30-09-2006, 22:09
OOC: Firstly, sorry if there is someone out there who has the ultimate Missile/air defence system in their storefront. I checked a few but couldn't see any on active threads. Secondly, a bit of RP is always nice ;)
In the Public Hall at the Presidential palace around fifty members of the press were seated in preparedness for the arrival of the President. An announcement was to be made, although what its subject was to be about was not yet known. However recently there had been some trouble with reguards to a few nations who looked a bit unstable, and there had also been some large naval orders recently made which, of course, were well known about. After all, they had benefited the ship building economy drastically.
Of course then there were all the local issues that H2 often had problems with, this state or another complaining they wanted independence, or water droughts meaning that half a trillion USD needed investing in new dams, something similar had happened not long ago. However, what they did not expect was the apperance of the President, closely followed by two ministers, and only two, those of Defence and Security and Intelligence.
The President stepped up to the podium. He turned his face away from the mic as he coughed quietly and took a sip of water from a shelf out of sight to the press.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, you have been asked to come here today due to a grave matter of importance to our national Security. We live today in a world which is full of danger, both from conventional means and those which are not even worth contemplating. It was a great shock to me therefore to discover, just over a month ago, that our nation was grocely under-prepared for the effects of a long range missile attack. Not only have we let our missile warning systems become obsolete by the standards of nations who value their security as much as we do, but also by the fact that we no longer have the capability to protect our citizens from an NBC attack.
This may not come as a suprise to some of you, of course you will know of the report published recently. It was completely unexpected but came at the right time. We are always in danger of such an attack and as we become more and more dragged into conflicts and missions around the world we are bound to make more enemies. This leads us to an unaceptable problem, and which we, that being myself, Defence Minister Alders and Security and Intelligence Minister Von Kratón, have acted upon immediatly. I shall therefore hand you over to the honourable Mr. Alders"
With this the President took his seat and listened attentively to his Defence Minister. He had a great respect for him, he had begun the modernisation of all the forces in the military and from what the president had seen raised their standards considerably.
"Thankyou Mr. President. As you now know we are constantly threatened by an attack from either submarine, surface or sattelite launched missile attack. Such an attack would, it must be said, be a catastrophe. We therefore came to the conclusion we must act imediatly, and therefore it comes down to me to make a great announcement on the part of the Government: we will be investing nearly 1/2 of our current defence budget on a complete new Missile defence system, more if necessary. This is a total of $15Trillion USD which we shall invest in the latest and newest systems to prevent the destruction of our nation should any missiles be launched against our nation.
A contract for this system will be launched immediatly for which the basic needs shall be specified soon. It is a shame that Hotdogs2 does not have the capability to produce such a system itself, but it appears that stealth aircraft and other missiles have become so sophisticated, as seen with our own airforce aircraft, that we cannot compete.
Therefore the said contract for $15Trillion USD shall be awarded to another nation.
Any nation or company bidding for this contract will be looked into fully and we shall ensure our nation receives the best possible system."
With this he turned and left the room, whilst the President quickly addressed the press apologising for their brief apperance, and left the Security minister to answer any questions.
Hotdogs2, having carried out research on its current RADAR, NBC detection and Command and Control was appaled by the damning report produced which stated that the defence systems were obsolete and need a complete overhaul, including the existing systems purchased previously which have fallen into disrepear and which no longer are capable of protecting enough of our citizens in its bunkers or commanding our troops.
Although still operational the ever increasing complexety of stealth aircraft is a major threat to our nation and has mean't that our much more modern and advanced AWAC's aircraft have been pushed to their limits as fair as flying so much goes. It has put an unprecedented strain on such aircraft and their crews and ties them down should they be needed in another conflict significantly reducing that effectiveness.
This report was published less than one month ago and the public outrage was massive as they were very worried due to the threats of nuclear attacks that are made so often in the world. This led to the Ministry of Defence and Security forces to co-operate to quickly determine the exact problems and how to overcome them.
To that end it was soon decided that a large sum of money would be needed. The current Aristotle II-EX Class Centralised SDI System was beyond repair and outdated for H2's needs so much so that a completely new system was required, which was why the President has made his address.
System necessities:
The defence system must be able to detect large missile launches from long range from Hotdogs2. This is due to the fact that missiles have ever increasing ranges and detection at the first possible moment is required. However whereas at longer ranges the system need not be so accurate at closer ranges it must to allow for counter measures to be taken.
An advanced RADAR system which uses several methods to detect stealth, high flying and fast aircraft which can also launch a counter attack, wether that be scrambling fighters to intercept, or launching anti-aircraft missiles.
A new SAM system with both long and short range missiles in place.
A new sattelite system which gives both an attack capability with nuclear attacks, and that has a defensive capability against high flying aircraft and missiles. It must also incorporate and anti-satellite and spaceship system to destroy and spy satellites or missile launch vehicles.
A new series of Bunkers be constructed, both in upgrading and improving the existing 60 or so bunkers and creating new ones to house important members of the civillian population. These should include both large numbers of bomb shelters and of NBC bunkers, with escape routes.
A new C&C centre be constructed with out-posts around H2 to operate in case of NBC attack.
A national NBC detection system, linked to the command centres.
All RADAR, Air force AWACS and aircraft, and new missile defences be interlinked by the system, including satellites.
A new silo system capable of independant launch of ICBM's (with extreme safety features to ensure no terrorist takeovers) which are well hidden must be constructed, capable of launching the latest ICBM's.
New equipment for the emergency services including respirators, Decontamination units and other necessities and also spare NBC suits and respirators for issue to civillians in emergencies.
