Ucms Arms Fair!!!!(closed)
10-10-2006, 03:39
In the capital building in Mexico city, the UCMS Military Command was contemplating on how to raise international interest in their nation. just as it was getting to its dullest point, a young FSS Commandante Raised his hand. "What is it, Santano?" asked Colonel Parrion. "Well, sir, do you remember hearing about those old soviet arms fairs? what if we had one here? I mean it would definately raise interest. Plus, we could have a competiton in the Sonoran desert to see who the has the best force. The winner can get a large shipment of sugar or another respurce as a prize."
"Santano, you are a genius!" The Colonel Exclaimed. "All members of this council are to gather up funds for this immediately! We are going to have the greatest show on earth..."
Later that day...
At his propaganda center at chepultapec castle, Parrion made the announcment.
"Governments of the world! I, Colonel Jesus De La Parrion, am inviting YOU to the convention of the year. In Beautiful Cabo San Lucas, we will host the International Land, Sea and Aerospace Convention. This One Month Convention will feature the best in the worlds military forces, plus an auction for nations willing to sell surplus equipment. and as a final closer, we shall hold the battle for the Sonora, including a 3-day land battle in the Sonoran Desert, a 2-day naval battle, and a 2-day Counter-Terror course to test the might of the military forces of the planet, with the grand prize bieng a 6 month free shipment of a choice crop to your home country. We expect you all to come by and test your might at the INTERNATIONAL LAND, SEA AND AEROSPACE CONVENTION!"
Amazonian Beasts
11-10-2006, 02:45
The imperial liason to the PAC's emperor was intrigued by the offer sent forth by the Latino president. Surely the emperor himself would like such a test to prove that the PAC military was indeed the strongest globally...and what an oppurtunity if the Soviets showed up.
Colonel Parrion,
As Imperial Liason, I am joyed to inform you that the Pan-Asian Coalition will be honored to participate in the grand festivel of arms in your esteemed country. We rejoice at the chance to test our wares in a peaceful and friendly competitiveness.
Imperial Liason,
San Fao
11-10-2006, 03:18
Due to the business in preparation to the event, Colonel Parrion was unable to answer the PAC response. Instead, another man on the board of Commanders replied.
"Honorable San Fao,
We are honored to have you able to attend this glorious event! We can't wait to see your group arrive here when the day comes. Be sure to pass the word to all of your allies to increase the turnout!
Many Thanks,
Admiral Felipe Hoyez
11-10-2006, 03:24
High Marshall Quizetlanto was delighted to see the message made by the UCMS. This would be a perfect chance to show off defensive weapons and tactics, as well as the great fortification techniques made by the FSAL. he sent a message to the UCMS immediately.
"Colonel Parrion,
The FSAL would be delighted to go to the arms fair and show off our defensive strength. We will arrive with our best of the best in the ISDF, plus a handpicked group of Militia Leuitenants.
High Marshall Quizetlanto"
11-10-2006, 03:27
Again, Admiral Hoyes answered the call.
"Honorable High Marshall,
we here at the UCMS are grateful to have you! Make sure you arrive with all of your planned materials and a large pocketbook, because this is the event for you!
Admiral Hoyes"
Those weird people
11-10-2006, 04:37
The Director of Defense read this and thought it an excellent opportunity to show off the ability of the nation's new mech in combination with more conventional forces. Replying to the invitation, he informed the president who wholeheartedly agreed. This would mainly be for PAC, although it would also work to possibly make some money off of the Q-Mech technology.
The PeoplesFreedom
11-10-2006, 04:50
Emperor Featherson looked at the upcoming Arms show in delight!
Quickly he sent a reply
The American Empire would very gladly attend this event
Indeed, this would be a chance to show the world that the American Empire was the dominate Military power, even more so than PAC or the Soviets. Thus the Emperor would send the quite a bit of military power.
First would be the F-79 Thunderstruck Interceptor, the large, yet nimble aircraft could fly at mach 10 and carry a powerful payload
Then the newest Super-dreadnought the American Supremacy would be shown. It was one of only four such ships.
Finally the M-38 American MBT would be shown. Featuring a 120mm Railgun, advanced missiles, advanced armor, active defense systems, and finally, hover technology.
Also, a video would be shown, showing the famous American Titans, massive flying warships that were meant to deliver nearly 300,000 missiles into and area. It also had various artillery emplacements. Of Course, the weaknesses of these ships would not be shown.
11-10-2006, 21:37
The colonel was in awe at the powerful nations responding to his invites. back at I-12, he sent out another informational message showing were the battles would take place.
Red dots:land and air fights
Bluish dots: Naval fights
Oh and OOC: TPF and quebec: send a letter of respnse to make your dicision to go official please. Thanks :)
11-10-2006, 23:12
Once again, Admiral Hoyes answered the call.
"Emperor Featherson,
We are glad to have you attend this glorius event! Be sure to pass the word to your allies!
Best Wishes,
Admiral Hoyes"
The PeoplesFreedom
12-10-2006, 00:41
Featherson's aide quickly drew up a relpy
Thank you, we look forward to it. When shall this take place.
12-10-2006, 01:05
OOC: when we have a few more bigger nations like Ottaman Indiastan and the large african powers and the UK. hopefully, smaller nations like the Iberian dominion, australia, the rest of south america, and The EU (maybe even NADA?) so whatever date that is. And no taxes: get south africa in here we havent heard much of them
IC: at years end
Waldenburg 2
12-10-2006, 01:35
Ridicoulously Encrypted Message From: Major General James Brannesburg.
To: Sir, Colonel Parrion of the UCMS
Greetings again from the United Kingdom. We have heard of your arms Fair, or wargames or whatever they happen to be called, and are quite excited to join. We wish to enter the HMS Handel, A Rail Gun cruiser and our flagship the HMS Pax Brittannica, a super cruiser. If at all possibly make sure our forces remain as far away from Quebec's as possible, our Chancellor has made some rather untruthful accusations, and a confrontaion might be a possability. We hope to enjoy this event and maintain our good feelings over the world.
On a more Private note I am currently holding in my hands designs for a certain, space bearing craft, if you catch my meaning. It is possible that the UCMS could profit from obtaining them. But this is not a matter for these communications we shall speak more on the subject later. And perhaps we shall negociate.
No Taxes
12-10-2006, 02:19
While the Songhai Empire shall not be participating directly in the Arms Fair, many observers will be sent with very large pocket books. Any nation wishing to sell its wares may contact us as we are in the market for military technology.
