NationStates Jolt Archive

The Intergalactic Response Force (Recruitment thread/ FT)

20-09-2006, 06:33
The Intergalactic Response Force “IRF” Is a mutual protection/ peace keeping pact founded by the nations of Neoma and Kirisubo “Hok-Tu”. The IRF is comprised of a group of soldiers who have received the most mentally and physically demanding training courses that are designed to weed out all who cannot carry out the special requirements needed.

The IRF is designed to respond to a wide range of problems and environments. They are capable of handling riots to planetary catastrophes.

Due to the size and it composition of different nationality's The IRF does not report to any one nation, A senate like voting system deems when and where the IRF is to be deployed the nations who decide the mobilization of the IRF are the members of the defense council currently Neoma, Kirisubo "Hok-Tu", and Earabia, though worthy nations can be voted in. The nations that comprise the IRF are in the understanding that the IRF can, and will move about the freely and unchallenged in the territory's of ALL the nations that comprise the IRF.

Where the IRF stands out is that the equipment that is used is the best that each member can produce. An example is that Neoma is currently the supplier of Heavy war ships, infantry weaponry and armor to the IRF. While Kirisubo contributes their small cruisers, their knowledge of the sciences, diplomacy and space medicine, And Erabia contributes their fighter craft carriers.

The nations in the IRF must contribute something, whether it be money, raw materials or recruits, this rule is an annual (NS years) tribute.
SeaQuest 2032
20-09-2006, 06:54
Hmm, sounds interesting. This an alliance or an international police force of sorts? If the latter, I have a proposal I would like to offer your group.
20-09-2006, 06:59
Hmm, sounds interesting. This an alliance or an international police force of sorts? If the latter, I have a proposal I would like to offer your group.

Its both, The IRF is a independent force that in most situations will come to the aid of one of the members, and it can become a police force to inforce IRF sanctions.
SeaQuest 2032
20-09-2006, 07:10
Ahh, interesting. My proposal was that, since it sounds like the basic premise for both is the same, IMHO, that we, as the respective founders, find a way for the IRF and the ISEAPA to integrate partialy. While I'll have to discuss this with the other founding ISEAPA members, I propose that the IRF be allowed to use the ISEAPA alliance yards in exchange for helping police the space listed as belonging to the ISEAPA as an alliance and not one of the member nations, like the ISEAPA capital world for example.

What do you think?
20-09-2006, 09:47
-takes a peek-

Nice. I'd like for Aztiluth to join if you don't mind. As for Aztiluth's contributions, it can deploy its medical fleets to assist and will provide any new developments from its Project: Creation research to all members.
20-09-2006, 13:00
I might could see myself getting involved. As to what I could contribute...hmmm. To avoid tech arguments I think I wouldn't contribute mobile suits, but I do have many snubfighter varients.
20-09-2006, 13:04
I might get involved . I'll donate 2 Star Destroyers and 10 cruisers .
Blub Empire
20-09-2006, 15:13
The Blubs would like to send some volunteers to serve with this particular organization.
SeaQuest 2032
20-09-2006, 17:08
@Neoma: Let me know, either way, what you decide concerning the proposal.

As for the IRF, if the proposal doesn't go through, I wouldn't mind joining. I could donate ships of the Liandra class. Its small, fast, very durable (its not uncommon to see Liandras serving 20+ years), deadly, yet can be produced quickly, in large numbers, easily, and cheaply.
Mini Miehm
20-09-2006, 18:04
As the Miehmish homeworld of Manticore was recently shatterd by invasion, we will be unable to contribute much, though our ACS and Marine infantry are second to none in the known universe. Even the vaunted Adeptus Asartes must pause when considering battle with Michael "Iron Mike" O'Neil and the 555th. We thus offer up our peerless infantry to this effort.
20-09-2006, 18:42
The IRF will convene to vote on new members, but for Mationbuds you could donate them but this is for all members you will need to specify your annual tribute.
21-09-2006, 10:57
The IRF will convene to vote on new members, but for Mationbuds you could donate them but this is for all members you will need to specify your annual tribute.

I will contribute 20 Billion Creds annually .