NationStates Jolt Archive

TAp-1010102 war (Closed to TAp and enemies, TG to enter) - Page 2

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22-10-2006, 17:20
26-10-2006, 23:39
OOc: I'm bored with this.
In fact, Son of Tarsonis I'm going to attack you. We'll see who's ships are better.

Ic: Many of the ships withdrew from the battle. They Warped away, near the SoT fleet. They opened up with 4,000 Dimensional Cutters to the broadside of the fleet, followed by 8,756 Plasma Torpedos. After firing, the ships jumped, however, a brightly glowing white line, went around to where the jumped. The GAE fleet jumped again and again, the white line trailing after them. After surronding the central part of the ToS fleet with the white strands, the GAE fleet jumped back to it's original spot a energical barrier was set up. It glowed a bright white. A white so bright it blinded anyone who looked at it. However, in the making of the thread, several cruisers and 24 frigates were lost to the ToS counterfire.

OOc: The thread in itself is a byproduct of a process called "Positroning". The positronic brains that my fleet uses are based off real human brains, and in that process, people who are psychically attuned to be able to be Planeswalkers are sometimes join the Positron Guard, and when they do, their Positronic counterpart ends up being able to use this ability. Also, even for those who are able to be Planeswalkers who join the Positron Guard, this ability is a one in a million chance of happening. I only have two ships with this ability. The other one has a crappier version of this attack.

The energy is supplyed from another dimension.

They can use it as a shield, because nothing can get in, but there is only one way to get out. Trying to move through the shield in any way but that way, results in the instant death or uncureable insanity (I'll let you guys decide which happens) of those aboard the ship. It does happen to Positronic brains too, so if you managed to capture a few before the net closed and then send them into the net, the ship will be useless.

Also, there is one way (two actaully,) to destroy the shield. The first is to sacrifice enough souls for the shield to over load, resulting in a really cool explosion. The second you can figure out on your own.

This is an upgraded version of the one I used in the 1010102-Toop war. Ask them if you don't believe me.
27-10-2006, 00:18
OCC: sits there and nods a lot. Yep. you're pretty much screwed.
27-10-2006, 02:33
OCC: *sits there and nods a lot.* Yep. you're pretty much screwed.

Which one of us?
(Bold is mine)
27-10-2006, 02:35
Which one of us?
(Bold is mine)

27-10-2006, 02:40

Yeah, ok. I was wondering "What the heck is he talking about? Me or him?"
You should have said "He" when it was I who had just posted.

They're going to be so pissed at me and call me for GMing. I wouldn't doubt it.
Amazonian Beasts
27-10-2006, 02:42
Nice! XD
28-10-2006, 02:59
Nice! XD

I know. It's my second most powerful weapon, other than one that would destroy several galaxies. I have one other very powerful that I am working on for 1010102.
28-10-2006, 03:06
I know. It's my second most powerful weapon, other than one that would destroy several galaxies. I have one other very powerful that I am working on for 1010102.

OCC: mmmmmmmmm Doomsday devices.

We should move all disscussion of the weapon to our offsite forums.
28-10-2006, 03:26
OCC: mmmmmmmmm Doomsday devices.

We should move all disscussion of the weapon to our offsite forums.

Okey-dokey then.
04-11-2006, 03:13
Ok. I'm skipping this to the front, but if ToS doesn't post within 5 days, he forfeits. I have already sent him a message about it, and I'll send him another one.
The sons of tarsonis
06-11-2006, 00:19
damn i didnt even realise the thread was back on. Now this would be my reaction at the start of your postitroning, it might mess up your idea.


Merdica slammed his fist down smashing the arm of his chair as the Revenge was rocked with fire. Dimensional blades and torpedos smashed into the fleet blasting 13 frigates to pieces. Merdica watched as the STSS Nitari's shields buckle and then its bulkhead take several poundings before the bulkheads collapsed and the Oxygen ignited causing a fire and explosion in the bowels of the ship forcing the ship to expload from the inside. The fire in zero G moved through space like eals through water.

More fire came from the other side of the fleet causing 4 more frigates and one BC to suffer the same fate as the Nitari.

"Sir their jumping around us. We cant get a lock. Weve been firing spreads and have only destroyed 4 ships."

"Activate FTLi Generators. Keep them in realspace."

