NationStates Jolt Archive

"Operation America" [Earth V]

United Earthlings
26-09-2006, 03:46
As hours turned into days and days into weeks and weeks into months and still no change in the situation in South America. The Netherlands Government was no longer willing to sit on the side lines as their brothers and sisters were overrun and their freedoms crushed beneath the heels of the nations screaming at each about the sovereignty of land of which they have no claim to.

A small Peacekeeping Force was being dispatched from the European continent. Unlike the operations in the Iberian Peninsula and elsewhere, this one was to remain small. The first nation targeted was one deemed the most important, Argentina. As the second largest country in South American in both area and population. Its return to democracy and stability would act as a stabilize force in the rest of the region.

From there, peacekeeping operations could be performed on the other nations that have descended into chaos. It was hoped through that, with Argentina brought back from the brink of civil war the other nations would fall in line. While the Royal Forces were sure they could handle the job alone. The Netherlands government deemed it better to have an international force. It would show the nations of South American that their countries were not to become a battlefield but, a place of peace and stability for them and their children. In due time, the following countries of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay would be able again to decided their fate. Would they want to remain a free and independent nation, a protectorate or a new unified region. Whatever they choose, the Netherlands government was settling out on this mission for one reason and only one reason. To restore democracy to the people lost in the chaos in South America.

After much reworking and rewording the following message was sent to the international world.

To the nations of the world, I have dispatched a Peacekeeping force to the region in question in South America. Through this Peacekeeping Force, it is my hope, my governments hope and my peoples hope that this force will be able to prevent war and return the nations of South America to their greatness and rescue the people of South America from despair. If other nations would like to contribute a force to our Peacekeeper force, our government would be honored to have their help in restoring a peaceful government to the region.

Thank you for your time and Good Night
South Lizasauria
26-09-2006, 04:23
Under the South Lizasaurian Allied act we are obliged to help somehow...
United Earthlings
26-09-2006, 04:57
Under the South Lizasaurian Allied act we are obliged to help somehow...

This is for Earth V. If you want to join you may do so here.
Alif Laam Miim
26-09-2006, 05:27
The Emirate certainly hopes that this operation succeeds in its intentions to maintain the welfare of those people whose government has recently collapsed, and furthermore to facitilitate their return to normalcy.
United Earthlings
26-09-2006, 20:45
With tensions increasing at a rapid rate, the Fleet drew near their designated landing zones.

The Almogàvers Marine Battalion would land in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, ( the Capital of Argentina and secure the city. Marital Law was to be imposed until such time that the nation itself returned to stability and new elections could be called. Supporting the Marine Battalion was the 1st "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment, the 27th "Huzaren Espana" Armored Division and the Farnesio Special Forces Battalion. All units were of the Spanish Military and it was hoped that having Spanish People helping their fellow brothers and sisters would go a long way to reducing tension in the region.

To secure the other side of the Río de la Plata ( the Don Juan de Austria Marine Battalion would land in the Capital of Uruguay, the City of Montevideo. As the hub of the country of Uruguay. If the Royal Forces were able to get a new government up and running, the rest of the country should follow.

The landings were entirely unopposed as was to be expected with the countries in the midst of anarchy. Drawing on their experience gained in the Spanish conflict, the Royal Forces recruited/gathered anyone who would risk their lives to support the Royal Forces and ultimately their country in returning it back to order. Rebuilding a country was no easy process, but as shown time and again the Netherlands Government was up to the task and would not leave until all their fellow brothers and sisters had been helped.

With the first day Drawing to an end, the cities of Montevideo and Buenos Aires had been secured to a limited degree mostly thanks to marital law being imposed, a sad side effect but one it was hoped would save lives, time and money.

It would seem as the Royal Forces were on their own, but it was better to be on their own then have a major war start over what their fellow brothers and sisters wanted. Only they knew what they wanted and the Netherlands government was determined to make sure they got exactly what they wanted.
Dweladelfia prime
26-09-2006, 22:03
With tensions increasing at a rapid rate, the Fleet drew near their designated landing zones.

The Almogàvers Marine Battalion would land in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, ( the Capital of Argentina and secure the city. Marital Law was to be imposed until such time that the nation itself returned to stability and new elections could be called. Supporting the Marine Battalion was the 1st "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment, the 27th "Huzaren Espana" Armored Division and the Farnesio Special Forces Battalion. All units were of the Spanish Military and it was hoped that having Spanish People helping their fellow brothers and sisters would go a long way to reducing tension in the region.

To secure the other side of the Río de la Plata ( the Don Juan de Austria Marine Battalion would land in the Capital of Uruguay, the City of Montevideo. As the hub of the country of Uruguay. If the Royal Forces were able to get a new government up and running, the rest of the country should follow.

The landings were entirely unopposed as was to be expected with the countries in the midst of anarchy. Drawing on their experience gained in the Spanish conflict, the Royal Forces recruited/gathered anyone who would risk their lives to support the Royal Forces and ultimately their country in returning it back to order. Rebuilding a country was no easy process, but as shown time and again the Netherlands Government was up to the task and would not leave until all their fellow brothers and sisters had been helped.

With the first day Drawing to an end, the cities of Montevideo and Buenos Aires had been secured to a limited degree mostly thanks to marital law being imposed, a sad side effect but one it was hoped would save lives, time and money.

It would seem as the Royal Forces were on their own, but it was better to be on their own then have a major war start over what their fellow brothers and sisters wanted. Only they knew what they wanted and the Netherlands government was determined to make sure they got exactly what they wanted.

OOC: So are you on my side forn invading these land or not. Ill post troop movments soon.
United Earthlings
26-09-2006, 22:20
OOC: So are you on my side forn invading these land or not. Ill post troop movments soon.

Let me make our position clear- while you may have a small amount of territory in South American, most of your population is located in North America. South American interests are going to stay South American. The vast majority of South America is ruled over by our two Governments me and DP. We fully support our friend in sending troops to restore order. When order has been restored both our governments will make dam sure their people have a free choice into what type of government they want and the course of action they want.

OCC: I'm on your side 100%, but I must ask you to hold off sending troops just a little while longer. I'm sending you a telegram as to why.
26-09-2006, 22:36
The Gaelic Federation is extremely worried by this turn of events in the Western Hemisphere. We may only be able to hope that the deteriation of Peace in the region may be stabalized, and if all fails then again we shall see the tools of war and the blood of men all over again.
Dweladelfia prime
26-09-2006, 23:15
The Gaelic Federation is extremely worried by this turn of events in the Western Hemisphere. We may only be able to hope that the deteriation of Peace in the region may be stabalized, and if all fails then again we shall see the tools of war and the blood of men all over again.

The Empire also wishs this to be resloved peacfully. But thats for sharnia to decide.
United Earthlings
29-09-2006, 07:30
With the Capitals being secured at least to a degree and some stability being return to the cities in question it was now time for the Royal Forces to move out and as quickly as possible return the rest of the region to some sort of semblance of order until a new national government could be called.

From the outskirts of the Capitals of Argentina and Uruguay, the Royal Forces would move into the province of Buenos Aires and the Departments of Canelones and San José. The two Marine Battalions would watch over the Capitals as a police force until a new police force could be raised from the local populace of the cities. House to House searches were being conducted for formal members of the local police force. Without their help, order would not be able to be maintained. As such, until such that local forces through various means could be raised- a detachment from local police forces from various commands throughout Spain would be sent to fill this gap.

After days of advancement and a few skirmishes with the local civilians. The designated province and departments had been secured to a degree. The various battles for these regions had costed the lives of sixteen soldiers with all being killed by armed civilians with the civilians mostly being gang members and criminals with a stake in having the nation in chaos. Most of the soldiers had been killed by military equipment looted from the various military bases in the various countries. The number of wounded was three times the amount killed. Civilian losses were unknown but estimates put the number of dead below a hundred. These losses were showing that even a Peacekeeping mission was not without bloodshed and the death of the innocent.

Due to the political situation that had developed in the Americas, the various members of the Netherlands Government knew that they were on their own for this one. Deciding it was to be better on their own then have a major war start, the Royal Forces would go on their own and proved that they were indeed the finest military in the world. With the realization they were on their own, the forces available in region were not enough to safely control the region and keep it from tearing it's self apart. To correct this problem additional forces from Spain would be deployed to the region. The Forces to be deployed were to remain small, but even this small increase would increase the effectiveness of the forces in the region for combating the various criminal elements looking to take advantage of the situation.

The following units were to be deployed and where they were to be assigned.

1. The 1st "Espana" Infantry Regiment would be assigned to Argentina.
2. The 2nd "Espana" Infantry Regiment would be assigned to Argentina.
3. The 7th "Espana" Infantry Division would be assigned to Argentina.
4. The 32nd "Espana" Infantry Regiment would be assigned to Uruguay.

These deployments were expected to take up to but not exceeding one week
United Earthlings
30-09-2006, 05:48
With additional reinforcements pouring in day by day- the Royal forces set out to secure the Entre Ríos province for Argentina and the rest of the Uruguayan nation.

From villages to towns, from towns to cities and from cities to regions; peace was being restored throughout the towns and cities of the various provinces of Argentina and Uruguay. Being greeted as liberators instead of conquerors was of supreme satisfaction to the men and women laying down their lives for the greater good of their long lost brothers and sisters.. Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, but in a few years the Argentina nation would see a massive population growth. A weird side effect considering it would result out of the current situation.

All was not well though. The first reports were coming in on the number of civilian dead and as hoped the number of killed had been kept low at 122 killed. Even though this was a low number, it was still a number and it sadden those to have to read over even the single loss of a person when it wouldn't have happened had the Vetinemexico government not abandon its citizens and left them to rot. Those KIA for the Royal Forces had increased from sixteen to fifty-three. Until the countries of Argentina and Uruguay were returned to a sense of stability this number would only rise, as would the number of civilians killed and wounded. A tragic consequence of the war that nobody wanted and that everyone wished was over already. The losses did have a positive benefit though even if it couldn’t be seen today. The needless sacrifice of those very individuals would ensure peace and stability for a future generations in the region. Their loss would not be in vain, the Netherlands Government would make sure of that.

Progress during the first few weeks: had been slow but, inroads were being made. After the necessary reinforcements had arrived, the Royal Forces were quickly able to advance into the interior of Argentina and Uruguay. Expect for the province of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, both Argentina and Uruguay had been made whole again into one nation-one country-one voice. Though this was just the beginning and their was still much to do. A united Argentina and Uruguay nation was deem better then a fractured one.

As troops were deployed to the various regions that made up Argentina and Uruguay. This left little in the way for the advancement into the formal nations of Chile and Paraguay. While Paraguay would not be easy it would seem like a cake walk compared to the conditions facing the Royal Forces right across the border. For now the order had been to hold why the military leadship and those in the government discuss exactly how they wanted to proceed. However, they proceeded it was realized that additional forces would be needed. As such the 23rd "Espana" Infantry Division and the 24th "Espana" Infantry Division would lead the way into Paraguay and Chile as soon as they arrived in force from Spain. Both divisions were to be employed in Argentina along the Paraguayan/Chilean borders.

In the meantime, in Argentina and Uruguay the process of stability was being started. It was to follow a four stage plan.

First, local governments would be voted into power followed by regional governors. Only before this process had been completed would national elections be considered.
Second, once local and regional power had been established. A national armed force would be raised and equipped to defend the new nation(s). The Netherlands Government would train and equipment this new force. The exact size would be determined based on the requirements of each nation. This force would include all branches; the Army, Navy and Air Force.
Third, once the first step had been completed and the second step started the third phase of the plan would begin. That of having national elections in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.
Fourth, with a new government of power representing the people- each nation would put to vote what future they would want for their nation and its people. That future was left open to be decided later.

The entire process was expected to take months if not years and this was not counting unforseen delays. A long road lay ahead, only time would tell if it would be a bumpy one or a smooth one.
United Earthlings
04-10-2006, 08:18
After days of debating, the Netherlands Government decided on the following course. The next objective assigned to the Royal Forces besides police duties was to seize the Tierra del Fuego Province and the Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena region. Only limited forces would be needed due to the low amount of population in the area. The key objective was to gain control of the Strait of Magellan. While, the gaining of those two regions were important, they were only of secondary value. The main objective and the one most of the Royal Forces assigned to in the area would handle was the assault on the formal nation of Paraguay.

A three prong assault was decided on as achieving the best outcome. From the south, the spearhead would be the city of Encarnacion and through it the Royal Forces access into Paraguay across the River Paraguay. Also from the south would be the assault on the city of Pilar and the surrounding area. However, the main assault would be directed towards the Capital and the most important city of Paraguay, the city of Asuncion. The 23rd "Espana" Infantry Division would clear the way for those elements of the 27th "Huzaren Espana" Armored Division. The Capital would be surrounded while other elements of the forces assigned would fan out into the surrounding area. A gradual assault on the Capital would be conducted until the entire city was in the hands of the Royal Forces. In the south, once a bridgehead had been establish, the Royal Forces would fan out to secure the major villages, towns and cities of the various regions of Paraguay.

As expected, the remnants of the Paraguay Armed Forces and the thugs of the nations were no match against the highly trained and disciplined Royal Forces. Though delays had been encounter mainly from the forces of mother nature, these delays were to be expected and had been planned for in advance. By the end of the week all primary and secondary objectives had been achieved. Though skirmishes were expected to continue into the foreseeable, it was nothing the Royal Forces and eventually the local police couldn’t handle. In time, the nation of Paraguay would again regain its rightfully place within the South American Community.

And the time had come for the final act to begin. While the use of armored personnel carriers and tanks permitted rapid advancement in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Their use was not suited to the terrain that made up the Chilean Nation. Only a battle of the feet could win in Chile and it remained to be seen if the Royal Forces had enough feet for such a battle. As the High Command of the Royal Forces and the Netherlands Government debated the issue, for now until a plan of advancement could be decided on what to do and how to proceed. The Royal Forces would hold the line along the Chilean-Argentinean Border. However, everyone agreed that whatever the cost. Their was no talk of abandoning their fellow brothers and sisters to the wolves of the world.
United Earthlings
05-10-2006, 03:54
With the start of the Operation having enter its first month and with things starting to settle down to a degree. High Command and those in charge in the Iberian/Netherlands Government lifted Marital Law for Argentina and Uruguay. Though it would remain in effect until further notice for Paraguay due to the recent acquisition of said country. With the lifting of Marital Law, a new day was beginning for Argentina and Uruguay. Soon, their people would once again have their own voice. Democracy would not fail these people, only they could fail Democracy. The future of their countries was in their hands.

To make sure everything ran smoothly for the transition from provincial government to actual government- as stated before the process would be completed in steps. The first step was drawing nearer everyday and the Netherlands Government was preparing for just that. In a little under a month, elections would be held if all went according to plan for the local governments. Such as those of the towns and cities. Later would come the election of Province governors.
United Earthlings
07-10-2006, 10:08
Before, Operation American could continue into Chile, additional forces would have to be brought into the region to maintain the order already established. Without these extra forces in the area, order could not be expected to be maintained especially with local elections not far off. As such, High Command gave the order to double the forces in South America. Besides, those already in the area the Johan Willem Friso Infantry Division, Johannes Infantry Division, 25th "Huzaren Espana" Armored Division and the 2nd "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment were schedule to be deployed to provide the necessary reinforcements to the Royal Forces fighting in the region.

These forces would increase the number of Royal Force Personnel in South America from 74,589 to 121,621. The arrival of these additional forces would allow the freeing up of the 1st "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment and the two Marine Battalions for combat operations in Chile.

