Death Moon Research and Development Thread (Secret IC,FT,Open for Discussions)
12-09-2006, 10:02
The Galactic Empire of Mationbuds was rapidly on the rise and being an Imperial style system , needed more big and heavy weaponary to show off and use in wars and conflicts , which were getting rather inevitable now .
Then a revolutionary Imperial Strategist came up with an Idea . Teaming up with other top Imperial Navy and Army Commanders as well as other Imperial Strategists and Scientists , he decided to scrap the Death Star I and the still under construction Galaxy Gun project . The also under development Sun Crusher project was also to be scrapped and all were to be replaced into developing a massive battle station which was to be approximately easily 3-4times the size of the second Death Star and was to be fitted with top of the line heavy planet destructing weaponary that would leave enemy fleets and planets in flames or totally obliterated .
Together they drew up a draft plan for the Death Moon :
<TOP SECRET, Death Moon Imperial Battlestation>
*Name : Death Moon
*Class : Deep Space Mobile Super Battle Station
*Primary Designer : Imperial Naval Industries , Imperial Shipyards Co , Bevel Lemelisk
*Diameter : 1600 kilometres
*Maximum Speed : 0.8c
*Superlaser Range : 65,000,000 kilometres
*Power Sources : 2 Advanced Hypermatter Reactors , 5 Advanced Cold-Fusion Reactors , 2 Back-up Advanced Cold Fusion Reactors
*Back-up Fuel : Compressed Stellar Hydrogen
*Protection : Quantum Crystalline-Titanium-Boron-Composite Hull , 2 Coruscant Grade Shielding , 5 Standard SSD Shields , 4 Back-Up Shields
*Weaponary : Turbolaser batteries (200,000), Heavy turbolaser batteries (200,000), Laser cannons (300,000), Ion cannons (300,000), Tractor beam emplacements (5000) , Quad Turbolaser Batteries 300,000) , Proton Torpedo Launchers (200,000) , Concussion Missile Launchers (200,000) , Truncheon Missile Launchers (200,000) , Nova/Singularity Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2,000) , Nova/Singularity Cannon Emplacements (2,000) , MauraderI Missile Launchers (400,000) , MuaraderII Missile Launchers (200,000) .
*Superweapons : 4 Superlaser Cannons (2 Aixal Mounted , 2 Internal) , 10 Sun Crusher Torpedo Launchers (Each has 2 SC Torps) , 1 Internal Galaxy Gun (Possibly , Possibly Axail Mounted) , 2 Quantum Tipped Drill Launchers (Each can launch 2 Quantum Drills that would bore through an enemy planet or SSD)
*Other Systems : Cloaking System developed by Sienar Industries to cloak the ship even when firing . Singularity Defense System which deploys singularities to absorb a huge amount of punishment ...
*Starcrafts : 100,000 Starfighters , 50,000 Starbombers , 20,000 StarInterceptors , 10,000 Support Crafts and Shuttles
The Research/Development process :
*Internal Superstructure : 25% Construction
*External Armor : 25% Construction
*Shielding Systems : 50% Construction
*Weapons Systems : 18% Construction
*Superweapons : -NA-
-Superlasers : 90% Construction
-Galaxy Gun : 90% Research , 30% Construction
-Sun Crusher Torps : 100% Construction (Finished)
-Quantum Drills : 80% Research , 70% Construction
*Starcrafts : 80% Construction
---The Project and its funds have been diverted to Matenbud ,who will continue the project under my supervision .
This is open for suggestions etc ... No flaming though .
12-09-2006, 10:33
OOC : Btw it is being developed and researched at Imperial Weapons Lab .
Hyperspatial Travel
12-09-2006, 10:44
Let me sum this up for you.
1 - People already think you're a fuggin' huge n00b. I can provide links to such sayings if you so wish.
2 - A giant wank-station isn't going to help this situation any.
It's not rocket science. A giant station of various wank-guns, that can casually violate the laws of physics (Considering the relationship between the way the mass of an object increases, to its speed is an inverse one, it is impossible to move any object with mass at the speed of light, as the energy needed to do so is infinite), is not going to improve your standing among nations. The simple matter of the fact is, this is, in essence, a massive red flag, saying 'LOOK AT ME! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RP!', and a five million fighters? Five million?
Most massive nations won't have a million. And these are '02 nations, to boot. This has no relevence to plot, by the looks of it, it doesn't actually advance the story in any RPs you have, and it's only there for the same reason really big cars are there - overcompensation.
I advise you rethink this. You probably won't, but, at the very least, I've tried to turn this horrible wank-craft away from your mind. At least I've tried, ne?
Der Angst
12-09-2006, 10:57
Posting mostly because, uh... Yeah. With regards to this (, and because I suspect that you're not going to reply there again, would it be reasonable to assume that
The clones have been transferred
A temporary diplomatic exchange took place, showing off nothing specific
The chibi-fleet buggered off, including clones and envoys
Would be neat if this was the case.
Oh, and a few issues with the design: DEATstars tend to be in excess of a hundred kilometres in diameter. Not 2.25 km.
A maximum speed of c would mean that you'd explode in an infinite energy detonation as soon as you hit something with mass. Lets not, and go slower than that.
Writing 'Digit+many-zeroes' weapons 'stats' just make you look like a prat. Think a little about gun placement, and base numbers on that. Incidentally, a sphere 4.5 km in diameter would have a surface area of ~ 63.6 mio m^2, and will all this guns, would look like a hedgehog.
For subcraft complements, see weapons placements.
12-09-2006, 14:29
Posting mostly because, uh... Yeah. With regards to this (, and because I suspect that you're not going to reply there again, would it be reasonable to assume that
The clones have been transferred
A temporary diplomatic exchange took place, showing off nothing specific
The chibi-fleet buggered off, including clones and envoys
Would be neat if this was the case.
Oh, and a few issues with the design: DEATstars tend to be in excess of a hundred kilometres in diameter. Not 2.25 km.
A maximum speed of c would mean that you'd explode in an infinite energy detonation as soon as you hit something with mass. Lets not, and go slower than that.
Writing 'Digit+many-zeroes' weapons 'stats' just make you look like a prat. Think a little about gun placement, and base numbers on that. Incidentally, a sphere 4.5 km in diameter would have a surface area of ~ 63.6 mio m^2, and will all this guns, would look like a hedgehog.
For subcraft complements, see weapons placements.
Thanks for your comments . I have just replied to the thread mentioned . The purpose of fitting the Death Moon with plenty of weaponary is to make it look much fiercer and also much more dangerous in battle . However I'll reduce some of the stats . Next , I would also take your advise and reduce the speed because factoring the size and such ... The death star is in fact 225,000 m in diameter . I increased the diameter vastly so as to fit on the increase in surface weaponary , superweapons , reactors and such .
12-09-2006, 14:38
Let me sum this up for you.
1 - People already think you're a fuggin' huge n00b. I can provide links to such sayings if you so wish.
2 - A giant wank-station isn't going to help this situation any.
It's not rocket science. A giant station of various wank-guns, that can casually violate the laws of physics (Considering the relationship between the way the mass of an object increases, to its speed is an inverse one, it is impossible to move any object with mass at the speed of light, as the energy needed to do so is infinite), is not going to improve your standing among nations. The simple matter of the fact is, this is, in essence, a massive red flag, saying 'LOOK AT ME! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RP!', and a five million fighters? Five million?
Most massive nations won't have a million. And these are '02 nations, to boot. This has no relevence to plot, by the looks of it, it doesn't actually advance the story in any RPs you have, and it's only there for the same reason really big cars are there - overcompensation.
I advise you rethink this. You probably won't, but, at the very least, I've tried to turn this horrible wank-craft away from your mind. At least I've tried, ne?
I said no flaming . You better tone down your post or delete it . Anyways I've taken SOME of your advise . NS is about free RPing , not controlled ones . The laws of physics and such also dont have things such as hyperspace either right ? This might be possible in the future . Now please edit or delete your post before I report you in for making a flaming post to the Mods .
12-09-2006, 14:42
I think his point is, you're way too ickle to be undertaking major superweapon research, expecially since it'd tear your nation apart economically. Especially since it won't matter once you become part of the "true Empire". Your fooling yourself if you think you'll actually need this, or it'll actually earn you any respect, when you could simply commit to building a larger amount of smaller vessels.
The Transylvania
12-09-2006, 14:50
OOC: Listen to Chrono. This is just a waste of money, US has the Death Star. You're in the GE, US is the big boss of the GE. You're going to become part of US' "true Empire".
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 15:00
This post is OOC, and is not designed to be insulting.
Power Sources : 2 Advanced Hypermatter Reactors
What the heck is 'hypermatter'? I'll give you cold fusion - even though there is no accepted theory explaining it, at least it's 'out there'.
*Back-up Fuel : Compressed Stellar Hydrogen
Hydrogen is hydrogen, you know. In fact most of the hydrogen we have at present probably came from stars anyway.
*Weaponary : Turbolaser batteries (200,000), Heavy turbolaser batteries (200,000), Laser cannons (300,000), Ion cannons (300,000), Tractor beam emplacements (5000) , Quad Turbolaser Batteries 300,000) , Proton Torpedo Launchers (200,000) , Concussion Missile Launchers (200,000) , Truncheon Missile Launchers (200,000) , Nova/Singularity Torpedo/Missile Launchers (2,000) , Nova/Singularity Cannon Emplacements (2,000) , MauraderI Missile Launchers (400,000) , MuaraderII Missile Launchers (200,000) .
