16-09-2006, 08:54
OOC: Sort of an OOC intro here, it needs a lot of work, but I'll add onto it/edit it as needed. Comments/suggestions are welcome. This is a Medieval Nation.
"Clearer still, is the fact that no Son of the Nation of Talern is weak hearted or fearful in the face of death. From the most dour peasant, to the highest noble, Talerns stand and fight, where others flea." - King Hurdenthe Red
The People of Talern, from all known history spoken through sage and written by scholar, has always been strong, prideful people, whose Military prowess is tempered by their wise, astute council and King. The lush, prime lands of Talern are highly defensible, Nestled aside the Mountains of Tal'Aryon to the west, the deserts of Akhenzrem to the South, and the Sea of Whispers to the East.
The country side of Talern is dotted by small villages. The ones in the central regions prosper through trade, food production and enjoy the most benefits from the Talern Kingdom. The ones in the West, straddling the Akhenzrem Mountain range find entense pride in drawing the plentiful resources of Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron from her depths.
The Southern Region finds their riches from gems pulled from the sands, however, nomadic bands rove the area, staging raids on many of the settlements here. In the sun caked deserts of N'kerr, those who suffer their lives know the harsh reality of Talern, far seperated from the protection of Talern Citadels that the rest of the land has been blessed with, instead, they raise their own Militias, and they are almost their own entity, with semi-autonomous governing councils. People here are hard, and deeply bitter, but they know their place, even though their warriors are the fiercest in the land.
"They are brutal, savage, and poetic. They know what it is to starve and famine, and the honor of death. In those sands they have created a land all their own, but they rely on us for their bread and water." - Duke Van Tilith, Duke of N'kerr.
The East is where the real treasures of Talern lie, the coast is specked with shacks that pose as villages, where fishmongers toil, but there are a few walled cities, where major ports bring in goods of all types. The Coastal region is the most diverse area of Talern, all races and classes intermingle, sometimes unwillingly, and the gap between rich and poor is always visible. Where one starves another gains.
The stereotype of the Talern People come from the Walled Cities, majestic towers mingle with beautifully hewn stone buildings. The cultured and civilized dwell within them. Academies and great libraries record the myths and discoveries of the inventive Talernians. Philosiphies are lectured and debated in the vast forums. When one thinks of Talern, this is what they most oft see.
Military Equipment:
Peasantry (Conscripted): All able Males between the ages of 12 and 60 are required by Council Law to undergo two hours of training on the Longbow per day. Male Children from the very day they can dream, dream of picking up a Longbow in aspirations of one day becoming a hero.
The Militiamen of N'Ker. Their purpose is simple, to protect their Villages from plunder from nomadic beasts that steal and rape their women. In the process, they have become the most feared and barbaric of the Talern Army. The King and Council call upon these Soldiers only in t he cases of extreme emergencies, as they are unpredictable at best. However, when delt with correctly, they are the feircest and most loyal fighters in the ranks of Talern soldiers.
N'Kerr Footsoldier: Studded leather armor with rawhide round shield, bearing the crest or colors of their village. Scimitar and two Spears. Some carry longbows in favor of the compound bow of the Cavalry.
N'Kerr Cavalry: Light and swift, these Soldiers ride in on horseback, releasing volley after volley of arrows from their Compound Bows. They do this untill they draw near enough to their enemies to dispatch them with their Scimitars.
There are other Militias throughout Talern, manned mostly by former soldiers of the Talern Regular Army, either retired or rendered lame in battle. Or those too young or too old to enlist. Their armor and weapons vary widely from village to city, from no more than modified scythes and pitchforks, to old swords, halberds and crossbows scavanged from battlefields.
Talern Regular Army
The Foot Soldiers of the Regular Army are well equipped and trained in close combat. They are trained to use sword and shield in all manners of defensive and offensive tactics, how to take blows with their armor. Their equipment ranges from Short to Long Swords, Halberds, Pikes, Spears and Crossbows. They are fiercly loyal to Country and Cause, promised land and pension after twenty years of service.
Talern Light Cavalry
Lacking the skill of horse combat that the N'Kerr take pride in, Light Cavalry units use more conservative tactics in combat. Their Ring Maille and brightly colored tunics set them apart easily from their N'Kerr brothers. But they are none the less effective in the battlefield, using their speed to flank an enemy formation, easily routing them. They carry with them maces, long swords and axes into battle, depending largely on the unit.
