Crushing the Opposition, by Order of the State!
City of Xharnia
National Square (outside the steps of the Chancellery,)
"Hello, This is Jennifer Cormelia of the channel six news. Today we are in the National Chancellery where the Grand National Senate is in session. The Grand National Unity Party has finally made their decision and have started the ceremony to make one of the senior officers of the State's military the new leader of the Fatherland. The title of Patron of the Fatherland has not been held since the untimely demise of our great and noble leader Patron Choi Song may his soul rest in peace." The blonde news reporter smiled and added after a few seconds, "The ceremony is about to start and the event is to be televised by order of the State."
Inside the National Chancellery…
The Grand National Senate was in session in the National Chancellery near the Grand National Palace. The Central Military Command was also present in the seats of honor as the Senators all fifty of them were in their seats listening to the Grand High Chancellor Marius. The seventy nine-year-old Grand High Chancellor of the State; mumbled and grumbled as he was helped by two Death Korps officers to get to his position in the center of the assembly.
The old man was put in front of a large podium with a microphone. The aged party official was wearing his best party uniform. It was a black military style uniform with the national flag imprinted on the right armband. It was an old style uniform used by members of the party back in the old days when they were fighting the XPLA. (Xharnian People's Liberation Army.) The dreaded communist army that brutally opposed the nationalist movement that now controlled the Fatherland. The news cameras took position as they record everything that was occurring in the Senate. The news networks were having a field day. The rumors were occurring that the military had finally agreed to make someone the Patron. This was exciting news for the citizens of the Fatherland…
The Grand High Chancellor cleared his voice and said in a low by firm voice, "Senators, State officials, and party members. I have an important announcement to give the Senate. The Central Military Command has finally decided to give the position of Patron to the worthiest candidate. The Fatherland will greatly benefit from this man's military experience and his ability to get the job done. I hereby declare that from this day forth that the new leader of the Fatherland and Patron of the people is Field Marshal Joseph Stormberg."
Grand High Chancellor Marius Racherham saluted his fellow nationalists and yelled, "Hail Stormberg!"
The Senators and the Military officials the Guards even saluted back and replied in a unified voice, "Hail Stormberg!"
The two Death Korps Legionaries led the old man of the party away from the podium and set him gently in his seat. The Legionaries stayed next to him and looked after him for the rest of the ceremony. The old man looked at his colleagues and compatriots. He thought about the glory days and listened to the national anthem play as the new leader of the United Military State of Xharn came to address all of the Fatherland….
The newly appointed Patron Joseph Stormberg walked out from behind the back of the stage and headed towards the Podium. His own personal retinue of Death Korps Legionaries and personal advisors guarded him. They were dismissed when he reached the Podium. The young military officer looked upon the Senate and the Central Military Command. It was just like he pictured it since he plotted to take power. His political maneuvering and brutal tactics had made him the absolute ruler of the fatherland.
The Patron Joseph Stormberg cleared his throat and said in a commanding voice started his address to the Party and the nation, "Citizens of the Fatherland, We are a proud and noble people that have been harassed by many enemies. We have made and lost friends. We had mighty heroes and lost them to the bickering and infighting along with a sever lack of central control. I am tired of seeing my noble brothers and sisters being killed by aggressive Imperialist foreigners and by corrupting influences like communism and the various heathen religions that have degraded our noble race and have brought us to a point of almost total weakness. I have thus declared from now on that the following shall occur.
I shall cleanse the Fatherland of parasites and traitors. I shall mobilize the military and start a more aggressive war footing. I shall not hesitate to launch preemptive strikes and invasions to keep enemies like Novacom and other aggressive powers off the fatherland's soil. I shall eliminate all corrupting and dangerous elements within the fatherland. I shall remove all the inferior races that have begun to swarm the fatherland and attempt to weaken the blood of our pure race.
