Another MEssage [closed]
Official Allanean Government Request
Dear Largenti friends!
It has been long since we last had a diplomatic contact of any kind with you. We believe that, given that Allanea and Largent share many spheres of interest, many friends and trade locations, we need to improve our relationship.
For this purpose, can we arrange a meeting?
Yours sincerely, the Allaneans
"The Allaneans?"
"What do they want a meeting for?"
"I'm not here to give you a history lesson." The two men, one of which was
Minister of Foreign Affairs, had just received the Allaneans message. It certainly wasn't the ordinary message. Largent had had nearly zero contact with the Allaneans. In fact, they had declined a meeting not so long ago. The Allanean reputation preceeded them.
However, the Largentians were willing to put the past behind them, but first they had to decide whether or not a meeting would actually be a good thing. It was true that they shared several borders with the Allaneans and they had recently taken steps to reconcile with certain nations the Largentians called friends. Finally the Minister spoke, "I'll inform the Empress of the invitation then schedule the meeting."
The message to the Allaneans was short, but to the point. There was no reason to flatter one another yet.
To: Allanean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
From: Ba'ath National Command of Largent
We have no reason to deny such a request. If you would be so good as to give us a time and place, we will have a diplomat en route as soon as possible.
Gregor Schelzi, Minister of Foreing Affairs
The Allanean response was equally short and succinct:
I would like to meet with you at the Department of State Office at Liberty City, Heinlein Avenue, 457. I will be there at Floor 94, Room 1400, in my office. The usual sets of diplomatic gifts will be arranged.
Please specify mode of arrival.
Sincerely yours,
Senior Ambassador Norton Smith
Our delegation will be arriving shortly, via shuttle. We would be much obliged if you could arrange some form of transportation from the landing area to the location of the meeting.
A little under an hour later, the Largentian shuttle was requesting permission to land.
The transportation was arranged - a pair of enormous cars, decked out with a variety of creature comforts, that sped the Largenti out to the Department of State office.
There, in his room, the Allanean representative had awaited them.
Helena Gogolos arrived in the room, bowed slightly to the Allanean and introduced herself. The Alleanean rose to greet her and then the two took a seat. "Well," Helena began, "You requested this meeting so I suppose it would make the most sense for you to begin."
“Good day, Sir.” - said Smith – “You know that there relation Allanea has with Largent has never been a particularly close-knit one. So let me begin by offering your nation ten billion Universal Standard Dollars in infrastructure funding. Do not consider it a bribe – merely, a token of our friendship. Only a first token.”
He paused for a second.
“I understand that the nation of Largent has a rather powerful military and plenty of allies – but one can never have too many friends, right?”
Tolken of friendship? Sounds an awful lot like a bribe to me
"Well, I wouldn't say we have an awful lot of allies, but we have enough to suite our needs. As for our military, it is powerful enough that no formidable opponent has ever desired to see just how powerful it is. In a sense it has never really been tested. However, I do not disagree on the notion that one can never have too many friends. My only question is, to what extent do you and your people wish to be friends?"
The Allanean paused.
"To whatever extent you would like to accept us as friends. If you would like to limit this to an NAP alone, this would be fine. If you would like to go for a full alliance, that would be of course preferable."
Helen smiled slightly, "Unfortunately it is not Largentian policy to take the notion of an alliance so lightly. However, at this time I see no problem with a Non-Agression Pact, along with an exchange of embassies and possibly something else you deem necessary to foster a mutually beneficial relationship."
“We propose the following then:”
The Allanean drops a datapad onto the table.
1. Allanea and Largent will commit to a treaty of non-aggression.
2. Allanea and Largent will commit to an embassy exchange.
3. Allanea will pay Largent $large_amount_of_money for the purposes of funding the liberalization processes in the nation.
"Do you approve?"
Helena shrugged. She didn't see why not. What could it hurt? "I see no reason to object. Largent will agree to your terms."
"Thank you, your Honor." - said the Allanean as he signed the treaty.