NationStates Jolt Archive

Sinners Associated (ATTN Griffincrest Associates)

The Infinite Crucible
22-09-2006, 03:00
OOC: Messed up the title on the earlier thread, sorry about that.

Supreme Regelarc Nicodemus Christos stared into the camera, his eyes black pits of obsidian that seemed to consume the light with ever growing lust with each passing second. His many wrinkles and scars drew a map of carnage and bloodshed across his aging face, each crease a million lives lost before him. Slowly he began to speak:

“Your time of judgment has come, the very fabric of your society and essence of your existence stands on the brink of oblivion. Will you have the wisdom and courage to pull back from the edge, and save a million lives, or shall you stand as fools often do and fall into the endless seas of brimstone?

You have committed your people to a sinful circle, bowing your heads, your very dignity to the Griffincrest Corporation. To lie with sinners is to be a sinner, and the boundless wrath of the Almighty knows no mercy to sinners and their sympathizers. Your association, which you hoped to be your saving grace is now your undoing. The Griffincrest Corporation is on the edge of collapse and you are posed to fall into memory along with it.

If you should forsake all manner of sanity and love for your country men and choose to remain within the corporation, our armies will march on your lands. We shall slaughter your armies, enslave your populous, and poison your lands to such an extent that no green life shall ever grow from the soil again. There will be no return from this war for your culture, no salvation for your people. For all eternity you will be condemned to a footnote in history.

However, there is another possibility. Free yourself from the chains of oppression, break from The Griffincrest Corporation and seek a new and brighter future. You will be released from all bonds, and no new restrictions shall be placed upon you. We will allow you to continue in peace, no hint of war to detract.

You need not fear your former task master, he is and will be too embroiled in war and conflict to seek your grace. Should even the most minute army, however, be dispatched to bend your will to his, we will offer defense against it.

I urge you to think this decision over carefully, it will determine your eternity.”

The camera’s turned off and the message was sent to all appropriate nations. Although he was a man of war, Christos prayed that they would see reason.
22-09-2006, 03:05

That was the only word the King Joseph Blaine wrote on the telegram he sent back. Griffincrest had saved him from Clandonian bombing, and was giving his men a chance to prove themselves in battle. He would not just abandon them like that.
22-09-2006, 03:15
Just out of curiousity, what religion do you practice?
The Infinite Crucible
22-09-2006, 03:24
Nicodemus sighed at the response from Blainesville. A single word answer… how foolish. Have all the lords of the world fallen to such a level of imbecility. He quickly composed a response.

Target: Joseph Blaine, King, Blainesville
Sender: Nicodemus Christos, Supreme Regelarc, The Infinite Crucible
Subject: See reason

I am a man of war, I have overseen the deaths of millions, my blood runs cold with my sins and eternal damnation in hell awaits me upon death. I am a murderer if ever one has walked upon this earth, but I will not exterminate your people so quickly. Please understand, you have no hope of winning this conflict. Your armies are either tied up in other conflicts, or being exploited by Griffincrest to further his mad ambitions. Do you truly think he will not use you as a pawn to stave off his own destruction? Our navies have set sail and our air armadas have deployed. War will be on your lands to such an extent that you can not imagine. Millions of lives are in your hands, are you prepared to condemn millions to death for the sake of petty loyalty? I beg of you, reconsider.

--End Message—

OOC: My forces.

Forces Being Mobilized:

Supreme Regelarc Nicodemus Christos – High Command
Pristos Regelarc Mikah Ardonai – Ground Command
Pristos Arios Regelarc Abd-Al-Rahman – Air Command
Pristos Oblivios Regelarc Ishmael Mark – Sea Command

1 Regelarc Class Super Dreadnought
2 Eternal Judgment Pocket Super Dreadnought
25 Fleet Carriers
15 Heavy Carriers
40 Battleships
60 Heavy Cruisers
100 Guided Missile Cruisers
100 Guided Missile Destroyers
100 AA Destroyers
100 ASW Destroyers
200 Guardian Class Frigates
100 Guided Missile Submarines
200 Attack Submarines
Innumerable Support, Transport, and Landing Ships

900 Air Supremacy Fighters – Carrier Based
500 Hybrid Attack Fighters – Carrier Based
900 Angelic Tactical Strike Carrier – Carrier Based
200 Various War Supremacy Fighters – Carrier Based
1000 Strategic Bombers – Homeland Based
500 Stealth Bombers – Homeland Based
Innumerable Transports and support

Grounds Forces:
1 Holy Army –
15,000,000 CDF Personal Total
50,000 MBT’s
50,000 Drone MBT’s
50,000 Drone LBT’s
50,000 Flanker Class Assault Vehicle
250,000 IFV
100,000 Mobile Artillery
50,000 Mobile Missile Launch Systems
250,000 Multi Purpose Assault Helicopters
50,000 Attack Helicopters
25,000 Light Attack Helicopters
Innumerable Support
The Infinite Crucible
22-09-2006, 03:27
Just out of curiousity, what religion do you practice?

In RL, I am a semi practicing Jew. However, I really have a very custom set of beliefs that are slight deist in nature. Kinda...

In NS, my nation has a major representation of each monotheistic religion. Pretty much everyone is highly fanatical over their religion, but in an odd sense. I can explain it further if you want me to. But send me a TG.
The Scandinvans
22-09-2006, 05:17
OOC: Do I get to use my Inquisition and Secret Police in conquered countries to root out the rebels and loyalists to Griffincrest?
The Infinite Crucible
22-09-2006, 17:50
OOC: Hmm, not sure. We will have to decide what we want to do with them if we do win the war. I was either feeling complete destruction, as a warning, or letting them continue to govern themselves, but they must meet a quota of national resources given as tribute to our respective nations each year. Bury a few massive chemical/biological/nuclear weapons below their cities and such as insentive to meet said quotas.

Also do you have a map Blainesville? I know you are landlocked, but that is about it.
The Infinite Crucible
24-09-2006, 05:27
bump, Blainesville and those fighting have expressed a desire to keep the battle among smaller nations. I will respect that. However, others who are associates of Griffincrest, you may want to post a response.
24-09-2006, 06:35
OOC: This is RFF. I do not have the time or sanity to deal with another NS war right now. Blackhelm is controling my forces at New Ausha, and I'm going to ask you not to invade me, as I'll have to ignore it.
24-09-2006, 06:52
The Communist Reich finds some of Christos's remarks disturbing and contrary to our objectives. We object to your promises to enslave populations and poison land. We hereby request Christo's apology for his fanatical remarks, as we believe religious fanaticism should be kept out of the war at all costs.

-Reich Foreign Ministry
The Infinite Crucible
24-09-2006, 07:37
OOC: This is RFF. I do not have the time or sanity to deal with another NS war right now. Blackhelm is controling my forces at New Ausha, and I'm going to ask you not to invade me, as I'll have to ignore it.

OOC: Hey, dont worry about it man. RL and all sanity associated with it are more important than any victory in NS. Being as I am getting limited response from this, I may just commit my forces to the proper invasion.