NationStates Jolt Archive


Unified Sith
13-09-2006, 01:29

The slender black of the Obsidian table glistened against the eternal sunlight of Coruscant. Before the wall of tinted windows sat Grand Inquisitor Malrof in a high antiquated chair, the sleeves of his robes gracing the tables surface ever so slightly as he waited for the dignitaries to arrive.

Thrashia, Huntaer, Mationbuds, Phoenexia had all been close allies with the empire for some time, their warriors, political bodies had even sought to assume control of the Obsidian throne. But, as with all things, the force moves in unseen and unknown ways. From the terrible reaches of death Palpatine had returned, his grace now upon the legions once more, his will directing the endless war machine that serves the empire.

Malrof sniffed slightly as he looked closer at the treaty. Apparently the emperor was seeing to complete civil unification, that much was clear, but the military still seemed slightly....vague. Allied forces would be given a Moff of their own choosing, a man to command their forces and conduct the emperors benevolent will throughout the cosmos. Still insuring the segregation of allied forces, yet, they weren't.

Command and control certainly wasn't, their officers and administrative staff would be centred here on Coruscant, a vast influx of new men and warriors to the empires already bulging ranks. Not much would change, most of the Thrashians were trained upon Anaxes anyway, the streamlining of the recruitment process could only further the thrones glory throughout the galaxy.

The silver, star encrusted doors slid open revealing the dignitaries. "Emperor bless you all." Malrof said as he rose. "For today, is a new dawn for all."
13-09-2006, 02:04
It was with no small amount of hesitation that Treize had agreed to come to Curoscant on this day, let alone to the momentous occasion which brought him from Thrashia's homeworld where his own imperial throne was. Yet as his foots rang on the floor of the Imperial Palace, with each step, he withdrew from his old title as Emperor Treize Kushrenada I.

Treize had been wary at first, when presented with the idea of a total unification process of the Galactic Empire Alliances member nations. It seemed at first yet another attempt for total domination by Palpatine for true control over the galaxy, and Thrashians were more than a little picky about their freedom, having fought for it so many times in the past.

However as the Grand Inquisitor stated as they all walked in, today was indeed a new dawn. The new unification would bring about a new era of power and prestige to those who joined. It would bring together, truly together, the greatest single most largest military, political, and societies within the known galaxies. And Treize would be there riding at the peek of the wave on this new tidal force that would sweep through the ages.

Treize offered the Grand Inquisitor a formal bow of the head. He wore his favourite blue tunic with white military pattern officer pants and black knee boots. His personal sword, that given to him by Emperor Shaduam IV, hung at his side.

"Inquisitor, this shall be a day of days. I would suggest we begin it."
13-09-2006, 07:35
IC :

When Emperor Darth Matter heard about the great unification , he immediately ordered his flagship to be readied along with several trillion credits worth of gifts on such a joyous occation .

Within several hours , the Tyrant SSD along with 2 Wraith SSDs and 6 Imperial MKIII Star Destroyers as escorts were readied and were boarded by the Emperor and his entourage .

The convoy then jumped to hyperspace in the direction of Coruscant ...

Next post I'll RP the arrival .
13-09-2006, 08:13
IC :

The Fleet came out of hyperspace and requested permission to orbit to Coruscant Traffic Control . Meanwhile the Emperor , his entourage and the gifts were loaded onto 2 Lambada Class Shuttles and together with 4 Lambada Shuttles carrying super highly elite guards , the shuttle contingent descended together with starfighters as escorts ...
13-09-2006, 08:16
IC: Arguements rang all over the Imperial Court.

"We will not be subjected to this we are Phenixicans and will keep our independence" yelled a General.

People cheered him on and Imperial Commisioner Kitra replied "We wont give up our independence but simply work together, The Empire offers us protection and more ships we would be mad to not be atleast interested"

A young Officer stoodup "what is the Emperor's position?" he said staring at me on the chair

I slow lifted myself and but my hand behind my back with my blue and gold tunic looking over them, I start to talk "I think that we should organise that we keep allot of independence. We are not Sith and not Jedi and we know little about Palpatine himself, This is a chance for us to learn and explore" i take a deep breath and then continue "The Phenixican Empire will keep more or less complete independence and trust me i promise you no less or we will leave the Galactic Empire".

-----A day later in the Imperial Senate---------
High Senator John was speaking "I suppose we could allow free trade and offer forces, But for onice i agree with Kitra, We will not accept being a mere vassal" the other senators nodded "The Emperor has said we will keep independence and any less will result in us terminating all ties with the Galactic Empire".

Yet again i stand to speak "Trust me if this does not work out and i do not you can rebel and give my throne to my offspring, I love Phenixica and am proud of all of us i would never betray our great Empire".

John then replied "So it is done, Phenixica will be part of the Galactic Empire"

--------Later that day in the Messiahist Temple---------
I sit with the other Templars as they discuss the problem of sending Messiahist to help Sith.

One said "The Messhiahist will be easily manipulated into the Sith teachings....mmm....we must take careful steps we cannot trust them" I then replied "I am simply here to tell you what the Empire is planning on doing, I want the Messiahist Knights to be ready for any conversion attempt".

Horus a ageing Templar replied "The Messiahist can handle the Sith, we worry for the Empire we are not strong enough to withstand a direct attempt by the Galactic Empire to resist if they want further control" The Templars nooded showing that they agreed, I then said "We need a alliance that can protect us, The GASN is not powerful enough to protect our vast empire".

Horus then replied "We will allow the Empire to ally but we will be ready if it gets nasty, now as the session closes we repeat the Messiahist Code"

We all stood and spoke together

"Loyalty is for the Temple
Emotion cannot only be controlled but dominated
The Mind is stronger then muscle
Run on influence not power
Your abilities show to yourself not others
Obey, Protect and respect the People, Empire and Emperor".
13-09-2006, 08:26
15-09-2006, 01:07
*polite bump for US and others*
Unified Sith
15-09-2006, 12:34
Huntaer gets online at the weekend right now. Waiting on him.
15-09-2006, 12:37
OOC: you know for somebody so evil it's amazing you have the Team Rocket intro in your signiture.
15-09-2006, 22:38
An emptieness was felt within the huntarian section of Coruscant, for Aelikes was out on a mission. To fill the void, Darth Trilkan decided to send in Lord Vorman, the Kirtir Lord of Death. Indeed, as the Thrasians would know, Vorman certaintly looks like the fabled character Death for not only does he have blackish-brownish robes and hood, but he also wields a red bladed Light Scythe, the only Kirtir who wields one in the Huntarian Empire.

His shuttle was shortly dispatched and through the use of Huntaria's Direct Route to Coruscant, he was able to reach the outer traffic contrilies in record time. ::Coruscant Traffic Controle, this is Lord Vorman of the Huntarian Empire requesting permission to land near the Obsidian Throne.::
18-09-2006, 02:20
I was now with his Royal Fleet heading towards Coruscant, All ships in the Phenixican Navy were upgraded and all Star Destroyers scraped for metal.