No offence, but did you just decide to see how many zeros you could put in one post? You wouldn't even fit all that on a ship 4km in diametre anyway, unless the Borrowers designed them for you, and you'd need a few more power generation systems in order to actually use them all. And a singularity torpedo? Do you know what a singularity is?
*Superweapons : 4 Superlaser Cannons (2 Aixal Mounted , 2 Internal) , 10 Sun Crusher Torpedo Launchers (Each has 2 SC Torps) , 1 Internal Galaxy Gun (Possibly , Possibly Axail Mounted) , 2 Quantum Tipped Drill Launchers (Each can launch 2 Quantum Drills that would bore through an enemy planet or SSD)
I understand what a superlaser is (you'd probably need more reactors than your entire fleet has to generate a laser powerful enough to be considered 'super' though), but what are all the other things?
*Other Systems : Several billion Terrawat Lights to create the Battle Moon's appearance to be extremely bright such as to cause blindness to nearby enemies who look at it without sufficient protection .
Well I guess people will just have to use sensors then! How will you generate so much light that you rival a star though? You realise that you'll be able to blind people on distant planets with that thing? Just a few thousand watts would be enough to blind people you know...
I assume you won't be using strip lights from your office.
*Starcrafts : 500,000 Starfighters , 300,000 Million Starbombers , 100,000 Million StarInterceptors , 100,000 Million Support Crafts and Shuttles
The stuff you have listed up until now won't fit inside there anyway, so there's not much chance of fitting such an ungodly amount of ships into it as well. And that really is ungodly...
12-09-2006, 15:03
I think his point is, you're way too ickle to be undertaking major superweapon research, expecially since it'd tear your nation apart economically. Especially since it won't matter once you become part of the "true Empire". Your fooling yourself if you think you'll actually need this, or it'll actually earn you any respect, when you could simply commit to building a larger amount of smaller vessels.
True words . I intend to request from my allies and vassals a huge sum of initial money to research and develop this project . However no doubt this would take a long time to finish .
True words . I intend to request from my allies and vassals a huge sum of initial money to research and develop this project . However no doubt this would take a long time to finish .
OOC: *nods* Try years. RL years.
12-09-2006, 15:06
OOC: Listen to Chrono. This is just a waste of money, US has the Death Star. You're in the GE, US is the big boss of the GE. You're going to become part of US' "true Empire".
How'd you know of a "True Empire" ?
12-09-2006, 15:08
Many many RL years. Even with your "vassals" its pointless. You won't be able to finish or support it. You're not going to do much for your reputation AND US already has the equivalent and soon you'll be HIS vassal
The Transylvania
12-09-2006, 15:09
How'd you know of a "True Empire" ?
OOC: Am I the all seeing eye, my friend. :p Chrono and US opened thier mounths trying to get me to betray CW for OOC reason. Nuff said about that.
12-09-2006, 15:10
This post is OOC, and is not designed to be insulting.
What the heck is 'hypermatter'? I'll give you cold fusion - even though there is no accepted theory explaining it, at least it's 'out there'.
Hydrogen is hydrogen, you know. In fact most of the hydrogen we have at present probably came from stars anyway.
No offence, but did you just decide to see how many zeros you could put in one post? You wouldn't even fit all that on a ship 4km in diametre anyway, unless the Borrowers designed them for you, and you'd need a few more power generation systems in order to actually use them all. And a singularity torpedo? Do you know what a singularity is?
I understand what a superlaser is (you'd probably need more reactors than your entire fleet has to generate a laser powerful enough to be considered 'super' though), but what are all the other things?
Well I guess people will just have to use sensors then! How will you generate so much light that you rival a star though? You realise that you'll be able to blind people on distant planets with that thing? Just a few thousand watts would be enough to blind people you know...
I assume you won't be using strip lights from your office.
The stuff you have listed up until now won't fit inside there anyway, so there's not much chance of fitting such an ungodly amount of ships into it as well. And that really is ungodly...
Firstly hypermatter reactors are an Imperial top secret technology that can only be found in the Death Star . Secondly I do know what a singularity torp is . Next , it is possible to fit such amount of firepower into the Death Moon .
The thing is the DS had a single hypermatter reactor which powered the DS's systems and superlasers and weaponary . Now I have improved the hypermatter reactor and increased its output , adding it with the cold fusion reactors , it should be enough to power the DM .
12-09-2006, 15:11
How'd you know of a "True Empire" ?
Probably because I mentioned it?
Firstly hypermatter reactors are an Imperial top secret technology that can only be found in the Death Star . Secondly I do know what a singularity torp is . Next , it is possible to fit such amount of firepower into the Death Moon .
The thing is the DS had a single hypermatter reactor which powered the DS's systems and superlasers and weaponary . Now I have improved the hypermatter reactor and increased its output , adding it with the cold fusion reactors , it should be enough to power the DM .
OOC: So it's a wank technology you won't explain, and two unsupported claims?
The Transylvania
12-09-2006, 15:12
Probably because I mentioned it?
OOC: True but I knew before this thread and you said it.
12-09-2006, 15:15
OOC: True but I knew before this thread and you said it.
I know. Its hardly a secret.
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 15:18
OOC: Firstly hypermatter reactors are an Imperial top secret technology that can only be found in the Death Star.
Yes, that's all well and good, but... what is it?
Secondly I do know what a singularity torp is .
You can't put a singularity in a torpedo. Or in a cannon for that matter. Or in a ship. Or lug it around the galaxy like it's a bar of chocolate. And if you could, I'm pretty sure it would qualify as a super-mega-ultra-hyper-weapon.
Next , it is possible to fit such amount of firepower into the Death Moon .
You have told us that the Death Moon (that's a pretty cliched name, by the way - not a bad thing mind you!) is 4 kilometres in diameter. Quite simply put, you couldn't fit a tenth of those weapons into it, even if you get the Japanese to build them for you. Certainly not if you intend to crew it.
12-09-2006, 15:21
Many many RL years. Even with your "vassals" its pointless. You won't be able to finish or support it. You're not going to do much for your reputation AND US already has the equivalent and soon you'll be HIS vassal
I know .
12-09-2006, 15:24
12-09-2006, 15:25
OOC: Am I the all seeing eye, my friend. :p Chrono and US opened thier mounths trying to get me to betray CW for OOC reason. Nuff said about that.
OOC : I see .
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 15:27
Oh, so it's made up stuff then... fair enough.
12-09-2006, 15:28
Oh, so it's made up stuff then... fair enough.
It's Sci-fi. Go figure :P
12-09-2006, 15:30
Yes, that's all well and good, but... what is it?
You can't put a singularity in a torpedo. Or in a cannon for that matter. Or in a ship. Or lug it around the galaxy like it's a bar of chocolate. And if you could, I'm pretty sure it would qualify as a super-mega-ultra-hyper-weapon.
You have told us that the Death Moon (that's a pretty cliched name, by the way - not a bad thing mind you!) is 4 kilometres in diameter. Quite simply put, you couldn't fit a tenth of those weapons into it, even if you get the Japanese to build them for you. Certainly not if you intend to crew it.
No , those are small scale singularities . Not large scale ones . So they are not classified as superweapons . The sun crusher torps are considered superweapons because they can destroy a planet if used inappropriately and destroy an entire system if used best .
Next , I intend it to b 70% slave rigged and 30% manual . Therefore I would be able to cram in more weaponary and stuff .
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 15:34
It's Sci-fi. Go figure :P
Oh I'm hardly one to complain, let's face it nobody knows what the hell duranium is, or what nadions are. I'd just never heard of it before and now I know why.
No , those are small scale singularities . Not large scale ones . So they are not classified as superweapons . The sun crusher torps are considered superweapons because they can destroy a planet if used inappropriately and destroy an entire system if used best .
Next , I intend it to b 70% slave rigged and 30% manual . Therefore I would be able to cram in more weaponary and stuff .
Yeah, but... 'small' singularities (if there are such things) still can't be put into torpedoes. It's, like, an infinite bend in space-time. It's still not going to move, and it'll still rip you, your ship, your torpedoes and your star system to pieces.
And 4km is still too small for all that. I can't believe that I'm actually suggesting somebody make something bigger and getting resistance when it's normally the other way around...
12-09-2006, 15:36
Its still an improbable and pointless undertaking.
Regard the modern world, power doesn't lie in having the biggest toys. The American army is being stymied by a rebel insurgency, the Israeli's are being thwarted by a guerilla movement. Neither have utterly managed to defeat their foes. Sometimes denying victory is far more important that attaining it.
The Death Star itself was nothing more than a show of force, a weapon that could be threatened to be used, more than actively being used. In the end, it was defeated, twice, by an underpowered, undersupplied rebel force, compared to the might of the Empire itself.
The key to victory isn't thinking in terms of scale and how big a weapon you can fabricate, but rather, how you can strategically think. Because no matter what laws of war you lay down, no matter how methodically and professionally you approach war, the other side won't have to play by your rules.
12-09-2006, 15:51
Oh I'm hardly one to complain, let's face it nobody knows what the hell duranium is, or what nadions are. I'd just never heard of it before and now I know why.