I will make Christianity a state religion and ban worship of all heathen and pagan faiths. I will give the NCIA the ability to investigate any enemies of the party and execute them on sight! I will make our Fatherland a great and powerful nation again. I will bring us to power and help our nation of throw off the shackles of foreign dependence and slavery. I will make us an international predator to be respected and feared. I shall bring our noble warriors to the homes of our enemies and slaughter them! We shall be like the wolves that we wave on our flags and that reside on our armbands. We shall hunt our prey and devour them!
Hail to the Fatherland and the State!"
The whole assembly of Military officials, Senators, and even the News crews saluted and cry out in fervor,
"Hail Stormberg!"
"Hail Stormberg!"
"Hail Stormberg!"
02-09-2006, 10:02
[OOC: Xharn, TG.]
[Thanks for the info, I made an opening post on the thread]
The City of Xharnia...
The jackboots of the Military Police heard marching completely across the streets Xharnia. The Military Police dressed in their traditional military uniforms could be seen all across the city rounding up various people. They included the following registered Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists. The Military Police were also taking suspected communists and other political and social dissidents.
These people were declared enemies of the Fatherland and the State. They were to be processed and sent to the camps for work and extermination. The Military Police estimated that in Xharnia alone the amount of people taken in that single day and night was about 60,000 men women and children They would be the first sacrifice to fuel the Xharnian war machine.
Across The State….
The Military Police had been fully mobilized and ordered to begin cleansing the traitors, heathens and inferior peoples across the various cities and provinces. The United Military State went under immediate martial law. The people looked on as they saw their neighbors and in many cases family members being rounded up by the military and sent to processing centers all across Xharn.
The Military also had instances of being purged as low ranking people from different branches and religious faiths were summarily executed by their Political Officers under direct orders from the N.C.I.A's headquarters. The military purge was not a large one it only confined to selective deaths of "heathens and traitors to the Fatherland".
The round ups and purges lasted only three days but they left and impact on the nation. The people's loyalty of the state was reinforced with political propaganda and ideological rhetoric and thinking of national loyalty to the Fatherland and the Patron Joseph Stormberg. The local and city public loud speakers and news media only reported about the glory of the Patron and the State. The National Square even had a massive statue of Patron Stormberg being constructed to increase his image. The propaganda included the printing and posting of posters and even billboards with his Excellency's picture.
Generic empire
03-09-2006, 08:47
beginning tap trace...
-line clear-
Imperial Communique:
To: His Excellency, Patron Joseph Stormberg
From: Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei
The Empire has watched with some interest the recent developments in your nation, brought to our attention by friends of the Empire in the wider international community. We see your consolidation of power as a favorable one, and your personal, as well as party history as a proud and equally favorable one. We watch your current undertaking with exceptional interest, and while we may disagree with the publicity of your methods, such disagreements will hold no bearing should your methods prove to be successful in the end. Should this be the case, and should your nation profit from its current undertakings, the Empire may very well see fit to aid you in your future endeavors, through official and unofficial relationships on many levels.
However, we have seen many leaders such as yourself rise and fall in our time, and until we are certain that you will not be one to fall, we cannot offer more than to say that we are watching your nation with interest.
Yours in Sincerity,
Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei,
High Advisor to His Grace, Emperor Kazatmiru I
terminating transmission...
-transmission terminated-
The Grand National Palace…
The Patron Joseph Stormberg was in his personal quarters asleep. The Xharnian dictator had spent the last three days in a sleepless effort to effectively gain complete and total control over the state of Xharn.
His Governmental Ministries and Political Agencies did not sleep and the message from Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei was eventually received. The message was given to the Patron as soon as he got up in the next morning. The servants and the Patron's personal secretary would not dare disturb his Excellency especially when he had finally had gotten some sleep.
The Patron read over the message and ordered Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato to send an unofficial response to the Empire. It would not be too difficult for the Ministry of Foreign Relations to send a coded response back to the Empire…
Establishing Code Connection….
Receiving Encoded Message…..
