NationStates Jolt Archive

Operation: Final Blow (ATTN: Undershi and CA and Anti-CA Forces)

12-10-2006, 17:59
When you have a Large army of over 40,000,000 (Logtical and Resuves inculed), while your enemy with a WAY Smaller Pop and Force is spead out WAY too can't help but to invade the small nation.

This was the case for Hataria (a large Empire of over 5.058 billion ) with Undershi (Pop of 1.386 billion).

The Hatarian Empire was soon readying all Forces for a Final Attack against The Corparate Allaince. That Target was Undershi it self, if it fell, The rest of The CA would sue for Peace on Allied Trems.

Undershi with most of it's forces being Spread Thinner then Paint, was a good target as Blackhelm was still too strong. Undershi was waseing most of it's Forces in Large Fronts that Hataria knew would be undershi's undoing (Namely what Happened in New Ausha :) )

The Hatarians were soon readying a Fleet for a Attack against Under that would Hopefuly end this war and Bring peace back to the world
12-10-2006, 22:30
13-10-2006, 18:56
13-10-2006, 19:00
IIS Colonel Yursuf Schmidt stood grimly at attention in the deepest depths of the IIS bunkers underneath Undershi City, watching the monitors as they told their grim story. Hataria was preparing to invade Undershi.
It was like some winter horror from an unimagined nightmare - that the Undershi Empire would face such odds. It had become obvious by now that the Corporate Alliance was doomed - anyone could see that. The fleet in TWSP was already recieving orders to withdraw - of its 12 Carrier Groups, four would return to Undershi to reinforce the Home Fleet, while eight would be sent to The People's Freedom, to join in the vicious, brutal, fighting currently underway there.
What was left in Undershi would have to do - already, he knew that the True Undershi militia was being called up - every True Undershi who could be spared from essential industries would soon be in the field, fighting against the Hatarian invaders... and, with that many men, with all the material that their industry could create... they would hurt the Hatarians as best they could, hurt them and hold out... and pray that somehow their allies might force the Hatarians to withdraw, might force the Hatarians into defeat and destruction.
It was an unlikely hope, but it was the only one that remained for the Undershi Empire - for them, it was Conquer or Die. And so they would fight... and, most likely, their Empire, their Homeland, would fall to the vile Hatarian norms... but, before that happened, the Hatarians would know they had been in a fight. That, he whispered to himself, he would ensure... even if it cost him his life.


The Undershi Missile Command has begun conducting a bombardment of Hataria with conventional cluster-bomb tipped long range ballistic missiles. These missiles will target Hatarian population centers, industrial centers and military bases. Undershi will Resist!
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 19:04
To: Undershian Government
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer

Know now that you will not stand alone. Our nation has fought the evils of the Hatarian Empire before, and we do not fear them. You will be saved, I can promise you that.

The Dominion of Emperor Pudu is prepared to intervene on your behalf in any way you so choose. Our navy is strong, our men are plentiful and battle-hardened, and our air force is elite. We are neither spread thin nor outnumbered. The Home Fleet is being readied for combat, accompanied by the awakening and briefing of the entirety of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Army Groups. We will fight for you.

You shall not fall, the Emperor has sworn it.

Good day,
Mr. White.
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 19:08
To: Hatarian Government
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer

Your actions will not be tolerated. If you enter the territorial waters of Undershi, violate their airspace, or set foot upon their ground the Dominion of Emperor Pudu is prepared to intervene.

We will not be defeated. Stand down or be destroyed. This is our only warning.

Good day,
Mr. White
13-10-2006, 19:14
OOC: Thank God and Emperor Pudu - help already!

From: The Undershi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Mr. White, Foreign Affairs Officer of The Dominion of Emperor Pudu
Re: Alliance

The Imperial Undershi government is glad to accept whatever help you can provide. We have fought the Hatarian fleet off the coast of TWSP, and would appreciate your help in its upcoming "fighting withdrawl", which would free up its vessels for use in TPF and the defense of the Undershi homeland itself. Additionally, we would gladly accept any aid you are willing to offer in our struggle - we now consider the Defense of Undershi to be the most important Operation now being conducted. Therefore, we will gladly accept whatever you send there. As for our invasion of TPF - it will go on, since we have already committed 870,000 men to that invasion, and a withdrawl would be a nightmare. Any aid there would also be appreciated - although we would prefer to recieve whatever aid you might offer in our homeland.

OOC: Basically: please help my fleet in TWSP to disengage, then please help me defend my homeland... and if you've got anything left over that you might want to commit to the fighting, please send it to help with my invasion of TPF.
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 19:16
OOC: Thank God and Emperor Pudu - help already!

