In the quest for power (middle age RP sign up
long as anyone can remember. The struggle for power have torn the world apart and glued it back together. Large war machines have rolled over the continent only to be crushed against enemy castles. Thousand of soldiers have been left in unmarked graves, hundreds of men have marched toward enemy positions only to be killed by enemy longbows. Knights have spurred there horses toward enemy lines only to smash into walls of spears. In these brutal struggles thousands on thousands of brave men have died in fights for glory and power.
(Final Fantasy map. All glory to the final fantasy creators. Me love the game)
OCC: I want to create a middle ages RP with strong castles, powerful knights, deadly assassins, and power hungry kings. We need 4-5 players.
To keep it fair and to some extent realistic every kingdom will have no more then 5 million citizens. (this can be discussed)
Beta Aurigae VII
10-09-2006, 01:32
OOC: What the hell, I'll join. I always wanted to RP a Past-tech thread and this should be fun.
New Nicksyllvania
12-09-2006, 21:52
I'll join.
Just a question, is there going to be magic and the like? Also will primitive guns be allowed?
I think i like this idea,
sooo tech will be similar to Braveheart? :)
That movie is intense....
12-09-2006, 21:54
Hurrah! A chance to RP feudal Skgorria :D
I'm in
Guns..noooo waaay, and i hate magic too... sorry to say, no offence to anyone who uses it alot...
By the way, this is NS main account don't work soo...yeah..
I have just decided im in...
no magic and no guns. sorry. Sorry.
And I haven't seen the braveheart movie. But if its the one with a lot of scotch people running around screaming and using face paint then yea...
Lol, yeah...this is a good idea..i think it will be fun
For our castles, can we use ones that already exist or existed? renaming them of course, including a picture?
My Military back in this era were not running around with facepaint and kilts, we were very organized.
My nation resembled the Roman Empire to the fullest, but this is past that time...way past... i did PT rp before, a huge one...under my main screen name....Which..don't work :(
Now their armor, weapons resemble the English.
Osteia your inn
Skgorria your inn
New Nicksyllvania your inn (If you want to without magic)
Beta Aurigae VII your inn (If i see you posting soon.
Then to claims. It would be most easy if everyone claims one island (But they can be split). The first to claim gets it.
yes you can use castles that are in RL. Just rename them.
I will claim the Wutai area for my lands, if the terrian meets my needs....
Could you please inform me what it is like?
This is my castles design, it's owned by Lord Baird.
Im positive he wouldn't looks as if it's short of players, i think it has potential to be wicked..
Playing as Osteia, NS Reallydrunk no longer logs on to the forms..... :(
** I love my castle** :)
12-09-2006, 23:57
I'll take the northenmost island - Icicle Area I believe it is referred to as
No magic or blackpowder I vote, let's just use a wide variety of fun siege engines like the Trebuchet. Magic and primitive guns are for lame-asses :p
True, lets rough it out!!
Castle Baird
I'd like to take the Grasslands area, then.
Prepare to meet a rather large and skilled Ravean cavalry.
Prepare to meet the might of Castle Baird,
Ostian legioniairres, cavelry, archers, heavy cavelry...
The Grand Fortress of Ghal'eh Dokhtar.
I'll be using Muslim cavalry and infintry for this as well-Sipahis, Timariots, and Mamelukes galore. Hope you all have fun dealing with those.
13-09-2006, 00:47
My chaps will be using rather boring European stuff, nothing wrong with a bit of Italian-style plate armour ;)
So when does this thread kick off?
OH, they no longer use Roman styled equipment..that was waaay before this time. In this era my soldiers resemble French/English soldiers, mostly the templer look..
Roman tactics are still quite common...
Roughly like that...^^^^^^^
13-09-2006, 01:17
Well Skgorrian territory is going to be COLD, very cold as befits Icicle Land :p Something like Russia I would guess, maybe Siberia
Thats exactly why i don't intend on going there too early on men will have never faught in a freezing enviroment....
Not too sure my Cavaliers would do to well in such an enviornment, either.