Decoding Message………
Unofficial State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
The Patron Joseph Stormberg highly appreciates your message of possible aid in our future endeavors. His Excellency and much of the Grand National Party were under the assumption that most other governments were morally corrupt and socially dissident. This discovery of possible friendship was highly unexpected.
The Patron has this to say about his methods, They are proving effective and nobody has given a damn about it.
The great and holy cleansing of heathens, dissidents and criminals has been going on for several days and the nation has prospered. We have cheap slave labor to build ammunition and work the mines in the north for valuable resources. We have stripped these enemies of the fatherland of all their possessions and have redistributed it to the national treasury. These enemies of the state have lost their homes, jobs, and businesses to the true and loyal citizens of the Fatherland.
This has lowered unemployment and has given a massive stimulation to the economy of the Fatherland. The United Military State of Xharn is in full support of the Grand National Party and non shall dare to try and rebel against the Patron and his directives. They have and shall continue to be followed, if any nation tries to interfere they shall face the wraith of the National Armed Forces of the Fatherland. The Patron has given the people exactly what he promised. He is a man of integrity and honor.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
End Coded Message……….
Terminating Code Connection….
Generic empire
05-09-2006, 18:38
Imperial Communique:
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei
As your methods seem to be proving effective in securing your party's hold on the nation, and as the foreign governments of the world seem to be taking little interest in your operations, the Empire has seen fit to open a more official government correspondance through requesting an exchange of embassies. The Empire would furthermore request the opening of official economic ties between Xharn and Generia, for the mutual benefit of both economies.
Should these measures prove fruitful, and should your nation continue to prosper under the leadership of the Party and Patron Stormberg, the Empire may offer further assistance.
Yours in Sincerity,
Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei,
High Advisor to His Grace, Emperor Kazatmiru I
The H.I.V.E. (Underground Military Command Complex under The Grand National Palace..)
The Patron Joseph Stormberg was in a meeting with the Central Military Command. The very High Command that has total control over the Xharnian Armed Forces, and now the entire state of Xharn. These Military leaders were the heads of the Grand National Unity Party were discussing their success in their operations to get total control over the Fatherland.
The Military and the Party now had even more control over the country. Thanks to the convenient and sudden disappearance of their political and ideological opponents. It was now much easier to control the people of the state of Xharn. This control was greatly essential considering the population was now over two billion people. The Patron and the Command were discussing about how to deal with this increased population problem.
The Military and most of the Party were in favor of annexing the lands to the north and expanding the Fatherland's territory. The Patron agreed with this idea but he was a fierce advocate of anti-immigration. He did not want more foreigners to infect the fatherland with their corrupt and dissident ways. He was also against the idea of abortion seeing such action as against the will of god and the church. He did agreed with Euthanasia however and he also wanted to start a more aggressive military policy to acquire resources from foreign lands. The conversation was about to get into the topic of targets to strike when a representative from the Ministry of Foreign Relations gave them the message from Generia.
The Patron Joseph Stormberg read over the message and smiled. It could prove useful to make allies with this Empire of Generia. The Fatherland was not receiving to much heat for it's actions inside it's territory but once the need to expand would eventually force the Fatherland to start invading for territory and resources. The Patron Stormberg knew the chance of angering the international community would be highly likely at this rate and the only hope of survival would be to have powerful allies that could keep the larger enemy nations at bay.
The Central Military Command also looked at the message and they all sent their approval of the message and ordered the Ministry of Foreign Relations to send an Official State Directive to establish relations with the Empire…..
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
The Patron Joseph Stormberg and the Party are interested in your proposal of an embassy exchange and establishing economic ties between our two nations. He has after careful deliberation over your offer, agreed to your request. He hopes this will improve both our nations economies and relations between your Empire and our State.