"Aye sir"

Merdica turned to his suboardinate, Luna Forialus. She was a stout woman standing around 5'5 her silken brown hair pulled back tight in a Tarsonian Warriars braid. Her Trench coat that marked her as a mornarian was buckled up to the neck. She hated showing any flesh. She was next in line to take over the FLeet.


"Yes Admiral...."

Another blast rocked the Ship "What should be our plan of action."

"Using my psyonic abilities i may possibly be able to tell where the SHips will enter realspace when the Generators become active. A ship cant hold its shields up as it enters realspace, if we target that spot, theyll get smashed hard and not be able to react."

"Sir generators will be active in 30 seconds."

Merdica nodded. It was a risky plan but it could work. Out here they were sitting ducks, if they could force the enemy to fight fairly then they stood a chance. Suddenly he had an idea. He walked over to the weapons console and pulled a key, hanging on a bright silver chain around his neck, from inside his uniform. He ripped the key from his neck and jammed it into the consul and turned it 2 clicks to the right.

Saxons blared on all ships. "Warning Command overide. All weapons on ships in effect radius now under control of the Flag ship STSS REVENGE."

Merdica turned to his suboradinate. "Take control of the weapons platforms."

Hesitantly Luna approached the Console. She stretched out a trembling hand and grasped the joystick used for targeting. She closed her eyes reaching out with her senses, feeling the other ships, the positronic minds. Reading where they were going. She turned the guns this way and that trying to get a lock.

"Sir generators active NOW"

She kept searching and felt the ships enter realspace. She turned teh Stick and Pulled the trigger. THe fleets guns and torpedo tubes opened fire, launching a salvo of 16000 photon torpedos, and 9300 laser blasts, right where the unsuspecting ships were ripped prematuraly back into realspace.
The sons of tarsonis
06-11-2006, 00:37
OH btw grunts id like to point out, even if i did forfeit, you wouldnt get jack of mine, for 2 reasons, 1, Were not even in my space. 2. I dont have to give you anything if i dont want to.
06-11-2006, 01:37
OOc:Huh. I thought we were at your planet. Oh well. This'll have to do.
Also, my shields do hold when I enter "realspace". I'm not going into Slipspace. I'm going into a artificially created dimension made for easy travel for battle.
And here's my.
Ic: When they stopped, and the salvo hit, the SoT commander forgot to take something into account. The ships have two sets of shields.

The first is the standard phased-poleran shield. The second comes from the Warpcrystal armor. (OOc:That's what I'm calling it now. The other thing is way to long.) The crystal naturally radiates a series of densely packed energy particles that fire off and act as a shield before dissapating. While normally this would be dangerous to the human body, as the Positronic brains are made of synthetic material crafted to resist the particles.

The impact though, still caught many ships unaware, and almost 70 were blasted into particles, while many more were injured. Those that were injured and could move, hwoever, fired their up their engines and went straight into the SoT ships. They overloaded their power supply and created huge holes into the dimension that supplyed the GAE energy came from. Raw energy tumbled out crushing ships from both sides. GAE ships moved quickly to repair the holes, taking fire from the SoT fleet. One of the ships sent a message to the commander of the SoT forces.

If you'll have the good sense to stop attacking our ships, we can repair these holes and get back with our fighting. If you don't want your entire fleet destroyed from the energy, you'll move away quickly.
The sons of tarsonis
06-11-2006, 02:34
Merdica yelled in triuph as the enemy fleet took a heavy pounding. Though they had been wrong about the shields being innactive the salvo was still effective and the fleets jumping abilities were scrapped. Then something he hadnt expected happened.

Damage ships charged teh Tarsonian Fleet. Though never made it. Theyre bulkheads collapsed, crushed by an outpour of energy. Recognizing the danger he lept into action. "Send coms tell the fleet to back off. One of those energy hits and were toast."

"aye sir"

The fleet fired their bow thrusters pushing them back from the battle. 2 frigates werent fast enough and were atomized.

"sir message from enemy fleet they want us to hold fire as they fix the energy surges."

Merdica turned this thought over in his mind. "Back off and regroup, as soon as the energy surges are gone. Attak again."