Yeah, but... 'small' singularities (if there are such things) still can't be put into torpedoes. It's, like, an infinite bend in space-time. It's still not going to move, and it'll still rip you, your ship, your torpedoes and your star system to pieces.
And 4km is still too small for all that. I can't believe that I'm actually suggesting somebody make something bigger and getting resistance when it's normally the other way around...
Ask the other experienced RPers and FT Players ...
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 16:01
Ask the other experienced RPers and FT Players ...
To start with, I've been here longer than you, and if you're purely going by post count then the various post counts of my various nations (Ghargonia, -Bretonia-, Mykonians, etc) outweigh yours. And yes, I don't know what other nations you have either. Not that it would have any impact on this particular issue anyway. Don't judge people by the arbitrary numbers under their names, please.
Secondly - ask them what? Whether a torpedo can haul an infinite bend in space-time around like it's a payload of dynamite? This is basic science, it has nothing to do with roleplaying - you can't put a singularity in a torpedo. And you certainly can't fire one from a cannon.
12-09-2006, 16:04
You could if you were using Andromeda tech, which includes a Point Singularity Projector.
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 16:08
You could if you were using Andromeda tech, which includes a Point Singularity Projector.
I don't care what tech you're using, it goes beyond SoD.
12-09-2006, 16:12
But that tech, and furthermore that universe, evidently has its own rules and advanced technologies to enable the firing of miniature singularities. Just like the universe I use has an entirely other plane of existence, of pure energy, filled with Daemons and Gods, who wish to possess, corrupt and manipulate the human race.
Oh and it can also be used as a weapon. And a method of FTL.
You're an ST based nation, I assume, and yet for all its technobabble and pseudoscience your going on about SoD? Honestly...Its Sci-fi, physics does sort of cease to apply in many cases.
12-09-2006, 16:26
To start with, I've been here longer than you, and if you're purely going by post count then the various post counts of my various nations (Ghargonia, -Bretonia-, Mykonians, etc) outweigh yours. And yes, I don't know what other nations you have either. Not that it would have any impact on this particular issue anyway. Don't judge people by the arbitrary numbers under their names, please.
Secondly - ask them what? Whether a torpedo can haul an infinite bend in space-time around like it's a payload of dynamite? This is basic science, it has nothing to do with roleplaying - you can't put a singularity in a torpedo. And you certainly can't fire one from a cannon.
Sigh ... I didnt mean that . But you do speak like you're new to FT . If you ask experienced RPers like US or CW , they will explain to you better on what a singularity torp is .
12-09-2006, 16:46
On the issue of singularity torpedoes:
It's true that one can't exactly lug around a singularity. However, one *can* implode an gravity well generator or some other means of creating artificial gravity and produce a black hole. In that case, a singularity torpedo is best used with proximity sensors to detect a nearby foe, or as a mine. Plus, once the singularity detonates, depending on the level of fire thrown about, it can sustain itself long enough to be carried forward by momentum alone and continue eating up enemy ships, even carving their way through a Super Star Destroyer, which is how I deal with superships when there's no handy superlaser around.
If you don't like the explanation, tough.
12-09-2006, 16:48
OOC : I just edited it .
12-09-2006, 16:57
Yeah, but... 'small' singularities (if there are such things) still can't be put into torpedoes. It's, like, an infinite bend in space-time. It's still not going to move, and it'll still rip you, your ship, your torpedoes and your star system to pieces.
Inaccurate. Gravitational effects drop off rather quickly with distance (but never goes away of course). A stellar black hole is unlikely to harm Earth unless it gets within, say, Jupiter's orbit, for example (we'd notice it for sure, though). These are much smaller in comparison and won't do much except hopefully to the target you've targeted.
And I seem to recall that the Klingons (or is it Romulans) used black hole to power their ships...
Here's a nice explanation about black holes:
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 17:13
Sigh ... I didnt mean that . But you do speak like you're new to FT . If you ask experienced RPers like US or CW , they will explain to you better on what a singularity torp is .
Believe it or not, I don't care how experienced anybody is - the laws of the universe don't spontaneously change on their say-so. I'd rather ask a scientist. I've heard it all before, from them and other people.
As to how I speak, aside from the fact that I don't really think you're any real authority on the subject, I speak as an irritated person. I have been protesting against the confusion between science fiction and science fantasy for a very long time now. I don't care which one you use, and I have used both, but if it's the latter don't try to make it sound plausible when it quite clearly isn't.
As for the rest of you, I did have a big long post typed up disagreeing with the both of you but I realised that there's little point in it. I've heard all of this before, you've said it all before, and there's not much point in continuing this discussion from either perspective. It's off-topic anyway. All I will say is, make sure you distinguish between science fiction and science fantasy.
Inaccurate. Gravitational effects drop off rather quickly with distance (but never goes away of course). A stellar black hole is unlikely to harm Earth unless it gets within, say, Jupiter's orbit, for example (we'd notice it for sure, though). These are much smaller in comparison and won't do much except hopefully to the target you've targeted.
The gravitational pull is not the point, what they are is the point! Doesn't matter if the event horizon is only a millimetre across, you're still not going to be able to drag it around or throw it at people. And it'll still rip you to pieces if it's inside your ship. You wouldn't be attempting to employ them as weapons otherwise.
And I seem to recall that the Klingons (or is it Romulans) used black hole to power their ships...
It was Romulans, and as I don't roleplay with this nation it's academic anyway. If I were roleplaying with Romulans, you can be assured that I'd toss that idea anyway.
Here's a nice explanation about black holes:
Thanks, but I'm not the one who needs it.
12-09-2006, 17:20
Believe it or not, I don't care how experienced anybody is - the laws of the universe don't spontaneously change on their say-so. I'd rather ask a scientist. I've heard it all before, from them and other people.
As to how I speak, aside from the fact that I don't really think you're any real authority on the subject, I speak as an irritated person. I have been protesting against the confusion between science fiction and science fantasy for a very long time now. I don't care which one you use, and I have used both, but if it's the latter don't try to make it sound plausible when it quite clearly isn't.
As for the rest of you, I did have a big long post typed up disagreeing with the both of you but I realised that there's little point in it. I've heard all of this before, you've said it all before, and there's not much point in continuing this discussion from either perspective. It's off-topic anyway. All I will say is, make sure you distinguish between science fiction and science fantasy.
None of us are authorities on the subjects we love. We just love them anyway. Doesn't keep us from having fun (unlike a certain person I know). if you wish to ignore us on grounds of reality (absurd as we're all using Science Fiction genres), be my guess.
BTW, scientists even today are attempting to create black holes in the lab. If the Einsteins say it's possible to artificially create black holes, I see no reason to contradict them...
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 17:34
None of us are authorities on the subjects we love. We just love them anyway. Doesn't keep us from having fun (unlike a certain person I know). if you wish to ignore us on grounds of reality (absurd as we're all using Science Fiction genres), be my guess.
BTW, scientists even today are attempting to create black holes in the lab. If the Einsteins say it's possible to artificially create black holes, I see no reason to contradict them...
I have not once suggested that the idea of an artificial singularity is impossible.
I don't ignore people, and if I did it would be on the grounds of breaching suspension of disbelief, not reality. That's what I have modern tech nations for. And singularity torpedoes quite obviously cross the line in my book. Unless you want to start writing my book for me, nothing will change that. It isn't ignoring, it's working in different genres. And frankly I think people need to start using different genres more often, because at the moment I think that the morass of different technology levels and systems is contributing to the problems we have with II FT RP at the moment. You can only have one set of physical laws for the universe, and criss-crossing them will only ever cause problems. As it is doing at this very moment. 'FT' is too broad a brush.
12-09-2006, 17:35
The gravitational pull is not the point, what they are is the point! Doesn't matter if the event horizon is only a millimetre across, you're still not going to be able to drag it around or throw it at people. And it'll still rip you to pieces if it's inside your ship. You wouldn't be attempting to employ them as weapons otherwise.
That would only be true if the singularity actually activates in the warhead. If it hasn't, it's all good. And like I said, one can make a runaway gravity well generator that forms a black hole, according to the Star Wars EU, so if you can suspend your belief enough to use logic, you'd see that from an in-universe perspective, it's valid. If you can't suspend your belief even then, tough beans for you.
Imperial Klingons
12-09-2006, 17:36
That would only be true if the singularity actually activates in the warhead. If it hasn't, it's all good. And like I said, one can make a runaway gravity well generator that forms a black hole, according to the Star Wars EU, so if you can suspend your belief enough to use logic, you'd see that from an in-universe perspective, it's valid. If you can't suspend your belief even then, tough beans for you.
If Star Wars technology people kept to themselves, it would be as simple as that. They don't, so it isn't. Which is the point I was making above, in fact.
12-09-2006, 17:37
If Star Wars technology people kept to themselves, it would be as simple as that. They don't, so it isn't.
Meh. To each his own. We'll simply never cross paths then.
Actually, lugging singularities around isn't really very hard. All you need is some way to hold onto them without it eating you (tractor beams, for example) and you can carry it like any other object. It may weigh an awful lot (minimum sustainable is about that of a mountain, IIRC), but it's still technically managable.
13-09-2006, 07:32
Yea , RPing is all about having fun and enjoying yourself .
Actually, that's not quite what I was saying. First off, how in god's name do you fit far over 100,000,000,000 subcraft in this thing? I assume these things are microscopic, yes? And hundreds of thousands of guns? On a six kilometer ship? Something smells of carp...
