Signup/OOC/Interest Thread for 1856 RP
The Appalacians
07-10-2006, 20:59
This would be an rp that would be like the E20 thread, but it starts in 1854. I chose this because it’s the year the Crimean war started, and the civil war would be coming up, so there would be plenty of action. I already have interest from Estovakia who wants to play as France, and Twighlight’s Crossroads who wants to play as Brazil. I would be South Africa. Is there any interest in this?
France- Estovakia
Britain- open
Prussia- Wanderjar
Russia- open
Japan- open
USA- Amazonian Beasts
Argentina- No Taxes
British Raj- Patrico
Two Sicilies- Voxio
Papal States- open
Brazil- Twighlights Crossroads
Mexico- open
Orange Free State- open
South Africa- The Appalacians
intrested in the era, not so much the RL setting
The Appalacians
07-10-2006, 21:18
Well the point would be to alter the future by playing your country's cards right. But I'm open for suggestions, what do you think the setting should be?
Just the NS World, there's already a ton of RL RP's as it is.
The Appalacians
07-10-2006, 21:27
Well I already have some interested parties, so I hav to see if they're willing to change it. Otherwise, I'm not too opposed to it. I've just been wanting to do an RL rp for a while.
No Taxes
07-10-2006, 23:46
This looks interesting, a RL RP or one with NS nations would be fine with me.
The Appalacians
08-10-2006, 00:30
The Appalacians
08-10-2006, 01:33
Come on people! Show some interest in this!
08-10-2006, 16:05
I think it'd be best if started it in 1854 actually.
The Crimean War began in 1854 and ended in 1856, which I corrected myself on earlier in the week.
In 1854:
Crimea War begins (Russia, Turkey, GB, and France)
Orange Free State recognized (GB/ S. Africa)
Republican Party formed (US)
Kansas-Nebraska Act (US)
French invasion defeated (Mexico)
Suez Canal completed (GB, France, Egypt)
Treaty of Kanagawa (Japan, US)
The Appalacians
09-10-2006, 01:39
okay, 1854 it is. It doesn't really change the era, just what's happening. Just want to get some more people before we start this up.
now I have freind nations here that might be intrested but the RL will likely turn them away. This era never comes up for us often in NSWorld
09-10-2006, 16:13
1854 was chosen for several reasons:
1. The ability to redefine the world and its powers. In RL, we all know what happened. In this world, the date is early enough for serious change and a redefinition of the world powers.
For example, because the Europeans in Asia weren't too strong yet, China still had a chance to rid itself of the Europeans if it decided to modernize and reorganize. Britain and France didn't fully colonize Asia yet and Japan was not yet a great power that would limit China's expansionism.
S. American countries like Brazil and Argentina that showed promise for world power status have the chance to do so, while countries like Mexico, Eithiopia, S. Africa, Venezuela, and Chile with either their strategic resources or strategic location (or both) can become, while maybe not superpowers, can become serious nations that are a lot more capable than they are today. Thus, while people can enjoy the "tried-and-true" industrialized powers with their "awesome pwning power", people who are looking for a challenge and for more freedom can carve out a new future with their own nation and create a new history.
2. 1854 is a pivotal year. The Crimean war begins, one of the first modern conflicts, and involves many major powers. The Suez Canal opened, creating new trading opportunities and helping to lead to the further colonization of Africa. The future of the US political system is being established with the Republican Party being formed, and tensions in the United States are leading the country closer to civil war. Finally, the Treaty of Kanagawa is the pivotal step towards Japan's rapid modernization.
3. Let's face it. NS (especially Int'l Incidents) is about wars and diplomacy. 1854 starts off with a conflict: the Crimean War. (we might as well call this RP "Earth: Crimea" from now on, as people don't know why 1854 was important). Then in 1859 was the Franco-Austrian War, followed in 1861 by the always-interesting American Civil War, the Seven-Weeks War in 1866 (fought between Austria and Prussia), the infamous Franco-Prussian War in 1870, the Russo-Turkish War in 1877, various battles against "uncivilized nations" (i.e. the Indian Wars (in the US), various battles against tribes in Africa, the Maori Pah, Sikhs in India) in the 1870-1890s, the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Boer War in 1899, and at the turn of the century, the Russo-Japanese War in 1904.
