NationStates Jolt Archive

Blainesville brings GASN before the world

01-10-2006, 19:36
King Joseph Blaine, monarch and ruler of the Theocracy of Blainesville, has grown disgusted with the hypocrisy of the GASN, and wishes to bring the word of the GASN lies to the world. The Royal Intelligence Department has done thorough research on a number of GASN nations, and now is prepared to bring forth their actions to the world.

- The nation of Clandonia Prime launched an unwarranted nuclear strike upon the nation of Blainesville for a firebomb/gas attack launched not by Blainesville, but by one of its allies. Despite the fact that they launched Nuclear missiles, numerous GASN nations still support him and Blainesville is unable to retaliate, lest face GASN forces.

- The nation of Wanderjar became involved in multiple clandestine operations both for and against the Griffoncrest Corporation. Wanderjarian special forces assaulted a Griffoncrest peacekeping group in Toopoxia, slaughtering most of the garrisons there to prevent a regional conflict. Wanderjar also pledged several thousand men to defend Griffoncrest against Kroando, and sold the Coporation the Leopard tanks that they are currently using to assault numerous nations around the world.

- The nation of the Aeson attacked the leader of the Griffoncrest Corporations home using a special forces group, blowing up a large portion of the mansion there. After this, the same group kidnapped and tortured the daughter of the Griffoncrest CEO, Julia Griffoncrest, and returned her beaten body only after the Corporation gave troop locations to Wanderjar, which Wanderjar used to slay the peacekeepers

- The nation of Dephire...well, they are Dephire.

- The nation if Rosdivan launched unrestricted warfare on civilian merchant ships carrying Griffoncrest oil. It cost numerous lives and millions pf dollars. The Theocracy of Blainesville sees this as an act of piracy, and should be punished by the full extent of international law.

- The nation of Hurtful Thoughts sold tanks and weapons to Beiraq, despite the fact that Beiraq was at war with another GASN member, Wanderjar. Hurtful Thoughts also launched a terror attack on two Griffoncrest airbases in an attempt to destroy Griffincrest overseas capability.

- The nation of Zeoch allowed Griffoncrest to construct a large airbase with in its borders, declaring friendly relations with an enemy of the alliance.

- The nation of Zukariaa, seeing that the GASN was a corrupt, hypocritical allaince, justly left and is assisting Corporate Alliance forces. Blainesville congradulates Zukariaa for its choice.

(OOC: Yes, I had nothing to do and actually searched the forums for dirt on GASN members.)
The Aeson
01-10-2006, 19:40
The Holy Confederacy of New Aeson unilaterally denies all unfounded accusations made by Blainseville and demands to know what these accusations are based on. They are also considering demanding reperations for the besmirching of their international reputation.
01-10-2006, 19:40
There's not dirt to be found about my nation. I havent done anything that will be considered a "crime against humanity"...Yet
Liberated New Ireland
01-10-2006, 19:47
OOC: How intimidating. :rolleyes:
There a point to any of this?
Clandonia Prime
01-10-2006, 19:48
Clandonia would like to remind you that you tried and failed to invade Clandonia with a pathetic naval force, once defeated you turned to the Griffenfest Corporation for help where they used chemical and thermobarical weapons against civillians. In response we launched precision tactical nuclear strikes on the launch positions of the aircraft and missile sites in Blainsville.

Your latest attack has brought disgust on your countrys name yet again, we are preparing a battle plan for striking your entire military and government infrastructure. We wont stoop to the level of attacking refugee camps like the Corporate Alliance appear to have a habit of doing.
Blackhelm Confederacy
01-10-2006, 19:58
Although it is all true, thank you for spelling "Griffincrest" wrong every single time.
The Aeson
01-10-2006, 20:00
Although it is all true, thank you for spelling "Griffincrest" wrong every single time.

We'll gladly extend our demands of compensation to Griffencrest, as well, if they do not retract that statement.
Clandonia Prime
01-10-2006, 21:18
Clandonia is more than welcome to spell Griffincrest wrong everytime.
01-10-2006, 21:29
I don't care what you say. You are insignificant.

