A Quarrel Between Friends (FT/CLOSED)
The Humankind Abh
02-10-2006, 03:15
Life was nothing but a giant game of chess. You strategically place your pieces throughout the galactic board until you are prepared to strike. Every move should be thought out delicatly with future moves already in mind and in place. Now with both forces drawn out elsewhere, defenses were weak along with their attention elsewhere. The time to strike was now.
Only fractions of the forces had been sent abroad, enough to give solid presence of the Abh but still retaining a large enough force for an invasion hidden deep on the board where two queens now walked side by side. Of course this was a dangerous position but all was need was a well enough placed pawn that was expendable to sink a dagger deep within white's back. The pieces turned on the board and looked to the one true target. Their closest neighbor and ally.
A small strike force had prepared with the intention of going in hard and fast. Fifty Whitestars along with two hundred Thunderbolt Starfurries entered the jump gate at Lulukess System with the destination of....Luxembourgia, New Dornalia.
Dornalian space was already close by and the close jump only made the travel a matter of minutes. Nie'nay Foshdue commanded this attack force. She had waited weeks, planning strategies and looking at possible targets. Now all her work would either come to fruition and payoff in dividens or it would be a grave blunder. It was too late though, the fleet exited hyperspace in the massive industrial and commercial center. The attack had begun...
New Dornalia
02-10-2006, 03:30
The alert from JRCCC came, the alert from the MacIntyre Line came. Invaders were coming. Signs were Abh, and IFF let them through....
As such, they took no chances. Scans indicated a smaller force than expected, so they sent a force equivalent in size to fight it. 50 Lin Biao II Light Cruisers, joined with 200 Marinesko II fighters, sped towards the last reported location of the foe. Then again, it wasn't hard to miss their distinctive shape admist the hordes of commercial vessels that frequented Luxembourgia.
The commander, Comrade-Captain Harold Townshend, hailed the Abh forces, and said, "Abh forces, this is Comrade Captain Harold John Townshend of the New Dornalian People's Navy. Stand down, and prepare to be boarded."
The Humankind Abh
02-10-2006, 03:40
The order to stand down was patched thru to her screen. She mulled over her options for a brief moment as battle never allowed one to sit back and think. They're playing conservative. Let's take advantage of the situation. I wonder how they'll like this as a response...
Orders flashed from ship-to-ship faster than light. One unanimous order to all craft. Attack. Whitestars wasted no time taking on the Lin Bao's with concentrated pulse cannon fire accompanied by the ships main energy cannon situated at the nose of the ship. Fighters divided up into small squadrons in a diamond formation heading straight for enemy fighters with railguns in the nose and smaller pulse cannons.
New Dornalia
02-10-2006, 03:58
The order to stand down was patched thru to her screen. She mulled over her options for a brief moment as battle never allowed one to sit back and think. They're playing conservative. Let's take advantage of the situation. I wonder how they'll like this as a response...
Orders flashed from ship-to-ship faster than light. One unanimous order to all craft. Attack. Whitestars wasted no time taking on the Lin Bao's with concentrated pulse cannon fire accompanied by the ships main energy cannon situated at the nose of the ship. Fighters divided up into small squadrons in a diamond formation heading straight for enemy fighters with railguns in the nose and smaller pulse cannons.
Townshend then screamed, "EVASIVE MANUEVERS!"
The Lin Biaos, and for that matter, most of the commercial vessels that had stuckaround out of curiosity went into evasive manuevers. The Lins scattered, moving quickly but still being clipped by shots from the Whitestars, and one taking the brunt of a energy cannon full on. The damage to shields was substantial, but the Lin Biao's could live--though the energy cannon-hit vessel was damaged severely.
The fighters then split into figure five groups, and moved above and below the Abh fighters, firing at their foe with their own Gauss Miniguns and torpedoes. The Lin Biaos, meanwhile, regrouped and opened fire with their own Demolisher Guns and spreads of 50 torpedoes upon the Whitestars, targeting weapons systems including the central energy cannons.