13-09-2006, 08:09
Actually, that's not quite what I was saying. First off, how in god's name do you fit far over 100,000,000,000 subcraft in this thing? I assume these things are microscopic, yes? And hundreds of thousands of guns? On a six kilometer ship? Something smells of carp...
Its not a 6 Kilometer SHIP ! It is a circular starbase , which means you should calculate the total surface area and then see . Anyways I have reduced the subcraft numbers ...
Snake Eaters
13-09-2006, 08:21
Something which I think may have been mentioned, but I feel like I should mention it regardless. That, and I'm lazy, it's very early in the morning, but I just have to say this.
The Death Moon is be bigger than Second Death Star, and yet is only 6km in diameter? Even the first Death Star was 160km, whilst the second one was over 900km in diameter.
13-09-2006, 08:27
Something which I think may have been mentioned, but I feel like I should mention it regardless. That, and I'm lazy, it's very early in the morning, but I just have to say this.
The Death Moon is be bigger than Second Death Star, and yet is only 6km in diameter? Even the first Death Star was 160km, whilst the second one was over 900km in diameter.
Oops , looks like I accidentally entered in the wrong data . I'll edit .
I did. Assuming ye olde turbolaser has a base 25m x 25m, blanketing the entirety of the thing (assuming it's spherical and not circular) will let you have 180,864 of 'em, and that leaves no room for hangars, sensor spines, observation decks, maintenance access, etc. So yes, it's more than a little excessive.
As for fighters, assuming 100% volume devoted to hangar space, you can fit 200 million TIE sized fighters. Now, since you also want hyperdrive, realspace propulsion, surface armament, armor, shields, sensors, a superlaser, and much much more, you're going to be able to fit probably a hundredth of your volume devoted to hangar space, tops. So, two million fighters, MAYBE, and that's assuming 100% efficient storage.
Hyperspatial Travel
13-09-2006, 08:39
I said no flaming . You better tone down your post or delete it . Anyways I've taken SOME of your advise . NS is about free RPing , not controlled ones .
Of course it's about free ones. Thus, people are free to ignore such wanky weapons as they wish. Nonetheless, people like that guy with his 'Eternls', and Ri-an with his horribly, horribly plot-killing gods are free to have such weapons. But other people are free to ignore them if they wish. Thus, your freedom is limited by the freedom of others.
The laws of physics and such also dont have things such as hyperspace either right ? This might be possible in the future . Now please edit or delete your post before I report you in for making a flaming post to the Mods .
No, they don't. But all of FT horribly violates physics. However, the less you violate physics, the better.
There's a difference between flaming and telling the truth. Saying 'people think you're a fuggin' huge n00b', isn't flaming. Especially if I can provide links (as I offered) to such sayings, after all, I'm not calling you a n00b. I'm stating that many people (I'd really rather not name names, but, if you want me to provide some hard evidence, I can certainly do so) have called you a n00b, consider you to be a n00b, and believe that the way you run your nation is n00bish.
Now, go ahead and report me. Despite what you think, I'm not flaming you. I've said that other people have said something, and I've alluded to your actions, but I haven't called you anything, from 'fuggin n00b', to 'you buttmunching arselicking wanking wank-whore!'. Those are flames. Saying 'lots of people think you're a huge n00b' is actually a hint. Y'know, because I enjoy RPing here on NS, and thus go out of my way to try and increase the quality of those who haven't had as much practice RPing (or writing), so that I enjoy more of my RPs. I don't go and insult people for some peverse pleasure of mine.
I just jumped in to do what I do occasionally - slap with a figurative wet trout, and try and get people a little more back on track. I'm abrasive, I know, but hey, if you really feel offended, I'll leave. It doesn't bother me one way or another.
The death star is in fact 225,000 m in diameter. I increased the diameter vastly so as to fit on the increase in surface weaponary , superweapons , reactors and such .
Right. There's one thousand metres in every kilometre. Let's divide 225,000 by one thousand, and we come up with the result of 225 kilometres. I don't care what kind of maths you use, six is not a larger number than two hundred and twenty five. Ever.
Hell, let's even go the other way. Six kilometres times one thousand. 6,000 metres.
225,000 > 6,000
Let it be known that Basic Mathematics is a useful skill to acquire. Sure, you need to be at least a Level Three Student to get the skill, but it's always usefu;.
13-09-2006, 08:49
I did. Assuming ye olde turbolaser has a base 25m x 25m, blanketing the entirety of the thing (assuming it's spherical and not circular) will let you have 180,864 of 'em, and that leaves no room for hangars, sensor spines, observation decks, maintenance access, etc. So yes, it's more than a little excessive.
As for fighters, assuming 100% volume devoted to hangar space, you can fit 200 million TIE sized fighters. Now, since you also want hyperdrive, realspace propulsion, surface armament, armor, shields, sensors, a superlaser, and much much more, you're going to be able to fit probably a hundredth of your volume devoted to hangar space, tops. So, two million fighters, MAYBE, and that's assuming 100% efficient storage.
IC :
I increased the size .
13-09-2006, 08:51
Of course it's about free ones. Thus, people are free to ignore such wanky weapons as they wish. Nonetheless, people like that guy with his 'Eternls', and Ri-an with his horribly, horribly plot-killing gods are free to have such weapons. But other people are free to ignore them if they wish. Thus, your freedom is limited by the freedom of others.
No, they don't. But all of FT horribly violates physics. However, the less you violate physics, the better.
There's a difference between flaming and telling the truth. Saying 'people think you're a fuggin' huge n00b', isn't flaming. Especially if I can provide links (as I offered) to such sayings, after all, I'm not calling you a n00b. I'm stating that many people (I'd really rather not name names, but, if you want me to provide some hard evidence, I can certainly do so) have called you a n00b, consider you to be a n00b, and believe that the way you run your nation is n00bish.
Now, go ahead and report me. Despite what you think, I'm not flaming you. I've said that other people have said something, and I've alluded to your actions, but I haven't called you anything, from 'fuggin n00b', to 'you buttmunching arselicking wanking wank-whore!'. Those are flames. Saying 'lots of people think you're a huge n00b' is actually a hint. Y'know, because I enjoy RPing here on NS, and thus go out of my way to try and increase the quality of those who haven't had as much practice RPing (or writing), so that I enjoy more of my RPs. I don't go and insult people for some peverse pleasure of mine.
I just jumped in to do what I do occasionally - slap with a figurative wet trout, and try and get people a little more back on track. I'm abrasive, I know, but hey, if you really feel offended, I'll leave. It doesn't bother me one way or another.
Right. There's one thousand metres in every kilometre. Let's divide 225,000 by one thousand, and we come up with the result of 225 kilometres. I don't care what kind of maths you use, six is not a larger number than two hundred and twenty five. Ever.
Hell, let's even go the other way. Six kilometres times one thousand. 6,000 metres.
225,000 > 6,000
Let it be known that Basic Mathematics is a useful skill to acquire. Sure, you need to be at least a Level Three Student to get the skill, but it's always usefu;.
IC : Increased the size .
13-09-2006, 09:11
Actually, lugging singularities around isn't really very hard. All you need is some way to hold onto them without it eating you (tractor beams, for example) and you can carry it like any other object. It may weigh an awful lot (minimum sustainable is about that of a mountain, IIRC), but it's still technically managable.
Actualy it is quite simple, feed them eletricaly charged ions ( a very large amount) and then they can be manipulated with a magnetic field either to hold them in place or to fire them.
As to the "death moon" my responce would be an antimater mine field. proximity mines open to leave a cloud of antimater in your path
Hyperspatial Travel
13-09-2006, 09:11
Mmph. Now it's about as big as the moon. Interesting.
13-09-2006, 09:14
Mmph. Now it's about as big as the moon. Interesting.
OOC : Actually it IS larger than a class iv moon .
13-09-2006, 09:16
Actualy it is quite simple, feed them eletricaly charged ions ( a very large amount) and then they can be manipulated with a magnetic field either to hold them in place or to fire them.
As to the "death moon" my responce would be an antimater mine field. proximity mines open to leave a cloud of antimater in your path
Anti-matter mines can be countered by EMP Charges and EMP Waves . Or I can use Quad Turbolasers or Laser Cannons to do the trick . OR the DM can just fire off a couple hundred singularity missiles to counter anti-matter stuff , as nothing can escape singularities and they are not matter .
Hyperspatial Travel
13-09-2006, 09:21
OOC : Actually it IS larger than a class iv moon .
Moonstuff (
The radius of the Moon is about 1700 km. Your little toy has a radius of 1500 km.
13-09-2006, 12:30
Moonstuff (
The radius of the Moon is about 1700 km. Your little toy has a radius of 1500 km.
You're referring to Earth's moon . However in SW , there are several classes of moons depending on their size . A 900km diameter moon is a class IV moon . So mine would be larger than a class iv moon .
On second thought I might remove the terrawat lights and replace it with cloaking devices instead .
Der Angst
13-09-2006, 12:48
On second thought I might remove the terrawat lights and replace it with cloaking devices instead .Don't you think that it might be 'a little' hard to 'Cloak' the EM output & gravitational effects of a 1500km/ diameter (Presumably massing one or two exatons - about 1/6000 the mass of Earth) object? It'd be vaguely similar to building a stealth, erm, one-million-ton supercarrier.