And besides, all my actions have been justified.
01-10-2006, 21:40
TO: The International Community
FROM: Mr. Larry Williams, Minister of Foreign Affairs

We here in the Dark Empire find it laughable that Blainesville has not tried to spread propoganda against the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom. I am under official orders by George A. Loak, the Supreme Emperor of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom, to give you a message from him. "You suxor on the International Incents". Now personally i believe you are cowardly due to your recent attacks upon CIVILIANs in Calidonia Prime. Bombing a refugee camp is as low as one can go and the one who ordered this cowardly act will be brought to justice in Calidonia Prime even if a Shazbotdom Marine Unit has to be the one to arrest this warmongering freak of nature. You have 24 hours to appologise for these attacks or you will see our wrath.
01-10-2006, 23:04
We'll gladly extend our demands of compensation to Griffencrest, as well, if they do not retract that statement.

The Aeson can demand whatever it wishes. While we don't support Blainsville, or theocracies in general, one can hardly demand reparations for remarks made internationally, and expect to be taken seriously. If any attacks or other unconventional methods of obtaining "compensation" for the remarks were made, chellis might have to get involved. We support sovereignty over most everything.
The Aeson
01-10-2006, 23:29
The Aeson can demand whatever it wishes. While we don't support Blainsville, or theocracies in general, one can hardly demand reparations for remarks made internationally, and expect to be taken seriously. If any attacks or other unconventional methods of obtaining "compensation" for the remarks were made, chellis might have to get involved. We support sovereignty over most everything.

So you see no problem with making obviously false accusations which could damage a nation's international standing?
01-10-2006, 23:37
So you see no problem with making obviously false accusations which could damage a nation's international standing?

For starters, who is the judge of the information being obviously false? Yourself? Your allies? While we aren't exactly believing it, to call it obviously false is hardly any more convincing.

And international standing, whats your point? Things get said by uncountable numbers of people and nations about other nations, every day. There is hardly an international right for keeping international standing. Deny them, call for blainsville to prove his words, and if he cant, then he loses standing, not you.

When you get more experienced, you will learn that petty words do much less to hurt your standing than overreacting over those words.
Liberated New Ireland
01-10-2006, 23:47
Although it is all true, thank you for spelling "Griffincrest" wrong every single time.

We'll gladly extend our demands of compensation to Griffencrest, as well, if they do not retract that statement.

Seriously, you're going to get pissed over this. You need to calm down...

Just take a deep breath... and put... the gun... down...
The Aeson
01-10-2006, 23:50
The Holy Confederacy of New Aeson would like to officially apologize for it's slightly overzealous response to these riddiculous claims and would like to officially change it's standing to the following.

01-10-2006, 23:57
TO:The International Community
FROM:The High Commander, Henry Corrol

As a former GASN member, we can easily say that all of this information is absolutely true. While we respect certain members of the GASN, all of the information stated by the Blainesville government is 100% true. All one must do is look back on the many conflicts that many GASN members have taken part in and you will see that many of them care nothing for the GASN, which they use as if it is a shield of some sort.

Signed, The High Commander
Liberated New Ireland
02-10-2006, 00:06
- The nation of Clandonia Prime launched an unwarranted nuclear strike upon the nation of Blainesville for a firebomb/gas attack launched not by Blainesville, but by one of its allies. Despite the fact that they launched Nuclear missiles, numerous GASN nations still support him and Blainesville is unable to retaliate, lest face GASN forces.
*tears* Oh, noes, your side commited a war crime, and we retaliated, and now we're supporting our ally! The horror!

- The nation of Wanderjar became involved in multiple clandestine operations both for and against the Griffoncrest Corporation. Wanderjarian special forces assaulted a Griffoncrest peacekeping group in Toopoxia, slaughtering most of the garrisons there to prevent a regional conflict. Wanderjar also pledged several thousand men to defend Griffoncrest against Kroando, and sold the Coporation the Leopard tanks that they are currently using to assault numerous nations around the world.
WTF? So, basically, you're saying "Not only did they not support the Corporation, they supported the Corporation!" That's an incredibly logical argument, there...

- The nation of the Aeson attacked the leader of the Griffoncrest Corporations home using a special forces group, blowing up a large portion of the mansion there. After this, the same group kidnapped and tortured the daughter of the Griffoncrest CEO, Julia Griffoncrest, and returned her beaten body only after the Corporation gave troop locations to Wanderjar, which Wanderjar used to slay the peacekeepers
Yeah, well, he's The Aeson. He's very morally ambigious, and most of us are, IC, ignorant of his torture of the poor girl.

