Military Exercises 2006: OOC thread (Open for now, MT)
Van Luxemburg
07-10-2006, 13:47
(OOC: CLOSED. IC Thread: Here ( Battle thread: Here (
From: MILEX Organisation, General-Major Daniël Waldmann.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Van Luxemburgian Grand Duchy would like to invite foreign military forces to our Military Exercises 2006. In this exercise, we will train against and with foreign militaries, to gain experience and exchange information. Every nation reading this is invited to come, as spectators, referees, or players. We would like to receive a confirmation that your nation will be visiting MILEX, which includes:
-Organization of forces visiting MILEX
-If they are spectator/referee/player.
included with this invitation is the MILEX Briefing.
We would like to receive your response,
Daniël Waldmann,
General-Major of the Grand-Ducal Marechaussee,
Commander of MILEX Arbitration.
Brieifing (Rules, Hints, info...):
Here (PDF file, needs Acrobat Reader) (
(I'm open for tips about better hosting sites)
OOC Info:
-I'm looking for good RP'ers. No single-line posts.
-No godmoding, but I guess that's clear to all.
-This is strictly MT. I don't want ETC cannons either. If you have tanks or other weaponry with ETC cannons, please leave them at home, or pretend you have mounted conventional guns. This applies to all equipment that can be doubted MT. MT in my terms is 2006-2010.
-I've been using actual road maps and online map sites to plan this battle. Please be realistic with your troop movements. e.g. A tank can''t move across the battle area in one day. If this happens however, The IC MILEX Arbiters can decide to punish you. Possible punishments are in the briefing.
A good site to visit and check out the Battle Area, plus plan your movements, is The roads are in great detail, which is an advantage in my opinion.
-Please contact me over MSN if you have questions you don't want to ask here; or require long conversations.
-I prefer that you include your organization for this battle. I don't need an in-depth story at all, just a short organization (e.g. what divisions, how many tanks, IFV's, type)
-I use RL AFB's for this exercise; ( is a great site which has all the info on those bases.
PLANNED START DATE: The 24th of October 2006.
Current allocation:
VL Side:
-Van Luxemburg (CO)
-Listeneisse (CO)
-Hurtful Thoughts
Troops organization, Van Luxemburg
Fighting Personnel:
Fireteam: 4
Squad: 12
Peloton: 36
Compagnie: 144
Bataljon: 576
Brigade: 2304
5 Mechanised Brigades (of which 3 are based in the Alps and thus specialised in mountain warfare)
Company, mechanised. (90 men auxiliary per Compagnie)
HQ Group:
2 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90
1 VAB PC vehicle
MP Group
2 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90 (Marechaussee)
Treatment Group
2 DAF TROPCO 8x8 + Aanhanger
Medical Group
1 VAB Medical
Peloton I:
I Group (Squad I)
4 SPz-9/VBCI/LT-5 (12 crew)
II Group (Squad II)
4 SPz-9/VBCI/LT-5 (12 crew)
III Group (Squad III)
4 SPz-9/VBCI/LT-5 (12 crew)
Peloton II
36 Soldiers +mortar
Peloton III
36 soldiers + mortar
Peloton IV
36 Soldiers + mortar
Extra Auxiliary units:
10 DAF TROPCO/Renault Kerax logistical trucks.
4 Compagnies form a Bataljon. Extra for a bataljon: (404 men auxiliary per bataljon)
HQ Group:
2 Eagle IV
2 Toyota Landcruiser 90
1 VAB PC vehicle
MP Group:
2 Eagle IV/ Toyota Landcruiser 90
Treatment group:
1 Ppz-3 Recovery vehicle
1 DAF Tropco 8x8 Recovery Vehicle
Medical group:
1 Renault Kerax Operatievoertuig (Medical Surgery vehicle)
4 bataljons make up a Brigade. Extra for a Brigade: (1757 men auxiliary)
HQ Group:
4 Toyota Landcruiser 90
2 DAF TROPCO trucks.
2 DAF Mobile Command Posts
MP Group:
5 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90
Medical Group:
Mobile Medical Complex, loaded up onto 5 DAF TROPCO trucks.
Close Air Support Group:
10 NH-90 Transport helicopters
15 Tigre Attack Helicopters
5 Armoured Brigades (of which 2 stationed in the Alps and thus specialised in mountain warfare)
Compagnie (Rest of organization is the same as for Mechanised units)
HQ Group:
2 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90
1 VAB PC vehicle
MP Group
2 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90 (Marechaussee)
Treatment Group
1 Ppz-3 recovery vehicle
2 DAF TROPCO 8x8 + Aanhanger
Medical Group
1 VAB Medical
Peloton I (with BdC-15’s):
6 BdC-15 Éléphant (each separate tank forms a squad/fireteam)
Peloton I (With Leopard 2A6EX)
Group I
4 Leopard 2A6EX
Group II
5 Leopard 2A6EX
Peloton I (With Leclerc)
Group I
4 Leclerc
Group II
4 Leclerc
Group III
4 Leclerc
Peloton II
See above.
Peloton III
See above.
Peloton IV
See above
Extra Auxiliary units:
10 DAF TROPCO/Renault Kerax logistical trucks witch detachable trailers.
Per Brigade, one Artillery Bataljon is included.
HQ Group:
2 Eagle IV
2 Toyota Landcruiser 90
1 VAB PC vehicle
MP Group:
2 Eagle IV/ Toyota Landcruiser 90
Treatment group:
1 Ppz-3 Recovery vehicle
1 DAF Tropco 8x8 Recovery Vehicle
Medical group:
1 Renault Kerax Operatievoertuig (Medical Surgery vehicle)
Compagnie buildup:
HQ Group:
2 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90
1 VAB PC vehicle
MP Group
2 Eagle IV/Toyota Landcruiser 90 (Marechaussee)
Treatment Group
1 Ppz-3 recovery vehicle
2 DAF TROPCO 8x8 + Aanhanger
Medical Group
1 VAB Medical
Peloton I (with Pzh2000):
6 Pzh-2000
Peloton II
See above.
Peloton III
Group I:
Group II
Group III
Peloton IV
Group I
3 AMX-30 AuF1
Group II
3 AMX-30 AuF1
Group III
3 AMX-30 AuF1
10 DAF TROPCO/Renault Kerax logistical trucks witch detachable trailers.
3 Korps's of Spezialkommando "Lëtzebuerg" (Special Forces) (300 men total)
Totalling: 40910 men
56 Wing: 96 Eurofighter 2000's (4992 men personnel)
12 Wing: 96 Rafale (4992 men personnel)
887 Squadron: 24 A400M Transport aircraft (1320 men)
745 Squadron: 24 C-295 Light Transport Aircraft (1320 men)
67 UAV Squadron: 24 RFz-5 "Schwalbe" U(C)AV (1248 men)
5412 Patrol: 4 Boeing E-3 Sentry (240 men)
Totalling: 14112 men
Grand total: 55022 men + 44978 extra logistical personnel (makes 100,000)
Units from the Marechaussee are the referees for this exercise. Foreign referees are welcome.
Included are:
200 Eagle IV 4x4's
600 Toyota Landcruiser 90 4x4's
50 NH-90 transport helicopters
5 Airbus A330 MRTT Tanker aircraft
Local Police will assist the arbitration where possible.
(OOC: It isn't necessary to get the exact composition like this.)
To: MILEX Organisation, General-Major Daniël Waldmann.
We have recently become aware of a military exercise hosted by your organization and wish to be a small part of it. We will be sending a special operations taskforce aided by a small number of vehicles (to be detailed later), as well we wish to send an arbiter to oversee the operations.
It is a relatively small taskforce with less than fifty operatives. Also, we wish to be on VL's side in this exercise.
General Malcolm Granger III,
28 Operatives
4x Legionnaire S-15
1x King Zeus MBT
1x AH-12 Phoenix
1x MHX-20 Zenith
07-10-2006, 17:45
[ Try Freewebs or Fileden?
Anyway, tagged; I've got to go get my glasses fixed, so I'll post when I get back. ]
07-10-2006, 22:39
OOC: I'll pose later, when I manage to sort out my OOB.
DMG, one thing: he mentioned this was strictly MT, and at least your King Zeus MBT has debatable systems (skimming its stats, the ETC cannon). Please re-check.
OOC: I'll pose later, when I manage to sort out my OOB.
DMG, one thing: he mentioned this was strictly MT, and at least your King Zeus MBT has debatable systems (skimming its stats, the ETC cannon). Please re-check.
ooc: I know... I read. Which is why I am not including most of that stuff in this RP.
Van Luxemburg
08-10-2006, 06:15
From: General-Major Daniël Waldmann
To: General Malcolm Granger III, SAC-IC-ADF
You have been accepted into MILEX 2006. Your participation has been noted, and your troops will be added to the Van Luxemburg side.
General-Major Daniël Waldmann,
OOC: And yes, check those vehicles. For the rest, it's OK.
08-10-2006, 07:13
OOC: Tag! I'll see if I have time. I do have a question, are these games going to in a certain area, or all over the world?
Hurtful Thoughts
08-10-2006, 07:30
-Organization of forces visiting MILEX
-If they are spectator/referee/player.
To: MILEX Organisation, General-Major Daniël Waldmann.
We are very pleased withthe timing of this exercise, as our country is rapidly rearming and reorganising its forces and doctorine, both tactical and strategic.
We shall send a force of near proportional composition as we plan on using in the event of a full blown war.
Note: I originally posted OLD organization of divisions so some Marine and Army units
3 Army militia Divisions
Note: at units at or smaller than platoon, their organization varies considerable from both the Marine, police, and Army system.
