A New Continent! (Open OOC MT/PMT)
04-09-2006, 17:29
The Continent of Aurellia
Aurellia is a new continent that anyone can be a part of. Here's how it works:
Copy and paste the most recent version of the map of Aurellia into any graphics editor. It doesn't need to be a good one like Photoshop, it can be MS Paint.
Choose a color and draw in your nation anywhere on the map that is not already taken.
Make a border around your nation. Blue borders represent where your nation is adjacent to sea or ocean. Black borders represent a land border with another nation (Here is an example (http://img307.imageshack.us/img307/781/aurelliaep2.png)). You do not necessarily have to draw your country bordering another country. You can be an island or landlocked if you want. After you have drawn it in, label your country. I would like for the map to remain as a PNG file.
Upload the new map somewhere (imageshack (http://www.imageshack.us/) is a good site for this) and post it in this thread or send it to me via telegram. I will update this post with the newest version of the map as soon as I can.
***Current Map of Aurellia (modified 9/10/06) (http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/2524/aurelliabn7go7.png)***
This continent is only for MT and PMT nations. Once this gets going, I will post a list of nations that are on the continent of Aurellia. This thread is open for questions and suggestions.
Countries with land in Aurellia
Caseus Vatisicus
Old Atlantia
Raven Corps
05-09-2006, 00:53
Is anyone interested in this? Just for clarification, if you add yourself to this continent, it doesn't mean you only have to interact with members of this continent. It's just meant to be a map so that we can have better knowledge of where our countries are and who our neighbors are. If there are any questions or misunderstandings please tell me.
I might be interested. I have to find a neighbor, after all. My map has me occupying a rather large penninsula, so SOMEBODY has to be to the south of me... Will consider editing myself in once I get access to a decent graphics program (and I don't consider Paint one). Especially as I actually have FireWorks available...
06-09-2006, 02:24
I might be interested. I have to find a neighbor, after all. My map has me occupying a rather large penninsula, so SOMEBODY has to be to the south of me... Will consider editing myself in once I get access to a decent graphics program (and I don't consider Paint one). Especially as I actually have FireWorks available...
Thanks for the interest.
Is anyone else interested? If I am unclear about something and that is why you don't want to be a part of it, tell me and I will try to clear it up.
Old Atlantia
06-09-2006, 02:47
Im interested, but my MS paint wont work.... If you are willing to draw in my country, "Old Atlantia" than go to it. All I ask is that it be an island just off the coast with a large enclosed bay... it could be roughly half of Cotenshire. You dont have to draw it in, but if you're willing Id appreaciate it.
Likewise, I wouldn't mind moving Cruxium onto this rather than having it as an island nation. I'll sleep on it and get back to you in the morning.
06-09-2006, 03:22
Alright, Old Atlantia, I've added you to the map. I hope it looks like what you were thinking of, but if not tell me and I'll change it. Thanks for the interest and hopefully some more people can join!
Old Atlantia
06-09-2006, 03:37
Looks great... and now that we're neighbors- is your nation PMT? and if so would you consider yourself 'good guys'? and finally, if yes to all of the above... are you interested in a little war?
Dammit, you had to go and make a new version... Will patch Otagia into the new one and then I'll be good. Note that the outline slightly... wrong, as there's no way I can exactly duplicate my current map's coastline. Still, it's basically correct, so it'll work...
Right, here we go.
Is that acceptable? Feel free to change it however you want.
Is this alright by everyone?
Raven corps
06-09-2006, 17:01
I like this
Do you intend to make a new region for this? It would seem appropriate.
Added myself to the map. I'd join an 'Aurellia' region.
06-09-2006, 20:48
Asgarnieu wishes to create a small land colony, if that is O.K. with you fine folks.
07-09-2006, 02:30
Alright this is going great! The map has been updated. Asgarnieu, feel free to add your country at any time. No one really needs to ask me before the take the map and edit it. I would like, for clarity, for everyone to outline where their land borders sea or ocean in blue, so that we do not get those mixed up in with the land boundaries. Also, I would like to keep the map as a PNG image. Let's keep this up!