"Aye sir"

The fleet pulled back out of attack range.
06-11-2006, 05:36
The GAE ships quickly repaired the holes. They turned. The started to fire. Not at the SoT ships though. They focused their Dimensional Cutters on a single point in space. A new rift began to open. But this time, it was controlled. A huge stream of Slipenergy (the kind that is in Slipspace) fired out of the hole toward the SoT fleet. It bashed it's way through ships to slow to get out of the way. It kept going in a straight line until a few seconds passed.

The stream of Slipenergy ended, and all of the GAE ships fired up their engines and blasted off toward the SoT fleet. They fired plasma torpedos, MAC rounds, and graviton cannons.

One last smaller rift opened, to let out a corvette. But not just any corvette. A Planeswalker Corvette. The corvette was an extension of the Planeswalker's mind, allowing the Planeswalker to fight in space. It fired beams of energy, hundreds of them, red and black, from guns dotting the ship. Each beam crashed into a SoT ship, sucking the energy out of the shield, gathering more and more, and transferring it to the other GAE ships. A voice echoed through the minds of the SoT fleet.

FOOLS! You think you, can defeat us? We are the Planeswalkers. You can never defeat us! the voice dripped with hate, with venom, and with terror. Just hearing the Voice of Terror has driven men insane. But, at these distences, it would only cause an enourmous terror to drive through all of their minds.
The sons of tarsonis
07-11-2006, 00:34
Terror swept over that Tarsonis Forces. Tarsonian Royal Marines, men who have been in the jaws of death and escaped unscathed, trembled in their exosuits. Crew members cowered from the voices in their heads. They were trained enough to not abandon their post, but their eyes were white with fear. Only Merdica and Luna seemed unphased.

"S..s.s.s SIR!"

Calmly Merdica turned to the corpral. "yes?"

"our shields are dropping sir."

Merdica started, how could the shields be dropping. "What?"

"That ships and its....tendrils....are taking our shield energy and transfer it to its own ships."

The ship was rocked hard by impact. The lights went out and pipe lines ruptured pouring smoke into the room. "Shields at 30 percent sir" Merdica watched through the glass as ships with out protection withstood a considerable number of hits before the bulkheads collapsed and the oxygen ignited destroying the ships in a gigantic fire ball. Merdica shook his head, his men were dieing, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. With no protection the enemy obviously had the upper hand. They had to surrender.

"Gentlemen, its been an honor serving with you, but we cant win this fight." Some of the crew knew what he was saying and broke out into sobs. "We must surrender, a comms to the lead craft of the other fleet. And give them our terms."

The comms officer nodded tears silently pouring down his cheek. "aye sir" they knew what it meant. Any admiral who surrendered, was given an honorable discharge. THough saving the lives of his men, he would be considered not up to the task of commanding a fleet successfully. They had come to love and respect Merdica. Time and Time again it was his guile and creativeness that had allowed them to go into impossible odds and come out victorious.

The comms officer typed up the message and moved his hand to send the message. he was about to press it when


Merdica turned to Luna who was seated at the Science console. "Yes Captain?"

"Come look at this."

Merdica quickly walked over to the console and bent down to view the screen. "I've monitered the flow of energy. They flow is created by the output of our energy shield matrix. Basically how normally the energy would be recycled passing back into the ship, the energy is passed into that ship and directly into the other ships."

Merdica nodded his understandment, "and so how does this help us."

"Its a risky plan sir, but if we rerout energy from the Weapons and propulsion systems into the shield matrix and put output up to maximum. It would increase the energy out put 6000 fold, that much energy should effectivly cause the other ships to overload. Their weapon could be their downfall."

"but if we pour that much energy won't our reactors explode?"

"no sir cause the shiel matrix is not cycling energy back in like normal. Its being cycled out. With no energy input the reactor can't overload."

"And what if they use that ship to stop the flow."

"then that ship will be destroyed and will interupt their shield layers. itll be tight but will give us a chance to strike before their shields are independent again."

"But well have no weapons. all energy would be sent to this."

"Mass drivers, rail guns and Torpedos will still be operational at 50% capacity. However propulsion will be down to 25%"

Merdica stood up and scratched his beard. This plan was crazy,..... so crazy it might just work. "Spread the word to the other ships. This plan is our only shot."