Per division:
Militia Division:
20,000 men
20,000 CM-26 Squad Automatic Rifles
10,000 HM-203 Grenade launchers
5,000 MMP-1 UAVs
500 MC-5 mortars
500 HT-5 trucks
500 Truck drawn 10 ton wagons
2,000 horses
Mechanized Army Brigades*
4,000 men
4,000 CM-26 Squad Automatic Rifles
2,000 HM-203 Grenade launchers
2,000 MMP-1 UAVs
20 HT-106
60 HT-101
10 HTC-8 or similar specialised artillery vehicle based on HT-101 hull
20 CC-5
40 MC-5
2 Mobile Army Brigades*
8,000 men
1 Division = 5 brigades
8,000 CM-26 Squad Automatic Rifles
4,000 HM-203 Grenade launchers
4,000 MMP-1 UAVs
300 HT-5 trucks
100 CC-5 cannons
200 MC-5 mortars
1 Mechanized Marine Battalion*
675 men
675 CM-26 Squad Automatic Rifles
335 M-203 Grenade launchers
25 HT-101
25 HT-501
25 HT-5
25 CC-5
25 MC-5
5 HT-106 heavy tanks
1 CH-47
1 Marine Patrol brigade
3,025 men
3,025 CM-26 Squad Automatic Rifles
1,500 HM-203 Grenade launchers
1,000 horses
60 Wagons
60 MC-5
600 cavalrymen
One Marine Raider company
(Organization pending, formerly headed by the FBIA [Federal Boreu of Internal Affairs] and was not strictly regulated)
Approxomate force of 160 troops
they are issued CM-26 /w/ or w/o HM-203, body armor and a CCZ-75
It is doubtful that they are given much else...
As a side note, I'm replacing the RPG-7 with an easier to carry 40 mm underbarrel rocket\grenade launcher.
Militia: 60,000
Army: 12,000
Marines: 4,120
Total: 76,120
*Proportion would have been 10 Militia Divisions per regular division, and a 3:1 ratio of Army to Marines
This will have been my smallest official deployment since reorganization
(Marine Raiders generally continue to operate independently of military operations approval)
08-10-2006, 08:51
[OOC: Tagged this thread has been. Now, to get my order of battle up....]
I'd be happy to join.I'm obsessed with military stuff.Can you give me details on my force size? It'll be the ARRF (Antigran Rapid Reaction Force).I'll give you details about ARRF Units if you want.
Van Luxemburg
08-10-2006, 13:36
Hosagovinia (OOC): That info is in the .PDF file, it plays in the Alps. I might want to remember all that Van Luxemburg is based off Europe, and isn't exactly Europe. It has, for example, it's own continent, and has no bordering nations. How it originally became that way is quite a long story, and I'll spare you that.
Hurtful Thoughts (IC):
From: General-Major Daniël Waldmann
To: Hurtful Thoughts
You have been accepted into MILEX 2006. Your participation has been noted, and your troops will be added to the OPFOR side.
General-Major Daniël Waldmann,
Hurtful Thoughts (OOC): You have been placed with OPFOR to even out the sides. I'll be checking your vehicles soon enough, but a thing I can tell you right now that it's not really a good idea to have horses. They are more sensitive to cold (Might want to say that the Brenner Pass, in the summer, was as cold as 9 degrees Celsius. It was 25-30 degrees in the valley. Now look at the time of year this will be playing in, wityh possible snow. It could be minus 20 there if it's zero degrees Celsius down on the ground) and aren't that quick as this exercise should need. My expectation is that both sides will rush for the main roads with helicopter-bourne troops, which will rapidly redeploy along the road to defend it, with the heavy units patrolling around it or attacking together with other heli-bourne troops.
btw, do you have a quote on how much logistical troops will be there?
Antigr (OOC): There's a maximum of 100,000 troops including logistical personnel. This includes all departments of the military (but Airforce and Ground troops are the smartest to take with you). I would like to see some details about ARRF units, sure.
ooc: Tag. Interested but will make an IC post at a later date when I know if ive got the time to do this.
Van Luxemburg
08-10-2006, 14:42
For people who were asking themselves or me what the battle area will be, the red outline in this map will show you.
so, the A4 Autostrada from Venice-Milan-Turin, the French and Eastern borders, And the line Freiburg-München-Passau.
start positions are along the north and south lines.
Hurtful Thoughts
08-10-2006, 19:17
I think I'll land in Venice and Trieste.
Battle plan: OOC
Then take A4 to converge at A23 and A27 and head north.
Though I doubt the Marine raiders will follow those instructions.
Forgot to add my air contingent
Auxillary Air Division part of Militia
20,000 men
400 UL-2000 "Minions"
100 FMX-6B "Turkey Vultures"
Heavy Cargo planes (steam turbine powered, as proven feasable by the Germans in 1944)
200 Assault gliders
20 Mi-26 Halo Helicopters
Don't worry, I'll replace the ECM/EMP equpment with a pair of colored flares, just make sure the other side agrees to power down when they see it within effective range.
Oh, and logistics are included in the divisions (Horses used for their mountain handling compared to heavy trucks, and simply are to lug heavy weapons such as mortars)
The Militia and Patrol provide considerable logistics with strong secondary combat capabilities.
A light heli-borne assualt on one of these units would be suicidal.
BTW, nerf the powerplant on the HT series AFV's to 1,000 combined HP.
12,800 make up the spearhead as the rest are the shaft...
08-10-2006, 20:55
OOC: Just wanted to tell oyu I'm here and aware of the thread, VL. I'll be posting something more than a tag when my minds clear enough to think, and not fogged with the damned aftereffects of sleep.
Ok,here's the details on Antigran Military Structure:
Organisation Table:
7 Men,Led by Corporal/Sergeant of lower rank
25 Men,Led by a Leiutenant
100 Men,Led by a Captain
500 Men,Led by a Major
3000 Men,Led by a Colonel or Leuitenant-Colonel
12,000 Men (can be swelled to 20,000 in extreme cases),
Led by a Brigadier-General (1 Star),or more commonly,a Leiutenant-General (2-Star)
Anything from the Strength of 2 to 6 Divisions,the most common being of 2 or 3 Division's Strength,Led by a Major-General (3-Star)
Several Divisions,the record Group being the size of of 6 Corps-Size units.
Led by a General (4-Star)
The title says it all.Led by a Commander-General (5-Star)
Ranks and Insignia:
Chevron = ^
Stripe = A Horizontal line bent slightly in the middle.Sort of in between '-' and 'U'
Bar = l
Oak Leaf = title explains it all
Eagle = title explains it all
Star = title explains it all
PRIVATE:1 Chevron
PRIVATE FIRST CLASS (PFC):1 Chevron and 1 Stripe underneath
CORPORAL:2 Chevrons
SERGEANT:3 Chevrons
MASTER SERGEANT: (Also known as 'Staff Sergeant'):3 Chevrons and 1 Stripe underneath
CAPTAIN:Silver 2 Bars
MAJOR:Silver Oak Leaf
COLONEL:Silver Eagle
MAJOR-GENERAL:3 Silver Stars
GENERAL:4 Silver Stars
COMMANDER-GENERAL:A ring of 5 Silver Stars
Van Luxemburg
09-10-2006, 17:22
Antigr (OOC): Erm, I'm sorry, but I can't make up what you're sending to MILEX with that. I need just details on what you're sending, how many tanks, etcetera. Thanks in advance. :p
09-10-2006, 18:05
TO: General-Major Daniël Waldmann, MILEX Organization, Van Luxemburg
FROM: Minister Alexia Daecher, Ministry of Defense, Wingarde
SUBJECT: Wingarde's participation in MILEX 2006 confirmed
I hereby confirm the participation of the Federal Armed Forces in the upcoming MILEX 2006 military excercises. We are honoured to be held in such great esteem by the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg, and appreciate the reservation of a position in your side.
This opportunity will not only bring experience to our military personnel in the Federal Army and Federal Air Force against what other world powers can muster, but also perhaps develop coordination with our allies, which may prove useful should a real conflict arise.
I have attached our forces' Order of Battle (ORBAT) to this letter. Should you require our equipment's specifications, please refer to our defense catalogs. Do not hesitate to ask me if you feel you need further information about any aspect of our military elements.
