Defense Contracting (Closed, ATTN: Candaron)
Encrypted message to General Zax:
I eagerly await to meet you. We are willing to meet you in the land we are fortunate enough to call home, or in your land, if you prefer. Skyetech Industries produces a myriad of devices useful in every walk of life, from petroleum-like fuels that require no petroleum to terrifying weapons of war, to household appliances. And we are proud to say that Skyetech Industries and all of its subsidiaries are completely vertically integrated, so that everything we build is built from the ground up and meets our standards of quality. If you would like to come to The Community, we will send a plane to pick you up. We would be flattered if you'd come to see us, so that we could show you our facilities.
We understand the troubles a nation may run in to when it is beginning, and we realize that though equipment may be needed now, the funds are not always available. That is why we have a wide range of payment plans. Our subsidiaries are more than capable of managing large infrastructure, such as prisons, highway construction, public transportation or anything else. So long as we are permitted to manage these and turn a modest profit, we would be willing to offer substantial discounts on your final bill.
Above all things, we pride ourselves with our ethical behavior. We are faithful to our customers, and we deliver what we promise. We realize that you have a choice in the world, and we are honored that you have chosen us, and need not fear repercussions. If you decide not to buy from us, then we respect your decision, and would be willing to offer you information on which of our competitors is best, although I personally assure you that none of them can deliver as much, as quickly and as fully integrated as Skyetech Industries.
~Ryan Dobenicz
CEO, Skyetech Industries
14-10-2006, 02:07
The general gladly took an airplane to tour the facilities of skytech industries. When he arrived he looked around as the plane landed.
"I think these are the guys for the job!" he smiled widely, admiring the elaborate structure of the companies headquarters. He stood up straightly, just like a soldier and marched off the plane to discuss his plans for building, his mind was already made up. "I have no reason yet to doubt, that you guys are right for the job!"
The Skyetech Industries Industrial Park was about a twenty minute drive (or ride on the light rail system) from the capitol city of Esmund, along a private highway (owned by said corporation). The original Skyetech Industries corporate headquarters was located in Esmund proper, but the property upon which it resided had nearly tripled in value, so the bottom floors were leased out to retail outlets, and the office suites had been refurbished and leased out to other parties willing to pay sums so large that one could only wonder how they remained in business. Only a few offices belonging to Skyetech Industries remained there, and what was lost was not missed, but rather turning a healthy profit.
The Skyetech Industrial Park was about 80% Skyetech Industries and subsidiaries. The others that held land there were old, established and well respected manufacturing corporations. One long-standing manufacturing rival remained there, simply because Ryan Dobenicz, the CEO halved his rent, claiming that Skyetech needed to be reminded that competition did exist.
The buildings were predominantly constructed of glass and plastic, creating "chapels of light" that were both immensely aesthetically pleasing and energy efficient. Almost the entire park screamed of efficiency. Very few motorized vehicles were present, rather small rail systems and tunnel networks allowed material and people to move swiftly between the facilities.
Ryan Dobenicz, a giant of a man, with bright white teeth, and a large smile, "That could melt the hardened resolve of even the oldest soldier or most jaded of customers" a reporter described. "I am flattered that you think so highly of us. And I haven't even shown you anything." He said, extending his hand. "I would love to show you around here, but if you are feeling tired, we can conduct our business in my office. Or, if you would prefer a different setting, I can take you to see our nation's capitol city."
14-10-2006, 02:38
Cold, sagging gray eyes dotted the general's cleanshaven, but rough and wrinkled face, and stared into the CEO's. He extended a hand and shook firmly with the CEO offering a grim, half-smile. The smile was intended to be warm and sincere, but the general found it difficult to show any strong emotions other than those associated with aggression and warfare.
"Truth be told I've heard of Skyetech industries in the past, they seemed like a trustworthy corporation, and you were the first to offer us a deal as good as this one. I haven't seen much but I like what I have seen. I wouldn't mind taking a look around. Then we can talk business."
"That is splendid." Ryan said as he walked into the nearest building.