Edit: I've created an Aurellia region if anyone wants to join.
08-09-2006, 00:36
Erm, we just want to add some land and make an overseas colony out of it. Is that O.K.? It can be neutral ground.
Here's what it would look like:
08-09-2006, 02:12
I've updated the map. Is anyone else interested in becoming part of Aurellia?
08-09-2006, 02:42
I wouldn't mind having a colony here, but it would not be my mainland. Is that okay? If so, I'll get to work on adding my colony.
Likewise, if I could have a spot as a colony or territory rather than my mainland I'd definitely join up.
08-09-2006, 02:48
Zukariaa;11652774']I wouldn't mind having a colony here, but it would not be my mainland. Is that okay? If so, I'll get to work on adding my colony.
Yes, that would be great.
Edit: Zuk, make your version of the map first, then post it or give it to maraque, so we don't run the risk of the two of you having overlapping places on the map.
08-09-2006, 03:19
Is that good? I went and added cities, roads, and stuff.
You bastard... Making it look prettier than the rest of ours... I'll get you for this! ;)
In all seriousness, I might go back later and edit in cities and roads on mine. Might.
08-09-2006, 03:24
Who wants to connect highways? :D
08-09-2006, 03:29
Yes, if there are no objections from anyone else, you can have your roads and cities on there too. The problem now is that there is no more land left, since there is only coastline. If someone, preferably on the north or east where there are no islands, wants to give up some of their coastline to form a border where other nations may join the continent, then remodify the map and take out the blue borders. Also, Zukariaa, when I next update the map, I'm going to change your southern black border to a blue one so that it matches the other coastlines.
Edit: maybe we can make another version later where everyone that wants to can put roads and cities on the map.
OK, I edited it.
08-09-2006, 03:49
Alright, here's the new map:
I've combined Maraque and Zukariaa's versions, and I've edited my part of the continent by moving some islands around and allowing for someone else to add themselves to the continent and have a land border with me on my southwest border. If anyone else wants to erase part of their sea border to allow for the land border, that will be encouraged since we want as many people that want everyone that wants land borders to have them.
Ah hell, I just realised I made a mistake with my map. My sealine should extend a bit further. Going to edit real quick...
Anyone can border me, just make the border black when you do. But I would like some sort of shore line. Thanks.
Right. Fixed it:
EDIT: And I forgot to label it. Cotenshire, any chance you could put my country name on it? I don't have access to FireWorks for another day or so...
09-09-2006, 01:19
You guys can run as many highways through the Asgarnian Colony as you want. Thanks.
09-09-2006, 01:34
I would like to join but I'm not sure how to add my country to your map. I have a mapping program called Campaign Cartographer 3. But I haven't figured out how to put my maps on the internet yet.
Raven corps
09-09-2006, 01:52
Well you could generate the map then do a screen print. And have the screen copied and paste it to a graphics editor and save it then upload it to a file host....
And if you want you and I can have a diplomatic chat if you dont mind Koramerica
09-09-2006, 01:53
Hey, I am thinking I will add my nation to the map. And the best part of it is that my nation is completely landlocked so it will give others a place to go.
Hey this seems like a cool thing for me to do. However my nations current map doesnt really fit into this. No one has problems with me having an overseas colony-ish thing?
It's mainly a mining op for oil, uranium (however in rare amounts), and other dense minerals/metals. There'll be a single main military base and maybe a medium settlement/town/city/monkey/thing.
09-09-2006, 02:08
Here be my updated map. I had to add some room on the bottom so that people could build around me.
To reiterate, my nation is completely landlocked... no ocean, sea, river, or any type of water. So I need people to surround me...
http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/46bc16cc1f.png (http://www.uploadfile.info)
The Candrian Empire
09-09-2006, 02:19
I'll add a colony.
yeyeah. i'll make the country in a sec.