Meaning, it doesn't work.
Granted, I don't see classical 'Cloaking Devices' working at all, regardless of what or where they're used. I can see assorted means to reduce/ redirect emissions & reflectivity, but apart from that...
Whats more, a fortress isn't meant to be hidden. It's meant to be seen, in all its menacing glory, to deter opponents from attacking, or to shoot them to bits when they try. Cloaking is insubstantial to this mission profile (I do have issues with the idea of it being an offensive weapon - it's sorta pointless as the opponent could always retreat, and dedicated planetkillers... Eh... Are, well, wasteful. But then, I also consider such a 'Fortress' to be wasteful).
13-09-2006, 12:51
I just edited the stats and installed some new systems and removed one .
13-09-2006, 21:29
Anti-matter mines can be countered by EMP Charges and EMP Waves . Or I can use Quad Turbolasers or Laser Cannons to do the trick . OR the DM can just fire off a couple hundred singularity missiles to counter anti-matter stuff , as nothing can escape singularities and they are not matter .
I don't think EMP ( I assume electromagnetic pulse) would have any effect on antimater other than to (perhaps) disperse it more finely, the same with lasers. and if you use the singularity missiles I hope you have good raditation shielding for when the missiles hit the antimater cloud ( the mines would activate and disperse the antimater in a cloud ) and would most likely be destroyed, the if not the singularity missiles would also gather in matter as well as the antimater and these would mix at the Schwarzschild radius and release large amounts of radition ( dont launch any fighters unless you want dead pilots)
The Transylvania
13-09-2006, 21:37
*Starcrafts : 100,000 Starfighters , 50,000 Million Starbombers , 20,000 Million StarInterceptors , 10,000 Million Support Crafts and Shuttles
OOC: It still has million. Unless that is the maker of the fighters and bombers.
Hyperspatial Travel
14-09-2006, 08:34
You're referring to Earth's moon . However in SW , there are several classes of moons depending on their size . A 900km diameter moon is a class IV moon . So mine would be larger than a class iv moon .
On second thought I might remove the terrawat lights and replace it with cloaking devices instead .
Yeah, it's funny how I thought the phrase 'The Moon', would apply to that great big hunk o' rock that orbits the Earth.
EDIT: You've got a great big hunk 'o metal almost as big as the moon. The freakin' moon! You are NOT going to be able to hide something that big in-system. The gravity alone would make it detectable, and it's not possible to hide that much energy output.
The Ctan
14-09-2006, 09:05
True words . I intend to request from my allies and vassals a huge sum of initial money to research and develop this project . However no doubt this would take a long time to finish .
I take it that as one of your allies, Zapp Brannigan of WHOOP-ASS will be consulted? Because he's got a new superlaser design he's dying to try out.
Communistic Govts
14-09-2006, 09:26
It would be more cost effective to have a fleet of Eclipses than this monstrosity.
Hyperspatial Travel
14-09-2006, 10:11
...not that Eclipses are cost effective, of course.
14-09-2006, 14:05
I don't think EMP ( I assume electromagnetic pulse) would have any effect on antimater other than to (perhaps) disperse it more finely, the same with lasers. and if you use the singularity missiles I hope you have good raditation shielding for when the missiles hit the antimater cloud ( the mines would activate and disperse the antimater in a cloud ) and would most likely be destroyed, the if not the singularity missiles would also gather in matter as well as the antimater and these would mix at the Schwarzschild radius and release large amounts of radition ( dont launch any fighters unless you want dead pilots)
EMP charges would fry the systems that control the anti-matter detonation systems , thus stopping the threat in the very beginning . Anyway , SW shields are rad resistant , thus whatever huge amounts of rad thrown at the DM will be reflected off into different directions or absorbed .
14-09-2006, 14:06
Yeah, it's funny how I thought the phrase 'The Moon', would apply to that great big hunk o' rock that orbits the Earth.
EDIT: You've got a great big hunk 'o metal almost as big as the moon. The freakin' moon! You are NOT going to be able to hide something that big in-system. The gravity alone would make it detectable, and it's not possible to hide that much energy output.
Only when it fires the Quantum Drill or Superlasers would it be revealed . If it fires its conventional weaponary it will still be cloaked , but can be detected if one seraches very throughly .
14-09-2006, 14:12
OOC: It still has million. Unless that is the maker of the fighters and bombers.
Oops , I'll go edit .
15-09-2006, 04:21
EMP charges would fry the systems that control the anti-matter detonation systems , thus stopping the threat in the very beginning . Anyway , SW shields are rad resistant , thus whatever huge amounts of rad thrown at the DM will be reflected off into different directions or absorbed .
You do realise that the control system for an antimater mine controls an electromagnatic bottle to hold the antimatter thus your emp charge would set the mine off not disable it.
Communistic Govts
15-09-2006, 07:09
Heres my question how in the hell are you goin to cloak this big ass station?
Hyperspatial Travel
15-09-2006, 10:41
Only when it fires the Quantum Drill or Superlasers would it be revealed . If it fires its conventional weaponary it will still be cloaked , but can be detected if one seraches very throughly .
"Sir, we're detecting something with the same gravitic field as an moon. Oh, and it's invisible otherwise"
That's as thoroughly as you'd need to search for something that big. Unless you're relying on using your EYES to try and search for it (generally not a good idea when talking about distances in terms of lightseconds), ANY sort of sensor will detect it.
Let me put it this way. Heat dissipation. How can you possibly dissipate ALL of that heat into space without someone noticing? You simply can't cloak something this big against something that has... well, sensors. One of my drones would be able to detect this with absolute ease, even when 'cloaked'.
Snake Eaters
15-09-2006, 19:10
"Sir, we're detecting something with the same gravitic field as an moon. Oh, and it's invisible otherwise"
That's as thoroughly as you'd need to search for something that big. Unless you're relying on using your EYES to try and search for it (generally not a good idea when talking about distances in terms of lightseconds), ANY sort of sensor will detect it.
Let me put it this way. Heat dissipation. How can you possibly dissipate ALL of that heat into space without someone noticing? You simply can't cloak something this big against something that has... well, sensors. One of my drones would be able to detect this with absolute ease, even when 'cloaked'.
Agreed. Something that big would give off massive sensor readings on a variety of systems. It wouldn't make a difference what FT system you used either, be it SW, ST, B5, BSG, and so on and so forth. Nothing could effectively cloak it, as the energy output is far too high. Aside from the heat and the gravitation, you've got, as Hyperspatial Travel kindly pointed out, the Mk I Eyeball. And something that size would block out stars where you would normally be able to see them, thus showing you up yet again.
Of course, you could claim that the cloaking device protects from eyesight... I don't quite think you've considered the amount of power that would be required to power such a device, not to mention the excessive amounts of weaponry also present on this *ahem* battlestation.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
15-09-2006, 19:38
You know, that cash can go to like making a better Navy. I mean... didn't you see the movie? Didn't the last Deat (not Death) Star die?
Der Angst
15-09-2006, 19:57
Of course, you could claim that the cloaking device protects from eyesight... I don't quite think you've considered the amount of power that would be required to power such a device, not to mention the excessive amounts of weaponry also present on this *ahem* battlestation.'Very little'? Disregarding me having issues with 'Cloaking Devices' (My typical reaction would go along the lines of 'Sir! Cloaking field detected, Sir!', though I could probably be convinced to onyl notice at a closer distance), cloaking devices can by their very nature not require excessive power - because that power would show, and thereby making detection easier. I'd much rather imagine them as the energy shield equivalent of, um, radar-absorbent paint - a means that scatters and/ or absorbs incoming radiations (RADAR, LIDAR, whatever), while the cloaked craft does a minimal-emissions run. Which, to be fair, isn't all that hard when you're not shooting. Granted, this giant would still find it rather hard - but one could, say, keep absurdly huge heatsinks inside it (And there should be plenty of space), to temporarily dump the radiation in that'd otherwise be emitted. Which would also happen to the power said device requires.
Call it a quarter-of-an-hour, not-quite-perfect-but we're-having-an-engagement-range-of-65-million-kilometres-anyway cloaking device.
'course, this doesn't deal with the gravity, but eh.
You do realise that the control system for an antimater mine controls an electromagnatic bottle to hold the antimatter thus your emp charge would set the mine off not disable it. AS to the radiation while this might not affect the DM it would affect the pilots of your fighters.
Depends on the system you're using to hold the AM. The standard bottle approach would indeed be set off by EMP, but more esoteric methods (read: more handwaving involved) such as stasis fields wouldn't be effected, especially if there aren't any electronics on board.
Snake Eaters
15-09-2006, 22:40
'Very little'? Disregarding me having issues with 'Cloaking Devices' (My typical reaction would go along the lines of 'Sir! Cloaking field detected, Sir!', though I could probably be convinced to onyl notice at a closer distance), cloaking devices can by their very nature not require excessive power - because that power would show, and thereby making detection easier. I'd much rather imagine them as the energy shield equivalent of, um, radar-absorbent paint - a means that scatters and/ or absorbs incoming radiations (RADAR, LIDAR, whatever), while the cloaked craft does a minimal-emissions run. Which, to be fair, isn't all that hard when you're not shooting. Granted, this giant would still find it rather hard - but one could, say, keep absurdly huge heatsinks inside it (And there should be plenty of space), to temporarily dump the radiation in that'd otherwise be emitted. Which would also happen to the power said device requires.