12-10-2006, 03:24
Equally rediculously encoded message to the UK
"United Kingdom Liason,
The UCMS is proud to have england attend the show. and yes, it is quite easy to seperate your forces from quebec. im sure you will have plenty of fun at the wargames versus their forces. in the meantime, i believe negotiations can be in order for the designs of the craft. we just want to hear your demands for what you would recieve in return. Hopefully, this can lead to a lasting partnership between our two great nations. We cant wait to see you at the event!
Best wishes.
Marcos Bejalia, FSS Commander"
12-10-2006, 03:28
"great liason of the Songhai Empire,
we are saddened at the word of your forces not participating directly in the games, but we are still delighted that you are able to attend. there will be a large auction that your representatives would be interested in. If you want any more info cantact us.
Marcos Bejalia, FSS Commander"
[To: UCMS Military Command]
[From: NADA Strategic Command]
[Subject: Arms Fair]
We are pleased to announce that we will be officially attending your arms fair. We will be sending a small group of special forces to participate in the land portion of the war games, while we will be sending several brand new submarines to participate in the war games.
Those weird people
12-10-2006, 06:17
President Johanne Pierre personally sat down to write an official RSVP to the UCMS arms fair.
Colonel Jesus De La Parrion
We will be attending your upcoming arms fair. This greatly intrigues as and we would like to see what technology and weaponry has been developed while we have stayed in our shell. We personally will be bringing a small contingent of our elite troops for the land portion and two of our anti-air and anti-orbital ship weapons for demonstration purposes.. We will also be bringing a demo of an as of yet undisclosed technology to this, and several of our latest in the 51 series, the Mod 6. We would appreciate if the UK forces be kept as far as possible from ours to prevent an... accidental incident. They have recently alleged several severe accusations on our country and we are worried that any contact may become hostile. We will not be participating in any wargames except infantry ones, as our Navy is not up to par with the rest of the world's, and we have no Air Force to speak of.
Au revoir
President Johanne Pierre
12-10-2006, 20:59
We are pleased to announce that we will be officially attending your arms fair. We will be sending a small group of special forces to participate in the land portion of the war games, while we will be sending several brand new submarines to participate in the war games.
NADA liason,
Wonderful news! we are delighted that you are able to attend. Be sure to bring your pocketbooks!
Colonel Jesus De La Parrion
12-10-2006, 21:17
President Johann Pierre,
This is great news. and yes, we will be able to have your forces seperated from the UK's. And it is alright that you only participate in the land wargames as some nations do not participate in them at all
Best wishes,
Colonel Jesus De La Parrion
14-10-2006, 19:52
well this thread has been kind of slow so just start saying what stuff you are bringing to the fair
14-10-2006, 20:38
We have a developed a new fast electrical ignition system for weapons using porous silicon explosives. It is far safer to use than conventional explosives, and ignites faster. We wish to demonstrate this system both as a safety mechanism for destroying electronic equipment at a distance if an item is captured, and a more rapid firing mechanism for guns. We will also demonstrate the porous silicon compound as a regular explosive.
We have also developed a rapid fire stacked ammunition system that uses an electrical gel system. Our new Shiva Smart Antitank Weapon developed for use by mechanized infantry uses this system. We wish to demonstrate it on several light and medium tanks.
14-10-2006, 21:02
The UCMS has developed a Super Seige Tank, the T-8 R-4(also the T-8A R-5 Artillery variant with a bigger, R-5 gun but no machine guns or autoturret.) The Tank is run on four individually powered treads, offering more power than one single powerplant. on the tank, there is a R-4 140mm Rail Cannon, a 30mm autoturret, two Medium machine guns, and a ATGM side-mounted pod. We have also developed the S-9 Stealth sub, which uses caterpillar technology to silently move through the water. it is equipped with torpedos, an R-3 Rail cannon deck gun, and a LRAShM missile pod( Long Range Anti-Ship Missile).
We are also bringing our military wing of the FSS including their FDF-9 for the CT section. They will carry a new anti-armor system developed by MMI called the R-3H, a shoulder fired rail cannon w/ powerpack.
Those weird people
14-10-2006, 23:14
Quebec will be bringing a tech demo of our Q-1 for a presentation, several of our A-51 Mod. 6 series weapons, which include the BF-51 (Battle Rifle), MP-51 (SMG), TEF-51 (Sharpshooter Rifle), and ML-51 (Light Machine Gun). Please note that all pre number abbreviations are French. All weapons are in the 6.5*51mm Armor Piercing except the MP-51, which is in the 6.5*19mm Hollow Point, and the TEF-51, which is a high speed flechette sabot round encased in a 6.5*51mm cartridge. While the Mod. 6 will not be available for purchase, we will be selling production rights for the Mod. 5 series. The only difference is that this update is from 2087, at which time the weapons were each about 2 pounds heavier than they are now, since we have improved the materials and reduced general weapon's recoil. For the war games we will be bringing a regiment of elite infantry along with several newly designed high-speed APCs, the PBP-99. We will also be bringing along our premiere counter terror unit, the PFRQ (Première Force De Réponse Du Québec or Quebec First Response Force) to share and learn tactics with other counter-terror units that may be attending.
OOC: And yes, all acronyms that precede a number and the CT unit are french, because Quebec's primary language is French.
14-10-2006, 23:31
Great leader of the Songhai empire,
We of the UCMS are willing to sell Plans for our S-7 subs (smaller and slightly louder than the S-9 and equiped with an R-2 instead of and R-3) in exchange for lasting friendship and prosperity between the two of our nations.
Colonel Jesus De La Parrion
OOC: Common: Send your formal ottoman indiastan response please
15-10-2006, 04:59
The FSAL will be bringing a model D-97 Defensive Gas Module, A defensive system that fires out Hundreds of flammable gas-filled balls and sparks them, creating a massive explosion and a wall of fire. We are also bringing the SG-1D, a sentry gun used for defense of government or military buildings. Finally, we are showcasing the D-98 Fiesta Box, A weapon used to distract your enemy into either retreating or a state of utter confusion using its combination of an explosive chamber where the noise is channeled through massive parabolic discs to lethal porportions within 120 meters, Ultra High-beam lights, radio jamming devices and shaped charge mines that launch 4cm ball bearings at high velocity. meant for emplaced defensive positions.