We are holding great amounts of Gold and other precious metals, and also some of our famous Independent StarCruisers. About 700 Messiahist were to come to see that the I was protected, They trained with Me nearly every day each one trying to prove there worth.

A knight came and bowed wanting to spar, I bow back and he tried to swing above my head. I blocked it and with my other hand pushed him violently back using the Gift, I then threw my sword at him and it hit his hand cutting it off.

I walk towards him "You make a grace mistake young knight, you think that our power comes from the blade" i picked up his sword a classic Claymore
"It comes from the Gods, use your powers to fight. Zeal can only take one so far on the road to victory the rest must be of the mind and heart".

He was now on the ground holding the stumb and looking at his hand lying on the ground he said "was the lession ment to be this harsh, i only wanted to spar" i chuckle at this "To spar? Sparring is nothing like a real fight your enemy wont wait for you to pick your sword back up and they wont bow before a fight, They have one goal and that is to see you dead" I get a medical crew over his hand can be put back on we are not living in the Dark Ages.

I head back towards my quarters 'These Sidearms are incompetent and there ment to impress Palpatine'.
Unified Sith
20-09-2006, 17:40
Malrof rubbed his hands gently as the delegation was finally completed. "Gentleman." He began quickly. "You have each been sent details of the final transcripts and agreements before now; we are here to begin the final negotiations regarding Unification." His eyes trailed across the table, from Huntarian to Thrashian, all he saw were loyal allies to the empire, men and rulers who have fought tirelessly for the preservation of order. The Galaxy owed much to these noble characters.

The jovial tone Malrof adopted a more serious note as he activated several holo displays. The Empire, unified shall be constructed in the following organisation. The Emperor, beloved by all shall of course reign as our sovereign. His divine will is paramount to the Galaxy if it is to remain in order throughout these dark and dangerous times.

"The emperor however recognises each and everyone of you as valuable allies yourselves. He has asked me to offer each of you a place within within the Imperial council of advisors. There is no rush to answer my friends." Malrof rose his hand to stop any interruption. "Pray, let me continue."

"The Council of Advisors is the main legislative branch of the empire, each member is duty bound to insure that the emperors political will is enforced throughout the Galaxy. Each member, traditionally human male, is to advise and assist in the conduction and implementation of Imperial policy throughout the sectors. It is a role considered highly prestigious, wielding great power and authority in the New Order."

Under the Sector Governance Decree (0019BBY), each Moff which you are requested to promote from the cream of your current military leadership, is officially armed with little more than a broad mandate to monitor sector government, with a force of stormtroopers that might be sufficient to secure their residence, maintain control in the surrounding streets, and provide protection to a few administrative personnel on detached duty.

However in reality the Imperial council of advisors has that the machinery of power available to the Moffs be directly increased almost beyond recognition. With the civil chain of command removed, Moffs are now the formal superiors of all Planetary Governors. While, the paramilitary apparatus of COMPNOR and the intelligence networks now amalgamated as Imperial Intelligence are now channelled through the Moff's office at sector level; they each enjoy a constant available direct channel to the emperor and Imperial advisory council. Most importantly of all, the Moffs hold authority over the immense military resources of a Sector Group. As regional governor, every Moff has ultimate authority over the deployment of all military forces within his sector, but the additional naval and military dignities of High Admiral and Surface Marshal of the sector are normally also held by the Moff himself; designated upon the Emperors discretion, only rarely are these titles delegated to subordinates.

Moffs are expected to maintain order, prevent corruption, enforce the law, and not otherwise interfere with the operation of the local bureaucracy or sector government.

Of course, it has been claimed that such a loose commission can lead theoretically to gross infringements of civil liberty and arbitrary tyranny; It is claimed that Moffs might, in the name of restoring order, have their troops fire on a peaceful demonstration, or bombard a planet into submission for purely political defiance. However, in a Galaxy ravaged by war and racked by political corruption: A Moffs powers are intended to allow them to do what is necessary, to prevent a system unravelling into anarchy under the pressure of Separatist terrorism or radical agitation.

At this moment in time the Moff leadership has been granted an association rank of Grand Admiral, officially linking the political and military roles. This is pending a review of the individuals operational efficiency."

The first line COMPNOR (Commission for the Preservation of the New Order), often described as Imperial intelligence must be given full sway throughout all territories. This organisation, designed by the emperor himself constitutes the following departments.

Select Committee -

The Select Committee is the executive body for COMPNOR. The Select Committee has a variable number of members, and the COMPNOR charter provides the electoral and honorary means of being named a member of the Select Committee. The committee is responsible for the monitoring of political leadership within a sector with direct links to the emperor and council of advisors.

Sub Adult Group -

The Sub-Adult Group, or SAGroup, is COMPNOR's youth organisation, and is currently made up of enthusiastic youths who firmly believe the New Order is the best regime for the Galaxy and have devoted their lives to upholding and respecting it.

Coalition for Progress -

The Coalition for Progress is an information-gatherers agency of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. Unfortunately It began as a weak cultural organisation, understaffed and underwhelming, but it has now developed into a massive information-gathering agency with monitors throughout the Galaxy. It examines massive amounts of data, the majority of which is mundane, for indications of dissident or Rebel activity, and forwards summaries to the more-important Imperial Security Bureau.

CompForce -

CompForce is the military wing of COMPNOR, created to provide the Emperor, beloved by all with an army of utterly loyal soldiers seperate from the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps. Stormtroopers are trained to obey orders without thinking, but at the same time, they are proudly independent of the line military; CompForce units, in contrast, are embedded within the hierarchy of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy, and their members are motivated primarily by conscious adherence to the tenets of the New Order. CompForce is designed to be used as the Emperors personal shock troops and officer candidates; in effect, they are security troops and political police, answerable to the New Order's ideologues rather than the High Command—an army within the Army....

Imperial Security Bureau -

The Imperial Security Bureau is a part of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order charged with maintaining morale and loyalty among members of the Imperial military."

"Swiftly moving on." Malrof allowed a small moments reprieve.

"The Ubiqtorate is the highest level of command within Imperial Intelligence and oversees all of the activities of Imperial Intelligence. The organisation formulates strategies for the various bureaus and presents them with a set of goals and very broad grand strategic considerations and requests plans for an effective strategy. With the exception of Adjustments, members of the Ubiqtorate have never had any communication with personnel at the sector or system level.

All current Intelligence organisations are requested to be consolidated and reformulated into this department.

The military is of course the fist of the empire, and each individual fleet and stormtrooper core must be evaluated and dispersed throughout the New Order. We must see to the consolidation of our current holdings.

And finally Planetary Governors. They each oversee upon their worlds a pseudo-representative parliamentary body intended to put a positive interpretation, or "spin," on Imperial edicts. They are used to foster the ongoing illusion of representative democracy within the Galactic Empire, as a way to muffle the spirit of disaffection that could lead to potential uprisings.