Call it a quarter-of-an-hour, not-quite-perfect-but we're-having-an-engagement-range-of-65-million-kilometres-anyway cloaking device.
'course, this doesn't deal with the gravity, but eh.
There is one serious problem here. And I've highlighted in bold for you. Have you seen the stats, simply for ships and other such things stationed there? ALong with the huge amounts of weaponry. I fail to see how one could a) possibly build such a thing and b) find space for the massive interior heat-sinks required.
Der Angst
15-09-2006, 23:16
Have you seen the stats, simply for ships and other such things stationed there? ALong with the huge amounts of weaponry. I fail to see how one could a) possibly build such a thing and b) find space for the massive interior heat-sinks required.Well, yes. With the present stats, it wont work. Still, the principle is reasonably - within the realm of $SUPERSCIENCE - sound.
16-09-2006, 08:48
Depends on the system you're using to hold the AM. The standard bottle approach would indeed be set off by EMP, but more esoteric methods (read: more handwaving involved) such as stasis fields wouldn't be effected, especially if there aren't any electronics on board.
Yes that is true but the magnetic bottle works as a fail safe has less "handwaving" and is simpler to make ( also cheaper alowing more to be emplaced) so I go with the magnetic bottle style. As a side note the magnetic bottle is powered by the antimater ( usualy anti protons) stored in it (doesn't take much) so that after a decade they will be dead and no longer be a danger eliminateing the need to remove them by "hand" a dangerous job.
Problem is that magnetic bottles need large amounts of power to run, and the more AM that you have in them, the more energy you need (I think it's exponentially, but I'm not sure). If you use the AM inside it to power it, then the stuff is eating the bottle, which would eventually lead to a catastrophic failure, especially if you're storing mass quantities.
16-09-2006, 21:43
Problem is that magnetic bottles need large amounts of power to run, and the more AM that you have in them, the more energy you need (I think it's exponentially, but I'm not sure). If you use the AM inside it to power it, then the stuff is eating the bottle, which would eventually lead to a catastrophic failure, especially if you're storing mass quantities.
They aren't too big about 10 grams as to the power it only requires 1 or 2 antiprotons/electron pairs per standard day however the small (relative) size makes it possible to use a large number of them. and I do want them to decay over time (years) so they will be self clearing. It is a hard and dangerous job best to be avoided when possible
1. its been said over and over again US has a Death Star.
2. My allaince, which if you haven't forgotten, you are a part of has a station about the size of the DS2 and it has no uber weapons. You are part of the highcommand that means with a 2-1 vote we can whip it out and unleash it on our enemies.
3. with 1600 km of metal and 200,000 heavy turbolasers you could build 640, 2.5 km long SDs with 312 heavy turbolasers each (barring space requirements of course)
4. you cou8ld problay crew said ships with the amount of crew this thing would use up.
17-09-2006, 06:43
You know, that cash can go to like making a better Navy. I mean... didn't you see the movie? Didn't the last Deat (not Death) Star die?
Yea , I saw the movies . Most probably destroyed thanks to design flaws .
17-09-2006, 06:45
1. its been said over and over again US has a Death Star.
2. My allaince, which if you haven't forgotten, you are a part of has a station about the size of the DS2 and it has no uber weapons. You are part of the highcommand that means with a 2-1 vote we can whip it out and unleash it on our enemies.
3. with 1600 km of metal and 200,000 heavy turbolasers you could build 640, 2.5 km long SDs with 312 heavy turbolasers each (barring space requirements of course)
4. you cou8ld problay crew said ships with the amount of crew this thing would use up.
Once the Grand battlestation has been finished , I plan to contribute it to the Tri-Party Alliance and the Galactic Empire to boost up our fighting power and the fear factor which would keep our worlds and populations under strict and tight control which would also crush any hopes for a rebellion .
17-09-2006, 06:53
I doubt Sith will allow it. I myself have severe issues with it, and thus will oppose it utterly in my capacity as Imperial Warmaster, and thus your superior.
17-09-2006, 07:20
Hyperspatial Travel
17-09-2006, 07:31
Ah, hello there, Mationbuds's puppet.
17-09-2006, 07:45
Ah, hello there, Mationbuds's puppet.
Nah , I'm just at his house for project .
I doubt Sith will allow it. I myself have severe issues with it, and thus will oppose it utterly in my capacity as Imperial Warmaster, and thus your superior.
I utterly have no care wether you approve or oppose it .We are building this battlestation with Mationbuds funds and allied donated funds and thus you have no authorithy over this whatsoever .
17-09-2006, 13:29
You are a vassal of the Empire, thus you are bound by your own vows to obey Sith, and by extension me, his chosen Regent. I am Warmaster, and I am afraid that he has placed upon me the burden of managing the Imperial Military. I tell you now, that considering what the Empire possesses, your undertaking is foolish and wasteful.
Why build one enormous drain, when you could build fleets to better serve the far corners of the Empire? Would you truly wish to annoy your Master so?
17-09-2006, 13:40
You are a vassal of the Empire, thus you are bound by your own vows to obey Sith, and by extension me, his chosen Regent. I am Warmaster, and I am afraid that he has placed upon me the burden of managing the Imperial Military. I tell you now, that considering what the Empire possesses, your undertaking is foolish and wasteful.
Why build one enormous drain, when you could build fleets to better serve the far corners of the Empire? Would you truly wish to annoy your Master so?
Even as a vassal , which I am not yet one because the Unification thread is moving at a snail's pace , I would still continue to build this battle station as a symbol of Imperial might .
Der Angst
17-09-2006, 14:05
3. with 1600 km of metal and 200,000 heavy turbolasers you could build 640, 2.5 km long SDs with 312 heavy turbolasers each (barring space requirements of course)While I'm in the process of (Finally) writing an IC post for Mationbuds in another thread, I'll spend a moment being distracted to point out that you fail at basic math.
The deathmoon would be spherical. Materials requirement will therefore scale with the third power - assuming that all the 2.5 km spacedyships were spherical, too, he could build two-hundred and sixty-two million of them with the materials used for this thing.
Of course, they wouldn't be spherical, so it'd presumably be more like one point six three billion of them...
Which, incidentally, allows to approximate the time Mationbuds will (Presumably) need in order to build this thing: 1630000000 divided by Mationbuds' present fleetsize times his age.
I'm of course uncertain about said fleetsize, but I seem to recall fleets of 'Thousands' being mentioned in a warthread he participated in.
Add to this that old ones have certainly been retired, and new ones been produced to replace ships that have been lost in battle, I suppose you could call it 13- 14 thousand ships (Not that I approve of such inflated numbers, but anyway).
Mationbuds should be around 270 days old, so... 1500000000/ 14000 x 270 = 431 (RL) days and a handful of hours.
This is, of course, assuming that his present milfleet consists exclusively of 2.5km dreadnoughts. But then, as a nation grows, its manufacturing capacities grow, too, so I suppose that it balances somewhat.
On the other hand, this is also assuming that /All/ his space-manufacturing goes into the deathmoon. No new ships whatsoever. I suppose it's safe to say that considering the suicide-ness of this, one can safely double the time it takes, to get some replacements for conventional craft done. 862 days (Two years, four months, and some change. Again, RL time).
Well, that, or one builds something seriously smaller.
17-09-2006, 14:19
While I'm in the process of (Finally) writing an IC post for Mationbuds in another thread, I'll spend a moment being distracted to point out that you fail at basic math.
The deathmoon would be spherical. Materials requirement will therefore scale with the third power - assuming that all the 2.5 km spacedyships were spherical, too, he could build two-hundred and sixty-two million of them with the materials used for this thing.
Of course, they wouldn't be spherical, so it'd presumably be more like one point six three billion of them...
Which, incidentally, allows to approximate the time Mationbuds will (Presumably) need in order to build this thing: 1630000000 divided by Mationbuds' present fleetsize times his age.
I'm of course uncertain about said fleetsize, but I seem to recall fleets of 'Thousands' being mentioned in a warthread he participated in.
Add to this that old ones have certainly been retired, and new ones been produced to replace ships that have been lost in battle, I suppose you could call it 13- 14 thousand ships (Not that I approve of such inflated numbers, but anyway).
Mationbuds should be around 270 days old, so... 1500000000/ 14000 x 270 = 431 (RL) days and a handful of hours.
This is, of course, assuming that his present milfleet consists exclusively of 2.5km dreadnoughts. But then, as a nation grows, its manufacturing capacities grow, too, so I suppose that it balances somewhat.
On the other hand, this is also assuming that /All/ his space-manufacturing goes into the deathmoon. No new ships whatsoever. I suppose it's safe to say that considering the suicide-ness of this, one can safely double the time it takes, to get some replacements for conventional craft done. 862 days (Two years, four months, and some change. Again, RL time).
Well, that, or one builds something seriously smaller.
Nah ,I only have at most 4000 vessels, of which only 400 are Star Destroyers and around 30-40 are SSDs .
Nah , I'm just at his house for project .
I utterly have no care wether you approve or oppose it .We are building this battlestation with Mationbuds funds and allied donated funds and thus you have no authorithy over this whatsoever .
I will not pay for something this wankish. Sorry but I control the allince, and i will instruct them not to payh for something we don't need. Sorry but you will not get any money from us since we have a battlestation anyway.