We shall do everything in our power to protect the profit of our nation's economy and that of our international interests. We guarantee that if something tries to mess with our nation's profitability. The Armed Forces of the Fatherland and the Party's Private Military Force the Death Korps Legions will rectify the situation.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
The Transylvania
06-09-2006, 01:49
To: The Head of Foreign Relations of Xharn
From: The Count
Going to make this short, want some friends and allies? Then become allies with the Dominion. It is better to have the Dominion and her armed forces on your side then to face them. Get back to ASAP.
~The Count
The Warmaster
06-09-2006, 02:07
To the Patron Joseph Stormberg:
The Imperium has watched with interest as you have cleansed your lands of naysayers and fools, showing none of the weakness and idiocy that plagues the lands of the democratist infidels. We congratulate you on your seizure of power, and are interested in establishing friendly relationships between our two nations. We await your reply.
Darian Aurelius, Minister of Foreign Relations
Ministry of Foreign Relations…
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato was sitting at his desk looking over the latest diplomatic reports. The Count's message immediately took priority over all the other reports. The Count's Dominion had long been considered a powerful force on the continent and his power was not something Xharn could ever afford to challenge.
The Grand Ambassador sent the message to the H.I.V.E. and within five minutes received the order to accept the alliance. It was not something that was questioned or challenged the Party had decided to ally with the Count to expand their own interests within Irathria and maybe in the rest of the world as well.
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
The Patron Joseph Stormberg and the Party are greatly interested in your proposal of an alliance between your Dominion and our State. The Patron and the Central Military Command have thus agreed to this alliance to better secure both our borders.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
The Grand National Palace….
The Patron Joseph Stormberg was heading towards his personal library to read read up on the Xharnian Civil War. It was one of his favorite Military campaigns as a child and he wanted to find out how the Nationalist defeated the Communist forces.
His Excellency ran into another servant that gave him a message that another nation wished to establish diplomatic ties to the state. He was also notified that it was from the Imperium of Warmaster. The Patron Stormberg thought about this and decided to accept this offer and expand his list of nations with diplomatic ties with the State of Xharn.
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
His Excellency wants to end the religious heresy that used to plague our great Fatherland. He also is trying to end the social and moral corruption that is greatly prevalent across the globe.
He has after careful deliberation, agreed to accept your offer and establish diplomatic relations with your Imperium. We are hoping to establish an embassy exchange and start economic ties between our two great nations.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
Borman Empire
06-09-2006, 02:48
Official Imperial Communqique:
To: Joseph Stormberg
From: Chancellor Licinius
Your nation reminds me of...well, a younger version of The Empire. You are carrying out campaigns we did only so long ago.
Anyways, we would like to establish trading relations with your nation and have an exchange of embassies.
End Transmission
The Transylvania
06-09-2006, 03:13
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: The Count
Well, we are allies then. The Dominion and the Fatherland will be good allies. And here is the info on embassies in the Dominion.
They are located on Embassy Avenue in Bucharest, Romania. There are many embassies on that avenue but only twevle of them have people in them; Jenrak, Roach-Busters, Borman Empire, Generic Empire, Camel Eaters, Jagada, Findan, Otagia, Ceyolia, DMG, Deserted Territories, and Phoenixius. The closer the name means the closer the Dominion is to those nation.
The embassy has enough room for two hundred people to set up offices and etc. The embassy is located on five acres. There is a helipad in the front yard and a large swimming pool in the back. The embassy and the land will be treated as that nation own land, there laws and etc.
Four armed vehicles can be stationed at the embassy as long as they do not carry any weapon with a caliber of .50 or higher. Unlimited number of non-armed vehicles can be placed at the embassy. A non-armed helicopter can be stationed at the embassy but it will have to be registered with both the Dominion Civil Air and Dominion Air Force.
A hundred guards can be placed at the embassy. No weapon can be a caliber of .50 or higher then a .50 caliber.
Right now, I will have to find an Ambassador to be in the embassy in your nation. But the temp Ambassador will be Lieutenant Colonel Steve Poll, the 17th Black Angels.
Tell me you limits to the embassy in your nation.