The call went out. Ships ground to a halt as energy was diverted to the shields. Laser cannons fire detensified until they died their barrels cooling inthe Frozen depths of Space. Rail guns and torpedos fired ceased. Some one watching would think the ships were preparing to surrender. But then the shields around the ships grew to a bright blue, that seared the irisis to look at. Suddenly the energy lashed out moving down what looked like invisible tendrils that connected the Tarsonian ships to the Plansewalker corvette and then down similar tendrils to the GAE fleet.
07-11-2006, 03:07
Terror swept over that Tarsonis Forces. Tarsonian Royal Marines, men who have been in the jaws of death and escaped unscathed, trembled in their exosuits. Crew members cowered from the voices in their heads. They were trained enough to not abandon their post, but their eyes were white with fear. Only Merdica and Luna seemed unphased.

"S..s.s.s SIR!"

Calmly Merdica turned to the corpral. "yes?"

"our shields are dropping sir."

Merdica started, how could the shields be dropping. "What?"

"That ships and its....tendrils....are taking our shield energy and transfer it to its own ships."

The ship was rocked hard by impact. The lights went out and pipe lines ruptured pouring smoke into the room. "Shields at 30 percent sir" Merdica watched through the glass as ships with out protection withstood a considerable number of hits before the bulkheads collapsed and the oxygen ignited destroying the ships in a gigantic fire ball. Merdica shook his head, his men were dieing, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. With no protection the enemy obviously had the upper hand. They had to surrender.

"Gentlemen, its been an honor serving with you, but we cant win this fight." Some of the crew knew what he was saying and broke out into sobs. "We must surrender, a comms to the lead craft of the other fleet. And give them our terms."

The comms officer nodded tears silently pouring down his cheek. "aye sir" they knew what it meant. Any admiral who surrendered, was given an honorable discharge. THough saving the lives of his men, he would be considered not up to the task of commanding a fleet successfully. They had come to love and respect Merdica. Time and Time again it was his guile and creativeness that had allowed them to go into impossible odds and come out victorious.

The comms officer typed up the message and moved his hand to send the message. he was about to press it when


Merdica turned to Luna who was seated at the Science console. "Yes Captain?"

"Come look at this."

Merdica quickly walked over to the console and bent down to view the screen. "I've monitered the flow of energy. They flow is created by the output of our energy shield matrix. Basically how normally the energy would be recycled passing back into the ship, the energy is passed into that ship and directly into the other ships."

Merdica nodded his understandment, "and so how does this help us."

"Its a risky plan sir, but if we rerout energy from the Weapons and propulsion systems into the shield matrix and put output up to maximum. It would increase the energy out put 6000 fold, that much energy should effectivly cause the other ships to overload. Their weapon could be their downfall."

"but if we pour that much energy won't our reactors explode?"

"no sir cause the shiel matrix is not cycling energy back in like normal. Its being cycled out. With no energy input the reactor can't overload."

"And what if they use that ship to stop the flow."

"then that ship will be destroyed and will interupt their shield layers. itll be tight but will give us a chance to strike before their shields are independent again."

"But well have no weapons. all energy would be sent to this."

"Mass drivers, rail guns and Torpedos will still be operational at 50% capacity. However propulsion will be down to 25%"

Merdica stood up and scratched his beard. This plan was crazy,..... so crazy it might just work. "Spread the word to the other ships. This plan is our only shot."

The call went out. Ships ground to a halt as energy was diverted to the shields. Laser cannons fire detensified until they died their barrels cooling inthe Frozen depths of Space. Rail guns and torpedos fired ceased. Some one watching would think the ships were preparing to surrender. But then the shields around the ships grew to a bright blue, that seared the irisis to look at. Suddenly the energy lashed out moving down what looked like invisible tendrils that connected the Tarsonian ships to the Plansewalker corvet and then down similar tendrils to the GAE fleet.

OOc: Nice. But you forgot one thing. The ship is an extension of the Planeswalkers mind. Planeswalkers use energy like this to channel spells. So, you are basically giving him a bitchload of energy with which he can channel ever more powerful spells. See, Planeswalkers are spellcasters from the trading card game Magic: The Gathering. But, since I'm so nice, I'm not gonna do this. We can reroute energy from shields to weapons too, just like you can reroute from weapons to shields.