The first building was a series of offices, mostly administrative. The glass and plexiglass allowed light to pour in everywhere, but somehow workers managed to appear and disappear into the walls, each completely focused on their own tasks. "These fine gentlemen and women represent out marketing department," he said, holding a door for a young secretary, "keep an eye on your wallet." He said smiling. Above the offices was a large greenhouse, with plants completely covering the inside. "We're experimenting with integrating green space into the urban environment. We have a partnership with an architectural firm that is trying to save the rainforest and help the environment by introducing it into the urban environment. I don't know about the outside environment, but it has done wonders inside this environment." Ryan led the general into an elevator, and after walking through what could have been a dense rainforest, they came out above a large facility. In the center was a giant apparatus. "That would be a neon laser." Eh pointed it out. "This is the optics division. We are currently doing research in this facility with single-molecule reactions and nanotechnology. Now, if you follow me through this corridor, we will be in the material engineering center. And after that, I can show you the lab where oil became obsolete in The Community..."
After passing through the bulk of the facility, they came out of one of the weapons assembly facilities. Behind it was a shooting range. A man in a suit wearing ear covers approached them with a small plastic briefcase. He opened it and presented it to the general and to Ryan. There were two revolvers inside, each with a crest on the handle of two swords crossing and two hands shaking over them. Ryan took one by the barrel and motioned for the general to do the same. "These, I am proud to say, are one of the finest weapons in existence, and we do not manufacture them ourselves, but rather under license from a small private firm in the north. These are the Citizens' Army revolvers, issued to every member who leaves the Siapian armed forces. The insignia is the crest of the Citizens Army. 'Desire for peace, capacity for war'. This one I hold was issued to me after I completed my service in the airborne division." He motioned to the firing range. "That one is yours to keep. There is ammunition and ear guards over there. I always find this place to be the best place to blow off steam."
14-10-2006, 15:08
The general nodded approvingly as the walked through the greenhouse. "It's good to see there are corporations that work to preserve the environment and don't just pollute it," he commented. "The commies and the socies around us would have you believe they don't exist."
Then they came into the shooting range. The general was taken off-guard by the gift of the gun and without knowing it he let wide, warm, and sincere smile slip through his lips. " you." he said as he took the gun. "A fine weapon indeed."
He aimed carefully after slipping on the air muffs and shot with the precision of a true, seasoned general, never missing his intended target. At last he shot his final bullet and removed his ear muffs.
"I'm very impressed with your facilities, but I'm also anxious to get started here, so let's get down to business shall we?"
OOC: Apologies to Gary Brecher, author of the column "War Nerd" in the newspaper "The Exile", who I paraphrase in this post.
"Of course." Within a matter of minutes they were inside Dobenicz's office.
"I will tell you what I had in mind. As we all know, wars these days are becoming more and more complicated. The Community itself is committing the bulk of its army to removing a terrorist threat. Times have changed. And these new times have some new trends, for example, air power. Now, as I see it, if you wish to invest in serious air power, you need to be behind it one hundred percent. That means you need the infrastructure, you need the funding, you need the technology and the like. If you have this, you will control the skies against any other air force. But, there is a flip side to this. We have recently begun manufacturing several models based off of soviet engineering, specifically the SA-13 and the shoulder-launched SA-18. Now, as I see it, or should I say, the brains in the engineering center over there see it, a modern fighter is nothing more than a jet engine with missiles and the worlds most complex intensive care unit strapped to it. Our missiles, on the other hand, are nothing more than, at the simplest, a 50-50 mixture of TNT and RDX, strapped to an engine, and a guidance system. As I see it, missiles are becoming the way of the future. The computer brains inside of them are not only mass-produceable, but also they can widthstand any G force, any twists and turns that would destroy a human. And every day it becomes easier to outwit countermeasures."
He breathed slowly, "If the twenty first century has taught us anything, its that throwing billions of dollars into battle no longer wins that battle. What I propose is that we send our contractors to study the natural contours of your nation, and then help you design a system that will be cheap and will last and will be effective at giving anyone who invades second thoughts."