~ The Count
Generic empire
06-09-2006, 04:55
Official Imperial Communique:
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei
The Empire is pleased that you have agreed to our requests for diplomatic and economic ties. In response, the Empire has opened up a building close to the Imperial Palace in Sofia where a Xharnian embassy can be established. It is a moderately large building, with room for approximately 150 embassy staff and personnel. The Empire will not prohibit the amount of embassy guards, though we forbid armament consisting of rocket propelled or radar guided weaponry, along with any military grade helicopters or armored assault vehicles.
In addition, the Imperial General Staff has suggested that we undertake an officer exchange program to share military knowledge and mutually improve ourselves in the art of war. The Imperial Army ranks among the best in the world, and has much to teach a national armed force that would be interested in learning. In addition, we are certain that our own military can draw knowledge from your forces, especially in the fields of counter insurgency and police operations which they have no doubt had much experience with in the past few weeks. The Empire itself is no stranger to such operations, having been fighting similar internal wars for centuries, and we believe we can do much to add to your forces' efficiency in such areas.
Should your armed forces seek training in any specific area, The Empire would be more than willing to aid.
Yours in Sincerity,
Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei,
High Advisor to His Grace, Emperor Kazatmiru I
Official Imperial Communqique:
To: Joseph Stormberg
From: Chancellor Licinius
Your nation reminds me of...well, a younger version of The Empire. You are carrying out campaigns we did only so long ago.
Anyways, we would like to establish trading relations with your nation and have an exchange of embassies.
End Transmission
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
His Excellency, Patron Joseph Stormberg and the Grand National Unity Party after careful deliberation have accepted your offer for an embassy exchange and the establishment of trade relations between our two nations.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: The Count
Well, we are allies then. The Dominion and the Fatherland will be good allies. And here is the info on embassies in the Dominion.
They are located on Embassy Avenue in Bucharest, Romania. There are many embassies on that avenue but only twelve of them have people in them; Jenrak, Roach-Busters, Borman Empire, Generic Empire, Camel Eaters, Jagada, Findan, , Otagia, Ceyolia, DMG, Deserted Territories, and Phoenixius. The closer the name means the closer the Dominion is to those nation.
The embassy has enough room for two hundred people to set up offices and etc. The embassy is located on five acres. There is a helipad in the front yard and a large swimming pool in the back. The embassy and the land will be treated as that nation own land, their laws and etc.
Four armed vehicles can be stationed at the embassy as long as they do not carry any weapon with a caliber of .50 or higher. Unlimited number of non-armed vehicles can be placed at the embassy. A non-armed helicopter can be stationed at the embassy but it will have to be registered with both the Dominion Civil Air and Dominion Air Force.
A hundred guards can be placed at the embassy. No weapon can be a caliber of .50 or higher then a .50 caliber.
Right now, I will have to find an Ambassador to be in the embassy in your nation. But the temp Ambassador will be Lieutenant Colonel Steve Poll, the 17th Black Angels.
Tell me you limits to the embassy in your nation.
~ The Count
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
Embassies are located in District 4 in Xharnia the Capital City of the United Military State of Xharn. The area is under the permanent protection of a Brigade of Military Police officers. The Embassies have the following limits, They are about six acres in territory and have room for about 150 people to set up offices and bedrooms, servants quarters kitchen etc. You are allowed three armed vehicles and as many unarmed vehicles as you see fit. You can have up to two helipads with one armed helicopter and one unarmed helicopter.
The Embassies have the following restrictions on security. We request that no more than three hundred security personal be on the embassy at any one time. We also request no explosive or missiles/rocket weaponry be on the embassy. You are allowed machine guns and tactical snipers along with a choice of sidearm and assault rifle. We request no sub machine guns be present.
The Embassy land and building count as the Patron country's territory and are subject to their laws, edicts, customs etc.