02-10-2006, 06:55
A lone observer lurked high in T-Space, watching everything that was happening down in Real Space. The conflict was of great interest seeing as each combatant was a GFFA member. The current GFFA-ESUS war had placed them both as enemies. Now those enemies were battling each other instead of concentrating on the ESUS, things got interesting.
The Intruder Cruiser watched with all her sensors on full gain, while relaying the data directly to Imperial Command via the Space Minus Transmitter.
The observers will follow the action as it left the area so I will tag along with the ND strike Force in T-Space watching everything I can.
The Humankind Abh
02-10-2006, 13:02
Whitestars banked at high velocity with inertia dampers working over-time to compensate giving the ships a good chance at taking out a few of the missles before connecting. Some were caught by a missle while performing the high roll damaging parts of the outter hull or hitting one of the main engines severly crippling its agility. Bio-armor analyzed the attacks when they received the punishment from the Demolisher guns. It studied and adapted marking the next attack less effective though the first was fatal enough.
Red flashes erupted every now and then in the night as the atmosphere within a fighter ignited. They bounced back with equal fierceness by pulling one of the favored tactical moves that an Abh could by hitting the thrusters at maximum that would make any human black out thus giving them an elevated position to fire from as Dornalian fighters passed below.
"I want all reserve power rerouted to the main cannons."
The neon energy that erupted from the bow of most ships was larger and brighter before with the added energy as it streaked towards the enemy fleet.
New Dornalia
02-10-2006, 18:53
Whitestars banked at high velocity with inertia dampers working over-time to compensate giving the ships a good chance at taking out a few of the missles before connecting. Some were caught by a missle while performing the high roll damaging parts of the outter hull or hitting one of the main engines severly crippling its agility. Bio-armor analyzed the attacks when they received the punishment from the Demolisher guns. It studied and adapted marking the next attack less effective though the first was fatal enough.
Red flashes erupted every now and then in the night as the atmosphere within a fighter ignited. They bounced back with equal fierceness by pulling one of the favored tactical moves that an Abh could by hitting the thrusters at maximum that would make any human black out thus giving them an elevated position to fire from as Dornalian fighters passed below.
"I want all reserve power rerouted to the main cannons."
The neon energy that erupted from the bow of most ships was larger and brighter before with the added energy as it streaked towards the enemy fleet.
The Lin Biaos once again ducked and weaved, and then reformed and streaked close to the Whitestars, splitting up to cover the area above and below them, firing torpedoes and Ion Cannons upon the Whitestars' weapons and center of mass. Townshend ordered the Lins to stay with the Whitestars, and not let them go.
The Marineskos, meanwhile, were horrified at the manuverability of the Abh fighters, but they did not let become afraid. They executed Cobra manuevers, pointing themselves upwards at the Abh, and then streaked forth, firing again and splitting into two-fighter kill teams, each man tracking a fighter.
The Humankind Abh
03-10-2006, 01:51
Whitestars banked and peeled off doing everything possible to avoid the torpedoes. Ion fire was a matter that did not concern many of them as it did not effect the organic armor unless it happened to contact with a pulse cannon head on. They followed the attack up with pulse cannon fire while chasing after Lins.
Dornalian fighters showed great adaptation to the fighting style of the Abh Starfurries causing them to link back up into squardons and move into a scissor formation firing their railguns in the nose.
New Dornalia
03-10-2006, 02:25
Whitestars banked and peeled off doing everything possible to avoid the torpedoes. Ion fire was a matter that did not concern many of them as it did not effect the organic armor unless it happened to contact with a pulse cannon head on. They followed the attack up with pulse cannon fire while chasing after Lins.
Dornalian fighters showed great adaptation to the fighting style of the Abh Starfurries causing them to link back up into squardons and move into a scissor formation firing their railguns in the nose.
The Marineskos continued to move in their kill teams, evading the scissors formation and strafing it. However, damage was dealt to some of the fighters, and the massed fire took out a couple.
The Lins were hit, and the shielding took some of the damage, but most went to the engines, which were damaged some, reducing their speed. Engineering teams and nanites went to work fixing these, as the Lins used their manuevering thrusters and even their emergency temporal drive function on their shields to move above the Whitestars, and then chase after them, firing at their engines with People's Hammer Mark 1 antimatter torpedoes and standard ones as well.
