E20 Military Thread (Closed RP) - Page 2
Galveston Bay
05-11-2006, 11:32
Parthini;11902045']Couple of questions:
Can I upgrade my reserves to Heavy too, since I have voluntary service too?
Can the US and UK research tanks even though we're not at war?
When can the US and UK get fighter planes?
Have chemical weapons come out and what are the game mechanics for them?
1. yes
2. yes
3. 1914
4. yes they are available, if you spend the resource money for them. Level 2 wargases (chlorine) costs 12 points and then you spend money for a chemical weapons stockpile (see Eastern War thread for costs of an ammunition stockpile)
Then you spend 24 more and get level 3 wargases (mustard, phosgene), then 24 more and your get level 1 wargases (tear gas)
However, democratic nations (US, France, UK and Dominions for example) cannot research war gases until someone uses them or is determined (by intel) to be researching it.
05-11-2006, 17:18
1. yes
2. yes
3. 1914
4. yes they are available, if you spend the resource money for them. Level 2 wargases (chlorine) costs 12 points and then you spend money for a chemical weapons stockpile (see Eastern War thread for costs of an ammunition stockpile)
Then you spend 24 more and get level 3 wargases (mustard, phosgene), then 24 more and your get level 1 wargases (tear gas)
However, democratic nations (US, France, UK and Dominions for example) cannot research war gases until someone uses them or is determined (by intel) to be researching it.
any time restrictions (like the 12 points must be spread out over a year, etc.) to research gas?
05-11-2006, 22:57
Do you have to research the gases themselves to research how to protect your soldiers against them. (Ergo Gas masks.)
Galveston Bay
13-11-2006, 04:30
US Navy begins experimenting with refueling at sea using tankers and destroyers
The Navy expects to have the procendure mastered in 5 years.
On a secondary note, the US Navy wants to refit or replace all coal burning warships to improve flexibility
The Navy also begins a second series of flights of warships using seaplanes and aircraft with wheels operating off temporary take off decks.
Recovering aircraft aboard ship is still an issue though.
The Royal Navy is conducting similar experiments
RL actions
Galveston Bay
13-11-2006, 04:30
any time restrictions (like the 12 points must be spread out over a year, etc.) to research gas?
no more then 12 points a year
Galveston Bay
13-11-2006, 04:31
Do you have to research the gases themselves to research how to protect your soldiers against them. (Ergo Gas masks.)
no, you don't have to research gas to get gas masks
however, you can't issue them to troops until someone actually uses it
Galveston Bay
13-11-2006, 18:24
New units 1913
flak division cost 2. maintenance .5 (2 wartime), build time 4 months
provides anti aircraft defense for critical areas
wartime flak division 2 points, maintenance 2, 4 months (movement by rail only)
effective 1913, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, the US, and the UK (only) can build fighter plane units. Cost is 3, maintenance 1, range 2 hexes, build time 4 months (100 aircraft). Air combat rating is 2, no bombing or naval rating.
in addition, the nations above can also build light bomber units
cost is 3, maintenance 1, range 2 hexes, build time 4 months (100 aircraft),
air combat (1), bombing 1 or naval 1 (designate either as bomber or naval bomber),
Seaplane naval bomber, cost is 4, maintenance 2, range 4 hexes, build time 4 months (100 aircraft), air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 1, US only for 1913
Nations may purchase air units from nations that build them if they lack an aviation industry of their own.
To acquire an aviation industry costs 100 points (which can be spread out), and referee approval. You must be tech level 5, and not be at war.
13-11-2006, 18:28
To acquire an aviation industry costs 100 points (which can be spread out), and referee approval. You must be tech level 5, and not be at war.
What about Rumania, and other nations who had a small RL aviation industry?
13-11-2006, 20:03
Thanks. And when I am done with war and reach 1917 and am tech lvl 5? Can I? SPain gets a pretty nice auto industry, so an airline industry isn't far off. It also did build other countries planes eventually as well. Sooo it's not too far off if Spain doesn't have to go through a Civil War. Just a note. 100 points. Mkay.
18-11-2006, 17:50
What's the peacetime cost for some of these units not previously listed (Heavy Infantry Corp, Artillery Corp, Motorized Units)?
Also, when can Japan begin creation of an avitaion industry?
What's the peacetime cost for some of these units not previously listed (Heavy Infantry Corp, Artillery Corp, Motorized Units)?
Also, when can Japan begin creation of an avitaion industry?
Peacetime maintenance costs for military units are half the wartime costs. So, a heavy infantry corps for example would be .75 points, etc.
Galveston Bay
18-11-2006, 23:55
military unit costs will be revised after the Thanksgiving holiday
for now, peacetime costs are as listed in the military thread, or half of the cost listed in the Great War thread for that unit if not listed in the military thread.
Galveston Bay
20-11-2006, 19:13
military unit costs will be revised after the Thanksgiving holiday
for now, peacetime costs are as listed in the military thread, or half of the cost listed in the Great War thread for that unit if not listed in the military thread.
Ground units have been modified.. see ground unit post on first page of this thread
20-11-2006, 22:01
Read and read. WIll make changes in my 1914 turn. Going away for THanksigivng so not entirely sure. ANyways.
Oh when Spainr eaches tech lvl 5. Can I research ASW warfare? Because SPain had to worry about German submarines sinking it's ships, when it does reach Tech lvl 5 it would want to know how to supress that.
Galveston Bay
20-11-2006, 22:46
Read and read. WIll make changes in my 1914 turn. Going away for THanksigivng so not entirely sure. ANyways.
Oh when Spainr eaches tech lvl 5. Can I research ASW warfare? Because SPain had to worry about German submarines sinking it's ships, when it does reach Tech lvl 5 it would want to know how to supress that.
once an ally or friendly nation sells you tech level 5 destroyers (and has ASW warfare themselves), then you do.. at this tech leve ASW warfare is simply hydrophones (for listening) and depth charges (for attacking)
sonar is tech level 6 (borderline 5.5/6 actually), as is radar
20-11-2006, 22:48
By the way, I know I've asked this alot, but by being in a war do I get to move in tech level any faster? I have about 5 years to go. 1917 is when I would normally reach tech lvl 5.
Galveston Bay
20-11-2006, 23:33
By the way, I know I've asked this alot, but by being in a war do I get to move in tech level any faster? I have about 5 years to go. 1917 is when I would normally reach tech lvl 5.
will be handled next week when I post what happens to world economies after the war
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 00:05
Need all nations that have a navy to post the exact size of their navy either here, or provide a link to it
need to know exact number of ships (names would be good to) of all types, plus naval bases and naval yards (name and location)
21-11-2006, 00:13
Need all nations that have a navy to post the exact size of their navy either here, or provide a link to it
need to know exact number of ships (names would be good to) of all types, plus naval bases and naval yards (name and location)
Danish Navy Located here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11710481&postcount=2)
21-11-2006, 00:19
Royal Navy in 1913
21-11-2006, 00:29
Marinha Portuguesa (Navy):
Armoured Cruisers-
Rainha Dona Amelia (1901) [T4.5] Lisbon
Estrago Durável (1911) [T5] Lisbon
Light Cruisers-
'Seita De Carga' (1907), [T5] Macau
'Lançasusto' (1907), [T5] Macau
'Tempestade Inverno' (1907), [T5] Lisbon
'Decaiu Pacifista' (1907) [T5] Loanda
Gunboat Flotillas-
'Teimoso' (1910), [T5] Loanda
Naval Bases-
Lisbon, Loanda, Macau
The Portuguese navy is undergoing a large expansion and in 1914 will have the following additional ships.
Armoured Cruiser- 'Energia Nervosa' (1913) [T5]
Armoured Cruiser- 'Otimista Congênito' (1913) [T5]
Destroyer Flotilla- 'Lâmina' (1913) [T5]
21-11-2006, 00:34
Dutch Navy (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11943850&postcount=2)
Here you go.
New Dornalia
21-11-2006, 00:35
Working list for Republican Navy--
2 BCs
-RCS Cao Cao, RCS Zheng He
2 DD2
--RCS Guangdong, Changsha
6 CLs
Ports: Guangdong/Canton, Fuzhou
Marine Nationale
9 transport groups* (2 transport units, 2 converted ocean liners, 5 converted shipping units)
4 BC: Fraternitie, President, Congress, Tavernier (repairs finished in August 1913)
14 BB1*: Suffern, Massena, Charlemagne, Charles Martel, 10 American BB
7 CA: Ernest Renan, Conde, Sully, Amiral Charner, Bruix, Latouche Treville, Desaix
8 CP: D'Estrees, Guichen, D'Assas, Cassard, Du Chayla, Catinat, Bugead, Alger (repairs finished in August 1913)
12 CL*: Boucanier, Corsair, Vindicatif, Vengeance, Audacieux, Intrépide, six American CL
5x DD Flotilla
1x DD2 Flotilla
2x Coast Defense Submarine Flotilla
1x PT boat flotilla
Naval Yards: Brest, St. Nazaire, Toulon
Naval Bases: Cherbourg, Dunkirk
Major Ports: Oran, Bordeaux, Marseilles
*I don't have the names of the ships the US provided me with (except for the BCs), and seven of the transport units will be reconverted to shipping and ocean liners after the war.