The Diplomat to your great Dominion is Ambassador Thomas Angelo. He has been a member of the Grand National Unity Party for seven years and has managed to prove himself in the art of diplomacy. The security shall be handled by the E.I.A. Embassy Security Division lead by Captain Roger Somarstein. He will be given a security force of three hundred men to secure the Embassy.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
Official Imperial Communique:
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei
The Empire is pleased that you have agreed to our requests for diplomatic and economic ties. In response, the Empire has opened up a building close to the Imperial Palace in Sofia where a Xharnian embassy can be established. It is a moderately large building, with room for approximately 150 embassy staff and personnel. The Empire will not prohibit the amount of embassy guards, though we forbid armament consisting of rocket propelled or radar guided weaponry, along with any military grade helicopters or armored assault vehicles.
In addition, the Imperial General Staff has suggested that we undertake an officer exchange program to share military knowledge and mutually improve ourselves in the art of war. The Imperial Army ranks among the best in the world, and has much to teach a national armed force that would be interested in learning. In addition, we are certain that our own military can draw knowledge from your forces, especially in the fields of counter insurgency and police operations which they have no doubt had much experience with in the past few weeks. The Empire itself is no stranger to such operations, having been fighting similar internal wars for centuries, and we believe we can do much to add to your forces' efficiency in such areas.
Should your armed forces seek training in any specific area, The Empire would be more than willing to aid.
Yours in Sincerity,
Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei,
High Advisor to His Grace, Emperor Kazatmiru I
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
Your Embassy is located in District 4 in Xharnia the Capital City of the United Military State of Xharn. This area is under the permanent protection of a Brigade of Military Police officers. The Embassy will have the following limits, It is are about six acres in territory and has room for about 150 people to set up offices and bedrooms, servant's quarter's kitchen etc. You are allowed three armed vehicles and as many unarmed vehicles as you see fit. You can have up to two helipads with one armed helicopter and one unarmed helicopter.
The Embassy will have the following restrictions on security. We request that no more than three hundred security personal be on the embassy at any one time. We also request no explosive or missiles/rocket weaponry be on the embassy. You are allowed machine guns and tactical snipers along with a choice of sidearm and assault rifle. We request no sub machine guns or shotguns be present.
The Embassy land and building count as the Empire's territory and are subject to their laws, edicts, customs etc.
The Diplomat to your great Empire is Ambassador George Sorenheim. He has been a member of the Grand National Unity Party for eight years and was a Field Marshal for the Xharnian 4th National Army. He is now retire and has decided to go into the Ministry of Foreign Relations. We think he will be able to handle all diplomatic communications between our two great nations. The security shall be handled by the E.I.A. Embassy Security Division lead by Captain Waren Slaviar. He will be given a security force of three hundred men to secure the Embassy.
The Central Military Command was greatly interested in this officer exchange program. We have been conducting drills for mountain warfare and blitzkrieg style combat. We are trying to prepare for certain operations that could have political ramifications in the Irathria continent. The exchanging of ideas and tactics could be useful once the operations go under way. The Command has thus agreed to allow this exchange between our nations Officer personal.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
The Transylvania
06-09-2006, 22:17
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: The Count
Everything is fine but the three hundred guards at your embassy in my Dominion. First off, the limit is hundred guard or less, nothing higher then that. Plus, three hundred guards can’t stay in place made for a hundred guards. See where I’m heading?
I and Lord Paris have found some person to replace Lieutenant Colonel Steve Poll as Ambassador. His name is Alec Kane, he has seven years being a diplomat. Captain Fabian Allen McClure with be the Leader of the Embassy Guards at our embassy in your great Fatherland.