15-10-2006, 18:51
"Sounds good to me," the general said, nodding enthusiastically. "The only thing I need to know, at least at this point, is when you're ready to send people over." he said. "And just let me know if your people need anything else that we can provide at this time, information or otherwise...remember we are a growing nation and can't pay much at this point, but in the long-run you're investment in us will be worth it."
"We also plenty of power by the way, primarily nuclear, as we have a very generous reserve of uranium on the landscape." he added.
"If you have a map of your nation, it would make our life easier." Dobenicz said. "Also, we are able to send people over immediately. If you could just tell us more about your nation, the terrain, the population density, etc. Anything you tell me I will forward to the team, and if they have any questions, they will contact you."
17-10-2006, 00:52
"Very well," said the general, after taking out a small pocket-size device and pressing a few buttons. "I've just had a map wired to your company via our communication computers. The map is primitive but it will have to do..." he explained. "Now for the most part our terrain is pretty barren and inhospital, however there are some sparse and scattered populations of tree ands other vegetation around, not environmentally stunning nation but we have enough natural resources to get by. Our capital city is Alaris (seen at the east side of the northernmost mountain) and religion is very important to our people, so we have a holy city in Valarus where the Vicar(our chief priest of the faith) resides, may I say the cathedral there is a beautiful site to behold, but enough about that. Around the rivers you'll set many farming settlement, which of course are our primary source of food and other beneficial crops, like spices. As you can see the farming isn't so good, but again we have enough to get by, and more than enough with a rich fishing industry. And around the major cities and in a few more isolated places you'll see a few small towns, nothing special. As of right now we have a light population of ten million and growing steadily, so we hope to have the towns and cities more crowded in the days ahead. The continent/island itself is about 3 million square feet in area (just a little bigger than australia). And as you can see we have a few nice mountain ranges, these are where our mining industries hit it big, especially in uranium. Now if that's all for now, I'll be going back home, and I'll look forward to meeting some of your people in Candaron to continue our business, just contact me if you have any questions."
(I know the map is primitive and somewhat hard to read, but I am unfortunately no artist, hopefully it will do...)
(edit: now this should work)
"It has been great meeting you. We will send you our report soon."
Vulnerability Assesment Report for Candaron:
Judging from the map which we were provided with, the greatest vulnerability is the rivers and the open stretches of flat land. To your credit, most of your cities are near mountains, which could allow for easy garrisoning, but your cities are spread apart. Our consultants from the Siapian Military state that if they had to invade your nation, it would be done by forming a beachhead atr the mouth of the rivers and then using river boats and water mines to effectively divide your nation. This would be followed up by a massive land invasion in the south east corner of your nation, or between the two rivers on your west coast. We still need to see your nation for ourselves, although at this point we suggest investing in anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft equipment, as well as anti-tank technology as well as mines (Anti-ship, anti-tank, anti-personnel). We also propose contstructing large highway and rail networks between all of your cities, so that effective movement can be afforded between all of your cities.
17-10-2006, 20:52
Warlord General Zax marched straight away to his waiting transport and flew back into his nation. From there he flew to Alaris and rested for the night. The next few days he would eagerly be awaiting a meeting the Skyetech crew to formulate a defensive plan, and to at least begin planning the construction of a military. While waiting he drew up a list of suggested and desired defense plans:
1. Gun and/or missile turrets at all strategic location along the rivers and coast with anti-ship, anti-tank capabilities.
2. Same turrets in all major cities at strategic and important locations
3. At least some units of light ground infantry, armed and trained with weapon varieties, such but not limited to assault machine guns, shot gun rifles, rocket launchers, grenades, and some anti-personell artillery, explosive and/or rapid fire.
4. Anti-missile systems, especially in case of nuclear attack
5. Housing/barracks bases for troops
6. Central military headquarters and command facilities
7.Good reconaisance detecting threats both already inside borders of the nation, and those approaching from outside...
I realize all this is probably beyond our nation's capability at this time, but at least maybe it can give us an idea of where to start building from the ground up. You people let me know if there's more or less we can do, and how to do it.