Also, my CPs, CAs, and four of my BBs are without crews at the moment; their sailors were put onto the arriving American ships.
Russian NAvy, June 1913:
Baltic Fleet
Prince Bagration
Borodino (2 points to repair, 4 months)
Kutusov (1 point, 2 months)
1 minesweeper flotilla
CP Aurora
1 coast defense submarine flotilla
Black Sea:
3 MTB Flotilla
1 DD Flotilla
Naval Bases:
Naval Yards:
7 shipping units (hiding in friendly ports)
21-11-2006, 01:27
Japanese South Atlantic Fleet
Japanese forces (based at Luderitz)
BC Mogami, Mikuma, Chikuma, Chokai CL Tatsuta, Tenryu, Kiso, Kitakami, Kuma, Oi, Tama, Abukama, Isuzu, Kinu
BB1 Aki, Satsuma, Mikasa, Katori, Kashima, 2 destroyer flotillas, 3 transport units
Indian Ocean Fleet (Pondicherry/Madagascar)
2 Dreadnoughts
9 Protected Cruisers
3 Destroyer Squadrons
2 Armored Cruisers
Pacific Fleet (Tainan)
2 Torpedo boat Squadrons
(5 BB1's, 2 CA's, 2 CP's repairing)
21-11-2006, 01:38
Is the artilery corp now a divisions?
Can we merge Motorized Brigades to form a corp? How many brigades are needed?
Kilani, you've got the Borodino and Kutusov listed twice in your navy.
21-11-2006, 01:44
Kilani, you've got the Borodino and Kutusov listed twice in your navy.
I think he listed all the ships, and then which ones needed repair
Is the artilery corp now a divisions?
Can we merge Motorized Brigades to form a corp? How many brigades are needed?
I would assume three brigades to a division and three divisions to a corp, hence needing nine brigades to make a corp (although the brigades don't really have the artillery support for a corp). Ask GB.
Middle Snu
21-11-2006, 02:16
Siamese Fleet (Stationed at Bangkok, all ships tech level 5)
1 Torpedo Boat Flotilla
3 Light Cruisers
1 Destroyer Flotilla
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 05:58
I would assume three brigades to a division and three divisions to a corp, hence needing nine brigades to make a corp (although the brigades don't really have the artillery support for a corp). Ask GB.
motorized corps aren't the same thing. Motorized infantry brigades actually have enough trucks to carry all of their infantry around, while the corps don't (their infantry marches). Plus the doctrine isn't there yet (which is the main thing really anyway)
but having motorized brigades will make mechanized forces easier to obtain later
the other issue of course is that motorized infantry brigades were useful but not exactly decisive. Only the Japanese used them in large numbers, and they were not a decisive factor in Siberia because of terrain, weather, lack of roads, lack of 4x4 drive vehicles, and armored vehicles.
21-11-2006, 06:16
Alright will do. And here is the link to my navy.
21-11-2006, 18:30
*Puts his idea cap on and watches everybody run for the hills*
As we have aircraft just coming onto the scene I sugest a new type of military construction similar to that of Naval bases and fortresses.
That of the Airbase. At the moment airbases arn't really needed as the current aircraft can take off from a decent sized field, however when more advanced aircraft come along they will require the solid shelters, well stocked repair equipment and paved runways of an airbase. Even now with the current primitive aircraft airbases do have advantages, they provide protection to aircraft on the ground and improve their performance in combat as they are well looked after and their pilots have somewhere to rest in between sorties.
Now there are two types of airbases small ones and large ones;
Small airbases cost 3 points to build and require .10 points in maintenance each year. They can house two units of aircraft (including blimps and zeps) and provide a (modest) protection and (small) performence bonus to aircraft housed there.
Large airbases cost 6 points (3 points to upgrade from a small airbase) and require .25 points in maintenance each year. They can house five units of aircraft (including blimps and zeps) and provide a (large) protection and (small) performence bonus to aircraft housed there.
In times of war after civilian airtravel becomes widespread, civilian airports in cities may be converted to small airbases at no extra cost.
International Airport Terminals may be converted to either small airbases for no extra cost or into large airbases for 2 points extra. Maintenace will have to be paid for these converted bases and doing so will effect air commerce and tourism.
Aircraft units must start and end their turn on an airbase.
Airbases can be captured or destroyed similarly to fortresses but are much easier.Around tech level 7.5 airbases may be hardend with hangars underground for an extra two points.
Also engineer brigades when they arrive at some point have the ability to constrct a temporary airbase for no cost. A temporary airbase can house one unit of aircraft with a small protection bonus and no performence bonus. Temporary airbases do not require maintenance but will cease to function at the end of hostilities. Although they may be upgraded to small airbases for 1.5 points or large airbases for 5 points which will keep them around.
Somewhat muddled, but feel free to ask questions and suggest changes.
And I would like some constructive critisicm instead of cries of 'Oh noes too complicated!!'. Otherwise I might start to think my efforts weren't being apreciated, and you wouldn't want that would you? :p
21-11-2006, 18:34
Actually it sounds fine to me. It seems well thought out. THe only problem is that the more of these additions we put on, the more little countries will get left behind. But... that's the risk sometimes too.
21-11-2006, 18:40
Actually it sounds fine to me. It seems well thought out. THe only problem is that the more of these additions we put on, the more little countries will get left behind. But... that's the risk sometimes too.
What happened to the little countries in real life may we ask? Thay got their asses handed to them thats what, that or they banded round a bigger country for protecion.
21-11-2006, 18:43
Thats why I said that's the risk sometimes. Game mechanics wise, I would only have complained if you hadn't added the temporary air base with army engineers. I only have one more thing to add. That it's easier to make a temporary air base into a full time air base than from scratch. Like say instead of costing 3 points, it costs 1.75 points to turn a temporary airbase into a small airbase.
21-11-2006, 18:45
Thats why I said that's the risk sometimes. Game mechanics wise, I would only have complained if you hadn't added the temporary air base with army engineers. I only have one more thing to add. That it's easier to make a temporary air base into a full time air base than from scratch. Like say instead of costing 3 points, it costs 1.75 points to turn a temporary airbase into a small airbase.
Aha! thats's a good idea. Added.
21-11-2006, 18:55
Thank you for the compliment. Since it's an addition, I gather that I did a good job of constructive critiscism. Though of course GB has the last word. Though I think that if we have naval bases, it is a rather interesting thing that we don't have airbases later on. Or at least a system of airbases.
Either way, I hope when he does the economics I learn if I can make an air industry or not. I hope I can. Spain has an automotive industry that's pretty good. That I do know. They're trying to make planes now. It's just by now other countries have such a head start on them. Yep.
Oh well off topic of military stuff, sooooo that's it.
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 19:02
*Puts his idea cap on and watches everybody run for the hills*
As we have aircraft just coming onto the scene I sugest a new type of military construction similar to that of Naval bases and fortresses.
That of the Airbase. At the moment airbases arn't really needed as the current aircraft can take off from a decent sized field, however when more advanced aircraft come along they will require the solid shelters, well stocked repair equipment and paved runways of an airbase. Even now with the current primitive aircraft airbases do have advantages, they provide protection to aircraft on the ground and improve their performance in combat as they are well looked after and their pilots have somewhere to rest in between sorties.
Now there are two types of airbases small ones and large ones;
Small airbases cost 3 points to build and require .10 points in maintenance each year. They can house two units of aircraft (including blimps and zeps) and provide a (modest) protection and (small) performence bonus to aircraft housed there.
Large airbases cost 6 points (3 points to upgrade from a small airbase) and require .25 points in maintenance each year. They can house five units of aircraft (including blimps and zeps) and provide a (large) protection and (small) performence bonus to aircraft housed there.
In times of war after civilian airtravel becomes widespread, civilian airports in cities may be converted to small airbases at no extra cost.
International Airport Terminals may be converted to either small airbases for no extra cost or into large airbases for 2 points extra. Maintenace will have to be paid for these converted bases and doing so will effect air commerce and tourism.
Aircraft units must start and end their turn on an airbase.
Airbases can be captured or destroyed similarly to fortresses but are much easier.Around tech level 7.5 airbases may be hardend with hangars underground for an extra two points.
Also engineer brigades when they arrive at some point have the ability to constrct a temporary airbase for no cost. A temporary airbase can house one unit of aircraft with a small protection bonus and no performence bonus. Temporary airbases do not require maintenance but will cease to function at the end of hostilities. Although they may be upgraded to small airbases for 1.5 points or large airbases for 5 points which will keep them around.
Somewhat muddled, but feel free to ask questions and suggest changes.