Yours sincerely,
Alexia Daecher,
Minister of Defense,
Democratic States of Wingarde
Federal Army Elements (69,120 total personnel)
2. Fallschirmjäger-brigade
2nd Airborne Infantry Brigade
Frontline personnel: 4,320 men
Logistics personnel: 1,440 men
Vehicle density: Very low
Vehicle types: Airdroppable, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable and self-propelled (RPW-5)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
4. Fallschirmjäger-brigade
4th Airborne Infantry Brigade
Frontline personnel: 4,320 men
Logistics personnel: 1,440 men
Vehicle density: Very low
Vehicle types: Airdroppable, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable and self-propelled (RPW-5)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
5. Fallschirmjäger-brigade
5th Airborne Infantry Brigade
Frontline personnel: 4,320 men
Logistics personnel: 1,440 men
Vehicle density: Very low
Vehicle types: Airdroppable, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable and self-propelled (RPW-5)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
9. Fallschirmjäger-brigade
9th Airborne Infantry Brigade
Frontline personnel: 4,320 men
Logistics personnel: 1,440 men
Vehicle density: Very low
Vehicle types: Airdroppable, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable and self-propelled (RPW-5)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
1. Gebirgsjäger-brigade
1st Mountain Infantry Brigade
Frontline personnel: 4,608 men
Logistics personnel: 1,152 men
Vehicle density: Very low
Vehicle types: Light, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-2, WR-4T)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable, self-propelled (RPW-5) and helicopters (WR-2)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
7. Gebirgsjäger-brigade
7th Mountain Infantry Brigade
Frontline personnel: 4,608 men
Logistics personnel: 1,152 men
Vehicle density: Very low
Vehicle types: Light, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-2, WR-4T)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable, self-propelled (RPW-5) and helicopters (WR-2)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
55. Mechanisierte-brigade
55th Mechanized Brigade
Frontline personnel: 2,304 men
Logistics personnel: 3,456 men
Vehicle density: Medium
Vehicle types: Various (LPW-9, KP-3, MZP-8, PH-7, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-2, WR-4T, WR-6)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable, self-propelled (KP-3, RPW-5) and helicopters (WR-2, WR-6)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86) and self-propelled (PH-7)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
88. Mechanisierte-brigade
88th Mechanized Brigade
Frontline personnel: 2,304 men
Logistics personnel: 3,456 men
Vehicle density: Medium
Vehicle types: Various (LPW-9, KP-3, MZP-8, PH-7, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-2, WR-4T, WR-6)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable, self-propelled (KP-3, RPW-5) and helicopters (WR-2, WR-6)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86) and self-propelled (PH-7)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
13. Artillerie-brigade
13th Artillery Brigade
Frontline personnel: 1,440 men
Logistics personnel: 4,320 men
Vehicle density: High
Vehicle types: Mostly artillery, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, PH-7, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-2)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable, self-propelled (RPW-5) and helicopters (WR-2)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86) and self-propelled (PH-7)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
6. Panzer-brigade
6th Armoured Brigade
Frontline personnel: 1,440 men
Logistics personnel: 4,320 men
Vehicle density: High
Vehicle types: Mostly heavy, various (LPW-9, KP-3, MZP-8, PH-7, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-2, WR-4T, WR-6)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable, self-propelled (KP-3, RPW-5) and helicopters (WR-2, WR-6)
Artillery support: Field guns (FHX86) and self-propelled (PH-7)
Total personnel: 5,760 men
11. Logistik-brigade
11th Logistics Brigade
Defensive personnel: 576 men
Supply personnel: 5,184 men
Vehicle density: Very high
Vehicle types: Predominantly logistical, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-4T)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable and self-propelled (RPW-5)
Artillery support: None
Total personnel: 5,760 men
14. Logistik-brigade
14th Logistics Brigade
Defensive personnel: 576 men
Supply personnel: 5,184 men
Vehicle density: Very high
Vehicle types: Predominantly logistical, various (LPW-9, MZP-8, RAP-2, RPW-5, WR-4T)
Air defense: Man-portable and self-propelled (MZP-8)
Anti-tank capabilities: Man-portable and self-propelled (RPW-5)
Artillery support: None
Total personnel: 5,760 men
Federal Air Force Elements (29,544 total personnel)
52. Jagdfliegerdivision
52nd Fighter Air Division
Effective personnel: 384 men
Ground personnel: 8,448 men
Total personnel: 8,832 men
Aircraft: 192 x WF-27 Firebolts, 192 x WF-33 Avengers
Total aircraft: 384 planes
11. Zerstörerfliegerdivision
11th Heavy Fighter Air Division
Effective personnel: 384 men
Ground personnel: 8,448 men
Total personnel: 8,832 men
Aircraft: 384 x WF-33 Avengers
Total aircraft: 384 planes
70. Schlachtfliegerdivision
70th Strike Air Division
Effective personnel: 672 men
Ground personnel: 8,448 men
Total personnel: 9,120 men
Aircraft: 288 x WF-33 Avengers, 96 x WF-27 Firebolts
Total aircraft: 384 planes
198. Transportgruppe
198th Transport Group
Effective personnel: 312 men
Ground personnel: 1,056 men
Total personnel: 1,368 men
Aircraft: 36 x WT-19 Skymasters, 12 x WT-25 Stratolifters
Total aircraft: 48 planes
3. Kommandogruppe
3rd Command Group
Effective personnel: 336 men
Ground personnel: 1,056 men
Total personnel: 1,392 men
Aircraft: 48 x WE-19 Skywatchers
Total aircraft: 48 planes
TOTAL: 98,674 men
10-10-2006, 16:33
Ministry of Defense
The Government of Kahanistan would like to send 100,000 troops to take part in this military exercise.
The tentative order of battle follows in the accompanying attachment.
General Nora Kasagawa,
Minister of Defense
Forces: 100,000 Republic Guards (10,000 combat, 90,000 support / logistics)
32nd Maintenance Division (25,000 troops, mainly support)
1,600 Humvees
400 Nammer Armored Recovery Vehicles
250 UH-60 Blackhawks
3 heavy weapons battalions (500 troops each) - convoy protection forces
37th Maintenance Division (25,000 troops)
1,100 Humvees
500 Nammer ARV's
300 Blackhawks
4 HW battalions
43rd Maintenance Division (25,000)
1,550 Humvees
550 Nammers
300 Blackhawks
3 HW battalions
108th Repair and Resupply Brigade (5,000 troops)
10 Merkava III MBT's
200 Humvees
40 Blackhawks
119th Repair and Resupply Brigade (5,000 troops)
300 infantry
300 Humvees
30 Blackhawks
137th Repair and Resupply Brigade (5,000 troops)
200 infantry
40 Nammer ARV's
40 Blackhawks
42nd Infantry Brigade (5,000)
6 infantry battalions (3,000)
2 armored battalions (1,000)
- 250 Merkava IV MBT's
2 artillery battalions (1,000)
- 100 Machbet AA systems
- 100 Al Fao 210mm guns
49th Armored Brigade (5,000)
7 armored battalions (3,500)
- 875 Merkava IV MBT's
1 artillery battalion (500)
- 100 Machbet AA systems
2 infantry battalions (1,000)
Total strength: 100,000
ARRF Forces in total will be exactly 9 Divisions and 1 Regimet (111,000 Personnel)
Read my other post about division strength.I could have sent in more,but there's only 11 Divisions comprising ARRF and the AAPC combined.I'm sorry i can't give you a big list like the others,but you can work out how many squads,Officers,etc. by reading my other post.
(Note:AAPC is the Antigran Airborne Paratrooper Corps)
However,i can give you a short list of divisions.You will not notice any supply/logistics units because in the Antigran Military,Supplies/Logistics are comprised within other units whre needed,instead of being separate.
1st,2nd,5th,and 9th ARRF Infantry Divisions
7th Para Infantry Division
557th Para Infantry Regiment (Part of the 8th Para Infantry Division,which is not being deployed except for the 557th)
3rd and 20th ARRF Tank divisions
12th ARRF Armoured Division
6th ARRF Division
10-10-2006, 17:22
The Colony of Ollieland would be honoured to take part in these excercises with the following forces;
(Each Battalion/Wing consists of 10 coys/sqdns, each coy/sqdn consists of 100 men)
(ASV = Armoured Support Vehicle, consistiong of Air defence units, command vehicles, ambulances, recon vehicles, etc)
24th Combat Division (12,000 men)
- 1st Infantry Regiment (4,000 men)
- - 1st Infantry Battalion (1,000 men) (7 x Inf coys (3 x ASVs, 7 x APCs each), 2 x LtArm coys (2 x ASUs, 21 x Light Tanks each), 1 x Art coy (12 x APCs, 12 x Howitzers))
- - 2nd Infantry Battalion (1,000 men)
- - Armoured Battalion (1,000 men) (4 x LtArm coys, 4 x Hvy Arm coys (2 x ASVs, 21 x MBTs each), MechArt coy (1 x ASV, 31 Self prop Howitzers), AirCav coy (10 x Combat Helos))
- - Support Battalion (Command coy (13 x ASVs), Med Coy (20 x ASVs), Log coy, Recon Coy (32 x ASVs), MP coy (32 x ASVs), Chemical & Biological Warfare coy (12 x ASVs), 2 x Air Defence coys (32 x ASVs each), 2 x Eng coys (13 x ASVx each)
112th Combat Division (12,000 men)
- As above
288th Combat Division (12,000 men)
- As above
8th Airborne Division (12,000 men)
- 1st Airborne Regiment (4,000 men)
- - Airborne Battalion (10 x Airborne coys (2 x Transport helos each))
- - Air Cavalry Battalion (10 x AirCav coys)
- - Air Portable Battalion (10 x AirPort coys (3 x Transport airships, 6 x Light Tanks))
- - Air Support Battalion (ABCommand coy ( 1 support zepp), 2 x ABMed coys (1 x support zepp), 2 x ABEng coys (1 x support zepp each), 2 x ABAir Def coys (2 x combat zepps each), AB Mp coy (1 x support zepp), 1 x AB CBW (1 x support zepp, 5 x ASVs), 1 x Log coy)
- 2nd Airborne Regiment (4,000 men)
- Parachute Regiment (4,000 men)
- - 1st Parachute Battalion (10 x Para coys (2 x transport aircraft each))
- - 2nd Parachute Battalion
- - Air Portable Battalion
- - Airborne Suppport Battalion
- - Independent Airborne Reconnaissance Battalion (1,000 men) (10 x ABRecon coys (4 x transport helos each))
- - Independent Pathfinder Batttalion (1,000 men) (10 x Path coys (2 x transport aircraft each))
- Legion Etranger d'Ollieland Regiment (4,000 men)
- - Air Cavalry Battalion
- - Airborne Battalion
- - Air Portable Battalion
- - Parachute Battalion
- - Legion Etranger d'Ollieland Airborne Support Battalion (1,000 men)
- - Legion Etranger d'Ollieland Air Battalion (1,000 men) (4 x Fighter sqdns (10 x combat aircraft each), 4 x Fighter/Bomber Sqdns (10 x combat aircraft each), 2 x Base coys (10 x ASVs each)
52nd Colonial Airforce Operational Combat Section (12,000 men)
- 1st Combat Group
- - Fighter Wing (10 x Fighter sqdns)
- - Fighter/Bomber Wing (10 x Fighter/Bomber sqdns)
- - Bomber Wing (9 x Bomber Sqdns (5 x combat aircraft each), ELINT sqdn (5 x support aircraft))
- - Base Wing (Command sqdn (1 x support zepp), 2 x Air Defence sqdns (2 x combat zepps each), Base Construction coy, Log coy, Inf coy, Firefighter sqdn ( 2 x support zepps), Base ELINT sqdn (1 x support zepp), 2 x Transport sqdns (2 x transport zepps each))
Total Forces
Men = 80,000
MBTs = 504
Light Tanks = 1386
APCs = 1472
ASVs = 2330
Howitzers = 186
Self Propelled Howitzers = 186
Combat Zeppelins = 28
Transport/Support Zeppelins = 160
Combat Aircraft = 815
Transport/Support Aircraft = 95
Combat Helos = 360
Transport Helos = 60
For full ,military details see
Hurtful Thoughts
10-10-2006, 17:45
ARRF Forces in total will be exactly 9 Divisions and 1 Regimet (111,000 Personnel)
There's a cap of 100,000 troops per nation, you'll have to get rid of a division...