Gentleman, I have outlined above the basic organisation structure of the Galactic Empire which you yourselves are expected to adhere and support. Now, are there any questions?"
20-09-2006, 17:50
Malrof rubbed his hands gently as the delegation was finally completed. "Gentleman." He began quickly. "You have each been sent details of the final transcripts and agreements before now; we are here to begin the final negotiations regarding Unification." His eyes trailed across the table, from Huntarian to Thrashian, all he saw were loyal allies to the empire, men and rulers who have fought tirelessly for the preservation of order. The Galaxy owed much to these noble characters.

The jovial tone Malrof adopted a more serious note as he activated several holo displays. The Empire, unified shall be constructed in the following organisation. The Emperor, beloved by all shall of course reign as our sovereign. His divine will is paramount to the Galaxy if it is to remain in order throughout these dark and dangerous times.

"The emperor however recognises each and everyone of you as valuable allies yourselves. He has asked me to offer each of you a place within within the Imperial council of advisors. There is no rush to answer my friends." Malrof rose his hand to stop any interruption. "Pray, let me continue."

"The Council of Advisors is the main legislative branch of the empire, each member is duty bound to insure that the emperors political will is enforced throughout the Galaxy. Each member, traditionally human male, is to advise and assist in the conduction and implementation of Imperial policy throughout the sectors. It is a role considered highly prestigious, wielding great power and authority in the New Order."

Under the Sector Governance Decree (0019BBY), each Moff which you are requested to promote from the cream of your current military leadership, is officially armed with little more than a broad mandate to monitor sector government, with a force of stormtroopers that might be sufficient to secure their residence, maintain control in the surrounding streets, and provide protection to a few administrative personnel on detached duty.

However in reality the Imperial council of advisors has that the machinery of power available to the Moffs be directly increased almost beyond recognition. With the civil chain of command removed, Moffs are now the formal superiors of all Planetary Governors. While, the paramilitary apparatus of COMPNOR and the intelligence networks now amalgamated as Imperial Intelligence are now channelled through the Moff's office at sector level; they each enjoy a constant available direct channel to the emperor and Imperial advisory council. Most importantly of all, the Moffs hold authority over the immense military resources of a Sector Group. As regional governor, every Moff has ultimate authority over the deployment of all military forces within his sector, but the additional naval and military dignities of High Admiral and Surface Marshal of the sector are normally also held by the Moff himself; designated upon the Emperors discretion, only rarely are these titles delegated to subordinates.

Moffs are expected to maintain order, prevent corruption, enforce the law, and not otherwise interfere with the operation of the local bureaucracy or sector government.

Of course, it has been claimed that such a loose commission can lead theoretically to gross infringements of civil liberty and arbitrary tyranny; It is claimed that Moffs might, in the name of restoring order, have their troops fire on a peaceful demonstration, or bombard a planet into submission for purely political defiance. However, in a Galaxy ravaged by war and racked by political corruption: A Moffs powers are intended to allow them to do what is necessary, to prevent a system unravelling into anarchy under the pressure of Separatist terrorism or radical agitation.

At this moment in time the Moff leadership has been granted an association rank of Grand Admiral, officially linking the political and military roles. This is pending a review of the individuals operational efficiency."

The first line COMPNOR (Commission for the Preservation of the New Order), often described as Imperial intelligence must be given full sway throughout all territories. This organisation, designed by the emperor himself constitutes the following departments.

Select Committee -

The Select Committee is the executive body for COMPNOR. The Select Committee has a variable number of members, and the COMPNOR charter provides the electoral and honorary means of being named a member of the Select Committee. The committee is responsible for the monitoring of political leadership within a sector with direct links to the emperor and council of advisors.

Sub Adult Group -

The Sub-Adult Group, or SAGroup, is COMPNOR's youth organisation, and is currently made up of enthusiastic youths who firmly believe the New Order is the best regime for the Galaxy and have devoted their lives to upholding and respecting it.

Coalition for Progress -

The Coalition for Progress is an information-gatherers agency of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. Unfortunately It began as a weak cultural organisation, understaffed and underwhelming, but it has now developed into a massive information-gathering agency with monitors throughout the Galaxy. It examines massive amounts of data, the majority of which is mundane, for indications of dissident or Rebel activity, and forwards summaries to the more-important Imperial Security Bureau.

CompForce -

CompForce is the military wing of COMPNOR, created to provide the Emperor, beloved by all with an army of utterly loyal soldiers seperate from the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps. Stormtroopers are trained to obey orders without thinking, but at the same time, they are proudly independent of the line military; CompForce units, in contrast, are embedded within the hierarchy of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy, and their members are motivated primarily by conscious adherence to the tenets of the New Order. CompForce is designed to be used as the Emperors personal shock troops and officer candidates; in effect, they are security troops and political police, answerable to the New Order's ideologues rather than the High Command—an army within the Army....

Imperial Security Bureau -

The Imperial Security Bureau is a part of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order charged with maintaining morale and loyalty among members of the Imperial military."

"Swiftly moving on." Malrof allowed a small moments reprieve.

"The Ubiqtorate is the highest level of command within Imperial Intelligence and oversees all of the activities of Imperial Intelligence. The organisation formulates strategies for the various bureaus and presents them with a set of goals and very broad grand strategic considerations and requests plans for an effective strategy. With the exception of Adjustments, members of the Ubiqtorate have never had any communication with personnel at the sector or system level.

All current Intelligence organisations are requested to be consolidated and reformulated into this department.

The military is of course the fist of the empire, and each individual fleet and stormtrooper core must be evaluated and dispersed throughout the New Order. We must see to the consolidation of our current holdings.

And finally Planetary Governors. They each oversee upon their worlds a pseudo-representative parliamentary body intended to put a positive interpretation, or "spin," on Imperial edicts. They are used to foster the ongoing illusion of representative democracy within the Galactic Empire, as a way to muffle the spirit of disaffection that could lead to potential uprisings.

Gentleman, I have outlined above the basic organisation structure of the Galactic Empire which you yourselves are expected to adhere and support. Now, are there any questions?"

Empeor Darth Matter slowly studied the flow chart projected by the holoprojector and after a while of conferring with his staff and advisors ,he stood up and solemly swore .

"In the name of the Empire , I humbly pledge myself and my administration to Emperor Palpatine . As the last act , I would nominate Field Marshal Flennic to take the position of Mationbuds Sector Grand Moff .He will pick his team of advisors and Moffs and wisely rule over the Planets in the Mationbuds Sector , Qellas Sector , Matenbud Sector and the newly aqquired Ryloth ."
21-09-2006, 00:05
"As ruler and leader of the Thrashian Empire concerning this joining, I will consider this plan of action," said Treize. He studied the flow chart as well and then thought it over in his head. He turned to the High Inquisitor.