And I would like some constructive critisicm instead of cries of 'Oh noes too complicated!!'. Otherwise I might start to think my efforts weren't being apreciated, and you wouldn't want that would you? :p
I will think about it.. right now, airbases are factored in as part of the cost of aircraft maintenance, and you can have a certain number of air units based out of clear hexes, terrain hexes, cities, fortresses and naval bases.
Not a bad idea though
21-11-2006, 19:06
By the way, TG on something GB.
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 19:35
1913 Jackie Fisher and Winston Churchill approve designs for a heavy cruiser class. Designed to patrol the sealanes, deal with light cruisers acting as commerce raiders and much cheaper then a battlecruiser, this new type of warship instantly makes armored cruisers even more obsolete then they already are
Heavy cruiser cost 2 points a year for 2 years, maintenance .10, range 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 4 (German ships have defense 2, range 4, French and Italian designs speed 8, range 4)
first 5 proposed British CA (heavy cruisers) Hawkins, Frobisher, Effingham, Hawkins, Cavindish
21-11-2006, 19:45
So Spain has to refurbish it's navy. What else isn't new? Oh well. Further behind, further behind. Something like that. Sigh.
And so we don't need research to get heavy cruisers? I mean it seems that there is no research points for it. Like dreadnaughts.
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 19:46
Jackie Fisher and Winston Churchill also authorize construction of the first seaplane carrier,
Aircraft Carrier rules
Must be tech level 5, and be able to build your own aircraft
6 points gives you Seaplane Carriers (free for UK, US due to pioneering work)
these ships allow your fleet to have some built in scouting ability. However, they are slow. (seaplane carrier combat 0, protection 0, speed 3, range 3) and are all converted merchant ships. They have no combat value, only increase your ability to find other ships
Seaplane carriers cost 2 points, require 1 year (as are converted merchant ships) and maintenance is .25 points
1 year after getting seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you improved seaplane carriers technology. Cost is 3 points, require 1 year to convert (and you are converting a liner) and one liner unit will give you 2 seaplane carriers (for 3 points to convert both ships). They have a combat rating of 0, protection of 0, speed of 6, and range of 4. They also have an naval bombing rating of 1.
2 years after getting improved seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you light carrier technology. You must convert a battle cruiser or armored cruiser at a cost of 3 points and 1 year construction time. Gives you a light carrier with a combat rating of 0, defense rating of 1, speed of 5 (BC conversion) or 3 (armored cruiser conversion), range of 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), and air combat rating of 1, naval bombing rating of 1
additional carrier rules will be provided when the time comes.
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 19:51
So Spain has to refurbish it's navy. What else isn't new? Oh well. Further behind, further behind. Something like that. Sigh.
And so we don't need research to get heavy cruisers? I mean it seems that there is no research points for it. Like dreadnaughts.
since you have to be tech level 5 and have a naval yard in order to build tech level 5 warships, its already factored in.
Heavy cruisers are lightly armored and have only medium (7.5 - 8 inch guns), so they don't require the heavy research into armor, heavy guns, etc that a BC or DN does.
The leading navies already have BCs, so they don't have to pay for researching CA (heavy cruiser) technology
Galveston Bay
21-11-2006, 19:54
Escort groups -- once you have researched or acquired ASW technology, you may convert older destroyers into Escort groups. Essentially, old destroyers lose their torpedo tubes and replace them with depth charge racks.
So in effect, tech level 4.5 destroyer flotillas can be upgraded to tech level 5 escort groups for free once you have ASW technology.
Or you can simply build an escort group (rules for that already exist)
21-11-2006, 19:55
Ahh I got the naval yard, so just need to be tech lvl 5. Which is to be noted in the economic changes due to the war we are going to get when we return from vacation right?
21-11-2006, 23:14
Escort groups -- once you have researched or acquired ASW technology, you may convert older destroyers into Escort groups. Essentially, old destroyers lose their torpedo tubes and replace them with depth charge racks.
So in effect, tech level 4.5 destroyer flotillas can be upgraded to tech level 5 escort groups for free once you have ASW technology.
Or you can simply build an escort group (rules for that already exist)
Are level 5 Destroyers automatically equipped with Depth Charges, etc?
Galveston Bay
22-11-2006, 00:38
Parthini;11981001']Are level 5 Destroyers automatically equipped with Depth Charges, etc?
yes, once you have ASW warfare
22-11-2006, 03:29
Royal Norwegian Navy
Tech level 4.5
Coast defense BB1: Norge, Eidsvold
CP: Tordenskjold, Harald Haarfagre, Gefjun, Forseti, Eir, Heimdal
1 torpedo boat flotilla
Naval base: Oslo (repair work at either British or German ports), Bergen
Norwegian Army (conscript force)
2 coast defense fortress unit (Oslo and Narvik)
3 reserve light infantry brigades
Major Cities and Forces
Oslo: 1 Coastal Defense Fortress Unit, 1 Reserve Light Infantry Brigade, Norge, Gefjun, Forseti
Bergen: 1 Reserve Light Infantry Brigade, Tordenskjold, Heimdal
Stavanger: 1 Reserve Light Infantry Brigade, Torpedo boat flotilla, Eidsvoll
Narvik: 1 Coastal Defense Fortress Unit, Harald Haarfagre, Eir
Note that the two non-Oslo Infantry Brigades are currently in Finland.
22-11-2006, 14:00
How much maintenance do you have to pay for a Zepplin airliner unit?
23-11-2006, 18:21
Are naval air units needed for the light carriers and improved seaplane carriers, or is it assumed they automatically come with them and have the maintenance factored in?
Is it safe to assume that the cost of maintence is half of regular units?
27-11-2006, 01:27
Is it safe to assume that the cost of maintence is half of regular units?
everything's updated on the main page
everything's updated on the main page
Still can't find the cost of reserve units (I must be going blind) can someone please point it out to me?
27-11-2006, 02:19
Still can't find the cost of reserve units (I must be going blind) can someone please point it out to me?
I could be wrong, but I think it's half the regular unit. So reserve Infantry Corp is .25 maintenance
28-11-2006, 23:58
I think that we've forgotten to put the tank research into the research area? It's not there. I can't find it in the Great War thread either. A little help....
29-11-2006, 00:27
I think that we've forgotten to put the tank research into the research area? It's not there. I can't find it in the Great War thread either. A little help....
From memory...24 points for a year gets you a free tank brigade, and then you can start producing your own
Spain however, cannot research tanks as it lacks a large automobile industry, only like 5 nations actually can
Actually, it was two years at 24 each year, I think...
29-11-2006, 00:53
I see. And actually Spain will be able to make them once it reaches tech lvl 5. Spain built a rather nice sized automobile industry during the 1920's. And that's tech lvl 5 for me. So basically Spain can build a rather nice one. Look at the car industry in Spain today. It's rather competative. It just doesn't make it's own models. Or not famous ones anyways. I think they mostly make German cars.
29-11-2006, 00:56
I see. And actually Spain will be able to make them once it reaches tech lvl 5. Spain built a rather nice sized automobile industry during the 1920's. And that's tech lvl 5 for me. So basically Spain can build a rather nice one. Look at the car industry in Spain today. It's rather competative. It just doesn't make it's own models. Or not famous ones anyways. I think they mostly make German cars.
France, Britian, US, Italy, Germany can research tanks as they have suitable automobile industries, no one else, feel free to argue that to GB though, he made the ruling
Kilani, I think it's 24 points over 2 years, (as I see America's spending 12 points in 1913)
France, Britian, US, Italy, Germany can research tanks as they have suitable automobile industries, no one else, feel free to argue that to GB though, he made the ruling
Kilani, I think it's 24 points over 2 years, (as I see America's spending 12 points in 1913)
Yeah, it's 24 points over 2 years...that's what I've been doing, at least, and no one has corrected me.
Galveston Bay
29-11-2006, 03:37
I see. And actually Spain will be able to make them once it reaches tech lvl 5. Spain built a rather nice sized automobile industry during the 1920's. And that's tech lvl 5 for me. So basically Spain can build a rather nice one. Look at the car industry in Spain today. It's rather competative. It just doesn't make it's own models. Or not famous ones anyways. I think they mostly make German cars.
Spain, like South Africa, Mexico, Braizil and a number of other nations, has an automobile industry because foreign concerns built plants there at various times in history
so no, Spain cannot build tanks yet or research armored warfare
29-11-2006, 03:40
Spain, like South Africa, Mexico, Braizil and a number of other nations, has an automobile industry because foreign concerns built plants there at various times in history
so no, Spain cannot build tanks yet or research armored warfare
Wait, armored warfare can be researched as well?
Also, is there a way to be able to research tanks, like the aviation industry, by spending another 100 points to construct one?
Galveston Bay
29-11-2006, 03:41
Are naval air units needed for the light carriers and improved seaplane carriers, or is it assumed they automatically come with them and have the maintenance factored in?
the cost of aircraft are included
Galveston Bay
29-11-2006, 03:42
How much maintenance do you have to pay for a Zepplin airliner unit?
who is selling you Zeppelins?