I suggest 2nd ARRF Infantry Division
10-10-2006, 18:44
OOC: I'm sorry, but... zeppelins? :rolleyes:
10-10-2006, 19:34
An eventful year had gone by in the Kingdom of Listeneisse. Since the last MILEX exercises, the nation expanded by an order of magnitude from a fairly sizeable alliance of 180 million souls into a continental-sized power with a combined populous of 2.384 billion. This remarkable growth had come from the new fealties sworn by surrounding nations, all flocking under the banner of the Grail King's Cross.
The land mass upon which Kingdom increasingly sprawled saw little in terms of internal war or strife, but the world around it remained a dangerous place.
The entire continent had nationalized as the King centralized power. A flourishing of neo-fuedalism made every citizen part of the government under the King's protection and working in the King's service. Rather than repress business, Royally Chartered companies and works programmes had led to a rise of per capita GDP from $25,600 per annum to over $35,800. Taxes, which were once only 25% of the national GDP, had risen to 100%.
Polls on national loyalty, which once wavered as low as 42% during earlier economic crises, had risen to 77%. Worker enthusiasm was 91%, and consumer confidence was unanimous. There was even budgetary set-asides for social equality, to ensure that worthy members of the common classes were elevated to nobility and given Royal grants and dispensations for meritorious conduct.
While there were still concerns in the outlying regions about such massive social change, the entire nation had generally committed itself to unity in a new and dangerous age. While the percentage of the budget for defense had shrunk, the increase in governmental influence in life grew budget for defense to $4.26 trillion.
(ooc: The real-world global defense budget today is just over $1 trilion (
Such was the state of the nation as the Ministry of Defense turned its attention to the new MILEX exercises.
---=== >+< ===---
Lord General Orberica was once again selected to represent the King of Listeneisse Expeditionary Force (KLEF). He had been disenchanted with the poorly-policed live fire exercises after the clearly-preventable and embarrassing mishaps in MILEX '05. However, he was willing to lead the exercises again after making some changes in his operational staff.
In the post-op reviews he had made it abundantly clear that, with the Kingdom's speciality in computing and simulation, and working closely in conjunction with the Van Luxemberg government, suitable alternatives must be found and safety protocols employed for the present year's exercises.
He was particularly concerned with the alpine clime of the present exercises. Coinciding with the autumnal snowfalls, there could be dangerous traffic situations with the mix of military and civilian traffic on the region's highways.
Weather reports ( showed that snow over the region ranged from one to ten centimeters over the past week at lower elevations, with ten to twentyfive centimeters at the higher elevations.
(ooc: VL, please let us know if you will be introducing your own weather reports for the exercises, and what effects it will have on air cover and ground effects. Rain, snow, cloud cover and visibility would all be important factors in both simulation of operations and roleplaying narration.)
The General had heard repeatedly of the snarls of traffic on the Almerian streets and highways during the prior year. For the present year, his logistical teams were poring over the road maps and infrastructural support reports to plan the best avenues of advance and lines of defense. He was also somewhat unsure what the basing situation was for aircraft and helicopters in the region. Low-level tactical flight operations would be more hazardous than the open desert terrain of the prior year, especially if weather worsened.
---=== >+< ===---
Kingdom of Listeneisse (KLEF)
Order of Battle
KLEF HQ (2,500)
I Corps (40,000)
I Corps HQ (1,000)
1st Mechanized Division (15,500)
1st Armoured Brigade (5,500)
1st Royal Artillery Brigade (7,000)
2nd Field Artillery Brigade, Missile (5,000)
1st Air Defense Brigade (3,000)
1st Supply Regiment (3,000)
IV Corps (40,000)
IV Corps HQ (1,000)
2nd Air Mobile Division (10,500)
King's Light Infantry Division (11,000)
1st Armoured Cavalry Brigade (5,500)
1 Royal Marine Regiment (3,000)
King's Own Regiment, Knights of the Temple of the Holy Grail (3,000)
1st Military Police Regiment (2,500)
3rd Royal Forester's Regiment, "Mountaineers" (2,500)
4th Supply Regiment (3,000)
Kingdom of Listeneisse Expeditionary Force Royal Air Command (KLEF RAC)
Comprised of Royal Air Force of Listenseisse (RAFL), Royal Marines of Listeneisse (RML) and Knight of the Temple of the Holy Grail (Templars) land-based air assets
KLEF RAC Command (2,500)
20 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (4,000) - 320 Eurofighter Typhoons
10 Ground Attack Squadrons (2,000) - 240 AH-64D Longbow
4 Reconnaissance Helicopter Squadrons (800) - 96 OH-58D
8 Heavy Transport Helicopter Squadrons (1,600) - 96 Heavy Helos
2 Airborne Refueling Squadrons (400) - 24 Tankers
2 Electronic Warfare Squadrons (400) - 24 "Kites" ("Growler"-equivalent)
1 Airspace Command Squadron (200) - 12 AWACS
5 Special Operations Squadrons (1,000) - 60 SpecOps Helos
10 UAV Ground Attack Squadrons (2,000) - 400 ATGM UAVs ["Predator"-equivalent]
10 UAV Tactical Reconnaissance Squadrons (2,000) - 240 Tactical Recon UAVs
1 UAV Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (200) - 12 Strategic Recon UAVs
2 Light Transport Wings (400) - 96 Small Jet/Turboprop/Prop
10-10-2006, 20:34
To: Commander, Armed Forces, Van Luxemburg
From: Lord General Orberica, Commander, KLEF (COMKLEF), Commander, OPFOR (COMOPFOR)
CC: Commanders of other MILEX '06 Forces
MILEX '06 looks to be a very much expanded operation this year, with army-group sized forces arrayed on each size.
I have been reviewing the Orders of Battle submitted by the member nations. What still needs to be arranged is the final decision of which nation shall be apportioned to the VL defense and which to the OPFOR aggressors.
We should have joint commanders meetings, with members from each side present to agree to MILEX ground rules, and to bring up any questions before the exercises commence. I am amenable if these were video conferences to prevent delays and incurring intercontinental travel time.
Safety of all the participants and the civil population of the Grand Duchy is a chief concern. These are populated areas, spanning from built-up urban areas to remote villages and farms.
I would also wish to agree to where we shall begin as a Zero Hour start line, with information about known opposing force positions at the beginning. Locations and frontages of each of the arrayed armies would be necessary. I'd prefer not to leave behind a hundred thousand men and women because someone forgot they had joined in at the last hour.
We should also establish a chain-of-command. In the MILEX '05 event, it became apparent that some commanders could not process the incoming operations fast enough, and would have been better to partner with other forces to ensure their troops were not left out of the exercise.
(ooc: It might be good for each side participating to delegate a chain-of-command, so that if you had to leave for a bit, someone else could say where your forces were deploying.)
Many of the participants are well-regarded for their special operations forces. It is paramount to agree between parties the extent of infiltration and latitude to the unconventional operations these forces shall be allowed to conduct.
The overall scenario is geared towards a third-generational warfare conventional invasion and counterattack to throw the aggressors off the continent. This is a large-scale war with heavy weapons used on both sides. However, our IV Corps has a significant number of troops geared towards irregular operations. I am certain the other participants will wish to show off the capabilities of their own elite units.
And the very terrain of the exercise shall force unconventional stragegies, from mountain troops to airborne operations to make far more rapid advanced advances than would be possible over bottled-up and heavily-contested major roadways.
While many old-fashioned commanding generals would prefer to conduct themselves in classical third-generation warfare, the complications of the modern battlefield require us to consider any suprises.
What is the guidance towards civil-military affairs and fourth-generational warfare situations? Will the OPFOR need to ensure policing of rear areas and simulate occupation of the countryside? Will there be pre-deployment of irregular forces behind enemy startlines? Will there be acts of civil insurrection in support of the OPFOR, or terrorism against the Grand Duchy? Will there be any simulation of domestic civil insurgencies behind OPFOR lines? Certainly we do not wish to flame alarmist rumors, involve innocent civilians who do not wish to become embroiled in such situations, strategize around wildly unfounded possibilities or exacerbate actual tensions within the Grand Duchy. But if there are any unconventional war strategies that need to be considered, or political sensitivities towards present Grand Duchy internal affairs, it is best that we discuss them up front.
I would also invite the comments, concerns, and questions of my fellow commanders, and propose more opportunities for both socialization and strategic planning before we begin.
In service to His Majesty,
Lord General Orberica
Commander, Kingdom of Listeneisse Expeditionary Force (COMKLEF)
Commander, OPFOR, MILEX '06 (COMOPFOR)
10-10-2006, 21:19
To: COMOPFOR, OPFOR General Staff
Your Lordship, Gentlemen,
There are a few key issues we have to face in the strategic emphasis of MILEX '06.
What are our strategic objectives? There are the urban areas of Munchen (Munich) to Salzburb in the center, Wien (Vienna) to the east, and Zurich-Bern-Geneva to the west.