Nah ,I only have at most 4000 vessels, of which only 400 are Star Destroyers and around 30-40 are SSDs .
Only 400 are stardestroyers and around 30 or 40 SSDs
you have more than twice the number star destroyers than i have heavy cruisers.
EDIT: post 2500 streamers for everybody!
17-09-2006, 16:51
I will not pay for something this wankish. Sorry but I control the allince, and i will instruct them not to payh for something we don't need. Sorry but you will not get any money from us since we have a battlestation anyway.
I never mentioned the TPA contributed to the funds .
I never mentioned the TPA contributed to the funds .
then which allies are you talking about? this thing will cost in the hundreds of trillions.
17-09-2006, 16:53
Only 400 are stardestroyers and around 30 or 40 SSDs
you have more than twice the number star destroyers than i have heavy cruisers.
Because of my 3 vassals and my fleet ...
Because of my 3 vassals and my fleet ...
you mean the pupett i sent to your region to post the news from the allince in you regional message boards? I'm taking him out due to the fact that we have a website that we can ue..
17-09-2006, 17:21
you mean the pupett i sent to your region to post the news from the allince in you regional message boards? I'm taking him out due to the fact that we have a website that we can ue..
Nah .Which website are you talking about . Anyways pulling him out will mean that ties between us are strained . Which is what I dont wish to happen .
Nova Boozia
17-09-2006, 18:10
Once the Grand battlestation has been finished , I plan to contribute it to the Tri-Party Alliance and the Galactic Empire to boost up our fighting power and the fear factor which would keep our worlds and populations under strict and tight control which would also crush any hopes for a rebellion .
I hope your not going to strictly and tightly control my citizens. They might not like it very much. But a couple of things:
1)A lot of things people have said and which I won't repeat
2)Ever heard of the point of diminishing returns? It's the reason why land battleships don't exist. And the DS1 was already past it.
Nova Boozia
17-09-2006, 18:17
Once the Grand battlestation has been finished , I plan to contribute it to the Tri-Party Alliance and the Galactic Empire to boost up our fighting power and the fear factor which would keep our worlds and populations under strict and tight control which would also crush any hopes for a rebellion .
I hope your not going to strictly and tightly control my citizens. They might not like it very much. But a couple of things:
1)A lot of things people have said and which I won't repeat
2)Ever heard of the point of diminishing returns? It's the reason why land battleships don't exist. And the DS1 was already past it.
Nah .Which website are you talking about . Anyways pulling him out will mean that ties between us are strained . Which is what I dont wish to happen .
This one:
If you jhave forgotten your password i can TG it to you.
Communistic Govts
17-09-2006, 23:43
Der Angst you would also have to include sabotage missions in those calculations
17-09-2006, 23:47
Der Angst you would also have to include sabotage missions in those calculations
And not just sabotage by anti-GE forces. Enough Imperial members object to this Death Moon that they could try nifty ways to destroy it.
he doesn't have time to RP in CW's invasion yet he has time to come up with this? Hmmmm interesting.
18-09-2006, 00:26
And not just sabotage by anti-GE forces. Enough Imperial members object to this Death Moon that they could try nifty ways to destroy it.
just aim for the exhust port, works all the time, or get it as its being constructed, hey both those plans sound awfully familliar.
also how are you gonna keep somthing that requiers this much stuff and money secret for long, it is almost impossible.
Nova Boozia
18-09-2006, 09:20
And not just sabotage by anti-GE forces. Enough Imperial members object to this Death Moon that they could try nifty ways to destroy it.
If it hyperspaced into the Reich, it would be warmly greeted by commerce officers who urged it to wait for a quick inspection... then boarded by the most diehard suicide commandos in the Marinetruppen. And once they were causing big enough explosions, other officers could start pelting medium sized asteriods adorned with vortex bombs at it.
May not be saboutage, but it's damn well nifty!
just aim for the exhust port, works all the time, or get it as its being constructed, hey both those plans sound awfully familliar.
It's not a DS, but the second one is good. Warp in a heavy anti-matter bomb straight to the construction site, setting work back hundreds of NS years. Repeat as much as you like. Especially when they've almost completed it.
18-09-2006, 10:40
And not just sabotage by anti-GE forces. Enough Imperial members object to this Death Moon that they could try nifty ways to destroy it.
Nah , if I find out about it I will retaliate .
18-09-2006, 11:07
I am planning to let my vassals take over the funds and the project .
Hyperspatial Travel
19-09-2006, 08:05
Nah , if I find out about it I will retaliate .
Right. At which point the entire Galactic Empire utterly annihilates your nation with laughable ease, as you attacked another member. Nice thinking.
19-09-2006, 09:13
Right. At which point the entire Galactic Empire utterly annihilates your nation with laughable ease, as you attacked another member. Nice thinking.
Nah , it wont be with laughable ease . Anyways you dont think I have loyal allies within the GE ?
Hyperspatial Travel
19-09-2006, 09:33
Nah , it wont be with laughable ease . Anyways you dont think I have loyal allies within the GE ?
No. No I don't. Consider this. Sith rules the GE. Almost every nation within it is loyal to him. Let us extend this train of thought. Chronosia alone would annihilate your little nation with a minor expenditure of effort. Let us extend this train of thought even further. Do you honestly think, with your nation divested from the loyal body of the GE, that your many enemies would hesitate to obliterate you entirely?
Or perhaps strategical thinking is beyond you.
19-09-2006, 09:54
No. No I don't. Consider this. Sith rules the GE. Almost every nation within it is loyal to him. Let us extend this train of thought. Chronosia alone would annihilate your little nation with a minor expenditure of effort. Let us extend this train of thought even further. Do you honestly think, with your nation divested from the loyal body of the GE, that your many enemies would hesitate to obliterate you entirely?
Or perhaps strategical thinking is beyond you.
I doubt so . Even small nations can give large ones a big bloody nose . Perhaps your ignorance and arrogance blinds you from that fact .
Hyperspatial Travel
19-09-2006, 10:10
Let me remind you of the difference between a bloody nose, and total annihilation of your entire civilization.
One is annoying. The other one does not involve your continued existence.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
19-09-2006, 12:51
Let me remind you of the difference between a bloody nose, and total annihilation of your entire civilization.
One is annoying. The other one does not involve your continued existence.
19-09-2006, 13:06
Let me remind you of the difference between a bloody nose, and total annihilation of your entire civilization.
One is annoying. The other one does not involve your continued existence.
An entire civilization cannot be totally destroyed . Although the Empire destroyed Alderaan , the Alderaanians still survived and started afresh as New Alderaan .
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
19-09-2006, 13:09
An entire civilization cannot be totally destroyed . Although the Empire destroyed Alderaan , the Alderaanians still survived and started afresh as New Alderaan .
Tell that to the Aztecs, Mayans, Atlantians (if they even existed), Vikings...
Wait they're not around are they? >_> <_<
19-09-2006, 13:34
Tell that to the Aztecs, Mayans, Atlantians (if they even existed), Vikings...
Wait they're not around are they? >_> <_<
They have modernised . The Vikings are the Norse which would probaly mean Norway . And now they are the decendants of the original Vikings/Mayans etc ...
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
19-09-2006, 13:47
They have modernised . The Vikings are the Norse which would probaly mean Norway . And now they are the decendants of the original Vikings/Mayans etc ...
If the Vikings modernized they would've pillaged Europe with AKs. They died off because of assimilation, their culture no longer exists.
The Mayans haven't modernized because they died off because of a drought.
And the Aztecs were assimilated by the Spanish, they were wiped out by many things. The original cultures no longer exist because they were either annexed or just wiped out.
Of course there are the Romans and the Greeks, but to say that no civilization can be wiped out is well... ignorant.
Let's use Carthage as an example. They were to be quite frank, burned off the surface of the Earth. You don't see anybody in North Africa worshipping Ba'al, singing tales of Hannibal, or a large Carthaginian Merchant Fleet in the Mediterranean.
Nope, they were burned and their surface salted. Now I'm not a good debator but... come on.
The Transylvania
19-09-2006, 13:57
OOC: Chrono could wipe you out, MB.
The Emperor Fenix
19-09-2006, 14:45
I am planning to let my vassals take over the funds and the project .
Right, as the undisputed arbitrator of such constructions (the time to dispute was 45 minutes ago, if you didn't take the trouble to pre-emptively do so i'm afraid that's not my fualt) my juedgement is as follows.
Mationbuds, HT is neither ignorant nor arrogant.
The Empire in that most over used and under... good FT medium Star Wars consisted of several Trillion citizens, i expect you to provide for me a list of vassal states all of whom possess strong economies. This list must have a population topping at least 2 trillion before in good conciounce the rest of the FT community will accept your desire to build this folly.
I do not care that other people have built death stars, they have either been I.G.N.O.R.Ed or, in the case of US, have earned enough respect for the general community to turn a blind eye.
Either list the proof that this respect has been earned, or that your population exceeds that of the Empire, before there is any point in continuing with this venture.
*Superweapons : 4 Superlaser Cannons (2 Aixal Mounted , 2 Internal) , 10 Sun Crusher Torpedo Launchers (Each has 2 SC Torps) , 1 Internal Galaxy Gun (Possibly , Possibly Axail Mounted) , 2 Quantum Tipped Drill Launchers (Each can launch 2 Quantum Drills that would bore through an enemy planet or SSD)
Woah. Just... woah. Why would you even NEED so many planet-destroying weapons anyway? You don't really expect to be blowing up multiple suns at once...
