a joint mission in space (FT, Kirisubo and Terror Incognita for now)
in the Incognitian shipyard a new starship was coming together.
Commander Suki Harada was wearing her usual kirisuban uniform as she piloted the kirisuban shuttle to where the saucer section of the joint starship was being built.
as it stood it was just a disc like shape but already most of the decks and bulkheads were in place and she had seen the bridge which was based on an incognitian design. the very shape remindered her of a Kagemon class vessel.
she flew closer to the Belle Alliance which would be a good looking ship when she was finished and could see the engineers in their space suits working on the hull. she even recognised kirisuban space suits and smiled. as well as providing part of the crew a lot of kirisuban technology and know how would go into this ship..
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 16:15
Select Council members were being given a tour of the latest venture by the Navy.
Having approved the construction of the Belle Alliance in collaboration with the Kirisubans, followed by crewing the vessel jointly and using it in exploration for the benefit of both nations, they wanted to see how it was progressing.
Sadly due to other business it was only a holographic tour.
The Vosper-Ali shipyard had been selected for the construction. They were known for successfully incorporating others' ideas - and this vessel was using the best of Kirisuban technology, as well as home-grown components.
The commander had been selected; one Captain Simon Ahmed, a rising star in the Navy. He had been involved in selecting his crew, and they had all had an input on the ship. Incognitian propulsion, shuttlecraft, comms; Kirisuban cloaking, shields, medical systems...it was a real mixture. Looking at it now from the dock, Ahmed felt confident that they'd done what they could. Construction was on schedule, and surprisingly on budget. A few more months and they would start the shakedown cruise.
Dr Mikiko Susato was training her group of nurses and an Incognitian Doctor. they were a mixed group of Kirisubans and Incognitians and the training was taking another part of the shipyard.
A room had been outfitted like the sickbay they would be using and it was fully functional so they could practice on each other.
As the Chief Medical Officer she was responsible for them and already she could see her team getting on well. sometimes too well for her liking but as long as it didn't interfer with their duties she wasn't going to mind too much.
she knew that they would end up in Incognitian uniforms eventually but hoped that they could retain their comm badges and rank insignia.
while her students got to know their new toys she went to the food replicator and asked for a green tea.
the machine hummed into life and produced the tea, cup and all. these would be standard all round the ship and once the food recycler was installed they would never run out of food or drinks.
Commander Harada already knew she would be the XO of the Belle and had selected a panel of kirisubans to be placed mainly in the science divison and medical with some in security and engineering.
She was very happy with the progress they were making as she docked her shuttle into the main body of the shipyard.
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 16:44
The Admiralty was still working out some of the finer details of this collaboration.
From various departments the decisions had come, and they were brought together under the swiftly named "Red Book."
Example clauses were:
7.5.3: Uniform is to be Incognitian Navy standard, however any rank badges and other insignia officially used by the Kirisuban crewmembers will replace Incognitian insignia.
19.3.2: Fraternisation (as previously stated for other matters) comes under Council's Regulations (CRs). All Incognitian Navy (IN) personnel will be under the CRs as on any other vessel or posting. Kirisuban codes will run in parallel for Kirisuban Navy (KN) personnel, administered by the XO, unless they agree to place themselves under CRs.
39.3.1 Command structure:
The CO is to be initially an IN captain. The XO will be KN, selected according to KN procedures. Branch heads are to be selected according to seniority and competence by the CO in consultation with the XO.
Getting down to business, Dr. Liz Falk was swiftly getting to grips with the Kirisuban medical equipment. The other Incognitian in the team, the 'fin P.O. Yessiei, was also doing well, humming happily to herself in Trinary as she worked.
Meanwhile the shuttle contingent were training together. Incognitian-built, but loosely based on the Kirisuban XF-16, there were six. The 'fins piloting three called theirs Wave, Surf and Rip, and they were playfully testing the capabilities of their craft.
the kirisuban pilots of 'Angel squadron' were all women and had named their scout craft Datsu, Yari and Katana.
The XF-16's were starfighter interceptors and these shuttles based on them could do the same duties, carry up to 6 people and even had limited warp drive abilities (up to warp 2 for a short period of time).
the 'angels' launched along with their 'Fin colleagues and apart from the red and black roundel on one wing there was nothing to tell the craft apart.
Mikiko was glad it was a female Incognitian Doctor on board. it would make her job a lot easier in the long run given kirisuban women's attitudes to men in general but here they would have to adapt quickly.
she also smiled when she seen Yessiei getting on so well with the rest of the team. this wasn't just a human starship. 'Fins also made up a large part of the crew.
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 17:25
The Engineering Division weren't so happy. The traditionally named "Mac", aka Tony Hugill, head of that Division, daily cursed the mish-mash of technology he'd been bequeathed.
"For Ifni's sake! Warp on the bloody shuttles, and hyper/tubejumping for the ship! Along with everythin else! Are my people expected to be experts in everything? Um, sir."
Simon was forced to smile. "Mac, we've taken the best of both. The Kirisubans on your team know the warp stuff inside out. It's the same story again - close teamwork, and with time all of your people will know all they need to."
The shuttles, cause of this latest eruption, were split into pairs for an exercise. Rip and Katana, Wave and Yari, Surf and Datsu. Objective: elimination of the other pairs. The work of making them one team against all-comers, not separate groups, started now. The 'fins had already talked about adopting a white and blue roundel, with the red and black on the other side.
Those three 'fins were amongst thirty of their number on the crew. Yessiei was primarily responsible for their health, being the primary expert in 'fin biology. She would be teaching what she could to her colleagues as soon as possible - what if something happened to her, after all?
the dog fight began with Datsu following Surf and firing its pulse cannon at Yari. it hit but no damage was done because they were on a stun setting. enough to shake up the pilot but the shields could handle it.
one of the pairs sat out to observe before they were sent in.
the senior Kirisuban engineer was Koiko Ito and she reassured Tony Hugill. A good looking small woman she was also smart and confident and probally the oldest Kirisuban on the ship at 32 years old.
"Hugill san before too long your people will know what we know and vice versa. We will be ready by the time we launch" she said as she sat in her chair at the meeting table.
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 17:49
Surf led Datsu, focussing on Wave. An adroit roll later, and the tables were turned, with Surf being "hit". With Rip and Katana sitting out, that left Wave facing Datsu - or rather streaking away from at high speed, and conducting a turn under vectored thrust to come back.
"I'm sure you're right, Ms Ito. I'm just not happy with each half of the team only knowing half the ship." morosely he added "And Mr. Murphy will be watching this ship closely."
Datsu dived and swung up under Wave hiting her twice before peeling away ready to return.
the kirisuban pilots were having as much fun as the 'fins were which said a lot about the Kirisubans..
Security also had two sets of weapons to deal with. the Kirisuban plasma weapons would need their own recharging ports as well as a place to store the short swords that kirisuban security women routinely carried with their pistols and rifles.
Lt Cmr Megumi Sato was the highest ranked Kirisuban security officer at the meeting and certainly not breaking a tradition by wearing the sword here.
the other departments such as science, astrometrics and hydroponics were having similiar planning meetings in prepartion for the launch of the ship. the plans had already laid out specific areas and decks for them
Commander Ito smiled and said "we also need to install a bio-matter resquencer so we can power the matter replicators. you've already seen the specs for it and once thats up an running we can replicate spare parts, cargo containers, boots, uniforms and many other things that a ship needs to keep going.