The Humankind Abh
03-10-2006, 03:05
More fighters went down from continued attacks forcing them to pull decoy manuevers. By allowing two in the group to continue with Dornalian fighters chasing them, two others peeled off at high speeds to get behind enemy fighters and attack.
Engine systems were hit reducing what the Whitestars had considered an advantage but auto repairing systems engaged and went to work on the hull and engines as fast as possible. Though it was hard to repair an anti-matter explosion. What Whitestars that were not effected by engines hits, took advantage of enemy vessels that seemed more sluggish from the damage as they swarmed to the wounded.
New Dornalia
03-10-2006, 03:29
More fighters went down from continued attacks forcing them to pull decoy manuevers. By allowing two in the group to continue with Dornalian fighters chasing them, two others peeled off at high speeds to get behind enemy fighters and attack.
Engine systems were hit reducing what the Whitestars had considered an advantage but auto repairing systems engaged and went to work on the hull and engines as fast as possible. Though it was hard to repair an anti-matter explosion. What Whitestars that were not effected by engines hits, took advantage of enemy vessels that seemed more sluggish from the damage as they swarmed to the wounded.
The Marinesko IIs immediately slowed up, and pulled another Cobra,going halfway, flying downwards at the same time and shooting at their opponents.
The Lin Biaos that were sluggish immediately fired waves upon waves of conventionals and more Mark I's at the living Whitestars, while the group kept at their foe, arranging themselves into a crescent shape, albeit very slowly (OOC: so potshots are possible during this time) before firing off more antimatter torpedoes at the weakened Whitestars, focusing on their shield generators and weapons systems.
The Humankind Abh
03-10-2006, 13:27
Starfurries met the attack by firing their thrusters and flipping on their axis to fire at the fighters behind them.
All Whitestars still capable of firing powered their weapons systems at maximum capacity and unleashed everything they had on the slowly forming crescent formation.
New Dornalia
03-10-2006, 14:08
The ships sustained damage, some getting the worst of it and getting damage to shield generators, others to armor. With the time came down to it, Townshend smiled and said, "Oh, you're getting it now!"
He ordered the Lins, now formed, to begin moving forth, firing the full brunt of their weaponry upon the Whitestars. Mark 1s, conventionals, Demolisher Guns, everything, thrown at the foe, as they moved as fast as they could.
The Marineskos took hits, losing six more in the process, but not before pushing backwards, away from the Starfurries, opening fire upon them while holding their angle.
The Humankind Abh
04-10-2006, 03:14
Thunderbolts rolled and banked up towards the Marineskos attacking head-on even if that meant colliding in mid-flight.
Whitestars took hits from the Lins as they moved into their own formation of a wedge to take on the crescent formation. They concentrated their firepower at the middle of the formation with pulse cannons and heavy neutron cannons.
New Dornalia
04-10-2006, 03:25
Thunderbolts rolled and banked up towards the Marineskos attacking head-on even if that meant colliding in mid-flight.
Whitestars took hits from the Lins as they moved into their own formation of a wedge to take on the crescent formation. They concentrated their firepower at the middle of the formation with pulse cannons and heavy neutron cannons.
The Lins in the middle took the brunt of the blast as planned, and two ships were heavily damaged, the rest sustaining moderate damage. The formation split, and then the two halves manuevered over one another, to assault the Whitestars from above and below with more fire.
The Marineskos were surprised by this game of chicken, and fired back, trying to evade as best as they could by banking to the side and playing with their manuevering thrusters and firing back as well. Still, collisions occured, and that old principle of Force times Time went into play, with massive damage being occurred by some fighters due to collisions.
The Humankind Abh
05-10-2006, 13:48
The fighters didn't care whether they hit the enemy or not, all that mattered was that they died.
Whitestars took punishment from above and below by the divided Lins. Enough damage had been inflicted and now it was time to leave. The raid was over and the order was given for the fighters to form back up and prepare to jump. They had one little surprise left for the Dornalians should they be try and stop them leaving. Jumpgates opened which would tamper with the dimension that a ship was on should it be in the way of the gate. Abh ships plunged in heading to Martine.