Galveston Bay
29-11-2006, 03:43
Royal Norwegian Navy
Tech level 4.5
Coast defense BB1: Norge, Eidsvold
CP: Tordenskjold, Harald Haarfagre, Gefjun, Forseti, Eir, Heimdal
1 torpedo boat flotilla
Naval base: Oslo (repair work at either British or German ports), Bergen
Norwegian Army (conscript force)
2 coast defense fortress unit (Oslo and Narvik)
3 reserve light infantry brigades
Major Cities and Forces
Oslo: 1 Coastal Defense Fortress Unit, 1 Reserve Light Infantry Brigade, Norge, Gefjun, Forseti
Bergen: 1 Reserve Light Infantry Brigade, Tordenskjold, Heimdal
Stavanger: 1 Reserve Light Infantry Brigade, Torpedo boat flotilla, Eidsvoll
Narvik: 1 Coastal Defense Fortress Unit, Harald Haarfagre, Eir
Note that the two non-Oslo Infantry Brigades are currently in Finland.
Navy recommends scrapping all of its ships and buying 2 destroyer flotillas and a coast defense submarine flotilla
29-11-2006, 04:06
Navy recommends scrapping all of its ships and buying 2 destroyer flotillas and a coast defense submarine flotilla
[OOC- Then I suppose they'll get their wish- albeit in 1915, as my 1914 budget is done and I'm lazy. And I think it's actually 1914 today, so...]
New Dracora
29-11-2006, 07:12
Aussie navy info as of 1913/14:
Naval Bases:
Major Ports:
Auckland (NZ)
Minor Ports:
Port Macquarie
Port Augusta
Gisborne (NZ)
Port Moresby (PNG)
Note - the above is taken from the WIF map, please make corrections regarding port status if needed
Colonial Combined Fleet
1 Gunboat flotilla (GB) (10 ships - tech 4) (0.10) units/yr - Based in Melbourne
Torpedo boat flotilla (TB) (20 ships - tech 4) (0.10) units/yr - Based in Melbourne
Royal Australian Navy
1 Battlecruiser (BC) (0.25) units/yr
HMAS Australia - tech 5 (Coal) - Based in Sydney
5 Light Cruisers (CL) (0.50) units/yr
HMAS Sydney - tech 5 - Based in Sydney
HMAS Melbourne - tech 5 - Based in Sydney
HMAS Brisbane - tech 5 - Based in Sydney
HMAS Perth - tech 5 - Based in Perth
HMAS Fremantle - tech 5 - Based in Perth
1 Submarine flotilla (SSK) (20 submarines - tech 5) (0.25) units/yr - Based in Sydney
1 Destroyer flotilla (DD) (20 destroyers - tech 5) (0.25) units/yr - Based in Sydney
1 Escort flotilla (CE) (20 submarine chasers or corvettes - tech 5) (0.10) units/yr - Based in Sydney
1 Transport group (represents 85 transport ships or 500,000 tons of shipping - tech 5) (0.25) units/yr - Based in Melbourne
29-11-2006, 12:18
who is selling you Zeppelins?
Was hypothetical really, but I guess I'll ask Sweden.
29-11-2006, 17:08
Alright, so how much does it cost to make an automobile industry in a nation without outside help? The same as an aviation industry and it has to be tech lvl 5? Just curious so I can be self sufficient when it comes to weapons ya know.
Galveston Bay
29-11-2006, 19:47
Because a lot of nation staters and E20 players in particular like to fight wars and the 20th Century is full of them
General Rules
in peacetime, reserve units have their maintenance costs halved.
official change
29-11-2006, 22:30
Cool, by the way has anyone started research on tanks?
01-12-2006, 20:09
Wait a sec, I've been paying maitence for the two fortresses since 1906. That means it's beyond 5 years since I started. Which means I could have built it with that money. So I still have the fortresses.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2006, 20:26
Wait a sec, I've been paying maitence for the two fortresses since 1906. That means it's beyond 5 years since I started. Which means I could have built it with that money. So I still have the fortresses.
then you are correct, you do have fortresses there
01-12-2006, 20:48
Cool, that's taken care of then. When are we going to 1915 by the way? Regular schedule means Tuesday. I gather we'll have who still has a depression and how doesn't on Monday.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2006, 21:32
assault engineer brigade 2 points, maintenance .25, firepower 0 (assists other troops), movement 4, triples the combat strength of 1 corps or 2 divisions or 6 brigades against fortresses and fortress troops or if attacking a city. Can also be used in amphibious landings if stacked with a marine unit. Must be tech level 5 to build engineer brigades
Galveston Bay
01-12-2006, 21:47
air units costs and rules
specific units
Rigid Airships (Zeppelins) -- require research (see below) Each Zeppelin unit is 20 airships, and can be used as a military unit or used as an airline unit (provides 1 point of income a year, maximum 2 points)
Non Rigid Airships (Blimps) -- require research (see below). Each unit is 20 blimps and they can be used only as a military unit
Stage 1 military aircraft units (as of 1911-13)
As of 1911, only the US, Britian, France, Germany, Russia, Austria Hungary and Italy can produce aircraft, and only nations that spend the research can produce Zeppelins or Blimps
air units and special rules (in progress)
type / air combat rating (means defense only) / bombing/naval attack/strategic bombing/range in hexes using WIF Europe map /cost/maintenance/build time
Zeppelin air combat (1), bombing rating 1, naval attack 0, strategic bombing 1, range 10 hexes, cost 6, maintenance 3, build time 1 year (20 aircraft)
(Germany may convert airline units into military Zeppelin units)
Blimp 0-bombing 1-naval 0-strategic bombing 0, range 5 hexes, cost 2, maintenance .5, build time 6 months (20 aircraft)
Observation planes air combat (1), bombing 0, naval 0, strategic bombing 0, range 2 hexes, cost 1, maintenance .5, build time 3 months (100 aircraft)
effective 1913, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, the US, and the UK (only) can build fighter plane units. Cost is 3, maintenance 1, range 2 hexes, build time 4 months (100 aircraft). Air combat rating is 2, no bombing or naval rating.
in addition, the nations above can also build light bomber units
cost is 3, maintenance 1, range 2 hexes, build time 4 months (100 aircraft),
air combat (1), bombing 1 or naval 1 (designate either as bomber or naval bomber),
Seaplane naval bomber, cost is 4, maintenance 2, range 4 hexes, build time 4 months (100 aircraft), air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 1, US only for 1913
Nations may purchase air units from nations that build them if they lack an aviation industry of their own.
To acquire an aviation industry costs 100 points (which can be spread out), and referee approval. You must be tech level 5, and not be at war.
Air units at this tech level require 20,000 men
Aircraft Carrier rules
Must be tech level 5, and be able to build your own aircraft
6 points gives you Seaplane Carriers (free for UK, US due to pioneering work)
these ships allow your fleet to have some built in scouting ability. However, they are slow. (seaplane carrier combat 0, protection 0, speed 3, range 3) and are all converted merchant ships. They have no combat value, only increase your ability to find other ships
Seaplane carriers cost 2 points, require 1 year (as are converted merchant ships) and maintenance is .25 points
1 year after getting seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you improved seaplane carriers technology. Cost is 3 points, require 1 year to convert (and you are converting a liner) and one liner unit will give you 2 seaplane carriers (for 3 points to convert both ships). They have a combat rating of 0, protection of 0, speed of 6, and range of 4. They also have an naval bombing rating of 1.
2 years after getting improved seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you fleet carrier technology
. You must convert a battle cruiser at a cost of 3 points and 1 year construction time. Gives you a carrier with a combat rating of 0, defense rating of 1, speed of 5 (BC conversion) or 3 (armored cruiser conversion), range of 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), and air combat rating of 1, naval bombing rating of 1-3. Some BC conversions have a speed of 6 or even 7 incidently. Stats will be provided by referee for you carriers. American and Japanese carriers carry 75-100 aircraft, everyone elses carriers operate 40-60 aircraft for reasons of philisophy (Americans and Japanese willing to carry their planes on deck and accept the disadvantages of paying extra maintenance).
You may choose to instead convert armored cruisers into light carriers, which are cheaper.
Seaplane tenders cost 2, maintenance .25, provide improved spotting capability, combat 0, defense 0, speed 4, range 4
Seaplane carriers (converted ocean liners) cost 3 points and 1 ocean liner unit, maintenance is .25 for each carrier (2 created), combat 0, defense 0, speed 5, range 4, air combat 1, naval strike 1, (once fleet carrier technology obtained, become light carriers)
Fleet carriers (converted battlecruisers) cost 3 points and 1 BC (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 1, speed 5 or 6, range 4 or 5, air combat 1, naval strike 1-3 (depending on nationality), maintenance .75(1 US and Japan),
Fleet carriers (converted improved battlecruisers) cost 4 points and 1 BC2 (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 2, speed 6 or 7, air combat 1, naval strike 1-3 (depending on nationality), maintenance .75 (1 for US and Japan)
Light carriers (converted armored cruisers), cost 2 points and 1 armored cruisers (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 1, speed 4 or 5, range 4 or 5, air combat 1, naval strike 1, maintenance .5 (heavy cruisers can also be converted this way, and have a speed of 7, otherwise identical)
additional carrier rules will be provided when the time comes.