We also have to be clear on the holding of our own urban centers. If I understand the situation clearly, we hold the line of Torino, Milano, Brescia, Verona, Venezia and Trieste to start.
Guideance from the G2 is mixed. Many look at this as an utter disaster in the making. Others are looking at a number of strategic and operational possibilities which might lead to major goals being achieved.
It is unlikely we will be able to sieze every single avenue of advance and hold a strategic initiative. We truly are facing an uphill battle advancing into the alps with, we must presume, a near-equal force to the defenders. By all known axioms of military science, this will be a mission doomed from the start if played by conventional rules.
The only way to shift the balance-of-power is if we give up on certain objectives and focus on other ones -- hoping to amass a local overwhelming superiority to the sacrifice of other objectives, and possibly risking counterattack and opposition breakthroughs along those other frontages.
What I do not have guideance on at present is to know our exact start-line. I would like to know precisely how much terrain we need to cover, and how far the defenders have to cover, before we meet in the middle.
A great travesty to OPFOR is that the province of Slovenia is off-limits in the operation. I don't know why they did that, because it is the natural avenue of advance from Trieste to Wien. Not being able to move through Ljubljana and Maribor to Graz from Trieste means we have to take the more difficult and mountainous road through Villach and Klagenfurt, and anchors VL's eastern flank. Could you get clarification on why such a naturally advantageous axis of advance has been denied to OPFOR?
The big "nut" of this entire exercise looks to be Bolzano. Right smack between Trento and Innsbruck. Obviously everything in this exercise is geared towards making that avenue of advance the killing zone of AFVs.
The tempo of operations will also greatly shift our strategic considerations. Are we working under a deadline? What happens if we never take objectives north of the alps? My junior staffers have asked why not simply create a sitzkrieg line and pound any VL forces that try to advance, considering that OPFOR already took Italy. What sort of pressure is there for us to continue northward? Can we 'win' without doing so? Or better yet, can we avoid 'losing' by merely holding ground for the time being, probing and softening up the VL forces before moving over the mountains at a time and place of our choosing?
General consensus is that a direct assault over the central mountains is unadvised, and secondary lines of attack into Suisse and Austrian Alpine areas is best, especially if Wien can be taken. It must be cautioned, though, that an advance into Wien without a Slovenian territorial option means an exposed line all the way from Udine to Wiener-Neustadt.
If Slovenia cannot be considered, then there will be a massive concentration of force on the Verona-Munchen axis, and another on the Milano-Luzern axis. Villach-Salzburg would also be a possible line of advance, but we'd need to know about the operation situation on the eastern flanks in terms of latitude or restrctions. Otherwise, containment is advised to prevent a counterattack from Wien from threatening Trieste.
We are also considering the use of airborne operations to make a massive and sudden advance in an unexpect direction, and then linking it up with ground-based reinforcements. Corps-sized operations are possible, meaning even large urban areas may be subject to air assault. Inversely, air defenses will need to be able to protect from counter air assaults or the taking of key logisitical lines or sites.
== End Report ==
To: Commander, Van Luxemburg
From: Lord General Orberica
Good sir,
I have been asked whether Slovenia is possible to be considered in the area of operations. Right now, it presents a rather 'hard shoulder' to the highway of advance in the east.
11-10-2006, 03:25
OOC: I'm sorry, but... zeppelins? :rolleyes:
[OOC: Wingarde, zeppelins/airships have been used in combat before and even still today, but in lesser support roles, i.e., weather control, reconaissance.]
Hurtful Thoughts
11-10-2006, 05:05
Everyone knows this is clearly the OOC THREAD, right?
11-10-2006, 09:18
OOC: I'll move my posts to an ICly thread if there's one opened. Link?
11-10-2006, 12:13
OOC: I'm sorry, but... zeppelins? :rolleyes:
hey, its NS right? Why not?:D
Van Luxemburg
11-10-2006, 13:07
It indeed IS the OOC thread. If people wish so, I'll open a thread for miscellaneous IC RP'ing.
All nations have been accepted, although I also have my doubts about the use of zeppelins in combat purposes. But that's the freedom of the RP'er, I guess.
VL Side:
-Van Luxemburg (CO)
Totalling: 377,388 men
-Listeneisse (CO)
-Hurtful Thoughts
Totalling: 395,120 men
Antigr, you have violated the 100,000 men personnel (incl. logistics) limit, I suggest you remove one division from your ORBAT.
We have no positions to spare at the moment.
To answer a few OOC questions from Listeneisse:
Yes, I'll be giving out my own weather reports. They will clearly state what will happen with the weather, aswell as the conditions for flying or moving by land.
I'm positive about the chain-of-command idea, I will try to establish it on the VL side.
Then, moving on to the IC side:
To: Lord General Orberica, Commander, KLEF (COMKLEF), Commander, OPFOR (COMOPFOR)
From: General Gerhard Klein, Commander of VL. General-Major Daniël Waldmann, MILEX Arbitrage.
CC: Commanders of other MILEX '06 Forces
Greetings Lord General Orberica,
This final decisions indeed need to be made. This should indeed be done together with all the other nations participating. The Joint Commanders Meeting can take place on Van Luxemburgian soil, but for the sake of flexibility, I agree with you that we should do it by a video conference.
These are indeed populated areas, but we have asked citizens to reside somewhere else if they are able to do so (e.g. stay with family, or go on a holiday). The Government has also resorted to paying fees for inhabitants who want to go on a holiday in the time MILEX take place. We expect that hardly 1/4th of the normal population will be in the area.
The Zero Hour start line will be established in the Joint Commanders Meeting, although we suggest we use the lines pinpointed by the MILEX organization staff. They should be enough to make a decent starting point. We indeed should stick to a set location for each of the participating armies.
The Van Luxemburgian Military has already reserved some liaision personnel to send to our other members of our side, and we will try to establish a joint command headquarters on our side, so that interim commanders from other nationalities can take command if needed.
There is a good amount of Special Forces present, we have seen, and we also think they shouldn't be allowed to do everything they usually do. We already voice our concerns about several sabotage jobs that could be done, which can't be simulated, or would be very hard and expensive to simulate.
The Korps has already said that they would be trying to do their job as good as possible, but we doubt they would be complete unleashed in their operations.
We also acknowledge that this battle plays around airborne and mountain troops, and we think this will be a fast-paced battle, even with such a large territory to train in. Gen.-Maj. Waldmann has already said neither OPFOR and VL will have to perform occupations or have to police the captured area. No civil warfare will be simulated, this will be a straight-forward battle. We expect that all citizens will understand this is an exercise, but we can not guarantee that this line will apply to all inhabitants of the region. Local Police will however support the MILEX operations where possible. The MILEX referees will take care of civil problems, but we advise that OPFOR also has personnel specialized in PR and/or social assistance.
The Van Luxemburgians also suggest that we will end this MILEX with a dinner for Joint Commanders, so we can talk over our experiences and learn from eachother and the other sides.
On the question if Slovenia will be part of the exercise, the MILEX Arbitrage said that it will not be included, due to the extensive costs of adding another region to this exercise, which would lead to more and more requests from both sides. Ideas have already been voiced on the VL side to add the Alpine regions of France to the battle area, which would be the most fair approach on this problem. Because of this and it's extensive costs, we refuse your request to open up Slovenia. in this operation, it will be assumed it is under neutral control, France likewise.
General Gerhard Klein
Region Commander Austria for the Van Luxemburgian Military Forces,
Commander of the VL Side, MILEX '06.
General-Major Daniël Waldmann,
Region Commander Austria for the Grand-Ducal Marechaussee,
Commander of MILEX Organization Arbitrage.
11-10-2006, 16:09
OOC: Reworked logistics and added units to my forces.
11-10-2006, 16:26
Sticking to OOC for now in this thread, you have the attackers invading with less forces than the defenders.
We're attacking uphill into the Alps with an outnumbered force.
This is officially considered strategically 'bad'.
Unless your actual purpose is to show the nature of a VL-coalition counterattack retaking Northern Italy, there's no way OPFOR is going to be making inroads towards the Brenner Pass.
11-10-2006, 16:34
No, no. Triancia hasn't posted his forces yet and you still have a slot for another attacking contingent.
Don't despair. :D
Van Luxemburg
11-10-2006, 17:22
I even estimate that the OPFOR contingent will eventually become larger than the VL side. I think Triancia will take a good 60-100,000 troops with him, and we still need an extra ddition to your side, so I guess the side will be evened out, about.
11-10-2006, 19:40
I'll wait for Triancia then.
12-10-2006, 00:04
I'll be posting soon, but I'm dealing with a level of military organization I havn't gone to, before. Any tips on construction of a TOE, both before and after I post, will be apperciated.
I only have 28 guys... :p
(Note... I may think about upping that do about 50-100 (with a couple of extra vehicles), I assume that won't be a problem considering the small disparity.)
Just an alert, I will be gone after tomorrow night until sometime late Sunday (at which point I will be doing a bunch of work and studying for Monday... so I will be out basically all of Friday to Sunday).
12-10-2006, 03:07
[OOC: And don't forget about me guys, in spite of the fact that I'm involved with Kraven. I want to be on Van Luxemburg's side, as stated on our previous convos on MSN.]
12-10-2006, 05:01
I apologize. It hasn’t been easy trying to figure out the numbers on this. All vehicular and equipment designations are given in the Triancian format. Public Market names remain the same.
The main striking force will consist of the Triancian Army’s 1st (and only) Cavalry Corps. The Corps maintains three divisions, and each division maintains 6 regiments, of 3500 men each.