New Dornalia
06-10-2006, 01:04
Townshend then mumbled, "Bloody hell...." as they dissapeared, his ships forced to hold back due to the distortions. He then turned to the ship's Gracie Unit and said, "Gracie, where did they go to?"
"Not sure," was the reply.
She then said, her avatar looking up and putting her finger to her chin, "Hmm....hold on, I have a transmission from HQ."
Sure enough, Luxembourgia Command head, Admiral O'Connell, replied, "Captain Townshend, good job dealing with the Abh....this is clearly not a drill, judging by the live fire experienced by you and your personnel."
A map then flashed on screen, pointing to Abh space. He said, "The dimensional distortions they left behind distorted our sattelites and our other vessels, but Border Patrol was able to pick up comms traffic just before they left. ISB hot-translated it. They're going to here."
He pointed to a spot in Abh space.
"Martine. Major commercial and industrial center for the Abh Empire. JRCCC has issued orders for you to reinforce, and take ten Mao Zedong III battleships under the control of Commodore Plant on a retaliatory raid of Martine. Destroy as much as possible. Show them that deprevations upon the Workers State cannot be tolerated."
He then closed the channel.
Townshend then smiled and said, "Roger that. Gracie, plot our course to Martine after we get fixed up at dock. Contact Plant, tell us to meet him at Martine."
Gracie then said, "Roger."
The Humankind Abh
06-10-2006, 01:45
The remaining Whitestars and fighters eased back on the throttle as they exited the Hyperspace dimension upon returning to Martine. All had gone according to plan. Their exit could even be traced back to this system where ten new cruisers would be waiting once they arrived not to mention the squadron would be replenish in components. All that was left was to wait their arrival and have the major traffic cleared out of the area.
New Dornalia
06-10-2006, 02:19
Sure enough, about an hour or two later, Townshend's force arrived, along with Plant. Plant could only reply, in a rough voice that sounded like Roger Daltrey's: "So what's the plan, then? We go in, smash the place up, and then run?"
Townshend only replied, "Roger that."
Plant smiled and said, "Okay then. Let's go."
The ships exited Bosun Jump, and landed near Martine. The ships lined up in in groups of diamonds, five ships per diamond, the Maos leading the pack. The fighters remained on the flanks to provide advance warning and escort....
The Humankind Abh
06-10-2006, 02:45
The Abh formation was slightly different with black Shadow cruisers bringing up the middle in an "L" formation with the second and third line going vertical. Fighters were mixed in with the larger ships providing support and making it harder to be targeted when there were bigger and badder fish in the area to worry about. This would hopefully give them range to cause a little mayhem with the larger ships unnoticed. Whitestars were along the flanks hooked outward capable of holding their own.
Powerful energy cannons powered up on the cruisers and began aquiring their targets. Two HT cannons per cruiser. Targeting aquired while Whitestars heated up their weapons and fighter pilots prepared for combat.
"You have one chance to leave this place. I suggest you take it."
New Dornalia
06-10-2006, 02:48
"You have one chance to leave this place. I suggest you take it."
Townshend then said, "I don't think so, love. You tried to hurt the Workers' State, and that sort of thing demands action. Turn over the person responsible, or we will open fire."
All, the while, he had his ships prepare Mark 2 antimatter torpedoes, and Mark 1s...plus the singularities. This would get ugly.
The Humankind Abh
06-10-2006, 03:16
"You're choice sweetheart."
Inky black cruisers opened up with their heaviest weapons. Energy taken from the Hyperspace dimension was fed into two forward turrets on each cruiser. Purple energy beams laced out across the space and lashed out at the frontline of ships.
Whitestars raced around to meet any fighters coming in while fighters stayed back to take care of any projectiles that would be inbound.
New Dornalia
08-10-2006, 01:43
Townshend ordered immediate scattering of ships, but soon, the shots hit his lines, and two of the Lin Biaos failed shieldwise, the others found serious hits to their shields, and the Maos took damage as well.
