NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC; interest;setup of a FTSCO or Future Technology Settlement Commitee Organization.

17-09-2006, 22:38
please vote atleast.

With all of the arguments we see due to tech usage in the FT universe, i have had an idea to set up a commitee of high and low players to hammer out what is acceptable in FT universe. the commitee would do as follows.(tho this is just some that come out the top of my head)

*Would not deny existing tech of any nation (SG, ST, SW, B5, Realistic, custom** etc)

(** custom will be allowed but if complaints arise, FTSC will preform a inqury and ,not destroy, but ask that changes be made and would work with said person to make sure it works.)

*would set rules and guidlines about weapons and there usage in game. (like the use of singularities in cannons, torpedoes.

*members of different ranks would be treated with equal respect.

*would never get involved in private games unless the gameman (guy incharge) would want us too.

*to pervent staling in desicions, if said desicion is not made in a certain time, executive orders by whoever is incharge will be made (maybe me but i would prob just moderate the whole thing due to my inexperiance in FT)

*talk about the question should FT can be combined with other FT stations(ST+SW?) up until a certain point.

*have the right to either ask that changes to be made or flatout reject a superweapon that might be tech-wanking and/or a story-stopper.

*have the right to blacklist player who do not adhere to our guidelines passed. to warn people of this person play type

*allow player form the ns to join the organization or make argument in favour or against tech during inqury meetings.

*aid new player in the introduction to FT-NS

*possibly if this works aid move to also aiding MT,PMT tech arguments aswell.

*right to kickoff players from the organization who are considered too biased or unwilling to make sacrfices on personal beliefs involving tech.

*no discusions will be made on the NS forums but rather on our own forum site (which will be made if this works out)

*It would not be a place where realism would be favoured over sci-fi, merely a place to make sure no one loses an eye over an actual tech argument.

i got this idea from both reading forums here and watching ST:TNG some 20 min ago. I hope you think this is a good idea and it is only in the very early planing stages, so feel free to throw in ideas, if you would like to join hold until i get it up and running if this turns out to be somthing people would like to see.
17-09-2006, 22:44
Well, its certainly an interesting concept, and one that would stand to solve many of the damnable problems that plague FT and prevent a true return to the good old days. However, enforcing it would be another thing. We don't want to be elitist, but then people might not want everyone to be a member. Ah, decisions decisions...

Another thing, there should be serious discussion on tech bastardisation/hybridisation, as overuse of this is one of the major downsides of FT.
SeaQuest 2032
17-09-2006, 22:57
Another thing, there should be serious discussion on tech bastardisation/hybridisation, as overuse of this is one of the major downsides of FT.

Agreed. Overuse by those who can't do the nuances of it correctly can be annoying. I could name a few nations right off the back who just slap stuff together with no concern to how it would even be compatable to begin with, for example.
17-09-2006, 23:08
Agreed. Overuse by those who can't do the nuances of it correctly can be annoying. I could name a few nations right off the back who just slap stuff together with no concern to how it would even be compatable to begin with, for example.

Yeah, imagine that. Even if people do their best to "fit it together" its still a travesty, executed mostly to give them some sort of intangible edge that has absolutely no bearing. In fact, exotic techs coupled together are just more likely to fail :)
17-09-2006, 23:22
if we make sence there will be no need for blacklisting as most mature or experianced players will simply deny people who dont follow guidelines we might come up with, but i love that you love my idea and i hope that others do to. remeber this is to help FT RP from becoming tech descusions.
The Jedi Revan
17-09-2006, 23:24
It seems like a good idea. I, for one, would be for it as I am just about to get started with Future tech role playing here (haven't had time to make my nation factbook or intro rp yet but I will do that soon. I have already purchased a military.) It would be very helpful to have something like this to kind of set new players off on the right foot and give them a helping hand when starting off.
17-09-2006, 23:48
Why not, I'll join.
The Aeson
17-09-2006, 23:51
Sounds like a decent idea as long as you remember you have no way to make anyone outside of the Commitee Organization abide by your 'rulings'.
17-09-2006, 23:54
I too find this to be a worthwhile endeavor and thus add my name to the list of FT paragons.

Okay, it was really pretentious. Basically, I think it's a great idea and want to join.
18-09-2006, 00:04
Sounds like a decent idea as long as you remember you have no way to make anyone outside of the Commitee Organization abide by your 'rulings'.

if the rulings are popular and made by not only respected but lower memeber aswell, the organization wont have to. NS players will. because without trying, an argument is made and a thread ruined, we should at least try to make it work, we have nothing to loose only much much to gain.
18-09-2006, 00:55
As someone that has a story in mind for their nation and hopes to have people involved in it, I'm all for this if it get's people to stop arguing so much and learn to get along.

They only concern would be becoming elitist as Chronosia has already mentioned.
18-09-2006, 22:38
18-09-2006, 23:17
I dont think that, by any stretch of the imagination, that most FT players would agree to these 'rules' in freeform RP. So how about a little structure?

Seeing as MT nations have countless 'Earth #' and other RP circles (AMW springs to mind), why not just create one for FT players willing to stick to certain tech boundaries? This way you could clearly define what is acceptable and what is not, and well as define what things really are.
Mini Miehm
18-09-2006, 23:57
Or we could wait for things to die down. The worthless ones will leave, the good ones, for the most part will stay, and all will be well. I, for one, will not submit to someone elses arbitrarily mandated rules.

And SQ, really. Pots and kettles.
19-09-2006, 01:44
i see it as simple let people in a tech argument settle there differences behind close doors and not polute the threads.

and also our rules will be passed for the betterment of NS for all not just a few, saying that you would not listen, to even a fair judgement would mean that you already know you are doing sothing controversial, which i dont believe mini you are accused of because of some of your RPs i have read. what we simply would doing is settling desputes of tech in the ft comunity (which there are alot of)

and making out own universe to play in only means making another division and taking away players from mainstream NS, somthing which solves no problems.

Even if you will not grant us full rulings, would it not be nice to have tech argument not destroying great threads and stories?

if that is what the organization would do i am sure people would have no prob, but wether we do or not, arguments over the same bloody thing will arise over and over again.

and these "arbitrarily mandated rules" are things said by old and young players all the time, if we have cooperation in rule making (maybe even forum wide votes for universal problems and not one on one stuff) we could make FT great again, and if rules (which would really be stuff people complain about anyway) upset, lesser dare i say it in-mature players who know there stuff upsets people or is considered tech-wanking, story-stopping or tech combination, then maybe this organization can actually drive out players who do this with little care for FT unwriten rules, and help younger players comming in to NS-FT we could intergrate them with the rules to help perserve proper RP in future tech.

but both are fair arguments and i thank you both for bringing them to my attention.
19-09-2006, 02:37
It's really up to the players involved in $_II_RP to decide what is or is not acceptable, you know. If someone doesn't like $_technology then they will ignore it. They don't need a comittee to tell them that.