Ic: As the energy passed through the energy eaters, the energy eaters gobbled it up. All of it. The energy, in turn was directed into multiple places now. The first place was into the GAE shields.

The second directly channeled the energy directly into the GAE weapons, making them more powerful. The GAE ships redoubled their attack with a new fury. Dimensional Cutters borrowed deeper into the dimensional fabric, releasing more and more destructive energy. Plasma torpedos sped along faster, and were larger. MAC shells fired faster, with more power. And graviton cannnons gained more gravity, with which the shields started to crack under the enourmous gravitational pressure.

The last place it was directed was back at the SoT ships, this time in the form of violent, destructive energy, which drilled into th shields. If it got through, it would slice right through any matter, cutting the ship in half.
The sons of tarsonis
07-11-2006, 03:54
OOC: except your ships are feeding directly into the ship, a sudden spike in the energy influx, like the one i just sent, you wouldnt have time to rerout energy, your reactors would overload before you had a chance to respond. and because your feeding energy from the ships directly into your shield generators, switching the power would require you to send energy through your shield matrix into the weapons, which would still cause an overload and your shield matrix to implode in on itself.

oh and i know what a planes walker is, and Jeska and Korhne have no where near the power your talking about, and Korhne is the original planes walker...if i remember correctly
08-11-2006, 01:59
OOC: except your ships are feeding directly into the ship, a sudden spike in the energy influx, like the one i just sent, you wouldnt have time to rerout energy, your reactors would overload before you had a chance to respond. and because your feeding energy from the ships directly into your shield generators, switching the power would require you to send energy through your shield matrix into the weapons, which would still cause an overload and your shield matrix to implode in on itself.

oh and i know what a planes walker is, and Jeska and Korhne have no where near the power your talking about, and Korhne is the original planes walker...if i remember correctly

OOc: I'm having diffifulty explaining it to you. Okay, for a normal human maybe. But, if you know what a Planeswalker is, you know they aren't normal. They are essentially gods. They're minds move much faster then ours.

Also consider that I use computerish type things to control my ship, and they have a reaction time of about .00000001 seconds. Some are faster, some are slower. Now, they can easily reroute power. As anyone ever blown on the back of your neck? That really annoying way? What your doing, is something like that. But, at least I can, most people feel the very tip of the unrushing air, and move away in time to avoid the most of it.

Also, the Planeswalker would actually feel the influx of energy into the energy eaters. Also, you keep forgetting the secondary shields. Since the energy isn't being channeled into those, they would still be there, and your weapon would be ineffective, and I would slaughter your fleet. So, either way, I slaughter your fleet. The first way, if my shields did collapse, I would lose more ships than I would otherwise.

By the way, the Planeswalkers I use get power from the soul of the dead, instead of from mana, and the souls are a much more powerful source.

So I'll wait for your response.
The sons of tarsonis
08-11-2006, 02:14
so basically ive been out wanked...nice. i really cant compete with your tech, so in stead of bitching im gonna go out gloriously.

The tarsonian ships took a pounding. Ships with out shields were blasted apart.

Merdica sighed. "Get us out of here, convert all power to engines get us out."

The fleet made a break for the Jump point. The Ships were being blasted apart as the GAE Fleet persued.

Merdica slammed his fist down. "Come about, convert auxilery power to weapons. Lets bring the fight to these bastards."

The revenge swung around. It charged the GAE fleet rail guns and torpedos flying faster than ever. Its heavy armor with stood hit after hit. It pierced the lines of the GAE fleet and fired its side torpedos.

The other ships reached the jump point and entered hyperspace. As this happened, the reactor of the Revenge went supernova, causing an enormous explosion.
08-11-2006, 03:46
so basically ive been out wanked...nice. i really cant compete with your tech, so in stead of bitching im gonna go out gloriously.

Yeah, I know. I use impeccable logic. My ships are just too awesome.

The tarsonian ships took a pounding. Ships with out shields were blasted apart.

Merdica sighed. "Get us out of here, convert all power to engines get us out."

The fleet made a break for the Jump point. The Ships were being blasted apart as the GAE Fleet persued.

Merdica slammed his fist down. "Come about, convert auxilery power to weapons. Lets bring the fight to these bastards."

The revenge swung around. It charged the GAE fleet rail guns and torpedos flying faster than ever. Its heavy armor with stood hit after hit. It pierced the lines of the GAE fleet and fired its side torpedos.