Once the stated reinforcements had arrived, the designated targets would be assaulted. The 1st "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment target was the Capital City of Chile. The Regiment would make a early morning air drop and would come from over the Andes from Argentina. The Capital City and the surrounding area was the main objective. The Almogàvers Marine Battalion would land in force a few hours after the air drop. The Chilean Region of Bío-Bío was the main objective. While, the Almogàvers Marine Battalion was assaulting its target at the same time the Don Juan de Austria Marine Battalion would be assaulting its assigned target. The region of Valparaiso and the Capital City/Major Port of the region in question, Valparaiso.

With the assigned regions containing the majority of the population. Their control would equal to almost the total control of Chile. A sure step towards bringing the last remnant of the Vetinemexico lands back from anarchy. If need be additional forces could be airlifted in to support the main forces assigned for combat in Chile.

Total time from arrival of the additional forces to total control of the regions targeted was expected to take 2-3 weeks. With an additional 3 weeks to two months for total control of Chile having been achieved.
Brinkman Isle
07-10-2006, 17:16
After weeks of political debate the Philippines has issued another statement regarding the South America ‘incident’ as it is to be known. President Isabel Nipay had made strong urges for the people to put their support behind the forces of Sharina and the freedom of the South American people. This response met little opposition, at first. However as the conflict escalated people began to question everyone’s motives and a public outcry to help those trapped in anarchy arose. Marches, protests, and political persuasion created a large support for South American independence free from any rule including Sharina’s.

When the issue hit the capital it was met with a quick response backed by both the vice president and the president herself who quickly made peace with her people. Support was offered for the peacekeeping mission which would mark the Protectorates first moves into the international stage. Already elements of the United Netherlands were conducting with a high grade of professionalism peacekeeping missions within the South American zone of conflict. Isabel went on to say in an official statement that “The Philippines Protectorate will pledge to bring democracy and freedom to the people of South America…we cannot sit back and watch as inalienable rights are denied to our brethren”. Units are reportedly being mobilized with a large portion being civil affairs units which will hopefully get their armed forces back on track among other important infrastructure.

Diplomats have been sent to the United Netherlands asking for permission to aid them in their noble work. Nipay finished saying “The United Netherlands have already proven their courage and determination of preserving freedoms when the world shrugged its shoulders…we will assist them in any way possible.”
United Earthlings
09-10-2006, 06:20
After weeks of political debate the Philippines has issued another statement regarding the South America ‘incident’ as it is to be known. President Isabel Nipay had made strong urges for the people to put their support behind the forces of Sharina and the freedom of the South American people. This response met little opposition, at first. However as the conflict escalated people began to question everyone’s motives and a public outcry to help those trapped in anarchy arose. Marches, protests, and political persuasion created a large support for South American independence free from any rule including Sharina’s.

When the issue hit the capital it was met with a quick response backed by both the vice president and the president herself who quickly made peace with her people. Support was offered for the peacekeeping mission which would mark the Protectorates first moves into the international stage. Already elements of the United Netherlands were conducting with a high grade of professionalism peacekeeping missions within the South American zone of conflict. Isabel went on to say in an official statement that “The Philippines Protectorate will pledge to bring democracy and freedom to the people of South America…we cannot sit back and watch as inalienable rights are denied to our brethren”. Units are reportedly being mobilized with a large portion being civil affairs units which will hopefully get their armed forces back on track among other important infrastructure.

Diplomats have been sent to the United Netherlands asking for permission to aid them in their noble work. Nipay finished saying “The United Netherlands have already proven their courage and determination of preserving freedoms when the world shrugged its shoulders…we will assist them in any way possible.”

Upon receiving the message from the Philippines Protectorates, the Netherlands government issued the following reply.

Any assist you can provide would be most helpful to our cause. We are in most dire need of Civilian Agencies, namely police officers, construction workers and various types of government workers. Additional troops would also be very helpful. We would like to know how much personnel you can send? That way we can plan before your forces get here where they would do the most good.

Bringing one nation back from anchary is not an easy task, bring four back is a nightmare. So any and all help you can provide our government would be most thankful to have. We plan in a few months after the local elections to start training a new national South American force for each country. If you could lease or sell some military equipment to the various nations to equip their armed forces this would help us the most. Our military industries have been gearing up every sense the possible conflict with Sharina, but still their's only so much we can do.

If, you require assistance in getting some of that personnel to South America we can help to a degree. We have a small amount of Aircraft capable of airlifting some your forces personnel and equipment to South America. Our biggest aircraft is the An-124. Two are operational in Sri Lanka, some C-17's are also deployed their which is our main heavy lifter. A single Rotterdam Class Assault ship can also be dispatched to the area to provide a lift for your forces.

Again, we appreciate any and all help you can provide.
United Earthlings
11-10-2006, 21:35
The order was given, the men and women of the 1st "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment boarded their designated aircraft. From the forward base at Mendoza, the drop would be supported by various aircraft of the Royal Air Force. The drop was a complete surprise, occurring in the wee hours of morning. Vital airports, roads and rail links were captured during the first few hours of the invasion. A company of the Special Forces Battalion Farnesio, was also dropped with the Para's. Enemy resistance for all practical purposes was nil, but losses were still sustained as is expected in any operation. Most casualties were caused by friendly fire incidents.

By dawn, the Marines were ashore in force. Much more resistance was encountered then during the drop, but within a few hours the beachheads had been secured with no losses. Twenty-two soldiers had been wounded though and were transported back to the ships medical facility for treatment, all would make a full recovery in time. As before, combat was mostly exchanged with criminal elements within the country and regions. It was brief and loud, while for the moment these hit and run tactics were working for the criminals. Time was not on their side and soon enough their days would be numbered. To be replaced with a new democratic government for the people, by the people, of the people. Meanwhile, the new reinforcements were being deployed in the various provinces that made up Argentina.

To support the gains made in Chile the 1st "Espana" Infantry Regiment would support the Don Juan de Austria Marine Battalion and the 23rd "Espana" Infantry Division would support the Marines and Paratroopers fighting in and around the Capital City of Santiago. The assault on Santiago had already begun, but with only a 3rd of the city in Royal Forces hand. It would be awhile before they're would become "All Quiet on the Western Front".

In the meantime, the control of Bío-Bío and Valparaiso regions were continuing at a good pace. Though the kickoff of the renewed "Operation America" had been delayed by a week due to bad weather and the necessary reinforcements not yet having arrived. High Command was optimistic that even with these delays, the total control of Chile would be ahead of schedule.
Brinkman Isle
12-10-2006, 00:33
With the reply came the go ahead, a pleasing statement to the president and the nation as a whole. The following units were already en route to South America for peace keeping missions:
13th and 14th Airborne Division, 4th Scout Ranger Regiment, and the 314,15,16,17,18,19th Civil Affairs Battalions.
This brings the total of Philippines Troops to 98,500 soldiers. (only 30,500 combat soldiers)
The mission of these troops is to repress widespread vigilantism and lawlessness by providing a stable police force. Supplies will be regulated as well as humanitarian aid. Once order is re-established both government and private relief groups will be allowed in to administer their services as well as construct a democratic government within the said nations.

Civil Affairs units will help establish a healthy relationship between both peoples as well as train the next generation of politicians, soldiers, police officers, etc.

We request a meeting with the United Netherland command to work out things such as joint control and most troubled areas.
United Earthlings
12-10-2006, 18:10
With the reply came the go ahead, a pleasing statement to the president and the nation as a whole. The following units were already en route to South America for peace keeping missions:
13th and 14th Airborne Division, 4th Scout Ranger Regiment, and the 314,15,16,17,18,19th Civil Affairs Battalions.
This brings the total of Philippines Troops to 98,500 soldiers. (only 30,500 combat soldiers)
The mission of these troops is to repress widespread vigilantism and lawlessness by providing a stable police force. Supplies will be regulated as well as humanitarian aid. Once order is re-established both government and private relief groups will be allowed in to administer their services as well as construct a democratic government within the said nations.

Civil Affairs units will help establish a healthy relationship between both peoples as well as train the next generation of politicians, soldiers, police officers, etc.

We request a meeting with the United Netherland command to work out things such as joint control and most troubled areas.

OCC: Time wise, when do you plan on them arriving?

IC: As we speak, my government is working out a plan on where and how to get the most out of your forces. Once, this proposal has been completed it will be transmitted to your forces. Combat operations for the most part have wounded down expect for in Chile, but they are progressing ahead of schedule.


With the Capital being the main objective, the combat zones around Santiago were given the highest priority on troop reinforcement and replacement. That's not to say though that the Marines were given a cold shoulder, in fact if it wasn't for the Marines little to no progress would have been made. Almost the entire region's of Bío-Bío and Valparaiso were now under control of the various units of the Royal Forces. In the Capital though it was a different story, only ½ of the city was under any sort of control and even then it was a race to put out small pockets of resistence that had been hiding while the Royal Forces passed it. To reduce the amount of pockets popping up in the rear, a house to house search had been initiated. Though this would prolong the operation, it was reducing surprise attacks. Still, causalities were mounting and had already exceeded over one hundred killed in the Chilean Operation alone. Losses were expected to continue to amount, but as reinforcements from the 23rd "Espana" Infantry Division poured into the region with their heavy artillery and armored fighting vehicles, the enemy of the people would soon be left with nothing but, their own graves to protect them.

Meanwhile, designated zones of control were being worked out for who would watch over what and how they were to maintain control of said area.

Everyday the elections drew closer and closer, once the infighting had settle down. The elections process would be started and with it a new hope for a new nation, whoever that nation may be.


After, a week of intense fighting in and around the Capital City of Santiago. The last pocket of resistance had been neutralize. The majority of Chile was now under Royal Forces control. All that was left to do in Chile was mop up and with the help of the Brinkman forces due to arrive soon. It wouldn't be long before Chile was on the long road back to democracy, in whatever form it may take.

Meanwhile, High Command had finalized the plan on the zones of control. The following Operational Guideline was issued to all Royal Forces in the South America Region and to the commander of the Brinkman forces.

The various elements of the 27th "Huzaren Espana" Armored Division were tasked with providing security for Argentina and Uruguay.
The 1st "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment would continue to operate in Chile.
The Almogàvers Marine Battalion would reboard the ships at the earliest opportunity and return home.
The various units of the Farnesio Special Forces Battalion was divided among the four formal Vetinemexico nations.
The Don Juan de Austria Marine Battalion would like the Almogàvers be returned home as soon as all personnel were reloaded onto the ships.
The 1st "Espana" Infantry Regiment was to remain in Chile.
The 2nd "Espana" Infantry Regiment was redeployed to Uruguay to assist the 32nd "Espana" Infantry Regiment.
The 7th "Espana" Infantry Division was to remain in Argentina.
The 32nd "Espana" Infantry Regiment was along with the 2nd to provide security in Uruguay.
The 23rd "Espana" Infantry Division would remain in the Chilean area.
The 24th "Espana" Infantry Division's area of operation was the nation of Paraguay.
The Johan Willem Friso Infantry Division was entirely based in Argentina.
The Johannes Infantry Division was also entirely based in various provinces of Argentina.
The 25th "Huzaren Espana" Armored Division was providing security in Northern Argentina and throughout Paraguay.
The 2nd "Paracaidista" Parachute Regiment was assigned to the Argentina area of operations.

The Brinkman forces were assigned the following theaters.

The entirety of the 13th Airborne Division was assigned to Chile.
The 14th Airborne Division was assigned to work with the Royal Forces in Argentina.
The 4th Scout Ranger Regiment as a elite force was given free range of movement.
The Civil Affairs battalions were almost entirely requested for use in Argentina. The rest being used in the other three nations where the Royal Forces were.

In all over two hundred thousand Peacekeeper forces were in the area. Never, in its history had such a large force seen action under the Netherlands government. In time, as the formal nations of Vetinemexico returned back to a sense of normalcy would the troops be gradually withdraw.
Brinkman Isle
15-10-2006, 18:46
Their arrival in South America was felt with mixed emotions from the locals. They were a rather large military force and for this reason, combined with the increased tensions from neighboring invasions had made those inhabits all the time skeptical. Yet the troops intentions were nothing but positive and it slowly began to rub off on the population. Many of the well off citizens and government politicians welcomed the troops with open arms. They knew that these troops would provide stability and peace for their anarchic government. Their prior dealings with the United Netherlands had built a solid foundation of trust that the Philippine’s forces were now enjoying.

The troops themselves had been there for quite a while already and had developed a special bond with the people. Their mission was a noble one and they felt strongly for the cause. Fighting had been limited and sporadic, only minor tangles with rebels and vigilantes, nothing of serious concern. Most of the population had fallen back into their normal routines, tensions in Sharina and DP had calmed down, and lawlessness had been quelled. The peacekeeping mission was proving to be a huge success, one worthy of any nations cause.

Meanwhile the 4th Scout Ranger Regiment had been traveling all through the jungles of South America weeding out rebel strongholds hidden so deep in the jungle conventional recon was useless. They were an elite force trained for such dealings, a fast and professional strike force. The missions assigned fit perfectly in place for the men of the unit and they enjoyed a high level of success. They were the tip of the spear in a ‘war’ in which there were no official armies or battles.
United Earthlings
20-10-2006, 05:46
Their arrival in South America was felt with mixed emotions from the locals. They were a rather large military force and for this reason, combined with the increased tensions from neighboring invasions had made those inhabits all the time skeptical. Yet the troops intentions were nothing but positive and it slowly began to rub off on the population. Many of the well off citizens and government politicians welcomed the troops with open arms. They knew that these troops would provide stability and peace for their anarchic government. Their prior dealings with the United Netherlands had built a solid foundation of trust that the Philippine’s forces were now enjoying.

The troops themselves had been there for quite a while already and had developed a special bond with the people. Their mission was a noble one and they felt strongly for the cause. Fighting had been limited and sporadic, only minor tangles with rebels and vigilantes, nothing of serious concern. Most of the population had fallen back into their normal routines, tensions in Sharina and DP had calmed down, and lawlessness had been quelled. The peacekeeping mission was proving to be a huge success, one worthy of any nations cause.

Meanwhile the 4th Scout Ranger Regiment had been traveling all through the jungles of South America weeding out rebel strongholds hidden so deep in the jungle conventional recon was useless. They were an elite force trained for such dealings, a fast and professional strike force. The missions assigned fit perfectly in place for the men of the unit and they enjoyed a high level of success. They were the tip of the spear in a ‘war’ in which there were no official armies or battles.

OCC: This is back on and will be finished up in the next few posts. Then it's break time.

IC: After months of infighting and heated debates, political candidates had been chosen and placed on the locate ballets throughout the countries of Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. The election results were a shock to everyone. 92.8% of those able to vote in the local elections in Argentina turned out, in Uruguay the percentage while not as great was a complete surprise, with an estimated 88.7% voting. The turn out in Paraguay while disappointing at one end was still a surprise to many. Around 63.1% of the population able to vote, cast their ballet.

Though elections had not yet come to be in Chile, in a few months it was hoped that things would settle down enough for the process to begin. In the meantime, everyday new forces were being trained, new police forces taking over from the volunteer Spanish Police force in the various countries. All in All, with each step competed a new one would begin until a completely new free and democratic nation was born.

The Peacekeeping Mission was indeed turning out to be a huge success, the same could not be said though across the Atlantic. It indeed was true, no one likes a Cop. Once this mission was over, the Iberian Netherlands would be heading in a new direction. A Neutral Direction.
United Earthlings
23-10-2006, 22:36
Months later, with local elections a thing of the past and the results of the national elections coming in for Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The surprise that over took everyone at the local elections had worn off. Though their had been ups and downs, the winners of the various elections had been for the most part predicted right.