We will also have food replicators in the mess hall, sickbay, engineering and one in the captains office"
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 18:41
Tessaia hissed in frustration. Pilotting Wave, she should have been faster, or more prepared. Or, if she was honest, had more respect for the Kirisubans' abilities. She'd expected time to recover and turn on Datsu, that she obviously hadn't had. Still it was a fun game, and she _would_ win next time...
"Yes, we've had all the specs for the resequencers and so on, once construction of those areas is finished the space will be ready for them to slot into. That should work fairly smoothly."
Cdr Hakean (Hake to certain individuals), was both ranking 'fin on the ship, and head of Regulating. Since the last communication, it had been decided to rationalise by adopting the Kirisuban plasma weaponry for the entire Regulating section. The main challenge for his people was balancing the respective regulations where they (inevitably) conflicted.
"Thinking has been that each Navy's personnel will be bound by the respective regulatory codes...but that could very well cause friction. I'm wondering if your people" indicating Cdr Sato "have any ideas on that front."
Mariko Uehara who was piloting Datsu was now trying to shake of one of her colleagues in the shape of Yari.
she knew that Midori Kasigi was as good as she was and she couldn't shake her off even although she had dived, twisted and turned in manoevers that would test the design limits.
Commander Ito nodded and the meeting continued.
"Commander Hakean" Commander Sato replied "if its fraternisation you're concerned about i'll make sure that our people don't break your rules on it once they get written up.
its not a problem on our ships because our people generally take lovers from their own people and rank isn't an issue"
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 21:56
"I meant more broadly than fraternisation. I am sure that we can handle any issues on that front. I was wondering whether we will want to continue having two separate regulatory codes on one ship, or whether we want to hammer out a compromise."
Meanwhile the 'fins were now trying to show the _true_ design limits of their craft. Extravagant loops, fast turns, full-burn acceleration...all to follow a holographically generated "fish", which moved faster the faster you moved.
"i'd like to think that the Captain and XO could handle all cases but what compromise did you have in mind?" Commander Sato replied
watching from a distance was Rip and Katana, the two pilots talking over the comms as they crusied along.
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 22:19
"I was wondering if we could hammer out regulations for the Belle, just so that the crew are all under the same regulations."
Meanwhile Nickei of Rip commented to the pilot of Katana "Datsu did well...I'm not sure Datsu and Yari can follow that" meaning the extravagant loops being undertaken by Surf and Wave.
Overall, keeping an eye on all these activities, Captain Ahmed was pleased with their progress. They had only just begun, but the spirit from both parties was that they would work together to achieve success as a unit.
"so its common rules you're after" Commander Sato replied "i'm sure we're as strict as you are.
i can speak for Commander Harada in this issue. we expect instant obediance to an order. in our distant past death would have been the result but not now.
Minor penalties such as being confined to quarters and losing replicator privilages would be the punishments i would prefer to see for the breaking of regulations.
so our first common rule is obey any order within reason"
Arisu Kodomo piloting the other scout craft replied back "I honestly doubt they could but I doubt we'll need flashy moves like that very often"
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 22:40
"Okay, the basic rule for us is to obey any lawful order...with unlawful orders being those to kill prisoners or civilians, things like that. I expected agreement on such basics. Well, can we leave some of our respective teams working on it, to bring a proposal before the CO, XO and any other necessary officers? This might take a while..."
"Flashy? They're enjoying themselves. Flashy is when there's an audience...and we never underestimate the worth of a manouevre that brings you out somewhere unexpected in combat."
"I think we can leave the rest to the committee and once they agree something the Captain and XO can look over them" she replied and said "I've got new people to train but i'm sure we'll talk more about this later"
she bowed and went to her next 'meeting'.
in a cargo hold in the base she had a mixed group of incognitions and newly arrived Kirisuban women. most of the Kirisubans were only 16 or 17 years old and were adults by their nations standards.
"I am Lt Commander Megumi Sato" she said to the assembled group.
"in a few months we will be the crew for a brand new ship and we have to work together. we already have standardised weapons in place and you will get plenty of practice with them as well as learning how to fight with short swords. We may never need these skills but its better to learn them now"
she dismissed the group and the young Kirisubans took up the wooden swords and started learning together as they fenced with them some incognitians joining them in the melee combat while others practised with the plasma weapons.
Arisu chuckled and said over the comm "Nickei you're right as usual"
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 23:12
The Incognitians were from 18 to early 20's...under-18's could join the Navy, but weren't deployed anywhere until they were legally adults - even on exploration missions. However not one had any experience with swords, so while they were happy to make use of plasma rifles, they were less at ease with sword practice.
"What use is a bloody pig-sticker anyway?" one muttered.
"Wait til the officer is GONE to say that, muppet."
"Well, to prove my point, follow me" was Nickei's reply, as she started to play the same game. It began with a quick half-loop, a roll and a bit of a swerve...and then started to get complicated.
one of the kirisuban girls heard this and said quietly "swords are a traditonal weapon with us and we also use unarmed combat.
these swords are nothing. you should see a katana in action"
Arisu followed trying to keep up but the 'fin seemed to have more control of the scout craft. Arisu was an experienced pilot but she couldn't quite match those moves..
Terror Incognitia
02-09-2006, 23:36
"Tradition's all very well, but give me a rifle any day" was the reply, as he 'died' once again.
"Or at least fight without weapons, we can do that."
Nickei was impressed...maybe Arisu wasn't quite keeping up, but she wasn't far behind - her turns weren't much wider, or her responses much slower. Still, she thought she saw an opening, to put in one extra spin, and have Arisu in her sights. Letssss gooo
she put her wooden sword down and tripped up the incognitian.
"so thats the way you want it" she says sweetly sitting on his chest.
Arisu consulted her radar and slowed down just enough to let Nickei go past her before firing her phase cannon at her craft hitting home.
"i know a few tricks as well" she retorted
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 00:12
On more familiar ground, Mitch Osadjinski rolled, bringing her underneath him, and made a move to pin her there.
"Well yes, it is, if you don't mind" was the reply.
"Okay, I admit, I was showing off. More practical would have been cutting out the roll before that, when you were careering past..."
OOC: Can we assume that when we finish these individual encounters, we basically proceed to the ship being ready to launch?
ooc ; we can time jump to the launch when you want to under the assumption that the crew and ship is ready.
"you've won this round" she says giving him a quick kiss on the cheek adding "my names Aiko Tzu"
Arisu smiled and said "nickei you can be my wingman anytime"
the excercise was wrapping up and the scout craft returned to bay where they usually landed, the Kirisuban pilots ready for a shower.
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 00:25
"Well Aiko" he replied, letting her up before a P.O. wondered what in HELL was going on "swords might be fun, but any time I'm carrying weapons I plan to have a rifle on me."
"Oh, and the name's Mitch. Mitch Osadjinski, also called Oz."
Fortunately for him, the training was finishing, and they headed for their separate shower blocks before she could say or do anything else...they'd be sure to cross paths again though.
"Arisu" came the final comm before they docked "only one problem with that. ME, being YOUR wingman."
If a 'fin could manage it, with no cheeks to speak of, Nikkei's tongue was firmly in hers.
