The State of Britain
13-10-2006, 09:21
London, The Kingdom of the State of Britain.
At a press conference at the Norsefire Front party HQ, British Prime Minister Adam Stutler was about to give one of his first major policy speeches for his new government. Having only last week enacted the Parliamentary Act of the Law of Stable Governence (PALSG), which declared Britain a one party state under the Norsefire Front and gave Adam Sutler dictatorial powers, Stutler now could pass any policy or law he wanted without the procedure of parliament and could now makes laws via his own decrees.
At the centre of the conference room, Adam Stutler walked up to the podium and began his speech:
"Dear associated compatriots and upstanding Christian Britons.
As ever, my life mission to offer grace and salvation to the British nation is a command I have taken from God and only the Holy Bible ever guides my worldview. God has commanded me on so many a occasion that I am and embrace my status as His humble servant and a slave to the Kingdom of Heaven, ruled over by His noble command and his council of Divine Angels.
But Britons, I warn you of a dark cloud that has come to our once pure land and has clouded the British nation under the command of Satan himself. This is the cloud of drugs, a vile product of pure evil that only ever seeks to guide man away from our Lords ever lasting love and into the slavery of Satan and his princes.
It is with great sadness that I announce our own nation as being the nation with the highest drug use and drug consumption rate in the world community of nations. This intolerable situation must now end once and for all.
For this very reason, I hearby declare that my first policy and that this government's first and ultimate objective as being the process of a war, a War on Drugs!
This war is a moral war, a military war, a spiritual war of good and evil, an economic war and a diplomatic war, all of this on top of the primary front of this War on Drugs, which is the war that our law enforcement agenices will wage, a war waged without any show of mercy or compassion against those Satan induced criminals who have polluted our once pure nation with the corruption of drugs in our fine land.
With this speech, I hearby issue the decrees, which are legally binding and wholly effective and enforceble so as to make our nation the nation that is most hostile to drug dealers and the nation that is most secure from this vile and disgusting trade.
Decree No. 1: The system of classification of illegal drugs, into groups A, B, and C in order of their danger to the health of the human body is no longer in effect or legally binding. As of now, all illegal drugs, from cannabis to crack cocaine and heroin are now in the same legal category and thus carry the same set of punishments for those criminal individuals who either consume or deal in illegal drugs.
Decree No. 2: The follwoing drugs are deemed illegal:
Crystal Methynol
Magic Mushrooms
MDMA crystal
Decree No. 3: The death penalty, which has been abolished in Britain since 1965, has now been brought back into service as a tool and a method of punishment for those who fail to uphold the law and who seek to engage in criminal activity.
Decree No. 4: Any individual guilty of dealing in illegal drugs will face an automatic death penalty sentence.
This applies to drug dealers, regardless of the illegal drug they deal in and regardless of the amount and quantity of illegal drugs they possess and are found with upon their being caught and arrested.
Also, any individual who has illegal drugs that they intend to supply to people, be they friends of theirs or whatever and they seek to supply those illegal drugs free of charge, that will from now on be deemed illegal drug dealing, despite the lack of a monetry transaction taking place in the hand over of those said illegal drugs.
Decree No. 5: Any individual found and caught consuming illegal drugs will face an automatic sentence of forced labour and prison for the duration of 75 years.
This applies to any illegal drug consuming individual regardless of the amount of illegal drugs they have consumed or their quantity.
Decree No 6: Both those individuals caught and prosecuted for either dealing or consuming in illegal drugs will not have access to a lawyer/solicitor or any form of legal defence during their court hearing. They will not have the right to 'defend themselves' and as such will only attend a court hearing for the purpose of having their sentence handed down to them as the new legal system our government is building will work on the basis of deciding guilt and punishment before the court hearing/trial takes place. This new legal framework has the support of our nation legal establishment and will be done with the best interests of public safety and social order at heart.
Decree No 7: All companies and employers, both in the private and public sector industries, as well as all schools, colleges and universities shall be forced to undertake mandotry drug testing for their staff, students and clients, at regular intervals. The government, via the Home Office, will fund such drug tests and will soon be setting up a co-ordinating department to enable the cost and logistics of the national drug testing system to become wholly effective and operational.