At this, the Mark 2s were unleashed en masse by the Mao Zedongs, fired upon the black ships with great fury, followed up by waves of Demolisher Gun shot. The Lin Biaos, meanwhile, split into two groups and attempted to assault the Abh from the sides, flooding their lines with Demolisher Guns and antimatter torpedoes.
The Marineskos, meanwhile, moved to combat the fighters, going into 2-man kill teams and charging the foe from above and below, firing at them rapidly with torpedoes and Gauss fire.
The Humankind Abh
10-10-2006, 20:59
The Whitestar charge met against the Lin Baos as they danced around one another since both had similar attack plans of hitting the enemy from the sides. Green energy and pulse cannons laced out as the ship captains pulled every trick in the book they could think of to give them an edge in the dogfight.
Fighters attacking found themselves under fire from heavy point defense systems while the fighters were hiding among the Shadow Cruisers. Though they did come out every now and then to let loose fire from torpedoes and rail guns.
Black organic mass was blown off several of the cruisers leaving the ships to repare themselves as it slowly began to regenerate. More energy fire was unleashed as they not only fired with their heavier HT cannons but also all other ordinances they had. The fleet formation began moving forward taking the fight closer to one another.
New Dornalia
10-10-2006, 21:16
The Whitestar charge met against the Lin Baos as they danced around one another since both had similar attack plans of hitting the enemy from the sides. Green energy and pulse cannons laced out as the ship captains pulled every trick in the book they could think of to give them an edge in the dogfight.
Fighters attacking found themselves under fire from heavy point defense systems while the fighters were hiding among the Shadow Cruisers. Though they did come out every now and then to let loose fire from torpedoes and rail guns.
Black organic mass was blown off several of the cruisers leaving the ships to repare themselves as it slowly began to regenerate. More energy fire was unleashed as they not only fired with their heavier HT cannons but also all other ordinances they had. The fleet formation began moving forward taking the fight closer to one another.
The Marineskos broke off, taking some casualties in the process as they moved to regroup behind the Maos. It was obvious the Shadow Cruisers were covering for the fighters, and it would be stupid to try a direct attack like that again.
Townshend ordered his Lin Biaos to react accordingly, in the meantime, using their speed and their torpedoes and Demolisher Guns to hit the Whitestars, making all attempts to join in two ship kill teams to concentrate their firepower on the foe, dancing about the enemy and trying to minimize the amount of damage suffered--though some did get hit.
The Maos, meanwhile, obliged their foe, and began charging their Super Warp Cannons. They also took hits, trying to use point defense to shoot down physical rounds and sheer force of shields and scattering to try and avoid the energy blasts, but ending up taking damage all over the group, with one's shields failing and the rest of the Mao's shields perilously low. They immediatelly returned fire with a flurry of Demolisher Guns and torpedoes, and tried to put distance between them and the Shadows, loosening their diamonds and moving in different directions off to the side, firing at the Shadows all the while....
The Humankind Abh
12-10-2006, 14:13
Whitestars utilized everything they had to get an edge. They performed arial flips, twists, and dives to get a better angle or shot. Green and white flowed freely from the ships as they fired on the Lins and incoming missles while taking hits from other weapons.
More and more debris floated out from the cruisers as the auto-repair systems kicked into place and began fixing hull breaches and damage to ship systems. They returned fire by swivelling heavy pulse cannons while their HT cannons waited to absorb more energy from Hyperspace. Plasma and X-rays laced out towards the Maos from the front and above.
New Dornalia
13-10-2006, 04:52
Whitestars utilized everything they had to get an edge. They performed arial flips, twists, and dives to get a better angle or shot. Green and white flowed freely from the ships as they fired on the Lins and incoming missles while taking hits from other weapons.
More and more debris floated out from the cruisers as the auto-repair systems kicked into place and began fixing hull breaches and damage to ship systems. They returned fire by swivelling heavy pulse cannons while their HT cannons waited to absorb more energy from Hyperspace. Plasma and X-rays laced out towards the Maos from the front and above.