OOC: I'll post the 'next stage' next chance I get.
"I'll see you later Mitch" Aiko replies heading of to the showers with the other women.
she hoped that she would get another chance to speak to him later on.
Arisu laughed and said "I meant what I said"
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 10:48
Looking back over the time his crew had had to train...and to bond...Simon was pleased.
With a few exceptions, the crew from each nation had won unforced respect for their competence from the other. Both groups were still learning from one another, but Cdr Hugill's dark predictions about Murphy's Law hitting them hard at this stage had, even he had to recognise, been proven false. A modest man, he did not put this down to his own efforts, but now predicted disaster on their maiden voyage.
Standing on the Vospe-Ali spacedock, he looked down at his ship, about to be accepted by a combination of the Incognitian and Kirisuban Navies, and officially named.
"And I name this ship, La Belle Alliance! May she well represent the fina alliance between our peoples, and may Ifni smile on all who voyage within her!"
Cheers came from the construction workers; the assembled dignitaries applauded politely. The crew whooped like madmen, and Simon Ahmed garnered some funny looks from the dignitaries he was amongst by joining them.
And as a bottle full of fizzy water smashed on the hull, and the workers close by in spacesuits collected the debris, Belle Alliance slipped gently away from the shipyard. Another team of workers was unveiling the naval insignia on board, as the crew gathered round shuttles to go and take possession.
Commander Harada the XO was beside Captain Ahmed and wearing her incognitian navy uniform with her Kirsuban crossed swords comm badge and 3 rank pips on her collar. she also was wearing a katana.
"the first time I seen her she didn't look like much but she's beautiful" she comments to her Captain.
the security personel were also clustered together with Lt Comander Sato. It hadn't been announced yet who the security chief would be but whoever got the job would have a good team of people.
Aiko Tzu sneaked a wave to Mitch and she was also wearing a sword just like the other Kirisuban security people present.
they had clustered by department and the science team had a good level of Kirisuban representation. Lt Commander Yuko Omura was the highest ranked Kirisuban there and was confident whoever became the science officer would do a good job.
Dr Mikiko Susato had already been comfirmed as CMO with Dr Liz Falk as her deputy and both women gathered their team round ready for the shuttle trips.
all six members of Angel squadron were busy shuttling crew members to the ship along with shipyard shuttle craft and things looked very hopeful for the "La Belle Alliance" despite the doom and gloom from Commander Hugill.
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 15:59
"Oh, that she is. And if murmurs I hear are accurate, she won't be alone before too long. Though of course that's entirely unofficial, for now."
Commander Hakean was watching the Regulating/Security personnel as they boarded shuttles.
Turning to Lt Cdr Sato, he murmured "Wasn't that Aiko Tzu? Who was she waving to? My considered opinion is that whoever it is is in trouble" and the twinkle in 'fin's eye showed he wasn't serious.
As each department transferred to the ship, they took up their positions and prepared to depart.
And the Engineering Chief had only one comment "All very well so far."
Megumi Sato smiled and said "whoever it was they're in trouble. once we find a cute person we don't hang round like wall flowers.
considering we're going to be together in close quarters for a while its bound to happen"
the medical department were the last to embark and by now they had mastered 'fin medicine as well.
Dr Susato led the first duty team into their brand new sickbay while the rest of the medical staff found their quarters.
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 17:39
"Ha. Well, I'm sure we'll find out in good time; and they won't be the last."
Ahmed, along with a bridge crew and some of the senior officers, made their way to the bridge.
"Attention all hands. Attention all hands. This is the Captain speaking. Welcome aboard La Belle Alliance. The Belle is the first shared Incognitian/Kirisuban vessel, and I am sure we will all do both nations proud.
Now all members of the duty watch - Starboard One, in case you forgot - to your stations, all other hands stay clear. We'll start by heading for Station Tyonis. That is all."
OOC: Station Tyonis is a base on and near a moon of the major gas giant, and gateway to the outer system. Good place for a shakedown cruise.
as the starship left its mooring clamps it gently coasted out on thrusters until they cleared the docking ring.
then impulse power was activated as they continued to their destination.
On the bridge Commander Suki Harada watched the 'Fin helm officer guide them out and the seated Kirisuban tactical officer beside him.
"helm increase speed to 2/3rd impulse" she ordered "tactical punch up a scan of the system ahead"
in the Security common room Aiko Tzu was getting a plasma rifle out of a weapons locker. already armed with a short sword she wanted to look the part as she raised the scope on it and smiled.
she slung it over her shoulder and went over to see who her buddy for that shift was..
in the mess hall the Kirisubans maintained the tradition of taking a chef with them and the 18 year old Reiko Dan was no exception.
she replicated the raw foods and then got down to preparing the first meal of the journey. with 140 people to feed round the clock she knew that replicators could only take you so far.
the white rice was boiling in a huge pot and she prepared some raw fish into sushi for the 'fins to enjoy later on before she started on the pot of beef stew.
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 19:39
Takkean grimaced at the "2/3 Impulse", but replied
"Aye-aye ma'am, ahead two thirds."
Mitch suppressed a groan. It wasn't that he didn't like Aiko, he just didn't quite know where he stood, and she seemed to be everywhere lately. This was going to be one fuuuun shift.
Meanwhile, though it was some time until a meal was to be served, a few gash hands were around the galley, and watching preparations.
"What's she leaving the fish for?" one hissed
"Shusi or summat. Meant to be like that. You'll see at mealtime, gonzo."
"Hmph, can't wait for our lads to do the cooking."
"You'll get used to it..."
the stew was soon bubbling away and Reiko had taken the pot of rice of the boil. having hunted out the containers of pickled vegetables and squares of soya she had the basics of a Kirisuban meal already made.
she then got the last large pot and started on making a chicken and sweetcorn soup that would be ready fairly quickly.
Aiko smiled at Mitch and seen his long face.
"whats wrong?" she asked
after a few minutes of 2/3rds impulse and checking that the engines were still working correctly Suki ordered "Mr Takkean, ahead full impulse and when engineering gives us the all clear speed up to 10% FTL drive"
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 20:55
"Oh, nothing. It's going to be a long shift, that's all."
"Aye-aye, ahead full."
<Bridge, this is Engineering. Hyperdrive is spinning up, we're just finalising a few tests. Should be able to jump straight to Level A in about 5.>
"That means MINUTES, people! Hop to it!"
The Commander was in his element...and he might not admit it, but he loved it.
Aiko wasn't quite convinced but let it slide for now.
"Mitch, how about some dinner after our shift is over? we have a kirisuban chef aboard" she asked wanting to push things a little further. she liked Mitch but she wasn't sure if he liked her.
she took his hand for good measure to make sure he understood.
Commander Ito was at her station monitoring the hyperdrive buildup.
"so far so good Mac" she called out "the energy is building up nicely"
Terror Incognitia
03-09-2006, 21:20
"Dinner? Okay...could do me some good to get to know you better, and food helps the vocal chords...so yeah, that's a plan."
*Buy time to think - don't want to turn her down, so give a chance to find out more...*
"Very well. We're on track for initialisation in ten seconds on my mark. Mark!"
"Helm, this is Engineering. Hyperdrive at your discretion, all green at this end."
"Right, we're leaving normal sspace, peopless!"