From: The Undershi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Mr. White, Foreign Affairs Officer of The Dominion of Emperor Pudu
Re: Alliance

The Imperial Undershi government is glad to accept whatever help you can provide. We have fought the Hatarian fleet off the coast of TWSP, and would appreciate your help in its upcoming "fighting withdrawl", which would free up its vessels for use in TPF and the defense of the Undershi homeland itself. Additionally, we would gladly accept any aid you are willing to offer in our struggle - we now consider the Defense of Undershi to be the most important Operation now being conducted. Therefore, we will gladly accept whatever you send there. As for our invasion of TPF - it will go on, since we have already committed 870,000 men to that invasion, and a withdrawl would be a nightmare. Any aid there would also be appreciated - although we would prefer to recieve whatever aid you might offer in our homeland.

OOC: Basically: please help my fleet in TWSP to disengage, then please help me defend my homeland... and if you've got anything left over that you might want to commit to the fighting, please send it to help with my invasion of TPF.
OOC: You have a link to the TPF thread?
13-10-2006, 19:22

The Undershi Missile Command has begun conducting a bombardment of Hataria with conventional cluster-bomb tipped long range ballistic missiles. These missiles will target Hatarian population centers, industrial centers and military bases. Undershi will Resist!

OOC: and now meet my Anti Missile Defenses

IC: The Undershi Missiles were soon going to meet a nightmare. Over Hataria were Anti-Missile Satellites armed with Anti-Ballistic Missiles 10 on each Satellite. on The Ground, ABMs were also ready to take out enemy missiles.

If Undershi was Smarter them a goldfish, he would have not luanched anything knowing the Hatarians would strike back with ICBMs tiped with Conventional Warheads and most with ThermalNuclear War heads. in short any attack would be repay in kind.

OOC2: did you luanch them already?
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 19:30
OOC: and now meet my Anti Missile Defenses

IC: The Undershi Missiles were soon going to meet a nightmare. Over Hataria were Anti-Missile Satellites armed with Anti-Ballistic Missiles 10 on each Satellite. on The Ground, ABMs were also ready to take out enemy missiles.

If Undershi was Smarter them a goldfish, he would have not luanched anything knowing the Hatarians would strike back with ICBMs tiped with Conventional Warheads and most with ThermalNuclear War heads. in short any attack would be repay in kind.

OOC2: did you luanch them already?
OOC: Are you threatening to nuke Undershi? That would be less than smart on your part...
13-10-2006, 19:36
OOC: Are you threatening to nuke Undershi? That would be less than smart on your part...

OOC: I am not that nuts, but if Undershi tried any Missile Attack, he gets Blasted back. just a warning
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 19:48
OOC: I am not that nuts, but if Undershi tried any Missile Attack, he gets Blasted back. just a warning
OOC: Good.
13-10-2006, 20:14
HikariYami Airfield, Central Hataria

The Invasion's First Wave was going to take to the Skies as 20 Star Dragon Class Battle Airships (BAS) were being readied for Invasion, 2,000 troops on each ship would be The first group of Invaders of one of The enemy Colonies. On the Airships with their Cockpits in the Docking areas were a new type of Fighters, the RAGI-28 BATs, These new Fighters were made to be carried on the airships.

The Airships carried 2,000 Hatarian Troops, 40 CT-24 Tanks, 20 M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tanks, 500 M-86 Motorcycles, 20 ASU-85 Airborne Assault Guns and 40 Cobrahawk Attack Helicopters on each airship, ready for The battle as the Airships took off to start The Invasion
Hurtful Thoughts
13-10-2006, 20:27
When you have a Large army of over 40,000,000 (Logtical and Resuves inculed), while your enemy with a WAY Smaller Pop and Force is spead out WAY too can't help but to invade the small nation.

This was the case for Hataria (a large Empire of over 5.058 billion ) with Undershi (Pop of 1.386 billion).

The Hatarian Empire was soon readying all Forces for a Final Attack against The Corparate Allaince. That Target was Undershi it self, if it fell, The rest of The CA would sue for Peace on Allied Trems.

The Hatarians were soon readying a Fleet for a Attack against Under that would Hopefuly end this war and Bring peace back to the world

Dude, you are seriusly misguided in this champaign...
Griffencrrest is a company/terrorist faction.
Undashi is a semi-supportive nation to the Griffencrest Corporation.

[A bunch of other stuff I've yet to confirm:]
Undashi has pretty much isolated itself from CA operations, and is only hanging on until it is no longer practical (or until he can find a replacement alliance, as he most likely fears retribution for past actions).

OOCly, I'm not very thrilled by the prospect of invading Undershi. ICly I'll have to contemplate whether I want anything to do with this, as I'm saving troops for a much bigger assault.

On one hand: I should feel sorry, and shake my head at Hataria's actions
On another: Hataria is (most likely) just following what he saw of warplan Charlie on the GASN thread... (GASN has contingency plans, and a CA/GASN war was among those plans, one such plan was labeled "Charlie")

According to the plan, I'm supposed to try and strike directly at Griffencrest, perhaps followed by raids upon Blackhelm. Wait, I'm actually doing that...