Talern Heavy Cavalry
The same as Light Cavalry, however, they can withstand much more punishment. Their heavy, polished armor forces one to squint their eyes when they see them in a broad formation across the distance. However, they cannot stay in battle the same duration as their lightly armored counterparts.
Talern Archers
Often considered the weakest of the Talern Army, Archers play an important roll in Talern Warfare. Their Longbows and Tall Shields allow them a great, punishing reach, and protection suited for close siege warfare. They wear Chain Maille, and carry with them, besides their Bows, a dagger or short sword.
Watchers of the Gates
This Title is prestigious in the Walled Cities of Talern, as the "Watchers" are charged solely for the defense of their City, and to uphold council laws. They man the walls and reign arrows down upon their enemies with tar, rocks, and arrows, and know every nook and cranny of the cramped alleyways of their city, making them fierce in close combat. They are fair Guards, handling everything from petty theft to murder. They wear thick cloth tunics, bearing the crest of the King and Council, unless it is a time of war, in which case, they upgrade to chain maille. They always keep their short swords by their sides and their round shields at the ready, and those assigned to the walls are given longbows.
High Royal Guards
Many think that these two-hundred hand picked Soldiers are there for show. Riding at the for, sides and rear of the Royal Caravan, in their richly adorned full armor and high bred horses. However, these soldiers vary from the most honorable, to the deadliest commanders in the Talern Army. Their loyalty is never questioned, but always tested, and they would do anything for their King and the Council of five that are always at His side. In beautifully crafted scabbards, they carry their long swords made of dumascus steel, the most prized weapons in all of Talern, reserved only for the High Royal Guards. Slung on their arms are heavy shields bearing the ornate Talernian Royal Seal, and spears made of the same quality of the swords. It is said that anyone found with a dumascus sword on their person, without being retired from the Royal Guard (Signified by the brand of the Royal Seal on the right hand), is killed on sight.
"Every Warrior has sworn an Oath, an Oath of Duty to King and Country. They will maintain themselves, their arms, and their equipment. They shall mend their own armors, and hone their own blade. They will oil their own scabbard, for the one-tenths of a second lost by pulling a dry blade, is the difference between Honor, and Death." - Arkhan Leornere, Talern Weapons Master
"Clearer still, is the fact that no Son of the Nation of Talern is weak hearted or fearful in the face of death. From the most dour peasant, to the highest noble, Talerns stand and fight, where others flea." - King Hurdenthe Red
The People of Talern, from all known history spoken through sage and written by scholar, has always been strong, prideful people, whose Military prowess is tempered by their wise, astute council and King. The lush, prime lands of Talern are highly defensible, Nestled aside the Mountains of Tal'Aryon to the west, the deserts of Akhenzrem to the South, and the Sea of Whispers to the East.
The country side of Talern is dotted by small villages. The ones in the central regions prosper through trade, food production and enjoy the most benefits from the Talern Kingdom. The ones in the West, straddling the Akhenzrem Mountain range find entense pride in drawing the plentiful resources of Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron from her depths.
The Southern Region finds their riches from gems pulled from the sands, however, nomadic bands rove the area, staging raids on many of the settlements here. In the sun caked deserts of N'kerr, those who suffer their lives know the harsh reality of Talern, far seperated from the protection of Talern Citadels that the rest of the land has been blessed with, instead, they raise their own Militias, and they are almost their own entity, with semi-autonomous governing councils. People here are hard, and deeply bitter, but they know their place, even though their warriors are the fiercest in the land.
"They are brutal, savage, and poetic. They know what it is to starve and famine, and the honor of death. In those sands they have created a land all their own, but they rely on us for their bread and water." - Duke Van Tilith, Duke of N'kerr.
The East is where the real treasures of Talern lie, the coast is specked with shacks that pose as villages, where fishmongers toil, but there are a few walled cities, where major ports bring in goods of all types. The Coastal region is the most diverse area of Talern, all races and classes intermingle, sometimes unwillingly, and the gap between rich and poor is always visible. Where one starves another gains.
The stereotype of the Talern People come from the Walled Cities, majestic towers mingle with beautifully hewn stone buildings. The cultured and civilized dwell within them. Academies and great libraries record the myths and discoveries of the inventive Talernians. Philosiphies are lectured and debated in the vast forums. When one thinks of Talern, this is what they most oft see.