Takkean took them into hyperspace, Level A, and all lights were green. At this rate Tyonis was only a few minutes away, but they'd leave hyperspace soon.
Aiko checked they were alone and quickly kissed him before their duties started.
they took the turbo lift into the bowel of the ship and headed to where the bio-resquencher and matter replicator was kept.
tucked away between the cargo holds was the life blood of the ship and they had to patrol this deck.
Suki smiled when she seen the FTL drive working. they had been tested before but to see a starship in flight was something else.
Terror Incognitia
04-09-2006, 11:12
Mitch thought as he walked. She obviously liked him, and... Well, she was nice, that much was true. But she turned the usual rules on their head. Men and women were equal, but usually the man would do the chasing.
So he'd been no more than polite when she kissed him; but much more of him failing to respond to her, and she might think he didn't want her. He needed to think, and she was trying to scramble his brain.
Well, he had all of a shift to work it out.
Takkean was revelling in the joy of 'full' flight. As one more test, he brought them back to normal space on schedule, via Levels B, C and D of hyperspace. E was best avoided in a normal ship....
"Engineering, Helm. All normal at our end, what do your readouts say?"
"Helm, everything well within normal tolerances. Bang down the middle mostly" Hugill was impressed, and you could hear it
"Captain, we're good to go. What's the plan?"
"Well, orders are general - exploration and cultural contact in the Thallatta region. Helm, Level A, heading for coordinates of One Epsilon Nineteen, Five Gamma Three, Twenty-Three Alpha Seven.
I'll be discussing with the section chiefs plans for when we get there. Briefing room, if you please."
Suki left in the bridge in the hands of the helm officer and walked to the briefing room.
she relayed the order to Dr Susato, Lt Commander Sato and Lt Commander Omura as she walked.
Aiko was puzzled as she patrolled the cargo holds. Surely it was normal for her to make the first move since she was Kirisuban and that was her peoples way. Her people treated things like this with great import since men were so rare in her nation to begin with and it was important to find a partner before the good ones were taken.
she shined the torch and knew she also had a shift to figure out the problem..
Terror Incognitia
04-09-2006, 18:31
As the officers gathered in the briefing room - Captain Ahmed, Hugill, Hakean, and the senior Incognitian in the science team - Lieutenant Commander Hodges - gathered, along with their Kirisuban comrades.
The Captain, as was only fitting, started things off.
"Our initial orders are very general; we have a flexible timescale for this mission, centreing round three months - so I wanted to consult with you about what course we take, and what we aim to achieve."
Hakean piped up
"Well, explore, find planets, that sort of thing. One with tasty fish would be appreciated Ms Hodges."
Yuko Omura also spoke up.
"class M planets with life are harder to find that you think but you've a better chance of finding a planet with lower life forms than with humanoid life forms on it.
Hopefully we'll find a green, wet world with fish."
Terror Incognitia
04-09-2006, 19:24
"Oh, we know very well what the probabilitiess are." Hakean replied. "I am just making it clear that the Regulating Department will take a dim view of failing to uncover fish."
His grin broadened.
"So, a search for planets..." the Captain prompted. The chorus of nods sufficed.
"In that case, if the Science Branch want to get their heads together on the most promising places to look, we can sort out a plan of action."
"Now I believe some branches haven't finalised command structure. That should be done now."
Suki Harada then said "we still don't have a chief of the science department, hydroponics and security yet.
Hydroponics also includes the Botany section as well"
Terror Incognitia
04-09-2006, 19:32
"Well, I would propose, if you have no objections, that Commander Hakean take charge of Security/Regulating, and your senior scientist take charge of the Science Department with Hodges as the deputy.
As to Hydroponics/Botany, we have a fairly junior Lieutenant in charge there, so perhaps your senior Botany officer there also."
Suki nods and said "Lt Commander Omura I believe congratulations are in order.
Lt Hana Matsuko will be informed of her new job in due course"
on the bridge Ensign Kaede Genji was operating the science station and located a plantary system ahead.
"sir, theres a star system 3 light years ahead on course 270 mark 3. the planet is M class with abundant water supplies" she reported to Takkean.
ooc: whats the uniforms like? i.e style and colour(s)
Terror Incognitia
05-09-2006, 00:37
"Setting course. The captain can always change it if he disapproves, but it seems likely we'd want to go there."
"Umm, I hope you know that I like you, right?"
OOC: Uniforms are probably blue jumpsuit style garments, with rank badges, and certain flashes for branch (e.g. red on the sleeves for medics).
Aiko smiled and said quietly "Mitch I'd figured that much for myself" as she shone the torch round another corner.
"so why the dancing round the issue. since we both like each other whats the problem?"
with the course set Kaede was able to gather more information as they got closer.
"theres no ships, probes or satellities in the area. I think we've this planet to ourselves.
I'm launching a probe to gather more information"
the probe was sent and as it orbited the planet a steady stream of information came back.
Terror Incognitia
05-09-2006, 11:46
"I don't know. Just...I like you, but most things you do manage to throw me completely. So I end up having to work out what I think all over again."
"Captain on deck!"
"At ease people. What's the word on this planetary system, Ensign?"
OOC: Takkean just has the helm, he's not an officer - more like a Chief. I reckon I've named all my officers above Lieutenant. Then there's a Lieutenant in Hydroponics, a couple more scattered through the departments, and...three, maybe four subbies. Don't know about the Kirisuban navy...but mine is heavily reliant on non-coms.
"Captain sama" Kaede replied "our probe is picking up some interesting data. the planet has some large bodies of water, most likely salt water oceans and large fresh water lakes.
Theres ice caps at both poles of the planet and the area in between seems to have three large continents.
the atmosphere is near Terror Incognitia normal, gravity is also the same and i'm picking up a large variety of lower life forms and other flora and fauna but no higher life forms.
The temperature seems to be temperate except for the poles"
Aiko sighed and said softly "then take me as I am. What you see is what you get with me.
A date will be hard here given the quarters we share but I'm sure theres a place on the ship that we can look at the stars together"
ooc: the Kirisuban security forces are drawn from the defence force so they are privates except for one Sergeant. Lt Cmr Sato is part of the Exploration fleet so she outranks the defence forces.
the other Kirisubans are part of the exploration fleet and the lowest rank is ensign with other ranks being Lt Junior grade, Lt, Lt Cmr and Commander. The chef is a civilian although
Terror Incognitia
05-09-2006, 22:20
"Aha. Not a bad find for the first system we check.
Keep me updated with any major changes."
"I'm sure that we can do whatever you want when we finish this shift. Like I say, I like you, so I'm happy to see where this goes."
"Hai Captain sama" Kaede says and gets back to the science station readout.
This planet was looking better all the time as she looked at footage from the probe as it penetrated the atmosphere.
Suki took the chance to see as well and said "Captain sama, I think we'll need three teams to check this planet. one for the north polar region, another for the ocean and lastly one for the north west continent. It may take a while to complete the survey"
Aiko smiled broadly and said "once we're off duty dinner sounds like a good idea and then we can explore the ship"
Terror Incognitia
05-09-2006, 22:38
"That seems reasonable. I guess it's the relevant science specialists on each team, security with each team just in case, and possibly a few other crew-members with each team if appropriate.
The 'fins in the science department should logically be in the ocean party. As to the rest of the parties, I'm open to suggestions."
"Half a shift never seemed this long before" with a tentative grin.