13-09-2006, 01:30
It all balances out, any time my men (no women going anywhere of course!)leave my lands, they die of heat exhaustion :p
That fortress 'Ghal'eh Dokhtar' is huge, BUT easier to get into than mine....
My troops would be useless in cold weather...heavy cavelry and knights would freeze in their armor..
Ghal'eh Dokhtar is, indeed, pretty damn big, but Castle Baird relies upon layered defences to survive. I'd have to pierce every layer of wall to destroy Baird; Dokhtar has a single long corridor running down to the keep divded by several gates. This makes for an effective meat grinder considering the huge size of Dokhtar, (It could place a massive amount of men on the walls and inside the corridor) but once an enemy gets through every gate, the fortress if pretty much taken.
I like the narrow entrance to my Castle....1 way in, and i got the side wall that comes around protecting it from the right side...
That would be the hardest part.....
Ghal'eh Dokhtar looks strong, hard to crack but a escalade could also be an option.....
Siege towers would probably be the safest way to take down Dokhtar, but there is the added danger of the possibility of added defensive seige weapons mounted on the walls; even a single downed tower would result in high casualties.
Thats true, going over the wall seems to make the most sence to me, maybe try an entry and escalade..thinning out the defending force after a long barrage....
I claim the woodlands area. The wutai aria is hard solid rock and bad soil (you can still grow wheat and grain) . The coast is mostly hige clifs and stone beaches. Timber is scears but the island is easy to defend.
My castle. Woodlands Castle
jo third post in a row :S
Raeva you still need to claim a teritory.
Beta Aurigae VII
13-09-2006, 14:44
OOC: I'll take the Mideel Area and I'll post up a castle picture and name this afternooon.
jo third post in a row :S
Raeva you still need to claim a teritory.
I already did; I claimed the Grasslands area.
Ok I'm going to create the IC now. Can everyone please make a fack book? And remember the rules. No more then 5.000.000 population. And BTW forget what I wrote about Wutai. I have decided that you decide the physical characteristic of your own kingdom. But please make them realistic. You cant have hige cliffs to defend your kingdom, huge corn fields to feed your people, magnificent forest to chop lumber for your navy as well as large mines to collect iron and mine stone to your castle. If you had endless supplies this will be to much like games like Age of Empires where you lose your whole army but just laughs and say: "Doesnt matter I only make a new one" :).
get ready to serious kick some past teck ass :D
Blub Empire
13-09-2006, 19:02
OOC: Is it too late to sign up? If not, count me in!
yes. For my part you can. But we only have one island left thou
Blub Empire
13-09-2006, 19:17
That's fine. Which one is it?
Uhh, im not sure... scan through the pages of sign ups and cheak out peoples claims...
Working on a factbook, im also going to post an introduction in the IC thread
Its the one next to wutai
my fact book
Beta Aurigae VII
13-09-2006, 19:57
OOC: Here is my main castle Sacred Guarde
There are other smaller fortresses throughout the island as well.
Cool, it's pretty impressive....
Castle Baird
New Nicksyllvania
13-09-2006, 20:16
I'll take Midgar or Nibel areas, if neither were taken yet.
we have only given away islands and Midgar island have already been claimed by Raeva. You may cheare it if you want. And Nibel have nearly been claimed by Blub Empire but if he don't post soon. I give it to you.
My factbook......
New Nicksyllvania
13-09-2006, 20:49
we have only given away islands and Midgar island have already been claimed by Raeva. You may cheare it if you want. And Nibel have nearly been claimed by Blub Empire but if he don't post soon. I give it to you.
What lands are available?
There are areas but all the islands and the grasslands have been claimed....
New Nicksyllvania
13-09-2006, 21:09
There are areas but all the islands and the grasslands have been claimed....
I'll take any place available then
Cheak out the map on page 1, then pick an area... then see if he says it's cool...
Ok this is my biding :D I love being the creator :D lol
you and Blub Empire splitt the island east of wotai.
But I don't even know if blub want to take a part. If he don't then you can take it all.
and one more thing NO MORE CLAIMS: WE ARE FULL
Cool, we need some IC stuff now :)
we have only given away islands and Midgar island have already been claimed by Raeva. You may cheare it if you want. And Nibel have nearly been claimed by Blub Empire but if he don't post soon. I give it to you.