Starting earlier than the Crimean War, like around the Napoleanic Wars, might be fun for European powers, but everyone else would be bored. It isolates certain countries like China, Japan, and African countries from the world stage as they live life in a boring-backwards manner. There's nothing fun about fighting with spears and bows, especially when everyone else has rifles. Plus, it'd take a long time.
Starting later misses out on several things, i.e the Crimean War. If we started in 1860-1, European countires would have nothing to do for four years while the American nations would have all the fun. Starting in 1900 would be too late, as the major powers are already established, ane everything would mostly play out the way it has already happened. that and you miss out on a crapload of stuff.
09-10-2006, 16:24
I'll take Prussia.
Edit: And I have an Idea. Start in 1854, but make it free form after that. We don't have to follow the historical timeline, at all. If I wanted to, I could declare war on Brazil. I'm not sure why I'd do that....but I could!
Damn you.... Could I just RP as the British Raj in India?
I've been waiting for an RP similar to this.
Right now I'm gong with the Two Siciles unless you would be willing to let me control all of Italy to prevent the Risorgimento's effect on rps :cool: .
Usually when two or more players control Italy and the Risorgimento begins you will see that the RP either slows down or dies out because the war drags on and on and on.
Also, I'm a good mapmaker and I'd be happy to make maps for the RP [Though I wouldn't be able to do africa and asia could be a bit difficult.]
09-10-2006, 21:11
I'll take Prussia.
Edit: And I have an Idea. Start in 1854, but make it free form after that. We don't have to follow the historical timeline, at all. If I wanted to, I could declare war on Brazil. I'm not sure why I'd do that....but I could!
That is kind of the point, it is going to be a free world. And the timeline starts back far enough where, on paper, a country (like yours) can rule the world (or most of it) if you play your cards right.
09-10-2006, 21:13
Damn you.... Could I just RP as the British Raj in India?
Look at The Appalacians for example. He's going to be S. Africa (which is also British ruled). i'm sure he'll let you be the Raj.
Amazonian Beasts
09-10-2006, 21:43
Is America picked yet?
If not, they're mine.
If so, then I take Japan.
No Taxes
09-10-2006, 22:22
Since everyone seems to be reserving a country, I will take Argentina.
Will we be using an e20 style economic system?
3. Let's face it. NS (especially Int'l Incidents) is about wars and diplomacy. 1854 starts off with a conflict: the Crimean War. (we might as well call this RP "Earth: Crimea" from now on, as people don't know why 1854 was important). Then in 1859 was the Franco-Austrian War, followed in 1861 by the always-interesting American Civil War, the Seven-Weeks War in 1866 (fought between Austria and Prussia), the infamous Franco-Prussian War in 1870, the Russo-Turkish War in 1877, various battles against "uncivilized nations" (i.e. the Indian Wars (in the US), various battles against tribes in Africa, the Maori Pah, Sikhs in India) in the 1870-1890s, the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Boer War in 1899, and at the turn of the century, the Russo-Japanese War in 1904.
Well sounds like that's what this will be regardless.
If it is RL then count me out I hated doing RL, intergrated I can stand, RL, come one play the game not life.
The Appalacians
10-10-2006, 21:24
Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been on all weekend, I was on vacation. The British raj is a little bit weird, but you can have it. The same for Argentina, and yes, America is open. Wunderjar you can also have Prussia. Also, The two sicilies is absolutely fine. Did I miss anyone’s requests? I’ll update the opening post asap.
The Appalacians
10-10-2006, 23:58
Amazonian Beasts
11-10-2006, 00:04
The Appalacians
11-10-2006, 20:43
The Appalacians
15-10-2006, 22:30
Before this starts, we really need a person to play as britain. So, thats why this is taking so long.
15-10-2006, 22:31
ill take Britain
15-10-2006, 22:33
ill take Japan
No Taxes
15-10-2006, 22:55
Since Voxio's question has still not been answered I will ask it again, are we going to use an E20-style point system?