15-10-2006, 05:28
General Roy,
We are glad to demonstrate some of our systems for the UCMS show. We of the Indiastani / Ottoman Confederacy will however refrain from joining the war games. We have a variety of new systems which we would like to demonstrate for the show. As most of them are highly explosive, we would like a large cleared firing range made available to us.
General Roy.
15-10-2006, 14:42
Honorable General Roy,
We are delighted that you are able to attend the fair! And yes, we will be able to have a large range for demolition testing a small ways outside of town.
Marcos Bejalia, FFS Commander
SECRET: Mexican work on the R-6 series of rail weapons begins, including an improved anti-armor gun, the R-3I which uses a single fuel cell to launch a 5-round clip of super-dense tungsten rounds, and the RAG TA-1 R-6, an assault gun(such as an SU-144) operating off of a rail gun system using a 160mm Rail cannon with a top-mounted 23mm coilgun.
OOC: Actually, railguns have just as much recoil as any other weapon that launches high speed projectiles. Equal and opposite reaction and all that jazz. As for high capacity fuel cells, just remember that they have a bad habit of going boom if hit.
15-10-2006, 22:51
OOC: thats just a risk they will have to take lol
Those weird people
15-10-2006, 23:35
OOC: What about the capacitor thing... last time I checked they required enormous (sp?) amounts of energy to fire a single projectile. This energy was stored in a number of capacitors which took time to recharge... so unless each magazine comes with enough batteries for each round, it would be kinda tricky to make one machine gun style.
15-10-2006, 23:38
ooc: ok i get it. it wont work nevermind that post, because now it is the R-3I, anti armor gun
Those weird people
16-10-2006, 02:32
OOC: No, I mean it is somewhat feasible if each bullet comes with precharged capacitors. It would just be a bit expensive to generate all that electricity to charge capacitors for each bullet.
16-10-2006, 03:47
oh, well let me change the project one more time then.
OOC: What about the capacitor thing... last time I checked they required enormous (sp?) amounts of energy to fire a single projectile. This energy was stored in a number of capacitors which took time to recharge... so unless each magazine comes with enough batteries for each round, it would be kinda tricky to make one machine gun style.
OOC: Well, you could always simply discharge part of the capacitor's charge to launch the projectile. Anyway, the power requirements really aren't all that obscene, unless you're going for equally obscene muzzle velocities on heavy projectiles. Of course, since it's rather hard to get the amount of potential energy native to gunpowder in a capacitor, you'll need either large batteries or batteries that have a bad habit of blowing up if you mistreat them. Well, there's a couple other methods, but I'll keep those to myself for Yamatetsu designs. :D
16-10-2006, 23:35
"the RAG, an assault gun(such as an SU-144) operating off of a rail gun system using a 160mm Rail cannon with a top-mounted 23mm coilgun."
The RAG, or Rail Assault Gun, is a blast from the past. Modeled after old Russian and German assault guns from WWII, it has a bigger gun the the T-8 R-4 and much more thick armor, it is a modern day tank hunter. Using a 160mm R-6 rail cannon, this tank packs a punch. Due to the size and number of high powered capacitators used in the RAG, whose actual classification is the TA-1 R-6, it doesnt have room for machine guns, though it does have a 23mm coilgun for last resort use aganst a possible LAV or infantry assault. running on 4 individually powered treads, is can travel at a relatively high speed for its size. Due to its power source, extra armor is placed around the fuel cell capacitators to help prevent explosions. Meant to be in battle groups of T-8 R-4's.
Those weird people
17-10-2006, 04:41
The Mod. 6 -51 series of weapons details are as follows for those who would like to have more information. The ML-51M6 will have information published at a later time.
Cost: $1,600 USD
Caliber: 6.5mm
Length: 640mm
Barrel length: 600mm
Weight: 2.3 kg empty; 2.7 kg loaded
Magazine capacity: 21 rounds
Standard ammunition type: 6.5*51mm Armor Piercing, although other variations of the round may be used, such as FMJ, indendiary and tracer
Effective Range: 500-600 meters
This is our recently developed standard issue battle rifle. It is a bullpup configuration similar to the AUG, but with several changes to the action and caliber. It combines the best features from several of the world's best assault rifles. The two that stand out the most are the action that is similar to that of the AKM, and the spring recoil reduction system like that seen in the AR-15. It also has an integrated video scope that has a maximum of 8x zoom and a minimum of 1x. The sight also includes information like distance and wind speed so you can adjust appropriately. This has no attachment points for accessories, though there is a lazer sight built into the front portion of the gun for CQB. The different firing modes are safe, single shot, 3 round burst, and full auto. Full auto is not recommended though, as controllability decreases severely. The clip is solid gray plastic except for a strip on the front, which is clear plastic to allow for easy ammunition check.
Cost: $500
Caliber: 6.5mm
Length: 200mm
Barrel Length: 150mm
Weight: 650g empty; 734g loaded
Magazine capacity: 21 rounds
Standard Ammunition: 6.5*20mm Hollow Point
Effective Range: 40-50 meters
This pistol is VERY similar to the FN Five-seveN. The primary differences between this pistol and the 5-7 are the caliber and barrel length. This pistol has a unity optical sight attached to a piccatany rail on top of the pistol which can be switched out for any other sight that will fit. It also has a laser sight attached underbarrel just forward of the trigger gaurd for CQB. The pistol clip is a clear plastic and can be used in the MP-51 without modification.
Cost: $1400
Caliber: 6.5mm
Length: 500mm
Barrel length: 460mm
Weight: 2 kg empty; 2.2kg loaded
Magazine capacity: 21 rounds for P-51, 30 rounds for standard SMG-51 clip
Standard ammunition: 6.5*20mm Hollow Point
Effective range: 150-200 meters
This is almost exactly the same as the BF-51 except it has a different length ammunition, a piccatany sight rail on top that comes with a 1.5x scope that may be switched out for anything that will fit, and a shorter weapon in general.
Cost: $1800
Caliber: 6.5mm
Length: 900mm
Barrel Length: 860mm
Weight: 8 kg empty; 9.1 kg loaded
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
Standard ammunition: 6.5*81mm
Effective range: 1500 meters
This sharp-shooter rifle very similar to the BF-51 in design and appearance, but it has 3 major differences. The first is the barrel which is 26 cm longer. The second is the scope. The vid-scope has a maximum zoom of 25x for incredibly accurate firing at ranges beyond 1000 meters. This makes firing fairly easy, although it is not recommended for use at that zoom level because even very small motions seem huge. This scope is built onto the rifle and is very similar in use as to the BF-51 scope. The last difference is the switching of the front grip for a built in bipod that folds forward for easy storage, and springs down into firing position at the push of a button. The clip is solid gray plastic except for a strip along the front that is clear plastic to allow for easy ammunition check.