When fighting the War on Drugs, civil liberties and personal privacy are going to have to be made the thing of history books as they are concepts that no longer seem to work for society and so we must embrace new ideas and new ways to allow us to better ourselves and build a new, better and stronger society.
Decree No 8: That the assets, both liquid and non-liquid, of any person convicted for a drug related crime shall be taken over by the state, in order to fund the War on Drugs programme. Those who are involved in illegal drugs do not deserve a home, a bank account, stock options or equities, or any other form of property or wealth. They must be made to suffer, to starve and to hate life so much as to beg for death itself.
Decree No 9: That the advocacy of drug consumption or the point of debating for the legalisation of drugs is now an illegal act, to be incoporated under the Anti-Sedition Law (Reformed Act 2006).
To do the following is now illegal:
To call for any of the illegal drugs to be made legal, either in writing or verbally.
To promote any aspect of so-called 'drug culture'.
To sell, make or own any items associated with drugs, such as metal pipes, bongs, needles, clothing with a pro-drugs message, pro-drugs stickers and posters and other such degenerate items.
All films, music, books and other mediums/artforms of communication which have drugs as part of their artform are now illegal. All forms of drug culture and racially degenerate music such as rap, hip hop or rock music are now illegal.
With these nine decrees, it is my intention to crush the plague of drug abuse and drug related crime in our great nation once and for all, to crush drugs with an iron fist of furious anger and divine vengence.
As Prime Minister, I appeal to all other heads of state and government in the world community of nations and ask them to look at the effectiveness of these nine decrees, so that they may incoporate these very nine decrees into their own legal systems and thus arm their own nations with a new and powerful weapon by which we can all unite, so as to act in resolute unison to wipe drugs of the face of our God given Earth.
May our Lord protect us and may His mercy and His love be thy blessing and with His blessing, let us embrace the task ahead of us.
Thank you and good night.
Britain, awaken thyself to your Divine mission!"
At a press conference at the Norsefire Front party HQ, British Prime Minister Adam Stutler was about to give one of his first major policy speeches for his new government. Having only last week enacted the Parliamentary Act of the Law of Stable Governence (PALSG), which declared Britain a one party state under the Norsefire Front and gave Adam Sutler dictatorial powers, Stutler now could pass any policy or law he wanted without the procedure of parliament and could now makes laws via his own decrees.
At the centre of the conference room, Adam Stutler walked up to the podium and began his speech:
"Dear associated compatriots and upstanding Christian Britons.
As ever, my life mission to offer grace and salvation to the British nation is a command I have taken from God and only the Holy Bible ever guides my worldview. God has commanded me on so many a occasion that I am and embrace my status as His humble servant and a slave to the Kingdom of Heaven, ruled over by His noble command and his council of Divine Angels.
But Britons, I warn you of a dark cloud that has come to our once pure land and has clouded the British nation under the command of Satan himself. This is the cloud of drugs, a vile product of pure evil that only ever seeks to guide man away from our Lords ever lasting love and into the slavery of Satan and his princes.
It is with great sadness that I announce our own nation as being the nation with the highest drug use and drug consumption rate in the world community of nations. This intolerable situation must now end once and for all.
For this very reason, I hearby declare that my first policy and that this government's first and ultimate objective as being the process of a war, a War on Drugs!
This war is a moral war, a military war, a spiritual war of good and evil, an economic war and a diplomatic war, all of this on top of the primary front of this War on Drugs, which is the war that our law enforcement agenices will wage, a war waged without any show of mercy or compassion against those Satan induced criminals who have polluted our once pure nation with the corruption of drugs in our fine land.
With this speech, I hearby issue the decrees, which are legally binding and wholly effective and enforceble so as to make our nation the nation that is most hostile to drug dealers and the nation that is most secure from this vile and disgusting trade.