- The nation of Dephire...well, they are Dephire.
...Can't argue with that. They are, in fact, Dephire.

- The nation if Rosdivan launched unrestricted warfare on civilian merchant ships carrying Griffoncrest oil. It cost numerous lives and millions pf dollars. The Theocracy of Blainesville sees this as an act of piracy, and should be punished by the full extent of international law.
Yarr! Cutting enemy supply lines be an act of piracy!

- The nation of Hurtful Thoughts sold tanks and weapons to Beiraq, despite the fact that Beiraq was at war with another GASN member, Wanderjar. Hurtful Thoughts also launched a terror attack on two Griffoncrest airbases in an attempt to destroy Griffincrest overseas capability.
*gasp* We have factional violence that effects no one else! And we raid our sworn enemy! How evil of us! :eek:

- The nation of Zeoch allowed Griffoncrest to construct a large airbase with in its borders, declaring friendly relations with an enemy of the alliance.
*gasp* Some of us are being diplomatic, and not raiding our sworn enemy! How evil of us! :eek:

- The nation of Zukariaa, seeing that the GASN was a corrupt, hypocritical allaince, justly left and is assisting Corporate Alliance forces. Blainesville congradulates Zukariaa for its choice.
...We don't miss him.
The Aeson
02-10-2006, 00:12
*tears* Oh, noes, your side commited a war crime, and we retaliated, and now we're supporting our ally! The horror!

WTF? So, basically, you're saying "Not only did they not support the Corporation, they supported the Corporation!" That's an incredibly logical argument, there...

Yeah, well, he's The Aeson. He's very morally ambigious, and most of us are, IC, ignorant of his torture of the poor girl.

...Can't argue with that. They are, in fact, Dephire.

Yarr! Cutting enemy supply lines be an act of piracy!

*gasp* We have factional violence that effects no one else! And we raid our sworn enemy! How evil of us! :eek:

*gasp* Some of us are being diplomatic, and not raiding our sworn enemy! How evil of us! :eek:

...We don't miss him.

OOC: You win the thread. And I'm not morally ambiguous. I just make the hard decisions so other people don't have to.
The World Soviet Party
02-10-2006, 00:17
- The nation of Zukariaa, seeing that the GASN was a corrupt, hypocritical allaince, justly left and is assisting Corporate Alliance forces. Blainesville congradulates Zukariaa for its choice.

Oh, dont forget he decided to support the CA in the invasion of my country when I never did anything to him (heck, I didnt even know he existed until he started posting the "Im leraving" thing).
New Ausha
02-10-2006, 00:50
Grievances with said "charges"

All acts and endeavors of the GASN are perfectly warranted and justified. Let us remember why all this occurred. Oh yes! CA utility UNJUSTLY INVADED TWSP, then attacked New Ausha. Not too mention the disgusting war crimes of using utility such as poison gas, and civilian bombing tactics. This statement itself, is a great hypocrisy. 7600 Aushan sailors died, at the hands of BC and RFF. Their crime- defending their home waters? All TWSP soldiers that have died, their "crimes", defending their land? You imperialists will find your illogical and somewhat puzzling charges, will serve too no avail, when you are tried as war criminals after this. Good day.

-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Blackhelm Confederacy
02-10-2006, 00:53
Oh, dont forget he decided to support the CA in the invasion of my country when I never did anything to him (heck, I didnt even know he existed until he started posting the "Im leraving" thing).

I never said I was leaving, what?
New Ausha
02-10-2006, 00:55
I never said I was leaving, what?

Bloody invaders dont want too give up thier land eh?

(see "grievances" above ;) )
The World Soviet Party
02-10-2006, 01:01
I never said I was leaving, what?

I was talking about Zukkaria leaving GASN.
02-10-2006, 02:11
TO: The International Community
FROM: Mr. Larry Williams, Minister of Foreign Affairs

We see no reason why the International Community should care about what Blainesville says in this situation as they themselves have not been fully truthful about what their intentions are in this conflict. From their actions, it seems that they only care about how much loss of life they cause on the other side, be it Military or Civilian casualties.