Yamatetsu Corporation would like to use this opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of the Type 110 Main Battle Tank.
Manufactured by Yamatetsu Heavy Industries to replace the aged Type 100 MBT, the Type 110 is among the most advanced tanks in the world.
In lieu of a conventional ETC cannon, Yamatetsu opted for a 120mm railgun with dialable velocity. This allows for a minimal waste of capacitor energy and faster firing rates when dealing with sub-optimal targets (read: not armor). The railgun is located in an automated turret, and is fed by a magazine-style autoloader.
The Type 110’s primary round is the rocket-assisted fin-stabilized armor-piercing discarding sabot (RAFSAPDS), and is extremely effective against opposing armor. Featuring an eleven kilogram depleted uranium penetrating rod and terminal velocities of up to 3100 m/s, impacts from the RAFSAPDS are nearly universally fatal to its targets (52.8MJ). Secondary rounds include top-attack munitions and HEAT rounds.
Limited guidance to imparted to certain rounds (including the RAFSAPDS) via radio. Fins located on the projectile are deformable, allowing the round to be steered to its target. Of course, given the muzzle velocity of the railgun, only limited course corrections are possible, meaning that steering around obstacles is impossible. The system is primarily intended to guide the projectile to weak points in the target’s armor, and is controlled by the tank’s onboard neural nets.
Secondary armament is found in the form of a single 13mm conventional machine gun, mounted coaxially, along with a roof-mounted 6.5mm conventional machine gun. These provide an excellent screen against infantry. Control of the guns is managed by the gunner and the commander, respectively.
Fire Control System
Firing data is accumulated by a wide variety of sensors, including YAG laser range finders, windage gauges, RADAR, and more. To ease the learning curve, this data is collated and interpreted by the onboard firing computer, which makes heavy use of advanced neural nets to actually train the tank for improved accuracy. The neural nets make modifications to the weapons displays in the cabin, placing the crosshairs where the shells will land instead of simply straight ahead. Combined with the turret’s stabilizer, his system allows for even green crews to place shells with pinpoint accuracy.
The Type 110’s armor system is state of the art. The first layer, protected by 20mm of RHA, is the EleRA system. Composed of a conductive grid, the EleRA system reacts to impacting shaped charge explosives by sending a massive jolt of electricity through the incoming jet of molten copper, vaporizing it and rendering it instantly harmless. The Type 110’s EleRA system features dual banks of capacitors in order to provide defense against tandem warheads.
Underneath the EleRA system, the Type 110 boasts a state-of-the-art composite armor system. The classified system provides an impressive RHA-ratio of 1:12, meaning that one millimeter of the Type 110’s armor is equal to seven millimeters of RHA. While thickness varies across the tank, effective thickness is as high as 3200mm RHA against KE weaponry.
Active Defense
Not content with merely accepting hits, Yamatetsu provided the Type 110 with a slew of active defense systems. The foremost of these is Shuushi, a system reminiscent of the Israeli ARENA, albeit more advanced. Shuushi detects incoming projectiles with an onboard RADAR system, which are analyzed by the onboard neural nets. If the projectile fits the profile of an ATGM or RPG, the system launches a 115mm shell to intercept the target.
The second active defense system is Hanran, and superficially resembles the 20th century Russian Shtora system. However, Hanran is far more advanced, and is capable of spoofing guided projectiles to such a degree that the Type 110 can actually gain control over the projectile, guiding it back at it’s launcher, or other hostile targets. Hanran shares its detection systems with Shuushi, and will attempt to divert guided projectiles before Shuushi engages them.
Power Plant
Foregoing a standard diesel or turbine, the Type 110 features a pebble-bed nuclear reactor, providing the tank with a steady stream of power for up to six years of continuous operation. Heated air from the reactor drives a turbine, and from there, a thermal generator. Power from both charges the capacitors for the railgun and EleRA, as well as operating the tank’s drive train and other systems.
Crew: 3 (driver, gunner, commander)
Length: 10.4 meters
Width: 3.6 meters
Height: 2.3 meters
Mass: 72 tonnes
Main Armament: 120mm dialable velocity railgun
Secondary Armament: Coaxial 13mm machine gun, roof-mounted 6.5mm machine gun
Defenses: Hanran EMC, Shuushi hard-kill APS, EleRA, composite armor
NBC Protection: Airtight chassis and turret, air filtration and overpressure system
Procurement Cost: 8,000,000 USD
OOC: Personally, I think the penetration figures on your TEF-51M6 are a bit high. Even using APDS ammunition (which will sacrifice damage to an extreme degree), there's no way something as small as 6.5x51mm will get triple lvl IV penetration. You'd have to have some pretty obscene velocities there, along with a non-deforming penetrator, which means you'll have absolutely zero tissue damage.
That and the masses on pretty much all your guns are really low. Even if you could make one that light, the recoil would rip it (and your arm) to shreds.
Those weird people
17-10-2006, 07:36
OOC: hmm... good point. Let me change that up a bit...
Alrighty, all fixed. raised the weight on the BF to just under the m4, the mp to about the same as an mp5k, and the tef to about 6 pounds less than the m82. That and I removed the thing about the lvl IV protection. The way I figured is that when the flechette entered flesh it would go through a sort of tumbling motion once it's slowed down a bit passing through armor, but I'm not 100% sure of the physics involved
OOC: Well, if it tumbles, it'll hit the other side with the flat of the flechette, preventing further penetration. Tumbling also relies on how fast the projectile is moving. If it's moving too fast, it'll overpenetrate and keep on moving, doing very little tissue damage. This (http://matrix.dumpshock.com/raygun/basics/termball.html) is a pretty good site for info on terminal ballistics, even though it's ostensibly a Shadowrun site.
Those weird people
17-10-2006, 08:05
OOC: OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooh. I'll just change the whole flechette thing then xD. So glad to have smart people pointing this stuff out to me. And no that wasn't sarcasm.