"I name unto myself the titles of Imperial Advisor Member and Grand Moff of Thrashian controlled space. My Section 3 Intelligence chief, Geoffrey Gerrard I will send to be apart of COMPNOR and see to it that he merges his organization with his own. My system and planetary governors will remain as they have been under this same system of government." Treize looked at Malrof.

"Do you find anything wrong in that High Inquisitor?"
21-09-2006, 00:41
Lord Vorman's yellow eyes peered at the listing of command. He knew his interests, and his orders.

"Trilkan, of course, will still be in controle of our planetary systems. I know that Trilkan will also be appointing Darth Aelikes as the Empire's representative as the Huntarian Advisor to the Emperor. He will also be sending in a representative for COMPNOR, most likely me, and several Admirals and Generals for Military Comanders." There's more to discuss here, I know it. "I can't tell if we're interested in anything else. I'm sure we'll have updates sometime soon.
21-09-2006, 10:29
I sat reading the organisation of the Empire and it was not long until i knew what i had to do, I contact Coruscant "I, Emperor Belcameron II shall be moff of Phenixican Space and Grand Admiral Perius will be your Advisor. Perius is a wise man and a Templar in the Messiahist Temple".
22-09-2006, 07:24
OOC : Bump to US .
Unified Sith
23-09-2006, 14:39
"There is just one other thing." The Inquisitor said aloofly. "Our Emperor most beloved has seen the need to begin the reaffirmation of ties with our Chronosian brothers. The Imperium as I'm sure you all know, has stood side by side with the emperor longer than most of your states have traversed the stars, and they have been more loyal." His eyes drifted from Thrashian to Matian. "Therefore, the Emperor, in a bid to strengthen our mighty state even further, has seen fit to create the honorary role of Warmaster, leader of the Imperial Strike Forces. Our combined armies and forces will come under the direction of one command." From the doorway, Remiel de Draken entered, his face sporting a mighty grin. "But, the political services must always come paramount. To insure the limits and accountability of the military, the political executive has decreed our order, the Inquisitorious, to police the empire in search of heresy, rebellion and treason amongst our ranks. With Empire and Imperium side by side, who will stand against us?" Malrof looked at Remiel.

"Do you have anything to add; Warmaster?"
23-09-2006, 14:44
Remiel let a knowing smile cross his features, his eyes surveying those gathered. The journey back had been steeped in preperations and discussion as to the office of his new rank, and the ties between both the Imperium and the Empire growing stronger still. He turned his attentions now to those who had gathered for Unification, allowing himself to bask in the power that this new title brought him.

"Our subordinates may call me Warmaster, but there need be no ceremony between us, old friend. I have nothing to add, save that under the watchful eyes of the Empire and the Imperium we shall forge a force the likes of which none have ever seen. We shall strengthen our grip across galaxies, and we shall dominate as never before.

All I ask is your service to us be pure, that you heed our orders and know that the rule of Chronosia and Coruscant shall be absolute. Should those pacts of loyalty be broken and spat upon, then I shall gladly gift the power of the Chronosian Inquisition to further the ends of the Inquisitorius."
23-09-2006, 14:51
"There is just one other thing." The Inquisitor said aloofly. "Our Emperor most beloved has seen the need to begin the reaffirmation of ties with our Chronosian brothers. The Imperium as I'm sure you all know, has stood side by side with the emperor longer than most of your states have traversed the stars, and they have been more loyal." His eyes drifted from Thrashian to Matian. "Therefore, the Emperor, in a bid to strengthen our mighty state even further, has seen fit to create the honorary role of Warmaster, leader of the Imperial Strike Forces. Our combined armies and forces will come under the direction of one command." From the doorway, Remiel de Draken entered, his face sporting a mighty grin. "But, the political services must always come paramount. To insure the limits and accountability of the military, the political executive has decreed our order, the Inquisitorious, to police the empire in search of heresy, rebellion and treason amongst our ranks. With Empire and Imperium side by side, who will stand against us?" Malrof looked at Remiel.

"Do you have anything to add; Warmaster?"

IC :

Darth Matter felt his anger boiling up within him . He immediately rose .

"I request that our sector Military Actions not be accountable to the 'Warmaster' . The sector Grand Moff has requested free reign over sector incursions and expeditions ."
23-09-2006, 14:55
"Loyalty to the Warmaster is loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire Incarnate" Remiel remained calm, seating himself lightly, a flash of black unfathomable metal flashed at each hip, and he placed a reassuring hand upon an ornate hilt, stilling the unnatural quivering of the blade.

"We cannot operate as a whole if one Moff amongst all were to have free reign. If that were to occur, by right we should give it to them all. A machien cannot function when the cogs are in revolt. As such, I must impress upon you the need for solidarity, and upon the Emperor the need for direct control, obedience and..." He paused, as though contemplating something "Order."
Unified Sith
23-09-2006, 15:22
IC :

Darth Matter felt his anger boiling up within him . He immediately rose .

"I request that our sector Military Actions not be accountable to the 'Warmaster' . The sector Grand Moff has requested free reign over sector incursions and expeditions ."

"Take your seat; or you will lose the privilege to use it." Malrof snapped quickly. "Your words, they remind me of something.....?" The jaded eyes of the Inquisitor looked up slightly. "Ahhh yes, they have vague familiarity of treason my friend. Your words echo the very barbed demands like those that emanate from the Masakis. We are better than that." Malrof rose with unusual grace.

"Your anger is not suitable for a Moff. We are rulers of the Empire, you yourself a valued part of the advisory council, and yet you surrender to emotion. Pitiful." Malrof paced behind the delegate, his gaze constant and piercing.

"The Warmaster is stronger than you. The Imperium has stood alone for countless generations and you would cast aside the advice of a race which single-handedly saved our order from despair. You need to re-evaluate your loyalties my friend." Malrof continued to pace around the table.

"The Emperor wishes to see this day pass with good news for the Empire, who here will cast more doubt upon the New Order?"
23-09-2006, 15:29
"Loyalty to the Warmaster is loyalty to the Emperor and the Empire Incarnate" Remiel remained calm, seating himself lightly, a flash of black unfathomable metal flashed at each hip, and he placed a reassuring hand upon an ornate hilt, stilling the unnatural quivering of the blade.

"We cannot operate as a whole if one Moff amongst all were to have free reign. If that were to occur, by right we should give it to them all. A machien cannot function when the cogs are in revolt. As such, I must impress upon you the need for solidarity, and upon the Emperor the need for direct control, obedience and..." He paused, as though contemplating something "Order."

Darth Matter placed his hand on his hip , feeling the reassuring coolness of the gold-cortosis coated lightsaber on his hip . Darth Bane however was not so cool and ignited his lightsaber with a snap-hiss and angrily advanced towards Remiel until Matter stepped forward and restrained him , ordering him to keep calm .

