MT war anyone?
Ok in this world there are two continents both shaped as RL Africa. Population would be as in RL (850 million). However in this world none of the continents have suffered from colonisation and the economy is doing fine. HIV/AIDS is a problem. Weather conditions is like we experience today. For now I will only let one person join. Hopefully with some time. Don't sign up if you don't participate. Questions please ask.
10-10-2006, 14:04
I might think about joining... I check the forums everyday exept saturday and sunday... so I think I would participate quite often...
Might I ask about some more information, say, what this is going to be about... and does it have to be MT? Not even a littleFT?
I may consider to make it a little FT. It could be about a wish to expand your borders? or just a a hate against the other nation. Lack of resources. or anything else.
10-10-2006, 14:37
I was thinking about your terrorists attacking my nation, or something like that...
See you tomorrow, gotta go...
11-10-2006, 07:23
Sorry, just realized that I'm posting on WAY to many threads at the same time.... this wouldn't work, I just don't have time =(
...but I'm sure other nations would be willing to join... =)
Ok so I need a new taker. Anyone up to it? It doesnt mater which continent/landmass we choose. The point is that they should look the same and tech level and population is the same. This is to ensure that it is strategy skills and not natural features that decides who wins and who loses.
The Appalacians
11-10-2006, 21:24
I might be interested, I would just have to look up some stuff about my army's armaments. I have yet to choose a good tank and will navy be used in this?
If we RP two whole continents I would strongly suggest that you do use a navy. but perhaps you might want to RP the defence of Africa without one? However if you not under any circumstances do not want to deploy a navy I can connect the two continents and just deploy the army and the air force. However I think that even if this solution is possible the RP would loose some of the reality that comes with deploying the whole spectrum of army branches (Navy, Army and air force)
The Appalacians
11-10-2006, 21:51
ok. Didn't read your first post all the way, my bad. But having a navy would be ok. I can deal with that. But just ow big in numbers should I go?
in navy or total? the population will be 850 million. As ordinary rp rules you can press 5% maximum into the military (However this would only be for a short time. Your average day number would be like 2-3% perhaps even less if you want to save money). Of these 5% you can choose as you please. You could make a huge navy, but then again you would need to lower the numbers of land and air forces. You could make a enormous air force but then you would not have a large navy. It is really up to you.