Suki replied "Lt Commander Omura and some of the Kirisuban security people can scuba dive. Once they adapt their riflles and equipment for underwater conditions they'll be ready to join the 'fins.
Lt Commander Hodges could look after the temperate continent and a pair of security people should be enough. i'd suggest a team of 6 including a pilot for now. Private Tzu is a crack shot and will be helpful if there is any trouble.
i would like to look over the polar icecap with your permission and get some scans of the local wildlife. again a team of 6 will suffice including the shuttle pilot"
the shift dragged on with Aiko stopping to chat with the engineering Ensign looking after the bio-matter resequencer before heading back on their rounds.
Back in the mess hall Reiko Dan shouted out to the people waiting for food "dinners ready now!"
she was on her own but could cope.
in the shuttle bay the Kirisuban pilots were sitting on folding chairs beside their shuttles and relaxing drinking cups of green tea.
they had been busy ferrying all the crew since the transporter wasn't yet passed to transport people. that wouldn't take long however once they found a nice planet to transport the lab rats too.
Terror Incognitia
06-09-2006, 23:26
Announcements were posted across the ship on the information system. Those picked for dirt-duty were named, along with the party they were joining, and where it was being sent.
Mitch, just finishing his shift, had a quick look before dinner.
"Oh no, not you again" looking at Aiko. He had a grin on his face, sure, but he did feel some misgivings.
Was it going to be all too much too soon?
The 'fin pilots were playing cards, using manipulators on their walkers, sitting - or at least relaxing - near their colleagues.
"Two eights."
"Ok, you got me"
Tessaia accumulated a few cards, putting the others in a stronger position.
the mission would start at plantary dawn, that being 0200 hours ships time giving everyone involved a few hours to prepare.
the pilots of Angel squadron got their orders. Rip, Katana and Curl would be ferrying teams down to the planet surface and return to the ship.
Rip would take the ocean team, Katana the polar icecap team and Curl the continental team.
"It looks like we'll have to work again soon" Arisu comments to nobody in particular as she sips her tea.
Aiko was surprised to find herself paired with Mitch on the continental team. Each team had two security people with them and Sgt Takeda and Private Nagumo were checking out the wetgear and diving equipment they would need. Aiko and Mitch would still have time to get a proper dinner before they left.
Their gear was already waterproofed and they had an easier job that the two incognitians with Commander Harada who was checking out the polar icecap. They would definately need more than the regulation cold weather gear.
The science department was excited and the 4 'fins working there were assigned to the ocean team. their scanners and weapons were already waterproofed. Lt Commander Omura would also be with the 'fins being familiar with deep diving.
Lt Commander Hodges would command the continental team. Her security detail was already picked and she could choose another 3 people to form her team.
Commander Harada had already chosen her security people and was taking Ensign Mari Nagawara. with only 4 people hers was the smallest team.
Camping gear was included in all the shuttles along with all they would need for each team since it was expected that each team would have a lot to do.
on the bridge Ensign Kaede Genji was still using the probe to map the planet. a mountain valley was chosen for the continental team because there was underground caverns less than 1/2 a mile away from their landing site.
From what she could tell with the local weather it would get stormy later on that day.
Terror Incognitia
07-09-2006, 20:58
OOC: Hey man, if you can bump this...well, once when I'm away, it'll come up as having fresh posts when I get back, we can get back down to business.
ooc: no problem. will do :)
Terror Incognitia
21-09-2006, 16:58
Dude...once, I said. In Italian internet cafe right now, but will be home by Monday. One more bump?
Terror Incognitia
27-09-2006, 23:23
OOC: Oh shag, knew I was forgetting something...dude, where were we? Ah, planetary mission.
IC: "Let's go people. Shuttles launch at will."
Mitch clutched his weapon and held his kit between his knees as the shuttle moved out.
OOC: Sorry, I'm tired. This is little more than an "I'm still interested, and I will be back on this thread."
the 3 shuttles launched and dropped of their people and equipment at the different points of the planet.
Aiko took point scanning the landscape with a tri-corder and finding the area clear apart from low level life signs like insects and small rodents.
"All clear Commander Hodges" she said smiling at Mitch.
Suki and her team got the coldest reception when they disembarked and set up their camp. they coukd see animals similar to seals and small penquins when they landed.
Dressed in the blue winter clothing provided by the Incognitians they were warm enough and Suki was having a field day as she and her team scanned and cataloged the animals.
On the beach Lt Commander Omura set up the small tent that would hold their supplies and equipment before flopping into the large tent they would use for sleeping in. she had a pair of guards on duty as they patrolled the camp perimeter.
Terror Incognitia
28-09-2006, 12:05
"Very well. We'll work out a good campsite and set up there, then start looking around.
Here looks good to me, what light can security expertise shed on the matter?"
Mitch was too busy smiling back at Aiko to notice the question.
The 'fins, to be fair, both helped set up camp, and worked out whether the water was safe, before diving in. But they didn't wait long. The joy of open water was too great. Belle Alliance was well-provided, for a starship, with facilities for their kind...but to swim with no echo, as they called swimming in open water, was different again.
Work could wait...a brief while.
OOC: Do I have anyone on Suki's team?
ooc: theres two Incognitian scientists with Suki
Aiko replied quickly so Commander Hodges wouldn't notice what Mitch was doing.
"Sir, I'd suggest camping near the cavern system 1/4 mile ahead of us. its a good place for defence and shelter as well"
the inital scans completed the team set up camp on the hard packed snow. A blast of a plasma gun soon started the fire off and they would soon be ready to settle down for the night.
Lt Commander Omura was already in her wetsuit when she disembarked from the shuttle and let the 'fins enjoy themselves for a while.
After all the sea and the wild life would still be there later...
Terror Incognitia
28-09-2006, 20:30
"That sounds reasonable. Lets move. Lead the way, Private Tzu."
They set off, looking around at the wildlife, keeping a wary eye for anything dangerous.
Mitch gripped the stock of his weapon as he scanned the surroundings. On an unkown planet, danger could come from anywhere.
Finished with play, the 'fin party came to shore, to ask what the plan was in exploring this area.
With camp set up, P.O. Wigmore got out a pack of cards, and wondered if anyone wanted to play. "Any event, you can almost always use some cards", as she said.
Aiko took point as the only Kirisuban member of this survey team. Her weapon was slung over her shoulder as she ran her scanner as she led them on.
A brisk walk later they reached the cavern and she clipped a flashlight onto her plasma rifle.
She stepped into the darkness and looked round cautiously emerging a minute later.
"Commander the caverns all clear" she reported back.
Lt Commander Omura replied "we'll be diving after we get set up and from what I make of the scans taken so far we'll have about 16 hours in a day.
That should prove enough time to see whats in the ocean"
"Carry on Ms Wignore" Suki replied "and you can deal me in as well"
She smiled as she pulled up a stool and sat by the small folding table.
Terror Incognitia
28-09-2006, 21:04
They swiftly set up camp in the cave, set up a fire by the entrance, and gathered round the fire.
"I think there's plenty of interest near here, even if we don't find large animals. Just studying unknown plants and such will be a major guide to how universal the knowb forms of life are."
The 'fins in the team decided they would sleep on land in their walkers, just to keep the team together. Less comfortable than sleeping in the water, but if anything went wrong it would help.