The first round of national elections had been for the Parliaments of the various countries minus Chile which was due to delays, just now holding local elections.

All 329 seats had been filled in Argentina with the Front for Victory party gaining the majority of the seats in Parliaments.
130 seats had been filled in Uruguay with the EPFA party gaining a majority of the seats in both chambers of the General Assembly.
In Paraguay a total of 125 seats had been filled with the Colorado Party winning the majority of seats in Parliaments.

With the Legislative branch of government up and running in the various countries all that remained was for a Executive Branch to come to power, followed by the Judiciary which would be appointed by the new Presidents and approved by the various members of Parliaments. With a few weeks given between, Legislative and Executive elections the various parties were allowed to kick into high gear. On October 24th, the process began or as those in the Netherlands stated was ending after a long, hard and drawn out process. The People of South America were stepping up for their GOD given rights.

The results were in and the new Prime Ministers were:

Néstor Rivadavia was now the official leader of Argentina with winning a overall approval vote of 52%.
Tabaré Rivera won the right to be prime minister of Uruguay by winning 51.7% of the vote.
Nicano López become the new prime minister of Paraguay by winning 37.1% of the vote.

Due to the shall we say unusual time frame the Chilean elections had been set in, only 53.5% of the voting population had turned out. While not as great as those of the other countries. A turnout over 50% was still representing the majority of Chilean citizens. It was hoped that given more time, the National Elections would see a higher turnout.
Brinkman Isle
24-10-2006, 01:12
With things beginning to settle down in South America the Philippines began rotating the troops back home. The Airborne units had proved their quality as elite units within the Army. Now it was turn for the Infantry and Mechanized units to show what they had to offer. True any fighting now would be small and limited but the true test would come in the form of organization and professionalism. Peacekeeping was a noble mission but a tedious one nonetheless. Soldiers easily grew restless so it was best to keep the rotation of troops quick, because restless troops lead to a drop in behavior and morale.

More and more Civil Affair battalions were being flown in. Their success at working with the locals was earning them a place in South American history not to mention the respect of their peers. They had made broad leaps with the locals and could arguably be the reason for such cooperation and lack of bloodshed. They worked hand in hand to train soldiers and police forces, and even taught them how to use their new defense weapons such as Abrams.

Meanwhile the elections were going splendidly and the public came out in droves to much fanfare. South America was taking a new route, a route to freedom and democracy. Enough couldn’t be said about the quality of the United Netherlands troops. Their leadership all the way down to the individual soldier had proved excellent. Yet with troubles at home the majority of the peacekeeping mission would be left to the Philippines and they did everything they could to learn from the best. Although the soldiers were far from returning home, timetables for their withdrawal were slowly being drawn up.
Alif Laam Miim
24-10-2006, 01:53
OCC: This is back on and will be finished up in the next few posts. Then it's break time.

IC: After months of infighting and heated debates, political candidates had been chosen and placed on the locate ballets throughout the countries of Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. The election results were a shock to everyone. 92.8% of those able to vote in the local elections in Argentina turned out, in Uruguay the percentage while not as great was a complete surprise, with an estimated 88.7% voting. The turn out in Paraguay while disappointing at one end was still a surprise to many. Around 63.1% of the population able to vote, cast their ballet.

Though elections had not yet come to be in Chile, in a few months it was hoped that things would settle down enough for the process to begin. In the meantime, everyday new forces were being trained, new police forces taking over from the volunteer Spanish Police force in the various countries. All in All, with each step competed a new one would begin until a completely new free and democratic nation was born.

The Peacekeeping Mission was indeed turning out to be a huge success, the same could not be said though across the Atlantic. It indeed was true, no one likes a Cop. Once this mission was over, the Iberian Netherlands would be heading in a new direction. A Neutral Direction.

[ooc: this only comes to my attention and there are certain elements that are unreal. None of these states boast a particularly high elections turnout IRL. To make it a drastic turnaround, especially without compulsory voting and after having gone through a brief breakdown in governmental organization is unrealistic. Even Paraguay - 63.1% is phenomenal for these states, when IRL, Paraguay typically rings at about the same or lower without the loss of government structure... that said, elections turn-out usually accommpanies the polls... what was the result?]
United Earthlings
24-10-2006, 05:25
[ooc: this only comes to my attention and there are certain elements that are unreal. None of these states boast a particularly high elections turnout IRL. To make it a drastic turnaround, especially without compulsory voting and after having gone through a brief breakdown in governmental organization is unrealistic. Even Paraguay - 63.1% is phenomenal for these states, when IRL, Paraguay typically rings at about the same or lower without the loss of government structure... that said, elections turn-out usually accommpanies the polls... what was the result?]

OCC: Well it's based on real life, not real life in every way. So, yeah I took a little lead way. But, you have to remember- this was for local elections not national. National elections are still to come and yes the turn out will be lower. People usually vote more often for local elections then in national ones. At least, that's what I have observed.

BTW, I think the parallel to real life for these countries ended when the nations collapsed into chaos and I sent in troops to restore order. I was for the most part starting a new nation from scratch. That was over 1-2 years ago. So, the turnover of those who are able to vote in their nation voting is not that entirely unrealistic. Improbable sure, but not impossible. On that final note, yes it was phenomenal but, I wanted to show that and I'm glad I succeeded. As I said, the elections were a surprise. No one expected that amount of turnout.
United Earthlings
24-10-2006, 06:14
With things beginning to settle down in South America the Philippines began rotating the troops back home. The Airborne units had proved their quality as elite units within the Army. Now it was turn for the Infantry and Mechanized units to show what they had to offer. True any fighting now would be small and limited but the true test would come in the form of organization and professionalism. Peacekeeping was a noble mission but a tedious one nonetheless. Soldiers easily grew restless so it was best to keep the rotation of troops quick, because restless troops lead to a drop in behavior and morale.

More and more Civil Affair battalions were being flown in. Their success at working with the locals was earning them a place in South American history not to mention the respect of their peers. They had made broad leaps with the locals and could arguably be the reason for such cooperation and lack of bloodshed. They worked hand in hand to train soldiers and police forces, and even taught them how to use their new defense weapons such as Abrams.

Meanwhile the elections were going splendidly and the public came out in droves to much fanfare. South America was taking a new route, a route to freedom and democracy. Enough couldn’t be said about the quality of the United Netherlands troops. Their leadership all the way down to the individual soldier had proved excellent. Yet with troubles at home the majority of the peacekeeping mission would be left to the Philippines and they did everything they could to learn from the best. Although the soldiers were far from returning home, timetables for their withdrawal were slowly being drawn up.

OCC: Just a quick thing, then I address with an IC message your post in here later. Ok, your training them how to use Abrams Main Battle Tanks. That's fine, but you do plan to sell them or give them some of those Abrams Tanks right? If, I end up having to supply them with a different type of tank, that's going to create supply problems and require more training. This goes for all other type of weapons too.


IC: Working closely with the Philippine troops and the people of South America, the Royal Forces had so far witnessed the establishment of new national governments, the training of new troops and police forces to assume the defense of their homeland and the democratization of the region. It was a beautiful site to behold, soon the mission would be completed and all the military personnel would be able to return home to their loved ones. The risks of Peacekeeping it had been shown were just not worth the rewards. Once, this mission was completed- a state of neutrality would have been completed. Never again, would the men and women of the royal forces be asked to give up so much for so little in return. The world would have to get along without the help of the Iberian Netherlands, if he could do so remain to be seen.

As the various armed forces of the region took over the duties of the Royal Forces and their support units, all military personnel of the Iberian Netherlands would gradual be returned home. The first of which was to take place soon after national elections had been resolved and the new governments got up and working.

The first units were to be the Armored Divisions. They would be sent after 3-4 weeks after national elections.
Brinkman Isle
25-10-2006, 01:47
[My equipment is American made {CSA} so all the equipment I’m supplying is USA. Yes I am giving SA Abrams and such…]
United Earthlings
02-11-2006, 05:46
OCC: Last post, this post should finish this RP up and close any lose ends I left open.

The day had come that all had been waiting for, after over two years having been expended for this operation the final phase had began. In the preceding months, a new national Parliament and Head of government/Chief of state had come to power in Chile. The new Prime Minister was a first in Chilean History. That of a woman holding the high office, by winning 51.78% of the vote Michelle Bachelet had done what no other woman in Chile had been able to do before, the ability to lead a country. It was a sign that change was indeed happening within these new countries. After the national elections having taken place in Chile, their was only one last thing the nations of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile would need to decided. That of their place in the world. Though remaining independent of any alliances or joining with other nations represented the best way to retain their autonomy 100%. At the same time, their were many aggressive nations out their in the world just waiting for the right moment to strike and strip their new found freedoms from them.

Some hard decisions lay ahead and the like any future, much was uncertain. What was known for sure was that only two countries could officially be trusted to respect their sovereignty. After a much heated debate the following recourse was decided on by the 4-member nations.

Argentina, would join the Kingdom of the Iberian Netherlands, but in exchange for the following. First, Dominion status was to be done away with and all nations that are currently Dominions or to become Dominions given equal rights as those non-dominion nations. Each nation, minus Protectorate Nations would have a shared ability to approve matters that came before the Imperial Parliament. Second, a new would be approved by all members of this new nation. Third, the Chilean Region of Magallanes y la Antártica would be turned over to Argentina to unite the Argentina nation into one. If, all these requirements were met then and only then would Argentina agree to join.
Though Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile had closer relations to the Iberian Netherlands, their was also strong links to the Brazilian Empire. The decision before these countries was one much harder then that facing Argentina. Though discussions had taken place with the Netherlands Government, due to their concern more with Argentina then with them it left the 3 nations with only two good options. Form their own large nation, a process not likely to work or join the Brazilian Empire. Though the Brazilian Empire had in recent years been leaning towards a more democratic stance, their position still left much to be desired. Therefore, before they agreed to join the Empire the following would have to be approved. First, all nations in the Empire would be given greater autonomy such as writing their own laws and having their own governments. Second, an Imperial Parliament or Congress would be appointed and would have the ability to veto the Emperor’s laws and would also be able to bring to vote its own laws but final approval would be given to the Emperor. In essence, a more democratic government was wanted a government in which the Emperor shared his or her powers with those of his fellow subjects. Third, the Emperor would be allowed to stay in power but, someone must be appointed that would represent the people to the court. Also, all members appointed by the Emperor to the Imperial Court would have to be approved of by a panel in the Imperial Parliament or Congress. If, all these conditions were met the nations of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay would agree to join the Brazilian Empire. However, only before these conditions were met would they join. If, all the conditions were not then the 3 nations would go it alone for better or worse.

(OCC: You can say it DP, you bastard. :D I hope you liked my surprise.)

I am now officially done with this RP. Yeah!
Brinkman Isle
02-11-2006, 23:27
Id like to say hold the phone here. I did this so they would be considered 'independent' [wait for the next new player republic to claim them.] I think it highly hypocritical to have them join other nations.
United Earthlings
03-11-2006, 11:39
Id like to say hold the phone here. I did this so they would be considered 'independent' [wait for the next new player republic to claim them.] I think it highly hypocritical to have them join other nations.

Ok, but I already hung up the phone. Well this thing has been running for over two weeks and in that time only two new people have joined us here on Earth V. One, [Guinea] who's dropped off the face of Earth V. So, if the past is any indication those countries would be sitting there for a very long time until a PC nation active on Earth V invaded them and then annex them. There are still lots of countries left. Africa is a gold mine when it comes to nations or was. Southeast Asia is completely open. So, are you just opposed to them joining me, which by the way I only claimed Argentina and a single region of Chile. I left the other 3 countries up for grabs should DP not want them/agree to the rules I set in IC. Or, are you opposed to any and all nations joining anyone by whatever means?

You are aware too that, at any time those two new players at least one of them could of, Role-Played a resistance movement or something to try to seize power. They, in that time weren't officially claimed. Now, only one is officially claimed.
Brinkman Isle
03-11-2006, 13:06
Anyone that isnt a new republic im opposed to. You can go ahead and pick up the phone again. I didnt agree to anyone claiming anything and i think...i just think that since i helped out i should have a say. They are to remain independent from anyone unless new.
United Earthlings
03-11-2006, 13:50
Anyone that isnt a new republic im opposed to. You can go ahead and pick up the phone again. I didnt agree to anyone claiming anything and i think...i just think that since i helped out i should have a say. They are to remain independent from anyone unless new.

You also didn't disagree with anyone claiming them. In hindsight, you should have stated what your intentions were in the beginning. You had your say, that time has passed. So, now your dictating what someone can or can't claim? Remember, the rules clearly state first come-first serve. I think I did a good RP to be able to claim Argentina if I wanted. If, your against them joining my Republic- then post an IC reply announcing your objections.

As I had said before, there are still hundreds of nations that are left opened.
Dweladelfia prime
03-11-2006, 18:10
The Brazilian Empire agrees to all the terms set forth by Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. They will be admitted into the Brazilian Union. We welcome our new brothers to our great nation.
Brinkman Isle
03-11-2006, 23:26
Fucking Bullshit.

This was a 'peacekeeping mission'.

These nations are free and independent. i will back that up.
Dweladelfia prime
03-11-2006, 23:30
Fucking Bullshit.

This was a 'peacekeeping mission'.

These nations are free and independent. i will back that up.

They chose to join my empire. And calm down dude.
Brinkman Isle
03-11-2006, 23:55
This is OOC: Dont tell me to chill, i think its crazy that i have no say in what happens when i had more troops than he did.

They didnt choose broski, they were thrust into your lap. These countries will remain independent, as the plan called for. Perhaps you like to talk it over, but without that im going to say this is all bogus.

I could have easily said that i control all the countries (rememberhave a large force still in the countries. unlike both of you)

But im not.
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 00:02
This is OOC: Dont tell me to chill, i think its crazy that i have no say in what happens when i had more troops than he did.

They didnt choose broski, they were thrust into your lap. These countries will remain independent, as the plan called for. Perhaps you like to talk it over, but without that im going to say this is all bogus.

I could have easily said that i control all the countries (rememberhave a large force still in the countries. unlike both of you)

But im not.

UE has control over it. You ahve no say. You all tell me to calm down all the time. So calm down.
Brinkman Isle
04-11-2006, 00:52
You should really read the RP, UE has no offical claim, or at least no more than i do. I want to talk this over because this isnt how it was supposed to end.

If you want to play it like that, ill take those countries (but i dont which is why i think we should talk)
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 00:54
You should really read the RP, UE has no offical claim, or at least no more than i do. I want to talk this over because this isnt how it was supposed to end.

If you want to play it like that, ill take those countries (but i dont which is why i think we should talk)


A. The countrys WANTED TO JOIN MY EMPIRE if i followed the rules.

B. You can come and try and take them. They are citazens of the Empire And i will defend them like that.
Brinkman Isle
04-11-2006, 00:58
Please stop. Lets play this smart.

The United Netherlands set those rules (technically nobody wants to join anywhere) without asking me. I helped just as much ( i even have more troops involved [and they are still there])

The people there fought to be free and even held their own votes and were promised votes for their own country. Now i think theyd be quite angry if they were lied to and taken over by a country without their consent.
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 01:08
Please stop. Lets play this smart.

The United Netherlands set those rules (technically nobody wants to join anywhere) without asking me. I helped just as much ( i even have more troops involved [and they are still there])

The people there fought to be free and even held their own votes and were promised votes for their own country. Now i think theyd be quite angry if they were lied to and taken over by a country without their consent.