Military Equipment:
Peasantry (Conscripted): All able Males between the ages of 12 and 60 are required by Council Law to undergo two hours of training on the Longbow per day. Male Children from the very day they can dream, dream of picking up a Longbow in aspirations of one day becoming a hero.
The Militiamen of N'Ker. Their purpose is simple, to protect their Villages from plunder from nomadic beasts that steal and rape their women. In the process, they have become the most feared and barbaric of the Talern Army. The King and Council call upon these Soldiers only in t he cases of extreme emergencies, as they are unpredictable at best. However, when delt with correctly, they are the feircest and most loyal fighters in the ranks of Talern soldiers.
N'Kerr Footsoldier: Studded leather armor with rawhide round shield, bearing the crest or colors of their village. Scimitar and two Spears. Some carry longbows in favor of the compound bow of the Cavalry.
N'Kerr Cavalry: Light and swift, these Soldiers ride in on horseback, releasing volley after volley of arrows from their Compound Bows. They do this untill they draw near enough to their enemies to dispatch them with their Scimitars.
There are other Militias throughout Talern, manned mostly by former soldiers of the Talern Regular Army, either retired or rendered lame in battle. Or those too young or too old to enlist. Their armor and weapons vary widely from village to city, from no more than modified scythes and pitchforks, to old swords, halberds and crossbows scavanged from battlefields.
Talern Regular Army
The Foot Soldiers of the Regular Army are well equipped and trained in close combat. They are trained to use sword and shield in all manners of defensive and offensive tactics, how to take blows with their armor. Their equipment ranges from Short to Long Swords, Halberds, Pikes, Spears and Crossbows. They are fiercly loyal to Country and Cause, promised land and pension after twenty years of service.
Talern Light Cavalry
Lacking the skill of horse combat that the N'Kerr take pride in, Light Cavalry units use more conservative tactics in combat. Their Ring Maille and brightly colored tunics set them apart easily from their N'Kerr brothers. But they are none the less effective in the battlefield, using their speed to flank an enemy formation, easily routing them. They carry with them maces, long swords and axes into battle, depending largely on the unit.
Talern Heavy Cavalry
The same as Light Cavalry, however, they can withstand much more punishment. Their heavy, polished armor forces one to squint their eyes when they see them in a broad formation across the distance. However, they cannot stay in battle the same duration as their lightly armored counterparts.
Talern Archers
Often considered the weakest of the Talern Army, Archers play an important roll in Talern Warfare. Their Longbows and Tall Shields allow them a great, punishing reach, and protection suited for close siege warfare. They wear Chain Maille, and carry with them, besides their Bows, a dagger or short sword.
Watchers of the Gates
This Title is prestigious in the Walled Cities of Talern, as the "Watchers" are charged solely for the defense of their City, and to uphold council laws. They man the walls and reign arrows down upon their enemies with tar, rocks, and arrows, and know every nook and cranny of the cramped alleyways of their city, making them fierce in close combat. They are fair Guards, handling everything from petty theft to murder. They wear thick cloth tunics, bearing the crest of the King and Council, unless it is a time of war, in which case, they upgrade to chain maille. They always keep their short swords by their sides and their round shields at the ready, and those assigned to the walls are given longbows.
High Royal Guards
Many think that these two-hundred hand picked Soldiers are there for show. Riding at the for, sides and rear of the Royal Caravan, in their richly adorned full armor and high bred horses. However, these soldiers vary from the most honorable, to the deadliest commanders in the Talern Army. Their loyalty is never questioned, but always tested, and they would do anything for their King and the Council of five that are always at His side. In beautifully crafted scabbards, they carry their long swords made of dumascus steel, the most prized weapons in all of Talern, reserved only for the High Royal Guards. Slung on their arms are heavy shields bearing the ornate Talernian Royal Seal, and spears made of the same quality of the swords. It is said that anyone found with a dumascus sword on their person, without being retired from the Royal Guard (Signified by the brand of the Royal Seal on the right hand), is killed on sight.
"Every Warrior has sworn an Oath, an Oath of Duty to King and Country. They will maintain themselves, their arms, and their equipment. They shall mend their own armors, and hone their own blade. They will oil their own scabbard, for the one-tenths of a second lost by pulling a dry blade, is the difference between Honor, and Death." - Arkhan Leornere, Talern Weapons Master