Incidently, aircraft carriers must burn oil instead of coal
note additional carrier rules
01-12-2006, 21:55
How much to create an automotive industry for those of us unable to have make tanks and such at the moment.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2006, 22:29
How much to create an automotive industry for those of us unable to have make tanks and such at the moment.
you cannot build an automotive industry unless you are tech level 6, otherwise, you have to hope history favors you
01-12-2006, 22:35
History Favors you? By the way anyone who thinks this should be TG, these are important questions for all nations currently unable to build armored vehicles.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2006, 22:41
History Favors you? By the way anyone who thinks this should be TG, these are important questions for all nations currently unable to build armored vehicles.
the answer is no, very much a no, period no. There are sound historical reasons why certain industries develop at certain times in certain countries, and things are complicated enough already. In this RP, I use history as much as possible because this is after all a history RP. Plus, history saves me time, which is not unlimited.
So no, Spain is not going to be building tanks or aircraft for some time to come
Galveston Bay
01-12-2006, 22:50
Tech level 5 projects
naval warfare
Dreadnought warships -- must be tech level 5, have 1 naval yard, and 1 major port to research. cost is free, but takes 3 years.
Battle cruisers -- see above (also includes light and heavy cruisers)
super dreadnoughts (see above)
Long range submarines -- must be tech level 5, and have at least one tech level 5 submarine flotilla, then spend 12 points of research and you can have long range submarine units which have a range of 4 sea areas instead of 2, and cost 8 points per flotilla, maintenance .5
Basic ASW warfare -- allows destroyers and smaller escort ships to defend against submarine attack (invention of hydrophones, depth charges). Cost is 12 points and must be tech level 5
Rigid Airships (Zeppelins) -- Germany free, France 6 points, all others 12 points, and allows you to build Zeppelins. Each Zeppelin unit is 5 airships, and they have a range of 400 miles and can be used for terror bombing or scouting or used as an airline unit (provides 1 point of income a year, maximum 2 points)
Improved Zeppelins - Germany free, all others must have Zeppelin technology AND spend 12 points (6 points for Brazil and France). You can build an international airline unit for a cost of 6 points (and you can have a domestic airline unit too).
Non Rigid Airships (Blimps) -- 6 points, and allows you to build Blimp units. Each unit is 20 blimps and they can be used for scouting up to a range of 200 miles. They also act as ASW coastal patrol aircraft.
Amphibious Doctrine -- allows you to conduct invasions of defended beaches and build Marine units. Marine units include both the landing craft and the ground unit (see ground units for cost). US, UK must spend 6 points for amphibious doctrine (as they have more experience then everyone else put together), while all other nations must spend 12 points.
carrier rules (see above)
armored warfare
nations can start to research tanks, this will cost 24 points, and take 2 years. At the end of the 2nd year, one free tank brigade is developed. (its effects will be a surprise).
After that, tank brigades can be built. Cost is 3 points, time is 6 months. They function much like seige artillery, and can only move 1 hex a turn. Maintenance and reliability for early tanks was awful, so annual maintenance is 2 points a year.
Additional restrictions:
1. Must be tech level 5
2. Only the US, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Italy can research tanks, as they are the only nations with a substantive auto industry at this point.
3. Other nations can buy tanks, but their maintenance is doubled (as they have fewer people around to man them, fix them and don't have a parts industry)
beginning 1920, Austria Hungary (Skoda works) and Russia (big tractor industry) can research tanks, and Japan (develops a car industry) can after 1922.
note changes
Incidently, Germany gets combined arms warfare for free (the effects will only be known later). No one else gets to research it yet.
01-12-2006, 22:54
Ok then. Its gonna cost me a bundle just to get an aviation industry, so no time for automotive yet anyways. Besides I can just buy from France. ANd wait not aircraft? You told me I could spend the 100 points. Are you recinding that permission?
01-12-2006, 23:35
Will Japan get a discount for armored warfare with its large use of motorized units in the War?
Also, will the more maintenance for my carriers denote that I have more aircraft?
Are the aircraft broken up into fighters, scouts, with torpedo and dive bombers coming later?
Galveston Bay
02-12-2006, 00:07
Will Japan get a discount for armored warfare with its large use of motorized units in the War?
Also, will the more maintenance for my carriers denote that I have more aircraft?
Are the aircraft broken up into fighters, scouts, with torpedo and dive bombers coming later?
1. not yet
2. yes, American and Japanese carriers carry more aircraft (and therefore pay more maintenance). Has to do with deck storage and some doctrinal differences.
3. Later yes
The Lightning Star
02-12-2006, 18:58
Would it be possible for me to purchase Air units from the United Kingdom?
02-12-2006, 20:01
What kind of aircraft are both sides using right now?
03-12-2006, 22:43
OOC: Ok, this apparently has been an issue. When can we first build seaplane carriers and when can we start research? I was under the assumption that prototypes came out in 1913, we could build seaplane carriers in 1914 and start research in 1915 for the next level.
I just don't want to be left behind.
03-12-2006, 23:44
This is not official! Just recommendations.
Reconnaissance: Bleriot IX or Morane-Saulnier Type L
Fighter: Morane-Saulnier Type L or Nieuport 10
Bomber: Breguet 14
Note: Bleriot IX would be widely available for purchase by other nations.
Reconnaissance: Rumpler Taube
Fighter: Albatros D series or Fokker E series
Bomber:AEG G series, Gotha G series, or Friedrichshafen G series.
Note: Germany should be able to produce Ground Attack Aircraft soon, and see also the Zeppelin Staaken R.VI bomber, which had a wingspan almost the same size as the B-29 superfortress, thereby giving Germany a "Heavy bomber", which would be separate to normal bombers.
Reconnaissance: Etrich Taube
Fighter: Aviatik D.I
Note: Purchases bombers, and other recon/fighter varients from Germany.
United Kingdom
Reconnaissance: Fairey III, Sopwith Tabloid, Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.8 or Avro 504
Fighter: Airco DH.2, Bristol Fighter or Sopwith Camel
Bomber: Airco DH.4 or De Havilland DH.9
Note: Heavy bomber will be available soon (Handley Page V/1500) and a new aircraft type, Patrol Aircraft (AD Flying Boat)
Other nations will be done as time permits.
04-12-2006, 00:30
Parthini;12031301']OOC: Ok, this apparently has been an issue. When can we first build seaplane carriers and when can we start research? I was under the assumption that prototypes came out in 1913, we could build seaplane carriers in 1914 and start research in 1915 for the next level.
I just don't want to be left behind.
I think you have the research in 1913, and then can build them and do more research in 1914
Galveston Bay
04-12-2006, 04:35
Parthini;12031301']OOC: Ok, this apparently has been an issue. When can we first build seaplane carriers and when can we start research? I was under the assumption that prototypes came out in 1913, we could build seaplane carriers in 1914 and start research in 1915 for the next level.
I just don't want to be left behind.
British can build seaplane tenders effective 1914 (launch and land in water)
in 1914, could spend 6 points, and in 1915 build seaplane carriers (launch from deck, land in water) (converting a liner unit to 2 seaplane carriers)
in 1915 spend 3 points on aircraft carriers
1916 spend 3 points on aircraft carriers and begin converting a BC into 1
once you have built an aircraft carrier, the seaplane carriers you built are automatically converted into light carriers.
however, you must actually build at least 1 ship of each type in order to move up (trial and error is a big issue here)
Galveston Bay
04-12-2006, 04:38
This is not official! Just recommendations.
Reconnaissance: Bleriot IX or Morane-Saulnier Type L
Fighter: Morane-Saulnier Type L or Nieuport 10
Bomber: Breguet 14
Note: Bleriot IX would be widely available for purchase by other nations.
Reconnaissance: Rumpler Taube
Fighter: Albatros D series or Fokker E series
Bomber:AEG G series, Gotha G series, or Friedrichshafen G series.
Note: Germany should be able to produce Ground Attack Aircraft soon, and see also the Zeppelin Staaken R.VI bomber, which had a wingspan almost the same size as the B-29 superfortress, thereby giving Germany a "Heavy bomber", which would be separate to normal bombers.
Reconnaissance: Etrich Taube
Fighter: Aviatik D.I
Note: Purchases bombers, and other recon/fighter varients from Germany.
United Kingdom
Reconnaissance: Fairey III, Sopwith Tabloid, Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.8 or Avro 504
Fighter: Airco DH.2, Bristol Fighter or Sopwith Camel
Bomber: Airco DH.4 or De Havilland DH.9
Note: Heavy bomber will be available soon (Handley Page V/1500) and a new aircraft type, Patrol Aircraft (AD Flying Boat)
Other nations will be done as time permits.