Thats what you dont understand. They did give there consent. The elsested the leaders and there leaders chose to join my nation. If you ahve a problom with it. Deal with it.
Brinkman Isle
04-11-2006, 05:34
That's not the point (oh and if the leaders went against something the people didnt want, they wouldnt be in office for long not to mention that they wouldnt elect leaders that would do that)

its the fact that all of this happened without my say.
United Earthlings
04-11-2006, 07:57
OCC: I will address all points and all points are OCC and not to be used IC.

Fucking Bullshit.

This was a 'peacekeeping mission'.

These nations are free and independent. I will back that up.

Yes, it was a peacekeeping mission. IC, these nations are indeed free and independent. OCC-yes me and DP have claimed them.

They chose to join my empire. And calm down dude.

In a sense yes, in another sense no. Like it real life, we must make difficult choices that are sometimes not in our best interest in the beginning, but later turn out to be. IC- They were given a choice, though limited though choices were. So, it can be said DP they didn't join your Empire. The Empire joined them, as IC I set rules for those nations you would have to agree to before they would even consider allying with you. Furthermore, you would have to sweeten the deal by other means. I did this by bribing Chile to turn over a region to Argentina and other means that were not RP, but are still valid.

This is OOC: Don’t tell me to chill, I think its crazy that I have no say in what happens when I had more troops than he did.

They didn’t choose broski, they were thrust into your lap. These countries will remain independent, as the plan called for. Perhaps you like to talk it over, but without that im going to say this is all bogus.

I could have easily said that I control all the countries (remember I have a large force still in the countries. unlike both of you)

But im not.

I agree and as you see I'm giving you your say and then explaining what I was doing to say- neglect that say. Actually, DP was thrust into their lap. Remember behind the scenes I was their going hey, I know DP is not the most libertarian nation on the planet, but by agreeing to join their Empire you can gain a lot more then remaining independent and at the same time retain a good sense of your autonomy or more depending on how you play your cards.

Yes, lets talk it over. Voice your objections and I'll explain my point of view. As I have or hope I did. IC-they are independent as they can be. OCC-yes we have claimed them and we be RP their countries. In, fact in my opinion it's better someone is RP them, then leaving them just sitting their blank, waiting God knows how long before someone else on Earth V decides to invaded them, which will happen or someone new to show up which as is shown in the past doesn't happen that often.

You could have said you controlled them, but then you would of ran into a little problem. Me and the 4-nations army kicking your butt out of the country saying we don't think so. As to your large force, in my opinion it’s back home. All of it, my forces were on the same timetable as yours. When you pulled out forces so did I. So, if you have a large force still in these countries why I don't know as the job was nearing completion and was pretty much over with the elections done and the Armies of the countries taking over. So, unlike you- I do have a large force still in the region. A one much bigger then yours and much more loyal to me. And for the record- you declared you sent IC only 98,500 troops out of that only 30,500 were combat troops. I sent 121,621 combat troops. That number doesn't factor in the civil units I sent or the Support troops I sent. In all I probably had like around 200 to 300 hundred thousand troops in those four countries trying to maintain order. These are big nations and lots of area to cover. See, I plan ahead and knew something like this would come up. So, while your plan called for them to remain independent. I never said that was my plan. Did you ever think for a minute that I might, just might have a different agenda in mind.

I think I did a hell of a RP here and I should be able to claim Argentina if I want. I put a lot of work into this RP and I even gave a chance for everyone to reply should they wished. So, what you find Bogus in this RP I have no idea. Only reason I can think of, is that you just don't like me OCC or IC, one of the two or both and that I shouldn't be able to claim any more nations. Even if I do a good RP.

UE has control over it. You have no say. You all tell me to calm down all the time. So calm down.

We all need to calm down and debate this in a civilized manner. Yes, I know that's hard on here, but anything is possible. Sorry, to disagree with you. But, in an open forum everyone has a say or their suppose to. Even though I do technically control it, as my forces were the last ones in and will be the last ones out and I did start the RP. Brinkman did send troops and does have a say. But, Brinkman I can't guarantee you that your voice will be listened to.

You should really read the RP, UE has no official claim, or at least no more than I do. I want to talk this over because this isn’t how it was supposed to end.

If you want to play it like that, ill take those countries (but I don’t which is why I think we should talk)

I did indeed have official claim if I so wished to use it. I have only used it for Argentina and a region of Chile. I could have claimed all four nations should have I wished. While, your claim is not as great as mine you still have one even if it's small and that's why I'm giving you your voice and answering your questions. As I said before, how it wasn't suppose to end for you. It, ended just the way I had planed it. Think of this RP as a chess game. I had my moves and you had yours. I'm not always going to move the way you think I will. It's called Politics for a reason you know.

Your welcome to start a RP declaring war on me, DP or anyone else. Just be aware it may not turn out how you hopped.

Please stop. Lets play this smart.

The United Netherlands set those rules (technically nobody wants to join anywhere) without asking me. I helped just as much ( I even have more troops involved [and they are still there])

The people there fought to be free and even held their own votes and were promised votes for their own country. Now I think they’d be quite angry if they were lied to and taken over by a country without their consent.

How I was RP, you were long gone when I set those rules. So, I had no need to ask you. Again, I already addressed those points in the last sentence in the first paragraph. It's only a lie if you get caught lying. Truth is relative.

That's not the point (oh and if the leaders went against something the people didn’t want, they wouldn’t be in office for long not to mention that they wouldn’t elect leaders that would do that)

it’s the fact that all of this happened without my say.

Well for the record this happen after the elections, so their won't be another one election for awhile. Leaders go against what their people want so many times that's its not even funny anymore and yet still retain power. As I said, the rules were written up with the understand that everyone forces had been withdrawn and at least all of your's Brinkman and most of mine.


There, I just spent over an hour typing that up and I hoped I put this debate to rest as I said, I'm officially done with this RP and their will be no more IC posts from me. I will explain my actions occ, but IC what I stated is fixed.
Brinkman Isle
04-11-2006, 20:43
One thing, I never Rped a troop pullout like you. I was going to simply take over the majority of the peacekeeping when you pulled out to fight your war or what have you in Africa.

Soooo, unlike you I have troops in the region. I don’t think you can claim anything without my consent of which I do not give. I most assuredly don’t think you can claim to have Argentina and the other nations on your side as well. We fought for them to be independent not under foreign rule, I think they’d be mighty angry over what’s happening and would once again fight to make themselves free, and id be more more than glad to help them in their cause.

I'll get some Mod's here to clear this up if you wish.
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 21:11
One thing, I never Rped a troop pullout like you. I was going to simply take over the majority of the peacekeeping when you pulled out to fight your war or what have you in Africa.

Soooo, unlike you I have troops in the region. I don’t think you can claim anything without my consent of which I do not give. I most assuredly don’t think you can claim to have Argentina and the other nations on your side as well. We fought for them to be independent not under foreign rule, I think they’d be mighty angry over what’s happening and would once again fight to make themselves free, and id be more more than glad to help them in their cause.

I'll get some Mod's here to clear this up if you wish.

YOU HAVE NO CONSENT. Thats what you dont get. Look on the map. Its in PINK UEs colors.
United Earthlings
05-11-2006, 14:00
One thing, I never Rped a troop pullout like you. I was going to simply take over the majority of the peacekeeping when you pulled out to fight your war or what have you in Africa.

Soooo, unlike you I have troops in the region. I don’t think you can claim anything without my consent of which I do not give. I most assuredly don’t think you can claim to have Argentina and the other nations on your side as well. We fought for them to be independent not under foreign rule, I think they’d be mighty angry over what’s happening and would once again fight to make themselves free, and id be more more than glad to help them in their cause.

I'll get some Mod's here to clear this up if you wish.

I find proof that you did indeed RP a pull out.

"Although the soldiers were far from returning home, timetables for their withdrawal were slowly being drawn up." This statement you made, is it now invalid?

If, it is consider my statement of my troops withdrawing invalid to. I made no plan to pull out the forces even during the war. While, do you think I backed down from the war. A lot, of my forces were in South America and still are. I never agreed that I would turn over the operation to you. Find a post where I specify say that.

Yeah, they would be mad with you leaving troops in their countries for no reason when the mission is completed. As I said before, when of course you weren't listening. I made those rules after you had pulled out all your forces. Whenever, that is. If, it takes you 5 years then in 5 years those rules get made. So, let me know when you plan to pull all your forces out and then you have your answer as to why you weren't consulted. Because you weren't there!

Again, the operation was coming to an end. Why exactly are you leaving troops in the region unless you want to claim them for yourself? I gave IC reason why they would join me. You've done none. Only in OCC are they under me (as in I will be RPing them). Your implying that IC that I control them, which is false. That's not how my government/nation works or should I say nations. Your's maybe. Again, you seem to be getting the two confused.

Again, I don't know why we need mods for what is only your problem. But, hey if the mods will clear this up so I can move on and put this RP to rest I'm fine with them looking over your single issue, which seems to be. You think that I did this RP so that these nations would be open to new players. How you came to that conclusion I don't have a clue. As, if that was my intention I needn’t have done a RP as they would of gone eventually on their own to open. RP's are done to claim countries and other variously reasons like opening trade and maintain relations with other countries.

So in closing, besides the two issues you have brought up. 1. That you want these countries to remain open and 2. That you weren't consulted about me and DP claiming the two nations. What other problems do you have? As I have addressed both those issues in great detail and yet you seem to have ignored what I have said.

Well? How about you address my issues now instead of ignoring them.
United Earthlings
05-11-2006, 14:00
YOU HAVE NO CONSENT. Thats what you dont get. Look on the map. Its in PINK UEs colors.

Purple! But, your point remains and I've explained to Brinkman why he wasn't consulted. He, just doesn't seem to understand and their is not much more I can do to explain it to him.
Brinkman Isle
05-11-2006, 16:35
I hope to conclude this as well so let me first clear a few things up from my side than offer a proposal.

That wasn’t a statement saying my troops pulled out, it was saying that because of the success of the mission Manila was already in the process of writing up plans to bring them home.

I also think that having you say that those plans go into affect after my troops leave is somewhat of a god-mod. Plus I don’t see how you can Rp…not rping someone. You decided the fate of all those people regardless of how they felt, but again I guess that doesn’t matter.

About my troops still being there. Well it’s to stop this such a thing from happening. Plus I do not think they’d mine me being there for that reason. I’ve actually provided them with an army and pretty advanced stuff so if war is to come I’m sure they wouldn’t mind some help.

Nevertheless my proposal. Have Venezuela or whatever country it was you took. I’ll just rp some feeling of betrayal or animosity, that’s fine. BUT, leave the other countries free [nobody can claim them (except new players)]
06-11-2006, 01:59
The Brazilian Empire agrees to all the terms set forth by Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. They will be admitted into the Brazilian Union. We welcome our new brothers to our great nation.

Sharina will go to war with Dweladelfia Prime if this is to occur.

Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay are supposed to be "free", instead of up and joining Dweladelfina Prime, when there's a serious lack of detailed RP to institute such an action. For example, where were the collobrators? Voter fraud? Rigged elections? Spies? Espionage? Bribes? All these things necessary to switch a nation's allegiance. I haven't seen any major RP involving these things (and by major, I mean more than just a couple of posts).

I am fully committed to going to war IC'ly. It does make sense, considering Sharina does not want any regional American power to seriously challenge Sharina's dominance of the Americas, and if Dweladelfina expands to encompass these four nations, it would mean Dweladelfina gets stronger which is something Sharina does not want IC'ly.
Dweladelfia prime
06-11-2006, 03:11
Sharina will go to war with Dweladelfia Prime if this is to occur.

Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay are supposed to be "free", instead of up and joining Dweladelfina Prime, when there's a serious lack of detailed RP to institute such an action. For example, where were the collobrators? Voter fraud? Rigged elections? Spies? Espionage? Bribes? All these things necessary to switch a nation's allegiance. I haven't seen any major RP involving these things (and by major, I mean more than just a couple of posts).

I am fully committed to going to war IC'ly. It does make sense, considering Sharina does not want any regional American power to seriously challenge Sharina's dominance of the Americas, and if Dweladelfina expands to encompass these four nations, it would mean Dweladelfina gets stronger which is something Sharina does not want IC'ly.

This is getting really dumb. All you weridos jsut are getting me really pissed off. if i dont have any other probloms in my life. LAY OFF.
06-11-2006, 05:23
This is getting really dumb. All you weridos jsut are getting me really pissed off. if i dont have any other probloms in my life. LAY OFF.

Umm, its called roleplay and it imitates the real world. Saddam didn't want the US to invade and oust him, but the US did so anyway. Saddam couldn't exactly say "Hey, George Bush, your US invasion of me when I try to annex Kuwait is IGNORED!".

Its the same thing with Sharina and these 4 nations in South America. Dweladelfina = Saddam's Iraq, the 4 South American nations in question = Kuwait, and Sharina = USA (as a rough analogy).

You cannot ignore a war with Sharina if you annex these four nations. If you don't like conflict and the realistic politicking and world affairs in Earth V, feel free to leave. In Earth V, we roleplay the world as realistically as possible, which includes conflicts and possible imperialism or liberation, among other stuff. If we wanted to RP a perfect world where nobody is at conflict with each other, then we'd be RP'ing "Teletubby World" or something.
Asian China
06-11-2006, 10:31
This is getting really dumb. All you weridos jsut are getting me really pissed off. if i dont have any other probloms in my life. LAY OFF.
OOC: Hey, why did you intervene in the Senegal-thing if you want to live your own life? Make your own DP-Earth, and we promise to let you have any country you want.
I told you that Sharina would get angry if you claim the south american nations. It's your choice, let the countries be unclaimed, or have a war with Sharina (and probably others as well).
United Earthlings
06-11-2006, 15:33
OCC: Everything said in this post is OCC, something’s are related to the IC posts but, are said occ.

I hope to conclude this as well so let me first clear a few things up from my side than offer a proposal.

That wasn’t a statement saying my troops pulled out, it was saying that because of the success of the mission Manila was already in the process of writing up plans to bring them home.

I also think that having you say that those plans go into affect after my troops leave is somewhat of a god-mod. Plus I don’t see how you can RP…not rping someone. You decided the fate of all those people regardless of how they felt, but again I guess that doesn’t matter.

About my troops still being there. Well it’s to stop this such a thing from happening. Plus I do not think they’d mine me being there for that reason. I’ve actually provided them with an army and pretty advanced stuff so if war is to come I’m sure they wouldn’t mind some help.

Nevertheless my proposal. Have Venezuela or whatever country it was you took. I’ll just RP some feeling of betrayal or animosity, that’s fine. BUT, leave the other countries free [nobody can claim them (except new players)]

And that's all you ever did. So, I assumed based on that post-you started your withdraw sometime after that and worked your way down to zero troops. That's the only post you did in relation to a withdraw and you can't leave your troops their forever. So, as I said- is that post now invalid? It sort of is a god mod, but at the same time it isn't. Assuming I am RP the outcome of four nations, I am kind of assuming God Powers. That cannot be helped and I do my best to keep a sense of realism. Troops to my knowledge don't prevent election fraud. Civilian Oversight does, which I for the most part set up, not you. I based the government off of my own. Oh, they mind you being their. You just hanging around for no reason will annoy anyone. Reason as an IC reason which you never stated. Go ask an Iraqi if they mind US troops being their. I hate to get political but, that's the best example I can think of. I provided them with new governments, new roads, hospitals, and not to mention not just an army but, a Navy and Air Force was well. New police units were trained. So on and so on. And least you forget your troops where placed under my command.

As to your proposal, no just plain NO.

Sharina will go to war with Dweladelfia Prime if this is to occur.

Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay are supposed to be "free", instead of up and joining Dweladelfina Prime, when there's a serious lack of detailed RP to institute such an action. For example, where were the collaborators? Voter fraud? Rigged elections? Spies? Espionage? Bribes? All these things necessary to switch a nation's allegiance. I haven't seen any major RP involving these things (and by major, I mean more than just a couple of posts).

I am fully committed to going to war IC'ly. It does make sense, considering Sharina does not want any regional American power to seriously challenge Sharina's dominance of the Americas, and if Dweladelfina expands to encompass these four nations, it would mean Dweladelfina gets stronger which is something Sharina does not want IC'ly.

DP, joined with the other three nations and not the other way around. I set strict In character guidelines before (occ) Dweladelfina Prime could claim them. It's all there in the RP, in my opinion I think I did a good job. Two pages worth. Major? What do you want me and by extension everyone else to do. Write a book on the subject. I've put more effort into this RP then, most have done with others to claim a country or countries. Who says they switch allegiance, I Role-played the allegiance was to their country? Now, I admit I didn't cover every little tinny tiny detail, but guess what I'm not going to. I haven't seen one person cover every little detail and I've read some good Role-plays. I Role-played what I thought was important, so sorry if I find certain issues more important to cover then what you thought.

BTW, it's three now- Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. I've claim Argentina, well sort of. Only in occ have I claimed it, as in I will RP for the country. IC-well it is as free as one country can get. In case you missed it, the nation as United Netherlands and as the Iberian Netherlands is gone. Dead-caput-no more. Also, I broke off relations with all nations. That means no Embassies with other countries expect ones I feel can be trusted. And those nations are few and far between.

Last point for this quote- we don't want you get stronger either IC. It's called check and balances. Were checking your power and those of us in South America want no more of your dominance. We've decided to go our own way. It did make sense, no it doesn't. A lot has changed sense you left and the reason for you going to war is no longer valid. I'm not saying you can't go to war, just please don't do what P&H keep doing and that's just up and declaring war on us without a reason. Nothing happens without a reason. Even if you come up with a bad reason, it would be better then none.

This is getting really dumb. All you weirdos just are getting me really pissed off. if I don’t have any other problems in my life. LAY OFF.

I hate to say this to you. But, this is what everyone keeps telling you. Your getting the OCC and IC mixed up. IC- Sharina just freaking hates your nation and wants it destroyed into nothing. IC he has the same relations with me. OCC-well truthful I don't know how sharina feels about us.

But, DP- you need to learn to tell the difference between IC and OCC. Until, then you really do need to calm down. Life is not fair and your not always going to get your way.

I'm not doing this to be mean. I'm just trying to help you. If, need be I think we should insist on using OCC and IC tags at all times. So, to do that I'll place occ tags at the top of this post.
Dweladelfia prime
06-11-2006, 18:01
OCC: Everything said in this post is OCC, something’s are related to the IC posts but, are said occ.

And that's all you ever did. So, I assumed based on that post-you started your withdraw sometime after that and worked your way down to zero troops. That's the only post you did in relation to a withdraw and you can't leave your troops their forever. So, as I said- is that post now invalid? It sort of is a god mod, but at the same time it isn't. Assuming I am RP the outcome of four nations, I am kind of assuming God Powers. That cannot be helped and I do my best to keep a sense of realism. Troops to my knowledge don't prevent election fraud. Civilian Oversight does, which I for the most part set up, not you. I based the government off of my own. Oh, they mind you being their. You just hanging around for no reason will annoy anyone. Reason as an IC reason which you never stated. Go ask an Iraqi if they mind US troops being their. I hate to get political but, that's the best example I can think of. I provided them with new governments, new roads, hospitals, and not to mention not just an army but, a Navy and Air Force was well. New police units were trained. So on and so on. And least you forget your troops where placed under my command.

As to your proposal, no just plain NO.

DP, joined with the other three nations and not the other way around. I set strict In character guidelines before (occ) Dweladelfina Prime could claim them. It's all there in the RP, in my opinion I think I did a good job. Two pages worth. Major? What do you want me and by extension everyone else to do. Write a book on the subject. I've put more effort into this RP then, most have done with others to claim a country or countries. Who says they switch allegiance, I Role-played the allegiance was to their country? Now, I admit I didn't cover every little tinny tiny detail, but guess what I'm not going to. I haven't seen one person cover every little detail and I've read some good Role-plays. I Role-played what I thought was important, so sorry if I find certain issues more important to cover then what you thought.

BTW, it's three now- Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. I've claim Argentina, well sort of. Only in occ have I claimed it, as in I will RP for the country. IC-well it is as free as one country can get. In case you missed it, the nation as United Netherlands and as the Iberian Netherlands is gone. Dead-caput-no more. Also, I broke off relations with all nations. That means no Embassies with other countries expect ones I feel can be trusted. And those nations are few and far between.

Last point for this quote- we don't want you get stronger either IC. It's called check and balances. Were checking your power and those of us in South America want no more of your dominance. We've decided to go our own way. It did make sense, no it doesn't. A lot has changed sense you left and the reason for you going to war is no longer valid. I'm not saying you can't go to war, just please don't do what P&H keep doing and that's just up and declaring war on us without a reason. Nothing happens without a reason. Even if you come up with a bad reason, it would be better then none.

I hate to say this to you. But, this is what everyone keeps telling you. Your getting the OCC and IC mixed up. IC- Sharina just freaking hates your nation and wants it destroyed into nothing. IC he has the same relations with me. OCC-well truthful I don't know how sharina feels about us.

But, DP- you need to learn to tell the difference between IC and OCC. Until, then you really do need to calm down. Life is not fair and your not always going to get your way.

I'm not doing this to be mean. I'm just trying to help you. If, need be I think we should insist on using OCC and IC tags at all times. So, to do that I'll place occ tags at the top of this post.

Neuvo Rica
06-11-2006, 18:19
ooc: An attempt to ICise things...

President: Time for plan A...

Encoded Contact:
To: The Brazilian Empire, The Iberian Netherlands, The Technocracy
From: The Confederate States of America.

As the only neutral country in the Americas in the Technocracy/ EATO confrontation, we would like to request that control over the countries of Chile, Uraguay and Paraguay be granted to our peacekeepers until an acceptable agreement can be reached by the various parties involved. We fear that unless this occurs, war may threaten the Americas once again.
Brinkman Isle
06-11-2006, 19:22
Ok here is the rebuttal.

Im saying that OOCly what you did is a god-mod on all levels. Im saying that it wasnt fair OOC and thus im not arguing IC. Wehther would you did or who did more isnt the question here, its the fairness im arguing.

I did alot in this RP, as did you. So im not denoucing your claim, although i do feel it invalid. What I'm arguing is how you can just skip over my consent and give the other countries to DP when he had nothing to do with it.

I just dont see where im wrong here, which is why i asked for a mod. Simple.
United Earthlings
06-11-2006, 19:46

OCC: Again, you show you don't seem to know. You have my word I won't bring this topic up again. But, you just made yourself out to be a 2nd Grader not us. Telling me to shut up and typing all in caps is how children act. I should know this sense I had to deal with them enough.

On that final note- telling me to shut up is showing you to be the jerk.

You took my statement as it was a personal attack on you. It wasn't. This is what we mean by IC and OCC differences. One final thing, we keep asking you to please run your posts through a spell checker. As an example, I ran your post through a spell checker and you can see the difference. It’s not hard and but, takes a few minutes.


Ok here is the rebuttal.

Im saying that OOCly what you did is a god-mod on all levels. Im saying that it wasn’t fair OOC and thus im not arguing IC. Whether would you did or who did more isn’t the question here, it’s the fairness im arguing.

I did a lot in this RP, as did you. So im not denouncing your claim, although I do feel it invalid. What I'm arguing is how you can just skip over my consent and give the other countries to DP when he had nothing to do with it.

I just don’t see where im wrong here, which is why I asked for a mod. Simple.

OCC: Life's not fair and I think that is the question. In my opinion you did hardly any. 14 posts to 4 posts. The majority of the posts are mine and considering I started the RP in fairness I think I should be allowed to finish it the way I want. On top of that, most of my posts are 2-3 pages long. I put a lot of work into this and then you come and call the whole thing a God Mod.

He had a lot to do with it. All three countries I was given him in your words share a border with his nation(s). They share on some instances the same language. Plus, many other factors I really don't feel like going into but, will if you insist.

You’re a little late with your consent. In the last few posts I would wait days to give anyone a chance to RP their objections or point of views or whatever. That was the time for you to air your grievances or whatever. You posted nothing, I moved on. So, as to your consent. You gave it as you made no objections during the final posts. Also, as I stated I made those rules with you being not in the country. Your last post sentence was this-"Although the soldiers were far from returning home, timetables for their withdrawal were slowly being drawn up." I worked from your last post that you were beginning to withdraw your troops and that shortly I would start if the conditions were right. I worked out that on final elections most of your forces had been withdrawn and I would start the withdraw of mine. Since, you never posted anything else. Which is what counts if you decided to do something different. That a few months after the national elections when say all your forces? were gone I would start the majority pullout of my forces. During this time, I would also be working closely with the new Argentina government to work out a deal with them about becoming allies. I worked with the other governments too but, I left them mostly to DP's influence. His and only his. Sharina-what their was of his due to his inactivity which couldn't be helped by neither of us was keep a close eye on.

As I stated, I got no problem with a Mod coming in and looking over your issues. However, your going to need to present your issues and so far you haven't done that.

Once TGSR comes back he can look over this RP and until then I won't officially claim any nation. However, as I have already stated I'm done with this RP.

Now, I'm willing to work out your issues however, you seem to not want that.

But, in case you change your mind. Tell me what specify issues you have with my RP, cite the post-sentence you have a problem with and I address these issues the best I can. However, as in this case you seem to consider my entire RP a God-Mod. Their's not much reasoning to do and you have already made up your mind that your right and everyone else is wrong, no matter what.
United Earthlings
06-11-2006, 20:32
ooc: An attempt to ICise things...

President: Time for plan A...

Encoded Contact:
To: The Brazilian Empire, The Iberian Netherlands, The Technocracy
From: The Confederate States of America.

As the only neutral country in the Americas in the Technocracy/ EATO confrontation, we would like to request that control over the countries of Chile, Uraguay and Paraguay be granted to our peacekeepers until an acceptable agreement can be reached by the various parties involved. We fear that unless this occurs, war may threaten the Americas once again.

OCC: Sorry for the double post.

OCC, I'm fine with that. IC- I'm not. I don't think they would want anymore Peacekeepers after having already got raid of two other forces peacekeepers. Besides, agreements have already been reached.
06-11-2006, 22:14

I don't appreciate such immaturity in Earth V. If you have a lot of problems in real life, do not take it out on the Earth V community. Besides, Earth V is supposed to be realistic, not NS-like or "Everybody Gets Along In Happy-Happy World". The real world doesn't work that way, and Earth V shouldn't (at least IC-wise). If you have a problem with that, feel free to leave Earth V as you don't seem to appreciate the effort we try to undertake to keep Earth V as realistic as possible, instead of NS-like Earth or god-moddy Earth or unrealistic Earth's where everybody gets along like in Teletubbies or Sesame Street or such.

That aside, I do have a slight problem with Dweladelfina gaining these three nations without major RP on *his* part. I'm not doubting the RP's or the RP quality of United Earthlings- if he was the one who annexes these three nations, then I wouldn't be so bothered OOC'ly otherwise.

Therefore, if these three nations are actually annexed and "recongized" as part of Dweladelfina's claims / nation, then I have no choice but to go to war with Dweladelfina to free up these three nations. If United Earthling's new nation decides to support Dweladelfina in such a war, I will also have no choice but to "liberate" Argentina and Venzeula. Depending on how the war goes, I will leave these nations open for new players to come in and claim after I win the war.
Brinkman Isle
06-11-2006, 23:11
My problem, as Sharina stated, isnt in your RP per say.

I think that i should have had some consent to what happened to these nations. Again i dont mind that you claimed a nation, thats not what im upset about. Its the fact that DP got the land without any invovlment. You simply wrote up terms that of course he was going to except. He didnt rp, he doesnt get the lands: that is it i guess in a nutshell.

Also if war was to come, i would imagine the locals wouldnt be to happy with DP.
United Earthlings
07-11-2006, 14:24
OCC: Ok, good you address your issue(s). and it was-

1. Since, DP did not contribute any posts to this Role-play he shouldn't be able to claim anything.- That is your major issue correct? This issue I can understand you having a problem with it.

Well, if DP is leaving- his nation was really the one with any realism they would of joined. Sharing a border and all I listed and didn't list.

So, if DP is gone for good- that means this Role-play will be reopened as I would have done things different. So, Brinkman you wanted consent and I said it was a little late. Don't be late again please. Post your withdraw, please or something to that effect. At least given an IC reason as to why your refusing to leave the countries in question. And anything else you want.

Truthfully, now I don't know what to do. So, a heads up- I might claim all the nations (yes I'll do a good post explain how I managed that), or I just claim a few nations or I claim a few nations and leave the rest open with the understand they will be left only for new players and no nation on Earth V will invaded these nations, including me unless they want the entire Earth V world declaring war on them. If, I go that route I post the military specifications up of said countries that me and Brink helped create.

Hopefully, now I'll be able to finish this RP soon for good. I've got so many other paths I want to pursue. So, again Brinkman- this RP is reopened and is starting from where it left off. I add about two more posts to it, so Role-play what you would have done, and please address my issues in your new posts. I will wait a few days between my two posts. As, soon as I decide what to do- I put a post up which will be in a day or so. Thanks

That is all......
07-11-2006, 14:46

I would like to keep Brazil, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, and a couple others free for new players. What if a new player comes in and wishes to expand his or her holdings in South America, or have like 3 or 4 players in South America for some nice dynamics?
United Earthlings
07-11-2006, 16:03

I would like to keep Brazil, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, and a couple others free for new players. What if a new player comes in and wishes to expand his or her holdings in South America, or have like 3 or 4 players in South America for some nice dynamics?

OCC: Ok, I'll admit I would like to have Brazil. However, I agree with you all that some or all countries should be left open for new players. As I said before, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I have to give this some thought. However, I'm leaning towards leaving most of South America marked as open. I do agree though having more creates a more dynamic situation. Just look how it was between us 3, image if there are 5 of us there. Oh, the possibilities. So, again I have no clue what I'm going to do. But, I'm in this to make Earth V a great RP and if that means screwing my self a little IC to create a better Earth V occ, I'm willing to do that.

The major countries open as of now are-Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, French Guiana Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Uruguay. Plus, all those Caribbean Islands DP seized and many others. A nice little show down is in order between you, me and the C.S.A. nation. I think a meeting is in order as were the only American powers left, well minus Great Romeo and his single Costa Rica.. Though all my holdings are in South America. I think French Guiana should go back to the French as there are strong links between the two countries. However, whatever happens. Things should really start to get interesting to say the least.

Here is all that was and will ever be of DP-Anguillita Island, Antigua, Barbados, Barbuda, Bolivia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Chile [Easter Island], Culpepper Island, Dog Island, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Cay, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Martinique, Montserrat, Peru, Prickly Pear Cays, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sandy Island, Scrub Island, Seal Island, Sombrero, Suriname, United States Virgin Islands, Wake Island, West Cay

He controlled a lot of land, mostly Islands though. Can anyway say Landgrab! :D

Whatever, I decided you'll all know. I post an occ reply what I'm going to do then, an IC reply later.
Brinkman Isle
07-11-2006, 19:11

The collapse of DP had provided Command with a day’s long list of new problems and challenges to figure out. The Airborne units had been completely withdrawn over the past few months but had been replaced by regular Infantry units, not to mention to amount of numbers was far less. Finally the amount of money that had gone into the regular mission was extensive to say the least, costing many a billion dollars. The Protectorate’s people had made sacrifices with ease; they were swollen with pride over this mission. They understood that they weren’t a superpower but were still setting an example that any nation could appreciate. Now it was decision time, separate more families and lose billions to provide safety to seemingly the entire South American continent, or continue the original plan which would have everyone gone in a 1-2 years?

