vengeance class carreirs and swooped into the middle of the enemies fighters, loosing their eight anti-aircraft missiles and launching quick, aimed bursts of 30mm autocannon fire into the vulnerable wings of the foiregn fighers.
Meanwhile, below, the one-hundred and fifty-six escort frigates and destroyers prepared to launch the first wave of anti-shipping missiles. This wave, consisting of over fifteen hundred three-hundred pound missiles, would slam into the decks and control towers of the enemy capital battleships and cruisers, disabling their largest combatants to facilitate the slaughter of the rest.
Below the waves began the third arm of the Dominion counterattack. Eighteen Forthar class quiet attack submarines sped silently along, ready and waiting to deliver their eight-torpedo first wave. These torpedoes were actually more readily described as 'underwater missiles', as each two-hundred and fifty pound explosive would move at speeds exceeding mach one under the sea. They would burst past traditional torpedo defense systems, crashing through the armor of the enemy fleet's smaller escort ships...
Soon following this bombardment the real punishment would begin, as the big guns of the capital ships opened fire, crashing hundreds of thousands of pounds of high explosive through the decks of even the largest enemy warship... But that would have to wait.
For now Admiral Kakova would have to wait, even as he watched a pair of his destroyers sink below the waves... the first victems of the enemy's attack...
30-10-2006, 18:17
Undershi Base Camp, Pudite Zone of Control
Colonel Sammuel Rwatsi watched the devestation unfolding in sheer horror. He hadn't expected the Pudites to try something like this... finally, after only a few minutes of unbearable watching, he exceded his authority in a major way - he contacted the Pudite commander, and pleaded with him to allow the Undershis to remove the people. He didn't want to watch a genocide occur... and so he begged, and cited that the Undershi Empire always needed more norms to work in its factories and mines and fields... he begged the Pudite commander, all the while listening to those unbearable sounds of cruelty and butchery in the background.
He hoped the Pudites could be made to see reason... for the sake of his own soul as well as for the sake of the poor civilians they were slaughtering as he pleaded.
When he had done all that he could do, he sat numbly in the pre-fabricated building he was using as a command center, and stroked the crucifix he kept on a chain around his neck, hidden from the watchful eyes fo the IIS by his armour. This whole situation was rapidly becoming unbearable for any man who listened to words about the existence of a higher moral order...
Rotten bacon
30-10-2006, 22:37
the rotten bacon squads moved to points along the line they were to defend. The squads (nine soldiers) are put in groups of two. one squad to find firing positions and the second to place trip wires with high explosives on the land in front. when a soldier moved a wire a set of bombs would go off. 3 soldiers per squad also make a number of small tunnels. these tunnels were nearly invisable and could make one man look like to. larger holes were dug for any tanks to fall into. at the same time commander bly ordered more soldiers to come for the second phase of the plan. also there were tapes and speakers up in the trees as well as small little explosives so when the trigger was pulled the speakers would make sounds like gunshots and the sxplosivs would make it look like someone was actually fighting.
OOC: my fleet had a flagship, three gunboats ( big boats and really big guns on them) three aircraft carriers. and a housong boat.
Emporer Pudu
30-10-2006, 22:59
the rotten bacon squads moved to points along the line they were to defend. The squads (nine soldiers) are put in groups of two. one squad to find firing positions and the second to place trip wires with high explosives on the land in front. when a soldier moved a wire a set of bombs would go off. 3 soldiers per squad also make a number of small tunnels. these tunnels were nearly invisable and could make one man look like to. larger holes were dug for any tanks to fall into. at the same time commander bly ordered more soldiers to come for the second phase of the plan. also there were tapes and speakers up in the trees as well as small little explosives so when the trigger was pulled the speakers would make sounds like gunshots and the sxplosivs would make it look like someone was actually fighting.
OOC: my fleet had a flagship, three gunboats ( big boats and really big guns on them) three aircraft carriers. and a housong boat.
OOC: Hang on! Look on the previous (or maybe even before that...), I attacked your fleet before you landed.
Seeing as you could not have launched a reactionary invasion until you know I was launching mine, I must have been here in position for awhile before you showed up, and what with you having decided to land so close, I had dispatched an ambush force. Fight the naval battle first.
Emporer Pudu
30-10-2006, 23:03
Undershi Base Camp, Pudite Zone of Control
Colonel Sammuel Rwatsi watched the devestation unfolding in sheer horror. He hadn't expected the Pudites to try something like this... finally, after only a few minutes of unbearable watching, he exceded his authority in a major way - he contacted the Pudite commander, and pleaded with him to allow the Undershis to remove the people. He didn't want to watch a genocide occur... and so he begged, and cited that the Undershi Empire always needed more norms to work in its factories and mines and fields... he begged the Pudite commander, all the while listening to those unbearable sounds of cruelty and butchery in the background.
He hoped the Pudites could be made to see reason... for the sake of his own soul as well as for the sake of the poor civilians they were slaughtering as he pleaded.
When he had done all that he could do, he sat numbly in the pre-fabricated building he was using as a command center, and stroked the crucifix he kept on a chain around his neck, hidden from the watchful eyes fo the IIS by his armour. This whole situation was rapidly becoming unbearable for any man who listened to words about the existence of a higher moral order...
To: Colonel Sammuel Rwatsi of Undershi
From: Fleet Admiral Kakova, General Battle Fleet 7
What is being done is necessity. The Emperor desires his land free of infestation, and so it will be cleansed.
These foreigners are nothing. Non-people. Their worth is nothing, feel not for their death... if something so degenerate could have a life.
I would have assumed a man of your background could understand. We allow no weakness. No compassion.
Community, Conformity, Stability.
Good day,
Fleet Admiral Kakova
31-10-2006, 00:13
Undershi Basecamp
The IIS man wore black power armour, with only the helmet removed. He stood in the Command Center, looking down at the Regular Army Colonel who had commanded the Expeditionary Force, a smirk clear on his face, distorting his elegant True Undershi appearence into something more nearly demonic. He leaned in, and asked:
"And by whose authority did you try to save these norms?" to which the Colonel replied:
"By the authority of my own command rank and..." here he hesitated, a moment of doubt flashing across his face as he paused, before continuing:
"... and by the authority of humane rationality that you seem to have forgotten. These norms are norms, yes... but they are also people. They are organisms with more genetic material in common with our own genetic codes than any other race." he seemed to want to say something more, but he didn't, he remained silent. The IIS man laughed, and made his own reply:
"You disapoint me. You are a poor excuse for a True Undershi, my friend - you seem more like one of those Rynaldi Christians, several of whom I have myself purged from our glorious race." he laughed again, then asked with a voice full of scorn:
"You aren't one of those, are you?" and in reply to that, Colonel Sammuel Rwatsi clutched at the crucifix beneath his dull grey Undershi Army Command Patter half-armour, and shook his head, responding in a whispered voice:
"No. I am... I am not a Christian." the IIS man nodded himself, and chuckled, before responding:
"Good. See that it stays that way." that said, the interview seemed over, and the IIS man vanished, like all of his kind seemed able to do, to return to Undershi proper, where more duties always waited for his attention.
13-11-2006, 18:12
The Undershi High Command has announced a full-scale pull-out of their forces in the United Republic of Nicaragua. The men currently deployed there will be shifted back to the Undershi Empire or perhaps to one of its newer colonies. The Undershi High Command has stressed how this withdrawl is not in any way influenced by recent Pudite atrocitied. However, given its timing... either way, the Undershi High Command has stressed once more that they are and will remain a loyal member of the Corporate Alliance.