The Dicter Warrior Commandoes held thier force pikes up while placing a hand on their lightsaber hilts in prepation for any disasters .

"The Empire is indeed a new Order , in which we only obey the Emperor . We mantain an orderly conduct and will heed whatever the Emperor orders . "
Unified Sith
23-09-2006, 15:32
"The Empire is indeed a new Order , in which we only obey the Emperor . We mantain an orderly conduct and will heed whatever the Emperor orders . "

"The Emperor requests our Chronosian brother as Warmaster. Refusal to obey this simple command will result in most; unfortunate repercussions." The Emperors envoy sharpened his tone. "And put the damn toy away boy, lest you cut yourself."
23-09-2006, 15:45
"The Emperor requests our Chronosian brother as Warmaster. Refusal to obey this simple command will result in most; unfortunate repercussions." The Emperors envoy sharpened his tone. "And put the damn toy away boy, lest you cut yourself."

At that , Darth Bane's anger rose to uncontrollable heights . Ignoring orders from Darth Matter to stand down , he extended a palm and sent a force push towards the Emperor's Envoy and the Warmaster .

Satisfied , he sat down and apologized for the mishap .
23-09-2006, 15:51
Remiel held, stepping back slightly as he calmly watched the proceedings. He felt the names resonating within his skull, pulsing in his mind. The blades thrummed and hissed at his sides. He placed a hand upon Lifesbane, tracing his fingers along the inscribed runes of the blade. He smiled gently at the Mationbuds delegates, then at the others.

"Inquisitor. At your leisure."
Unified Sith
23-09-2006, 15:54
Malrof waved the push aside with little more than a flick, his crimson robes ruffled against the small wind. "Leave this chamber Darth Matter and proceed to your lodgings. I expect the Emperor will desire to speak to you in; person"

Outside the chamber, through the doubled doors; two sentinels waited to escort the guests....
23-09-2006, 16:00
Remiel held, stepping back slightly as he calmly watched the proceedings. He felt the names resonating within his skull, pulsing in his mind. The blades thrummed and hissed at his sides. He placed a hand upon Lifesbane, tracing his fingers along the inscribed runes of the blade. He smiled gently at the Mationbuds delegates, then at the others.

"Inquisitor. At your leisure."

What about my force push ???

IC :

Darth Bane smiled calmly at the so called Warmaster and stood up once again , ingniting his blade in a standard salute before moving to defensive stance .
23-09-2006, 16:03
Refer to post 33 .
23-09-2006, 16:04
OOC: I said he held, stepping back slightly. Thats all you get, at distance with a "force push" against The Emperor himself :D Its not like you specified a strength


Remiel smiled softly. "You reek of treason, little being" He placed his hands upon the hilts of both Worldrender and Lifesbane, the blades shuddering as he took hold of them, seething at the very thought of their names. "These blades have killed Emperors and lain low worlds. They have commited blasphemies unfathomable, ended the life of my Father..." He chuckled softly. "Should you oppose me, whelp, they shall end you.

As Imperial Warmaster, I order you to surrender to the forces of the Emperor, and go before him for your judgement. Let the Emperor judge between us. Continue your defiance." He jerked Lifesbane into the air, the crackling blade now at his lips. He whispered a name, light upon the warp-tainted wind.

Darth Bane....

"Or you, and your entire culture shall be forfeit."
23-09-2006, 16:05
Darth Matter turned to Bane and with a flick of his wrist , send the ignited lightsaber flying into his hand and he switched it off and placed it by his side .

He then turned and acknowledged Malrof before nodding towards his guards . The 10 Dicter Warrior Commandoes flanked Emperor Matter on all sides and together with Darth Bane , they headed towards their Shuttle and the shuttle ascended into space , escorted by 10 TIE Defenders dispatched from the Emperor's flagship .

The shuttle entered the bay of the Super Star Destroyer as the blast doors closed and the area became shielded once more . The Super Star Destroyer then powered up its engines , shields and weapons systems in-case of an emergency ...

OOC; Ermm, you wouldn't be able to even get out of the ROOM after that. You won't be allowed to leave THE PLANET
23-09-2006, 16:12
OOC: I said he held, stepping back slightly. Thats all you get, at distance with a "force push" against The Emperor himself :D Its not like you specified a strength


Remiel smiled softly. "You reek of treason, little being" He placed his hands upon the hilts of both Worldrender and Lifesbane, the blades shuddering as he took hold of them, seething at the very thought of their names. "These blades have killed Emperors and lain low worlds. They have commited blasphemies unfathomable, ended the life of my Father..." He chuckled softly. "Should you oppose me, whelp, they shall end you.

As Imperial Warmaster, I order you to surrender to the forces of the Emperor, and go before him for your judgement. Let the Emperor judge between us. Continue your defiance." He jerked Lifesbane into the air, the crackling blade now at his lips. He whispered a name, light upon the warp-tainted wind.

Darth Bane....

"Or you, and your entire culture shall be forfeit."

OOC : I see .

IC :

Fluid Time

Before leaving , Darth Bane smiled .

"You overestimate your powers . I have slain many too . This blade also nearly slain the accursed Coredian Jedi Naruto and countless other Jedi Scum . If you face me , you will fail ."
23-09-2006, 16:20
OOC; Ermm, you wouldn't be able to even get out of the ROOM after that. You won't be allowed to leave THE PLANET

No .

IC :

Darth Matter turned and faced Malrof .

"I officially surrender on what you charge as treason . But my surrender is not directed at the Warmaster ."
23-09-2006, 16:23
OOC: Yes. We don't just let traitors prance out and leave. I think this oughta be the last post till Sith comes back

"My power is far greater than any you shall ever wield. You will go on your knees before the Emperor and myself. I'm led to believe that my new throne is ready" He smiled ferally, moving from his place towards the doors, casually striding past the two Sith.

"Just so you know, I myself came close to killing the Jedi Daniel Masaki, before he himself killed me. I returned from death, more aware and more powerful than I had been in my life before, for the Gods themselves set their mark upon me, and proclaimed me their scion."

He had paused by the door.

"Be sure to be gracious, and grovel before the Thrones...Perhaps, in the Emperors mercy he shall see fit to gift you the mercy that I shall not." And with that he left, to take his place in the Throne Room, to which the Traitors would later be called.
23-09-2006, 16:42
OOC: Yes. We don't just let traitors prance out and leave. I think this oughta be the last post till Sith comes back

"My power is far greater than any you shall ever wield. You will go on your knees before the Emperor and myself. I'm led to believe that my new throne is ready" He smiled ferally, moving from his place towards the doors, casually striding past the two Sith.

"Just so you know, I myself came close to killing the Jedi Daniel Masaki, before he himself killed me. I returned from death, more aware and more powerful than I had been in my life before, for the Gods themselves set their mark upon me, and proclaimed me their scion."

He had paused by the door.