17-10-2006, 15:57
You receive a letter from General Roy,
Dear General,
We are very interested in your 160 mm railgun technology. We are not currently working on railgun technology, but we can offer a piece of equipment which would greatly improve the performance of your railgun. As part of our space program we worked on a new type of capacitator to improve the ion engine on our heavy left blimp. It is a nanotube super capacitator, the charge is almost instantaneous allowing for rapid flow of electricity into the rails of your gun. It is also fairly long life. This nanotube supercapacitor is an improvement on the American version developed at MIT. We would ask for the blueprints for the gun in exchange for the capacitor technology.
General Roy.
Waldenburg 2
17-10-2006, 21:05
Rear Admiral Sir Henry Blengnlin stepped with a thud down on the pier in the Galapagos Islands which had recently been purchased. He officially took control of the islands as Interim governor as he set hif feet on the new land. He also came with the HMS Pax Britannica, which would be competing in the war games. It was perhaps the largest warship in the world, or at least the Admiral tried to remind himself daily. It was formidable, and needed little fuel as it was a hybrid and powered partially by easily damaged solar panels.
The Admiral's personal hovercraft also spat out Major General James Brannesburg looking rathe sullen chained to his wrist was a brief case made of shiney metallic material. He looked as though he hadn't slept for quite some time.
"Captain prepare our message to the UCMS,"
'We have arrived and are willing to participate, Just say the word and his Majesty's forces shall show the world why Britain rules the waves. I also have accompanying me Major General James and we wish to discuss the matter on which we communicated earlier in top security. Untill your reply.'
"Now Quebec....."The Admiral whispered to himself quietly and walked through the swarm of military bands which lined the Harbour.
17-10-2006, 21:37
Admiral Hoyes answered the call from the Ottoman-Indiastan Confederation.
General Roy,
We at the UCMS are accepting of this deal. Hopefully our two nations can prosper together as we move into the future.
best wishes,
Admiral Felipe Hoyes
Then he replied to the UK
Admiral Blengnlin,
You may arrive as soon an you wish. Set sail to Cabo San Lucas. When you arrive, a contingent of FSS SpecOps will meet you at the dock accompanied by Their commander Marcos Bejalia, myself, and the Colonel. From there we will travel a short ways to the Command Bunker I-32. Once there, we may discuss our deal in a safe and eavesdropper-free environtment.
Best Wishes,
Admiral Hoyes.
17-10-2006, 23:26
The T-8 R-4's are some of the largest, scariest-looking tanks in the world. (made by UCMS Arms)
T-8 R-4:
Armament:140mm main rail cannon, 30mm autoturret, one co-axle MG and one rear MG, one side-mounted ATGM pod.
Ammunition: Tungsten-coated spent uranium FSAP (Fin stabilized armor piercing) shells for main gun, 30mm AP for autoturret, 14.76mm MG bullets
Fire Control: laser rangefinder, thermal, night, and motion-tracking vision, main gun autoloader.
Crew: 4; one Commander, one driver, two gunners
NBC: yes
Mass: 93 tonnes
length: 13.5 meters
Powerplant(s): four supercapacitator engines, one on each tread. One supercapacitator for the main gun.
Reinforced Shruzen Sideskirts, Composite armor, radio jam system.
cost: 6 million USD
Those weird people
18-10-2006, 08:36
Curious as to when the arms fair was actually taking place, Johanne wrote Colonel Jesus De La Parrion the following letter...
Colonel Jesus De La Parrion
We are curious as to the date that the fair will be taking place. We will need at least 2 weeks to prepare one of the systems we will be showing, and it is very environment specific. If we could find out at what time we should begin preparation, we would be more than happy. Oh yes, the system we will be demonstrating is our premiere anti-air defence system. We will provide further details at a later time, but we are willing to leave the setup defences on site for your nations personal use, as a gift for this magnificient arms fair.
Au revoir
President Johanne Pierre
OOC: Pretty much I need a RL day that this will be happenning. That way I can RP the RLday prior the arrival and stuff.
18-10-2006, 15:49
Admiral hoyes answered the call once again.
Honorable President Johann Pierre,
We would be happy to have your anti-air emplacements set up as a gift. The UK and FSAL are already preparing and shipping their forces over, so just come whenever you want.
Admiral Felipe Hoyes
OOC: Just come whenever and start setting up. I still need NADA, Japan, the PAC, America, Ottoman-Indiastan Confederacy, and hopefully Imperial Angola and some other small nations before we actually begin. So just RP coming over and setting up.
Those weird people
19-10-2006, 04:44
OOC: Oh ok. I'll RP that now...
Pierre took it upon himself to show up at this event. He arrived with the first load of equipment. It would take another few days for everything to show up, and his engineers and techs had already begun calculations for the AA system. Everything was highly sealed off to everyone except official Quebec technicians, right down to biometric scans. There could be no chance for a security breach. The main thing he was worried about is that a British spy would get in and report on what was going on behind the walls... he glanced over at the loading dock and smiled as he watched several shipping containers marked with a large Q get covered and brought down from the boat. "This will be very interesting indeed... very interesting...
Secret: I don't know if you guys read my factbook... but those Q-Mechs have been in production for a little over 2 and a half years... and since they are produced with trained men at about 3 per year, there are several completed. Quebec has secretly brought in 4 such Q-1's at full operational capacity for security. But it's a secret :P. I'm only saying it now just in case something happens, you guys don't go all omg hes godmodding or something like that. There is also going to be live ammunition on site for everything... so yeah. Just saying. And it's a secret so you can't use this info :P!!
19-10-2006, 11:51
Ottoman Confederacy/ Indiastan camp.
The six wheeled armored all terrain vehicles rolled into camp carrying the equipment for the camp. Men came in and began setting up a series of domed and square pop up tents in a circle around a main staging area. They unrolled a black mesh fence and drove a series of posts into the ground. They strung razor wire over the top of the fence with a trip circuit to detect any movement. Then they brought in concrete refinforced barriers to place around the fence There was a single entrance large enough for the trucks with a very powerful scanner. Most were speaking a mix of arabic, english, and hindi. What looked like several toy helicopters were seen moving over the area of the camp. There was a group of sentries at the entrance of the camp.
19-10-2006, 14:44
The large, 8-whelled transport vehicles pulled into the designated FSAL area. While the transprts unloaded, a large group of ISDF soldiers and engineers set up a perimeter while setting up large sheets of titanium alloy sheets around their projects. at the one entrence to their base, four of their sentry guns were placed to keep out unwanted people. All of this was directed by The High Marshall and his ISDF subordinates.