Tactical and Logistical Solutions, the mercenary subsidiary of Skyetech Industries sent their representatives to analyze the nation, with a copy of the report they had originally sent. As they looked out the windows of the plane, they saw that the first and foremost need would be logistics. Keeping the spread out cities connected was of paramount importance. Installing anti-ship artillery would possibly work, however anti-ship guns tend to make excellent targets for aircraft, cruise missiles and the such. Installing mobile launchers or creating facilities for aircraft or seacraft capable of carrying the exocet missile system. Also, instead of having a standing army at this time, it would be worthwhile to train a militia (a task that T&I Solutions was often required to do) and creating an armory in the mountains.
They waited for the plane to land and waited to meet with General Zax.
17-10-2006, 22:15
General Zax stood up straight, proudly throwing out his chest as he went out to meet the representative at Alaris' international airport. He found it difficult to hide the smirk that kept forcing its way onto his face. His excitement was almost obvious, or as obvious as it could be on such a stern face.
"Good to finally meet you folks," he said as he took them into his official office, the war-room. The war room was a primitive center of operations for any military. A simple, long wooden table with a holographic projection machine built into the surface, and hard wooden seats for officers. The room was almost bare except for a few communications systems and a mainframe computer at one end of the room. "Welcome, now let's get down to business shall we?"
"First order of business, you sparked my interest in this, you mentioned building armory in the to elaborate?"
"What we are proposing is something similar to the Tora Bora constructed in Afghanistan, essentially a massive network of tunnels that would connect to armories or other strategic locations." One of the advisors said. "From looking at your nation on a map, your nation is an invading army's dream come true. Your rivers allow easy access across your nation and the distribution of your settlements mean that it would be easy to divide your nation. You need to leverage your advantages. Having mines means you already have pre-existing tunnels in the mountains. Mountains are hell for invading armies. If you were to build tunnel networks, create a trained militia and have several supply and weapons depots, in the event of invasion, you could evacuate your people into the mountains, and move your militia through the mountains. This, combined with soviet-engineered weapons means that your army will be almost tailor-made for repelling an army. Tanks are unlikely to follow you into the mountains, which means that infantry and aircraft will be sent. Mountains will offer a lot of protection from bombings, and your people's knowledge of the mountains will be to their advantage. This means helicopters would most likely be sent. "Missile Fodder" as we like to call them. As for the planes, it would be a good idea to do the same, except instead of tunnels, keep a supply of anti-tank and anti-infantry equipment. Be prepared to scatter mines across major roads. This, at the very least, will buy you time, and allow you to make geurilla strikes against tanks and infantry as they approach the battlefield. Your nation's size is also its advantage, as the enemy will probably have to march a long ways before they reach the destination. If you can use mines and other roadblocks, this can turn into time you can oyu to strike at the enemy. No general likes showing up to battle with only half of his tanks. When we go to train your militia, it would be wise to also train them in the principle of formed charges. If built correctly, they could destroy a Merkava, unless the armor was as thick as the Merkava itself."
18-10-2006, 00:42
"Well that sounds excellent," the general said, trying to sound pleased though doubtful. "But what about costs? My nation is already going to be stretched financially, I imagine that an underground tunnel connecting strategic resources would be big plate to eat off of...we got labor, resources, costs, and training to worry about. Not to mention safety concerns, like cave-ins in the tunnel. Other than that I would say let's get started right away!" he said.
"These are recommendations for ideal conditions. We realize your lack of funding. What we propose is that you begin by constructing simple bunkers in the mountains to store your weapons and munitions, and slowly add to these over the years. We have the resources to construct, or manage construction of these facilities, and we would also be willing to train a militia, as we maintain a mercenary army. T&I also manages other resources, as does Skyetech Industries, and we have several ideas. If we were allowed to manage privatized prisons, private highways, or manage certain sectors of your private sector, we would deduct the revenue from your dues. Siap is currently under a metal shortage due to an ongoing war with some rather stubborn terrorists. We understand that you have many minerals in your nation, and if you would allow us to mine copper, bauxite and other metals in your nation, we would deduct the expected cost of such a facility from your invoive."