"Be sure to be gracious, and grovel before the Thrones...Perhaps, in the Emperors mercy he shall see fit to gift you the mercy that I shall not." And with that he left, to take his place in the Throne Room, to which the Traitors would later be called.

"I myself came close to killing Masaki , until he cowardly escaped ."
23-09-2006, 17:20
Lady Nightshade watched the proceedings with a snort. She had a Moff-to-be in mind for this new reorganization when the Mationbuds delegate spoke out against the Emperor. "Whelp. Foolish whelp. You cannot be serious in engaging the Empire in this manner. Let it be known that I would advocate any measure the Empire may take against you, Matter."

She fingered her own hilt. It was obsidian black and would sport a blade that's purplish red -the color of diseased blood- with black streaks running up and down the blade. A truly terrifying sword.

"I myself came close to killing Masaki , until he cowardly escaped ."

"You overestimate your powers . I have slain many too . This blade also nearly slain the accursed Coredian Jedi Naruto and countless other Jedi Scum . If you face me , you will fail ."
She chuckled. "You? Kill Masaki and Uzumaki? How inconsiderate of you to lie so easily. There are only four people in the Empire that could duel my wayward brother and his best friend to a standstill. Myself, the Warmaster, Lord Vader and the Emperor himself. You are leagues below us."

A major insult, of course. But with a shard of truth as well. There are very few people that could fight a Masaki and live. Bane (and Matter for that matter) are nothing compared to the Empire's greatest anyway.
23-09-2006, 17:37
Lady Nightshade watched the proceedings with a snort. She had a Moff-to-be in mind for this new reorganization when the Mationbuds delegate spoke out against the Emperor. "Whelp. Foolish whelp. You cannot be serious in engaging the Empire in this manner. Let it be known that I would advocate any measure the Empire may take against you, Matter."

She fingered her own hilt. It was obsidian black and would sport a blade that's purplish red -the color of diseased blood- with black streaks running up and down the blade. A truly terrifying sword.

She chuckled. "You? Kill Masaki and Uzumaki? How inconsiderate of you to lie so easily. There are only four people in the Empire that could duel my wayward brother and his best friend to a standstill. Myself, the Warmaster, Lord Vader and the Emperor himself. You are leagues below us."

A major insult, of course. But with a shard of truth as well. There are very few people that could fight a Masaki and live. Bane (and Matter for that matter) are nothing compared to the Empire's greatest anyway.

IC :

Darth Bane angrily retorted .

"You too overestimate yourself . I did came close to killing Masaki and his demon-spirit in him . And how dare you insult me and my master . We can settle this in a duel to the death ."
23-09-2006, 18:02
If you dont want me here and find me a nuisance , just tell me and I will pack up and leave . Since the beginning you people have been looking down on me as if I'm inferior . I hate that . If this continues ...
23-09-2006, 20:01
She chuckled. "You? Kill Masaki and Uzumaki? How inconsiderate of you to lie so easily. There are only four people in the Empire that could duel my wayward brother and his best friend to a standstill. Myself, the Warmaster, Lord Vader and the Emperor himself. You are leagues below us."

A major insult, of course. But with a shard of truth as well. There are very few people that could fight a Masaki and live. Bane (and Matter for that matter) are nothing compared to the Empire's greatest anyway.

::You've forgoten, my dear Nightshade, that your recent companion in... certaint events... Has fought Daniel Masaki and lived. Ended up in a draw between Darth Aelikes and your brother did it not?::

Darth Bane angrily retorted .

"You too overestimate yourself . I did came close to killing Masaki and his demon-spirit in him . And how dare you insult me and my master . We can settle this in a duel to the death ."

::You came no closer to killing the Masaki boy than my friend did, though he has a better chance than you did. You are a pathetic worm, and like all people such as yourself, you shall be dealt with soon enough. You stand no chance against the Empire and it's allies.::
23-09-2006, 20:33
::You've forgoten, my dear Nightshade, that your recent companion in... certaint events... Has fought Daniel Masaki and lived. Ended up in a draw between Darth Aelikes and your brother did it not?::
Oh, yes. I forgot that fight. Make it five, then. Nightshade replied.

Darth Bane angrily retorted .

"You too overestimate yourself . I did came close to killing Masaki and his demon-spirit in him . And how dare you insult me and my master . We can settle this in a duel to the death ."
Nightshade just laughed. "Don't make me laugh. If the Inquisitor here would oblige..."
24-09-2006, 03:11
I sat there watching the events then i stand "what do you mean by Heresy? the Phenixicans have there own religion and will not submit to conversion and we also disagree with the concept of Warmaster, we should have control over our own fleets unless there is a direct threat to the Empire".
24-09-2006, 08:38
I sat there watching the events then i stand "what do you mean by Heresy? the Phenixicans have there own religion and will not submit to conversion and we also disagree with the concept of Warmaster, we should have control over our own fleets unless there is a direct threat to the Empire".


Darth Matter smiled at the support .

"The idea of a warmaster truely irks me . I will only pay homage and respect the Emperor alone . No other shall go between . Our Sector Moff and I will have direct control of Imperial Military assets in our-charge and that will be it ."
24-09-2006, 08:52
::You've forgoten, my dear Nightshade, that your recent companion in... certaint events... Has fought Daniel Masaki and lived. Ended up in a draw between Darth Aelikes and your brother did it not?::

::You came no closer to killing the Masaki boy than my friend did, though he has a better chance than you did. You are a pathetic worm, and like all people such as yourself, you shall be dealt with soon enough. You stand no chance against the Empire and it's allies.::


"You are worse than an already pathethic worm . You are a bloody arrogant bastard who will also be dealt with . You overestimate yourselves . Your fall will come soon ."

As I said , if you hate me , just say and I will leave this wretched alliance where members look downon others . I will only respect US(Emperor) , no warmaster crap will come inbetween . The Empire in SW never had a stupid warmaster shoving people around , did it.If you want a new order,follow closely to the SW's Empire . I was assuming this would be modelled after the real GE in SW .
24-09-2006, 10:18
OOC:you could have somebody as Surpreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, but that is most of the time the Apprentice of the Sidearm, Even then the Commander had little influence over the Imperial Fleet and could only really take full control if the Empire was in deep trouble. Most of the time Darth Vader would only do special missions from the Emperor and do little other.

IC:"The people of Phenixica will not accept this, we are a proud people and will not be turned into a puppet state. We are not Sith nore Jedi and the concept of the force itself is completely diffrent to us you cannot just expect us to accept these terms".
24-09-2006, 12:14
OOC:you could have somebody as Surpreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, but that is most of the time the Apprentice of the Sidearm, Even then the Commander had little influence over the Imperial Fleet and could only really take full control if the Empire was in deep trouble. Most of the time Darth Vader would only do special missions from the Emperor and do little other.

IC:"The people of Phenixica will not accept this, we are a proud people and will not be turned into a puppet state. We are not Sith nore Jedi and the concept of the force itself is completely diffrent to us you cannot just expect us to accept these terms".