Also, the Pudites aren't on bad terms with the Hurtians per se.
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 20:36
OOC: Those airships sound... monolithic, is I do believe the word I am looking for. Two-thousand men in a single airship, that's alot of hydrogen, which means a very, very big target. Some might say an unstable-ey big target, but... whatever.
13-10-2006, 21:55
OOC-How is it even possible for you to have 40,000,000 people deployed? Do you know how much of a strain that would be? It doesn't matter how big your population is, 40,000,000 people is a lot. Airforce, Army, and Navy, do you not realize just how much that is? That's more people than there is in Canada, by 10,000,000!

And really, stop gloating about your population.

The news of an attack on Undershi was not taken lightly. Anyone who attacked Undershi would regret it. The missile attacks that were hit with Hatarian satellites were the target. Satellites, having no distinctive patterns to show that they were from Zukariaa, maneuvered near them. They had just fired off 10 missiles each, and would probably hold no more, or would need to recharge in some way. Dozens of guided missiles launched from the satellites into Hatarian sats, while others jammed Hatarian signals. Elsewhere, EMP missiles were fired into them to disable them and knock them into the atmosphere.

Any war satellites, which Hataria was sure to have, would be hit with "suicide" satellites, which were the size of a table and remotely detonated. They moved extremely quickly and were in large numbers.
Emporer Pudu
15-10-2006, 00:54
OOC: Sooo... Hataria? Given up on this thread, have you?
15-10-2006, 02:08
Zukariaa;11804295']OOC-How is it even possible for you to have 40,000,000 people deployed? Do you know how much of a strain that would be? It doesn't matter how big your population is, 40,000,000 people is a lot. Airforce, Army, and Navy, do you not realize just how much that is? That's more people than there is in Canada, by 10,000,000!

And really, stop gloating about your population.

OOC: Zuk, normally I am not one to argue against your position on such matters, but I would have to disagree. While it is true that 40,000,000 people is always going to be a lot of people, the size of one's pop does matter a lot. Theoretically, if you could coordinate them all and such, your nation could field over 55 million people (every branch of the military, etc.).
16-10-2006, 17:57
OOC: Those missiles I was deploying against Hataria were basically giant conventional bombs. I'm not using any atomic devices, any chemical weapons, or any biological weapon. I'm just bombarding your cities with cluster bombs that happen to be deployed via missiles. OK?
16-10-2006, 18:02
The Hatarian air ships are beign met well out from the coast by swarms of aircraft - one hundred Lightning fighters for each individual air-ship, supported by 25 Thunderer fighter-bombers kitted out with modified anti-shipping weapons (originally meant to smash holes in surface ships, modified for use against aerial targets).

OOC: Enjoy your warm reception - 125 aircraft for each, coming in, all missiles flying, to shoot down your giant airships before they can deploy their troops onto my territory.
Blackhelm Confederacy
17-10-2006, 00:59
Both Griffincrest mercenaries and Confederate forces crowded aboard planes as they prepared for a massive airlift to Undershi. General Marcus Blueshield sent a letter requesting an airfield, and eagerly awaited the reply. Soon, the Confederate/Griffincrest airbridge would be up and running.

Confederate 3rd Expeditionary Force (General Adrian Lightfoot)
- 700,000 Confederate Troopers
- 1,000 XM-1 MBT's
- 700 T-8 Sprite Light Tanks
- 400 Incinérateur 155mm Rapid Fire Artillery pieces
- 200 Vulcan Air Defense Systems

Griffincrest 4th Strike Force (Commander Valentius Redhammer)
- 120,000 Griffincrest Mercenaries
- 1,000 Mercury APC's
- 500 Leopard II MBT's
- 200 Behemoth II HBT's
- 100 G7 105mm Howitzers
- 100 Mongoose 165mm artillery pieces
- 100 BM21 MLRS
17-10-2006, 01:09
The Hatarian air ships are beign met well out from the coast by swarms of aircraft - one hundred Lightning fighters for each individual air-ship, supported by 25 Thunderer fighter-bombers kitted out with modified anti-shipping weapons (originally meant to smash holes in surface ships, modified for use against aerial targets).

OOC: Enjoy your warm reception - 125 aircraft for each, coming in, all missiles flying, to shoot down your giant airships before they can deploy their troops onto my territory.

ooc: They haven't Reached your Coast yet! but if you have planes suddeny Appear at my Coast also, Ignore Death Star will be fired at you
17-10-2006, 01:14
17-10-2006, 02:10
OOC-Are you going to respond to my satellite attacks or not, Hataria? >_>
17-10-2006, 02:21
Zukariaa;11819189']OOC-Are you going to respond to my satellite attacks or not, Hataria? >_>

I will, but sadly for you.........I hope you like your troops being in bed
17-10-2006, 17:18
OOC: Huh? I just posted that my fighters were intercepting your uber-airships over the sea - not anywhere near your coast. I had assumed that they were already well underway towards my nation, and so had posted intercepting attacks. That's all.
17-10-2006, 17:20
The Undershi government has loudly welcomed the forces of both Blackhelm and Emperor Pudu to the Undershi Empire. The Empire needs all the help it can get against these foreign invaders... it's good to have these foreign allies to help.
Several air bases throughout the Empire are being made available to these Undershi allies - they should have no trouble landing their expeditionary forces... or basing their aircraft near to the fighting...
17-10-2006, 19:06
The Hatarians soon decided that Before Undershi could launch any Missile Attack, Hataria had to start The Attack first, in Tangalee, Hataria, The Invasion Armada was now massed and Ready to Crush The enemy. With the Air ships on their way to Undershi, The Hatarians planned to end one other Threat also.

Zukariaa had been useing it's Satellites against Hataria's orbital Missile Shield Satellites and others. This couldn't be alowed to Continue. and Hataria soon launched 908 RT-10 Star Killer Anti-Satellite Missiles at The enemy Sats to take them Down.

Satellites lost: 120

OOC: I will Post My Armada later, oh and Undershi, Did you launch any Missiles?
17-10-2006, 21:57
The Hatarians soon decided that Before Undershi could launch any Missile Attack, Hataria had to start The Attack first, in Tangalee, Hataria, The Invasion Armada was now massed and Ready to Crush The enemy. With the Air ships on their way to Undershi, The Hatarians planned to end one other Threat also.

Zukariaa had been useing it's Satellites against Hataria's orbital Missile Shield Satellites and others. This couldn't be alowed to Continue. and Hataria soon launched 908 RT-10 Star Killer Anti-Satellite Missiles at The enemy Sats to take them Down.

OOC: I will Post My Armada later, oh and Undershi, Did you launch any Missiles?

OOC-Good job not posting casualties. I'm not replying to that attack until you do. What is your AIM/MSN?
18-10-2006, 01:31
Zukariaa;11822500']OOC-Good job not posting casualties. I'm not replying to that attack until you do. What is your AIM/MSN?

and thanks for pointing that out
18-10-2006, 17:17
OOC: Yes... we've launched some 100-odd missiles against your urban areas. To get an idea of what we're using, think about the V-2 rockets they used on London in WWII, then make the V-2s into high tech guided missiles... with cluster bombs for war-heads...
18-10-2006, 18:10
OOC: Yes... we've launched some 100-odd missiles against your urban areas. To get an idea of what we're using, think about the V-2 rockets they used on London in WWII, then make the V-2s into high tech guided missiles... with cluster bombs for war-heads...

OOC: Good, now I know WHAT to blast out of the air with my Anti-Missile Defense systems.

200 ABMs (Anti-Ballistic Misssile) were soon launched at the incomeing Missiles to take them out, The Missiles soon Hit their Targets with deadly force takeing out 99 of the Missiles, only one got though and it hit Near a Military base, no one was killed luckly. but The Hatarians knew that undershi wouldn't stop.
Emporer Pudu
18-10-2006, 22:44
OOC: I'm getting involved as soon as Hataria attacks, just to remind everyone...
20-10-2006, 18:07
OOC: Hataria, when are you going to attack?
22-10-2006, 01:29
OOC: Hataria, should I assume that, for the second time, my forces have prevented you from invading my homeland? I.e., are you going to ever post again?
22-10-2006, 01:47
OOC: Hataria, should I assume that, for the second time, my forces have prevented you from invading my homeland? I.e., are you going to ever post again?

OOC: it is not dead, I am busy with the War with Demon 666
22-10-2006, 04:36
OOC: Alright then... so, the invasion is postponed, then? Oooh! I can send more guys to fight TPF then!!!
22-10-2006, 06:22
Emporer Pudu
22-10-2006, 14:12

OOC: We're waiting for YOU!

23-10-2006, 23:40
OOC: We're waiting for YOU!


OOC: Indeed. We're waiting on you, Hataria.
27-10-2006, 17:30
OOC: Hataria, act now or I assume this invasion is off, your guys have been stood down, etc. This is what we call "fair warning" - post now or this RP will die, OK?
27-10-2006, 18:34
The Hatarians main Plan was to attack one of Undershi's Colonies. a Attack diecty against Undershi's Mainland would have to wait.

The Air Ships were heading for Saint Ryanld, while The rest of The Invasion Force was getting ready to sail.

Invasion Fleet.

2 Black Dragon Class Grand Battleships
30 Empire Class Destroyers
7 Imperium Class Super Carriers (with 90 RAGI-17 Intercepters and 89 TAISHANG-20 Carrier based Bombers on each ship)
20 Dead Moon Class Battlecruisers.
10 Duck Hunter Class Anti-Aircrat Frigates
20 Launch Pad Class Missile Cruisers
30 Market Class Fleet tenders
2 Angel Class Hospital Ships
20 Gun-Ho Class Gunboats.
2,000 Castle Class Troop/Barracks ships
23 Minesweepers
4 Kappa Class Helicopter carriers (With 90 Cobrahawk Attack Helicopters on each Ship)

Invasion Army

2,000,000 Hatarian Elite Stromtroopers
1,200 CT-26 "Anaconda" Main Battle Tanks
300 PT-76 Amphibious Light Tanks
290 M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tanks
389 AMX-10 HOT ATGM Launcher Vehicles
400 BM-21 122mm Multiple Rocket Launcher Trucks
200 2S3 152mm Self-Propelled Gun-Howitzers
310 2S1 122mm Self-Propelled Howitzers
100 ZSU-57-2 57mm Self-Propelled Anti-aircraft Guns
200 Avenger Weapon Systems (
200 M992 Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicles (FAASVs)

The Fleet was ready and was soon sailing out of Tangalee.
28-10-2006, 00:30
OOC: I've got a list of colonies, sure. All of them except for Saint Rynald are just made-up places that I started out having already conquered (i.e., they're basically part of Undershi.) However, the list of colonized nations consists of:

*The Southlands
Saint Ryanld

Please note that the *-ed nations are just names given to regions of my nation that I RP having once been independent.
28-10-2006, 01:21
28-10-2006, 02:02
OOC: Huh? Aren't you fighting a major naval war against Demon666? It's a wonder you can spare that many guys, especially when he's winning...

IIS Colonel Yursuf Schmidt watched tactical display as squadrons of Golden Eagle heavy bombers and their escorts raced out from land bases in Undershi proper, to come to the aid of the Undershi Home Fleet.
The Fleet of the Pacifics was off fighting elsewhere, but the recalled ships from the aborted TPF invasion would almost equal the missing forces... it would be a hard-fought battle, one which would end with the Undershi fleet giving ground and staying out of artillery range, even at the cost of allowing the enemy to land troops.
He just hoped the Empire's Imperial Pudite allies would prove worthwhile...

Home Fleet Prepares for Battle

The Undershi Home Fleet was the single section of the Undershi navy after the combined Fleet of the Pacifics. It was centered around twelve carriers, but also had a number of missile cruisers, cruisers and destroyers... and the only battleships in the Undershi navy.

The total number of ships is:

- 12 Carriers

- 46 Missile Cruisers

- 44 Cruisers

- 95 destroyers

- 250 Shore Patrol Boats (small crafts with a light AA gun and three machine guns, plus possibly torpedoes, meant for use as coast guard, can be used as torpedo boats).

- 4 battleships - the Undershi, the Defiant, the Aleksander Miller and the Gomez Valley.

- Unknown number of submarines

Home Fleet's strategy will be to send in its aircraft, along with aircraft from land bases, to hit the enemy as hard as they can from extreme range. They will allow the enemy to enter extreme missile range, and will do their best to maintain the engagement envalope at that of Extreme Missile Range at all costs - up to and including allowing enemy troops to land on Undershi soil.
The Hatarian invaders can expect constant aerial attacks, incesant missile bombardment and perhaps suicidal torpedo boat attacks (and slightly less suicidal submarine torpedo attacks).
Should they reach the shore, they will still have to face the formidable defenses of the "Iron Coast" of Undershi - cassualties are expected to be massive for any landing...
28-10-2006, 02:40
The Hatarian Invasion was not targeting the Undershi Home land, but Saint Ryanld was the Target of The Invasion.

If Undershi wanted a War, he would get one in Saint Ryanld.

OOC: yep, I am attacking Saint Ryanld, not Undershi it self.
28-10-2006, 03:06
The missiles came as expected, and dozens of suicide sats went for them. Many were taken down, yet still many more got to the satellites, taking down 35 of them. The remaining ones went into stealth mode, jamming detections, ceasing transmissions. They were to make the Hatarians think they had all been destroyed. They would then pray on any relaunched satellites from Hataria.

Fleet Inbound for Undershi
Admiral Lulerkoptär stood watching over the fleet that advanced for Undershi. It contained 100 ships and 50 subs arrayed to battle whatever forces Hataria might send, and was readied to land as many as 3,000,000 soldiers if needed, 2,000,000 of which had been pulled from Seseer. Since the end of the war with The World Soviet Party had relieved many ships and men for battles elsewhere, another 100 ships were readied in case of attack on the well known colony of Undershi, Saint Rynald.

A message was sent in to the Undershi High Command informing them of the arrival of the fleet, which had been launched ahead of schedule to beat the Hatarians there and get as many men as possible landed within Undershi.

Then news came in that the Hatarians were indeed planning to invade Saint Rynald. The other fleet-with very similar amounts of ships and men-that had been readied launched, hoping to reach Saint Rynald in time.
28-10-2006, 03:12
Undershi Home Fleet had positioned itself between the Hatarian fleet and Undershi and its colonies. When the Hatarians proved that their target was Saint Rynald, not the Undershi homeland, they had only minor corrections to make to their courses.
The shore defenses in Saint Rynald are almost as strong as those in Undershi itself, and consist of a network of shore defense bunkers with overlaping fields of fire.
The Undershis, and now their Zukariaan allies, would be ready for the Hatarian invasion force...
28-10-2006, 03:44
Undershi Home Fleet had positioned itself between the Hatarian fleet and Undershi and its colonies. When the Hatarians proved that their target was Saint Rynald, not the Undershi homeland, they had only minor corrections to make to their courses.
The shore defenses in Saint Rynald are almost as strong as those in Undershi itself, and consist of a network of shore defense bunkers with overlaping fields of fire.
The Undershis, and now their Zukariaan allies, would be ready for the Hatarian invasion force...

Soon, over The Undershi Fleet, a Large Triangle shaped Shadow came over it as The 20 Star Dragon Class Ariships came over The enemy Fleet. The Airships soon let losse with Their own Planes, the Deadly RAGI Bats.

Each Airship carried 30 of these Unmaned Planes and they were alreadying takeing off from the underbelly of the Ship with they hanged like a bat (hence The Name.). The Drones soon started to Attack The enemy Fleet.

OOC: The Airships came before I launched the Sea Fleet. oh and The Hydrogen Filled Ballaon is inside The Ship it self. Protected by a 23mm Thick Titanium/Steel Alloy Armor hull.
28-10-2006, 06:02
Soon, over The Undershi Fleet, a Large Triangle shaped Shadow came over it as The 20 Star Dragon Class Ariships came over The enemy Fleet. The Airships soon let losse with Their own Planes, the Deadly RAGI Bats.

Each Airship carried 30 of these Unmaned Planes and they were alreadying takeing off from the underbelly of the Ship with they hanged like a bat (hence The Name.). The Drones soon started to Attack The enemy Fleet.

OOC: The Airships came before I launched the Sea Fleet. oh and The Hellium Filled Ballaon is inside The Ship it self. Protected by a 23mm Thick Titanium/Steel Alloy Armor hull.
OOC-Tatanium and steel wont float using a helium filled balloon. Try again.
28-10-2006, 18:37
Zukariaa;11867043']OOC-Tatanium and steel wont float using a helium filled balloon. Try again.

OOC: I agree with Zukariaa. Also, oh yeah, remember what I posted? I think it was something like, oh, "I'm sending fighters to intercept them as soon as they're nicely over the sea"

Flight Leader David Heisel watched the oncoming enemy fighters and airship with a gleeful grin - for each of the airships, the High Command had dispatched 100 Lightning fighters and 25 Thunderer fighter-bombers. The Thunderers were outfitted with specially modified anti-airship missiles, while the Lightnings carried standard Air-to-Air loads.
The enemy airships were deploying fighters, true, but the Undershis had them outnumbered something like three-to-one. It would be a slaughter... as one, all of the Lightnings fired their first pair of Air-to-Air missiles in a single volley, while the Thunderers held back, ready to break through and bring down the airships...
28-10-2006, 20:46
OOC: I agree with Zukariaa. Also, oh yeah, remember what I posted? I think it was something like, oh, "I'm sending fighters to intercept them as soon as they're nicely over the sea"

Flight Leader David Heisel watched the oncoming enemy fighters and airship with a gleeful grin - for each of the airships, the High Command had dispatched 100 Lightning fighters and 25 Thunderer fighter-bombers. The Thunderers were outfitted with specially modified anti-airship missiles, while the Lightnings carried standard Air-to-Air loads.
The enemy airships were deploying fighters, true, but the Undershis had them outnumbered something like three-to-one. It would be a slaughter... as one, all of the Lightnings fired their first pair of Air-to-Air missiles in a single volley, while the Thunderers held back, ready to break through and bring down the airships...

OOC: Missiles go bye bye

IC: The Worse Nightmare for Missiles was soon reveiled. On the Airships were EM Emeiters, used for Anti-Missile Defense on Ships. The Missiles were knocked out by EMP's before they could Hit the Airships, a few got through only to meet the Armor of the Airships.

The BATs were faster then the Missiles, going at Mach 4.0 at Supersonic Speed (Mach 3 at Normal Speeds.). 12 of then though were blasted out of The sky. the Planed soon engaged the enemy fighters and Bombers in a Dogfight

This was when the Airships showed their Deady side. Missiles were launched at the enemy Planes. any Undershi Plane that got Close to the airships met with Anti-Aircraft Rail Guns, a Deadly Surpirse that The Hatarians knew would come in handly.

Undershi was doomed.
Blackhelm Confederacy
29-10-2006, 18:30
Seeing that the Hatarian forces intended to use airships brought a smile to General Lightfoot's face. "Kid, I invented airship combat" he thought to himself, before issueing for Operation Straight Flush to take effect. From their bases in Sacrament, BC, left the Confederate Third Air Fleet. Those boys had just been brewing for a fight since TPF lost on the shores of Paradise City. Now, they were moving to down what seems like the last anti-CA force still moving. Twenty Condor class airships, along with forty Hyperion class ships left their moors, flanked by several dozen of the Confederate made Beatle class fleet defense ships. To top it off, a Trojan II air bourne carrier lifted off behind them. The Hatarians would regret sending their vessels onto the sky.
29-10-2006, 18:49
OOC: Someone shoot the balloon. It'll explode.

Hydrogen + Air = blamo
29-10-2006, 19:48
OOC-I was just speaking with draftroom guys on IRC, and they say that your airships are impossible. Come on, they know everything. :p
29-10-2006, 19:53
OOC: Missiles go bye bye

IC: The Worse Nightmare for Missiles was soon reveiled. On the Airships were EM Emeiters, used for Anti-Missile Defense on Ships. The Missiles were knocked out by EMP's before they could Hit the Airships, a few got through only to meet the Armor of the Airships.

The BATs were faster then the Missiles, going at Mach 4.0 at Supersonic Speed (Mach 3 at Normal Speeds.). 12 of then though were blasted out of The sky. the Planed soon engaged the enemy fighters and Bombers in a Dogfight

This was when the Airships showed their Deady side. Missiles were launched at the enemy Planes. any Undershi Plane that got Close to the airships met with Anti-Aircraft Rail Guns, a Deadly Surpirse that The Hatarians knew would come in handly.

Undershi was doomed.

OOC: Considering the fact these airships need a ballon to lift them up, and that is the biggest part, wouldn't those missiles go for that part? No ballon can be armoured against any fast projectile, let alone a missile..
Hurtful Thoughts
29-10-2006, 20:48
OOC: Considering the fact these airships need a ballon to lift them up, and that is the biggest part, wouldn't those missiles go for that part? No ballon can be armoured against any fast projectile, let alone a missile..

Gas bags and envolopes are transparent to radar, and a gas bubble doesn't have much IR signature.

Hydrogen only burns in contact with an oxidizer. And gas bags are mostly pure hydrogen, so burning only happens around gas/air ineraction points.

At least that is what happens according to some germans from an airship that was strafed with two drums of incindiary ammunition, to no effect, loss of gas caused it to crash land in england.

They had been the first germans captured with their weapons in Britian after they walked for a day and stumbled upon a police officer.

An HE/incindiary mix was found best for blowing up airships.
29-10-2006, 20:51
Gas bags and envolopes are transparent to radar, and a gas bubble doesn't have much IR signature.

Hydrogen only burns in contact with an oxidizer. And gas bags are mostly pure hydrogen, so burning only happens around gas/air ineraction points.

At least that is what happens according to some germans from an airship that was strafed with two drums of incindiary ammunition, to no effect, loss of gas caused it to crash land in england.

They had been the first germans captured with their weapons in Britian after they walked for a day and stumbled upon a police officer.

OOC: Fair enough, I forgot my basic chemistry. But still, it seems rediculous how these things can be so heavily armoured and big and yet the missiles don't even come close to the balloon according to Hataria. I say this may be considered godmodding..
29-10-2006, 20:54
Oh, and the fact that a bag of hydrogen wouldn't be able to hold up 23mm of titanium/steel, 30 planes, and hundreds of missiles? I think that's pretty fake, too.
29-10-2006, 21:05
Gas bags and envolopes are transparent to radar, and a gas bubble doesn't have much IR signature.

Hydrogen only burns in contact with an oxidizer. And gas bags are mostly pure hydrogen, so burning only happens around gas/air ineraction points.

At least that is what happens according to some germans from an airship that was strafed with two drums of incindiary ammunition, to no effect, loss of gas caused it to crash land in england.

They had been the first germans captured with their weapons in Britian after they walked for a day and stumbled upon a police officer.

An HE/incindiary mix was found best for blowing up airships.

that and Gas bags and Balloon are inside the Ship (One of my Ideas.)
Hurtful Thoughts
29-10-2006, 21:28
that and Gas bags and Balloon are inside the Ship (One of my Ideas.)

You just screwed yourself over then.

As armor plate shows up nicely...
And 23 mm of it won't stop much...
But will lower how much you may carry considerbly, and rain might just ground it until it dried off...

They did make one airship out of sheet metal welded gas tight though...
Emporer Pudu
29-10-2006, 21:41
OOC: *grumble...* I'll have to get involved over here now too...
Saint Rynald
30-10-2006, 06:05
OOC: Just when you need it the least...