19-09-2006, 14:48
Chrono could wipe you out, MB.
Indeed I could. Hence, defying the Emperor and his Warmaster on this; Big Mistake.
End the project, the Emperor has already spoken.
19-09-2006, 15:06
Indeed I could. Hence, defying the Emperor and his Warmaster on this; Big Mistake.
End the project, the Emperor has already spoken.
I am not halting this project .Neither am I continuing it . I am simply passing it onto my vassal states , whom you have no control over .
19-09-2006, 15:10
Your vassals would be better suited serving you, and therefore the Empire. Such defiance will not be lightly tolerated. I shall refer your transgressions to the Emperor himself, and the Inquisitorius.
This constitutes a near-final warning. Abandon the project and bask in the Emperor's wisdom. Abandon this project in favor of the superweapons which the Empire itself possesses.
We shall not warn you again.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
19-09-2006, 15:13
(smacks Chrono)
For the last time you're not the Lord Emperor of Chaos, well, not in real life anyway.
Though I do give points for drama.
The Transylvania
19-09-2006, 15:15
(smacks Chrono)
For the last time you're not the Lord Emperor of Chaos, well, not in real life anyway.
Though I do give points for drama.
OOC: He is in IC mood.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
19-09-2006, 15:18
OOC: He is in IC mood.
(Sorry it seemed like one of his dramatic OOC posts, he usually does them ya know.)
19-09-2006, 15:18
Your vassals would be better suited serving you, and therefore the Empire. Such defiance will not be lightly tolerated. I shall refer your transgressions to the Emperor himself, and the Inquisitorius.
This constitutes a near-final warning. Abandon the project and bask in the Emperor's wisdom. Abandon this project in favor of the superweapons which the Empire itself possesses.
We shall not warn you again.
Once again I stanf firm in my decision to not halt this project . The Empire does have superweapons but I need my own . For the last time I say that you have no rights over my resorces or what I can or cannot do . If there is so much restriction , NS and RPing would NOT be fun and I would rather have fun than listen to someone called Chronosia's supposed attempts to order me around .
19-09-2006, 15:28
OOC: Now his post was a confusing mix of IC and OOC. Let me break it down for you, you have to obey me and Sith. Sith, because he is Emperor and me, because I am Warmaster, his chosen regent.
Me and Sith are on an equal footing at the top of this Alliance. You chose to Unify, this puts you under the direct control of Sith, and by extention myself.
Now; we're only trying to help stop you from making a huge mistake. Such a massive superweapon is A) A waste of resources, B) likely to get you ignored.
The Transylvania
19-09-2006, 15:30
(Sorry it seemed like one of his dramatic OOC posts, he usually does them ya know.)
OOC: True, he does do those. :p
19-09-2006, 15:51
OOC: Now his post was a confusing mix of IC and OOC. Let me break it down for you, you have to obey me and Sith. Sith, because he is Emperor and me, because I am Warmaster, his chosen regent.
Me and Sith are on an equal footing at the top of this Alliance. You chose to Unify, this puts you under the direct control of Sith, and by extention myself.
Now; we're only trying to help stop you from making a huge mistake. Such a massive superweapon is A) A waste of resources, B) likely to get you ignored.
And if I choose to continue ?
The Emperor Fenix
19-09-2006, 15:55
And if I choose to continue ?
You are universally derided/ignored/invaded.
Its very simple.
Mini Miehm
19-09-2006, 15:57
And if I choose to continue ?
They bitchslap you into oblivion as being in rebellion.
19-09-2006, 16:06
And if I choose to continue ?
OOC: Ultimately I'll have to discuss it with Sith, but I am fairly certain that he won't let your common derision of his authority pass. Either you shall be placed under the scrutiny of the Inquisition, be further restricted by way of policy, or be utterly razed.
Note that defiance has its punishments, just as servitude has its rewards
19-09-2006, 16:28
This is a notice from the Dark Lady Nightshade to the so-called Darth Matter of Mationbuds:
I am most displeased with your performance of late. Should the Emperor or the Warmaster decide that this Death Moon of yours is unnecessary, you would do well to bow to the pressures of the Empire, lest the justice of the New Order burns against you and you be crushed underfoot like so many foolish rebels. Cease and desist this Death Moon project.
Hyperspatial Travel
20-09-2006, 08:15
An entire civilization cannot be totally destroyed . Although the Empire destroyed Alderaan , the Alderaanians still survived and started afresh as New Alderaan .
Ah, yes. I remember all of the Alderaanians surviving the Death Star blast.. No, wait. They died. Sure, a few might have survived. But Alderaan was an example. An object example for the rest of the Empire. If the Empire had honestly wished to wipe out every person with any trace of Alderaan blood, they could've committed themselves to a massive genocidal campaign - but that wasn't what mattered.
And, trust me, it isn't that hard to wipe out an entire civilization. We possess the capability to do so ourselves right now - a few well-placed thermonuclear warheads, a new ice age, and almost all of humankind dying. The future will bring better and more efficient ways to kill, which simply makes the job easier.
Once again I stanf firm in my decision to not halt this project . The Empire does have superweapons but I need my own . For the last time I say that you have no rights over my resorces or what I can or cannot do . If there is so much restriction , NS and RPing would NOT be fun and I would rather have fun than listen to someone called Chronosia's supposed attempts to order me around .
Why do you need your own superweapons? Are you planning to betray the Emperor? Do you need a massive station like this to go toe-to-toe with the Imperial Navy? I possess no superweapons, myself. TCG, I believe possesses no superweapons. If the only fun you get out of NS is by having a wank-moon, then perhaps you had better revise your priorities.
Hell, leave the Galactic Empire. Then you can do whatever you like. Sure, you'll have no claim on SW space any more, but it's hardly the point, is it now? If you honestly want to do this, then leave the GE. It's your voluntary loyalty to the GE that allows Chronosia to give you orders - y'know, seeing as he has the rank, and all.
And if I choose to continue ?
I think Fenix said this best. We're not trying to get you to abandon this project because we're afraid of it. We're not trying to get you to abandon it in order to be more powerful. We're not trying to make your RPing less fun. However, if you do go ahead with the construction of such a wanktastical device, you can rest assured in the fact that the majority of NS will ignore you. Do you remember TCG when he was owned by Hataria? His continued use of bigger and more compensational guns simply got him ignored - and, amazing as it might sound, we'd prefer to use reason before we pull out the ignore cannon.
Think about that, if you will. Would you prefer to have a relatively normal fleet, and people to RP with, or a massive wank-moon, and no-one to RP with?
Unified Sith
20-09-2006, 10:44
I have watched the continued arrogance of Mationbuds towards my esteemed ally Chronosia. Mationbuds, accept that what we ask of you is in your best interests ICly and OOCly. I have committed myself to preventing the construction of another Death Star upon Nationstates, no matter the cost. I am sure you can see the rather unfortunate avenue that this will take up dowm?
I ask you as a friend, and as an ally to cease work on the project post haste. We do not turn on our own, however, your government is starting to demonstrate a clear inability to function.... This may have certain political ramifications.
20-09-2006, 11:41
One thing to you all.This development is fully secret IC and is developed in TOTAL secrecy . No information could be passed out . I only allowed OOC discussions . Not IC ones .
20-09-2006, 12:00
There's no realistic way for you to keep the construction of this thing secret, ever.
The Emperor Fenix
20-09-2006, 14:05
See Sense Mationbuds, The Hypnotoad Commands it!
20-09-2006, 16:50
See Sense Mationbuds, The Hypnotoad Commands it!
LOL . Good sense of humor .
You can say I've come to my senses . I'm cancelling this project until further notice and we are spending the money and resources to build a larger and stronger Imperial Navy . We also wish to end all hostilities .
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
20-09-2006, 18:58
Do you remember TCG when he was owned by Hataria?
No I don't, what happened? For lo, I am TIOR (The Island of Rose) under a new name.
Hyperspatial Travel
21-09-2006, 08:09
Yes, I know who you are, TIOR. I watched the changeover thread. But the point being that the previous incarnation of TCG ended up ignored by almost everyone in FT.
23-09-2006, 21:45
but how do you keep development secret?
The Emperor Fenix
24-09-2006, 00:30
but how do you keep development secret?
Bit of a delay there, but, he could keep developement secret, i'm sure he keeps a very close eye on his military sceincetists, but i dont think anyone even him could try and contest that he could have kept construction a secret. Even though galactically speaking a moon isn't very large, the amount of resources necessary to build it would be enormous. The Galactic Empire had an astronomical population, with over 1 million planets and 5 million colonies, with just one of those planets having a population of over 1 trillion the drain on his vassals would be such that everyone and their aunts would have heard about it.
24-09-2006, 03:35
Bit of a delay there, but, he could keep developement secret, i'm sure he keeps a very close eye on his military sceincetists, but i dont think anyone even him could try and contest that he could have kept construction a secret. Even though galactically speaking a moon isn't very large, the amount of resources necessary to build it would be enormous. The Galactic Empire had an astronomical population, with over 1 million planets and 5 million colonies, with just one of those planets having a population of over 1 trillion the drain on his vassals would be such that everyone and their aunts would have heard about it.