A Regiment is separated into five squadrons. 3 of these are designated as Armored Cavalry, and maintain organic armor, reconnaissance, and artillery elements, as well as a limited ability to deploy infantry. 1 squadron is designated as Aviation, and consists of rotary-winged scout, attack, and transport aircraft, the latter able to deploy Air Assault personnel attached. The last Squadron is designated Support and Logistics, whose primary job is keeping other squadrons up and functioning.
Each Regiment also maintains a number of separate companies for use at the Regiment level, including air defense, intelligence, engineering, and headquarters. Such units also exist at the division and Corps levels.
Total manpower for the Corps comes in at 63,000 total personnel, making it a ‘Corps’ in name only, and closer to striking power to an Army. General composition of the Table of organization is as follows.
1) 1st Triancian Cavalry Corps 63,000 troops total)
i) 1st Cavalry Division (21,000 troops total)
(1) 1st-6th Cavalry Regiments (3500 troops each)
ii) 2nd Cavalry Division (21,000 troops total)
(1) 7th- 12th Cavalry Regiments (3500 troops each)
iii) 3rd Cavalry Division (21,000 troops total)
(1) 13th-18th Cavalry Regiments (3500 troops each)
With each Regiment divided into:
1) Cavalry Regiment
i) Headquarters Troop
ii) Intelligence Company
iii) Air Defense Battery
iv) Engineer Company
v) NBC Defense Company
b) 1st-3rd Squadrons (Armored Cavalry)
i) A-C Troops (Cavalry)
ii) D Company (Armor)
iii) E Battery (Field Artillery)
c) 4th Squadron (Aviation)
i) Headquarters Troop
ii) H Troop (Assault)
iii) I-K Troops (Air Recon)
iv) L-M Companies (Attack)
d) Support Squadron
i) Headquarters Troop
ii) Supply and Transport Troop
iii) Ordnance Troop
iv) Medical Troop
Equipment wise, Primary MBT fielded is the ABT-18V2 ‘Abrams’, replacing older MBT-12V6 ‘Patton’ tanks still in active service with the bulk of the Triancian Army, and directly preceded by the TS-21 next-generation MBT, developed by the Soviet Bloc, and produced under license in Triancia. The TS-21 was deemed too maintenance intensive at the Federal Kingdoms current stage of development. A total of 2,214 ABT-18V2s are fielded by the Corps.
Almost all other vehicular needs are met by variants of the ‘M113’ family of vehicles. A total of 774 of the A3 variants (Triancian designation AFV-8V3) are used for scouting and transportation purpose. Other variants of the M113 show up in numerous applications, from command and control vehicles, to smoke launchers. Notably, the Corps maintains 216 AAD-16 ADATS’s Air Defense systems, which are also based on the M113. The U/AUT-20 HMMWV is also used in a number of niche applications. Artillery support is provided by 288 ASH-21V6 ‘Paladins’, replacing the woefully underpowered M1064-series self-propelled mortars some of the participants may remember were fielded during last year’s exercise. Other vehicle systems exist, but amount to noncombatant transportation vehicles, and are not significant enough in scope to be mentioned...
Regimental air power is provided by numerous aircraft attached to the Regiment’s collective aviation battalions. Current numbers of indigenous aircraft include 72 HEW-19 ‘Quickfix’ electronic warfare helicopters (EH-60s), 236 HUT-19 ‘Blackhawks’, 432 HRO-24 ‘Comanche’s’, and 288 HST-17V4 ‘Longbows’. Given names remain the same as they’re public market counterparts.
While the Corps will be the main body of the Triancian Contingent, the Alp’s natural tactical situation requires the addition of well-trained light infantry to take advantage of it. Triancia will be deploying the 25th and 19th Airborne Brigades, consisting of around 4500 men each. As the name implies, the unit is entirely air-mobile, and has received training in operating in this terrain. Vehicles are limited to multiple variants of the U/AUT-20, including the V2 up-armored variant, along with ones equipped with everything from ATGM to heavy machine guns to light mortars.
Their transport brings us to the final portion of the Triancian contingent: Air Force assets in theater. Air power will be decidedly heavy on the Triancian side, in what many will state is an attempt to bring a well-funded, well-trained, and highly advanced force to counter balance the uncertainty of a new, untried Army formation. 113th, and 38th Air Superiority Wings, consisting of a total of 372 FAS-20 ‘Raptors’ and roughly 8600 men, will complement the Regiments meager air coverage, and the 95th Tactical Support Wing, with it’s 3800-man roster and 186 FST-17 ‘Thunderbolt IIIs’ will complement sparse artillery. The 248th and 156th Refueling Groups will provide 96 total planes and 1400 airman to support actions in the air, and, so it is not forgotten, the 11th and 8th Transport Wings will bring a total of 354 ‘Galaxy’, ‘Hercules’, and ‘Globemaster’ transports, with another 9000 men to take care of them, to insert the two Airborne Brigades previously mentioned. Finally, the 58th Strategic Operations Wing will bring 3800 men and 180 ‘Lancer’ supersonic heavy bombers, and the 346th Command and Coordination Group will bring in 48 ‘Sentry’ AWACS aircraft and their 1400 handlers, hopefully allowing OPFOR forces to operate with the loss of indigenous support in that area.
Final Total:
63,000 Personnel, 1st Cavalry Corps
9,000 Personnel, 19th and 25th Airborne Brigades
28,000 Personnel, Triancian Air Force Contingent
100,000 Personnel, total
Note that this is a rough approximation.
Hurtful Thoughts
12-10-2006, 05:59
Cavalry Regiments inside Regiments?
Oh, Cav Regiment is example...
Looks like you have better detail than I do...
[Hides in fear from supirior RPing powers...]
But this is a military exercise, and you seem to base your main logistics on the (comparitive to other designs on NS) underpowered M-113.
There's a cap of 100,000 troops per nation, you'll have to get rid of a division...
I suggest 2nd ARRF Infantry Division
Hurtful Thoughts
12-10-2006, 16:53
My sub-commanding officer: Lt. Major Gomer P. "Pyle" Skivinski
12-10-2006, 18:16
[OOC: And don't forget about me guys, in spite of the fact that I'm involved with Kraven. I want to be on Van Luxemburg's side, as stated on our previous convos on MSN.]SEA, is your government really going to spend precious funds and troops in some wargames when there's a MAJOR war going on on your own soil?
12-10-2006, 18:47
Why not? Everybody and their dog is showing up to kick Kraven's ass.
12-10-2006, 19:05
This is as much a test of the Triancian Army's new deployment capability as it is a military exercise. While furthur improvments could be made to both equipment and struture, various factions in the Triancian Defense Department (most noticably the Royal Triancian Marines) are demanding that the Corps justify the large amount of funds and attention nessecary to train traditionally green Army troops, and replace and upgrade traditionally ancient equipment. It is the main reason the Abrams has replaced the old Pattons in the Corps, which the vast majority of the Triancian Army's armored units still use.
In other words, they use the M113 because a) That's what they had on hand, b) that's what the troops know how to use and mantain, and c) they didn't have enough time to switch to more advanced weapons systems.
Why not? Everybody and their dog is showing up to kick Kraven's ass.
Because it still doesn't make sense...
Hurtful Thoughts
12-10-2006, 23:02
I wasn't badmouthing the M-113, since that was pretty much the only armored vehicle I used when I started. It's good basic, but against advanced stuff, their age will start to show (they were designed and made back in the 1970's as a cheaper replacement to the M-59 APC [and it outperfomed its predessesor at a lower cost, which is an anomoly in today's defense spending "death spirals"])
Managed to drive one lonely specimen over 200 miles into well defended and quarantined territory, after getting past their naval blockades... Then drove it 200 miles back to prevent capture and to treat the wonded (14 sent, 8 to 10 dead, returned with 4 VIPs in tow)...
And there are worse choices... But I'll let you find those yourself.
Also, this is an exercise, so all weapons will be assumed to have the same capabilities/limitations (except in agility, which is real and not simulated by a computer program)
(IE one tank's armor and gun are considered the same as the other's, even though they aren't)
As for the Kravan thing, it is generally bad form to remove troops from your defenses when under attack and relying on the "good intentions" of outsiders for your safety, many of whom may be in it for a piece of the pie.
12-10-2006, 23:37
As for the Kravan thing, it is generally bad form to remove troops from your defenses when under attack and relying on the "good intentions" of outsiders for your safety, many of whom may be in it for a piece of the pie.
I agree. Heh, it's somewhat rude to have other nations fight for your country's safety when you have a serious bunch of troops "on vacation" abroad, not to mention there's a considerable sum of funds that could be used to keep your civilians from dying but is rather being spent on these military excercises.
It gives the image that you're not fully trying to fend Kraven off and that you don't care about your citizens nor the foreign troops that are falling every day to defend your soil. There could be IC consequences to this course of action, namely damaged relations with the nations that are helping you in the war, and perhaps a public rating drop within Southeast Asia.
This is personal speculation of the situation. Just think about what you intend to do.
13-10-2006, 00:26
Win, you do have a point, but the Kravenites haven't arrived yet. Besides, the job for protecting my country primarily goes to the naval armes services. And yes, there will be IC consequences, and I shall be role-playing them domestically.
Besides, I plan on keeping a low deployment here.
Hurtful Thoughts
13-10-2006, 01:31
Win, you do have a point, but the Kravenites haven't arrived yet. Besides, the job for protecting my country primarily goes to the naval armes services. And yes, there will be IC consequences, and I shall be role-playing them domestically.
Besides, I plan on keeping a low deployment here.
In other words:
"I'm sending a test batch to see if/how I can improve my army as my navy is going to try to fend off kraven with a stick."
Crash course war preparation training, worked for the Germans/Russians during 1938
13-10-2006, 03:13
In other words:
"I'm sending a test batch to see if/how I can improve my army as my navy is going to try to fend off kraven with a stick."
Crash course war preparation training, worked for the Germans/Russians during 1938
My navy is not incompetent, and I will not be deploying too many. In fact, my government is likely going to reduce the deployments.....