I am not worrying too much about actual aircraft right now, as they change so quickly in this time period. The DH9 isn't available yet though.
US would be using Curtis Jenny as an observation plane, and a Curtis Flying Boat and Martin Flying Boat for the fleet.
Germans would be using the Albatross as a fighter, while the French would have the SPAD about now due to acceleration of development caused by the war.
British can build seaplane tenders effective 1914 (launch and land in water)
in 1914, could spend 6 points, and in 1915 build seaplane carriers (launch from deck, land in water) (converting a liner unit to 2 seaplane carriers)
in 1915 spend 3 points on aircraft carriers
1916 spend 3 points on aircraft carriers and begin converting a BC into 1
once you have built an aircraft carrier, the seaplane carriers you built are automatically converted into light carriers.
however, you must actually build at least 1 ship of each type in order to move up (trial and error is a big issue here)
Ok then, I think i jumped the gun some on research. I suppose I will just spend the money again since I had trouble finding things to spend the money on in those builds and dont feel like redoing them during finals season.
Galveston Bay
08-12-2006, 01:23
Because a lot of nation staters and E20 players in particular like to fight wars and the 20th Century is full of them
General Rules
Ground units scale for game purposes
Corps sized (50,000 men) include corps and headquarters units
Division sized (20,000 men) include divisions as well as garrison units, typically 3 divisions make up a corps
Brigade sized (5,000 men) include brigades and some regiments, typically 3 brigades make up a division (plus support troops)
Ground units are actually smaller (1/2 to 2/3 size indicated) but this includes various levels of support, administration, people in training etc.
Naval units scale for game purposes
Each naval unit requires 4,000 men (including people ashore) to support and man it. Beginning at tech level 5, each naval unit requires only 3,000 men.
Air units scale for game purposes
each air unit requires 5,000 men to support and man it and is 100 aircraft. If you have over 4 air units, you also need an supply unit for every 5 air units you have. These supply units are called air depots and cost the same as regular supply units, but do not move. You must designate where each air depot is located.
Size limitations
Nations with volunteer forces cannot have more then 2% of their total population in their military (including navy, army and colonial forces). Another 2% can be reservists but only available in wartime.
Nations with conscription cannot have more then 3% of their total population in the military (all forces) plus another 7% (up to 10% total) as reservists (available only upon mobilization)
Example: So if you have a population of 10 million, you can only have a military of 300,000 men if you have conscription, plus another 700,000 reservists. So you could have 3 corps, 2 divisions, and 7 naval units as your regular forces, plus another 9 corps of reservists and plus another reserve division and a reserve brigade. Assuming of course you can pay for that army.
Special Wartime size restrictions
In wartime, after the first year of a war, and once a war economy is chosen as an economic option, you can mobilize up to 15% of your population into the military. However, that extra 5% can only be defensive units like flak, garrison, police, fortress and militia units. This represents your drafting men over 35, boys under 18, and women volunteers (as the century goes along), and even men as old as 60. These people aren't physically able to man front line units. There is also a trade off in food production (see economic rules) and industrial production
In wartime, the maintenance costs of air and ground units are doubled.
in peacetime, reserve units have their maintenance costs halved.
note change
08-12-2006, 01:26
I gather that's the air bases sorta thing we were supposed to have. Gotcha.
Galveston Bay
08-12-2006, 01:29
Naval units costs and rules 1906
Tech level 5 warships
Super Dreadnoughts (SDN) 6 points a year for 3 years (1 ship) maintenance .25, burns oil instead of coal. Improved protection, firepower, range and speed. Must have built all previous historic dreadnoughts before building this type. Any dreadnought with 14, 15 or 16 inch guns is an SDN (except for US battleships NEW YORK, TEXAS, NEVADA, OKLAHOMA, PENNSYLVANIA, ARIZONA which are DNs). If your nation hasn't build any dreadnoughts, you can't build super dreadnoughts (for now)
Dreadnought (DN) 4 points a year for 3 years (1 ship) maintenance .25
Heavy guns, lots of protection, slow to average speed, short to long range depending on nationality. Japanese and British build ships with heavy guns, average speed, long range but mediocre protection, US build slow ships with heavy guns, well armored and long range, Germans, Russians, and Austrians build short range ships with emphasis on protection, gunpower and average speed, while French, Italians emphasize speed, gunpower, with less emphasis on protection and limited range.
Battlecruiser (BC) 4 points a year for 3 years (1 ship) maintenance .25
Faster, longer ranged versions of a dreadnought with fewer guns and less protection. BCs can be converted to fast battleships at the cost of 2 points, which sacrifices some speed for armor (making them faster but weaker DNs)
Improved battlecruisers (BC2) 5 points a year for 3 years (1 ship), maintenance .25
better versions of battlecruiser, burns oil instead of coal. Improved firepower, protection, speed and range. Must have built all historic dreadnoughts for your nation before you can build an improved BC. BC2 can also be converted into fast battleships (see above)
Coal to oil conversion of dreadnought or battlecruiser takes 2 points a year for 2 years. Improves range by 1 sea area (this is in addition to the cost of converting them to a fast battleship or carrier if desired)
Typically US, Japanese and British dreadnoughts and battlecruisers have a range of 4 sea areas (in a turn of 2 months), while everyone else has a range of 2 sea areas.
Heavy cruiser cost 2 points a year for 2 years, maintenance .10, range 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 4 (German ships have defense 2, range 4, French and Italian designs speed 8, range 4), burns oil
Light cruiser (CL) 1 point a year for 2 years (1 ship) maintenance .10
Light guns, torpedoes, speed and range of 4 (average) – 5 (US, Japan, UK) sea areas, burns oil
Submarine flotilla (SSK) 6 points a year for 1 year (20 submarines) maintenance .25 uses oil
Destroyer flotilla (DD) 6 points a year for 1 year (20 destroyers) maintenance .25 uses oil
Escort flotilla (CE) 4 points a year for 1 year (20 submarine chasers or corvettes) maintenance .10 uses oil
Minesweeper flotilla (MS) 2 points a year for 1 year (20 minesweepers) maintenance .10 uses oil
Motor torpedo boat flotilla (PT) 1 point a year for 1 year (50 PT boats), maintenance .10 uses oil
Escort groups -- once you have researched or acquired ASW technology, you may convert older destroyers into Escort groups. Essentially, old destroyers lose their torpedo tubes and replace them with depth charge racks.
So in effect, tech level 4.5 destroyer flotillas can be upgraded to tech level 5 escort groups for free once you have ASW technology.
Submarines and escorts are short ranged ships, able to reach only 3 sea areas. Destroyers can attack submarines and surface ships, submarines can attack shipping and warships, escort flotillas can only attack submarines, and minesweepers can only be used to clear mines.
Minefields 1 point covers the approaches to one major port, 5 points for a major strait like the Dardenelles or English Channel, and 10 points to construct a mine barrier across the North Sea (as in real life Allied North Sea Mine barrage). Can only be created during wartime and only friendly naval forces and shipping may pass through minefields. Submarines, destroyers and light cruisers can lay minefields (but cannot carry out any other duties that turn)
Superdreadnoughts (SD) (15 – 16 inch guns) require 12 points of research and are not available until 8 years after you are able to build dreadnoughts to begin with.
Seaplane tenders (CT) and Aircraft carriers (CV) are not available until aircraft units become available
Tech level 4.5 naval units
Battleship (BB) 4 points a year for 2 years (1 ship), maintenance .25
Predreadnought battleship, slower, less heavily armored and armed then dreadnought. Still useful though. 1 sea area less range then DN of same nationality
Armored Cruiser (CA) 3 points a year for 2 years (1 ship) maintenance .25
Heavily gunned cruiser designed to sink protected cruisers, same range as a light cruiser of same nationality
Protected cruiser (CP) 1 point a year for 2 years (1 ship) maintenance .10
Well armed but marginally protected and slower then a light cruiser but with the same range.
Destroyer flotilla (DD2) 4 points a year for 1 year (20 ships) maintenance .10
Older smaller, slower, less well armed versions of tech level 5 destroyers, 1 sea are less range, still useful however for escort duties in advanced navies and better then nothing for less advanced navies
Torpedo boat flotilla (TB) 3 points a year for 1 year (20 ships) maintenance .l0
Less capable then destroyers which were designed to kill them, can be converted into an escort flotilla at tech level 5, and are cheaper then destroyers
Coast defense submarine 4 points a year for 1 year (20 submarines) maintenance .10
Range of 1 sea area only, otherwise as per tech level 5 submarines
Tech level 4 naval units
Battleship (BB2) 3 points a year for 2 years (1 ship), maintenance .25
Predreadnought battleship, slower, less heavily armored and armed then dreadnought. Still useful though. 1 sea area less range then DN of same nationality
Protected cruiser (CP) 1 point a year for 2 years (1 ship) maintenance .10
Well armed but marginally protected and slower then a light cruiser but with the same range.