Oh no!!I was jsut about to post my parcel of land and omni sense and rosaile are smack right where it would be! Um, is it ok if I show it to you all first? Im not sure if I should move it or if you two wouldn't mind to move yours for me? cuz if I do move mine I'll have to change the island completely cuz it was meant to be a southern tropic archeapeligo. anyways this is what it would've looked like:
The Candrian Empire
09-09-2006, 02:40
seeing as it's all islands, you can prolly move it north of Maraque without too many problems.
I'll move it for you, where would you like it?
09-09-2006, 02:57
I tg a map based off the 1st page map.It's on top,so I wouldn't be disturbing any new additions here.
Sorry my internet connection F-ed up so I couldnt finish the rest of my post. See the island was made just so that it could be a tropic in the south close to several other large nations.
The squares are all mining and drilling sites. The circle by the bay is the port city of Kadesh. all the sites on the main land and 2nd largest island are connected by dirt roads. The sites in the middle of the mainland are connected by wavvy roads because the are there is very moutnainous. The sites on the other islands however are in contact with Port Kadesh via ships and ships constantly ferry people, material, and supplies between the waterways. All of the valuable material is sent to port Kadesh where then it is sent to Port Kanti (the largest naval port in Groznyj and largest city, home to 118 million people, buts its on the mainland of Groznyj not on the map) where then it is used by the country or sent to be traded foreignly. Currently there is debate wether Kadesh should send freight directly to trading nations to increase profits and reduce time, however this would call for a massive overhaul in customs and beaurocracy so that no illegal freight would enter/leave and that Groznyj wouldn't be accidently swindled out of a profit.
Any way that was the little story I made up the the islands. See I wouldn't ask the two other guys to move normally, but I mean it seems that their lands , one being a simple addition to other land mass the other a circle, wouldn't be too much of a hassle to move somewhere else. Mine though I would have to redraw the whole thing to make it fit the landscape more suitably.
If you can't it's ok, but I just wanted to know. Our posts were barely minutes apart..damn lol.
edit: I tg a map based off the 1st page map.It's on top,so I wouldn't be disturbing any new additions here.
Wait, isn't everyone else just posting their additions in the topic here? You mean to say that everything I see up their is null?? I'm a little confused..
editedit: ok w/e I trust you usea lol, tg time..
09-09-2006, 03:16
@TCE: Umm... that really didn't help. I need people surrounding my nation as it is landlocked (stated for the 3rd time), and you just placed your colonies so that nobody will be able to put their nations around mine....
edit: And you shrunk the map...
Hey, I'm just curious about why peoples colonies are so enormous. Asgarnieu as a minor colony, but currently Maraque and Zukariaa and Raven Corps all have colonies that are around the size of my country and bigger than Cotenshire.
I don't mind so much, per se, but it just seems a trifle odd. How did you come about these enormous countries? How practical is it to maintain? Were they independant countries prior to your arrival? I'd like to know IC who my neighbours are etc.
Well in my case, the island is actually almsot totally natural and untouched. IT's basically a mining colony and a trading outpost, however it is growing in population. 91% of the archeapelego is as of yet unexplored and is totally wild. Everything is connected to the main port (the only true bascheon (sp?) of civilization) vie dirt roads or by boat. I'm still waiting for word from the others concerning the placement of my colony though...
But as for the others, lol I cannot say anything.
Btw.. what is the scale of the map? It seems big, significantly large, but, idk, I think it may be a better idea deciding scale after the present confusion is cleared up.
I think you meant bastion. By the way, I cannot see who you are meant to control, or your placement on any maps.
At any rate, yes a scale would be good, considering Cruxium is meant to be roughly half the size of Russia (specifically 8.25m sq km).
considering Cruxium is meant to be roughly half the size of Russia.
Holy cow, that makes me reconsider the size I orignally made for my islands. Welp I'm still waiting for the final verdict, shall I have a colony in the southern waterway, no doubt an important trad route, or somewhere else like the north.