"I think maybe 'Oh hell!'. The rules" she proceeded to explain the rules for those who didn't know. And dealt, and then began the game. She won the first round...as you might expect.
Aiko nodded and kept watch as they waited for dawn to come up. Another hour or so would do it.
She doubted that she would get much time with Mitch on this mission but you would never know.
Lt Commander Omura checked her watch and also worked out it would be dawn soon so she also grabbed some sleep in her tent. The dive would commence once it was daylight.
however up at the pole it was still daylight and Suki was wondering why since on the way down it was night elasewhere on the planet.
she got her mind back on the game and did better second time round now that she knew the rules.
Terror Incognitia
28-09-2006, 21:22
The pole was light as it was summer; the sun wouldn't set for another month or more. Still, it wasn't long before the team there were turning in.
The other teams were already asleep, apart from one person standing stag. Mitch was dreaming, and I think we can guess what of.
the sun rose over the rest of the landing sites and the work would now begin.
the sunlight woke up Lt Cmr Omura and she stretched in her sleeping bag and got out of it.
Aiko got Mitch up so he could see the sun rise.
"wakey, wakey" she said softly as she nudged him
at the pole Suki was one of the first ones up and opened a ration pack since she was hungry.
Terror Incognitia
30-09-2006, 11:45
Wigmore, getting up, called over to Suki
"Lob us some breakfast, would you? I'm half starved."
"You're always starved, Wiggie. You'll be a fat pie-munching Chief one of these days."
"Oi, shut it Jonesy."
"At least get me some breakfast as well, ok?"
"Yes P.O. Does the P.O. have any other instructions this fine morning?"
"Yeah, quit your whining, you're the same rate as me."
Drifting awake to the sight of Aiko...he could think of much worse fates. Then he looked behind her, and saw the sun rising.
"Wow, it's so beauriful. Thank you for sharing."
'fins only slept half a brain at a time, so before Omura had more than stretched, they were aware.
"Morning, sleepyheads has missed the sunrise. Time to be up and on, we're going to see if fishiess is edible. We test, then have breakfast better than rat packs. Back shortly."
And they slipped down to the sea.
Suki threw Wigmore and her friend a ration pack each.
"its egg and bacon" she replied as she got a scrambled egg and tomato pack for herself.
she didn't mind not being called by her rank since she was still seeing the crew bond and co-operation would be important in the future.
"My pleasure Mitch. nothing happened last night. all was quiet" Aiko replied as she felt a light breeze kick up round them.
"carry on and don't eat all the fish. i need to scan some later on" Lt Cmr Omura replied to the 'fins going for their morning swim.
she settled down to a scambled egg and tomato ration pack smiling.
Terror Incognitia
30-09-2006, 14:53
Mitch thought to himself...well, no need to move just yet.
He reached up, and pulled Aiko round to sit beside him.
"Hush, lets just sit and watch for a bit. The others can wait for a bit."
The 'fins swiftly began hunting. From the reaction of the fishes, they weren't hunted often, and were caught easily.
This made them cautious - maybe they were poisonous - so they collected them in nets, rather than eating them direct, and swam back to do some quick tests. Fresh breakfast would be a boon to hardened spacers.
Meanwhile on the pole breakfast was disappearing fast. The packs were then collected to be disposed of - leave no trash behind was one of the prime rules, after all.
OOC: Is the rising wind a hint that you're heading for the original plan, or have you given up on the pollen this time?
ooc: its the first sign but the pollen won't really come into effect until the wind gets a lot stronger.
Aiko smiled as she sat sat with Mitch. With Commander Hodges not up yet they could get breakfast in peace.
Aiko reached for the bag of ration packs and selected two at random.
"which one do you want?" she asked softly with eggs and bacon and eggs and sausages being the choice.
On the beach Lt Cmr Omura had vapourised all the empty wrapper packs as per procedure. With the 'fins return she scanned them for poisons and toxins and was happy to declare them safe to eat.
She sent this report back to the ship knowing that the chef might well want some fresh fish back as well.
Her two kirisuban security people were getting on their diving gear and checking their specially waterproofed weapons just in case their was something big and hostile down there.
With breakfast completed Suki gave orders to tidy up the camp before they started the mission proper.
then she ordered "we'll break off into small groups. Wigmore you're with me. Jonesy you'll be with Mariko and be carefull. Keep your comm lines open and scan away to your hearts content"
Terror Incognitia
30-09-2006, 16:16
"Tsch, is that what it'll take to shut you up? I wanted to sit and enjoy the peace of the morning, and Miss Stomach here is all on about breakfast. Oh, sausage and egg please."
Taking it, he began eating while gazing out at the world they found themselves on.
"Mmmmm. Well, that's better than Meals Rejected by Everybody...sorry, MRE's."
The 'fins shrugged on their work harnesses, and prepared to do some serious work.
"You got it ma'am. And watch your step, I'm not sure how thick the ice is, and it might thin unpredictably."
"Oh, and the name's Jones. Jonesy is only from her, cos she's a smelly Taffy that can't talk straight."
"I'm sorry, he's always like this. Keeps recruits in line a treat, but you can't take him anywhere."
It could be embarrassing sometimes amongst more...serious...peoples, but the banter only stopped in the Incognitian military service when bullets were flying, and not always then.
Aiko laughed and before gently hitting him in the shoulder.
"thats for calling me Miss Stomach" she said softly as she ate her eggs and bacon.
with everyone ready to go she led her team down to the beach and waded in before diving into the water.
she kept her scanner running as she recorded what was going on around her.
some of the species seemed to resemble older species now only found in the fossil records and then she seen it.
A shark like animal heading towards a school of fish which were trying to get away from it.
"well Mr Jones, Private Tanaka should keep you in line" Suki replied as the teams headed out in different directions.
there were groups of a penguin like bird waddling round the ice and some had fish in their mouths. Suki and Wigmore went there leaving the others with a possible contact ahead. it was like a polar bear only larger and there was a few cubs trailing behind it.
Seal like creatures were also swimming or lounging on the ice.
Terror Incognitia
30-09-2006, 16:48
<Wanting a closer look at this predator. Will take care, but trust us on this.>
<Pod pattern - ach! never mind - you know the drill>
The 'fins swam in to take a look at this predator. They weren't going to kill it, just see if it could be induced to follow them so they could study it more closely.
The first 'fin went high, and came barrelling down past the predators nose. As it turned to follow, another cut between them, leading off closer to the Kirisubans. Each 'fin not being actively pursued waited, ready to draw it in a different direction by suddenly becoming the closest prey.
"What do you expect, huh? All I wanted was to enjoy the sunrise with you by my side, and all you wanted was to have breakfast."
Commander Hodges was actually awake...having seen what was going on, she'd decided to leave the two a little more time. They'd start work soon enough.
"Mmmm, bear meat. I've been looking forward to this bit. Sorry, I'll stop...I can be serious, this just winds up Georgie so well it's hard to resist."
OOC: Ok, I now need to focus on packing for uni tomorrow. Running too late already.
Aiko smiled and kissed Mitch thinking the others were still sleeping.
then she ate her breakfast.
Lt Cmr Omura left the 'fins to it carefully recording events on her tricorder but having her guards aim their weapons at the shark in case they were needed.
this was just another scientific experiment.