18-10-2006, 19:15
The general shot up an eyebrow in surprise. Who would have guessed Candaron's metals would actually be worth something? "You have a deal on all counts, on the conditions that your mines would be willing to hire Candaronian workers, which I wager would probably help the economy a bit with new jobs." he said. "Then we can begin construction on one or two armories, training, and some bunkers in the mountains...and then what?"
"Local labor is preferable. As for where we go after initial constructions, we shall see when the time comes. The most important thing is recruiting a local militia and arming them. We will send for weapons and mercenary trainers, and I need you to recruit a militia. We need fit people of strong will and stronger constituion, preferably between the ages of 16 and 35. They will be trained in the fashion of the Grand Army of the Community, as we draw our mercenaries from the veteran population of Siap. I must inform you that this training is undoubtedly some of the most brutal training in existence. They will not only learn how to use weapons, but they will also learn how to permanantly break down a human at the bones and joints with their bare hands. They will learn how to resist pain, how to outsmart their enemies, and most importantly, serve the state above all else."
OOC: I've always wanted to do a boot camp thread, and show what Siapian DIs are like. You want to do this here or another thread? Also, the next couple days will be busy for me, and I may only be able to post sporadically. This weekend I probably won't be able to post much.
19-10-2006, 02:34
The Warlord General grinned widely at the prospect. "Excellent then, I'll begin a recruiting campaign and we can begin training immed...oh excuse me." the general put a finger signaling the advisor to wait a moment as his cellphone rang. "Warlord General Zax reporting," he said as he answered. "Uh-huh! Yeah!" an even bigger grin crossed his face as he hung up the phone. "Good! I'll tell them, that's good news for all of us."
"Sorry about that," he said to advisors. "But some good news just reached my ears, it seems the elected council has finally relented due to citizen restlessness, and we'll finally have a defense budget! I'm not sure how much money will be there but we will have it for once!" he exclaimed. "Now let's get started, you meet me when you're ready to train our boys, we should have at least a respectable number of new recruits within two or three months."
OOC: Yay! I finally got an issue that allows me to allocate more defense spending, so it should show up in my economy stats by tommorrow sometime. Anyways we can do the training in another thread, because my guess is it would probably entail alot, it would make a good sister-thread to this one...
"Excellent. We will begin construction of the facilities immediately. We are also sending a team of engineers to scout out possible locations for the armories."
20-10-2006, 23:31
While the general waited for the continuation of defense plans and efforts he spent most of his time at his desk or at press conferences and other publicity stunts. At his desk he worked fervently on putting the $500 million recruiting campaign into action. He started with the following things the campaign would involve:
1. Awe-inspiring commercials that make our people proud to be Candaronian and want to fight for their country...and make the military look hip for young people.
2. Aggressive recruiting on street corners, high schools, fast food restaurants and other designated "loser locations".
3. Intimidating recruiting measures, including but not limited to cornering lone young people with two or three recruiters at a time and pressuring them into signing enlistment papers (only by verbal means of course, we do not condone force)
4. Hip and fun events, even family events. Recruitment picnics, recruitment raves, recruitment contests, and etc.
5. All recruits who sign enlistment papers and commit themselves to join the armed forces will be entered in a monthly drawing to win a free IPOD (only one IPOD may be won per recruit)
6. Offer information on military benefits including but not limited to: free health insurance, life insurance in the event of death to provide for wife and children, fair wages, enlistment bonuses, $5,000 college scholarships for children of recruits who serve five years or more, and of course chance to win a free IPOD.
26-10-2006, 02:25
OOC: I have been so busy this week. I'll update more this weekend and create a thread for troop training. I'm just going on briefly to let people know I'm still alive.
27-10-2006, 18:40
OOC:I'm just going on briefly to let people know I'm still alive.
ooc: hehe, this is a good thing to know:D
OOC: Ok, I made the boot camp thread. I was thinking it could be more like a character RP, where you have someone you want to be a soldier or powerful future leader or something. A lot of the training is personalized, especially if the person in question has leadership potential. Boot camp thread is here: