Sengoku Jidai: Age of the Country at War (PT Sign Up)
10-10-2006, 21:11
Welcome, welcome, welcome. I am Thrashia, and am going to be starting a rp concerning the warring states of Japan as they were between the years 1500-1600. All you have to do is read the following guideline carefully, abide by the few rules, and be sure to create a character. And above all have fun. As a side note it should be clear that there is no magic invovled in this rp, so anyone who is interested in a good "mundane" pt rp, then here ya go. And no guns...unless I think we're ready for them.
I. Group Structure and Getting Started
1.1 Group Structure
1.1.1 The ruling authorities (administratively) of SJ are the Tennos, or Emperors. They serve as arbiters in all things. Their decisions are final in all matters.
1.1.2 Tennos may have PCs (Playing Characters – see below) which actively play the game. Their counterpart shall arbiter any conflicts where arbitration is necessary.
1.2 Member Relations
1.2.1 Members of Sengoku Jidai: Warring States Japan are expected to treat each other with courtesy, when Out of Character. Hostile or threatening communications when out of character are grounds for immediate expulsion from the rp.
1.3 In-Game Time
1.3.1 The Sengoku Jidai year consists of 1 IRL (In Real Life) week.
1.3.2 Season lengths vary, depending on the Tennos’ decision.
1.4 Travel
1.4.1 Keep it as realistic as possible. Large bodies of troops move slower than a single man. Get it?
1.6 Creating a PC
1.6.1 A PC, or Playing Character, is a member’s persona in the game. In order to create one, the applicant must first sign up here in the sign up thread, apply to a Tenno for a position, and post both a character biography (this is optional) and a valid e-mail. Things to include in the biography are:
-physical description
-married status
-a short biography of your character
1.6.2 The email must be a valid one, such as my own: Of course, this is mandatory for the use of role play and for talks between a Tenno and a player.
1.6.3 Note that you will be rp'ing a historical person, I will provide below a list of Daimyo (fuedal lords) from which you may choose, you may want to research them and get a feel as to what they are like and then once we start you may do with them as you wish, but it is nice to stay a little historically accurate, i.e. if your daimyo has an ancient hatred for another, that doesn't just disapear because your now acting as him. Although for simple time and effort I will provide information on the major daimyo of the time.
II. Government Structure & Positions
2.1 Shogun
2.1.1 The Shogun is the highest power in the land. At the beginning of the game, there is no Shogun. The last of the Ashikaga Shoguns have been killed, and true anarchy has descended upon Japan, in the form of infighting among Daimyos and lesser lords.
2.1.2 To be declared Shogun, one must control 75% of the territories in Japan, or 50% including the Emperor’s territory.
2.2 Daimyo
2.2.1 A Daimyo is the highest rank of provincial leader, who controls at least either one large province, or two medium provinces, or three small provinces.
2.3 Ryoshu
2.3.1 A Ryoshu is the middle rank of provincial leader, who controls at least one medium province or two small provinces.
2.4 Shomyo
2.4.1 A Shomyo is the lowest rank of provincial leader, who controls at least one small province.
2.5 Miscellaneous Positions
2.5.1 Members are not confined to being lords of provinces, whatever their rank. Members can also be Samurai, merchantmen, fishermen, loyal retainers, etc. Whatever existed in the Sengoku period (and falls in line with the storyline of Sengoku Jidai: Warring States Japan) is possible.
III. Provinces
3.1 Large Provinces
3.1.1 Large Provinces have an annual income of 300,000 koku.
3.1.2 These provinces consist of the following:
-Dewa (320,000)
-Mutsu (300,000)
-Shinano (350,000)
-Tosa (325,000)
-Hyuga (375,000)
-Higo (320,000)
-Iyo (315,000)
-Echigo (375,000)
-Kii (325,000)
-Hizen (300,000)
3.2 Medium Provinces
3.2.1 Medium Provinces have an annual income ranging from 100,000 koku to 300,000 koku.
3.2.2 These provinces consist of the following:
-Iwashiro (125,000)
-Iwami (250,000)
-Shimotsuke (275,000)
-Hitachi (125,000)
-Shimosa (250,000)
-Musashi (275,000)
-Kotsuke (130,000)
-Kai (110,000)
-Suruga (250,000)
-Totomi (290,000)
-Mikawa (100,000)
-Mino (110,000)
-Hida (125,000)
-Etchu (250,000)
-Echizen (125,000)
-Omi (100,000)
-Yamashiro (200,000)
-Ise (250,000)
-Yamato (215,000)
-Tanba (275,000)
-Harima (215,000)
-Awa (south) (250,000)
-Bingo (275,000)
-Izumo (280,000)
-Iwami (220,000)
-Aki (120,000)
-Suwo (215,000)
-Nagato (170,000)
-Bungo (220,000)
-Chikuzen (215,000)
-Satsuma (100,000)
-Osumi (120,000)
3.3 Small Provinces
3.3.1 Small Provinces have an annual income ranging from 10,000 koku to 100,000 koku.
3.3.2 These provinces consist of the following:
-Sado (25,000)
-Kazusa (40,000)
-Awa (North) (20,000)
-Sagami (75,000)
-Izu (60,000)
-Owari (90,000)
-Noto (45,000)
-Kaga (55,000)
-Wakasa (20,000)
-Iga (25,000)
-Kawachi (80,000)
-Izumi (85,000)
-Tango (35,000)
-Settsu (75,000)
-Awaji (25,000)
-Tajima (50,000)
-Inaba (45,000)
-Sanuki (65,000)
-Bizen (80,000)
-Mimasaka (70,000)
-Bitchu (70,000)
-Hoki (30,000)
-Buzen (90,000)
-Chikugo (50,000)
-Oki (15,000)
-Tsushima (20,000)
3.4 Miscellaneous
3.4.1 The incomes listed above represent a 30% tax on the territories.
3.4.2 No more than 50% of this tax may be used for military expenditures.
3.4.3Players are responsible for keeping tabs on their money and taxes. If a player is found breaking the 50% bar on military they will be charge by the Tennos and if warranted, banned from playing for an extended period of time. When you post the raising of troops, you will have to list the amount of koku (money) that each cost.
3.4.4When you conquer another province to add to your holdings, its money and income will be added to your initial income.
IV. Military
4.1 Military Expenses and Types (Land)
There is a 150,000 army limit concerning the number of men you can recruit. That is 150,000 total, however this does not count your automcatic castle garrison.
4.1.1 There are two main types of military: mounted and foot.
4.1.21 Mounted Samurai costs 4 koku to raise, and 4 koku per year to maintain.
4.1.3 1 Mounted Warrior (not a Samurai, lightly armored) costs 3 koku to raise, and 3 koku per year to maintain.
4.1.4 1 Foot Samurai costs 2 koku to raise and 2 koku per year to maintain.
4.1.5 1 Spearman costs 1 koku to raise and 1 koku per year to maintain.
4.1.6 1 archer costs 1 koku to raise and 1 koku per year to maintain.
4.2 Military Expenses and Types (Naval)
4.2.1 There are three classes of naval warship. All have shallow drafts, are propelled by oars, and have above-deck structures for protection from missiles.
4.2.2 Small Scouting Craft: the Kobaya. The Kobaya is powered by 20 oarsmen and can hold 10 samurai. It is lightly defended by a structure made from cloths and hides. 1 Kobaya costs 60 koku to construct, and 30 koku annually to support.
4.2.3 Medium Craft: the Seki-bune. The Seki-bune is powered by 40 oarsmen and can hold 30 samurai. It is defended by a structure made of sturdy bamboo. 1 Seki-bune costs 140 koku to construct, and 70 koku annually to support.
4.2.4 Large Craft: the Oadake-bune. The Oadake-bune is powered by 80 oarsmen and can hold 60 samurai. It carries a tall, multi-storey, wooden structure with holes all around and a gate that is lowered for boarding actions (NOTE: the Oadake-bune is prone to capsize). 1 Oadake-bune costs 280 koku to construct and 140 koku annually to support.
4.3 Military Upkeep
4.3.1 Military maintenance fees are paid each 'year', in-game.
4.4 Ninja Clans Expenses and Types
4.4.1 There are three types of ninja a ninja master/leader can recruit:
4.4.2 1 Acolyte Ninja costs 10 koku to train, and 5 koku to annually support.
4.4.3 1 Ninja costs 15 koku to train, and 10 koku to annually support.
4.4.3 1 Geisha costs 40 koku to train, and 25 koku to annually support.
V. Personal Interaction
5.1 PCs and NPCs
5.1.1 PCs are ‘Playing Characters’ – the characters being actively played by the member. Each member of Sengoku Jidai: Warring States Japan can only have one PC.
5.1.2 NPCs are ‘Non-Playing Characters’ – the characters that are not being actively played. For instance: husbands, wives, daughters, sons, stewards, and even magistrates can be NPCs. Any character not being played by a member is an NPC.
5.2 Alter Egos
5.2.1 Alter egos are separate members that are controlled by the same person IRL: For instance Tokugawa Ieyasu could be an alter ego for Thrashia (me).
5.2.2 Alter egos are PCs.
5.2.3 Each member is allowed 1 alter ego.
5.3 Assassination
5.3.1 In Sengoku Jidai, it is quite possible to kill off one’s political (or other type of) rivals, through assassination. There are two types of assassination – First Person and Third Person.
5.3.2 First Person Assassination is where the member kills the target personally. These attempts are successful 90% of the time – however, there is a very good chance that the member will be caught in the act.
5.3.3 Third Person Assassination is where the member hires professional assassins to do his/her dirty work for them. While there is a chance that the attempt may not succeed, it is usually safer than the First Person option. However, there is still a chance of apprehension.
5.3.4 If First Person Assassination is the method of choice, the member attempting the assassination must email the Tenno with all the details of the attempt: when, where, how – specificity is the key! Of course, as stated before, First Person assassination is nearly always successful. However, given the details, the Tenno will determine if the attempt is indeed successful, and if the act was witnessed. If witnessed, the Tenno will then determine if the witnesses ‘go public’ with their account.
5.3.5 If Third Person Assassination is the method of choice, the member attempting the assassination must, as before, email all the details to the Tenno. In addition to when, where, and how, the member must include how many assassins were hired, for what price, etc. Again, specificity is the key! The Tenno will then determine whether the attempt was successful, if it was witnessed, or if the assassins betray their employer.
5.3.6 The higher ranking the intended target, the less chance of success. The more being paid to your hired assassins, the better your chance of success.
5.4 If both players wish to RP the assination attempt themselves, then they are more than welcome to do so. The method above is only a guide-line should either party wish to persue it.
Daimyo Family Names (What to Choose)
Associated with their provinces. On the left is the province name, on the right a list of Daimyo families that ruled that province over the years of the Sengoku Jidai period:
(family name in red means it's taken)
Japanese Daimyo Families
Aki – Mori
Awa – Miyoshi, Satomi
Bingo – Mimura
Bizen – Ukita, Urakami
Bungo – Otomo
Buzen – Kii
Chikuzen – Akizuki
Dewa – Akita
Echigo – Nagao, Uesugi*
Echizen – Asakura
Etchu – Jinbo
Ezo – Matsumae
Harima – Akamatsu, Bessho
Higo – Aso, Kikuchi, Sagara
Hitachi – Satake
Hizen – Arima, Goto, Matsuura, Omura, Ryuzoji, Shoni
Hyuga – Ito
Inaba – Yamana
Iyo – Kono
Izu – Hojo
Izumo – Amako
Kaga – Togashi
Kai – Takeda
Kii – Horiuchi*
Kwatchi – Hatakeyama
Mikawa – Tokugawa
Mimasaka – Akamatsu
Mino – Saito
Mutsu – Ashina, Date, Kasai, Nanbu, Soma, Tsugaru
Nagato – Ouchi
Noto – Hatakeyama
Omi – Asai, Kyogoku, Rokkaku
Osumi – Kimotsuki
Owari – Oda
Sagami – Hojo
Satsuma – Shimazu*
Settsu – Araki, Ikeda, Itami, Miyoshi
Shimosa – Chiba, Oda, Yuki
Shimotsuke – Nasu, Utsunomiya
Shinano – Murakami
Suo – Ouchi
Suruga – Imagawa
Tamba – Hatano
Tango – Ishiki
Tosa – Aki, Chosokabe`, Ichijo*
Tsushima – So
Yamato – Matsukura, Tsutsui
Oki- Tsutsui Yamato
*-Denotes a family name already taken.
Maps and References
In order to get an accurate feel for the game I have provided links to sites where you can look up samurai culture and other needed things as well as maps.
If you wish to get a general idea of which Clans and Lords Rule which areas, this map is a very good reference. Before assuming that a certain Lord or clan is in power in an area be sure to consult with a Tenno first.
Sengoku Jidai Map (
Map of all the Provinces of Japan (
Here you can find where your located and whose near you, and use it to find where you wish to expand.
Reference Sites
Here you may research samurai and their way of life, as well as to choose the Lord or daimyo you wish to rp as.
Samurai Archives (
Sengoku Daimyo (
Wikipedia (
Samurai-Wiki (
Concerning Assassination
Ninja were one of the most powerful and active forces in feudal Japan. They were so powerful that Oda Nobunaga sent his army the eliminate all ninja in his time.
Onmitsu Oniwabanshu
Personal bodyguards of the Shogun, the Oniwabanshu were ninja in charge of eastern Japan. Probably the most powerful ninja army in Japan.
The Yaminobu were responsible for conveying messages and assassination. They were in charge of western Japan.
The Kunoichi were female ninja who practiced seduction and assassination.
Most of them were skilled in poison.
Some tips on Ninja History and other Ninja resources: Ninja History ( )
Added Rule for Assassination
If one wishes to assassinate a player's PC then you must, as stated in the rules, go through the Tenno. You must also provide the intended target and the amount of koku (money) you are spending on the attempt. You may pick assasins from the above groups, and the Tenno will decide how much your willing to pay will do and how many men it will buy for the attempt.
Concerning Alliances
Alliances are of course there to be made by all players, and they may be made in secret or in open. It is of course possible for other players to learn of these alliances, however to be able to requires a careful and detailed rp post. When you conclude an alliance with another nation/PC, please alert one of the tennos about it, so we can keep track of it, you can do this through e-mail. The Tenno will not of course divulge the information nor allow his own PC/Alter Ego to be 'aware' of the alliance.
Individual Characters
Anyone who wishes to is able to be anyone, from a merchant, to a ronin, to a samurai, to a warrior monk. For those wishing to be these, simply write up a small bio (angermanland's being an example. For those interested in warrior monks, here is a picture: Warrior Monk (
Conquering Provinces
It should be noted that when you conquer a province, it's annual amount of koku is added to your treasurey. However there are some small rules I am adding so that everyone doesn't just start hopping into provinces left and right and expect to get that extra amount.
1.1 Invading an 'Empty' province
1.1.1When conquering a province that is not ruled by a fellow PC or daimyo, you will alert the Tenno, then procede with your rp take-over. The tenno will be rp'ing your adversaries in as much detail and fairness as possible. If for some reason the tenno (me) seems god-modding then don't be afraid to point that out.
2.1 Taking over the Province
2.1.1 Once you have defeated a defending force as shown above then you will at once have total control over the province. However, to assure no rise of rebellion or insurrection you must keep a presence of at least 1,000 samurai troops in the conquered province.
2.1.2 Once your army garrison has been in place for a single in-game year (1 RL weeks) the province will be yours entirely with no sign of rebellion and the populace will be your loyal citizens.
2.1.3 Construction of a castle or permanant place for a garrison in the province will increase the speed in which your take-over happens, and will cause your populace to become more loyal, faster.
3.1 Revenue From Conquered Province
3.1.1 Once you have conquered the province one will of course expect to recieve the amount of koku that province annually produces. However, you will not be able to add that amount to your treasury for a single in-game year. Meaning you will not reap the true fruits of your efforts for 1 RL weeks.
3.1.2 This does not however mean that you will recieve no money. Depending on the province invaded, a Tenno will award you an amount of plunder gotten from the dead provincial daimyo and from simple raids in the campaign.
4.1 Invading an 'Occupied' Province
4.1.1 Invasions of 'enemy' PC Daimyo's territory will sometimes happen as you strive to become Shogun. They can be done secretly, but very hard to do. Before invading a fellow daimyo's province you must alert the Tenno via e-mail with the description of your plan and amount of troops put to the effort.
4.1.2 Depending on the size of the expidition the Tenno will decide if the other daimyo is able to detect through spies the mobilization of such troops, and given time to make defenses.
4.1.3 Because the battle will take place between two PCs Daimyo, the Tenno will not become involved unless the conflict merits the intervention; i.e. the battle is too 'god-modded' in which case the Tenno will use the interactive dice to decide the battle for those concerned. However if both players are able to battle without the need, then all the more power to them.
4.1.4 Should it merit it, the dice will be used. 1 dice for every 500 troops a PC brings to battle. We'll use the dice rules similair to those in the board game Risk when concerning these battles.
Conceringin Money
Koku is the currency that is used in Japan. A Koku - the amount of rice that it takes to feed a single man for a year. All feudal lords grow rice since it is the only source of income. But so every player doesn't try running around buying things with bags of rice, I have explained below the japanese money system which was made for the purpose.
In Japan there are several gold and silver mines, and they had a nation wide single money system. Here:
3 koku is worth 1 Koban: A koban is a gold coin that weighs 18 grams.
1 koban is worth 4 Kuban: A kuban is a silver coin that weighs 8 grams.
1 kuban is woth 10 Koben: A koben is a copper coin that weighs 1/2 grams.
This is so you can make it easier to hire assassins and so your characters don't go running around with bags of rice instead of gold. Also, a single koban is capable of feeding a man for several months. It depends on the prices of different areas; if a person was to live on a single koban, at a high rate of wealth, then it wouldn't last long due to crafty merchants. So don't underestimate its value or its ability to make merchants and tea house owners raise eyebrows as well as prices.
Military Information
This is the most basic of castles, it consists of a single palisade (wooden) wall with a single gate, two small towers beside the gate, and a simple raised rock constructed keep in the center. The fort can be constructed in one RL day and can be used to help garrison a newly conquered province. These forts can hold 800 men each.
Construction Cost: 500 gold Koban / 1500 koku
Bonuses: When built in a newly conquered province it will speed up the time limit on when you fully take over a defeated province, meaning that you can start gaining the extra income within two or one days early besides waiting the full two RL weeks of an in-game year. It also makes it harder for your province to be conquered, as all of your castles in a province must be taken in order for you to loose it.
This is the second stage of making a full fledged castle, it still has a palisade wall but has added towers along the walls length for archers to defend from. it also has a moat that is dug out in front of it, and a reinforced gate house. The rock keep is also better and more complex. For a castle to built, if built on the site of a fort, will take one RL day. If constructed from scratch, it will take 3 RL days. A castle can hold 1,600 men.
Construction Cost: 800 gold Koban / 2400 koku
Bonuses: The castle allows for you to govern a province more better and along with the castle comes with 200 samurai who come raised with the castle, without need of using your military budget. As well as being the base of a 4-man provincial spy network.
A Fortress is a much stronger defensive structure. The walls of a fortress are made of stone, has a large moat on its outside, and has a second inner wall behind the first main one. The keep also is much more complex with two more added smaller towers, and the donjon itself is perhaps 5 levels high. If built from the basis of a castle the Fortress can be built within 2 RL days, if from scratch it will take 4 RL days. The Fortress can hold 2,500 men.
Construction Cost: 1,200 gold Koban / 3600 koku
Bonuses: The fortress is one of the hardest castles to take in a siege and therefore stronger. When built it is garrisoned automatically by 500 samurai that you do not need to pay for with your military budget, and this creates a 10-man spy network within the province, with this you cannot be subject to most surprise attacks made by enemy daimyo.
The largest type of castle able to be built. It has 3 main rock walls, as many as two moats, and a maze of passage ways and gates going through it. The keep of a Citadel is also about 7 levels high and has as many as three other smaller donjon towers around it. If built from the basis of a Fortress it will take 3 RL days, if built from scratch it will take one in-game year i.e. 7 RL days. A citadel can hold up to 6,000 men.
Construction Cost: 3,000 gold Koban / 9000 koku
Bonuses: The citadel once built is like an oyster, the hardest of castles to take; able to stand up to at least a year in a siege. When built it will come automatically with 800 samurai garrison who are not paid for by your military budget. This also increases your provincial spy network to 30 men, and gives you some small bits of spy news from neighboring provinces, a surprise attack on a province that holds a citadel is very hard to pull off, near impossible.
Army Units
This is to help specify what each unit looks like, and the weapons they use, just so no one gets the wrong idea. :)
Mounted Samurai
Picture (
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The mounted samurai is one of the most trained combat individuals in a samurai army, they come from the true samurai families, they are able to fight from horseback with the bow, spear, and sword and are well armored. They are also fully armored and are equip with a large conical helmet.
Mounted Warrior
The mounted warrior is not as well trained as a mounted samurai, but is a capable fighter witht he spear from horseback, and are not as heavily armored as the mounted samurai. They are more suited as light calvary and as scouts.
Foot Samurai
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A foot samurai is the same as a mounted samurai, except not on horse back. They can fight will all forms of weapons, from sword, naginate, No-dachi, and bow. They are formidible warriors on the battlefield.
Spearmen a.k.a. Ashigaru
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Ashigaru spearmen (japanese for foot-man) is the basis of all japanese samurai armies. They are men raised from the common pheasents and armed with spears or pole-arms, a single sword, and given light armor. They are not always well trained, but in large numbers they make up for it.
Archers - Bowmen
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Bowmen are Ashigaru who have been selected to be trained in the art of archery. They are dedicated retainers of samurai but are not samurai themselves. They are lightly armored, and armed only with their yowi long bows and a short sword. While they can rain death to the enemy, keep them from melee combat, for they will not long survive otherwise.
From the outset of the rp, all daimyo are given their first years income based on the province they occupy. Like if you are the daimyo of Iwami, you recieve 250,000 koku each year. And thus your opening coffers are at 250,000 koku.
And each Daimyo (player) has in his/her home province:
If you reside in a _____.
a)Small Province: Castle
b)Medium Province: Fortress
c)Large Province: Citadel
Any further questions concering rules or a daimyo's army, then simply ask. I am glad to help and hope many people come and join.
IC Thread (
Daimyo Location Map (
For People who can't understand losing a few men| ATTENTION ALL (
This thread above will tell you how to wage war effectively. Its only out of context in regard to tech, but otherwise is perfect for anyone who thinks their posts about army dispositions are justified.
Claimed Provinces & Players
Echigo - Thrashia
Mutsu - New Dracora
Tosa - Uldarious
Satsuma - Wanderjar
Owari - Tilean Free States
Kii - Kamasha
Hyuga - Osteia
10-10-2006, 21:13
I myself will be rp'ing as the following:
Name: Nagao Tamekage
Age: 39
Sex: Male
Physical description: Average height, black hair and eyes, good muscle tone and build
Married status: Married, has four sons and one daughter
Bio: He gained some renown as a warlord his military victories over Uesugi Sadanori and Uesugi Funayoshi which gave him and his family the power as the daimyos' of the province of Echigo.
I will also be acting as the first Tenno, as explained in the rules above as to what that position is. I will be giving the the position to other players as the game procedes.
10-10-2006, 21:21
10-10-2006, 21:32
10-10-2006, 21:52
10-10-2006, 22:51
For the game to start I need at least five other players...come on people!
10-10-2006, 22:54
Hey Thrasia! Long time no see!
I'm in the GE now, finally.
Yeah, count me in. I'll have to give you the details later though. But put me on the list.
Liberated New Ireland
10-10-2006, 23:00
3 koku is worth 1 Koban: A koban is a gold coin that weighs 18 grams.
Also, a single koban is capable of feeding a man for several weeks.
This makes no logical sense. Wouldn't 1 Koban feed 3 men for a year?
10-10-2006, 23:15
not having much luck, huh? part of that might have something to do with requireing e-mail addresses *shrugs* also, i think you've got a couple of errors in your rules there. specificily in the money section, and possibly the movement bit.
also, if people have to play as historical Damyo [didn't that mean 'great name' or something?], which you seem to imply they Do, it'd be far more practical to list the stats and information for them and just get them to chose. telling them 'be these historical people, oh, and you have to tell US all about them' will put off a lot of people [includeing me!]
humm. wasn't it in this era that guns [rifles, specificly, though i think they may still have been muzzle loaders and it wasn't Too long before cannon turned up as an effective weapon in sufficiant quantity to be an issue] started being used in Japan? i know Oda noh Nobunaga used them, ant to great effect. absolutly rippd appart the Takada cavalry in one specific battle due to a combination of wooden fences [would stop horses, sort of, but could be shot through due to gaps between rails/posts/whatever] and being smart and having one guy fireing while the next reloaded and so on.
anyway, I'm interested, but i'm not exactly keen on haveing to run another territory. i'd happily be some random indipendant guy or something... [there was a whole mercenary army floating around at this point, was there not? at least one.]
of course, i might be thinking about a different era, but *shrugs*
at any rate, that's my .. umm.. whatever fragment of a coin equates to ten cents modern NZ :) [it's 10 because we have no coins smaller than that... yay for attrition caused by inflation]
edit: oh yeah, how ahistorical can this get in terms of technology and the like? hehehe. think sidways development more than forward.
I am interested and I am impressed by your attention to detail. It sounds very good to me - but you do need to pay closer attention to your monetary system and explanation thereof. Other than that, sounds fun.
10-10-2006, 23:52
This makes no logical sense. Wouldn't 1 Koban feed 3 men for a year?
Fixed it.
I will be providing information on most of the major daimyo, but I will not be enforcing a rule where you have to know the inner heart of the guy you're rping as.
Guns and the such did not come to japan until 1543, we'll be starting in the year 1525 and the event of any European adventurers landing will...simply not happen. Guns ruin the fun of past tech and as such I will not have them in the rp.
No there was no massive independant merc army at this time, I don't believe there ever was one.
As for technology, the development of better swords, spears, armor, etc is of course fine; it is what happens when you're at constant war with your neighbors.
11-10-2006, 01:38
Ok so here is a list of people who will join/interested:
Now, as it stands, just pick out a daimyo family you would like to be and I will provide you with the neccesary beginning information. From that basis you should be able to deal with anything that comes up.
If you wish to be a single character, like Angermanland was interested in, then just make up a character (like it says in the rules section) and such. Make up a japanese sounding name, what trade (job) do you have, make up a history; like your a ronin samurai who's master was killed in battle but you survived, etc. You get the point.
Any more questions?
11-10-2006, 06:01
oh, i didn't say it was a Massive mercenary army *shrugs*
i personaly find that the break point where things cease being fun comes with breach loading rifles, possibly machine guns at the latest, rather than guns at all.
but that's just me.
i'd really rather not post my e-mail in a forum thread if i can avoid it, by the way. my hotmail address is hapily spam free [mostly] right now, and i'd like it to stay that way. perhaps some other arnagement could be made? [like i PM it to the apropriate person or something?]
anyway, lets see.. charicter creation
-name : Akira [family name unknowen, possibly non-existant]
-age: 21
-sex: male
-physical description: of medium hight and a little on the thin side, distinctive light hair indicates possible forigen ancestry and makes him highly visable on the battle feild, especially as he tends not to wear a helmet.
-married status: unmarried
-biography: Orphend [or possibly simply abandond] at a young age [curcumstances and reasons unknowen] Akira was taken in by one Katsuo, a merchant of some middling import and means in the provence of Yamashiro.
he proved to be highly intelligent, and was given what schooling could be had with the resorces available, makeing him far more educated than your average pesant, but not nessisaraly as much so as a member of the noble classes.
unfortunatly, a large part of being a merchant involved dealing with customers and getting the best deal. for reasons no one could quite figure out [it wasn't just the hair], no matter how skillfuly he haggled and made deals, Akira could not turn a profet, and was lucky even to be able to make sales. he did, however, improve Katsuo's business somewhat by tidying up the record keeping.
in his 19th year, there was significant bandit activity in the area, and Akira joined the small army sent to deal with it. as a lowly Ashigaru, he destinguished himself by vertue of being one of few Ashigaru who were actualy somewhat skillful in combat, and was placed in charge of some 50 men for the duration. his small unit proved to be the most effective of all the Ashigaru involved, and were granted a small bonus when they were discharged.
the bandits were defeated within the year, but upon his return, Akira descoverd that Katsuo was no longer among the living. he had died of infections resulting from wounds aquired when one of the bands had raided the village before they were defeated.
Katsuo, being childless [he never would say why he had not married], had left all of his intact belongings to Akira. Akira was well aware how unsuited he was to being a merchant, and so fufilled Katsuo's remaining commitments, then sold everything remaining for as much as he could.
left with no real skills aplicable in his current situation, and having a reasonable amount of cash on hand, Akira decided it was in his best interests to turn his hand to a task for which he Was suited. spending some small amount of his funds, he aquired a spear of good quality, and some armor of higher quality than that useually worn by Ashigaru, though it was still no where near the quality of that used by samerai or Daimyo.
now, with these, a couple of week's food, the remaining coin, and his cloaths being all he has to his name, Akira is wandering. searching for a fight, and someone worth serving. or at least a good meal every day and a bed. whatever.
wow. that was... longer than i planned. err, is that brief enough?
yeah. tell me when you get enough people togeather to get started :)
err, or if i forgot anything.
Daiki Horiuchi
Short and thin with black hair and eyes, fast and capable of running long distances on foot.
Born into a wealth family he was learned the art of reading and writing. He was also learned how to fight. From birth he has been gifted with a great charm. Men under his command have fought twice as hard inspired by him. When his father passes away he will inherit the Kii province. He has great ambitions for him selves and his family. However he is often distracted by his tasks and do not always consider how different actions may come back to hunt him later. Often he gets into a rage, yelling to everybody and order execution on half a dozen of men at the time.
sorry but I didn't understand it all. Are we controlling one of the provinces or just one person?
11-10-2006, 11:08
as i understand it we are playing a single person, who may or may not control a provence.
on a totaly different note: j and y have very distinctly different sounds in english. ... that just jumped out at me and interupted the flow of my reading of your post. of course, then i noticed the other odditys. i have a Finnish friend who has all sorts of problems with english prepositions. looks like they're causeing you trouble as well.
... but i think i shall stop there. don't want to jack the thread to talk about something as irrelivant as the odditys of english and linguistics.
incidently, black eyes are Very odd. [the term 'black eye' refers to brusing around the eye and eye-socket]. it's minor, but i'm not sure how far from the realms of reality we're allowed to stray, so *shrugs*
behold, for i am an aimbot.
no I don't care. I try my best and hopefully you will understand. I'm Norwegian so English is not my first language. How is my spelling? Even thou I use spell check I hope there are not to many errors. When it comes to grammar I know I have some problems. Also to distinguish between words which and witch often seems to be a problem when I write fast and don't have the time to read through my post two times. Most times people reacts to my grammar in one of two ways. They are either angry seams to think it is just funny. If they by some reasons don't understand what I am trying to say the just asks and I rewrite my post. I'm weary thankful for people who wright a occ comment on the bottom telling me what is wrong (it is called plane not plain, then making a comment that I have been attacking him or her with huge piles of grass ;))
11-10-2006, 11:39
yeah... your spelling is almost infinatly better than mine. provided i can still read it without it stuffing up the flow of the text [ie, it doesn't throw me off, which the whole j/y thing can do sometimes] i mostly barely give it a second thought. partially comes from long term exposure to the afore-mentioned Finn :)
in a similar vein to the grass thing 'jelling' is to fit well, like a jelly if it is put into a gap. you want 'yelling', similar to 'screaming', i belive :)
as for spell checkers.. they're great... provided you know what word your after. they cause a very large number of grammer errors in the process of fixing the spelling.
ok, i retract the earlyer 'barely give a second thought' comment. my first instinct is to Correct it. not from anger or humor, it's just messy :p
... you know, i said i wouldn't do this. must... keep... word....
starting now.
11-10-2006, 13:33
Your spelling isn't bad so don't worry. As to your question:
You each will be controlling either a daimyo family or an independant character. Anger here has chosen to be a single character who was the adopted son of a merchant. I chose to be a daimyo (fuedal lord) who controls the province of Dewa.
The differences between that is that I am able to control a large army, a population, trade, money, food production, and the ability to become Shogun. As a daimyo you have control of your province and from that it is your job to try to become Shogun.
An independant character like Anger can join any particular daimyo he wishes or become a bandit himself, it's his choice. If he becomes a more skillful warrior then some daimyo will undoubtably give him samurai status, as it is rather more easy to become a samurai than a merchant in these times (1530s).
so if I am the son of the daimyo and also a character can I do both? Sending a army into war and then have my character fight in it?
11-10-2006, 14:17
so if I am the son of the daimyo and also a character can I do both? Sending a army into war and then have my character fight in it?
I suppose I can allow that.
I will be opening the IC thread by lunch-time today (Eastern Time).
11-10-2006, 14:24
I'd be interrested to play out one of the great buddhist monasteries, perhaps that of the Mount Hiei (=Enryaku-ji), the abbot being my character. It would put me somewhere between a daimyo and, well, pope :rolleyes: :p . I would also get the chance to RP Sohei army, which is something I have wanted to do for a long time now, haven't just found the RP for it.
How does this sound?
11-10-2006, 14:28
I'd be interrested to play out one of the great buddhist monasteries, perhaps that of the Mount Hiei (=Enryaku-ji), the abbot being my character. It would put me somewhere between a daimyo and, well, pope :rolleyes: :p . I would also get the chance to RP Sohei army, which is something I have wanted to do for a long time now, haven't just found the RP for it.
How does this sound?
Sounds great to me! You and whoever chooses Oda Nobunaga should have lots to talk about. (heh)
11-10-2006, 17:55
how long until lunch time? :P Cant wait...
11-10-2006, 21:05
I'd be interrested to play out one of the great buddhist monasteries, perhaps that of the Mount Hiei (=Enryaku-ji), the abbot being my character. It would put me somewhere between a daimyo and, well, pope :rolleyes: :p . I would also get the chance to RP Sohei army, which is something I have wanted to do for a long time now, haven't just found the RP for it.
How does this sound?
... you know that mercenary army i was talking about?
the spent most of their [recorded, so far as i'm aware] time working for these guys :p [at least, i think it was these guys. monks who ended up at war with Oda noh Nobunaga, yes?].
[edit: it may have been an army made up of mercenarys, rather than a mercenary army. i dunno]
now, right or wrong, i belive they were the other force that actualy got smart when it came to guns. [which, i know, arn't happening :P]
hehe. i actually contemplated having Akira keep his 50 guys, but that would have all but Forced him to banditry... which, given the backstory i gave him, is highly unlikely.
err, and by my calculations he's been wandering around, just sorta drifting, for a year by the time the game actually starts, so his funds are probibly looking a little sad by now.
bah, lunchtime EST is... *ponders* i have no idea when that is. mid afternoon? evening? something like that. NZT, anyway. drat.
the downside of having no life :( gotta wait.
hehe. if you were to reduce these guys to a basic set of stats Akira would have very high intelligence, almost as high ... whatever number goverened combat [not nessisaraly strength, he can't lift an elephant or anything :p] and crap all in the way of charisma.
see, it occurs to me that i really sucked at explaining why he's no good at being a merchant.
you can tell i'm a bit boared, can't you? the PT rp seems to have gone bumpity-bumpity-bumpity-Splat.
the downside of having no life.
LOL!! great! that sentence made my day. You probably don't understand the humor but me and some friends keep referring to ourselves as the "People with no life".
12-10-2006, 19:20
This is just sad. *sigh* (lol)
Alright I will starting the IC thread right now! This thread is also the ooc thread, not just for signing up. We have a few people, but we need more, so like all the other times we have rp'd in PT, we'll hope more people come as they see the story evolve. =)
12-10-2006, 19:24
Here is the IC thread:
12-10-2006, 21:00
we also hope they don't become crittical then randomly vanish again :p
it'll be interesting to play something so... structured.
lets start the insanity :D
12-10-2006, 21:06
lets start the insanity :D
Indeed, lets.
12-10-2006, 21:13
of course, i set my charicter up in such a way that i could legitimatly be Anywhere at this point...
combined with a lack of knowledge of day to day level stuff in this era...
i am lacking in insanity to perpetrate as yet.
never the less, recruting an army is a good way to get him to show up.
12-10-2006, 21:22
we also hope they don't become crittical then randomly vanish again :p
it'll be interesting to play something so... structured.
lets start the insanity :D
of course, i set my charicter up in such a way that i could legitimatly be Anywhere at this point...
combined with a lack of knowledge of day to day level stuff in this era...
i am lacking in insanity to perpetrate as yet.
never the less, recruting an army is a good way to get him to show up.
Travel was pretty much unrestricted at this time. Anyone could travel anywhere they wanted so long as they didn't bother the locals or agitate the local authorities. :P
I recommend you watch the Samurai Trilogy.
It'll give you a good feeling of the 'times.'
could you please explain the battle system? If I bring troops into a battle and the territory is not controlled by anyone. We roll a dice witch tells us if I won or loose. If I win I lose 10% of my army right? But is there any differences if I bring in 10 000 man or 100 000 men? I mean why not conquer a territory with 10men and only risk losing one?
12-10-2006, 22:07
Could I take Shimazu, as I previously have not chosen a Clan?
12-10-2006, 22:16
could you please explain the battle system? If I bring troops into a battle and the territory is not controlled by anyone. We roll a dice witch tells us if I won or loose. If I win I lose 10% of my army right? But is there any differences if I bring in 10 000 man or 100 000 men? I mean why not conquer a territory with 10men and only risk losing one?
I'll have to think on that one. Give me a few hours to think out the kinks.
@Wanderjar: Shimazu is yours. Welcome.
13-10-2006, 00:15
i ment that Akiria wouldn't really have to Travel to get wherever i decide he needs to start out. he's had a year or so of wandering since that bandit incident, and he's started out pretty central :)
so, yeah. he'll appear as soon as a likely looking opertunity arises :D
13-10-2006, 00:39
i ment that Akiria wouldn't really have to Travel to get wherever i decide he needs to start out. he's had a year or so of wandering since that bandit incident, and he's started out pretty central :)
so, yeah. he'll appear as soon as a likely looking opertunity arises :D
True, and I just gave you an opening.
13-10-2006, 02:15
13-10-2006, 02:35
massive pages of rules are off putting, i guess *shrugity*
and i'll take that opertunity, though one could clame that were 'godmoding' if you hadn't just barely left me an out if i didn't want to take the opertunity :p
not complaining, mind. just noticing.
13-10-2006, 03:06
massive pages of rules are off putting, i guess *shrugity*
and i'll take that opertunity, though one could clame that were 'godmoding' if you hadn't just barely left me an out if i didn't want to take the opertunity :p
not complaining, mind. just noticing.
Well it was either that or have some local policemen take you aside for being dressed poorly and carrying anything strange, like a sword or something.
13-10-2006, 03:10
hehe. or have me actually show up when/where i wanted to be :p
not that it matters. onward and upward!
13-10-2006, 03:11
Also, just so you and everyone else knows, there are certain end name addons that you have to put onto a persons name.
If you a peasent talking to a samurai, it would normally be sama on he end. Or if you're talking to a lord (like akira is to Kagetora) then you would add dono to the name. When talking to a peer you would add san. Only when you are speaking with someone that is your good friend and long-time aquaintence would you say their name without an ending on it, for to say it without the ending entails a private intamacy (and not a sexual one either, but rather of trust and honor).
13-10-2006, 03:13
true. thus why i avoided names all togeather. i couldn't remember what the apropriate ending would be. [thus 'lord'. i don't think 'lord-dono' would be used. it's kinda redundant considering i think they're basicly the same word, so far as i can tell.]
13-10-2006, 03:17
Also I have made a map that shows each person who has claimed a province as a daimyo.
Location map (
13-10-2006, 03:20
true. thus why i avoided names all togeather. i couldn't remember what the apropriate ending would be. [thus 'lord'. i don't think 'lord-dono' would be used. it's kinda redundant considering i think they're basicly the same word, so far as i can tell.]
Even if it seems redundant, in Sengoku Jidai times in japan everything was about one's honor. If a samurai were to lose face due to a peasent forgetting to add the title, then that peasent would quickly lose his head. Of course the samurai already had the right to kill anyone below their station, at any time, for any reason, even if to but test the sharpness of their sword.
Also for the short time until we have more players, I will be abjectively rp'ing some of the other daimyo of the land, such as the Hojo and perhaps the Oda clans. This way we can have some activity going between neighbors, etc.
EDIT2: Also, about your concerns Kamasha; I will be, as tenno (admin, whatever nametag I have), take it up to rp your enemies. I know the history better than most and I know more about the different daimyo. So just remind me in here where you're planning to invade and I can acurately depict them. If you go about things diplomatically I can also rp the daimyo in that scenario as well.
EDIT3: I added some more pics to show the variations of the military units that daimyo can recruit and anyone can rp as individually.
13-10-2006, 03:41
ack! too many similar names in one post [.. ok, it was probibly only two, but still]
i got all mixed up as to who was where, there :confused:
i think, to some extent, such formalitys can be assumed and simply noted when absent, incorrect, or otherwise odd... seeing as how it's already assumed they're all speaking japanese inspite of us writing in english, anyway!
just a thought.
13-10-2006, 03:48
ack! too many similar names in one post [.. ok, it was probibly only two, but still]
i got all mixed up as to who was where, there :confused:
i think, to some extent, such formalitys can be assumed and simply noted when absent, incorrect, or otherwise odd... seeing as how it's already assumed they're all speaking japanese inspite of us writing in english, anyway!
just a thought.
Of course and its accepted. Just say 'my lord' a lot no worries. :P
Also I am adding more pics! yay, aren't I good at scrounging other peoples hard work? hehehe.
how many men do you recon I need to conquer a medium size territory? Just so that i don't invade with way to many or to few soldiers. still I have a total of 120 000 soldiers that should be enough to conquer any territory.
13-10-2006, 11:12
i'm not sure how many men you'd need [without going and rereading everything, anyway] but i do know this: horses have Great difficulty changing direction in mid air. especially with riders. heck, humans can't change direction in mid air [forget movement, i'm only talking Facing here] unless they impart the turn upon launch, assuming they got in the air by jumping. all sorts of aerodynamic issues there.
so, unless you ment something very different, much as it doesn't matter right now... i suggest you don't do that again.
horses + jump +rider giving instructions by any method =/= 180 degree turn in mid air :D
hmmm your right. I'm to tired to make sense :) They started there turning before they jumped. Don't know how to explain it... hmmm
Its like if you stand on the ground start spinning around really fast, then you jump. Then you could manage to do a 180 degree turn mid air. or? am I only being stupid?
13-10-2006, 14:16
hmmm your right. I'm to tired to make sense :) They started there turning before they jumped. Don't know how to explain it... hmmm
Its like if you stand on the ground start spinning around really fast, then you jump. Then you could manage to do a 180 degree turn mid air. or? am I only being stupid?
Yea it impossible to change a horse's direction in mid-air, and at those speeds. Going full speed and then changing a sharp direction (on the ground) is easy enough with a skilled rider.
As to how many men you need? I would say between 1,000 and 10,000. You just have the rp them well. And a medium sized province will not be able to field as many troops as you, giving you an advantage. Which province did you have in mind?
13-10-2006, 17:49
13-10-2006, 21:25
bump/ need more people
14-10-2006, 00:15
i blame the massive rules post.
the fact that none of the current players are in contact with each other ICly [unless you count my guy being part of your army] doesn't help a lot in terms of moving things along, either.
14-10-2006, 14:24
i blame the massive rules post.
the fact that none of the current players are in contact with each other ICly [unless you count my guy being part of your army] doesn't help a lot in terms of moving things along, either.
Guess that I will just have to shake things up a bit.
I'm thinking of invading some territories later. just need to take my nap thought ;)
14-10-2006, 14:55
Consider things shaken. :P
14-10-2006, 18:00
14-10-2006, 21:38
'course, my guy being part of an army... and [last i saw] conversing with the officers....
i can't really do anything/go anywhere without some sort of orders *sigh* the downside of playing a single charicter in a game mostly set up to be teritorial.
14-10-2006, 21:43
'course, my guy being part of an army... and [last i saw] conversing with the officers....
i can't really do anything/go anywhere without some sort of orders *sigh* the downside of playing a single charicter in a game mostly set up to be teritorial.
XD lol. I'll get on it, giving you some orders that will let you go and 'spread your wings' rp'ly.
If someone have some information on how the battles on that time were fought please tell me. Now I wrote my RP as if they found a suitable field, lined up and fought.
14-10-2006, 21:52
i'm reasonably sure that, for a large battle, that'd be the case. where they met and fought might be chance as much as anything, but when they did, large armys take a while to orginize, so provided they both want to fight [rather than one turning around and running away] it seems about right.
so far as i know, think somewhere between the crazy madness that was open battle in medievil europe, and the orginized drill and parade ground style manouver of the napolionic wars.
i think.
oh, and Thrasia? YAY! ... hehe. just gotta remember i exist there :)
14-10-2006, 21:54
If someone have some information on how the battles on that time were fought please tell me. Now I wrote my RP as if they found a suitable field, lined up and fought.
The Sengoku era of warfare for japan was the first time that many daimyo started using their armies in the order of companies. Most times either side would gather against each other. One or two high ranking samurai would step to the field between the armies shouting out his name and heritage. An enemy samurai would take up his challange by stepping forward and proclaiming his own name and heritage. Then the two would fight.
Bit by bit, larger and larger groups would start into the swirling melee until the general of the army would call out for a general advance and both armes would be fully engaged until one broke and ran. It was very similar to battles between the greek city-states and their phalanx armies in that regard.
Tactics are down to blocks of men, say companies of 100 men, being the lowest number in a formation, that fought at that level. So yea, nepoleonic era tactics are the order of the day considering the tech invovled.
Would it be the higest ranked samurai? or the one with the most skills? Or just anyone? If it is the higest ranked one I'd be pissed off. I dont want to waist my heir in this battle.
14-10-2006, 22:02
Kamasha, your intent is to invade Ise; is that correct?
14-10-2006, 22:03
Hey Hey Hey HEY!
I was hoping this'd come back some day.
Sign me up, yo diggidy, I'll be the Lord(s)* of Tosa.
In an hour or two I'll make a character sheet signup.
*: Just to be sure, when a province has three names next to it it means that iut can be ruled by anyone of three members of thoses houses right? Or does it mean that it is ruled by a amalgamation of lords?
14-10-2006, 22:03
Would it be the higest ranked samurai? or the one with the most skills? Or just anyone? If it is the higest ranked one I'd be pissed off. I dont want to waist my heir in this battle.
No its pretty much anyone. Most time the highest ranked one was smart enough to stay to the rear of his troops and direct the battle from there.
14-10-2006, 22:04
Hey Hey Hey HEY!
I was hoping this'd come back some day.
Sign me up, yo diggidy, I'll be the Lord(s)* of Tosa.
In an hour or two I'll make a character sheet signup.
*: Just to be sure, when a province has three names next to it it means that iut can be ruled by anyone of three members of thoses houses right? Or does it mean that it is ruled by a amalgamation of lords?
HA! Good to have you back Uldarious. Tosa it is! I've lightened the rules a bit since back when I made this under Oda but its even better now. ;)
14-10-2006, 22:11
Yay! Tosa is mine *does a happy dance*
Glad to be back and in it, this looks quite cool already:)
I'll probably have a member of the Ichigo clan at my head, but first I'll have to re-read the rules and study up on Tosa and Ichigo history.
Tilean Free States
14-10-2006, 22:15
I'd like to play an individual char if possible
If not, sign me up for Oda Nobunaga or Takeda Shingen please
Name: Takeshi Nakamura
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Proffession: Ronin
Biography: He was once in the service of a minor Daimyo in Eastern Kyushu, some years ago his master was murdered by a rival warlord and Takeshi has gone through his life, blaming himself for his inability to protect his Lord, Master and Friend.
As a result he has become a Ronin, wandering Japan in search of the man who was responsible for his Masters death, he is a very adept swordsman, but is has been a long time since his blade last touched blood, he has lost the taste for battle and has little interest in fighting, however, if the time comes, it is unlikely he would be able to resist the chance to put on his armour and ride into battle, for the right lord, at the right time.
He has a deep hatred of Ninja, he sees them as cowards who don't fight with honour and strike from the shadows, he is also linked somehow to the Sohei warrior monks of Southern Japan, he has a Buddhist attitude to life and death, he treats all living things with respect and hates cruelty wherever he finds it, there are rumours that say he cut down another Samurai after seeing him beat a peasant child, although if this rumour is true isn't know, and Takeshi likes to keep it that way...
14-10-2006, 22:18
I'd like to play an individual char if possible
If not, sign me up for Oda Nobunaga or Takeda Shingen please
Name: Takeshi Nakamura
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Proffession: Ronin
Biography: He was once in the service of a minor Daimyo in Eastern Kyushu, some years ago his master was murdered by a rival warlord and Takeshi has gone through his life, blaming himself for his inability to protect his Lord, Master and Friend.
As a result he has become a Ronin, wandering Japan in search of the man who was responsible for his Masters death, he is a very adept swordsman, but is has been a long time since his blade last touched blood, he has lost the taste for battle and has little interest in fighting, however, if the time comes, it is unlikely he would be able to resist the chance to put on his armour and ride into battle, for the right lord, at the right time.
He has a deep hatred of Ninja, he sees them as cowards who don't fight with honour and strike from the shadows, he is also linked somehow to the Sohei warrior monks of Southern Japan, he has a Buddhist attitude to life and death, he treats all living things with respect and hates cruelty wherever he finds it, there are rumours that say he cut down another Samurai after seeing him beat a peasant child, although if this rumour is true isn't know, and Takeshi likes to keep it that way...
If you think you can handle it then I have no problem letting you be both. That is, both a single character and a daimyo. Just decide between Oda and Takeda and I'll put you down.
@Uldarious: Yea its a bit different fromt last time. There are bunch of useful links there if you need to look for facts.
Tilean Free States
14-10-2006, 22:19
Thanks, I'll take Nobunaga as well if thats ok
yes Ise. Number 27 on the map. Also I sent forces to Yamato (31) led under the old man. None of those territories are claimed are they?
14-10-2006, 22:20
Got ya down. Welcome and have fun.
14-10-2006, 22:26
umm...j ust before i do something stupid:
citidal barricks compaired to training ground is... how far away? [i'm guessing a couple of hours at most, but i'm not sure.]
14-10-2006, 22:28
umm...j ust before i do something stupid:
citidal barricks compaired to training ground is... how far away? [i'm guessing a couple of hours at most, but i'm not sure.]
Yea, I'd say about a good 5 hour walk. So have fun, just get there before sunset. :P
Thanks, I'll take Nobunaga as well if thats ok
Which territory are we talking about her?
Tilean Free States
14-10-2006, 22:42
Owari was the Oda home
14-10-2006, 22:52
Close to you Kamasha. :D
None of the territories I'm attacking are claimed are they? If not I'm just going to rp me attacking, winning and taking over the territories. I'll try to be realistic and give them a fair fight. If not anyone of you want to rp them thou. Ofcourse they will have less troops then me.
yes, scary. I'm going to rp me sending a diplomat to you.
14-10-2006, 23:09
None of the territories I'm attacking are claimed are they? If not I'm just going to rp me attacking, winning and taking over the territories. I'll try to be realistic and give them a fair fight. If not anyone of you want to rp them thou. Ofcourse they will have less troops then me.
Heh, although I as tenno (mod) of this rp will be role playing the defense of those provinces. So don't expect a cake-walk.
lol ;) Guess you want the war in a seperate thread? how many troops will you deploy? And I can use the terms (landscape) I created in the ic post?
14-10-2006, 23:42
lol ;) Guess you want the war in a seperate thread? how many troops will you deploy? And I can use the terms (landscape) I created in the ic post?
No, same thread. You saw how I used titles for each section to indicate a different place:
Echigo Province
And for the Ise I will be using about 6,000 total. All divided up between archers and samurai mostly. As for landscape, I just made a past of the land to your immediate front; that being the most direct path of invasion where you army is. So for now the terrain won't matter since I described it.
Can you describe what you chainges you did in the ic post? one more time? you have fort on the other side a vally? Do I have to go down down on one side and up the other side or is it in the end of the vally?
15-10-2006, 01:10
Can you describe what you chainges you did in the ic post? one more time? you have fort on the other side a vally? Do I have to go down down on one side and up the other side or is it in the end of the vally?
The border itself is a few large hills. The main road which your army, south of the border, is camped on leads into the first valley. In that valley are the two villages and the fort at the northern end of the valley. That fort guards the exit that leads to another valley out of the first one which is directly in front of you. Ise is, at its southern part, mostly made of valleys and highlands. Only once you've moved further north do you get into plains.
Understand? Or should I find another way to describe it?
15-10-2006, 04:23
diagrams for the win!
seriously, if you can, So much confusion can be saved with diagrams/maps etc.
inciedntly, you know taht map of who owns what? you should update it and stick it on the front page :)
15-10-2006, 11:21
I think this is right, I had to make up some of it though.
The Ichijo have a dark future ahead of them, unless I can stop it! I'll roleplay a Tosa where the Ichijo have taken power and subjugated the other two families.
Name: Ichijo Fusamichi
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Physical description: Tall and dark haired with light tan skin. Fusamichi is a slim man but possessed of whipcord strength.
Married status: Yes.
Ichijo Fusamichi is the son of Ichijo Fusaie, the man who founded Nakamura.
Fusamichi succeeded Ichijô Fusafuyu he is prone to over-indulgence but is still a mostly-benevolent daimyo.
As a man Fusamichi has been battle-tested several times throughout his life as a daimyo and has a lot of experience in battle. Fusamichi is always willing to take on skilled other commands however, as of yet he has made no huge gains recently, it has been five years since the Aki and Chosocabe were brought under Ichijo control. Rumour is that he has something big planned...Time will tell how it turns out.
OOC: Do you still have my E-mail or will it need re-posting? Also it says that total army strength may not exceed 200,000 men, is this a rule that will remain throughout the entire RP or only for a set time?
15-10-2006, 11:44
In the 16th century Japan a Daimyo who had 40,000 trained men in his army was a really strong one. 100,000 was an incredibly massive force, rarely seen in one army. When Togukawa Ieyasu took the power, he had something like 120,000 men of his own, plus few minor allies.
So if anyone ever has 200,000 men in his army, there can't really be too many opponents left in Nippon.
And about my monks, sorry for the silence. My weekends tend to be rather busy... but I'll post a decent starting later today.
The border itself is a few large hills. The main road which your army, south of the border, is camped on leads into the first valley. In that valley are the two villages and the fort at the northern end of the valley. That fort guards the exit that leads to another valley out of the first one which is directly in front of you. Ise is, at its southern part, mostly made of valleys and highlands. Only once you've moved further north do you get into plains.
Understand? Or should I find another way to describe it?
Yes I understand the lanscape. But you cant put 6000 men into a fort can you? Anyway I'll start the attack now then I can edit it later if I do something wrong.
16-10-2006, 00:29
Yes I understand the lanscape. But you cant put 6000 men into a fort can you? Anyway I'll start the attack now then I can edit it later if I do something wrong.
Of course I'm not going to put 6,000 men in that small fort. That's ridiculous. :P No, there is at most 500 samurai in that fort under Captain Saito. Enough to cause trouble. *evil grin*
16-10-2006, 13:30
In the 16th century Japan a Daimyo who had 40,000 trained men in his army was a really strong one. 100,000 was an incredibly massive force, rarely seen in one army. When Togukawa Ieyasu took the power, he had something like 120,000 men of his own, plus few minor allies.
So if anyone ever has 200,000 men in his army, there can't really be too many opponents left in Nippon.
And about my monks, sorry for the silence. My weekends tend to be rather busy... but I'll post a decent starting later today.
I am well aware of most of that.
Oda Nobunaga at the height of his power had something like one-hundred and twenty thousand men, if memory serves, when he was wrestling the west off the Mori Clan, moreovber this was excluding the other islands so I was just saying that maybe if you were to own all of Kyushu, for example, it might be reasonable to have more than that.
Not a lot of course, the farms need tending and there are only so many fighting men.
I was just curious though, these are perfectly reasonable sizes for armies, indeed smaller armies make the action faster.
I'll make my post within a day.
17-10-2006, 00:57
I am well aware of most of that.
Oda Nobunaga at the height of his power had something like one-hundred and twenty thousand men, if memory serves, when he was wrestling the west off the Mori Clan, moreovber this was excluding the other islands so I was just saying that maybe if you were to own all of Kyushu, for example, it might be reasonable to have more than that.
Not a lot of course, the farms need tending and there are only so many fighting men.
I was just curious though, these are perfectly reasonable sizes for armies, indeed smaller armies make the action faster.
I'll make my post within a day.
Yea, I shortened to be more appropriate. Sorry about that lapse in judgement. :P I lowered by 50k, so that should be about right. And I will be writing up some other rules concerning military forces, and the number your able to field under certain specifications.
They'll show up in a green color on the first page. Everyone is to abide by them. No questions asked unless they seem totally unfair, which I plan for them to be totally fair. :D Have a nice day!
17-10-2006, 01:07
Kamasha, I'd like you to rewrite your last post there. No matter how well prepared an army is, it can't react that fast. Not only are most of the soldiers sleeping, but the general's command tent is usually in the center, where some calm might be held but nothing can be done from there since the general in question is not at the front. For all he knows it could be a minor fight between the men of his own army.
Believe me when I say that your men would in no way be able to have cavalry around my flank by the fall the second arrow volley from those hidden archers. In fact cavalry would find it hard to go up hill, in country they don't know, in the pitch dark. It is simply impossible and a god-mod to say otherwise.
If you're afraid of losing men then this is a bad rp to be in, not to mention the era we're rp'ing. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps even close to a few million, lost their lives in the 178 years that the Sengoku Jidai era took place. It was non-stop civil war.
Besides my men were only trying to inflict confusion and maybe a few hundred causualties to your army. Nothing that a 10,000 man force won't fix within 7 or 9 days.
17-10-2006, 01:07
you know, if one RL week is one IC year....
there are some Really long conversations going on right now :p
17-10-2006, 01:49
you know, if one RL week is one IC year....
there are some Really long conversations going on right now :p
Yea, ok, so we'll just wing it when it comes to time. Like we did in the old PT Rp eh Anger?
17-10-2006, 02:29
indeed. i never could figure out how one would make the whole rl time = game time thing work while still getting decent story driven RP going.
I been reading this Rp, it's very interesting but complicated...damn..
I thought about taking it up but like i said, Complicated..
Good job guys..
17-10-2006, 02:51
meh. so far as i can tell, most of those rules only matter if you try and do something odd.
the bulk of it is much like our normal PT RPs. there's just some standardisation in there to reduce god-mode potentual.
so far as i can tell.
also, i fyou play as a single [non-ruler] charicter, the bulk of the rules go "poof" :)
meh. so far as i can tell, most of those rules only matter if you try and do something odd.
the bulk of it is much like our normal PT RPs. there's just some standardisation in there to reduce god-mode potentual.
so far as i can tell.
also, i fyou play as a single [non-ruler] charicter, the bulk of the rules go "poof" :)
Explain...what kinda charactor could i play as...
17-10-2006, 04:58
pretty much anyone you can justify existing in this time period and place, so far as i can tell.
being a random generic peasant would be kinda silly though...
hmmm I wrote a long post her yesterday trying to explain my actions. Don't know where it has gone thou. Well I'll post it again. Before my army went to sleep the generals ordered 400 archers to stay awake. 100 in the front, 100 in both of the flanks and 100 in the rear. As the arrows ram in the rear the once in the back alert the other groups, and awakens the tent with some of the mounted warriors that have been ordered to sleep wearing there armor. All these orders were done the night before. I have a 10 000 men army. The only possible way of defeating me would be, to in fact ramming my supplies. There is nothing unlogical with my way of thinking. Secondly my horses were posted behind the archers. So when the archers had fired there second round they scattered and the mounted warriors rode thought them. In fact I wrote that several of the archers were run down by there own soldiers. I did not say how many archers actually arrived at the seen, or how many of the mounted warriors actually made it to there saddle before it was to late. I only wrote that during the battle this tactic seamed to work. I did not write how successful this outcome of this tactic would prove the next day when the casualties were counted.
Thirdly I wrote that I don't think this would be any problem considering that 100 horses and a uncertain number of archers were able to sneak around my entire camp and attack me in the rear without me noticing. When protecting my supplies would be the most crucial part of the campaign. Also considering that your horses then after marching that long distance were able to charge uphill and attack me. During the summer when the the sun disappear late and rise early.
17-10-2006, 11:50
Bump for more players
17-10-2006, 12:07
I'm not being too nit-picky but you do realise it will be almost sixty years before Musashi is born don't you Kamasha?
But seriously, come on guys join up, Osteia, you could be anything, from a ronin, to a merchant, to a lord to a simple peasant or fisherman should your tastes run that way.
no I did not. I just searched google for samurai and his name poped up. I'll edit it.
uldarious, could you please post in a ooc or ic post exactly how many men and there price. In that way it is easier for the rest of us to keep watch of your budget.
18-10-2006, 01:47
hmmm I wrote a long post her yesterday trying to explain my actions. Don't know where it has gone thou. Well I'll post it again. Before my army went to sleep the generals ordered 400 archers to stay awake. 100 in the front, 100 in both of the flanks and 100 in the rear. As the arrows ram in the rear the once in the back alert the other groups, and awakens the tent with some of the mounted warriors that have been ordered to sleep wearing there armor. All these orders were done the night before. I have a 10 000 men army. The only possible way of defeating me would be, to in fact ramming my supplies. There is nothing unlogical with my way of thinking. Secondly my horses were posted behind the archers. So when the archers had fired there second round they scattered and the mounted warriors rode thought them. In fact I wrote that several of the archers were run down by there own soldiers. I did not say how many archers actually arrived at the seen, or how many of the mounted warriors actually made it to there saddle before it was to late. I only wrote that during the battle this tactic seamed to work. I did not write how successful this outcome of this tactic would prove the next day when the casualties were counted.
Thirdly I wrote that I don't think this would be any problem considering that 100 horses and a uncertain number of archers were able to sneak around my entire camp and attack me in the rear without me noticing. When protecting my supplies would be the most crucial part of the campaign. Also considering that your horses then after marching that long distance were able to charge uphill and attack me. During the summer when the the sun disappear late and rise early.
That isn't good enough reasoning. It is enough to jsutify your men being alert, but not in the way in which you protrayed them reacting, not to mention the only enemy soldiers your men see are the "large formation" of cavalry coming down into your center and raising hell. The hidden archers on the hill are no-where within your effective range or ability to attack as present.
So, again, I ask that you change your post to something more appropriate.
In other news...I am making Angermanland a fellow Tenno. Meaning he will be a fellow moderator in the rp. He has all the same power I have witht he exception of naming futher Tennos. So everyone should be aware of that.
Anger, I expect you to handle yourself accordingly.
Also, new rules on the army limit:
The size of an army that a daimyo can recruit is based off of the size of his province and the population therein. Hence forth all diamyo must follow the following rules:
If you rule a small province, you can recruit no more than 10,000 men for your army.
If you rule a medium province, you can recuit no more than 30,000 men for your army.
If you rule a large province, you can recruit no more than 50,000 men for your army.
In the case of you ruling two small provinces, you may recruit a further 5,000. Two medium provinces, you may recruit a further 10,000. Two large provinces, you may recruit a further 15,000.
(This means that everyone who recruited more than 50,000 from a large province, must downsize their army and keep it that way until they are able to get more land and resources. At this time I only have 35,500 men in my standing army. You dont need too much really. Just be smart in how you use them.)
At the same time you must remember that you have a 150,000 top limit to your army. When you are on campaign with your army in one part of your land, and an enemy attacks in another, your men cannot suddenly appear to defend the border. You will keep tabs on your army and not god-mod in that regard. If you do I will slam the large "I am the Hand of God" hammer upon. So just be fair and willing to enjoy how great an rp this could be. Thank you and have a great day.
I wanna play but i need to know afew things first..
Is there a map?
How do you become a diamyo?
How do i get provinces?
How is general play conducted?
Where do i obtain resources, troop types, fortifications.....
18-10-2006, 02:11
I wanna play but i need to know afew things first..
Is there a map?
How do you become a diamyo?
How do i get provinces?
How is general play conducted?
Where do i obtain resources, troop types, fortifications.....
1) The map is under the maps and reference section in the first page where the rules are. The map marking where rp'ers are is at the very bottom. I will be updating it within the next day to include Uldarious and others who recently joined.
2&3) Pick a province and with it will come a daimyo that existed there in medieval times. You will be rping that daimyo.
4) If you look at the rp thread, link located at the bottom of the first post of this thread, then you will get the gist of it. Its really free-style in form, just keep your common sense about you in most cases and remember that your in medieval japan and have no automatic magic technoligical toys.
Also the main objective of every daimyo is to become Shogun: supreme military ruler of Japan.
5) Each province contains inate resources, those being fields for rice and other food stuffs. You also are able to recruit samurai from amongst the populace and train them into the types of warrios you want them to be, whether that be cavalry or archers or spearmen. If you read the bottom section in the first post you will see a part concerning each provinces main castle. Each province had one since daimyo used them as a form of control. Most provinces will also have small border forts and outposts, but those will be limited and mostly within medium and larg provinces.
Do you understand or need I explain further?
Ok, im going to look at these things now...
Can i find my own medieval japan Castle for my leader on the web?
18-10-2006, 02:20
Ok, im going to look at these things now...
Can i find my own medieval japan Castle for my leader on the web?
Well I layed out a general design of what each "level" of castle advancement was like; like explaining the advancement of british castles from the motte and bailey to the stone walled keeps. But you are free to specialize the shape and look of the prescribed castle in any regard.
An example: If you posses a fortress, it is suppose to have a moat and two walls. You can describe how wide the moat it, how high (so long as its not ridiculous) the wall is, and how its shaped. You can add in tunnels and alleys that people have to get through in order to get from one gate to another. Its all up to you. You just have to take the template I give you and make something of it.
Ok, im working all my stuff out now....
I added you to my msn
18-10-2006, 02:29
Ok, im working all my stuff out now....
I added you to my msn
Ok, glad to have you on board.
18-10-2006, 02:37
The daimyo location map has been updated to include Uldarious and the Tilean city States. (its located at the bottom of the first post, front page)
Ok heres my charactor- Afew things had to be made info..
Name:Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Age: 26-I had to make that up...there is no info on it.
Sex: M
physical description: 5'10, 155Lbs,muscular, Black hair, dark brown eyes
Married status:Yes
Biography: Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Hideyoshi was born in a village called Nakamura in Owari province, the son of a foot-soldier/peasant known to us as Yaemon. One of the most remarkable men in Japanese history, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born a peasant and yet rose to a position of power where he faught in many battles, laying seige to many enemys castles.
A very qualifyed, respectable leader.
Matsukura's castle
What else do i need? do i select my province..?
Can i have Hyuga (375,000)?
Information obtained by means of, Google and Wiki....
18-10-2006, 02:58
What else do i need? do i select my province..?
Can i have Hyuga (375,000)?
You want Hyuga? Ok, thats good. However you will be rp'ing as the Ito clan, as you can see from the Daimyo Family Names section on the front page. If you want more info on what happened historically to the Ito clan then I suggest you follow this think:
EDIT: Google can help too.
I hope everythings in order...
18-10-2006, 05:50
heh. i'll try and do a good job then.
i'm assuming that the army would still own all the various bits and pieces the soldiers would use along the way that it provided?
hehe. Akira's stance [bowing from the waste while still upright] was perfectly placed to launch him Forward... had Sagara done anything But kick his sholders Away. up, he would have simply stood, down or another attack, and he would have gone forwards.
too bad i didn't think of that option *laughs* i [and he] was more worried about the blade than anything :D
good to see you join, Osteia :)
hehe. Akira speaks much as i would in such a situation.... if i could speak at all. i tend to be somewhat longwinded, as you may have noticed on occasion. also tend to qualify just about everything. often unnessisaraly.
blah. and ramble, like i appear to be doing now. enough of that.
New Dracora
18-10-2006, 08:19
*Jumps on the bandwagon whilst no one is looking.*
Name: Date Tanemune
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Physical description: 5'11" man of strong build and standard japanese complexion. His black hair and dark brown eyes show signs of aging, but these merely add to the wisened appearance that speaks of one who has much experience with the ways of life.
Married status: Married, two sons (from eldest to youngest): Harumune (6), Yoshinori (3).
Biography: Date Tanemune (伊達 稙宗, 1488-?), known as the shugo of Mutsu in 1522 during the Sengoku period of the 16th century. At the outset of Sengoku Jidai, Tanemune was able to secure the support of other families in the province to become Daimyo (Completely made up - and false - but done so to briefly define how one leader can be in control of this historically divided province).
Province: Mutsu
Email: To be provided once entry status into the RP has been approved.
18-10-2006, 11:45
that is one tall japanese dude :)
would this Date be at all related to... i think it was Date Masamun [masamuna? masamune? i compleatly forget how to spell it]? one eyed dragoon or something. though i think he was quite young and turns up later in the piece.
sadly, no guns in this reality, so his beloved cavalry/mounted rifles don't happen *sad*
anywho, i don't know enough about the history to say "yeah, you're charicter's all set, go for it"
on the other hand, it looks good, so i'll be encourageing: i think you've got a high chance of getting this approved by Thrashia. it's really down to weither he accepts you're made up background or not. i do suspect that he's more likely to say 'change that a bit please' than 'no you can't play' though :)
thus, a provisional welcome for you, New Dracora. come join the madness :D
18-10-2006, 12:37
Okay just so you guys know, my army has been worked out thus.
Total budget: 325 000 koku.
That is: 108 330 koban (rounded down slightly)
Military budget: 162495 Koku
That is:54165 koban
My army:
20 000 Ashigaru Spearmen (20,000 koku)
15 000 Ashigaru Bowmen (15 000 Koku)
4 000 Foot Samurai (8000 koku)
1 000 Mounted Warriors (3000 koku)
250 mounted Samurai (1000 koku)
Army numbers: 40 250 men
Army cost: 47 000 koku
Army budget: 162 495 koku
That is 115 495 koku remainder.
OR 38498 koban.
So you see my army is well within my budget.
It is mainly a size-based thing made up of lots of ashigaru, right now but later on I plan to have more samurai in it to add armour, but bear in mind that many of my samurai are on the border in defence position, probably abour two thousand men and their retainers.
These men are on the border with Awa to prevent an attack.
They number the following:
Border Guard
2 000 Foot Samurai (4000 koku)
3 000 Ashigaru (3000 koku)
2 000 Bowmen (2 000 koku)
that is a further cost of 9 000 koku
or 3 000 koban.
now take this from my remaining military budget and you get the following:
115 495 koku - 9000 koku = 106495 koku
OR 35498 Koban.
All clear? No calculation errors? Math wasn't ever my strongpoint so tell me if there are any.
Ok I don't agree with you but I'll edit the post anyway. However I don't think you would be able to charge uphill. At least when they need to hurry around my camp for many miles in order to arrive during the night. Your horses would probably not have much strength left after that march.
Knights of Zion
18-10-2006, 13:05
Just a note to say - amazing setup, and fantastic involvement! As Shogun for the region Feudal Japan I'm pleased to see people interested in this era, even if we haven't managed to get much RP going in our own region's forum.
If you don't mind Thrashia, I'm going to borrow a lot of that background info you did and archive it in our forum. I'm seeing some terminology clashes between some of what you came up with and our ranking system as created by my forebears; not having researched it myself and just going along with what they came up with, I didn't stop to wonder whether they might have been wrong: specifically - for our region it was established there are three ranks of Daimyo (Kokushu, Ryoshu and Joshu) but you have identified Daimyo and Ryoshu as being seperate ranks, which is different, and introduced another (Shomyo?) I haven't heard of.
I'd join in on what you're doing here for the learning experience of it all from people who've done their research, but I'm a bit occupied keeping my region afloat. However, I'll definitely keep a tab on this thread and check out the links you've pointed to.
Feudal Japan Regional Forum (where I'm doing the copy/paste):
New Dracora
18-10-2006, 16:28
that is one tall japanese dude :)
would this Date be at all related to... i think it was Date Masamun [masamuna? masamune? i compleatly forget how to spell it]? one eyed dragoon or something. though i think he was quite young and turns up later in the piece.
sadly, no guns in this reality, so his beloved cavalry/mounted rifles don't happen *sad*
anywho, i don't know enough about the history to say "yeah, you're charicter's all set, go for it"
on the other hand, it looks good, so i'll be encourageing: i think you've got a high chance of getting this approved by Thrashia. it's really down to weither he accepts you're made up background or not. i do suspect that he's more likely to say 'change that a bit please' than 'no you can't play' though :)
thus, a provisional welcome for you, New Dracora. come join the madness :D
Heh, well someone has to be able to look the europians in the eye. ;)
I did some quick research using the links provided and choose the Date clan, then used wiki to trace back the family line to who would be alive given the present year (1525). So yes, he is one of Date Masaume's forefathers.
But apart from that that's all I know of him; the majority of my knowledge on japanese history centres around Shogun:TW. :D
As for the "extra bit" of background, I only threw that in as a last minute thing so yay or nay, I don't mind either way. I'm still gonna rule the entire province. :p
18-10-2006, 20:17
ugh. i have that game. for the first time ever i am considering actually trading some of my games in [admitiedly to get FFXII when it comes out here, or the GalCiv2 expansion when it comes out] and... shogun: total war is number two on my 'get rid of it!' list. [the Urbz being number 1! man, that was poorly done :headbang:]
i think Thrashia was justifying the lack of guns with a lack of europeans turning up, but i'm not sure.
why did you remove the map where the names of the provinses could be found? Also I see that you have changed the rules when it comes to travle. why?
18-10-2006, 23:25
the map is still there. it's at the bottom of the first page [as a link] << editness in a can: bottom of the first Post, not page. sorry. origional post continues >>
i take it that by "changing the movement rules" you mean effectivly removeing them? might have something to do with them depending on the rule reguarding the flow of time and that rule being found to be unworkable and thus removed.
if you remember them, it's good to keep the old rule in mind for how far and how fast something can go, but it's impossible to really rule on it beyond "keep it reasonable, mods [tenno, whatever] have final say"
my take on it unless i've missed something.
19-10-2006, 00:43
I hope everythings in order...
Yes, all is in order. Welcome.
*Jumps on the bandwagon whilst no one is looking.*
Name: Date Tanemune
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Physical description: 5'11" man of strong build and standard japanese complexion. His black hair and dark brown eyes show signs of aging, but these merely add to the wisened appearance that speaks of one who has much experience with the ways of life.
Married status: Married, two sons (from eldest to youngest): Harumune (6), Yoshinori (3).
Biography: Date Tanemune (伊達 稙宗, 1488-?), known as the shugo of Mutsu in 1522 during the Sengoku period of the 16th century. At the outset of Sengoku Jidai, Tanemune was able to secure the support of other families in the province to become Daimyo (Completely made up - and false - but done so to briefly define how one leader can be in control of this historically divided province).
Province: Mutsu
Email: To be provided once entry status into the RP has been approved.
Perfectly fine and you are accepted. I find nothing wrong with it, since a little adjustment to any man's history is neccesary for this rp. Welcome. Although it should be interesting since I am invading Etchu. XD I should be expecting some sort of interchange between the two of us, since we're neighbors.
Okay just so you guys know, my army has been worked out thus.
Total budget: 325 000 koku.
That is: 108 330 koban (rounded down slightly)
Military budget: 162495 Koku
That is:54165 koban
My army:
20 000 Ashigaru Spearmen (20,000 koku)
15 000 Ashigaru Bowmen (15 000 Koku)
4 000 Foot Samurai (8000 koku)
1 000 Mounted Warriors (3000 koku)
250 mounted Samurai (1000 koku)
Army numbers: 40 250 men
Army cost: 47 000 koku
Army budget: 162 495 koku
That is 115 495 koku remainder.
OR 38498 koban.
So you see my army is well within my budget.
It is mainly a size-based thing made up of lots of ashigaru, right now but later on I plan to have more samurai in it to add armour, but bear in mind that many of my samurai are on the border in defence position, probably abour two thousand men and their retainers.
These men are on the border with Awa to prevent an attack.
They number the following:
Border Guard
2 000 Foot Samurai (4000 koku)
3 000 Ashigaru (3000 koku)
2 000 Bowmen (2 000 koku)
that is a further cost of 9 000 koku
or 3 000 koban.
now take this from my remaining military budget and you get the following:
115 495 koku - 9000 koku = 106495 koku
OR 35498 Koban.
All clear? No calculation errors? Math wasn't ever my strongpoint so tell me if there are any.
Everything looks in order. I'll do a more thorough check later, but for now it's fine. Also, you don't need to keep changing the koku into kodan. Its more of for rp purposes, as in buying weapons, etc, than for the army. If you just keep it to koku then its easier to keep track and less confusing.
Just a note to say - amazing setup, and fantastic involvement! As Shogun for the region Feudal Japan I'm pleased to see people interested in this era, even if we haven't managed to get much RP going in our own region's forum.
If you don't mind Thrashia, I'm going to borrow a lot of that background info you did and archive it in our forum. I'm seeing some terminology clashes between some of what you came up with and our ranking system as created by my forebears; not having researched it myself and just going along with what they came up with, I didn't stop to wonder whether they might have been wrong: specifically - for our region it was established there are three ranks of Daimyo (Kokushu, Ryoshu and Joshu) but you have identified Daimyo and Ryoshu as being seperate ranks, which is different, and introduced another (Shomyo?) I haven't heard of.
I'd join in on what you're doing here for the learning experience of it all from people who've done their research, but I'm a bit occupied keeping my region afloat. However, I'll definitely keep a tab on this thread and check out the links you've pointed to.
Feudal Japan Regional Forum (where I'm doing the copy/paste):
You honor me sir, and thank you. The rank of Shomyo was an older title for a provincial daimyo and under the Ashikaga shogunate was more used by men who held a lesser amount of land than other daimyo. Eventually the title was absorbed into the cabinent or ruling council under a daimyo and was an administrative position. That is what my research has led me to believe, but I would dearly like to speak with Professor Turnbull on the matter; haven't been in touch with him for some time however.
Feel free to join or observe at your discression, and feel free to use anything that I've set up here.
why did you remove the map where the names of the provinses could be found? Also I see that you have changed the rules when it comes to travle. why?
If you need them back I will post them up again. However since the whole time thing is needing to be less strict, I erased the travel rule since it was bound by the time rule.
Also, Kamasha, we never finished the business of the Ise samurai attacking your encampment; its not sunrise yet. So just delete that most recent post and we shall continue on with the Ise samurai attack.
19-10-2006, 01:24
I've added a list of people who joined the rp at the bottom of the first post and I have added those people to the daimyo location map that requested to be daimyo. Enjoy. XD
New Dracora
19-10-2006, 07:46
Proposed Starting Army:
20,000 Mounted Samurai (80,000 koku)
25,000 Foot Samurai (50,000 koku)
1,000 Mounted Warriors (3,000 koku)
200 Acolyte Ninja (2,000 koku)
1,000 Ninja (15,000 koku)
Maintence total - 80,000 + 50,000 + 3,000 + 1,000 + 10,000 = 144,000 koku
Cash remaining - 6,000 koku
Hmmm yea it doesnt Lock that it is anything wrong with your calculations. However I have some troubles concerning which type of soldiers you have chosen. Ninjas as far as I understand works as assassins, not in the battle field. Also you have no spear men to protect your horses and no archers at all. Seams strange to me but it is your choice of course.
19-10-2006, 11:41
To be fair a foot samurai could be either armed with bow, yari or naginata in addition to their two swords, so potentially he has twenty-five thousand archers, or spearmen, or any mix of the two.
However I do agree that his choice is weird, I guess he has opted for a very mobile army though.
The major problem with this army is that it has a lot of samurai, but not a lot of samurai retainers.
For instance, it would be rare to have forty-five thousand samurai, but only a thousand normal men and no ashigaru. Indeed I wonder at the possibility of such a thing at all, but hey, no rule forbids it, maybe he has taken to mass-recruiting ronin?
19-10-2006, 20:24
that many ninja could well result in that many battle's he doesn't have to fight due to massive depopulation of his opponant's officer corpse :D
more interestingly, i belive [and i'm not sure exactly how true to reality this is, but it seems to be] that somtimes units of 'ninja' were fielded in battle. give them armor, smokebombs, and the normal tools of their trade, and properly trained and employed they would be quite devistating, i suspect.
so, i say let him have his ninja... but we'll be keeping a Very close eye on their behaviour. if one of them gets in a one on one stand up fight with just about anything [well, 'cept mabey one of the non-Akira-esque ashigaru], the ninja will lose. which is part of why they don't useualy do one on one stand up fights :) not their style.
edit: i have to wonder how many ronin there actually Were. perhaps, instead, he simply could not afford the retainers, decided it was better to have more of those with greater skill, and told them to leave their underlings at home unless they could feed them themselves out of their own pocket?
i don't know, i'm just tossing out ideas at this point.
20-10-2006, 01:29
Proposed Starting Army:
20,000 Mounted Samurai (80,000 koku)
25,000 Foot Samurai (50,000 koku)
1,000 Mounted Warriors (3,000 koku)
200 Acolyte Ninja (2,000 koku)
1,000 Ninja (15,000 koku)
Maintence total - 80,000 + 50,000 + 3,000 + 1,000 + 10,000 = 144,000 koku
Cash remaining - 6,000 koku
Interesting army to say the least. Its not usual for a daimyo to have so many ninja but I suppose that it is ok...
@Uldarious: I'll start handling the opposition to your invasion of Iyo soon, and a lot other things by this weekend if not sooner.
20-10-2006, 02:23
i'm guessing that logicaly, the mounted warriors in New Dracora's army would probibly mostly be used for scouting and messengers, when you realise how totaly outnumbered they are by the more heavily armed and armored sameri. that's how i'd use them, anyway *shrugness*
it is a little unuseual to have lower numbers of the lower grade troops, but it's not totaly impossible. slightly impractical at times though, i suspect.
New Dracora
20-10-2006, 05:05
Aye, the mounted warriors are purely for scouting and sending messages, it is unlikely I'll ever field them in organised battle.
The ninjas are for sending messages as well.... :D
I was under the impression samurai were trained in many weapons and I liked that flexibility so I stuck with an all samurai army. I would like to point out my knowledge of japanese culture is fairly limited so I didn't consider the retainers, however I like the idea of getting around this by having ronins - should prove an interesting experience having an army consisting mostly of mercs.
20-10-2006, 05:18
you know, i'm not sure about this, but i Belive taht you don't whack an 's' on the end of those nice japanese words.
hehe. ninja messeges tend to be very.... pointed.
i'm led to belive Yuki [or is it yukimora?] Sanada [i'm pretty sure that's been westernised and should be Sanada Yuki[mora?] but i've got nothing to check against] and Tokugawa Iyassu [sp?] both employed fairly large units of nija-esque combat troops on a couple of occasions...
but i could be totaly wrong.
to be honest, i don't Know a lot more than New Dracora, i suspect. i pick up a little here, a little there... getting it all straight is a challange :D
21-10-2006, 11:11
I am quite sure Ninja were not used in combat, the large scale sort that is.
Ieyasu did have nanja bodyguards though.
21-10-2006, 11:50
yeah... it seemed more like a few ninja and some guys who had been trained to work with them to make them more effective or something....
Yukimora had the 'sanada 10' or something. group of female ninja. who also apparantly ended up involved in his cavalry or something. meh.
honestly though, if you can justify getting that many ninja in the first place, you can probibly justify mixing them into your army somehow :D
anyway, is it just me, or is this RP moveing VERY slowly?
21-10-2006, 13:01
Yes it does seem that way, I guess things should pick up soon though...
21-10-2006, 22:16
guess real life attacked or something. hehe. as it does.
22-10-2006, 00:02
Anger, as a fellow tenno, you are now able to help in rp'ing the defense of provinces that are not being rp'd by anyone. Like I am with kamasha, so you can with Uldarious or anyone else. :D
I'll get onto things tonight, but people you can still talk to one another; send envoys, create building projects within your province, etc. There are tons of possibilities.
22-10-2006, 00:33
wich works fine untill you're a single charicter waiting on someone else.
and i lost track of what needed doing in that reguard, so *shrugs*
just need to be told when i'm needed for that.
not to mention i know Way to little about the details of anything in this era and place. ahh well.
so, yeah, if anyone needs me to rp npcs or something, i can do it, sure. just tell me :)
22-10-2006, 00:58
wich works fine untill you're a single charicter waiting on someone else.
and i lost track of what needed doing in that reguard, so *shrugs*
just need to be told when i'm needed for that.
not to mention i know Way to little about the details of anything in this era and place. ahh well.
so, yeah, if anyone needs me to rp npcs or something, i can do it, sure. just tell me :)
TG me your e-mail address and I will send you a file that will explain in quick detail the major facts you need to know for how to correctly rp samurai and the era. That way you'll be prepared.
Yo dudes, am I too late to join this? I've been having computer problems of late and so would have signed up earlier given the chance ¬_¬ yeah......
22-10-2006, 01:28
Yo dudes, am I too late to join this? I've been having computer problems of late and so would have signed up earlier given the chance ¬_¬ yeah......
Hey Spoot, naw your not too late to join. If you look at how others did you can figure out how to write up your character factbook thingy and pick a province, should you wish to be a daimyo; if not then just make a character. Have fun and welcome.
Hey Spoot, naw your not too late to join. If you look at how others did you can figure out how to write up your character factbook thingy and pick a province, should you wish to be a daimyo; if not then just make a character. Have fun and welcome.
I don't have to give you my E-Mail do I, cos that put me off of the Chinese one of these ye did like a year back... in any case....
-name: Tisho Tonikowa
-age: 18
-sex: Male
-physical description: Short, around 4'1", with short cut black hair and Hazel eyes, wears peasant clothing and carries a small domestic knife
-married status: N/A
-a short biography of your character: Raised as the son of mad hermit which meant that he had to learn early how to feed and clothe himself, he frequently crafted objects from wood using his knife.
The locals from the nearby village would quite frequently call him a ghost for his skill in stealth from his honed skills of hunting, he decided to put this skill to good use and joined the Ninjatsu, hoping that he could make a living and leave his Hermit past behind.
Hope the Bio is good, I don't really know what i'm doing which is kinda a bad sign but hey, I'll learn, if anyone needs a spy i'm open for business :P
22-10-2006, 03:53
address sent, Thrashia
i think you're probibly good there Spooty. "ninja for higher. assasinations a specialty. group discounts. enquire within" hheehehehehe.
24-10-2006, 10:26
all righty. Thrashia has midterms comeing up or something, so it looks like i'm running the show for now :D
lets get this thing moving!
the only downside to useing a single thread is that it's very hard to skip ahead when someone is temporaraly unavailable. however, i shall be doing all NPC teritorys for invasions and the like untill he gets back, and we'll just let anything involving Thrashia's teritory sit and wait. [and then probibly catch up in one great chunk!]
so... tell me who's fighting what so i know what to look for and can start makeing the posts.
meanwhile, Akira gets to play with ranged weaponary! yay!
Im Fighting in the Kii- Ise Borde. You have to RP Ise.
24-10-2006, 10:40
right. good. i'll look into that as soon as i get past the ineviatable block of trying to transition from my previous lead in to what became a non-existant post on the part of Thrashia....
in other words, very soon, but not right this second. i'll have to go read up on the relivant bits and pieces too. i wasn't really following the bits taht didn't involve me unless there were arguments, before, as i only had to deal with one charicter :p
oy... This is going to be a new experiance.
edit: screw it. Akira can wait. i write endings like taht expecting someone else to respond and give me a jumping off point. trying to make the tranisition myself is awkward as hell due to lack of ... err... jumping off point. heh.
i'll get onto that war now.
24-10-2006, 10:51
argh! one thing i hate about forum RPs: no freaken tactical level maps! makes it so hard to keep track of what's going on...
ok, i have absolutly no hope of putting togeather what's already happend properly, so allowing for the fact that there was much dubiousness about the effectivness of the defense against that night attack, tell me what the situation is Now, and i'll go from there.
ugh. sorry about this. i've proven time and again that much as i can be a great teller of tales [at least given someone to bounce things off] and fairly knowledgeable about this and that, running things like this is no my specialty.... so, bear with me while i get it togeather, k?
Really don't want this RP to die an ignoble death, after all...
[anyone ever participated in an onsite PT RP taht Didn't just go splat because tiher someone went overboard on the godmoding or everyone drifted off to other things?]
sorry about this.
24-10-2006, 10:58
I'm fighting the Kono in Iyo province too...
I'll try to keep italive on my side to lighten your load.
24-10-2006, 11:29
that'd be great. ugh. i'll take another look at this in the morning when my brain doesn't want sleep.
this is why i prefur multi-thread RPs, really... everything in each thread is relivant to the situation at hand... less having to work out what is and isn't relivant and so on and so forth.
but, much as i'm running it for now, this is not my RP [as such :P] so i'm not going to change that.
sleep time, i think. tommorow is another day....
but yeah. current sitautions would be good so i can get onto this, k?
Ok I have put around 12000 men on the top of a hill. During night, 100 men attacked me in the rear. I have mounted a defence. and it works. You could RP there retreat and I will start my attack.
I'm attacking a fort. The fort is in the middle of a Vally and I have divided my troops in two groups, they walk on each side of the Vally top. They have now lunched thousends of arrows into the fortress and they are now swarming all over the fortress using ladders.
24-10-2006, 23:19
it would appear the gods say otherwise, sadly.
anything after the night battle should be deleted because your defense was Not successful [yet] as the fighting wasn't even RPd, let allone allowed for in the way of casualtys... the damage to the supplys [and there would have been Some, at least] was uterly ignored, and that would have slowed you a Lot.
if you're doing this kind of RP you need to be prepared to take losses, even against NPC forces.
there's a not so subtle hint about that on the front page, at the bottom of the first post, reguarding taking losses.
there's now a rather solid "shape up and ship out" fibe crusing around.
the rules for combat were kept minimul [and in a lot of cases removed] so as to make it easyer to deal with and allow for odd tactics. this does, however, mean you have to be a Lot more careful about casualtys and the like.
in a war, people die. on both sides.
in a battle, it is more true.
in a night attack, even more true, though the attackers [if they don't foul up] will do more damage compaired to their numbers than they otherwise might.
reguarding the defense against the night attack. you Might have got away with it, to some extent, had you posted that you had set up in that way Before the attack. this kind of retroactive reaction that results in minimul losses and maximum enemy casualtys in a situation where you Should be getting slaughtered actually single handedly brought my first PT RP to a grinding hault [it wasn't me doing it, incidently] and i'd rather that not happen here.
and while there may be a Specific incident i'm refuring to here, this goes for Everyone, in All situations.
so, Kamasha, if you could make the apropriate adjustments, we can continue, unless you want out *shrugs*
thank you.
24-10-2006, 23:57
Ok I have put around 12000 men on the top of a hill. During night, 100 men attacked me in the rear. I have mounted a defence. and it works. You could RP there retreat and I will start my attack.
I'm attacking a fort. The fort is in the middle of a Vally and I have divided my troops in two groups, they walk on each side of the Vally top. They have now lunched thousends of arrows into the fortress and they are now swarming all over the fortress using ladders.
Wrong again dear Kamasha. Sorry guys for being late but as Anger explained, my time is limited on these forums. So I will quickly write up a post to get things rolling again.
1st) Kamasha - the night attack consisted of 200 archers on a hill above your encampment raining down arrows and causing mass confusion, 80 cavalrymen riding straight into your camp and killing and causing trouble before turning and returning to the darkness of the night, and at the same time as those two attacks are happening 11 men dressed all in black and hidden to your rear are setting fire to your baggage train.
Effect: Your baggage train is monstrously damaged, causing you to halt operations on the large scale you are wanting to have. (ie, you won't be able to travel with all 12,000 of those soldiers without waiting for a few weeks).
2) Myself - I have begun an invasion of Etchu, the province north of Echigo (my home province) and that part will remain dormant for now until I get back from my hiatus.
3) Wanderjar - he seems to be non-active in this rp and as such his lands are forfeit and are up for anyone to rp and grab. That is of course unless he magically shows up within the next 48 hours.
4) Tosa (Uldarious) - your campaign as far as I know is going on without a hitch, however Anger will be rp'ing you enemies. If its a medium province, which I think it is, then your enemy can field an army of 6,000 troops off the bat.
25-10-2006, 00:06
and in reguards to number 4, soon as i see something happening, i'll get to RPing the oposition :)
[if there's something already happening that i missed, well, point me at it, please.]
25-10-2006, 00:21
Bump for more people, come on, still plenty of provinces up for grabs!
25-10-2006, 00:39
4) Tosa (Uldarious) - your campaign as far as I know is going on without a hitch, however Anger will be rp'ing you enemies. If its a medium province, which I think it is, then your enemy can field an army of 6,000 troops off the bat.
Actually Iyo is a large province, the smallest of them, but a large one one nonetheless, so I'd expect about twenty thousand men against me at least. Also all this time I am supposed to have been fighting raiding parties. My idea was that the Kono were buying time to build up their army at Matsuyama.
1) I explained the landscape so that there were only one hill. Later you eddied my landscape into a Vally. I didnt complain. You did not however mention a new hill. Where did this hill come from?
2) your riders are currently charging uphill, after they have ridden for many miles around the camp. I have told you many times that this is stupid and the horses would most probably be to exoced to fight. Also, to move 200 archers and 80 horses that near my camp without any of my guards noticing is not likely to happen.
3) every defence I have made have you just dismissed. In my first attempt to rp my defence i answered that a number of spear men was lining up. You however claimed that this could not be done since I could not awaken that many men at that speed, not thinking twice and realise that I never wrote how many men that actually were lining up. For all you know this number could be 10 or 20 or 1000 men.
4) I have lined up my forces in front of your fortress. Why would I want to move? Or rather where should I move?
5) You attacked my rear in order to destroy my supplies, and even if my generals were expecting that presiasy attack to occur during that night, your eleven men could unchallenged destroy my supplies. You did not even ask me in a OCC post where my supplies were located. Probably I'm going to RP that they had been moved to the front and in the wagons there was only sleeping soldiers.
6) If you ask me how my generals knew this mentioned above, thy knew that your army were smaller then mine and the weakest link in any large military is the supplies. There would simply not be any other way to beat me other then trying to starv me.
25-10-2006, 05:29
*sigh* first post i am aware of reguarding this combat there were two hills on either side of a vally at the NPC end. personaly, i don't remember if you had a hill or not, Kamasha, but if you did, i'm guessing it's at the other End of the affore mentioned vally.
i'll take a look at the whole riders issue.
as for sneaking up on you... archers don't have to come that close to be able to fire. infact, often the first warning anyone ever got of archers in the night [if the archers were Trying to be sneaky] was when the arrows started hitting home. archers can shoot Over things, for one thing. all of this makes them very hard to detect/react to quickly or easily [in this kind of situation]
no attacking general is going to be idiotic enough to place his supplys between himself and the enemy [that is, at his front] if that were the case, the archers would have been sent in alone to fire them from range.
the night attack was sometime before you even Got to the fortress, which is where i think your main problem lies. you're being hit as soon as they know you're There, not when you're just about right on top of them.
11 men, in the dark, at night, actually have a lot more hope of destroying supplys than any grater number. they don't even have to fight. only sneak. they don't have to go up and try and light the supplys themselves, only light tourches and throw...
leaving aside the fact that most of an army's supplys are quite flamable.
as for your defenses... personaly, i would have allowed it... IF you'd given some indication that something of that nature was being aranged Before you were attacked. as it stands, i'd disallow it as bad practice. this kind of behaviour being accepted leads RAPIDLY to an RP freezeing up because no one is willing to take a lose when they can magicly bring a few hundered men into the picture, or a trap, which was not there before it was needed.
the original number of spearmen bit... it was not clamed taht it could not be done... it was claimed [if i remember rightly] that it could not be done THAT QUICKLY and still be effective enough to be an issue.
there are many ways for a smaller force to defeat a large one other than starvation, but it is one of the more practical options. more logical would be to place the supplys in the center of the camp, rather than at one side [no matter which side]
at any rate... the request is for you to delete those posts After Thrashia's first post reguarding the night attack, and we shall go from there. it's not inconceivable that you will lose only a fraction of your supplys, and/or that you will wipe out the entire attacking force.
being capable of totaly defeating it without taking any damage at all, being capable of instantly defending to the point where the whole encounter is a waste of time... these, however, cannot happen.
25-10-2006, 05:42
Actually Iyo is a large province, the smallest of them, but a large one one nonetheless, so I'd expect about twenty thousand men against me at least. Also all this time I am supposed to have been fighting raiding parties. My idea was that the Kono were buying time to build up their army at Matsuyama.
humm... know where i can find some plans for that castle? i'd like to know what i'm defending.
errr... and how big your army actually is would be nice [oocly, at least. it's easyer to get facts and figures that way]
honestly, i really don't like seige warfare. i tend to be rather... creative... about avoiding it.
infact... hummm... i think i have the beginings of a plan, once you tell me how large your army is.
knowing where that castle is would be a huge help too....
25-10-2006, 12:23
As stated on page nine my army is:
20 000 Ashigaru Spearmen
15 000 Ashigaru Bowmen
4 000 Foot Samurai
1 000 Mounted Warriors
250 mounted Samurai
Army numbers: 40 250 men
On matsuyama, I am afraid I don't have a picture however it is:
It sits 132 meters high, on top of Katsuyama Hill, it is known as one of three multi-wing castles, situated on a flat-top mountain.
Basically it is a big, multi-winged castle on top of a flat-topped hill.
Ok I'll delete those post and rewrite a new one. I'll be taking casualties and such. This will be my last post defending that hill, if not accepted I am going to leave this rp. I have no problems with people coming up with suggestions (I think that might prove difficult because...) However please don't give me orders (That can not be done). That last sort of orders completely drains the fun out of a rp.
25-10-2006, 20:28
no more so than godmoding, and only for the person on the recieving end [rather than potentually everyone]
still, fair enough :)
Uldarious, does this mean i can decide on it myself? *laughs*
mostly i need to know Where it is, though, so i can actually look at my maps and go "right... if that's there, and they're headed towards it... they're going There" and decide what to do.
26-10-2006, 00:49
anyone know where there's a link to that thread about what is and isn't godmoding? i had one somewhere...
Kamasha, you really need to get the hang of leaving gaps so the person playing the other side can actually React to what you're doing. and thinking of the consiquenses of actions.
even if you won, that night time disruption would screw your troops up. they'd be in no fit state to assult anything. and then the troops in the fort would be fighting back as well.
what was intended was for you to delete the posts right back to the start of the night attack [and Thrashia too delete the relivant parts of his posts as well, as soon as he had the opertunity] and do it over.
instead, my friend, you have replaced one set of godmoding with another. [though one that at least makes a little more sense in it's exicution]
methinks you need to go find that thread [which i can't remember the link for. i'm sure someone will give it to me if asked] or three about good RP/avoiding godmoding/etc, read it up, and then come back and try again. :(
edit>>> this kind of thing will cause you problems in almost any RP, btw, so it's not just Thrashia and me being tough on you or anything. hehe. we're actually being polite about it, for one thing :D <<< end edit
oh yeah, and Thrashia, if you look in here, check your telegrams. even if you're not interested in the contents of the one i sent you, if you know someone who fits the bill, we need a couple more people, i belive.
26-10-2006, 02:05
For People who can't understand losing a few men|who godmod, etc| ATTENTION ALL (
26-10-2006, 02:07
hey, Thrashia, you got links for the other associated threads? the one about good RP, and the one about logistics and so on? we had them in a thread recently, but i lot track of which one it was, and it's probibly sunk out of sight by now.
26-10-2006, 02:09
Yea, give me a sec to find them.
26-10-2006, 02:10
cool. just thought they'd be helpful to have around.
26-10-2006, 02:11
The other link concerning warfare and a thread everyone should read on logistics and the like. (
Other one (
26-10-2006, 12:17
You can find a fairely accurate location of where Matsuyama is by this page
My army is south-east of the castle by twenty ri.
I did have a nice map to upload but I tried to save it and things got...dicey after that.
26-10-2006, 12:18
heh. thanks. i am Trying to get orginized and get this moveing again :)
edit: ugh. i'm dead. it's after midnight and my sleep cycle is all screwed up again or something. i'll get on this in the morning.
26-10-2006, 23:03
Good going thus far guys. I will be able to fully concentrate on this rp again by this weekend (I believe...) with the majority of my tests behind me. So no worries and keep up the good work.
Kamasha I want to thank you personally for being a good sport. I know how it sucks to have someone say "you need to change that, oh and this" etc. It sucks. I know, I've been there. But thanks for being a good chap about it and keeping with it. Thats something everyone can learn from.
Also, I will officially be making a third Tenno position. I hereby elect Uldarious to the rank of Tenno. Uldarious is a dedicade rp'er. One of whom I trust and have much faith in to act fairly and with justice. Uldarious, I believe you to be a very worthy candidate for this and as such I am raising the bar. I hope you will accept. It will be your responsibility to help Anger and I in this rp and its execution. Your wisdom will be added to ours and your help in these matters will not go unoticed. Not to mention your dedication to this rp in the past.
27-10-2006, 01:03
not to mention i can almost garantee that you're a hell of a lot better at running NPCs than i am! *laughs*
i've got no 'flow' reguarding how they're ment to be going....
actually, if Uldarious accepts the job, i'd like to step down from such a position. i'm really just not any good at what i need to be able to do.
evidance being the total lack of real progress since i started trying to keep this moveing...
though i have kept a bit of activity going, so perhaps i'm good for something in that reguard :)
actually, the reason why i'm only playing a single charicter in this RP is probibly the same one why i'm not very good at running it: i simply do not have [obsorbed and stored away for ready recall] and the information nessisary. i can't keep track of it all.
on a totaly unrelated note:
need about 3 more [GOOD/experianced/etc] RPrs for this:
Thrashia and probilby Uldarious meet the requirements quite nicely, i think, if the two of you arn't too busy. or if you're willing to recomend anyone else [already got Terra, Caladonn, possibly Spooty depending, and myself]
napolionic, closed once it gets going, not useing RL nations. go have a look if you want. it's currently just rambling and bashing the ideas togeather.
27-10-2006, 13:42
Thank you Thrasia, I accept your offer and I pledge to do my best to make this an even and fun rp for us all.
On a different note, people, this rp is still open and new, JOIN...You know you want to.
29-10-2006, 03:01
Alright folks, you can expect this thing to get rolling tonight. I'll be posting sometime soon within the next few hours.
29-10-2006, 05:22
yay!!! :D
there is no emoticon for what i am feeling! [in a good way.]
29-10-2006, 08:59
Still room for more people...
Is this thread still alive?
01-11-2006, 00:11
dunno. Thrashia was going to put in an appearance again and get it moveing...
but he seems to have gone "poof"
and as i said before, i really am not up to the task of running this.
01-11-2006, 01:29
*oi vey*
Guys...I'm not quite able to keep up with as many rps as I am in right now. I would kindly ask each of you to be patient with me and just put this on hold. It may last only a few days, or a few weeks. Either way I will TG each of you when it becomes active again. I apoligize, but RL calls.
01-11-2006, 02:55
Thrashia, you still going to be in the napolionic one [which now has an offical ooc thread here : ] or are you bailing on that too?
need to know so we can replace you if you're not participating.