Hurtful Thoughts
13-10-2006, 03:35
Where did I mention incompetance?
Just comparatively, your navy isn't much compared to Kravan's forces, no matter how big it is; I've seen his navy.
'To fend something off with a stick' is to keep them at greater than arm's (striking) distance from your body (nation).
[to keep them at a 'safe' distance]
The problem is that sticks break. At which time it is hoped that you arm (army) has a better chance at defending itself.
13-10-2006, 07:53
Look HT, I think you're trying to be helpful, but this is off-topic.
My navy is the strongest area of my armed services. I understand you're trying to be helpful. But the deployment to VL, as stated earlier, would be reduced. It would minorly affect my land forces at home.
But of course, one would have to wait and see, wouldn't one?
13-10-2006, 12:37
Alright. Let's agree Southeastasia is willing to risk his home nation to have forces abroad. It could be like the Free French units. Perhaps he's willing to allow some units to be out of nation in case the home country falls. But I don't think they will.
Btw, total off-topic, but related to what you have been speaking about:
Southeastasia (
Population: 2,823,000,000
GDP: $100.62 trillion
GDP per capita: $35,645.15
Defense Budget: $20.199 trillion
National Loyalty (Individual): 77%*
Government Waste: 3%*
Literacy: 100%*
The Kraven Corporation (
Population: 3,126,000,000
GDP: $36.83 trillion
GDP per capita: $11,782.40
Defense Budget: $15.445 trillion
National Loyalty (Individual): 16%*
Government Waste: 20%*
Literacy: 5%*
If anything, The Kraven Corporation should be worrying that his own people, 95% illiterate but venenously disloyal because of the wasteland they have to suffer in are not going to use this foreign war as an opportunity to utterly rise up in revolt against his poorly-led, highly-corrupt regime.
If Southeastasia pushed the matter, it could quickly turn into a civil war for The Kraven Corporation.
The Kraven Corporation's defense budget is roughly 75% of Southeastasia's. If Southeastasia says the majority of his defenses are naval, and that's the only avenue of approach for The Kraven Corporation, it would be a damned hard offensive to pull off without it utterly shattering The Kraven Corporation domestically.
Out of those massive budgets for defense, the overseas deployment of these corps might not even be that much of a drain for Southeastasia militarily. Would it look bad? Possibly very much. But, as people said, it might be chance to give them some last-minute drilling before going into a real battle.
It would probably be explicable if these were training units, near ready for deployment but not combat-ready certified yet. Much like some of the US stateside divisions 1941-1944 before they were committed to Europe or the Pacific Theater. In which case they would not likely be used as front-line defense troops anyway.
I'm not up on the specifics of either country's military hardware, and if anything, I'd like to avoid the debate here. But simply by looking at the numbers above, it is explicable and possible for Southeastasia to be here with reasonable allowances.
Make sense?
* From Sunset Economy Calculator:
13-10-2006, 12:53
Sigh, not again. Listeneisse, it's "Southeast Asia" and "Southeast Asian", not 'Southeastasia' and 'Southeastasian'. The reason why I had to settle for this usertitle is thanks to the fact that someone took it before me. However, I've had the Union as a concept since I entered the double-digit age, and only developed it when I discovered NationStates.
So, please do not ever forget that it is correct to address me both IC and OOC as "Southeast Asia" and the national adjective is "Southeast Asian". Got it?
Van Luxemburg
13-10-2006, 12:55
Calm down SEA. He was never told it was that way. Got it?
13-10-2006, 14:00
It's not 'again' if I really never knew it, now is it?
Since this is an OOC thread, I don't think you should be up in arms about the use of the actual name of the NationState because, frankly, that's the name of your country. I'll keep it in mind for the IC thread.
I had a heck of a time finding "Kraven" tonight, because that's not the name of the NationState. It took me a good while to search for the threads you were involved in, then find "Kraven" then realize it was hidden under "The Kraven Corporation".
There's over a hundred thousand NationStates, and no, I don't track them all telepathically. Nor should any random reader of this thread.
So when I used your specific NationState name it was to avoid any ambiguities, such as with "The Empire of Great Southeast Asia," "The Union of Southeastasian Nations" or any other such past, present, or future nations of similar naming. The same with writing "The Kraven Corporation" out in full, rather than the short hand.
The word for the day is "Disambiguation."
Ok.Antigran Commander is General (Field Marshal) Max West.
Second in Command is General Robert Curphey.
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 17:03
Alright. Let's agree Southeastasia is willing to risk his home nation to have forces abroad. It could be like the Free French units. Perhaps he's willing to allow some units to be out of nation in case the home country falls. But I don't think they will.
Btw, total off-topic, but related to what you have been speaking about:
Southeastasia (
Population: 2,823,000,000
GDP: $100.62 trillion
GDP per capita: $35,645.15
Defense Budget: $20.199 trillion
National Loyalty (Individual): 77%*
Government Waste: 3%*
Literacy: 100%*
The Kraven Corporation (
Population: 3,126,000,000
GDP: $36.83 trillion
GDP per capita: $11,782.40
Defense Budget: $15.445 trillion
National Loyalty (Individual): 16%*
Government Waste: 20%*
Literacy: 5%*
If anything, The Kraven Corporation should be worrying that his own people, 95% illiterate but venenously disloyal because of the wasteland they have to suffer in are not going to use this foreign war as an opportunity to utterly rise up in revolt against his poorly-led, highly-corrupt regime.
* From Sunset Economy Calculator:
These calculators do not recognize role-played national statistics. Nations like Kraven's are not what that calculator was designed to interpret.
For example, there is no contingency in the game of NationStates to allow for a nation like my own to arise, but I have created it. Read the factbook.
13-10-2006, 20:32
I did read this ( and fail to see how this makes Kraven not subject to the laws of geopolitics and NS simulators. In fact, if anything it reinforces the simulator's projection of low loyalty and high corruption rates and makes it seem almost probable that his nation should be suffering from a consistent and noticeable level of internal insurrection against the state.
Any set of consenting players can agree to whatever they want between them, including priorly-rped loss of population or economic shift due to war, state dissolution or other plots. Heck, space monkeys, zombie attacks or Broadway musicals. All of which I have no knowledge or much interest to hear of in our thread unless it is a concurrently-run story which might in fact add tension and drama to what we're doing here. I prefer to use the simulators to prevent irrational claims and godmodding.
In the final sum, it is leading to an off-topic/beyond-scope topic which is irrelevant if the player believes that he can handle both RPs, and that his state is not in as dire a situation as others wish to portray.
It can be made on-topic if there is a background story, for instance, of men desparate to prove themselves in trial by mock battle in order to be given the go-ahead to get back home and defend their nation in real combat. Or if, for instance, SEA's enemies try to upset the MILEX exercises with hostile actions to disrupt the peaceful conduct of the wargames.
Just my ideas. Obviously, it's up to other players to determine where this story will go in terms of the MILEX '06 plot.
Otherwise, if it's beyond the scope, and there's no plot there, we can skip it and proceed.
Emporer Pudu
13-10-2006, 21:23
I did read this ( and fail to see how this makes Kraven not subject to the laws of geopolitics and NS simulators. In fact, if anything it reinforces the simulator's projection of low loyalty and high corruption rates and makes it seem almost probable that his nation should be suffering from a consistent and noticeable level of internal insurrection against the state.
Hmm, I was plugging my own factbook, but whatever...
I don't know about Kraven, but my nation does suffer from a rather large and dangerous internal revolution, although it remains under control. Other than that, though my people are RP'd as loyal, no matter what these calculators may or may not say.
Anyway, you guys can get back to the thread, and I'll leave it alone.
I did read this ( and fail to see how this makes Kraven not subject to the laws of geopolitics and NS simulators. In fact, if anything it reinforces the simulator's projection of low loyalty and high corruption rates and makes it seem almost probable that his nation should be suffering from a consistent and noticeable level of internal insurrection against the state.
That is pretty outdated at this point. Not to mention that Kraven RPs 2050 Tech and his Capitol Police are gentically bred warriors from birth that have been manipulated to loyalty (until recently...)
Van Luxemburg
14-10-2006, 17:45
The IC thread, for Arrivals, meetings, etcetera: Here. (
When does MILEX 2006 actually start?
17-10-2006, 16:48
October 24th. It's been said.
18-10-2006, 09:58
I see. I will likely be unable to post my ORBAT thanks to RL issues here and there for now, but I'll see what I can do. I'll do my best.
19-10-2006, 19:16
Hurtful Thoughts, how do you intend to use (simulated) EMPs and at what scale?
Hurtful Thoughts
20-10-2006, 04:12
Ran across the problem on another exercise, the other participants didn't want their electric gizmoz fried so it was settled that I'd use flares of different colors to signify different effective ranges, everything within effected range was ordered to power down unless it would have proven fatal, in which case the piece of equipment was to be removed by the operator, as it would be assumed that both would have died in the crash.
Missile trajectory monitors from land bases and AWACs observation planes would be notified of the simulated EMP 'incedent' and would simulate munitions operations accordingly.
Electronicly simulated guided missiles would go 'dumb' and would have their assumed ballistic trajectories tracked to see if it would hit regardless of lacking guidance.
(Heh, jolt ate this post yet I recovered it anyways w/o copying it [was still in cache])
20-10-2006, 15:13
That still doesn't answer my question. :p
I meant how do you intend to use them (bombs, missiles, whatever), not simulate the pulse itself. I ask because, depending on the scale, EMP could be considered a WMD, and I assume those aren't allowed in the excercises (not to mention non-nuclear EMP weapons are still pretty much in experimental phases).