From their bombing of a Civilian Refugee camp, they have brought upon themselves the anger of a people. The people of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom are demanding for the immediate arrests of those who called for this trecherous bombing. They will be tried in the nation that they bombed, Clandonia Prime. We demand the immediate extradition of those involved in planning and executing what would be called a "Terrorist Attack" upon the people of Clandonia Prime.
Hurtful Thoughts
09-10-2006, 05:30
King Joseph Blaine, monarch and ruler of the Theocracy of Blainesville, has grown disgusted with the hypocrisy of the GASN, and wishes to bring the word of the GASN lies to the world. The Royal Intelligence Department has done thorough research on a number of GASN nations, and now is prepared to bring forth their actions to the world.

- The nation of Hurtful Thoughts sold tanks and weapons to Beiraq, despite the fact that Beiraq was at war with another GASN member, Wanderjar. Hurtful Thoughts also launched a terror attack on two Griffoncrest airbases in an attempt to destroy Griffincrest overseas capability.

From: Hubert Pinkerton
Minister of Foriegn Affairs

K. I'm allowed to defend myself, right?

I sold those tank to Beiraqi forces as I was joining the CA, of which he was a member, secondly, those tanks were on hold pending the resolution of said conflict.

Those 'terror strikes' were done with full government declaration of war upon the Griffencrest Corporation and their associates (by a full 60 seconds on public television after giving 9 minute warning that a message pertaining to PROHT/CA relations would be given). And during one of those strikes my operatives freed a number of Poltical/corprate prisioners and forced labourers.

Griffencrest Corporation is not a nation, and has been officially considered an international terrorist organization, as such any regulations of war do not apply when fighting forces aligned with Claudius Griffencrest.

If you are going to tell the story, tell the whole thing. And I hope you don't mind when we check what your motive is to eliminate perhaps the most peace loving alliance in the world, as I really don't see many people jumping to the rescue of Khornate tribes, Chitzeland, Alidor, TWSP, Vietnamexico or even little New Ausha.
09-10-2006, 06:04
King Joseph Blaine, monarch and ruler of the Theocracy of Blainesville, has grown disgusted with the hypocrisy of the GASN, and wishes to bring the word of the GASN lies to the world. The Royal Intelligence Department has done thorough research on a number of GASN nations, and now is prepared to bring forth their actions to the world.

- The nation of Clandonia Prime launched an unwarranted nuclear strike upon the nation of Blainesville for a firebomb/gas attack launched not by Blainesville, but by one of its allies. Despite the fact that they launched Nuclear missiles, numerous GASN nations still support him and Blainesville is unable to retaliate, lest face GASN forces.

- The nation of Wanderjar became involved in multiple clandestine operations both for and against the Griffoncrest Corporation. Wanderjarian special forces assaulted a Griffoncrest peacekeping group in Toopoxia, slaughtering most of the garrisons there to prevent a regional conflict. Wanderjar also pledged several thousand men to defend Griffoncrest against Kroando, and sold the Coporation the Leopard tanks that they are currently using to assault numerous nations around the world.

- The nation of the Aeson attacked the leader of the Griffoncrest Corporations home using a special forces group, blowing up a large portion of the mansion there. After this, the same group kidnapped and tortured the daughter of the Griffoncrest CEO, Julia Griffoncrest, and returned her beaten body only after the Corporation gave troop locations to Wanderjar, which Wanderjar used to slay the peacekeepers

- The nation of Dephire...well, they are Dephire.

- The nation if Rosdivan launched unrestricted warfare on civilian merchant ships carrying Griffoncrest oil. It cost numerous lives and millions pf dollars. The Theocracy of Blainesville sees this as an act of piracy, and should be punished by the full extent of international law.

- The nation of Hurtful Thoughts sold tanks and weapons to Beiraq, despite the fact that Beiraq was at war with another GASN member, Wanderjar. Hurtful Thoughts also launched a terror attack on two Griffoncrest airbases in an attempt to destroy Griffincrest overseas capability.

- The nation of Zeoch allowed Griffoncrest to construct a large airbase with in its borders, declaring friendly relations with an enemy of the alliance.

- The nation of Zukariaa, seeing that the GASN was a corrupt, hypocritical allaince, justly left and is assisting Corporate Alliance forces. Blainesville congradulates Zukariaa for its choice.

(OOC: Yes, I had nothing to do and actually searched the forums for dirt on GASN members.)