Agreed .
24-09-2006, 14:49
OOC: You may not have noticed, but Sith isn't entirely canon, nor does he have to follow the exact path that, if I remember, led the Empire to defeat :)

We can discuss this, but ultimately its up to you to trust in us and our ability to rule.
24-09-2006, 14:54
OOC: You may not have noticed, but Sith isn't entirely canon, nor does he have to follow the exact path that, if I remember, led the Empire to defeat :)

We can discuss this, but ultimately its up to you to trust in us and our ability to rule.

I do believe in Sith's leadership .
24-09-2006, 15:23
OOC: If you really did then you would trust his judgement.
24-09-2006, 20:36
Treize Kushrenada kept silent the entire time, not even moving when Darth Bane activated his lightsaber, and kept his face a careful mask of no emotion. His skills at dissasembling were so great that he had no fear of a Force user trying to read his thoughts, one of his many skills that was not widely known.

His question of holding the combined title and ranks of Grand Moff and Imperial Advisor went without answer, so he assumed that he would be allowed them. He was however rather disquiet when Remiel appeared.

Even after thirty years, after a peace treaty, and after the death of Emperor Shadaum IV who had instigated it all...Treize still felt rather miffed toward the Chronosian emperor - now warmaster - who stood before him.

Trieze inclined his head to Remiel. "I would like to congratulate you Remiel. Emperor Palpatine does not choose without deep consideration...I have no doubts that you'll make us proud."

Suddenly the com-link at Treize's waist began to vibrate. With an irriated frown he took it off and activated it. "What? This had better be important."

"Sir, this is Colonel Morl." Treize was momentarily taken aback, visably so, at having the head of his intelligence organization calling him. "We've a situation."


"Grand Admiral Thrawn called off the attack on the Kohona System and regrouped in the Digor System." The words hung in the air like a vibrant rainbow. Treize's eyes narrowed.

"I will deal with it momentarily. Inform the Council of Governors that they are not to act, nor are you Colonel. Inform Admiral Daala that I wish her to report to Digor within the next 78 hours," said Treize tersely.

"Yes your Excellency," said Colonel Morl. The line went dead and Treize returned the comlink to his waist. He turned to Inquisitor Malrof.

"Have we any other things to discuss? I have pressing matters to attend to in Thrashian space and have no time tottled around while we argue about pointless things that are not an issue. So where do I sign?" asked Treize.
25-09-2006, 04:33
I put my hand on the hilt of my sword, and toke out my Emergency Communicator to call any Messiahist if i was under threat.

"There is no need for a fight im sure we can work this out threw civilised ways".
25-09-2006, 04:55
"Of course we need not, but some would seem set upon reducing us to such bestial levels" A lilting voice tainted with an almost arrogant self-assurance came drifting from the doorway as the Inquisitorial Adept stepped into the room. Remiel's return to Coruscant had brought Inquisition, Mechanicus and Astartes with him from Hydran itself, to better show his status and allow them to begin planning their own enclave here upon the capital world.

"I have been sent by my most respected and beneficent master, the Emperor Remiel, beloved by all, who sends his wishes that I act in his stead while he confers with Emperor Palpatine. As a result, I shall address any further issues that might be had with the esteemed Warmaster Emperor." He smiled lightly. "I hope I can be of some assisstance, as I stand before you, and with the noble and loyal Thrashian and Huntaerian delegations."
26-09-2006, 07:03
I found the huge presence of the Darkside unnerving, I was wondering what i had gotten myself into.

"I think we should go ahead with the concept of a Surpreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, We want to keep control of our navy i promised my Admiral&Generals that they would keep control, The Imperial Court will also be againts this and the Senate will think you are planning a attack. They wont accept it".
26-09-2006, 10:43
It was not the dark side that shrouded the Inquisitor, but rather the raw taint of Chaos. His robes were flowing with colour, constantly shifting into new forms. Runes ran into words, flowing into obeisances to the Lord of Change, most glorious Tzeentch. He let a smirk cross his features as he bowed lightly.

"My pardon, but the Emperor has spoken. If you are subject to total Unification, you would be under the direct command of the Emperor and those he deems worthy of command. The Warmaster-Emperor would rule fairly and wisely, gifting autonomy to a degree, but maintaining overall strategic command.

This seems wise, especially in the face of the mismanagement of the Mationbuds affairs above Ryloth and the situation the Empire finds itself in." He sighed softly, as though mildly annoyed or dissapointed with the situation. "However, if you have any matters that require further discussion, I would be happy to relay your greivances to my Lord Remiel, or to his proxy, the Warmaster Cabot, who is rumored to be arriving in Coruscant to represent the great Emperor in a more permanant capcity. Such is the will of the Change." He smirked, almost feral teeth gleaming in the light, his tongue flickering between them.

"Are there any more questions, that I might aid you in the understanding of? Need you...Enlightenment?"
26-09-2006, 11:10
It was not the dark side that shrouded the Inquisitor, but rather the raw taint of Chaos. His robes were flowing with colour, constantly shifting into new forms. Runes ran into words, flowing into obeisances to the Lord of Change, most glorious Tzeentch. He let a smirk cross his features as he bowed lightly.

"My pardon, but the Emperor has spoken. If you are subject to total Unification, you would be under the direct command of the Emperor and those he deems worthy of command. The Warmaster-Emperor would rule fairly and wisely, gifting autonomy to a degree, but maintaining overall strategic command.

This seems wise, especially in the face of the mismanagement of the Mationbuds affairs above Ryloth and the situation the Empire finds itself in." He sighed softly, as though mildly annoyed or dissapointed with the situation. "However, if you have any matters that require further discussion, I would be happy to relay your greivances to my Lord Remiel, or to his proxy, the Warmaster Cabot, who is rumored to be arriving in Coruscant to represent the great Emperor in a more permanant capcity. Such is the will of the Change." He smirked, almost feral teeth gleaming in the light, his tongue flickering between them.

"Are there any more questions, that I might aid you in the understanding of? Need you...Enlightenment?"

"An Supreme Commander of the Fleet to coordinate big-scale assults on a target(s) is acceptable . But one who bosses Internal and Sector affairs cannot be tolerated ."
26-09-2006, 13:27
OOC:The Phenixican Empire consist of more then just me, i asked the other members what. i am giving for you to control is all i can give.

IC:I stand up and snarl "You dont know the meaning of Enlightment, how dare you question my wisdom"
26-09-2006, 13:52
"Perhaps if you and your kind were more adept at orchestrating affairs, instead of focussing upon waste and failure, then we would not be force to show our influence upon other spheres of influence" It chuckled, turning from the Mationbuds delegate with a satisfied smirk.