Hurtful Thoughts
20-10-2006, 21:24
That still doesn't answer my question. :p
I meant how do you intend to use them (bombs, missiles, whatever), not simulate the pulse itself. I ask because, depending on the scale, EMP could be considered a WMD, and I assume those aren't allowed in the excercises (not to mention non-nuclear EMP weapons are still pretty much in experimental phases).
Oh, what I'd use ECM and EMP based ECM for?
Scrambling electronics on hostile missiles, communications centers, SAM/radar stations, and aircraft.
Not to intentionally knock down power grids (though I have weapons on that scale available)
Range is as little as less than 1 mile to as great as 15 miles (diameter) depending on the yield.
EMP is generated on Flux Compression principle (Not High powered microwaves, ion lasers, or particle beams)
[The simple yet effective E-bomb design as presented in Popular science, estimated RLMT cost of 100,000 to 100 USD each]
In simple terms, it is my form of "superchaff". And as such, I had to custom design an airframe capable of sustained flight even with all electronics fried and half the critical systems wrecked by AAA.
21-10-2006, 01:16
Range is as little as less than 1 mile to as great as 15 miles (diameter) depending on the yield.
That's what I mean. E-weapons should be used at a small scale, otherwise they easily become WMDs.
I had to custom design an airframe capable of sustained flight even with all electronics fried and half the critical systems wrecked by AAA.
A modern aircraft can't fly for long without electronics...
Van Luxemburg
21-10-2006, 06:19
Hurtful Thoughts:
I have been thinking about EMP weaponry, and I have decided to forbid it, due to a Rule of Engagement interfering with it. GPS and EMS (Radio, Air Traffic Radar) May not be jammed, due to security issues with commercial aircraft.
Sorry for not being on yesterday, But I hope to be on a lot right now. Autumn Holiday...
Hurtful Thoughts
22-10-2006, 01:54
Hurtful Thoughts:
I have been thinking about EMP weaponry, and I have decided to forbid it, due to a Rule of Engagement interfering with it. GPS and EMS (Radio, Air Traffic Radar) May not be jammed, due to security issues with commercial aircraft.
Sorry for not being on yesterday, But I hope to be on a lot right now. Autumn Holiday...
Wan't planning on useing real EMP, just smoke flares to simulate their use...
Oh well, rules are rules.
And who said my planes are of modern design?
The FMX-6B, for all its angular lines, is essentially a motorised kite made of plywood/composite sandwich panels. And the motor is a diesel... Instruments are, mechanical,m controls are manipulated by the age old pully system, with an electronic primary which can be cut off simply by pulling the plug off the control stick.
And the airframe has been proven stable... Ask Mr. Wainfan.
It doesn't stand much of a chance in a 'fair' dogfight.
As a pair of FMX-6As proved over Alidor.
Van Luxemburg
22-10-2006, 06:35
The way you mentioned it in the IC thread is Okay with me, I just misunderstood.
Hurtful Thoughts
22-10-2006, 07:08
I thought it was pretty clear what I intended to use it as when I reffered to it as "Superchaff"....
Ran across the problem on another exercise, the other participants didn't want their electric gizmoz fried so it was settled that I'd use flares of different colors to signify different effective ranges, everything within effected range was ordered to power down unless it would have proven fatal, in which case the piece of equipment was to be removed by the operator, as it would be assumed that both would have died in the crash.
Missile trajectory monitors from land bases and AWACs observation planes would be notified of the simulated EMP 'incedent' and would simulate munitions operations accordingly.
Electronicly simulated guided missiles would go 'dumb' and would have their assumed ballistic trajectories tracked to see if it would hit regardless of lacking guidance.
(Heh, jolt ate this post yet I recovered it anyways w/o copying it [was still in cache])
Van Luxemburg
22-10-2006, 14:53
I was short on time when I read that, last friday. I checked NS really quickly and left it as "read". So I might have missed/misunderstood it.
Hurtful Thoughts
24-10-2006, 05:08
Plus jolt ate it for awhile till I resubmitted it from my cache files.
(A very iffy thing to do since this rarely works)
Always make a backup before submitting
Van Luxemburg
24-10-2006, 05:48
Anyways, Today is the 24th of October. So, that means the start of the Battle. Link to the Battle thread coming up.
Van Luxemburg
24-10-2006, 06:37
Here you go, the Battle thread; Here (
Is the other IC thread still in use or not?
Castilla and Aragon
24-10-2006, 23:51
The Federation of Castilla and Aragon wants to take part in the Military exercises proposed above, as member of the NOrth Pacific Region.
Our Armed Forces are prepared to serve to the cause of Peace and International Security
Francisco de Vitoria
Minister of Defence of the Federation of Castille and Aragon
Van Luxemburg
25-10-2006, 14:03
@ DMG: Yes, the IC Thread is still open.
@ Castilla and Aragon: The RP is now closed, since we figured we had enough participants.
@ Hurtful Thoughts (Battle thread): The weather that'll keep the aircraft grounded only starts at around 2100 hours at night. it's 0600 hours at this moment, so you got a nice day ahead of you, perfect for flying.
@ Kahanistan: The map I gave was merely to show what the borders of the battle area were. You can just use for info on the roads leading through the area.
25-10-2006, 15:26
ok heres what ill send
2 000 000 army
1,000,000 navy
600 000 airforce
566 tank divisions
1000 navy battleships
:sniper: 60 000 sf and fbi:sniper:
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
secretary of defence jamaal m mens
Van Luxemburg
25-10-2006, 15:39
ok heres what ill send
2 000 000 army
1,000,000 navy
600 000 airforce
566 tank divisions
1000 navy battleships
:sniper: 60 000 sf and fbi:sniper:
:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
secretary of defence jamaal m mens
25-10-2006, 18:02
OOC: Is it too late for me to join in?
OOC: Is it too late for me to join in?
I direct you to a post three above your own.
25-10-2006, 22:42
Translated from n00bish:
OK, here's what I'll send:
2,000,000 Army
1,000,000 Navy
600,000 Air Force
566 tank divisions
1,000 Navy battleships
60,000 SF and FBI snipers
Secretary of Defense, Jamaal M. Mens
There is a limit of 100,000 total personnel. Your battleships will be of little use in a land battle, so I suggest using 50,000 - 100,000 Army personnel.
A tank division (armored division in most armies) generally consists of 15,000 - 25,000 personnel, so that alone will take you to around a million troops - well over the 100,000 limit.
BTW, "Ignored" is not very constructive criticism.
Or maybe he is being intentionally noobish.
Van Luxemburg
26-10-2006, 06:12
@ Kahanistan: Ofcourse it's not very constructive, but I think he's doing it intentionally, like DMG suggests. Beyond that, he's an 8 million pop nation, so that would make him a godmodder aswell. And, checking his other post, they aren't too promising. I don't feel like typing up a complete range of tips & hints for someone who probably won't listen.
Aye, agreed. As I said, it seems pretty intentional, however, it is still easier to say look at the stickies then give an essay of corrections.
I know this sounds dumb,and is dumb,but who's SIDE am i on? i haven't been told.
Post 31 says you're on OPFOR.
Van Luxemburg
28-10-2006, 07:25
@ Antigr: Yes, you're on OPFOR.
Anyways, I don't want to bitch, but I highly doubt an 8 inch (for the metric people, like me, that's 203mm, btw.) can shoot over the Alps, a distance of roughly 500 km. Now, the M110, which is a 203mm SP gun, had a range of 30 km. It's highly unlikely that 203mm artillery can suddenly shoot 470 km further than the average range of those weapons.
These are railguns.They are not like the M110,but instead are towed by a Gun tractor.They are huge,can shoot to 42km,and have a barrel length of 4 times the M110. They have 6 wheels,and have to be specially manouvered by a truck to change firing direction.
Van Luxemburg
28-10-2006, 11:09
Errm, then it still doesn't work. with a range of 42 km, you still got 458 km left to the other side of the Alps.
I hope that isn't confusion you are showing and rather realization of math.
Hurtful Thoughts
28-10-2006, 19:57
Also, I believe SP railguns (and ETC) in this RP is a no-no...
Also, I believe SP railguns (and ETC) in this RP is a no-no...
True... as stated on the front page (strictly MT).
29-10-2006, 04:54
Well, they're not self-propelled, they're towed, and not very good railguns, either - the Iraqi Al-Fao 210mm has a range of 45 km, and it is self propelled.
You'd have better luck using that, it's what I use.
I hope that isn't confusion you are showing and rather realization of math.
The second.
Also, I believe SP railguns (and ETC) in this RP is a no-no...
Did i say self-propelled? No.
Hurtful Thoughts
29-10-2006, 19:23
The huge 210mm Al Fao self-propelled artillery guns took up positions behind the advancing Kahanistanian armored colums, giving them the ability to rain death and destruction long before anyone got within range of the tank guns or the infantry behind them. There were only 100 of them, but mixed in among the 200 AA batteries and infantry, they were still a potent force for anything climbing within range.
The ARRF Divisions revved up the engines of their various vehicles.The 8-inch artillery opened up on enemy positions.the battle is on.
I got these two posts confused...
Anyways, if railguns on land were allowed, I'd be dragging in 4 of my 12" guns...
And nobody needs that...
Antigr is withdrawing from MILEX 2006,since the death-caused-by-boredom figures are up to 23 men.
Hurtful Thoughts
16-11-2006, 08:10
Number of people who died holding their breath waiting for something to happen on this thread, or the IC thread:
None. As nobody really was waiting after a few days of inactivity, a few passed out though.
16-11-2006, 15:48
It just died out.
I, for one, am really busy with university, since I've to work on a lot of projects and study for the incoming finals at the start of December. I'm sorry. :(
16-11-2006, 15:53
Number of people who died holding their breath waiting for something to happen on this thread, or the IC thread:
None. As nobody really was waiting after a few days of inactivity, a few passed out though.
Yeah, true, RL has to take precedence. Pah.....