19-10-2006, 14:53
General Sanchez watched as his armored column of T-8 R-4's and T-8A R-5s rumbled through main street towards their staging area. in the midst of heavy tanks and artillery pieces were a few of the new RAG TA-1 R-6's, the newest edition to the UCMS's arsenal. The armor moved into the already prepared staging area, a large boxed in parking lot with high concrete walls with "dragons teeth" littered all around it. inside was the already prepared FSS SpecOps and FDF-9 along with some troops boasting the new anti tank weapon, the R-3H.
Waldenburg 2
19-10-2006, 21:30
The communique was receivied quite happily by Major General James Brannesburg and he quickly arranged for a Patrol boat to take him to his preapproved destination. It was a long ride over and the boat was to small to allow him any privacy so he sat arms folded around his case looking off at Islands and marine life flashing by. The Harbour was also a dingy affair when he arrived not one timpani in sight. He sighed but stepped of the boat and onto foreign soil.
An armed escort soon found and drove him to a well lit and modern bunker which seemed to contradict the country so far by it's approch to clean floors. He was seated in front of a UCMS commander and finally unlocked the brief case off his wrist.
"Well It's good to finally be off with that," the Chancellor spoke roughly as he waited seven seconds before undoing each of the latches and then entering a code into a flip up panel. "The United Kingdom understands that the UCMS is, like most nations should be persuing a space program." He finished by inserting a key in a smaller case which had been enclosed in his brief case.
"Before you are quite simply PAC plans for a heavily armed and armoured Space shuttle which should launch within the next two or three years. We are willing to sell you these designs, for not only a well made and cheap space shuttle design but a great tactical advantage. We offer you a step up above the PAC, but also a valuable bargaining tool with America or some of the other great Empires. All you must do is change hull design and the PAC need never know."
The General smiled as he flicked out the plans also thowing out plans for the chemical rockets. "What we ask is very simple for these plans which could be 'regifted' as many times as you like. We ask for one thing that as many unfortunate accidents as possible to befall the Quebec delegation to the arms fair. After that we ask 50 Billion US, a triffle, and we be allowed to piggeyback along with your space program. We are also going with the PAC but it will not be out of order to partake of two space programs, so they shall not suspect much. This plan seems perfect to me and the Chancellor assures me that no blame for any action shall fall on the UCMS. I await your government's response." The general's smile was huge and all encompassing inviting the world to join in the joke.
OOC Sorry to Rp a bit for you but I find it so difficult to do the arriving in a different country in more then one or two sentances. I'll change it if you had other plans, but it just takes far less time.
19-10-2006, 22:28
IC: Secret . In the camp, at night, one of the two foot helicopter uavs patrolling the camp changes color matching the sky with an optical skin. It changes to stealth mode. The rotors switch to quiet mode. Then it rises over the camp making a slow circle photographing each of the camp sites, with a variety of miniaturized imagery tools, infrared, nightvision, etc. It flies in a general pattern covering each campsite. Then it returns to the base camp.
20-10-2006, 04:46
Commander Bejalia smiled. Sabatoge. He loved Sabotage. "It will be done, General Brandenburg, I have 'Top Men' on it right now." Those "Top Men" were the FDF-7, a group of Sabotuers trained in python rising to assist rebel activities. "How do you want this done General? I have three options. Option A: I Ram a tanker truck filled with Hydrogen and Oxygen into the camp, ignite it, and blame it on a blown tire and reckless driving by the part of the front company. Option B: We implace some "mechanical difficultys on their aircraft and tanks, causing a nasty bang. Or my favorite, Option C: 'The Evil CALF forces rise again and storm arms fair. Mexican Forces able to push out the rebels but a stray fuel air bomb lands directly on the quebecian base, killing the president and his top generals. It is your choice Mr. Brandenburg. Anything you ask can be done."
"As for the spacecraft," General Ruiz, head of the Federal Air Force,"we would be happy to oblige. We could cover the sudden research with some 'well spent money in R&D.' That usually works. Plus, we were looking into a seagoing space elevator much like The Ottoman Indiastan Confederacy's, and would be happy to share it with the great government of the UK."
"And the Payment," said The Colonel,"Isnt a problem. In fact, if you would like, we can offer each of you part partnership in our prestigous Jamaican sugar can fields, the finest in Central America and the Caribbean."
OOC: This meeting between the UK and UCMS is in a top secret, high security bunker, taking place in a room covered noise absorbing materials with an outer coating of lead in between the walls. YOU CANNOT HEAR THIS MEETING.
Those weird people
20-10-2006, 05:06
Quebec Camp
The AA system was finally setup, and the terrain and environment mapping complete. His engineers had finished setting up the sensor suites around where the missile ring is, and the long range radars had been set in place about a mile out. They thought that their basic radar had detected a flicker a few nights before, but it was disregarded as a simple fluke in the weather. So far there had been no security breeches into the double fences that surrounded the camp, and Pierre expected it to stay that way. He would make sure that there was a seperate unit of guards for each site and sensor station to ensure that the British nor anyone else got close to the sites until after the arms fair, at which time the UCMS would take possession. He was glad the Q-1 boxes were covered with other various crates so that no one would even be able to tell what they were. His own men didn't even know that they were actually mechs. He was also very glad to have the PFRQ on site... he knew that the main reason it was here was more for security than for actual showing off. He smiled as he watched the soldiers unload from the PBP-99's...
OOC: Ok, if you were wondering what the sensor suites are, they make use of a very broad spectrum of sensor data to put together targetting info for the missiles. I figure that by now computers would be plenty fast enough to process all this information, and that's why we don't exactly use something like this anyway. It pretty much takes readings from the full spectrum, visual and otherwise, thermal signals, and a passive sonar setup and combines it into a 3d holodesktop that can pretty much defeat most stealth systems. If you're wondering why this was developed anyway, it's because Quebecians are very paranoid people from all the bad things that had been going on in the world. But yeah, thats the sensor suites. They operate on line of sight, so they can't go past the horizon. That's what those long-range radar stations I was talking about are for... simply early warning for big un-stealthed targets. As for the missiles, they are effective against aircraft, orbital bombers that are actually in the atmosphere, and large cruise missiles. And for leading them, they have a variety of electronics that can switch tracking systems midflight from laser guided, to heatseeking, to anti-radar. And the last thing is that each launcher contains 9 missiles in a 3*3 square shape. There is also a vulcan cannon tower by sensor station and missile launcher to shoot down incoming anti-radar missiles and other various missiles, since the sensor stations are mighty pretty targets for such things. And finally, the sensor stations DO have a weakness. They are very sensitive. A near impact (closer than 100 meters) by anything bigger than the average bomb would shock a large number of the sensitive electronics and possibly destroy some of the arrays that are attached to the building. But many of the sensors CAN be shielded from damage by blast walls that can come up during a bombing raid, but it effectively shuts down all but the passive sonar, which is pretty useless during a raid. And yes, they do have a full NBC suite to protect the operators inside.