Any other needs should be discussed and any extra imput is welcomed by the H2 government.
In the Public Hall at the Presidential palace around fifty members of the press were seated in preparedness for the arrival of the President. An announcement was to be made, although what its subject was to be about was not yet known. However recently there had been some trouble with reguards to a few nations who looked a bit unstable, and there had also been some large naval orders recently made which, of course, were well known about. After all, they had benefited the ship building economy drastically.
Of course then there were all the local issues that H2 often had problems with, this state or another complaining they wanted independence, or water droughts meaning that half a trillion USD needed investing in new dams, something similar had happened not long ago. However, what they did not expect was the apperance of the President, closely followed by two ministers, and only two, those of Defence and Security and Intelligence.
The President stepped up to the podium. He turned his face away from the mic as he coughed quietly and took a sip of water from a shelf out of sight to the press.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, you have been asked to come here today due to a grave matter of importance to our national Security. We live today in a world which is full of danger, both from conventional means and those which are not even worth contemplating. It was a great shock to me therefore to discover, just over a month ago, that our nation was grocely under-prepared for the effects of a long range missile attack. Not only have we let our missile warning systems become obsolete by the standards of nations who value their security as much as we do, but also by the fact that we no longer have the capability to protect our citizens from an NBC attack.
This may not come as a suprise to some of you, of course you will know of the report published recently. It was completely unexpected but came at the right time. We are always in danger of such an attack and as we become more and more dragged into conflicts and missions around the world we are bound to make more enemies. This leads us to an unaceptable problem, and which we, that being myself, Defence Minister Alders and Security and Intelligence Minister Von Kratón, have acted upon immediatly. I shall therefore hand you over to the honourable Mr. Alders"
With this the President took his seat and listened attentively to his Defence Minister. He had a great respect for him, he had begun the modernisation of all the forces in the military and from what the president had seen raised their standards considerably.
"Thankyou Mr. President. As you now know we are constantly threatened by an attack from either submarine, surface or sattelite launched missile attack. Such an attack would, it must be said, be a catastrophe. We therefore came to the conclusion we must act imediatly, and therefore it comes down to me to make a great announcement on the part of the Government: we will be investing nearly 1/2 of our current defence budget on a complete new Missile defence system, more if necessary. This is a total of $15Trillion USD which we shall invest in the latest and newest systems to prevent the destruction of our nation should any missiles be launched against our nation.
A contract for this system will be launched immediatly for which the basic needs shall be specified soon. It is a shame that Hotdogs2 does not have the capability to produce such a system itself, but it appears that stealth aircraft and other missiles have become so sophisticated, as seen with our own airforce aircraft, that we cannot compete.
Therefore the said contract for $15Trillion USD shall be awarded to another nation.
Any nation or company bidding for this contract will be looked into fully and we shall ensure our nation receives the best possible system."
With this he turned and left the room, whilst the President quickly addressed the press apologising for their brief apperance, and left the Security minister to answer any questions.
Hotdogs2, having carried out research on its current RADAR, NBC detection and Command and Control was appaled by the damning report produced which stated that the defence systems were obsolete and need a complete overhaul, including the existing systems purchased previously which have fallen into disrepear and which no longer are capable of protecting enough of our citizens in its bunkers or commanding our troops.
Although still operational the ever increasing complexety of stealth aircraft is a major threat to our nation and has mean't that our much more modern and advanced AWAC's aircraft have been pushed to their limits as fair as flying so much goes. It has put an unprecedented strain on such aircraft and their crews and ties them down should they be needed in another conflict significantly reducing that effectiveness.
This report was published less than one month ago and the public outrage was massive as they were very worried due to the threats of nuclear attacks that are made so often in the world. This led to the Ministry of Defence and Security forces to co-operate to quickly determine the exact problems and how to overcome them.
To that end it was soon decided that a large sum of money would be needed. The current Aristotle II-EX Class Centralised SDI System was beyond repair and outdated for H2's needs so much so that a completely new system was required, which was why the President has made his address.
System necessities:
The defence system must be able to detect large missile launches from long range from Hotdogs2. This is due to the fact that missiles have ever increasing ranges and detection at the first possible moment is required. However whereas at longer ranges the system need not be so accurate at closer ranges it must to allow for counter measures to be taken.
An advanced RADAR system which uses several methods to detect stealth, high flying and fast aircraft which can also launch a counter attack, wether that be scrambling fighters to intercept, or launching anti-aircraft missiles.
A new SAM system with both long and short range missiles in place.
A new sattelite system which gives both an attack capability with nuclear attacks, and that has a defensive capability against high flying aircraft and missiles. It must also incorporate and anti-satellite and spaceship system to destroy and spy satellites or missile launch vehicles.
A new series of Bunkers be constructed, both in upgrading and improving the existing 60 or so bunkers and creating new ones to house important members of the civillian population. These should include both large numbers of bomb shelters and of NBC bunkers, with escape routes.
A new C&C centre be constructed with out-posts around H2 to operate in case of NBC attack.
A national NBC detection system, linked to the command centres.
All RADAR, Air force AWACS and aircraft, and new missile defences be interlinked by the system, including satellites.
A new silo system capable of independant launch of ICBM's (with extreme safety features to ensure no terrorist takeovers) which are well hidden must be constructed, capable of launching the latest ICBM's.
New equipment for the emergency services including respirators, Decontamination units and other necessities and also spare NBC suits and respirators for issue to civillians in emergencies.
Any other needs should be discussed and any extra imput is welcomed by the H2 government.