Here will be the listed weapons:
300 Burning Fox pistol (.45 ACP cambered)
200 Metal Griffin assault rifles
50 Wild One assault rifles
50 Maxeighteen sniper rifles
50 The Snake combat knives (Used by the EG snipers)
250 Wild Tiger Commando knives (Used by the rest of the EGs)
Two black M1026A1 HMMWVs (Mounted with a Master Guard general purpose machine gun)
One Mowag Piranha III H
Fifteen black BMW R850RT motorcycles
Twenty black armored Toyota VX 100s (For the use of the EGs)
One black armored BMW 730 I (For use of Ambassador)
Ten black unarmored Saab 9000i (For use of the staff)
Five black unarmored Opel Astra G Caravan 1.6 SZR (For use of the staff)
One Mi-35 Hind E assault transport helicopter
One black Bell 222U helicopter
Here is a link to Timber Wolf Inc. Firearm division’s on-line store: Your Fatherland has a ten percent discount at it.
Generic empire
07-09-2006, 01:21
Official Imperial Communique:
To: Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
From: Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei
Generia will be dispatching Dr. Ilek Vayizhka as the Imperial ambassador to Xharn. Dr. Vayizhka has in his 14 years of service with the Imperial foreign ministry proven himself an exceptionally capable diplomat as well as a knowledgeable foreign affairs consultant. He has shown steadfast loyalty to Generia, her interests, and her Emperor. We are certain, therefore, that he will prove to be an effective diplomatic conduit between our nations. He will from the point of his arrival in Xharn, and the establishment of the Generian embassy handle all official communication between our nations.
The Imperial General Staff, delighted at your accepting our proposal for an officer exchange program, has selected 100 Generian officers, all holding ranks from lieutenant to colonel. The officers selected have been chosen based on their experience and battlefield success, and we are certain they will be able to contribute as much as they are able to learn.
Yours in Sincerity,
Lord Varus Tiberius Alexei,
High Advisor to His Grace, Emperor Kazatmiru I
The Warmaster
07-09-2006, 19:54
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
His Excellency wants to end the religious heresy that used to plague our great Fatherland. He also is trying to end the social and moral corruption that is greatly prevalent across the globe.
He has after careful deliberation, agreed to accept your offer and establish diplomatic relations with your Imperium. We are hoping to establish an embassy exchange and start economic ties between our two great nations.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
To Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato, Head of Foreign Relations
We are pleased to hear this. The Sacred Emperor himself sends his compliments to Patron Stormberg. We are perfectly willing to grant you an embassy in Korronis, our capital city; the property we have in mind is located on the Great Forum, in clear sight of the Imperial Palace itself, and near the corner of Embassy Row. You will be rubbing shoulders with diplomats from such nations as DMG, the Borman Empire, the Generic Empire, and Freudotopia. You may have any small-arms firearms you wish, short of mortars or missile launchers. You may also have up to two unarmed helicopters, as many ambassadorial vehicles as you like, and up to four trucks or other unarmed transport vehicles. You may have as many security personnel as will fit in the embassy. However, we inform you that in the event of war between our two nations (an issue we hope never arises), your personnel will be regarded as prisoners of war, and subject to Imperial law.
In turn, we request an embassy in your own capital city of Xharnia. Although we are unaware of your security restrictions, our initial thoughts are to send one unarmed helicopter, one AH-166 Twilight gunship, two limousines, and four unarmed transport trucks. Security staff will consist of sixty Imperial Guardsmen, with the standard equipment that is issued to them by the Imperium. Embassy personnel will be ninety, including cryptography, maintenance, and ambassadorial aides. Our proposed ambassador is Lord Prefect Kagan Jamaane, former governor of the major city of Rashin, with over thirty years of loyal service to the Imperium on his record. We hope to hear from you soon.
Darian Aurelius, Minister of Foreign Relations
Borman Empire
08-09-2006, 01:33
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official State Directive......
The United Military State of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
His Excellency, Patron Joseph Stormberg and the Grand National Unity Party after careful deliberation have accepted your offer for an embassy exchange and the establishment of trade relations between our two nations.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
Official Imperial Communique:
To: Gerald Nomato
From: Chancellor Licinius
That is excellent to hear. We understand that you are forming allied and friendly relations with many of our allies, so I am sure that our relation path will bear only good fruit and strong ties.
End Transmission