NationStates Jolt Archive

Clan Wark (SNW Factbook)

Clan Wark
26-09-2006, 03:05
The mighty Factbook of the Skaven Clan Wark. A brief introduction is provided by the original bio followed by more indepth info about warpstone technology, leaders, geography and clan history.

Species Used: Skaven
Species Description: Machiavillian ratmen that dwell beneath the earth, "gnawing at the roots of the world."
From: Warhammer Fantasy
Name of nation: United Rats of Clan Wark
Population: 1.2 million
Location: Clan Wark controls a small portion of mountains that conjoin the mountains of the Under-Empire to the thin mountain rangethat divides the continent. ((Here-ish))
Nation Description:The Skaven located in, around and under Ratspleen Pass are ruled by one of the most cunning and powerful of all rats, Grey Seer Rannosvik. It was this magick user that brought the wayward Clan Wark from serfs to the rulers of the pass. Clan Wark's rule is not undisputed, however. The Under Empire and New Armenica constantly threatened the Clan's rule and existance. The politics, though seemingly conplex, are quite simple: the strong and cunning rule while the weak serve or die. The technology of the Skaven is quite advanced. Clan Wark possess powerful Warp Lightening cannons, primitive flamethrowers and gunpowder weaponry. Unfortunately, the emphasis is on quantity rather than quality in Skaven society, leading to many explosive accidents. The most impressive feat of Skaven technology thus far is the rattelin, a patchwork zeppelin that is (relatively) well armoured and armed with a Warp lightening cannon.
Military: All Skaven from the most pathetic slave to the greatest leader will at one point serve the military of Clan Wark. The only exception to this being the female Skaven who are restricted to little more than breeding. The Skaven armies are true terrors to behold. Their infantry are poorly armered and trained but what they lack in strength they make up for in great numbers. The core of these large blocks of infantry are Clanrats recruited from the common, non-enslaved rats of Clan Wark. Above them are the Stormvermin who form the elite, shock troops of the Skaven hordes. Aiding the infantry can be found elite Gutter runner assassins who harrass the enemy's flanks while the unpredicatable Warp Lightening cannons and Jezzail sniper teams cause damage from behind the frontlines. Life is not highly valued in the Skaven society, it is no uncommon to see Skaven siege weapons blasting areas that endanger both foe and friend alike.
Culture: Within Clan Wark and Skaven society there is little in the way of culture. The overall goal of the clan is to bring an end to the reign of their foes, which is pretty much anyone not in Clan Wark, and rule the world as the dominant force. This goal is achieved by sacrificing all for warfare, politics and other power-gaining methods. Buildings in Clan Wark's realm are little more than ramshackle structures held together by crooked nails, spit and the grace of the Great Horned Rat. Painting, sculptures, philosophy and literature are all but unheard of. The closest thing to art in Skaven society is their insane engineering and their maddening magicks. Religion, for this culturally primitive nation, is suprisingly divirse. Many rats worship a being known as the Great Horned Rat. Some worship him for his aide in their divine creation and for help against their foes. Some, known as the Cult of Pestilens worship and spread the diseased aspect of their vermin god. A rare few Skaven worship a god of scheaming, plots and magic whom they call Tchar. These vicious religious groups act much like political parties in our modern world, with the exception of being much more violent and much less friendly. Skaven attempting to gain powers will often use these religions to gain it. These relgious parties will also do the same, using charismatic Skaven to gain power. The current ruler, Grey Seer Rannosvik, though a worshipper of The Horned One, has much more friendly to the Cult of Pestilens than his predessors. This could be because a few of his predessors died a violent, horrid, diseased death.

<Detailed stuff to come by the weekend/September 25>
Clan Wark
01-10-2006, 07:06
Official Nation Name: United Rats of Clan Wark
Shortened Name: Clan Wark
Races of Nation: 90% Skaven, 10% Non-Skaven Slaves
Capital: Skavengrad (formerly a great dwarven-elven city sacked by Clan Wark)

Executive Leader: Greyseer Rannosvik the Just
Relgious Leader: High Greylord Ryskit the Pious
Commander-in-Chief: Master Assassin Skitch Snaketail

Geography: Clan Wark takes resident in, under and around a ravine known to them as Ratspleen Pass. Between where the ravine enters the mountain domain and where it leaves, there lies the mighty, many walled-city of Skavengrad. The city streatches from the clouds in the sky to the roots of the world. Aside from the pass, the surface portion of Clan Wark's territory is filled with little other landmarks. The land sustains but one known plant, great, barbed bushes known simply as stabby roots. Below the surface there are a great many Skaven communities. Many are ruled under Clan Wark's banner, a distant few have joined with the nearby Under-Empire. Because of the many hazards of their hazardous of their underground realm, most communities are infrequently contacted in the best of times. In the realm known to many as the Underdark many more things thrive than one the surface, perhaps this allows for the great number of populations to thrive.
Major Cities:

Skavengrad: Capital of Clan Wark, first created by a community of elves and dwarves. The elves created great spiraling towers and large, white halls above ground. Below, the dwarves created complex, massive tunnels, holds and halls. It was truly a great city, then the Skaven came. The Skaven of a then much larger Clan Wark were on a long exodus after a rival clan began great purges of their brethern. Having found an ideal home in this mixed blood city, the Skaven tunneled in mass into the Dwarven holds. The Dwarves were quickly overwhelmed and slaugthered. The elves made the Skaven fight a siege for each citadel, tower and house, but in the end they too fell to Clan Wark. The city was forever afterwards known as Skavengrad.
Svitik: Formed from a captured dwarven hold, Svitik's limited entrances and abundant nearby resources allowed its population to grow rapidly.
Vrikkit: Clan Wark's commercial center and one of the few Skaven-made cities. The ramshackle town is where nearly all path converge within the clan. Therefore, many of Clan Wark's insane inventions are born within the mighty Skaven city.

(More to come soon...or will it?)