Torpedo boat flotilla (TB) 3 points a year for 1 year (20 ships) maintenance .l0
Less capable then destroyers which were designed to kill them, can be converted into an escort flotilla at tech level 5, and are cheaper then destroyers
Gunboat flotilla (GB) 1 point a year for 1 year (10 ships) maintenance .10
Useful only for patrolling colonial areas, acts as a garrison unit. 1 unit will act as a garrison unit for all colonies in that sea area (so 1 US gunboat unit in the Caribbean watches all nations in the Caribbean). Gunboats have no combat value against any other warships but can fight each other (briefly) short range, usually 2 sea areas
All tech levels
Coast defense battleships and armored cruisers are available. They cost half the cost of a battleship of that same tech level, have a range of 1 sea area, and are less well armed and slower then battleships of their same tech level, however are as well protected. Maintenance costs are the same however.
Transport groups (represents 85 transport ships or 500,000 tons of shipping) cost is 3 points, maintenance .25 points, range is 4 sea areas a turn. You can get them for free by converting 5 shipping units into 1 transport unit. Can carry 2 corps of troops or 6 divisions or 18 brigades
Liners can carry 2 light infantry divisions or 6 brigades of light infantry or marines.
You can also build light transport units. These cost .5 point, take 1 year to build, .10 points to maintain, range is 4 sea areas a turn, and can carry 1 light division or 3 light infantry or marine brigades. You can also convert a single shipping unit into a light transport for free.
Naval yards can repair and build ships. However, they are expensive to maintain, and cost 1 point a year. To build one costs 24 points. Some nations start off with naval yards (and those will be indicated). Naval Yards can also refuel ships and act as a base. Personnel are accounted for in your naval units already. A naval yard can provide maintenance or repairs for 10 naval units. A naval base can be converted into a naval yard for 12 points and takes one year. A naval yard is required for the construction of naval units.
Naval bases can refuel ships. To build one costs 6 points and requires a major port or suitable anchorage (see list of suitable anchorages). They also are expensive to maintain, and cost .5 points a year. Major port cities can also act as a naval base. Naval bases and naval yards must be located at a sizeable harbor. Bases that you own will be indicated, as will places that would make a good base. Up to 15 naval units can operate from a naval base, naval yard or major port.
Naval units must end their turn at a minor port, major port, naval base or naval yard (generally they go out to sea and return to the nearest base)
useful places for a base that don't have one yet
tech 5 naval ratings
When you acquire warships from a foreign power, you have to also come up with the crews. Now when you build a unit, the costs are included, but notice that when you bring a unit out of laid up status (mothballs), you have to spend 2 points and it takes 6 months to make it operational.
Part of this is the cost and time required to man the warship or unit of warship and part of it is dockyard time to get it ready for sea.
So far, when the Germans for example have been getting British build DNs and BCs, I have either taken crews away from predreadnoughts and added them to the mothball fleet, or instead of activating a ship out of reserve, have instead used those points and crews to man the new warship instead (and left a BB1 in reserve).
So if you get a ship from a foreign power you must either a) lay up another warship unit or b) spend 2 points and 4 months working up that unit before its combat ready
Note change in blue
08-12-2006, 15:32
Can I start funding an aviation industry even though I'm not tech 5? In real life, Greece had an aviation industry in 1925. Would a nation with an aviation industry sharing research with me get me any benefits, as in real life the Blackburn Aircraft Corporation (UK) helped set up the Greek industry.
Can I send ships to the appropriate nations to get seaplane carriers/fleet carriers?
Just a note, shouldn't Russia and Germany get the option to build heavy bombers soon? And Germany could research ground attack research perhaps? And coastal patrol aircraft for UK? Thermojet research for Rumania, due to Henri Coanda? Aviation is my speciality, I might add.
08-12-2006, 15:33
By the way, surely it would be better to have the costs of the transport units match the corresponding costs of the required merchant naval units, to prevent anyone taking advantage of this rule.
08-12-2006, 17:02
Shouldn't basic fighter tactics be becoming available right now? We had the First World War, and some fighter use, so wouldn't the basics of fighter tactics start to become availble right now?
08-12-2006, 23:05
Shouldn't basic fighter tactics be becoming available right now? We had the First World War, and some fighter use, so wouldn't the basics of fighter tactics start to become availble right now?
No fighter planes actually fought each other in statistically significant numbers (worth GB posting on), the war just ended too soon for that. Great War does not equal automatic leap.
08-12-2006, 23:33
SO what's the rationale that seaborne air combat can be invented. The use of planes to carry bombs against ships was a much later event in WWI. (The 3rd year or something) And yet thats being developed.
Naval bases can refuel ships. To build one costs 6 points and requires a major port or suitable anchorage (see list of suitable anchorages). They also are expensive to maintain, and cost .5 points a year. Major port cities can also act as a naval base. Naval bases and naval yards must be located at a sizeable harbor. Bases that you own will be indicated, as will places that would make a good base. Up to 15 naval units can operate from a naval base, naval yard or major port.
I'm assuming that, since Pondicherry was not listed as a suitable anchorage for France, I cannot build a naval base there (it's not even on the WiF map, after all). However, could I spend points to make it a good location for a naval base?
Galveston Bay
10-12-2006, 22:07
Can I start funding an aviation industry even though I'm not tech 5? In real life, Greece had an aviation industry in 1925. Would a nation with an aviation industry sharing research with me get me any benefits, as in real life the Blackburn Aircraft Corporation (UK) helped set up the Greek industry.
Can I send ships to the appropriate nations to get seaplane carriers/fleet carriers?
Just a note, shouldn't Russia and Germany get the option to build heavy bombers soon? And Germany could research ground attack research perhaps? And coastal patrol aircraft for UK? Thermojet research for Rumania, due to Henri Coanda? Aviation is my speciality, I might add.
no, not yet for Greece
aircraft are being made available, but at a slower rate then historical because the war ended before those concepts could be experimented on for the most part.
Galveston Bay
10-12-2006, 22:19
No fighter planes actually fought each other in statistically significant numbers (worth GB posting on), the war just ended too soon for that. Great War does not equal automatic leap.
correct, fighters simply decimated observation aircraft, but fighter on fighter combat was rare enough to still be tactically primitive
Galveston Bay
10-12-2006, 22:23
I'm assuming that, since Pondicherry was not listed as a suitable anchorage for France, I cannot build a naval base there (it's not even on the WiF map, after all). However, could I spend points to make it a good location for a naval base?
its a minor port, but could be made into a naval base if you spend the money
Galveston Bay
10-12-2006, 22:25
SO what's the rationale that seaborne air combat can be invented. The use of planes to carry bombs against ships was a much later event in WWI. (The 3rd year or something) And yet thats being developed.
the rationale for carriers is not naval strike, but observation aircraft to make finding sea raiders easier (in the case of the British and Americans), or to raid easier (for the Germans) or to assist with amphibious operations (all)
Galveston Bay
11-12-2006, 19:20
Size limitations
Nations with volunteer forces cannot have more then 2% of their total population in their military (including navy, army and colonial forces). Another 2% can be reservists but only available in wartime. A nation with a volunteer military that has reached its productivity maximum cannot have more the 1% of its population in the regular forces as jobs are plentiful, money is good and family men aren't willing to stay in the service when they need money to support their families. UNLESS that nation is willing to pay double maintenance costs, then it can have 2% in the military (higher salaries and more benefits). However, paying higher maintenance isn't popular with voters so this is possible only in times of crisis or tension with a potential enemy (like a Cold War situation). These nations can have reserve units up to 3% of their pipulation however.
Nations with conscription cannot have more then 3% of their total population in the military (all forces) plus another 7% (up to 10% total) as reservists (available only upon mobilization). The United States and British Imperial and Commonwealth nations cannot have conscription until they fight a world war.
note major change
this was made to get English speaking militaries back down to historical levels
Galveston Bay
11-12-2006, 19:26
1915 -1916
Military leaders in the United States, Canada, Australia and Britian notice with dismay that recruitments are falling seriously behind what is needed to maintain forces at the current level AND more seriously, reenlistments are falling behind just as badly.
At current rates, its likely that deep cuts will have to be made in the size of naval and ground forces by 1917, and an increasing number of reserve units may have to be formed, as it is noticed that enlistments and reenlistments for reserve units are not showing that decline and in fact, often have a waiting list.
Grumblings by Parliaments and the US Congress about all of the money being spent is also a serious factor as well.
provides IC reason for change above. Generally, English speaking militaries always have this problem when times are good, as family men would rather stay home and make money to support their family instead of making less money and being stationed or deployed thousands of miles away. Only a small percentage of the population willingly makes this sacrifice.
Galveston Bay
11-12-2006, 20:31
Imperial troops
Some nations can draw from their colonial populations to raise troops. However, Imperial and Colonial units are only 50% natives, as the officer corps, senior NCOs, and specialists are almost always non natives. This ensures reliability and also is because the natives generally are interested in fighting, not counting beans or bullets.