The answer was made by an outsider and it was made clear and simple. The Iberian Netherlands had proved to the world that their actions had a two-faced agenda behind them. Tensions sky-rocketed not only between the Philippines and the Netherlands but many a freedom loving country around the world that had been paying attention, not to mention the ‘Superpower’ Sharina who immediately threatened action against the nation. They came in flaunting human rights’ and sovereignty but when all was said and done they laid claim to nations proving their hypocritical doctrine of beliefs. Wanting to halt their spread and keep them in check it was passed in the Congress that more money and troops would be provided. Diplomats were being sent worldwide to garner support for the new extended mission.

[Current Forces in South America:
1st Light Infantry Division
2nd Light Infantry Division
Civil Affairs Battalions [15]
4th Scout Ranger Regiment]

With this in mind elements of the 1st and 2nd Infantry Divisions were being mobilized into a new task force codenamed: Task Force Jin led by General Rong Jin. They would be the first foreign force to enter the former DP lands. The countries themselves weren’t in a terrible anarchy yet. Local governments had seized a degree of power and for the time things remained as calm as could be. However this surely couldn’t hold up, especially in the super-conservative former dictatorship. Time was of the essence and this task force was aimed directly at the capital. 6 Civil affairs Battalions were already on the move to border towns to secure easy entry. Finally the 4th Scout was being repositioned to the border as well to deal with any insurrections.

Meanwhile at home more forces were being mobilized: 11th, 12th Light Infantry Divisions, 6th Marine Infantry Division, 100th National Guard Infantry Division, 10 Civil Affairs Battalions.

In total 135,000 troops to add to the 90,000 already there.
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 15:45
OCC: Brinkman, if you plan on invading the formal lands of DP. Please, start a new thread. I post my IC reply to that action in the new thread. This thread is just for my Operation in America. I'm trying to end it not, keep it going.

So, I say again if you plan on invading DP- start a new thread. Just, be aware. ME and the countries we just helped are not going to be to happy with you launching a unprovoked war across their borders. Also, you are still technically invading my allies land, which is an act of war against the EATO alliance. Even though DP has fallen, I’m still consider all his lands as protected by EATO for the time being. It would take awhile for the trust we built up to die. It, will in time as his government(s) move in a new direction but, until that happens were still allied as far as I’m concerned.

Post coming later today and I have decided what I'm going to do.
08-11-2006, 15:57
1st Battlegroup based in Italian Alps.
2ed Battlegroup somewhere in the midde of the pacific.
3ed Battlegroup in Iraq
4th Battlegroup Invading Gabon

Imperial Guardsmen preping for drop into Crete. (ooc: Or was it Cyprus...?)

-IC telegram to BI-

It appears we share a common cause. We origionally sent a fleet with 1/5th of our professional Army to invade Peru, however, circumstances have changed. We wish to help you secure these lands, and want nothing in return. We feel the ned to do so due to the Iberian Neatherlnds being involved in perhaps what will amount to a massive land grab.

If at all possible, we wish to send a Military Liason to coordinate operations.

-Regent Windsor
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 16:28
4th Battlegroup Invading Gabon

That presents a problem. I still haven't finished my RP in relation to Gabon and EG. As such, Gabon is still mark as being invaded by me. I put the RP on hold until Kopps go back. Now, that he is back I'm going to finish up my RP.
Brinkman Isle
08-11-2006, 16:42
I have to disagree....again. I went to South America on Peace Keeping. As i was still there when DP fell, i agreed to just continue the mission by expanding it, as i stated in my RP.

And no im not attacking DP, im doing the same thing i just did. Remember it was YOU that took land which is why i find this:

the countries we just helped are not going to be to happy

so ironic.

also you yourself so EATO was no more. Act of War...against who i wonder?
Brinkman Isle
08-11-2006, 17:27
The Operation in the America’s was getting out of hand, very much out of hand. One reporter in the Manila Post said ‘Too many cooks in the kitchen’. With congress passing the new bill which would pour more troops and money into the now much expanded mission, it was time to call a meeting of powers. The Americas had already proven to be quite resilient and already there were reports of strong leaders and movements appearing out of such countries as Brazil and many of the Islands that littered the Atlantic. One of the most prominent was the strong pro-CSA movement in Haiti, French Guyana, and Suriname. Brazil was already becoming fractured by a new power in the name of Braska. Hopefully peacekeeping forces could move in before anything in the scale of a civil war broke out. Nevertheless a message was sent to all those involved for a meeting in Manila.

Attention Braska, CSA, Iberian Netherlands, Vineyard, Sharina we request a meeting in the capital of Manila regarding the situation in the Americas.

Meanwhile the mobilization of forces in the Philippines continued while the organization of Task Force Jin remained on schedule. Civil Affairs units were already working along border towns in Bolivia to secure safety for the peacekeeping units that were set to pass through in due time. They also had a second mission of developing friendly relations to avoid as much bloodshed as possible.
Neuvo Rica
08-11-2006, 18:01
To: The Protectorate of the Phillipines
From: The Confederate States of America

We would gladly send a delegate to Manila for talks.

Your Friends,

United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 20:41
I have to disagree....again. I went to South America on Peace Keeping. As i was still there when DP fell, i agreed to just continue the mission by expanding it, as i stated in my RP.

And no im not attacking DP, im doing the same thing i just did. Remember it was YOU that took land which is why i find this:

also you yourself so EATO was no more. Act of War...against who i wonder?

OCC: The EATO thing was a joke. It is still very much alive. Again, if your sending any type of forces into formal DP lands you will not have my support. I've have enough of war and I've only going to protect my holdings. So, if you are invading from the Nations of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay or Paraguay. Which you would have too, your in fact defacto invading my ally and using my lands (yes, I'm still Role-playing all four countries). As, I said I've given up on Peacekeeping missions. So, just a heads up. Now consider your troops fighting against 3 to 1 odds and are officially now at war with me and those 4 countries and the formal nation of DP. By using their lands (Chile, Paraguay so on) as a base you make them a target and neither me nor those countries wants their countries attacked. Sense, DP hasn't been gone long his military structure is still up to the task. All 4 million of it I think he had.

Last time, if your sending any forces into formal lands that was controlled by DP. Start a new thread. This one is just for the 4 countries I sent peacekeeping forces into. If, it doesn't have to do with them don't post it here. Post it in a new thread or in the Main International Incidents thread. Thank you!
Brinkman Isle
08-11-2006, 21:08
Yea, I would most def like a Mod in here to straighten this out. You can not say that you have control over those nations, in fact i believe they would be on my side, i think all would agree to this.

Also his nation collapsed and a new nation is taking its place and EATO is disbanded according to you.

I would strongly suggest talks before war.

Also i view this as the same mission and will keep it here. Thank you.
08-11-2006, 21:27
That presents a problem. I still haven't finished my RP in relation to Gabon and EG. As such, Gabon is still mark as being invaded by me. I put the RP on hold until Kopps go back. Now, that he is back I'm going to finish up my RP.

-FLuid time. You are RPing what you DID there, even though you eventually pulled out.
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 21:46

With the collapse of the Brazilian Empire, the fate of the three remaining South American nations were in question. Along with the collapse their was the refusal of the Brinkman forces to peacefully withdraw their forces now that the mission had been completed. Their reason for staying will never be known, as no definite answer could be had from either the Brinkman Government nor from it's forces in the area. Tensions had been building between the various parties for weeks up to the fall of the Brazilian Empire. It's fall only added more problems to a already delicate situation.

For over a week, high level exchanges and meetings had taken place between the governments of the Republic, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Even the government of Brinkman was invited but, had turned down the exchange and called it a waste of time. The following course of action was decided at the end of the meetings.

1. The Brinkman government would be given 1 week to start their withdraw progress of their troops as would the Iberian Netherlands. Sense, the Iberian Netherlands had more troops on the ground, they would be required to withdraw more. The first country designated for the withdrawment was Paraguay. As, a check and balance. The last forces were to be the Iberian and their duties would be taken over by the Paraguayan Armed Forces.

2. A timetable of one month was given for all forces. A longer timetable would be approved if either side needed more time. If, neither side complied with these rules, hostile force would be used to expel them from their countries.

All Royal Forces would be first redeployed to Argentina and from there to their home bases.


During the week, the high level meetings continued. To protect the delegates holding the meetings, they were conducted in secret at an undisclosed location. The exact minutes or what was discussed at the meeting to this day remain a mystery as no official record was keep. In time, however the results of the meetings would be shown.

Before, the week had even ended. The collapse of the Brazilian Empire left the four nation coalition even new problems. The first act of the new Coalition government was to seal the borders between all coalition nations and that of the formal Brazilian Empire. The nation of Venezuela had done the same on its eastern and southern borders. Before, any action could be decided on. The coalition Government received word that the Brinkman government had decided to invaded without warning the formal nations of the Brazilian Empire. The shock of such an action would take days to ware off. As a result of this action taken by The Philippines Protectorate, an emergency meeting was held to decide what to do. The Republic (Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay being offered temporary membership)- was left with the following options.

A. Support the invasion and do what it could to help.
B. Condemn the invasion and do nothing.
C. Condemn the invasion and join the war on the side of its once great ally, the Brazilian Empire.
D. Neither Condemn nor support the invasion and sit this one out.

With the Brinkman forces using bases of the Republic to launch the invasion, the actions of B and D were impossible . For hours the debate ranged, with every remarked heard. From, they had helped us we should return the favor to a war of conquest would gain our countries nothing. Hours and Hours both those for supporting the war and those opposing the war voiced their opinions. It was democracy at its finest. One fact had in the beginning had been of little consequences, but by the end of the debate it's statement had turned those for supporting the Brinkman government to opposing them. In clear violation of its judgement, the Brinkman forces had not only refused to withdraw their forces peacefully but, had invaded a country to it's north and thereby putting their countries at risk for becoming targets. This action no one could stomach after a long and difficult process following the anarchy. No one wanted to return to such a place.


With the decision decided the orders were issued to the unit commanders. Through it's successful propaganda machine, the Republic had turned public opinion against the Brinkman forces and turned that opinion into support for the Republic.

Through a nationwide strategy, wherever the Brinkman forces were they would be rounded up as cattle and then expelled from the region. To achieve the almost complete element of surprise, those units or forces still loyal to the Brinkman's were not informed and in fact misleading statements were issued to them. The mission would be started in the dead of night when the majority of the Brinkman forces were to be at rest. Across the region, the Republican Forces were quickly enter a barracks or base where the Brinkman Forces were sleeping or resting and either by force or through peaceful means where possible round up the troops and shipped them to detention centers. Those found resisting would be given one chance to surrounded and the promise that no harm would come to them. Those who failed to comply would be opened fire on. From the air, the units that had invaded the formal lands of the Brazilian Empire would be attacked along their front and in their rear along their supply routes. The borders would be officially closed and with the support of the Brazilian Empire, expelled the invaders from their land once and for all.
Brinkman Isle
08-11-2006, 21:55
My god. God Mod has been called. You CANNOT control nations that arnt yours, you do not have more troops on the ground then me, you are not listening when i said its peacekeeping not an invasion (when you are the one that took Argentina by force).

I shall hold off a reply until a mod can sort this out. Please send a delegate also.
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 21:57
Yea, I would most def like a Mod in here to straighten this out. You can not say that you have control over those nations, in fact i believe they would be on my side, i think all would agree to this.

Also his nation collapsed and a new nation is taking its place and EATO is disbanded according to you.

I would strongly suggest talks before war.

Also i view this as the same mission and will keep it here. Thank you.

True, but that new nation is in fact going to take awhile to form. In the meantime he is still my ally. About EATO, see my last post. Time for talking is over. I don't view this as the same mission and sense this is my RP, I don't want your posts invading any nations of DP in here with all due respect. I'm going to post a new thread called the "Division of the America's". This thread will deal with the reaction by my government and other's if need to be the collapse of the Brazilian Empire. Post your invasion in their.

This Role-Play is just for the Operation in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. If, it doesn't have to do with those nations. I really don't want it in here.


-FLuid time. You are RPing what you DID there, even though you eventually pulled out.

True, however I got a surprise about Gabon. It will be in my very next post.
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 22:02
My god. God Mod has been called. You CANNOT control nations that arnt yours, you do not have more troops on the ground then me, you are not listening when i said its peacekeeping not an invasion (when you are the one that took Argentina by force).

I shall hold off a reply until a mod can sort this out. Please send a delegate also.

OCC: It is you who are not listening or in this case reading. Sense, the nations are marked in my color of my nation- I don't see why I can't control them to a degree. As, I said- get a Mod. Love to have them.

Call it whatever you want- I'm calling it an invasion, which by the law of free speech I'm allowed to do. Your invading lands that were once my allies. THE TIES ARE STILL THERE!

IC: The Republic refuses to send any delegate until the Brinkman forces withdraw their forces from South America as they have been ask to on numerous times. Their failure to comply with the rules set by the Republic, which the nations of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay have joined as members, will be meet with the upmost force.
The Great Sixth Reich
10-11-2006, 01:52

"For over a week, high level exchanges and meetings had taken place between the governments of the Republic, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay... [et cetera]"

Indeed, that would normally be a godmod, Brinkman Isle. However, note that "Republic of United Nations [United Earthlings]: Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Chile [minus Easter Island], Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Island, Comoros, Equitorial Guinea, Europa Island, Gabon, Gibratlar, Juan de Nova Island, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Netherlands, Netherland Antilles, Paraguay, Portugal, Reunion, Seychelles, Spain (including Ceuta), Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Tromelin Island, Uruguay, Venezuela"
Brinkman Isle
10-11-2006, 03:51
Ok I would understand execpt he shouldnt have rightful control over those countries mentioned. Argentina i cana agree with him having but the others i am arguing.
10-11-2006, 11:52
When did UE get Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile? I was under the impression that these nations were still being discussed or at the very least left open / free?
The Great Sixth Reich
10-11-2006, 19:13
When did UE get Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile? I was under the impression that these nations were still being discussed or at the very least left open / free?

It happened here (, but note this ( and this (
United Earthlings
10-11-2006, 21:05
Welcome back, TGSR. Good to see you got your nation back. To that, I would like to add. I did create their governments from scratch. It was all RP and it's all there on page #2.

Ok I would understand except he shouldn’t have rightful control over those countries mentioned. Argentina I can agree with him having but the others I am arguing.

Ok, let me ask you this then. Who should have rightful control to those countries, you? nobody? A mod? I have been RP control over those countries well because, I created those countries. I trained their armed forces, oversaw their elections. I RP that for them, I’ve tried to keep it as real as possible to how those countries would react to my influence, their own people, and other details.

When did UE get Uruguay, Paraguay, and Chile? I was under the impression that these nations were still being discussed or at the very least left open / free?

When Brinkman decided to invaded the formal lands of DP. This I don't approval of and I (The Republic) and I'm sure the other nations wouldn't have supported it either bonded together to kick Brinkman out of South America by force if need be. So, working with the government of Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay that I had helped create, I offered them temporary membership into the Republic so that communication between our governments would be easier.