Anyhow Cruxium if you check out the links I posted you'll see what lands I control (supposedly). Since this is an ooc thread I guess I'll throw some ideas out there. I did a remake of my island to make it larger but as of now Im not sure. I also included a little thing at the top, I dont mea to have them both these are just Ideas at placement.
Criticise and Praise to your hearts content! ;)
Like I said, I suppose nothins final except what's posted by Cotenshire, so Im just throwing shti out their. Enjoy!
Ah, Omni-sense and Rosaile built over your one, you know.
Of course I don't know how large Cotenshire was meant to be. It might be that I need to increase the land mass of Cruxium severely.
09-09-2006, 16:34
Okay, I couldn't post yesterday because I was too busy. Let's try and clear things up. I'm sorry for those of you who spent a long time working on your maps, but we will have to rewind a little bit because of some territory overlapping. Here is the version I think we should start with:
Groznyj: I have temporarily moved your islands to the north. Sorry, but since this is a first come first serve project, I have to give claims in the area where you originally had your islands to Omni-Sense and the Candrian Empire. You can edit this map, however, and move your islands somewhere else or redraw them or replace them or whatever.
Usea-Jason: Since your additions conflicted with the border modifications made by Otagia, I had to remove it. Sorry, I know the front page was a little misleading since it said for you to modify an older version of the map. I've editted it to remove that phrase now. You can redraw your map if you want.
The Candrian Empire: I had to remove your additions to the map because you made the map smaller and your island made the borders of Omni-Sense rather awkward, since it is supposed to be landlocked. Redraw your map if you want, but keep the map the same size and if you are going to add yourself that close to Omni-Sense, draw a land border with them.
A few things I am noticing: It has been discussed that the colonies are rather large. That is okay for now, but I would like for future colonies to not be as massive. As far as the scale of the map is concerned, that is completely up to all of you. Since I am still forming the general concept of my nation, I can be very flexible in how large or small my nation is. Also, only resize the map if you need to make it bigger to fit your country in. Do not make it smaller.
I hope I addressed everything in this post. If you have any issues, this is supposed to be everyone's continent, not mine, so bring them up for discussion.
09-09-2006, 17:46
Sorry,I didn't know.Yet I would like to ask to reserve the land border(or at least part of) with Cotenshire.I'll tg the map.
The Candrian Empire
09-09-2006, 18:04
photobucket has a nasty little habit of automatic resizing. i'll change it up, then.
omni-sense, are you alright with your borders not being so... round?
Yeah photobucket isnt friendly to the large PNG files we are using. BTw I updated the map: (the following was my post but... my connection didnt feel like connecting for a while)
"Hokey dokey, I moved my archeapelago to the north and redid the whole thing. Maraque, you don't mind it if I make my islands look like they broke off from your large Island do you? I wanted it to fir in with the rest of the continent geographically.
Cotenshire and all interested:
Btw, Raven I hope my islands are far enough from your land that they won't cause a problem."
linky: http://img414.imageshack.us/img414/9692/aurelliaow9.png
09-09-2006, 18:57
Thanks, Groznyj. I had to make some slight modifications to your image, since it was 800x600 instead of 1000x750, but I think it still looks alright. If you want to change it some more go ahead. This is now the map you should copy if you want to make changes (and if you are already working on your map when I have posted this, don't worry, I can combine the two maps as long as the countries are not overlapping):
I don't mind. It looks cool like that anyway. :)
10-09-2006, 18:14
My new map.I hope its ok.
Is it me or is the map shrinking?
10-09-2006, 19:41
Alright, I've had to adjust the map slightly because it was too small, but the adjustments are not very noticeable:
If you use photobucket or some other uploader and it resizes your images, use something else. My personal recommendation is imageshack (http://www.imageshack.us/). The correct photo size as of right now is 1000x750. You can make the map slightly bigger if you want to fit your country in to some space that is near the edge of the map, but do not make it smaller.
Caseus Vatisicus
10-09-2006, 20:44
Arrival of Caseus Vatisicus! Or, actually, Capital Peninsula.
