NationStates Jolt Archive

Blainesville Embassy Thread

08-09-2006, 04:45
Can we be friends? If you want to be friends, contact the Blainesville Embassy commission to get an address somewhere in sunset city today. Feel free to be creative and submit your own designs!
01-10-2006, 18:32
We need help cleaning up nuclear waste left after a vile atack on our nation.
The World Soviet Party
01-10-2006, 21:13
We need help cleaning up nuclear waste left after a vile atack on our nation.

*Cough* Liar! *Cough*
The Aeson
01-10-2006, 21:19
The Holy Confederacy of New Aeson urges all countries to scorn Blainesville as they have a habit of spreading viscious lies about innocent nations.
Clandonia Prime
01-10-2006, 21:21
Clandonia urges all nations to avoid the slimeless worm of a nation that is Blainsville.
Liberated New Ireland
01-10-2006, 21:23
The Holy Leader of LNI informs the world the Blainesville is, and I quote, "teh ghey".
01-10-2006, 21:27
The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom wishes to express information that we have obtained first hand from the battlefield. Blainesville has illegally killed hundreds, if not thousands of Innocent Civlians in a recent bombing campain on a Refugee camp in Calidonia Prime. It is this type of act that shows that a nation such as Blainesville with a leader who calls for such an attack should not be allowed to exchange embasies with any Civilized Nation in the world today.