Once, I kick out Brinkman- I begin again the discussion with what to do with Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. Also, depending on how aggressive your government is towards the new Republic will also determine our course of action. The more hostile you get the more were going to be pursing allies in the region
11-11-2006, 17:22
Welcome back, TGSR. Good to see you got your nation back. To that, I would like to add. I did create their governments from scratch. It was all RP and it's all there on page #2.

Ok, let me ask you this then. Who should have rightful control to those countries, you? nobody? A mod? I have been RP control over those countries well because, I created those countries. I trained their armed forces, oversaw their elections. I RP that for them, I’ve tried to keep it as real as possible to how those countries would react to my influence, their own people, and other details.

When Brinkman decided to invaded the formal lands of DP. This I don't approval of and I (The Republic) and I'm sure the other nations wouldn't have supported it either bonded together to kick Brinkman out of South America by force if need be. So, working with the government of Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay that I had helped create, I offered them temporary membership into the Republic so that communication between our governments would be easier.

Once, I kick out Brinkman- I begin again the discussion with what to do with Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. Also, depending on how aggressive your government is towards the new Republic will also determine our course of action. The more hostile you get the more were going to be pursing allies in the region

Fair enough.

However, I need to point out a few possible situations though. Nuevo Rico and Braska may have something to say about that IC'ly. Neuvo Rico may want to do stuff to Argentina, considering he grabbed the Falkland Islands, and Braska may be interested in doing stuff in South America.
11-11-2006, 18:46
(ooc: Post incomming at a later date)
United Earthlings
11-11-2006, 19:32
Fair enough.

However, I need to point out a few possible situations though. Nuevo Rico and Braska may have something to say about that IC'ly. Neuvo Rico may want to do stuff to Argentina, considering he grabbed the Falkland Islands, and Braska may be interested in doing stuff in South America.

Speaking of which, when is Braska going to get active? He hasn't made one IC post or created a fact book or worked out a military declaration. Military Declaration wise, he will have access to a lot of equipment DP used. Also, I going to RP buying some of that equipment sense it just went onto the black market or else it will just be sitting around. Or I could do a RP sending a squad out to seize the ships. Whichever you guys think would be more real. Some of the equipment he has he bought from me. I'm sure any government wouldn't want their military equipment following into the hands of an unknown power or a power they don't trust.

He grabbed the Falkland Islands with my consent. He's allowed to do stuff to Argentina, but I would advise him not to do that. Like I could do stuff to Colombia, the question isn't could I, the question is should I. Again, I think Braska was just a lurker. Anyone hear from them?


Vineyard, just a few points that confused me with your post. 1. Did you just declare war on Sharina? Because, he's the only power I know of that uses Battleships. DP never listed in his fact book that he owned any Battleships. Cruisers yes, Battleships no.

A Battleship has a crew of over 1,000. Even with your special forces Marines, seizing a Battleship that one is on combat alert and two who's crew outnumbers your Marines is not going to be that easy to take control of. Not only that, but the ship would be moving and the seas in that part of the world are not exactly ideal.

Last, I and Sharina would have had some warning of your approaching fleet. It would have had to depart from somewhere to get to the Pacific. On top of that, a fleet that big only has so many routes it could of gone. I have territory near all those routes. Example- maybe not the most accurate.

The various ships leave their bases in Italy and form the Fleet in the Med. They can either go A. Through the Straits of Gibraltar or through the Suez Canal. From their, depending on which direction you decided to send it. It go sail through the Indian Ocean (which is basically my personnel ocean, I got outposts all over the Indian Ocean.) or through the Atlantic Ocean.

From their to the Pacific- I'm assuming you took the safest route which is through the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. You sailing from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific there is only two ways to get to the Pacific. Either through the Panama Canal, which I doubt Sharina would have let you through or swing around South America, in which case- you become my problem.

Also, don't forget both me and Sharina have Naval assets near Peru. In my case, ships I built for the Chilean Navy that I turned over to them and in Sharina case, his Pacific Fleet wherever that is based as he didn't state that in his Fact book.

So, just be aware of that in the future that most of the nations of the world will have a basic idea of when and where you fleet departs. I also have the added benefit of having land all over the world, from which to deploy aircraft and ships. Besides the Pacific, which is of no interest to me.
The Great Sixth Reich
11-11-2006, 22:48
their ship was highlighted with yellow, the allies with blue, and the 'bogies' with red.

Confusing usage, Vineyard. A "bogey" is defined as an unidentified aircraft or aerial projectile (e.g. a missile) on radar. I think you're trying to use it to mean an enemy ship, which it certainy cannot mean... unless, of course, the ship is flying through the air high enough to be deteched on radar and it's unclear whether it's friend or foe. :)
Brinkman Isle
11-11-2006, 23:01
Yes but he claimed them without my consent and I had more forces on those lands.

I do not want those lands, im trying to keep them open to new players meaning im simply a peacekeeping force, which i believe, nobody minds.

You cannot god-mod my troops being kicked out, or those countries you shouldnt have claim over.

Im not invading DP's lands, im continuing the peacekeeping mission as well as halping Braska.
United Earthlings
12-11-2006, 03:20
Yes but he claimed them without my consent and I had more forces on those lands.

I do not want those lands, im trying to keep them open to new players meaning im simply a peacekeeping force, which i believe, nobody minds.

You cannot god-mod my troops being kicked out, or those countries you shouldnt have claim over.

Im not invading DP's lands, im continuing the peacekeeping mission as well as halping Braska.

OCC: 4th time, I had more forces on those lands then you and I have the posts to back it up. Shall I dig them up again for the 3rd time?

I mind- I haven't decided but, more then likely I will keep them open. But, if this turns out to be a massive landgrab- then I got no problem joining that land grab.

I Didn't God-mod kicking your troops out, I'm going to kill and starve them out. I asked you to withdraw them peacefully, you refused. Now, I'm pissed and I got the other governments pissed at you and were going to use force to kick you out. Your leaving one way or another. Before, you say. But, you don't control them. Well, I do now- as I RP them joining the Republic so that their would be one voice opposing your so called Peacekeeping mission. The nation that you knew that started this Peacekeeping mission in South America is gone.

Task Force Jin led by General Rong Jin. They would be the first foreign force to enter the former DP lands. Civil Affairs units were already working along border towns in Bolivia to secure safety for the peacekeeping units that were set to pass through in due time.- Seems like your invading to me. I do not support your invasion or Peacekeeping mission or whatever you want to call it. The only way for you to invaded those nations you stated is by using Territory of countries that I control or that is loyal to me. I (we) oppose you sending any forces into those countries that were once part of our allies. I still consider them my allies and allowing them to be free (open to other players) means allowing them to work out their own problems. My only concern is of protecting Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. Your invasion has made that objective difficult.

On a final Note- if you really didn't want those lands- you wouldn't have sent forces into them. As to halping (helping I think you mean) Braska, I don't think his claim has been confirmed and if it has- I haven't seen him around. As I said, I think he was just a lurker.
12-11-2006, 03:46
Speaking of which, when is Braska going to get active? He hasn't made one IC post or created a fact book or worked out a military declaration. Military Declaration wise, he will have access to a lot of equipment DP used. Also, I going to RP buying some of that equipment sense it just went onto the black market or else it will just be sitting around. Or I could do a RP sending a squad out to seize the ships. Whichever you guys think would be more real. Some of the equipment he has he bought from me. I'm sure any government wouldn't want their military equipment following into the hands of an unknown power or a power they don't trust.

He grabbed the Falkland Islands with my consent. He's allowed to do stuff to Argentina, but I would advise him not to do that. Like I could do stuff to Colombia, the question isn't could I, the question is should I. Again, I think Braska was just a lurker. Anyone hear from them?


Vineyard, just a few points that confused me with your post. 1. Did you just declare war on Sharina? Because, he's the only power I know of that uses Battleships. DP never listed in his fact book that he owned any Battleships. Cruisers yes, Battleships no.

A Battleship has a crew of over 1,000. Even with your special forces Marines, seizing a Battleship that one is on combat alert and two who's crew outnumbers your Marines is not going to be that easy to take control of. Not only that, but the ship would be moving and the seas in that part of the world are not exactly ideal.

Last, I and Sharina would have had some warning of your approaching fleet. It would have had to depart from somewhere to get to the Pacific. On top of that, a fleet that big only has so many routes it could of gone. I have territory near all those routes. Example- maybe not the most accurate.

The various ships leave their bases in Italy and form the Fleet in the Med. They can either go A. Through the Straits of Gibraltar or through the Suez Canal. From their, depending on which direction you decided to send it. It go sail through the Indian Ocean (which is basically my personnel ocean, I got outposts all over the Indian Ocean.) or through the Atlantic Ocean.

From their to the Pacific- I'm assuming you took the safest route which is through the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. You sailing from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific there is only two ways to get to the Pacific. Either through the Panama Canal, which I doubt Sharina would have let you through or swing around South America, in which case- you become my problem.

Also, don't forget both me and Sharina have Naval assets near Peru. In my case, ships I built for the Chilean Navy that I turned over to them and in Sharina case, his Pacific Fleet wherever that is based as he didn't state that in his Fact book.

So, just be aware of that in the future that most of the nations of the world will have a basic idea of when and where you fleet departs. I also have the added benefit of having land all over the world, from which to deploy aircraft and ships. Besides the Pacific, which is of no interest to me.

ooc: One thing. There is no way in hell you would notice where my ships went. You dont have a satilite system, and my navy avoided your lands.

Very logically written, only you are missing a key route.

Sicialy - Suez Canal - Red Sea - Gulf of Aeden - Indian ocean - Banda Sea - North Pacific Sea - Providenicya - And all along the Sharinian Coast - refitting and resupplying in Costa Rica - Making sure to avoid all nations until we hit Peru.

And my navy isn't that big. Its pathetically small.

And I was previously convinced that DP had battleships in his posession. My err.

And TG6R, they were unidentified. We had no clue who they were from, or who commanded them. Right up till the end. I know.

And yes. If most of the sailors were unarmed (As they typically are), I would have had little problem subduing them.

But never the less, I will replace that post with a more fitting one.

EDIT: Outposts all over the indian ocean? You mean Sri Lanka. Or if you posess all of those (Little) Islands, I could have gone about the Equitoral Counter Current. Either way, you did nothing at all when i sent the fleet to Providenicya years ago.
United Earthlings
13-11-2006, 19:48
OCC: In reply to Vineyard- Wrong on both accounts in the first sentence. I do have a Satellite System, a be it a small one. I still have one though. European Space Agency- most countries part of it minus you are either my allies or part of the Republic. Spain, Netherlands, France.

I'm glad it was logically written. You missed the part though when I stated it was not necessary the most accurate. You avoided nations, but that's not how I would have more then likely detected them. Their called ships and aircraft. They can make long range patrols. I use that ability very much. If, I would have placed my ships in key locations say at the exit of the Gulf of Aeden. Wam bam, hello Vineyard Navy.

How small? I hope not to small that it gets wiped out. To sail all the way from Italy to Peru, you would need a few destroyers one or two would do nicely- even more would be better, a resupply ship, a few frigates and a sub or two. That's a small fleet, but I assuming your also sending troop transports sense you plan on invading Peru, right? If, yes then that's more ships which leads to more ships that will be needed to protect the Transports. Pretty soon you'll have a fleet of 12-20 craft. That's not a small fleet going to avoid detection. I'm also assuming your bring along a Carrier or two for Air Support?

What if most of the sailors were armed? Ships do carry a supply of weapons you know. And sailors during basic training do take weapons training. I'm not saying you couldn't take over a ship, that would be wrong as anything is possible. Just, the way you posted made it sound like a cake wake, which it wouldn't be. To give you an idea of how hard it is, read up on 18th Century Naval Battles. That will give you an idea of how difficult it is and that was over 200 years ago.

As to outposts, I meant more as ships and planes. They are my eyes and ears. But, from Sri Lanka and Madagascar I can launch sorties of both. I can send out fleets from other places, but those two places are the main bases. I also use India sometimes.
Brinkman Isle
14-11-2006, 02:42
The once friendly Iberian Netherlands were now prompting a large scale war. It was still something the Philippine didn’t want but to abandon the people of South America would be devastating to the countries credibility. The talks in Manila were set to begin in short time with all delegates save the small group of Braska diplomats. Although this was going to be a problem, the meeting could not wait and they would have to be informed at a later date, one more suitable to their availability.

Meanwhile with the growing conflict and the now blatant distrust by the Iberian Netherlands the military was being mobilized in the event this Operation made a turn for the worst. Many argued that this should have been done early as the situation is already helpless but President Nipay had been steadfast on her resolve, now with the twisting and manipulation of the South American governments she had to make a decision. It was regrettable but the freedom of others couldn’t be overlooked.

In South America, the people had been betrayed by their newly elected government. Local officials had been paid off by Iberian agents and corrupted. In a monumental blunder many of the countries top elected officials, which were rigged, agreed to an alliance with the Netherlands. Unfortunately for them the majority of the populace strongly opposed this move. They had personally worked alongside Philippine forces and created a close-knit bond with them. This was also shared by Iberian troops before their bureaucrats began to oversee the mission with their hidden agendas. Only high ranking officials were pleased by this move but their country wasn’t. Orders to expel the Protectorate’s troops went, for the most part, unheard. The people were resistant to the obvious betrayal. They wanted their freedom and were not about to give in so easily. Although the time was still young, small groups had already been meeting and soon leaders began to emerge from these countries. Rumors of creating their own forces, to add to the Philippines and actual armed forces that the Philippines helped create, began to spread. Things were looking more dangerous by the day and with a meeting taking place, it would appear that the Netherlands unwarranted reign might be coming to an end.

Meanwhile command had issued its naval assignments and the North Pacific Fleet was en-route to the Americas.

Still waiting for Sharina and Vineyard for the meetings…I think.
United Earthlings
14-11-2006, 04:28
The once friendly Iberian Netherlands were now prompting a large scale war. It was still something the Philippine didn’t want but to abandon the people of South America would be devastating to the countries credibility. The talks in Manila were set to begin in short time with all delegates save the small group of Braska diplomats. Although this was going to be a problem, the meeting could not wait and they would have to be informed at a later date, one more suitable to their availability.

Meanwhile with the growing conflict and the now blatant distrust by the Iberian Netherlands the military was being mobilized in the event this Operation made a turn for the worst. Many argued that this should have been done early as the situation is already helpless but President Nipay had been steadfast on her resolve, now with the twisting and manipulation of the South American governments she had to make a decision. It was regrettable but the freedom of others couldn’t be overlooked.

In South America, the people had been betrayed by their newly elected government. Local officials had been paid off by Iberian agents and corrupted. In a monumental blunder many of the countries top elected officials, which were rigged, agreed to an alliance with the Netherlands. Unfortunately for them the majority of the populace strongly opposed this move. They had personally worked alongside Philippine forces and created a close-knit bond with them. This was also shared by Iberian troops before their bureaucrats began to oversee the mission with their hidden agendas. Only high ranking officials were pleased by this move but their country wasn’t. Orders to expel the Protectorate’s troops went, for the most part, unheard. The people were resistant to the obvious betrayal. They wanted their freedom and were not about to give in so easily. Although the time was still young, small groups had already been meeting and soon leaders began to emerge from these countries. Rumors of creating their own forces, to add to the Philippines and actual armed forces that the Philippines helped create, began to spread. Things were looking more dangerous by the day and with a meeting taking place, it would appear that the Netherlands unwarranted reign might be coming to an end.

Meanwhile command had issued its naval assignments and the North Pacific Fleet was en-route to the Americas.

Still waiting for Sharina and Vineyard for the meetings…I think.

OCC: See this post, it states we are at war. You can end it and all you have to do is agree to pull your forces out.