Those weird people
20-10-2006, 05:12
Commander Bejalia smiled. Sabatoge. He loved Sabotage. "It will be done, General Brandenburg, I have 'Top Men' on it right now." Those "Top Men" were the FDF-7, a group of Sabotuers trained in python rising to assist rebel activities. "How do you want this done General? I have three options. Option A: I Ram a tanker truck filled with Hydrogen and Oxygen into the camp, ignite it, and blame it on a blown tire and reckless driving by the part of the front company. Option B: We implace some "mechanical difficultys on their aircraft and tanks, causing a nasty bang. Or my favorite, Option C: 'The Evil CALF forces rise again and storm arms fair. Mexican Forces able to push out the rebels but a stray fuel air bomb lands directly on the quebecian base, killing the president and his top generals. It is your choice Mr. Brandenburg. Anything you ask can be done."
"As for the spacecraft," General Ruiz, head of the Federal Air Force,"we would be happy to oblige. We could cover the sudden research with some 'well spent money in R&D.' That usually works. Plus, we were looking into a seagoing space elevator much like The Ottoman Indiastan Confederacy's, and would be happy to share it with the great government of the UK."
"And the Payment," said The Colonel,"Isnt a problem. In fact, if you would like, we can offer each of you part partnership in our prestigous Jamaican sugar can fields, the finest in Central America and the Caribbean."
OOC: This meeting between the UK and UCMS is in a top secret, high security bunker, taking place in a room covered noise absorbing materials with an outer coating of lead in between the walls. YOU CANNOT HEAR THIS MEETING.
OOC: sorry for the double post. I know I can't hear this, but I wanted to point out that the only mechanized forces I have are those PBP-99's and the Q-1 mechs, the latter of which no one knows are there. That and there are no aircraft ><. And when I wrote that last post, I had no idea this one even existed, so it's not like I'm adding stuff. I already had most of those ideas planned out.
20-10-2006, 14:30
General Roy after looking at the surveillance pictures was amazed. It looked like there was enough armor here to start a small war. They hadn't planned on bringing in any heavy armor themselves, only mechanized infantry, some heavy weapons for the mechanized infantry, some mini-helicopter uavs and explosives. There were the armored transport trucks, and the power trucks for the mechanized infantry.
General Roy was stunned by the presence of mechs. He didn't think anyone was capable of building a practical mecha. He had originally thought of them as childrens toys. His son Apu had a couple of them from Japan. The pictures were not very clear but they were either a very large robot or a mech.
General Roy ordered the men to build an internal berm around the camp, quite simply a ditch with an earthen wall to help keep out any trucks or tanks. They set aside some of the explosives they were going to test for the ditch so they would have some more protection. They also tried to reinforce the fence and improvised a corridor of explosives in case anything went through the front gate. They loaded up the shiva stacked SMAWS, 40 MM automatic cannons (think Metalstorm), unwrapped the coilgun mortars, armed two of the sentry helicopter uavs with 20 mm guns, and increased the guards.
20-10-2006, 15:39
OOC: sorry for the double post. I know I can't hear this, but I wanted to point out that the only mechanized forces I have are those PBP-99's and the Q-1 mechs, the latter of which no one knows are there. That and there are no aircraft ><. And when I wrote that last post, I had no idea this one even existed, so it's not like I'm adding stuff. I already had most of those ideas planned out.
OOC: well Commander Bejalia isnt exactly up to par on intel at the moment so you wont have to worry about him knowing of your mechs or PBP's.
Those weird people
21-10-2006, 02:49
Pierre called up the person in charge of the arms fair. Once he got a hold of him he told him, "We are requesting that there be a one mile buffer zone around our site for all land forces until the day of the fair, and that there be no overflies by aircraft. Also, in the event that anything happens that would require the use of force, we will take care of it ourselves. Just know this, because we WILL NOT hesitate to shoot down aircraft that breech this security. Also, we will be bringing in a small squadron of fighter aircraft to keep the airspace clear over the site." After the call he went on to other duties...
OOC: I'm going to assume that's ok? I don't want to have to wait for howeverlong it may take for a reply -_-
Meanwhile outside of the camp, several of the officers had heard of the Indiastanii's fortifying their camp, and began such things themselves. Several vulcans were dug in to pop-up positions around strategic locations around the camp. A ditch about 10 feet wide was dug around the fence, which was being fortified somewhat. Luckily, a bunker for storage had been dug for troops and supplies to stay. Also, construction of an airfield had been recently completed for the Quebec fighter jets to come in....
Back in Pierre's office, he received a call from the vice president, Luc Brone. "Mr. President... the people have been petitioning for you to return to Quebec where you will be safe. They know that you wanted to be a part of this personally, but the cabinet also agrees. They think it would be safer for you to be here in Quebec where there won't be the possibility of being killed by a 'stray' artillery shell or missile or whatnot. We will be sending the presidential jet over for you to leave in. We expect to see you soon." Pierre sighed as he hung up and started packing. He would have to leave Colonel Picard in charge while he was gone. He knew that he was a good officer and would take good care of his men.
About 6 hours later the plane arrived and he got on and left without conflict.
21-10-2006, 03:04
President Pierre,
Your buffer zone is granted and your terms accepted.
Colonel Jesus De La Parrion
The Colonel Personally didnt agree with the UK's plot against Quebec, but Marcos would be Marcos; always looking to break things. At least now he had a valid excuse not to attack the Quebecians.
(OOC: sry Waldenburg, but the views in the UCMS gov't are split. Bejalia wants to Pwn quebec but the others dont care as much. so i mean the possibility arises, marcos would pull off an attack, but otherwise, the UCMS cant really do anything about it.)