I only claimed the grasslands part of Midgar. Nicksyllvania can have the rest if he wants.
There is an IC up...
Just making sure everyone knows :)
Who owns the areas to the East of Wutai?
The larger island?
New Nicksyllvania and bleup empire shears it.
Here's my factbook.
cool fact books to both of you. I see that you fokus on cavalary :S maby need to create some spear units :S
Thank you,
I am starting to mobilize an army, training has started and many units are being recruited.
Osteia has longbows, though; those can be pretty deadly if massed. I have a good deal of heavy infintry and crossbows, but crossbows don't exactly have the mass killing effect of longbows.
I have a bit of a navy, too. Better watch out for that.
My navy is not very good, over time i will be focusing on building it up, Osteia is mostly a land based power.
My longbows are usually massed when i enter into battle, basic formation goes like so...
Infantry, cavelry, heavy cavelry, archers, **Commanders**, reserve infantry, cavelry, Artillary peices, Rear guard
That does not mean it's my same order of battle each time, just generaly the order in which my troops fall in.
I tend to go like this:
Light Cavalry and Skermish Cavalry archers-->Cavaliers/Light Cavalry-->Javalin throwers/Light Archers/Assorted Foot Skermishers-->Heavy Infintry and Arbelests, flanked by Malmuk and Sipahis; Foot soldiers are protected by cavalry charges by several ranks of spearmen on all sides-->Mercenary Cavalry-->Seige Engines protected by Arbelests and Spearmen.
If needed, the 6 Divisions of Cavalry will form together to create one massive unit and will swarm the enemy from all sides. Raids, fake retreats, and piracy are not uncommon either.
I have no cavalry only a few scouts stil my army consist of, short bows capible to kill in short distanse. Long bow for lunching death into forward storming enemies. And infantry equiped with poisionus darts witch they blow into the enemy before they draw there machets and there small shilds. Also some spear units. I will focuse on attacing your suplies making your armies starve to death insted of taking them staight on in one large battle.
Beta Aurigae VII
15-09-2006, 02:02
My factbook
cool now you all need to post in the IC thread you will find it her:
Uptated my factbook for precise number of armies.
(Psssst....If all of you vote for me for NS pope, I'll give you all...a hug?)
still some have not posted on the IC thread :(
I will post again tonight,
New Dracora
20-09-2006, 06:29
and one more thing NO MORE CLAIMS: WE ARE FULL
Ravea mentioned he only wished to claim the 'Grasslands Area' of the Midgar Island. If this is the case, I wouldn't mind taking the rest.
However, should this be unacceptable there are always the small island chains to the north - pirate raiders ahoy! ;)
Beta Aurigae VII
21-09-2006, 18:41
OOC: Updated equipment in my factbook.
Beta I need you to alter your post. If you had read my fact book you would know that I only attack non and poor defended villages. This means a village without a wall or if anything a weak wooden palisade. absolutely maximum 400 citizens :). This is only plundering not a war force.
Beta Aurigae VII
21-09-2006, 19:49
Beta I need you to alter your post. If you had read my fact book you would know that I only attack non and poor defended villages. This means a village without a wall or if anything a weak wooden palisade. absolutely maximum 400 citizens :). This is only plundering not a war force.
I did read your factbook, but this line is lifted directly from my factbook,
Due to the abundance of stone, all Aurigean towns are walled off and defended by a series of towers.
What you are attacking is a poorly defended town by Aurigean standards. Besides, if I read your post correctly, you have 500 soldiers ashore. I am fully prepared to let you raid the town and take only a few losses (under 10). There are only 20 guards in the town (all on the wall) and the towers are only manned during assaults where there is enough warning to prepare. It shouldn't be that hard to sneak up on 20 unassuming guards and take them down with 500 men.
However, if you really want me to change the post then I will. Just remember, I don't mind if you kill all of the guards or raid the resources.
Ok then you don't need to edit the post. I was just wondering if you thought that I were attacking a castle or something. :) no worries ;)