IC :

The Empire demands that all such baseless accusations or face a string of sanctions on you . It is you who first launched a miserable and doomed naval expedition to Clandonia Prime and attacked civillians . This cannot be condone .
09-10-2006, 10:11
Encrypted wire
Attn: Blainesville Foreign Ministry or closest equivalent body
From: Brettonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


While we do not usually condone such irresponsible words to the world body at large, we despise these seemingly endless streams of four- and five-acronym alliances even more. These organizations of otherwise-unremarkable nations band together, then attempt to act like "one of the big boys," overstepping their bounds almost constantly. Groupthink is a powerful concept indeed. To this effect, and to suit our ever-expanding territorial needs, we shall issue an open declaration unilaterally supporting your claims.

If members of GASN (or GAPTS, for that matter...) become further enraged by your heckling, and choose to pursue military action against your nation, we shall, in no uncertain terms, step in and knock them down a notch. We have no great interest in whatever benefits (or disadvantages) there may be hamstringing these alliances; they simply provide an easy target to disperse and consume their divided members.

Please keep in mind that this is not generosity or camaraderie on our part; your state is simply in a position wherein our involvement may be beneficial to our interests. Nothing more.

Your nation may or may not gain anything from this involvement - beyond our recongition as a helpful political entitiy - however, you may rest assured that no harm will come to it.

With that in mind, best of luck in your "egging on" as it were.




Brettonian Ministry of Information
Official Proclamation

Yet again, we see the strong-arming, bullying tactics of these so-called "alliances," which are in reality little more than the former socialist collectives of the previous century, when they are confronted with the harsh truths of their actions.

It is to we, the non-aligned nations, that are burdened with the task of peace and prosperity in the world. The militaristic, socialistic, collectivst organizations you may know as the "Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations," the "Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength," the "Union of Communist Nations," and countless other bloodthirsty groups promote nothing but oppression and violence.

We support the Theocracy of Blainesville in its just objectives in rooting out these sham collectives of imperialism and conquest for what they really are.
09-10-2006, 14:10
Official comunique from Carbandia
The peoples republic is shocked to learn what our supposed allies have been doing while we were in, temporary, isolation (in the USA, actually, irl..and I've got a ton of witnesses), and will think twice before jumping in without first hand knowledge in their support.
Foreign minister Bondarenko

ooc: Most, if not all, happened during my three week vacation..And those that did not, I had no, ic, part in..Or ooc, for that matter..Not everyone in the GASN was involved in those acts, mate.
09-10-2006, 14:19
Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations Public Relations

It has come to our attention that a number of our members have been taking militaristic measures against the Corporate Alliance, mostly in self defense but some in preemptive strikes. It is with the utmost urgency that we must specify we do not condone preemptive action, and these actions are not authorised by the Governing Council. We must stress this for fear of future conflict with potential allies, and therefore must clarify that the GASN will be undergoing a refounding very soon, rooting out some troublemakers and tossing them from the alliance.

However, we at the Democratic Empire of Cravan detest your accusations of our "socialist" and "collectivist" ways. The Democratic Empire is a Capitalizt nation, giving its citizens extensive personal and economic freedoms, as well as political freedoms. We must stress our dislike of Communist policies, however with GASN's tolerance code all ideologies are welcome assuming civil rights abuses are non-existant.

We at the Democratic Empire do share some views with the Brettonian people, though, as we feel Communism and extreme varients of Socialism are threats to our modern civilised society, whereas Communism and Socialism seem to strip people of their personal freedoms and force them to work as a collective, similiar in our eyes to an ant hive. We feel the human race is above such forms of primitive government, and therefore we do see where the Brettonians are coming from. We must urge Bretton, though, to choose their targets more carefully. The GASN is not your enemy, for your enemy is much more... red.

*The last two paragraphs in the preceding statement were the views of the Democratic Empire and not the GASN as a whole. Since the GASN believes in national sovereignty and freedoms it is not our place to speak on behalf of other GASN nations.