10-09-2006, 21:39
Thanks! I have updated the map on the front page. If you want to make the map a little larger to add in your entire country, you may.
Hey this is looking cool, I wonder when we are going to finalize the continent though. Can't wait to start rping the rise of my tiny mining colony into an overseas province* and major trading port (if that is, trade routes go through my archeapelago lol) and all the stuff in between. Yes... the islands have lots...lots...LOTS of oil. As I will find out Icly as time goes by. It will become the main oil supply for Groznyj and thus become extremely important icly. Also.. if anybody wants to, feel totally free to add islands near or around mine. I think it would be cool if I owned a part of an archeapelago and someone/s else owned another half or somethin.
*Provinces are similar in Groznyj to the idea of provinces and states in real life. However in ICly in my nation a province is a major geographic/ populated official governed area. Krissyria (Caucasus mtn area) and Andoria (Annatolian penninsula [Turkey] and northern Iran n Iraq) are the Republic's two current provinces. Judging from how large the scale may be... I think the Aurellian Archeapelago may be large enough for province statues once the pop gets their. (YAY a solution to overcrowding!!!)
EDIT: Im here again throwin out ideas. I copied a geographical map I found online and edited it to make a map of my country. Now, using the original scale of the pain editors, I threw in my entire nation cut out the water and put it onto the original map (some resizing the image was needed to fit)
As you can see Groznyj is almost the same in landmass to Aruellia. I just threw this out there to give you a sense of scale if and when we all agree upon one.
11-09-2006, 22:45
Groznyj,I f you add a few islands,I'll sertanlly occupy them(in otherwords,can you put a few islands in Usean name near your colony.)
12-09-2006, 01:51
Groznyj, the problem with that image is that it is way too small. If you can't fit the pasted map on there, then make the copied image larger or try and draw it in yourself, but I can't have the map that small. The height dimension, if you did not need to change it, should be 750 pixels.
Cotenshire, which map are you talking about? The one where I put a map of my nation on was just to show people a sense of scale if we decide on one. Its just for show. Lol I didn't mean it to be an update, my nation looks a little misplaced way out there dont ya think?
Personally, that seems slightly small. After all, Otagia alone has a higher population than India and China combined...
The Candrian Empire
13-09-2006, 03:05
http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/9105/aurelliaxj0.th.png (http://img490.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aurelliaxj0.png)
don't wanna change up Omni's borders if he doesn't want them altered, but how's this for rosaile?
13-09-2006, 23:02
I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to do with that map. If you want Omni to change his borders, then TG him or get in touch with him some other way.
14-09-2006, 00:46
Well you could generate the map then do a screen print. And have the screen copied and paste it to a graphics editor and save it then upload it to a file host....
I think that all of the above just might be a we bit over my head at the present time. But I am willing to learn.
And if you want you and I can have a diplomatic chat if you dont mind Koramerica
I don't mind at all ... go ahead ... I'll allow you to start the discussion.
17-09-2006, 02:33
This is still open to everyone that wants to join.
19-09-2006, 02:04
21-09-2006, 23:00
Is anyone else interested?
I think this is all there is of Aureillia. Wanna close it up for rps?
BTW any1 interested JOIN NOW. or eat mcdonalds and get fat. =P
24-09-2006, 02:54
This will never really be closed, and I wasn't planning on having RPs with only residents of the continent allowed. If others want to do that, I have not problem. Anyone can join this continent at anytime.
25-09-2006, 03:06
28-09-2006, 21:29
I'd wish to RP with someone on this continet.
and bump.
What type of RP are you looking for? I basically put myself there so I'd actually have neighbors, so I wasn't really expecting anything right away. Come up with a good enough idea though and that can change.
28-09-2006, 21:48
If your not ready then I can wait.
11-12-2006, 19:07
Let's see if we can get this going again. This is still open for people to join.
OMG.. this isnt dead! cool so I still have that colony
West Alexandria
13-02-2007, 22:51
Would you like it if Aurellia was near Micheala (Another Continent)? (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12326025#post12326025)