Decree No. 1: The system of classification of illegal drugs, into groups A, B, and C in order of their danger to the health of the human body is no longer in effect or legally binding. As of now, all illegal drugs, from cannabis to crack cocaine and heroin are now in the same legal category and thus carry the same set of punishments for those criminal individuals who either consume or deal in illegal drugs.
Decree No. 2: The follwoing drugs are deemed illegal:
Crystal Methynol
Magic Mushrooms
MDMA crystal
Decree No. 3: The death penalty, which has been abolished in Britain since 1965, has now been brought back into service as a tool and a method of punishment for those who fail to uphold the law and who seek to engage in criminal activity.
Decree No. 4: Any individual guilty of dealing in illegal drugs will face an automatic death penalty sentence.
This applies to drug dealers, regardless of the illegal drug they deal in and regardless of the amount and quantity of illegal drugs they possess and are found with upon their being caught and arrested.
Also, any individual who has illegal drugs that they intend to supply to people, be they friends of theirs or whatever and they seek to supply those illegal drugs free of charge, that will from now on be deemed illegal drug dealing, despite the lack of a monetry transaction taking place in the hand over of those said illegal drugs.
Decree No. 5: Any individual found and caught consuming illegal drugs will face an automatic sentence of forced labour and prison for the duration of 75 years.
This applies to any illegal drug consuming individual regardless of the amount of illegal drugs they have consumed or their quantity.
Decree No 6: Both those individuals caught and prosecuted for either dealing or consuming in illegal drugs will not have access to a lawyer/solicitor or any form of legal defence during their court hearing. They will not have the right to 'defend themselves' and as such will only attend a court hearing for the purpose of having their sentence handed down to them as the new legal system our government is building will work on the basis of deciding guilt and punishment before the court hearing/trial takes place. This new legal framework has the support of our nation legal establishment and will be done with the best interests of public safety and social order at heart.
Decree No 7: All companies and employers, both in the private and public sector industries, as well as all schools, colleges and universities shall be forced to undertake mandotry drug testing for their staff, students and clients, at regular intervals. The government, via the Home Office, will fund such drug tests and will soon be setting up a co-ordinating department to enable the cost and logistics of the national drug testing system to become wholly effective and operational.
When fighting the War on Drugs, civil liberties and personal privacy are going to have to be made the thing of history books as they are concepts that no longer seem to work for society and so we must embrace new ideas and new ways to allow us to better ourselves and build a new, better and stronger society.
Decree No 8: That the assets, both liquid and non-liquid, of any person convicted for a drug related crime shall be taken over by the state, in order to fund the War on Drugs programme. Those who are involved in illegal drugs do not deserve a home, a bank account, stock options or equities, or any other form of property or wealth. They must be made to suffer, to starve and to hate life so much as to beg for death itself.
Decree No 9: That the advocacy of drug consumption or the point of debating for the legalisation of drugs is now an illegal act, to be incoporated under the Anti-Sedition Law (Reformed Act 2006).
To do the following is now illegal:
To call for any of the illegal drugs to be made legal, either in writing or verbally.
To promote any aspect of so-called 'drug culture'.
To sell, make or own any items associated with drugs, such as metal pipes, bongs, needles, clothing with a pro-drugs message, pro-drugs stickers and posters and other such degenerate items.
All films, music, books and other mediums/artforms of communication which have drugs as part of their artform are now illegal. All forms of drug culture and racially degenerate music such as rap, hip hop or rock music are now illegal.
With these nine decrees, it is my intention to crush the plague of drug abuse and drug related crime in our great nation once and for all, to crush drugs with an iron fist of furious anger and divine vengence.
As Prime Minister, I appeal to all other heads of state and government in the world community of nations and ask them to look at the effectiveness of these nine decrees, so that they may incoporate these very nine decrees into their own legal systems and thus arm their own nations with a new and powerful weapon by which we can all unite, so as to act in resolute unison to wipe drugs of the face of our God given Earth.
May our Lord protect us and may His mercy and His love be thy blessing and with His blessing, let us embrace the task ahead of us.
Thank you and good night.
Britain, awaken thyself to your Divine mission!"