The Maos were hit by these shots, and the shields gave out, doing damage to the hull beneath. As the engineering crews began rapidly trying to recharge the shields and nanites worked to heal the ships, the Maos wheeled themselves about, and fired upon the Cruisers with the Super Warp Cannons. They then began moving away at high speed to put distance once more, firing at the Shadow Cruisers with torpedoes and Demolisher Guns.
The Lins also began performing their own manuevers, turning the battle into a ballet of sorts. The Lins returned fire and adjusted thrusters and direction accordingly to try and keep themselves as safe as possible, all the while firing back and sustaining some damage from the Whitestars.
The Humankind Abh
13-10-2006, 13:42
Some of the cruisers' organi armor was melted for lack of a better term. Automatic repairs would take far too long before this battle was over leaving them deformed in some ways. No engine outputs or anything but the ship still managed to move without much of a sound. Cruisers accelerated to try and keep pace with the Maos firing their HT cannons now that they were recharged.
Indeed the Whitestar Lin combat looked like a dance with Whitestars doing cartwheels overhead and the Lins twisting all the while to avoid fire. Green energy came from the bow of the ships dealing damage and taking damage throughout the fight.
New Dornalia
16-10-2006, 02:19
Some of the cruisers' organi armor was melted for lack of a better term. Automatic repairs would take far too long before this battle was over leaving them deformed in some ways. No engine outputs or anything but the ship still managed to move without much of a sound. Cruisers accelerated to try and keep pace with the Maos firing their HT cannons now that they were recharged.
Indeed the Whitestar Lin combat looked like a dance with Whitestars doing cartwheels overhead and the Lins twisting all the while to avoid fire. Green energy came from the bow of the ships dealing damage and taking damage throughout the fight.
The dance was joined by the Marinesko fighters, which swooped in and began making attack runs on the Whitestars, joining their comrades in the Lins in weaving, jinking, and executing moves expected of Street Racers and stunt flyers, firing Demolisher Guns, torpedoes fighter and ship sized, and even playing with the thrusters and manuevering to stay one step ahead. The shields were taking hits, but they could live, for now.
As for the Maos, their shields came up just in time to deflect most of the energy. But, the blows cut their shields down dramatically, once more placing them at low, low levels. The Maos increased their speed, and turned, throwing up a wall of Demolisher and torpedo fire at the Shadows, the torpedoes this time singularity rounds, while the Maos worked to restore shield life.
The Humankind Abh
20-10-2006, 16:17
A cruiser took a freak hit in a critical junction connecting the bridge to the rest of the ship. The explosion was magnifcant with a bright variety of colors spraying bits of organic mass everywhere. Repsonses came in a volley of energy mines and heavy cannon fire from the Shadows as they chased after the Maos.
Starfurries broke off from the cruisers and came to the aid of the Whitestars, swooping down onto the Dornalian fighters with rail guns and missles. Whitestars danced with their targets all about the stars.
New Dornalia
25-10-2006, 02:53
A cruiser took a freak hit in a critical junction connecting the bridge to the rest of the ship. The explosion was magnifcant with a bright variety of colors spraying bits of organic mass everywhere. Repsonses came in a volley of energy mines and heavy cannon fire from the Shadows as they chased after the Maos.
Starfurries broke off from the cruisers and came to the aid of the Whitestars, swooping down onto the Dornalian fighters with rail guns and missles. Whitestars danced with their targets all about the stars.
The fighters broke off, and then proceeded to engage the Starfurries in their signature two-man kill teams. Meanwhile, the Maos threw up PD fire to counteract the energy mines, though they still took damage. The Maos then fired upon the Cruisers once more, with Demolisher Guns and torpedoes.
Townshend, spurred on by the light show, had the Lin Biaos throw up ECM on all other frequencies but their own, and then exit the dance, firing upon the Whitestars with all they had.
Townshend's bridge then began moving somewhat slowly. Looking with alarm, he then pulled out a keyboard and then began typing something. It was a text message to Nie'nay.
It said simply, "Nie'nay, I'm lagging. Damn this connection."