Suki called back "the first person I see barbequing a bit of bear will be scrubbing plasma manifolds for the next 4 weeks. We're not here to eat the locals just observe them"
she smiled knowing the place humour had in the Incognition crew and the survey continued.
Terror Incognitia
06-10-2006, 02:11
"Damn, after that I've got other things on my mind than breakfast."
It was perhaps fortunate that Mitch didn't voice that thought...
It wasn't long before the rest of the party was up and moving...making public displays of affection between the two very awkward.
Growing bored, and in addition having worked out a variety of details of the sea-predator, the 'fins led it towards a school of fish and then moved away, leaving it in the same position, just better studied and a little more tired.
"No bear meat? Hell, if I'd known that I'd never have come...."
With everyone stirring, the camp was being empty, ied, and replaced with more bare arse.
all the surveys seemed to be going smoothly so far.
Readings were taken of the school of fish and the shark like creatures, one of these predators being stunned to they could examine it properly on the shallow water of the shoreline.
It was then that the wind really got up and the pollen was released from the plants around them.
That was the reason why there was no major signs of animal life in the area but the survey team weren't to know that yet.
After a couple of hours on the frozen icecap Suki called a break and cranking up the stove boiled a kettle filled with snow so they could have some hot coffee.
Terror Incognitia
12-10-2006, 10:18
"People, I'm getting some weird readings here.
What's going on?
There's a lot of pollen coming up, but...there's something strange about it."
Commander Hodges was worried. But, not overly. There seemed to be no hazard.
"Well, I'll keep an eye on it, see what I can work out."
Aiko kept alert while the Incognitian scientists worked but after a while she was feeling drousy. Putting it down to an interupted nights sleep she walked out a little further from the away team scanning ahead of herself.
"Commander sama I'm picking up concentrations of the pollen 1/2 a mile ahead of our position" she said after consulting a scanner.
She didn't realise it but she was speaking in Kirisuban...
Terror Incognitia
13-10-2006, 14:02
"What did she just say?"
"That was Kirisuban. Aiko! Translating for us?"
"That's weird. They've been really good about making sure we can understand up til now."
Aiko heard Commander Hodges but couldn't understand what she said.
"Wakarimasen" she replied looking confused.
Terror Incognitia
13-10-2006, 18:40
"Aiko, stop playing around. This is serious!"
"If she doesn't start making sense soon, we call in a shuttle. Get the hell out until we know what's going on. Strange planetary surfaces are not the place to mess about, or take risks."
"Yes ma'am!"
Aiko was also beginning to feel scared and backed off away from her colleagues as she listened to the speech that she couldn't understand.
she shook her head and then started to run away from the people she thought were wanting to hurt her.
ooc: Kirisuban weapons have a stun setting which is what they're usually set to
Terror Incognitia
13-10-2006, 18:58
"Right, call in a shuttle."
"Why? Why? Why....?"
Exasperated, she went to do it herself, then wondered why she was holding her com.
<Um, hello>
<Commander Hodges, is there a problem?>
<Um, I don't know>
She let go of the button and began gazing at it in fascination. Mitch was vibing to a private groove off to one side.
"What the hell is going on down there!?"
"Totally unclear sir."
"Right, get a shuttle down there NOW. In fact, pick up all teams now. No ifs, no buts. How long will that take?"
"About 45 minutes."
"It'll have to do. Meanwhile, use ship sensors to track as much as you can down below."
Elsewhere on the planet the surveys were proceding normally and Suki's team were enjoying coffee when her comm badge went off.
She listened to the report and replied "we're fine down here but we'll keep an eye out for anything unusual"
It was the same story on the coast where the survey was almost completed.
Aiko kept running away until she stepped into a pothole and came to a dead stop. By now her vision was blurry and as she lay on the grass beside the flowers she blacked out and went unconcious..
Terror Incognitia
13-10-2006, 19:25
Mitch had a thought.
"Where's Aiko?"
He wanted to show her how cool the grass looked from here. Oh well...he'd leave this perfection and try to find her.
Except the grass here was just as perfect. He heaved a sigh of relief - he could just show her.
But where was she? He thought she'd gone that way. He'd follow.
Jenny watched him go. She thought he should stay, but couldn't think why. Besides, the patterns of the wind were far more important, and that thought had made her miss one. She grimaced and got back down to trying to pick out voices on the breeze.
"very well Captain sama, we'll be ready to leave in 45 minutes" Suki replied to her comm badge before tapping it again.
"look lively people. we need to be off the ice in 45 minutes since we're being recalled early" she called out to her team.
Suki walked back to the camp and started packing up their supplies as Wigmore started dismantling the tents.
After a few minutes of unconciousness Aiko woke up feeling extremely dizzy and recalling a hazy memory of a drunken night after her 16th birthday and her coming of age.
"I haven't touched a drop" she muttered to herself as she struggled to get to her feet as if she really was drunk.
she hit her comm badge and struggled to say in kirisuban "help me, help me" before she got to her feet and looked round.
Terror Incognitia
13-10-2006, 19:46
OOC Placeholder: Have a look here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=503046)
See what you think.
Terror Incognitia
23-10-2006, 12:57
OOC: Sorry mate, kept thinking cos I had last post that I was waiting on you, forgetting that my post wasn't IC at all.
IC: Mitch was still looking, when he heard something...was it coming from that direction, or his comm? He couldn't decide, so he settled on both.
Giving up on looking inside his comm for Aiko, he looked around. There she was!
He began running, tripped and fell, then tried to get back up.
Aiko seem Mitch and said into her comm badge in Kirisuban "Emergency transport. 2 to beam up"
By the time the request reached the transporter room Aiko had got hold of Mitch and they appeared on board.
a klaxon was going and they were sealed behind a forcefield as Aiko lost conciousness for a 2nd time. The filters had picked up something harmfull and they weren't going to get out until it was dealt with.
Dr Susato and Dr Falk were arriving ready to deal with the situation..
Terror Incognitia
24-10-2006, 09:09
"I mean really. Beaming them aboard, when we have no idea what they've got. They don't appear to be in immediate, mortal danger, so they could perfectly well have been brought back safe on one of the shuttles, at which point all areas they might contaminate can be sterilised and then spaced, once they're safe in the medi-bay.
Well, too late now, so let's make the best of it."
Dr. Falk was not impressed. But, they would just have to make the best of it now.
Already done up in a containment suit, he passed the protective field, and began examining the two who had returned.
"Closest thing is Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, or LSD. Looks like they've been tripping, and all they need from us is a purgative to make sure it all leaves their systems. What do you think doctor?"
Dr Susato ran her scanner over Aiko and Mitch while they were trapped behind the forcefield.
"I'm inclined to agree" she said "its similiar to LSD and its naturally occuring in the pollen they breathed in".
She showed Dr Falk the scanner which showed a picture of the pollen spore.
"It will be safe to transport them to the decon chamber in sickbay where they can be treated without affecting the rest of the ship"
Terror Incognitia
25-10-2006, 00:14
"That also means the pick-up shuttles need no specific precautions, and that the crew already mudside need only use respirators or breathing apparatus to be safe until they can be picked up."
"Right Chief, it's ok, you can move them."