The other ships reached the jump point and entered hyperspace. As this happened, the reactor of the Revenge went supernova, causing an enormous explosion.
Ic: This was in vain however. The vastly superior reaction times of the Positronic ships had already pinpointed the place where the ships had jumped, and powered up engines quickly, and jumped into Warpspace. Those ships which had been wounded and couldn't power up as quickly, which included a BattleStation, 5 Dreadnaughts, and 13 Frigates, were obliterated.
OOc: My powering systems for Warpspace are vastly superior to many systems which require much more power.
Ic: Time moves faster in Warpspace then it does in RealSpace, so when the SoT location was determined by RealSpace moniters, The GAE fleet dropped out of WarpSpace and immediately began another barrage against the SoT fleet.
They fired Dimensional Cutters again and again at the SoT fleet. Plasma Torpedos rushed through the void of space, tracking the SoT ships. MAC rounds poured again and again into the backs and broadsides of ships. Graviton cannonballs smashed into SoT ship hulls, bending them inwards, crushing ships with enourmous gravitational power.
OOc: If this seems too wanky, ignore it and tell me, I'll delete it.
The sons of tarsonis
08-11-2006, 06:02
it shouldnt be cause its logically sound. But im gonna pull wahts being done to me in UII right now and cry wank, because i dont like it. my ships have already conceeded your superiorness, though which is like....wankish in many rpers minds cause its damn near unbeatable, you dont need keep going and destroy the whole fleet.

People are telling me i cant have psyonics cause its to wankish. when really when you play SC ghosts have the power to, with out the neural in hibiters of course. so i have humans weilding psyonic powers, but oh they cry wank because their psychic abilites that go along with be a psyonic, actually allowed me to breach their shields and bored and capture a small fleet. even though ive explained in detail it works, its basically decended into......even so its a wank because we say so. and the current mod even admits to being biased against me.

NOt that you needed to hear this i just need to tell SOMEONE who wasnt in UII.
09-11-2006, 02:12
Yeah, I guess so.

The mod is biased against you? Take it up with the admin. Make sure you have evidence first though.

Hey, what's the difference between "psionic" and "psychic".
09-11-2006, 02:22
Yeah, I guess so.

The mod is biased against you? Take it up with the admin. Make sure you have evidence first though.

Hey, what's the difference between "psionic" and "psychic".
OOC: Technically, there's no difference between psionic and psychic. Take your pick of names.
09-11-2006, 02:42
The sons of tarsonis
09-11-2006, 04:18
actually theres a big difference.

You play Starcraft, right GAE? The Protoss, utilize psyonic energy, in everything, Psyblades of zealots, Psyonic storm of hightemplars, psyonic blast of the Archons etc. Its basically the ability to Channel your Emotions, or most importantly, your rage. into pure energy. Protoss are psyonics, but they cant read your mind like a Psychic could.

Now we take Kerrigan and the other Ghosts. They are psychics, they can read others minds and infiltrate your minds for information etc, and if your weakminded, potentially take over your body. Now, however, Ghosts are hindered from utilizing their ability to control psyonic energy, because of they neural inhibiters placed in their minds by the Terran Confederacy. This is why Kerrigan, once becoming the Zerg queen, could utilize her Psyconic abilities and create psyoncic storms in the game. Because in the Original SC not Brood war, you command Kerrigan in one level as she infiltrates a Confederate instilation and retrieves data disks to learn about the neural inhibiters. she learns how to deactivate them. and then next level, you can use psyonic storms with Kerrigan.

My mornarians are Psychics, but i dont place neural inhibiters, im smarter, i take them from birth and effectively brainwash them to have undying loyalty to the Kingdom of Tarsonis. Its considered an honor to give your children to the Mornarian Project. But anyway, they have no neural inhibiters, so the ability to harness Psyonic abilities are open to them. Infact they are taught to them. Maximising their potential making them an incredible fighting force.

However non Psychics cannot use Psyonic abilities because they lack the mind power to control such things.

oh and id love to take the moderator up with admin, but the two of them are all buddy buddy, HT wont listen to me

NOTE: this isnt occuring on NS, its on UII forums.
11-11-2006, 07:16
What is UII?