The Humankind Abh
25-10-2006, 19:24
Nie'nay watched as her ships were given commands to counter act the newest attacks and jamming. The text message from Townshend appeared in the upper left hand corner of her vision. Her disappointment was apparent as she blew out a small sigh. Her Frokaj connection sent a text message via brain impulses. "Again? I noticed your Lin Baos were moving slow not too long ago. All this technology and server games still lag, huh. If you want my advice, I say get a little genetic alterations done and develop a Froch. That'll eliminate your connection problems."
Nien'nay opened her eyes and looked around her personal quarters in the military academy. The mental images of the battlefield and her fictional bridge and crew all disappeared as well. She was still linked with the game "Galactic Wars V", but her open eyes put her last commands and ship movements on pause while she and Townshend conversed about the problem.
New Dornalia
25-10-2006, 19:33
Nie'nay watched as her ships were given commands to counter act the newest attacks and jamming. The text message from Townshend appeared in the upper left hand corner of her vision. Her disappointment was apparent as she blew out a small sigh. Her Frokaj connection sent a text message via brain impulses. "Again? I noticed your Lin Baos were moving slow not too long ago. All this technology and server games still lag, huh. If you want my advice, I say get a little genetic alterations done and develop a Froch. That'll eliminate your connection problems."
Nien'nay opened her eyes and looked around her personal quarters in the military academy. The mental images of the battlefield and her fictional bridge and crew all disappeared as well. She was still linked with the game "Galactic Wars V", but her open eyes put her last commands and ship movements on pause while she and Townshend conversed about the problem.
On the Dornalian side, Townshend was revealed to be not in his bridge, but in a messy dorm room, with anime posters and shelves full of books, paper, videos and postit notes for the purpose of reminding him to get stuff done. A roommate was IMing his girlfriend over the HoloNet, and playing FIFA 22XX on his Okama Gamestation 9, cursing his players for not making good crosskicks. Townshend himself was playing Galactic Wars V, with the Patriot Game expansion pack.
He then laughed to himself, and typed back, sipping a soda and queuing up "Eminence Front," "Heh. As it is, tuition to the Naval College is bad enough, I can't really afford genetic mods. But I thank you for your suggestion :)."
The Humankind Abh
26-10-2006, 01:56
Unlike Townshend's messy dorm room, Nie'nay's habitat was prestinly clean with not an article of clothing misplaced or a bed sheet ruffled. She closed her eyes and smiled while reading the text reply. Her thoughts sent back her own message. "A pity. It so comes in handy. Anyways, there is someone on the server posing as a Sith Order. Maybe we should get the clan together and go rain on his parade one time. Ground battles galore for the landers and enough Star Destroyers for our ships to feed on."
New Dornalia
26-10-2006, 02:20
Unlike Townshend's messy dorm room, Nie'nay's habitat was prestinly clean with not an article of clothing misplaced or a bed sheet ruffled. She closed her eyes and smiled while reading the text reply. Her thoughts sent back her own message. "A pity. It so comes in handy. Anyways, there is someone on the server posing as a Sith Order. Maybe we should get the clan together and go rain on his parade one time. Ground battles galore for the landers and enough Star Destroyers for our ships to feed on."
Townshend smiled, and typed in reply, "Excellent....I need some decent kills on this server, somebody's gotta front for ND in this game. Everybody else always plays Sith, Chaos, or hell even some of the ESUS skillsets."
He then said, "How's about we disconnect, and find this fellow...."
The Humankind Abh
26-10-2006, 13:58
"I agree. I've just about accumulated enough combat points to upgrade all of my outposts and defense systems. Hopefully that will make life easier while we go and attack. I'll hunt the guy down and get back to you which server he's on. Disconnecting..."
New Dornalia
26-10-2006, 17:52
"I agree. I've just about accumulated enough combat points to upgrade all of my outposts and defense systems. Hopefully that will make life easier while we go and attack. I'll hunt the guy down and get back to you which server he's on. Disconnecting..."
Townshend himself then disconnected, and then searched around the Online lobby. There were a lot of players on the server today, and a good portion of them were trashtalking on the chatbox....figures.
He then browsed about, doing some reading on Georgy Zhukov for his Military History of Soviet Russia class...