A small group, led by a CPO, came in to lead the two away to where they could recover.
with Mitch being helped to Decon and Aiko being wheeled in a trolley there the situation was under control. The small decon area could take 6 people comfortably and Dr Susato and Dr Falk worked with their patients as they wore protective suits. Aiko was still unconcious and was lying down on a pallet bed.
the shuttles were launched on schedule and at the pole Suki had been kept informed.
"Once we get aboard I'll go check on all the people who went to the valley. Send them down the appropriate equipment in the meantime so they don't get any worse"
she closed the com signal and started packing all the tents into the shuttle.
Terror Incognitia
25-10-2006, 19:51
"Doc, Doc, is she going to be okay? She doesn't look too good...what was that?"
"She'll be fine. You've both been hallucinating - there was LSD floating around. I know it's not exactly popular anymore, with all the 'designer' drugs, but it's an early drug used for going on 'trips'. It should be only a matter of time before she's back to normal."
"Oh, thanks doc."
Mitch almost slumped into a stupor, until one of the men assisting caught him. He'd had quite a big dose after all this.
Dr Susato was satisfied that Aiko would sleep of her dose of pollen and beckoned Dr Falk out of decon so they could talk.
"Liz, if Aiko and Mitch are like this now I dread to think what the others feel like since they've had a longer exposure.
On the bright side the side effects should pass with in a day or so. I don't think its an airborne infection since the other parties didn't mention this.
It must a particular flower that caused it. We should go down in EV suits there and check out the local flora later on"
Terror Incognitia
25-10-2006, 23:02
"Very true. We'll need to look quite carefully. What kind of planet IS this, with hallucinogenic drugs floating on the breeze?"
"But yes, I'll go to the Captain. There's bound to be interesting information to be had looking into this one, he just needs to be persuaded to let us go."
Mikiko nodded and replied "now we know what to expect it shouldn't be a problem going down there. Maybe thats also why theres so little animal life inland."
The shuttle 'Rip' had landed in the valley and its crew was wearing EV suits. there was also a pair of Kirisuban security women with them who spread out to look for the others.
Terror Incognitia
26-10-2006, 10:04
Lt Cdr Hodges saw the rescue party coming. Unfortunately the sight of the EV suits triggered a recurring nightmare of hers, and she ran off, screaming.
Fortunately it was level ground, because she wasn't looking where she was going at all...just running in blind panic.
Kirisubans didn't mess around when it came to security and these two women were no exception.
"Commander Hodges we're here to rescue you" one shouted as she got further away from them.
Seeing the Commander wasn't going to stop anytime soon the other raised her plasma rifle(that was set to heavy stun), raised the sniper sight and shot the fleeing Incognitian twice at long range.
Shaking her head she muttered "one down, a few to go" as they walked over to where Commander Hodges had finally stopped.
Terror Incognitia
26-10-2006, 19:57
She might be grateful when she returned to her senses; for now she was out cold.
She was taken right back to the shuttle; that left how many more on the surface?
while one Kirisuban carried Commander Hodges back to the shuttle the other woman scanned for more life signs.
She knew there was 3 more crew members out there and the search would have to continue before they did each other damage..
Terror Incognitia
27-10-2006, 10:21
With Jenny aboard, Rip took off, and flew low over the forest, scanning for human life signs.
In constant communication with the two Kirisubans on the ground, they were soon led to two of the missing crew...engaged in passionate congress on the ground.
The third was harder, but eventually, it was realised that they were lying atop a rotting pile of mulch, that was thus giving off nearly enough heat to mask their body temperature.
"Right, all aboard, lets head it home. How's the situation looking with the other two parties?"
the Belle's comm officer was able to tell Rip's pilot that everyone was on their way back to the ship.
the two Kirisuban security people had given everyone a knockout shot to spare their embaressment and so they could recover in decon.
It certainly wasn't the way they expected to remember their first planetary landfall but it was how it worked out.
Commander Harada was already wondering what she would find as her teams shuttle docked and they were cleared to enter the ship.
Terror Incognitia
28-10-2006, 01:51
All the mess had been cleared away (one of the crew had...unfortunately returned their dinner to the outside world on the way out), and there was no real fuss or bustle around the ship.
The major theme was of regrouping and recovery, getting all the crew back on their feet, and planning what was to be done about finishing the exploration, and finding out where the hallucinogens were coming from.
EDIT: Check out this PT RP, looking quite good but needs a couple more people.
Planning thread. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=504455)
Commander Harada had returned to her quarters, got showered and changed into her normal uniform and then returned to the bridge with her scans.
She could use the science station there but first had to report to Captain Ahmed.
Terror Incognitia
28-10-2006, 19:52
"So Commander. Do you have any comments about the progress of planet-side explorations? And do you have any recommendations for how we proceed?"
The captain was fairly sure what he wanted done, but it was always worth having the opinion of other skilled professionals before he finalised that decision.
Suki replied "Captain Sama, I don't see why we can't continue to explore the valley area as long as the people down there wear EV suits.
We can also safely explore the icecap and oceans as long as the teams take the usual precautions.
We could stay a while longer before we have to move onto the next planet in the system. If you want a team down there I'd lead it. Commander Hodges may well not want to return once she recovers."
Terror Incognitia
29-10-2006, 13:39
"That makes good sense. If you want to start gathering a team now, you can probably be working by the time those who have returned are recovered. Take who and what you think you need.
Very well, dismissed Number 1."
Suki bowed and left the Captains ready room heading to the science department picking up Lt Hana Matsuko on the way.
As she was the senior botany officer it made sense to take her along.
two incogniatian security people were also picked as they made their way to the shuttle bay after getting changed into EV suits.
Terror Incognitia
29-10-2006, 15:27
Private Ed Woodford, and Private James Cullen, were both suited up.
Ed was feeling a little tense. "I know, I know, the suits will keep us safe. But when the fircking plants make you high, what else is gonna be out there."
He gripped his rifle tightly as they boarded the Katana.
After landing in the valley Suki led her team out of the Katana.
The Katana dusted off to stop contamination and landed 20 miles east of their location while the pilot waited.
The landing party had enough air for 3 hours and the mission was straight forward.
Activating her scanner Hana led the team east towards the highest concentrations of the pollen. The wind was still kicking up and they moved cautiously.
When they got there the flowers looked innocent enough but the crew already knew what they could do.
While Hana took and sealed samples of the flowers for further study on the Belle, Suki ordered Privates Woodard and Cullen to stake out the perimiter. She would be joining them in due course once she had taken some scans of the area.
Terror Incognitia
30-10-2006, 14:09
They watched, close to one another but facing apart, scanning the surrounding landscape.
A little later
It was boring, standing stag for the scientists, but neither of them watched what they were doing, both had their eyes out for danger.
A while later Hana had collected all her samples and Suki had taken the scans.
She hit her comm badge and called the Katana back to a point a mile away from their current location.
"Mr Woodward and Cullen we're moving out" she said adding "Katana will pick us up a mile away so we don't contaminate the shuttle too much".
Terror Incognitia
30-10-2006, 15:13
"So we gotta trek back to the shuttle?"
"Hush Cullen. Aye ma'am. We're ready to move out. I'll lead, Cullen will bring up the rear.
And go careful."
He began walking in the direction of the shuttle, weapon cradled in his arms, eyes flicking around.
after pointing out the direction they were going in Suki continued to take scans.
There was no animal life in this part of the valley but she suspected that there were other animals where the pollen wasn't there.