"As to you, you cannot begin to understand the enlightenment the Emperor has offered us, you cannot begin to plot the strands of fate that the Changer delivers to us, the revelations he inspires us to." He giggled, flesh rippling with but a gesture. "We offer the word and will of the Emperor, words that must be followed in his capacity of Warmaster. Even now the Lord Remiel consults with Palpatine, deciding the fate of those stubborn enough to resist that which must be."

He flicked a wrist in gesture and the Huntaerian and Thrashian delegations. "Why can you not be as they? Accepting of the Emperors word? Willing to know, willing to learn, willing to follow..."
26-09-2006, 14:11
"Perhaps if you and your kind were more adept at orchestrating affairs, instead of focussing upon waste and failure, then we would not be force to show our influence upon other spheres of influence" It chuckled, turning from the Mationbuds delegate with a satisfied smirk.

"As to you, you cannot begin to understand the enlightenment the Emperor has offered us, you cannot begin to plot the strands of fate that the Changer delivers to us, the revelations he inspires us to." He giggled, flesh rippling with but a gesture. "We offer the word and will of the Emperor, words that must be followed in his capacity of Warmaster. Even now the Lord Remiel consults with Palpatine, deciding the fate of those stubborn enough to resist that which must be."

He flicked a wrist in gesture and the Huntaerian and Thrashian delegations. "Why can you not be as they? Accepting of the Emperors word? Willing to know, willing to learn, willing to follow..."

"How dare you challenge my enlightenment ! You braggart who exalts yourself too highly . My ally Phenixica and I are here after receiving an invitation from the Emperor . We must insist that only we have FULL controlof our navies . Only a Supreme Commander of the Navy can control our navies during a large and critical battle in which your skills are needed . As for now , there is no such critical battle taking place and thus we WILL have full control of our navies as of now . "
26-09-2006, 14:18
"That decision is not yours to make" He stated simply, allowing his tongue to flicker over his pale lips. He traced a finger along the shifting sigils of his robes and chuckled, gently teasing words of power from the flowing, dancing fabric.
"That decision is the Emperors. You have already surrendered sovereignty to one who is far more worthy of control, why not acknowledge his will and surrender military control to the Warmaster?

After all, the Emperor's word is the law which you must follow, or risk heresy. We offer enlightenment by which you might save yourself, rather than the foolhardy actions you have displayed. Assaulting an Inquisitor and the Warmaster, using your weapons in a most threatening manner. On a Chronosian world you would have already been shot for your insubordination, you ought to thank the beneficent Emperor for his mercy and his leniency. And pray that it continues once you appear before him."
26-09-2006, 14:26
US told me that we'd still have control of sector navies .

IC :

"Then it that case we have to refuse any such claims over our navies . Our navies are up to us to control . What ideas do you have for them , if I might inquire ..."
26-09-2006, 14:31
"It is not my place to state the purity and genius of the Warmasters very thoughts, such could only be spoken by Tzeentch itself, who works through the Warmaster-Emperor. Like fire, does he burn in his brilliance. He will know how best to handle your militaries in the times that they are needed...

However, it is recent events that call into question your ability to lead your own navy. The destabilisation inherent around Ryloth, while pleasing, has ultimately put the Empire in an awkward position. We cannot tolerate weakness within, while we are so threatened without by forces such as the Masaki's. You speak of how you almost brought them down and yet you would hand them the Empire on a platter if you gave root to schizm and dissent."
26-09-2006, 15:02
IC :

"Lies ! Lies I say . We have a complete and absolute control over our navies and thanks to some advice , we strayed from our original course and are now facing a stalemate . "
26-09-2006, 15:08
"Lies you say, but of course you would, to quell any sign of weakness within your ranks. I would expect nothing less from a Sith, those who crave power and wield it to ensure order and hide their own weaknesses. Such a pity that affairs so often end like this" He sniffed lightly, seating himself, his flowing robes pooling over the chair as though they were liquid.

You require guidance, little one. The guidance of those who have warred amongst the stars since before the birth of your culture, who have fought to preserve the Empire since before the Fall. We are the Imperium, we are strength. Yield and you shall fight at our side. You shall fight alongside humans, superhumans and beings who are radient in their glory. The Primarchs themselves shall fight at your side, as we lead from the front.

No impotent stalemates, no half-victories and surrenders, no longer shall mud be slung upon your name...You shall be part of the True Empire, the Empire Ascendant, and under the command of the Sith and the Emperor, beloved by all, we shall be glorious. We shall burn out the stars, and the new order shall rise, held up by the manifold designs of glorious, unspeakable Chaos."

His eyes were blazing spheres of ungodly power, the runes upon his vestments glowing heatedly, shifting into ever more complex patterns. It was as though the Lord of Change spoke directly through this Inquisitor, this mouthpiece.

"Fate, unknowable Change, has decreed it so."
26-09-2006, 23:39
Treize smiled when the Inquisitor sat down and made these statements. Treize was a man of action and of manipulation. The gains of this new unification were too great to be lightly put aside or argued over just a small thing. No, this process could not be disturbed from its destined path.

Treize stepped forward slightly. "It is of course with the Emperor Palpatine's guidance that all shall be united. As one we shall travel and where our paths lead us shall be to glory and unending conquest of our enemies." He turned to the mationbuds delegate.

"Just think of the legions vast that would await at our call. Thrashia alone has a strong army," he nodded at the Chronosian, "we've fought the Chronosians and the Sith, and each saw us as we saw them: strong and worthy adversaries. Now we have a chance to be more than allies. We are creating here a bond that is stronger than chaos fired metal and more powerful than a Force created storm. We shall have the power to finally put Order to the galaxy in a fashion that is unprecedented."

Treize turned to the Inquisitor. "We shall have unity and peace, and none shall stand in our way." He cleared his throat and breathed in heavily.

"Now, I shall have my adjutant handle the rest of these proceedings. He knows my mind and will handle all neccesary rituals or signings. I bid you fair-well," said Treize. He bowed to the group and left the room, headed for his personal shuttle to take him to his ship in orbit.

Moments later a tall man wearing the uniform of a Thrashian Major General walked into the room. He clicked his heels together and inclined his head perfuctionally. "I am Major General Oron Jaeger (, pleased to meet you. I am here on behalf of his Excellency Treize."
Unified Sith
27-09-2006, 00:25
I'm putting this thread on pause will I find the time to make a post. I know it's taking me a while but guys, I have lots going on. Please be patient.
Dweladelfia prime
29-09-2006, 21:30
Announcement to the Galaxy

Dweladelfia Prime Delcares Unification with the Galactic Empire. We will now be subjects to the Emperor Palpatine. Our world is now his. Our armys our now his. We are his subjects. All Hail The Emperor!


Grand Moff Darth Avondale
30-09-2006, 18:38
As the head of the Red Empire of Wanderjar, I, Christoph Baker, hereby pledge my allegiances to the Emperor Palpatine, and thus the Galactic Empire. I agree and accept the Unification, and thus swear my planets are Imperial Lands, and my to Legions, Imperial Guardsmen.


Christoph Baker