IC: Though it had been less then a week, the war was going splendidly. The Brinkman forces had stopped their advance and some of its forces had given up without a fight. Thousands of Protectorate’s troops so far had been captured. After spending a few days in a detention center in Buenos Aires, they were flown to Spain and from their once the war was over would be flown home courtesy of the Kingdom of Iberia. With the support of the people and governments of South America, the war would be over soon. Neither side had a taste for war and both sides were doing everything in their power to end it quickly and without much bloodshed. Though the Kingdom of Iberia was overseeing the operation to expel the Brinkman scourge, the fighting was being done by the South American countries themselves. The heaviest fighting was being seen in Paraguay and to some extent in Northern Chile. Providing support to the hard fought forces in Paraguay, was the Argentina Armed Forces. The Kingdom of Iberia was sitting this war out, for the first time in many years South American's were fighting for their own cause. The cause to free their countries from the unlawful occupation of the Philippines Protectorate.

As per agreement, the Iberian Forces would again start up their withdraw and this time the Brinkman forces would join them- with seats being reserved for them. They would go either by force or through peaceful means but, either way both sides would leave. Which was fine with the Kingdom, as it no longer had anything to gain from this operation or that of the Brinkman governments operation. The coalition government had even come up with it's own new slogan, South America for South American's. The Philippines Protectorate had insisted throughout the time that it was doing this to protect the freedoms of others yet was ignoring the freedoms of those it had once helped.

Though rumor after rumor emerged from the Philippines Protectorate about the Kingdom of Iberia and sometimes about other members of the Republic that had nothing to do with the Operation. None of these rumors were proven true and the once great bond the Philippines Protectorate had made with the people of South America eroded even more in the face of their blatant lies. Even, their troops no longer believe what their government was saying. It was such a sad place the once great Philippines Protectorate found itself. Other rumors were also abound, some which turned out to be true, but taken out of context by the Protectorate Government. The South American governments creating their own forces, something the Kingdom of the Iberian Netherlands had oversaw among many things. What good was having a free country if you couldn't defend yourself.

The Freedom of South America was at stake and the coalition of South America would fight for it's freedom. With the support of the Republic, mostly providing intelligence as it had committed no forces. The nations of South America would maintain their freedom from all powers.

Would The Philippines Protectorate recognize this freedom or would it suppress their new found freedom. Could the Philippines Protectorate hold itself together or would it cease to exist as a nation in the same way the Iberian Netherlands had cease to exist when it's territorial ambitions turned out to beyond it's influence and control. Like all Empires, it had turned out to be just a fad. Was the Philippines Protectorate heading towards a new beginning or towards their end. Only time would tell.
Neuvo Rica
14-11-2006, 13:45
The Atlantic Ocean, 50 km north of Paramaribo...

The first Confederate Navy vessel to arrive on the scene was here. The CNS Galveston, a destroyer. Further to the north, a large fleet and an amphibious assault flottila were approaching. In all, 25,000 troops would be sent in to the countries of Suriname and French Guyana in the first wave. Given the apparent widespread political support for incorporation into the Confederacy in Suriname, the military occupation would be kept as peaceful as possible, however concerns were that violence could break out in French Guyana. Another headache for houston, was that military action was entirely neccessary. Despite peaceful support from Suriname, Sickles wanted to fulfill the Suriname land claim on Guyana and occupy French Guyana, something that would alienate EATO.

The Airport at Onverwacht, South of Paramaribo...

The 12 C-15C STOL tactical transports approached the airport. The first touched down and taxied off of the runway, followed by the rest. Once down, these forces were the first inside Suriname. The force of 500 consisted entirely of troops from the 1st Army of Louisiana, who proceeded to secure the airport, and also clear all non CS Army planes off of the runway. Armed with the newly purchased FN-2000 - or Barrett M-21 as it was known in Confederate service - airport staff put up little resistance.

With the airport clear, more aircraft began to move in. First, another five C-15Cs, as well as four F-4H Phantom fighters. With the original load of C-15Cs returned to bases in Florida, heavier planes began to move in. The runway was unsuitable for the C-5As operated by the airforce, but the C-17A could cope well on the runway. 2 of the large aircraft, airborne for almost 6 hours having flown out of Texas and negotiated a route through the troubled carribean islands, now came in to land at the airport. 100 more troops came from the first, whilst in the second were three AH-64D helicopters.

Total forces deployed:
By Air:
10,000 Troops (1st Army of Louisiana)
2,450 Support

10 C-5A (Not yet able to operate)
35 C-15C (Running to and from Florida)
22 C-17A (Running to and from Florida)
12 F-4H
28 F-25A
10 AH-1W
12 AH-64D
28 UH-60

120 M1A1 Abrams (To be flown in once the airport can handle C-5As)
320 LAV-300/ LAV-M
135 M252 Mortar
12 M777 Light Towed Howitzer
4 M992 Artillery Support Vehicles

By Sea:
15,000 Marines
8,800 Support (Those not on vessels to be flown in once the rest has landed) (This force is still some distance from Suriname)

7 Amphibious Vessels (1 Wasp Class, 2 Tarawa Class, 2 Harpers Ferry Class, 2 Austen Class)
3 CVGN (60 Aircraft Each)
6 Cruisers
16 Destroyers
12 Frigates

12 AV-8BII
100 F-18E (based on naval aircraft carrier) (of which 25 carry Marine markings)
62 AH-1Z
28 CH-47
12 CH-53D
32 CH-53E
16 MH-53E
42 UH-1
52 UH-60
14-11-2006, 18:56
Captain Alexis Nimitz, the great-grandson of Chester Nimitz stood proudly in the bustling bridge of an enormous Montana class battleship, the SNV California. Suddenly a radio message piped out from the communications area of the bridge, and was promptly routed to Alexis's earpiece.

"This is Landing Force D. We request fire coverage in Diego Beach on the western shores of Haiti, several kilometers east of your current position. The enemy is dug in considerably behind a lot of sandbags, foxholes, and barbed wire.

Heavy equipment will not arrive for two more hours, and we are pinned down. I repeat, we request fire coverage at the coordinates Grid-12-4N-2E!"

The message quickly died out, as the soldier on the other end apparently had his hands full.

Alexis Nimitz smiled as he thought to himself.

"These ex-Dweladelfinians will learn to fear the battleship. The age of battleships has not passed."

He shook his head softly to clear his mind before issuing his next batch of orders to his officers in the bridge. Shortly thereafter, the Montana's twelve 16-inch barrels swiveled slowly yet steady towards the distant coastline. The world seemed to grow still and paralyzed as time drew into an eternity as the barrels locked into position. Abruptly, the world seemed to explode from the inside out as a apocalyptic sound tore through the otherwise tranquil Caribbean landscape. Huge percussion waves spread out from the large metallic battleship as the vessel rocked from the sheer firepower it unleased upon the unsuspecting enemy on the shore.

Several seconds later, the coastline erupted into huge plumes of earth, rock, debris, and dozens of body parts. Then all seemed silent once again, until another volley broke loose several minutes later. A hour would pass before the enormous guns of the SNV California would fall silent for the remainder of the day.

Once the barrages cleared up, it seemed like a giant scooped up piles of earth and flung it willy-nilly across the landscape. Huge craters pockmarked the otherwise tropical paradise landscape seen in cruise liner vacation getaway booklets, with fires raging through what brush remains within the area. Not a insect, bird, or enemy soldier moved as they were shattered by the brutal onslaught of multi-ton shells. Luckily the Sharinan soldiers were at a safe distance away from ground zero.

Sharinan marines and infantry begin moving into Haiti, after passing through the now shattered fortifications.

The Age of Battleships has not passed, contrary to what many non-Sharinans may think.
Brinkman Isle
14-11-2006, 21:09
Question: Are we in this for the same thing? I want the countries open (IC independent)..not under your control. I understand you have..Argentina i think but the others?

Also You cannot RP what happens to my soliders.
Neuvo Rica
14-11-2006, 21:15
ooc: @Brink: Do you have troops in all ex-DP territories?
Brinkman Isle
14-11-2006, 21:39
None as of yet.
United Earthlings
14-11-2006, 22:41
OCC: Sharina and Neuvo Rica- wrong thread. Anything to do with the formal Territories of Dweladelfinians I created this thread ( This thread (Operation American) is just for covering the four countries I sent a long time ago Peacekeeping Forces into.

Question: Are we in this for the same thing? I want the countries open (IC independent)..not under your control. I understand you have..Argentina I think but the others?

Also You cannot RP what happens to my soldiers.

To Brinkman, I thought we were, but then you refused to withdraw your troops and started a war of conquest. I only have official control of Argentina. What I will do with the others will be decided by how the other players of Earth V react. If, all go on a massive land grab. Then well, to protect myself I will find ways to get more allies. Chile-Paraguay-Uruguay are those allies.

If, the land grabbing is keep to a minium then I will open them up (IC independent) and not under my control. That is if other power don't take this time to start a massive land grab, including you. I have already stated my claims and their very small. Just Guyana and a few Islands in the Caribbean.

I have no desire for anymore major wars and land grabbing. I will state this IC.

-As to your troops, well someone had to RP them as you ignored my message. Besides the only reference I made to them was rounding up a few thousand of them. So, while yes that was a God Mod, I keep it a small one so that you would actually respond this time. See, it worked.
Brinkman Isle
14-11-2006, 23:43
Organized Choas this seems huh. I do not want war, I kept my troops there to make sure [or rather for leverage] to make sure you didnt claim lands after you claimed Argentina. I'll glady pull out forces from SA [save DP, see further down] if you do the same and do not claim any more countries in SA [Feel free to run the caribbean]

As for DP if the above is agreed upon [we will both support CSA + Braska] then id like to work together again [mend feelings] and pacify the old lands of DP leaving them under the same terms as above.

Untill we Figure this out can we count the above posts by you and me regarding this situation viod?
United Earthlings
15-11-2006, 01:08
Organized Choas this seems huh. I do not want war, I kept my troops there to make sure [or rather for leverage] to make sure you didnt claim lands after you claimed Argentina. I'll glady pull out forces from SA [save DP, see further down] if you do the same and do not claim any more countries in SA [Feel free to run the caribbean]

As for DP if the above is agreed upon [we will both support CSA + Braska] then id like to work together again [mend feelings] and pacify the old lands of DP leaving them under the same terms as above.

Untill we Figure this out can we count the above posts by you and me regarding this situation viod?

OCC: The world is indeed chaotic, but if it wasn't what fun would it be. As, I said before- my claiming those countries (which I will RP) will all depend on how the situation in relation to the collapse of DP turns out.

I will not support CSA or Braska or both. I will send in no forces to either Brazil or any other country in South America. In fact, I want to leave South America. So, your free to send in forces into those countries, but do not expect our support. That includes using bases in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay, by using our land you make us a target for attack. Something we have no desire to become.

The lands will pacify themselves, if we send troops into those countries it will look like we are starting a massive land grab. As, such- we refuse to get involved in those countries, those who invaded those countries can't use us as an excuse for their war of conquest. Also as stated occ, I think some countries should be left open for new players.

Those posts don't need to be voided, we had a small conflict erupt but as seeing both sides had no desire for war we quickly put our differences to rest. You by getting my governments to agree that it wouldn't claim anymore land either by force or influence and my governments getting you to agree to finally pull out your forces. That's the main reason the Republic and the other natiosn were mad at you. You leave your forces in their countries for no reason long after the mission you set out for was completed. In real life, I think that's a good reason for them to go to war with you. By, agreeing to withdraw your forces from their countries- you'll end their main gripe against you.
Brinkman Isle
16-11-2006, 21:54
Making Reply in other thread. [Done here]
United Earthlings
08-03-2007, 15:53
OCC: I know this thread has been dead for awhile, however-in bringing to a close my loose ends with Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay this seem like the best place to post this.

IC:As the cascading events in Europe and North America erupted into outright war, there was still some hope left for peace in South America. In the remaining days of this peace, the birth of a new nation was to come of age through the fires of war. With the collapse of the Philippines Protectorate, the last best hope for peace in South America had died. While, Chile had the land, people and resources to defend against the imperialistic aggression of both the Vineyardian Empire and the Sharina Technocracy. The small and mostly agricultural nations of Paraguay and Uruguay did not. With the withdraw of Philippines peacekeeping forces from Paraguay, the defense of their national sovereignty had just been made that much more difficult. The only other major powers left in the region were the Brazil Federation and the Argentine Republic. With the Brazilian Government in de facto exile, the choice of who to ally with no longer rested with the nations of Paraguay and Uruguay. The decision had been made for them.

And so began the meeting that would end with the signing of the Mercosur Treaty. Through this treaty the nations of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay would merge into a single entity that would provided for the free movement of goods, services and factors of production between the three countries through, inter alia, the elimination of customs duties and non-tariff restrictions on the movement of goods. Furthermore, this treaty would see the co-ordination of macroeconomic and sectoral policies between the three nations in the areas of foreign trade, agriculture, industry, fiscal and monetary matters, foreign exchange and capital, services, customs, transport and communications and any other areas that may be agreed upon, in order to ensure proper integration between The Argentine Republic, the Republic of Paraguay and
the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Included, as part of this integration was that of the armed forces of the three nations in order to maintain stability through peace and if need be the defense of the region from hostile powers bent upon imposing their will upon what was left of the sovereign powers of South America.

Through the signing of this treaty, the nations of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay had set in motion the creation of what would become known as the Republic of Argenguay. As one of the first acts of the new government of Argenguay was the incorporation of all outstanding claims of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay into the new nation. This included the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and the 965.597 square kilometers of Antarctica that had been stolen from them by the corrupt Sharina Government that had no right over any of Antarctica as agreed upon in the Antarctic Treaty. Which, was yet another sign of the deceitfulness of the Sharina Government. If force was needed to seize back, the rightful claim of these lands then so be it. As such in response to this declaration, a small military force was dispatched to these lands and a permanent garrison would be established in all three places. Never again, would land that rightfully belong to the Argenguay government be taken without a fight.


Meanwhile, across the Andes Mountains in Chile the reaction to the world events was one of concern. The country was surrounded by nations that were at war or soon to be at war. Though, it had been requested by the Republic of United Nations to join it’s organization for the benefit of free trade and the protection of it’s sovereignty, the Chilean Government had decided on a course of armed neutrality to any conflict that might erupt in South America. The people of Chile would go it alone for better or worse.
United Earthlings
09-03-2007, 20:40
IC:Two days later, the first of what would be thousands of troops, began arriving in the Falkland Islands and the South Georgia/South Sandwich Islands. The first troops to land in the Falklands were at the capital Stanley and the surrounding area. Once, the Mount Pleasant Airbase ( which was located thirty miles south of Stanley had been captured, troops began to pour in by way of this vital link. Which in time would become the key to the defense of the Falklands and key parts of the South Atlantic. Within a few days after the capture of Mount Pleasant, the entirely of the Falklands had been secured for the new nation of Argenguay. Meanwhile, in South Georgia the first troops began to arrive ashore and a few hours later-the Argenguay flag could be seen flying high above South Georgia Island. With no foreign troops defending these lands, the operations to capture them were over within less then a week. Though, no soldiers had been killed, seven were wounded during the Falklands operation and two during the South Georgian operation, but all would make a full recovery within a few weeks. With the Falklands now firmly in the hands of the Argenguay nation, support troops and aircraft that would establish a permanent air force on the Falklands, began to arrive at Mount Pleasant Airbase and other vital areas. Though it would be months before all was completed, the new task of defending the Falkland Islands was well underway and no expense was being spared. A centuries long dream of all formal Argentina citizens had finally come to passed. The Falkland’s were once again Argentina’s and no one could dispute that fact.