Sebastian Rynaldi watched the Occupation Police patrol as it made its down the street, through the old part of Saint Marrie that had still been standing when the Undershis had finished with their invasion and settled down to occupy.
It was a section of the city with narrow, winding, streets, perfect for guerilla warfare, for ambushes and snipers...
He nodded, an almost unnoticable signal unless you had been looking for it, and the Zealots began firing, their weapons seeming to materialize in their hands...
He himself grabbed a MAC-10 machine-pistol from the bag he had had at his feet, and began firing, screaming the Rynaldi battlecry as he did: "Salvation!" The revolt had begun, just as the Hatarians prepared to strike - perhaps, God willing, they might suceede, and then have a free Saint Rynald once again. Perhaps not. But God would not forgive them if they did not try.

OOC: The Saint Rynald guerilla fighters are taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Hatarian invasion to launch an insurection. They hope to distract the Undershis and allow the Hatarians a chance at victory.
Blackhelm Confederacy
30-10-2006, 06:11
Message to Undershi High Command from Valentius Redhammer

It would be my pleasure to deal with these rebels for you while you deal with the threat from Hataria. We would be able to use our force to crush the rebellion, thus freeing up your boys from a troublesome rebellion.
30-10-2006, 18:08
From: The Undershi High Command
To: The Government of The Blackhelm Confederacy
Re: Rynaldi Revolt

The Undershi government thanks you for your offer, and indeed we do appreciate any military forces you might see fit to dedicate to the annihilation of the Hatarian invaders. However, the Rynaldi revolt is for now an internal matter. We feel it would compromise our reputation in the international community if we were forced to rely on your nation for assisstance.

Saint Rynald Occupied Territory, The Undershi Empire

The 52nd Regular Army Mechanized Division was preparing to conduct an anti-insurgency operation along with the 51st and 50th Regular Army Mechanized Divisions and the 141st Jannissary Infantry Division. These units will move in to seize the urban areas, denying the rebels effective rally points and hopefully dispersing them.
Lord General Paul Ficks has been placed in command of this operation, an assignment he reportedly specially requested from Aleksander Miller. With his command experience from the NSAA war, no doubt the rebels will be swiftly and utterly crushed.
30-10-2006, 18:19
From Her Imperial Majsety, Empress Neherenia.
To Undershi Command

The Colony of Saint Rynald this now under the Protection of The Hatarian Empire and is now declared by The Empire a Free Nation.

The Hatarian Fleet was now 2,000 Miles from Saint Rynald and was ready to crush The Undershi Fleet.

with Help from a Missile Strike the Hatarians soon started.

200 ICBMs Armed with Conventional Warheads were soon Launched against Undershi. the Missiles were Targeting The enemy Capital it self and Near by enemy Military bases.
Emporer Pudu
30-10-2006, 23:12
To: Undershi High Command
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer

Do not forget, we have promised our aid in the routing of these foreign invaders. Seeing now that the despicable Hatarians have lived up to their cowardly words and invaded a rightful colonial possession of yours, we see fit now to intervene on your behalf.

Setting sail now from our own shores is our prestigious Home Fleet, led by our own heroic Grand Admiral Kadova, and is bound for the shores of this 'Saint Rynald'. The centerpiece of this most powerful of naval armadas is the Dominion's own Emperor Pudu XLII, a behemoth, the Hood class heavy battleship.

Accompanying this great fleet, of well more than four-hundred ships, is a grand army. The Dominion's First and Second Army Groups have been selected for this duty, and their four-million man roster will be more than suitable to drive out any invader.

The cavalry is on the way.

Good day,
Mr. White
31-10-2006, 00:04
From: The Undershi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: The Imperial Pudite Government
Re: Cavalry?

You speak of cavalry? We see elephants! You will crush the invaders swiftly and without mercy! Soon the Hatarians shall suffer, as they are caught between the anvil of the Undershi and the hammer of the Pudite fleet! Soon we shall teach the Hatarians to know fear...
Saint Rynald
02-11-2006, 01:45
Sebastian Rynaldi fired his AK-47 assault rifle from the patch of cover he had found, and hoped he'd scrored a hit. The Undershis had almost entierly retaken Saint Mariee, but still the Rynaldis fought on... they knew that surrender was not an option...
As he ran, bent over to minimize his profile, a bomb exploded behind him, one of many the Rynaldis were using to try to destroy Undershi tanks... so far they'd had mixed results...
A captured 20mill auto-cannon opened fire as he ran back towards the next fall-back position - it tore through the night, its tracers like some sort of divine wand, smiting the heathen enemy... victory would not be theirs this time around, but there would always be Rynaldi rebels to carry on the fighting...
While they had their faith, they had the strength to carry on the fight. That was all that mattered.
03-11-2006, 16:00
Saint Mariee City, Saint Rynald Occupied Territory, The Undershi Empire

The Viper IFVs of the 50th Regular Army Mechanized Division spat 20mm auto-cannon fire into the rubble piles in which the last few Rynaldi rebels fought on, while overhead, flights of Thunderers and Crusader gunships flew, bombing and strafing the pockets of resistence...
This city was Undershi, this province was Undershi... soon this aberant revolt would be crushed, and Order would be restored... the Undershis would prevail, the Empire would prevail... that much was certain...