Icovir looking for trade partners
Xavier Manuel, President of The Imperial Republic of Icovir
Icovir is actively looking for partners to trade with. Icovir does NOT possess nuclear weapons, and uranium is scarce. Therefore those two trade items will be needed of Icovir.
Icovir is interested in signing a treaty with the potential trade ally. The treaty will state:
Icovir Trade Treaty
Icovir is a nation seeking peace between herself and other nations. Though Icovir must be prepared for war, also.
Icovir asks that any trade partners of it will become her ally, and will no attack Icovir with nuclear weapons or any other type of manpower, lest that nation wishes to feel the might of the Icovirian Imperial Army or the armies of her allies.
Icovir asks that trade is evenly distributed when it comes to natural resources. In a nutshell, Icovir proposes that we will trade to you 25% of each of our natural resources that the trade partner does not have, and in exchange the trade country will send 25% of each of it's natural resources that Icovir does not possess. Icovir feels that this will help improve the economies of both nations evenly.
Failure to meet these terms will result in an end in trade agreements. Any attack on Icovirian soil from any of her trade partners will be seen as an Act of War and war will be declared.
His Majesty Victor I: Emperor of the Imperial Republic of Icovir
Icovir will also state that if a member of this trade union (now referred to as the Trade Alliance of Icovir) will inform Icovir before attacking any country, for fear that Icovir will be attacked because it is recognized as an ally of the attacking country.
OOC: Basically, tell us if you want to attack someone. If not, war will be declared on us because the country YOU attacked will think we're helpign you since we're your allies.
13-10-2006, 02:20
It may be easier to secure trading partners if your trade deal is just free trade between you, rather than resource redistribution, which can be very costly at times, and is far too much of a commitment for most nations.
13-10-2006, 02:22
I, Emperor Baker of the Socialist Commonwealth State of Wanderjar, is willing to allow free trade between our nations, and to be your ally. However, the redistribution idea is....flawed. I feel our nations would be best merely trading what we require of each other at the given time. That would be best.
13-10-2006, 02:26
I, Emperor Baker of the Socialist Commonwealth State of Wanderjar, is willing to allow free trade between our nations, and to be your ally. However, the redistribution idea is....flawed. I feel our nations would be best merely trading what we require of each other at the given time. That would be best.
That's what I was talking about.
The Errikan Empire, however, is willing to enter free trading conditions with you, and will provide preferable contracts with our primary military provider, Weapson, to build factories in your nation, employing your workers while building high quality equipment cheaply for your use and/or export.
To: The nations of Wanderjar and Errikland
Icovir will accept the terms of free trade between these two nations.
Specifically to Errikland:
Icovir will accept contracts from Weapson, and would like that Weapson will create factories along the borders of Icovir. Icovir hereby accepts all responsibility for anything that happens to these factories, and will not blame Errikland for any harm done to these factories or require that Errikland protect them.
The Scandinvans
13-10-2006, 02:43
To: Icovir
From: The Scandinvan Empire
The Empire is willing to accept you as a partner country (basically you retain you independent statues entirely and the only things there are in it are a military protection and a free trade agreement) and will also be willing to have a trade agreement with you, but cannot offer you 25% of our resources as we currently already use them all and to transport them to your country would be a problem for both of us.
Icovir accepts the Scandinavian Empires' trade proposal. Icovir realizes that we ask too much when it comes to 25% of natural resources, and will therefore delete that part of the treaty, and change it to "free trade".
The Scandinvans
13-10-2006, 02:53
The Empire thanks you for coming to an agreement with us and we do request that we be allowed to establish a diplomatic embassy with a Scandinvan general acting as an ambassador and one who can bring in forces to agree with the defensive agreement we have made.
Icovir will allow the Scandinavian Empire to do so.
Icovir also asks permission for an Icovirian Embassy to be built in the Scandinavian Empire, preferbly in on of it's larger cities. We will appoint Nigel Larson as the Ambassador to the Scandinavian Empire. Nigel Larson is a Senator of Icovir, and will be replaced by anyone who the Prime Minister of Icovir chooses.
Nigel Larson will bring 100 Icovirian troops to protect the embassy, releasing any duties to defend him from the Scandinavian Empire.
13-10-2006, 03:42
To: The nations of Wanderjar and Errikland
Icovir will accept the terms of free trade between these two nations.
Specifically to Errikland:
Icovir will accept contracts from Weapson, and would like that Weapson will create factories along the borders of Icovir. Icovir hereby accepts all responsibility for anything that happens to these factories, and will not blame Errikland for any harm done to these factories or require that Errikland protect them.
Sounds like a deal. Enjoy your soon to be dramatically expanded production capacity.
The Scandinvans
13-10-2006, 03:44
The Empire agrees to your request and thanks you for allowing us our embassy. As well, the Empire hopes for our relations to improve.
OOC: How did you like you map?
OOC: The map owned, thanks!
The Scandinvans
13-10-2006, 03:46
OOC: Thank you, sadly I can put cities on it, but not their names.