Luisa Vasquez
Luisa Vasquez
Director of GASN PR
The Aeson
09-10-2006, 15:27
OOC: I've come to a decision about this. Since there's no IC way Blainesville could possibly know about my involvement in the abduction of GC's spawn, I feel I have no alternative but to ignore that, and anything rising from it, as godmodding, unless he can provide a reasonable explanation of how he knows.
09-10-2006, 15:46
The Supreme Commonwealth of Rosdivan condemns the nation of Blainesville for being controlled by a ravenous horde of lying monkeys and never bathing their citizens, who all stink like mangy dogs left out in the rain.
09-10-2006, 16:13
OOC: I've come to a decision about this. Since there's no IC way Blainesville could possibly know about my involvement in the abduction of GC's spawn, I feel I have no alternative but to ignore that, and anything rising from it, as godmodding, unless he can provide a reasonable explanation of how he knows.
ooc: Good point, Aeson..Makes me wonder if he's been reading our website..Or been digging around on this one..Both of which would come under "using info you know ooc, but not ic, to affect things ic", which last time I checked is very bad form
09-10-2006, 16:35
I still say we should just ignore him. He is a worm.
09-10-2006, 16:42
OOC: I've come to a decision about this. Since there's no IC way Blainesville could possibly know about my involvement in the abduction of GC's spawn, I feel I have no alternative but to ignore that, and anything rising from it, as godmodding, unless he can provide a reasonable explanation of how he knows.

Applauds hands wildly ...
09-10-2006, 16:44
I still say we should just ignore him. He is a worm.

Yea ...
Clandonia Prime
09-10-2006, 16:55
Yea ...

OOC: Now you know why I nuked him! :p
09-10-2006, 18:14
...I can't see any crimes here?
Axis Nova
09-10-2006, 19:25
OOC: I've come to a decision about this. Since there's no IC way Blainesville could possibly know about my involvement in the abduction of GC's spawn, I feel I have no alternative but to ignore that, and anything rising from it, as godmodding, unless he can provide a reasonable explanation of how he knows.

He could, IC, just be bluffing to throw you off. Regardless, he has every reason to be pissed off considering you have all greatly overreacted and acted like a bunch of spoiled children and bullies instead of national leaders.
The Aeson
09-10-2006, 19:32
He could, IC, just be bluffing to throw you off. Regardless, he has every reason to be pissed off considering you have all greatly overreacted and acted like a bunch of spoiled children and bullies instead of national leaders.

OOC: So... what you're saying is that it's okay to announce the IC secrets of any country to the world at large, as long as I can afterwards claim that I didn't actually know it, I was just bluffing.

As to the overreacting, I admit that I did initially overreact but I realized that and apologized.
09-10-2006, 19:36
He could, IC, just be bluffing to throw you off. Regardless, he has every reason to be pissed off considering you have all greatly overreacted and acted like a bunch of spoiled children and bullies instead of national leaders.

Yeah, national leaders always act in a fully mature and cautious manner.

09-10-2006, 19:40
He could, IC, just be bluffing to throw you off. Regardless, he has every reason to be pissed off considering you have all greatly overreacted and acted like a bunch of spoiled children and bullies instead of national leaders.

Don't generalize and say "You have all". I never overreacted. My posts were of my national leader laughing at him and the only military action i have taken against the CA was to defend an allies homeland. If he does decide to assault my homeland then i will take that into consideration and then decided to roll across his homeland...
Axis Nova
09-10-2006, 20:09
Don't generalize and say "You have all". I never overreacted. My posts were of my national leader laughing at him and the only military action i have taken against the CA was to defend an allies homeland. If he does decide to assault my homeland then i will take that into consideration and then decided to roll across his homeland...

By "you all", I mean GASN. You people are supposed to be a bloc, so I'm treating you collectively as the same entity.

Or is your alliance not responsible for the actions of it's members? If this is the case then it's no better than the League of Nations.
09-10-2006, 20:12
Thats correct. The allinace is not responsible for the actions of it's member nations. Only the Governing Council may deem an operation to be an "Official GASN Operation".
Axis Nova
09-10-2006, 20:17
Considering your relative lack of military strength, this is not a wise position for you to take. If you do not exercise some level of control over GASN's membership, then sooner or later someone will do something that gets GASN in over it's head.
09-10-2006, 20:24
Considering your relative lack of military strength, this is not a wise position for you to take. If you do not exercise some level of control over GASN's membership, then sooner or later someone will do something that gets GASN in over it's head.

((Been there, done that. =P Refounded the alliance a couple miniutes ago, btw.))
09-10-2006, 20:31
ooc: is this all stemming from that horibly doomed rp between Blainsville and Clandonia Prime?.. btw, which one is in GDI? Bl or CP? lol I forgot.

Edit, oki, CP is in GDI, sup bud! =P I support you fully though I have no idea wats going on.
10-10-2006, 03:31
OOC: Now you know why I nuked him! :p

Yea i get it .
14-10-2006, 10:47
....and IC knowedge for any of this is.........