IC: He did hope for a lasting relationship woth the UK through the space project, though and already had his people wprking on the hull changes to the craft.
UCMS main arms fair base
In the old abandoned pariking lot, much work was being done. As the political prisoners and former revolutionaries of the NLU hammered away at the unbankment around the lot, heavy diggin devices drilled down deep into the ground. 'Why let this lot go to waste?' thought Roberto Amilcar, the head of the project. After the arms fair, the lot would serve as a warehouse for armor and also a new laboratory for the next generation weapons and projects of the UCMS.
Those weird people
21-10-2006, 04:51
Quebec Camp
Colonel Picard watched as his men finished digging the ditch around the camp. He knew that the UK scum would try something before they all left, and he knew that his men would be ready for them. They all had orders to shoot anything non-Quebecian that breeches the buffer zone and airspace. He would have no accidents, and all his men had their night gear ready to keep watch during the warm Mexican nights. He himself had been shocked to hear that they had several Q-1 mechs on site in the case of an extreme emergency, but he understood why they would need them. He had issued a 24/7 surveillance around the cargo crates and around the clock monitoring of the sensor suites that operated the Eagle Eye (official name for the AA+sensor system) missile ring. He would let nothing happen here, else he be shamed for life in his home country...
The Yamatetsu corporate jet touched down on the UCMS airstrip, it's gold and black skin gleaming in the sun, quickly followed by a series of cargo haulers. Stepping out into the brilliant Central American sun, a gaggle of JSDF soldiers trotted out onto the tarmac, their BDU's crisp and clean. A few of them threw a baseball around as they crossed the field, hardly the image of elite troops. The soldiers were relaxed, watching as their trucks and vehicles were unloaded from the planes, chatting idly as they lounged about. A pair of officers watched paternally, before ordering their men to stop clogging the airfield and to move out to the position for the combat exercise. The men took their time, but the group was finally corralled and shoved bodily into the transports as the convoy began to move.
Sitting in their transport, the soldiers of the JSDF quickly ceased their roughhousing and listened attentively to their briefings. A few chuckles were heard at the mention of the Quebecois mecha, which had been spotted by an imagery satellite currently parked above the area. It was like something out of an anime! The soldiers were given a brief rundown on anti-mecha warfare, and the briefing continued, moving on to the deployments of the other forces in the area, pausing for a moment as the troops arrived at their designated area, and set up camp, unloading the cargo trucks that had accompanied them, wooden crates concealing the identity of much of their cargo until it was safely hidden beneath a series of long shelters, quickly erected by the unit's engineers. A group of armored earth-movers went to work, erecting a few anti-tank ditches and berms in a star, along with a few embrasures, where the unit's Type 110's parked. A few variant tanks were parked in the center: A pair of RADAR carriers and anti-aircraft mounts.
With that, the JSDF troops were ready, and resumed their briefings and last minute exercises, along with a healthy dose of entertaining themselves, an impromptu baseball game starting in the fields outside of the camp. The UCMS would surely give them a warning before the games started, so they might as well get some fun in while they could.
He had originally thought of them as childrens toys. His son Apu had a couple of them from Japan.
Perhaps this would be a good time to announce Yamatetsu's planned line of racing and gladiator mecha? Available in both remote operation and internal control! Perfect for teenage Otaku! Numerous safeguards in place for maximal enjoyment and safety!
Oh, and I'll put up details on various armaments later, although I want to keep one a secret. I promise that I won't change any of the details, and that there'll only be 25 of them. Other than that, I'll let you wonder what Yamatetsu and the JSDF has up it's sleeve, although it should raise some eyebrows in the various consumers watching. ;)
Those weird people
21-10-2006, 08:01
OOC: -_-
I thought I mentioned they were in boxes that were covered up... the mechs I mean. It's not like they're activated, they're just ready to BE activated should they need to be used... but whatever 0_o
Waldenburg 2
21-10-2006, 17:38
The Major General smiled across the table, "Very good yes very Good, as for the means of sabotage we shall allow you to pick, as it seems the smallest amount of communication between un is better in this situation. I would like to add that perhaps a better strategy would for 'Quebec' to sabotage us. If a barrage of small missiles were launched from the Quebec area and hit the HMS Handel I believe retaliation is completely justified, by British Warships. As a courtesy I leave all scheming up to you, and your command."
James stopped and slid over the briefcase with the instructions on how to open it. " If Quebec chooses to strike one of our warships, we would perfer if the ship was merely incapacitated instead of destroyed, but sometimes needs must aye? As for payment we shall except the sugar it dosen't really matter, to the Chancellor, it is more important that we light the fuse of a new British Empire, and perhaps the Expansion of the UCMS? I am told it shall work and I have complete confidence that you shall choose the right path in this matter."
21-10-2006, 20:27
as the meeting took place, an FDF-7 Major entered in the door.
"Excuse me, sirs, but we have a minor issue. The military of Quebec has instated a one mile buffer zone between them and all the others. They stated if any land or aircraft enter the zone, theywill be fired upon. Also, the President, Mr. Pierre, has returned to Quebec. Our sabatoge plans are foiled. The only one that could work is CALF forces assaulting the fair, but the Colonel thinks this could move away business on future fairs."
"Damnit!" Marcos yelled as he pounded his fist on the table.
"Commander Bejalia, sir?" the Major asked,"It is still possible for the UK to engage the Quebecians. May I suggest something sir?"
"Yes, Major."
"What if we flew an unmanned aircraft into the buffer zone and had the missile follow the aircraft until it hit the UK's ship? The damage would be little and could be easily overexaggerated by the Chancellor and the General."
"Hmm, That might just work." Marcos smiled.
"As for our joint space program, we were thinking the UCMS, along with some help from the UK, could make an anchored seaport-space elevator in the Atlantic. Not only could our militaries use the elevator for space, but our commercial sectors could use the port as a halfway point between our two nations to resupply. Think about it. It could be a floating city in the sea." exclaimed Admiral Hoyes.
OOC: Work could start immediately with materials bought from the Ottoman Indiastan Confederation.
Those weird people
26-10-2006, 08:24
Quebec Camp
As the sunrose that morning, a large number of 18 wheeled cargo trucks pulled out of the main gates to begin setting up the various stands that would be used during the arms fair, along with the area for the video demo of the mech. By the end of the day, the area had been paved and tents setup. All that was needed was actual equipment and personell, and that would be supplied when the Arms Fair began.