Special rules
Britian can recruit infantry and garrison units from its Caribbean, African and Asian territories. British Imperial forces cannot be stationed in Europe except in wartime, and are generally stationed in their home country except for Indian forces, which can be anywhere east of Suez.
Belgium, Portugal, and the Netherlands can only recruit garrison units from their colonial territories which can only be stationed in the colony that they are raised.
The US can recruit infantry, coast defense, fortress and garrison troops from the Philippines for service in the Philippines.
Spain and Germany can recruit infantry and garrison units from their African territories for service in their colonial territories.
France and Italy can recruit infantry, garrison and cavalry units from their African territories but these troops cannot be stationed in either France or Italy except during wartime.
Russia can recruit infantry and cavalry units from its Central Asian territories (and that population counts seperate from its ethnic European population). Central Asian troops cannot be stationed in Central Asia.
Japan can recruit fortress and garrison units only from its Manchurian and Korean territories, and also can recruit supply units from those territories (an exception to above rule). Manchurian and Korean troops can be stationed in anywhere desired.
note change
in effect, colonial and imperial troops count as half a unit for size limit purposes for the colonial power involved. Keep in mind however that the size of the population you are recruiting from matters too.. after all, there aren't a whole lot of Fijian people after all (to name an example).
Galveston Bay
11-12-2006, 20:43
Foreign Legions
The French and Spanish each have Foreign Legions. The French can have up to 20,000 (up to 4 brigades), while the Spanish can have 10,000 (2 brigades). These troops cannot be stationed in either France or Spain for political reasons. The size maximum will change from time to time. They are generally light infantry but can be motorized or even marine units.
The Sharif of Mecca also has a foreign legion type unit. This unit cannot exceed the size of his own army but otherwise has no other size restriction. It must be cavalry or light infantry only.
11-12-2006, 22:36
Well when I organized them, I made them into divisions. SO my question is, what do I do with the excess? I think I'll just make extra brigades and call that the foreign legion and turn the three divisions I have now into the Army of Africa (Actual force.) Would that be alright?
This is really starting to bother me. These questions can be asked through telegrams and emails.
And can you please not be immature about this and post right after me, remarking how I am now clogging the thread with OOC comments. Unfortunatly the majority of the player base would appear to agree with me. You need to take much of your comments to TG.
Galveston Bay
11-12-2006, 23:06
Well when I organized them, I made them into divisions. SO my question is, what do I do with the excess? I think I'll just make extra brigades and call that the foreign legion and turn the three divisions I have now into the Army of Africa (Actual force.) Would that be alright?
assume that recruitment has fallen and you can only field 2 brigades now
bottom line, you had too big a force after further research was done, so correct it to meet rules by 1917 (you can keep current force for 1916)
11-12-2006, 23:15
TG on this Galveston Bay.
The Lightning Star
12-12-2006, 00:46
This is really starting to bother me. These questions can be asked through telegrams and emails.
And can you please not be immature about this and post right after me, remarking how I am now clogging the thread with OOC comments. Unfortunatly the majority of the player base would appear to agree with me. You need to take much of your comments to TG.
This is an OOC thread, is it not?
Galveston Bay
12-12-2006, 01:34
TG on this Galveston Bay.
folks, you do not have to post that you are TGing me. I check TGs frequently, and posts like this clutter up threads and are kind of annoying.
So please don't post that you sent me a TG, or anyone else for that matter. Its not really necessary.
12-12-2006, 08:56
ALright, though sometimes my TG's are ignored or never commented on.
Galveston Bay
13-12-2006, 21:37
Air units 1916
As of 1916, only the US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Japan and Italy can produce aircraft, and only nations that spend the research can produce Zeppelins or Blimps
1916 Fighters (existing units upgraded for cost of maintenance)
Air combat 2, bombing 1, range 3, cost 3, maintenance .5
1916 light bombers
Air combat (1), bombing 2, range 4, cost 4, maintenance .5
1916 medium bombers
air combat (1), bombing 3, strategic bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance 1
1916 Flying boats (maritime patrol)
air combat 1, bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance 1
1916 Observation planes (merged with light bombers)
1916 Naval bombers
air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 4, cost 3, maintenance .5
(all ranges are for the European WIF map, halved (rounded up) for WIF Asia map)
Zeppelin air combat (1), bombing rating 1, naval attack 0, strategic bombing 1, range 10 hexes, cost 6, maintenance 3, build time 1 year (20 aircraft)
(airline units can be converted into military Zeppelin units)
Heavy Zeppelins air combat (2), bombing rating 1, strategic bombing 2, range 20 hexes, cost 10, maintenance 5, (20 aircraft)
(Germany, France only)
Blimp 0-bombing 1-naval 0-strategic bombing 0, range 5 hexes, cost 2, maintenance .5, build time 6 months (20 aircraft)
air combat rating in parenthesis means defense only
NOTE that Japan has joined the worlds aviation industry
Russia, United States, UK, and Germany can build all types
Japan can build only light bombers, naval bombers and flying boats
Austria can only build light bombers and fighters
13-12-2006, 22:42
Any way to get the ability to build more types of planes, or does it just eventually come in?
13-12-2006, 23:06
Air units 1916
Austria can only build light bombers and fighters
Actually the Austrians had the Etrich Taube reconnaissance plane.
13-12-2006, 23:08
Actually the Austrians had the Etrich Taube reconnaissance plane.
Observation Planes are now merged with Light Bombers
Novum Elephantum
13-12-2006, 23:09
Are pre-1916 observation planes updated as well?
13-12-2006, 23:12
Yeah cause I have no light bombers, but I do have 2 Observation units.
Galveston Bay
13-12-2006, 23:44
Are pre-1916 observation planes updated as well?
I should mention that light bombers are duel purpose aircraft (carry out observation AND light bombing missions)
Galveston Bay
13-12-2006, 23:44
Any way to get the ability to build more types of planes, or does it just eventually come in?
eventually comes in
Galveston Bay
13-12-2006, 23:46
worried about the fact that a major war has been fought and the US Navy lacks needed knowledge regarding the ability of its ships to take damage, repair damage, and inflict damage, the US Navy allocates a very large number of vessels to destructive testing (made into target ships). Also concerned about manning levels, a large number of ships are also scrapped.
Teddy Roosevelt, aboard the battleship Montana, watches a few of the tests in Chesapeake Bay, especially a test involving Navy attack bombers using torpedoes and bombs and a pair of old light cruisers.
No ships are offered for sale
dreadnoughts South Carolina, Michigan, Delaware predreadnoughts: Kansas, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Louisiana, Virginia, 10 light cruisers, 1 destroyer flotilla, 6 escort flotillas, 12 torpedo boat flotillas,
Galveston Bay
15-12-2006, 17:38
Because a lot of nation staters and E20 players in particular like to fight wars and the 20th Century is full of them
General Rules
Ground units scale for game purposes
Corps sized (45,000 men) include corps and headquarters units
Division sized (20,000 men) include divisions as well as garrison units, typically 2 divisions make up a corps
Brigade sized (4,000 men) include brigades and some regiments, typically 3 brigades make up a division (plus support troops)
Ground units are actually smaller (1/2 to 2/3 size indicated) but this includes various levels of support, administration, people in training etc.
Naval units scale for game purposes
Each naval unit requires 4,000 men (including people ashore) to support and man it. Beginning at tech level 5, each naval unit requires only 3,000 men.
Air units scale for game purposes
each air unit requires 5,000 men to support and man it and is 100 aircraft.
Air depots are division sized units and have 20,000 men.
If you have over 4 air units, you also need an supply unit for every 5 air units you have. These supply units are called air depots and cost 3 points to build and 1 point to maintain each year. You must designate where each air depot is located.
Size limitations
Nations with volunteer forces cannot have more then 2% of their total population in their military (including navy, army and colonial forces). Another 2% can be reservists but only available in wartime. A nation with a volunteer military that has reached its productivity maximum cannot have more the 1% of its population in the regular forces as jobs are plentiful, money is good and family men aren't willing to stay in the service when they need money to support their families. UNLESS that nation is willing to pay double maintenance costs, then it can have 2% in the military (higher salaries and more benefits). However, paying higher maintenance isn't popular with voters so this is possible only in times of crisis or tension with a potential enemy (like a Cold War situation). The United States and British Imperial and Commonwealth nations CAN however keep up to 3% of their population in reserve units.
Nations with conscription cannot have more then 3% of their total population in the military (all forces) plus another 7% (up to 10% total) as reservists (available only upon mobilization). The United States and British Imperial and Commonwealth nations cannot have conscription until they fight a world war.
Example: So if you have a population of 10 million, you can only have a military of 300,000 men if you have conscription, plus another 700,000 reservists. So you could have 3 corps, 2 divisions, and 7 naval units as your regular forces, plus another 9 corps of reservists and plus another reserve division and a reserve brigade. Assuming of course you can pay for that army.
Imperial troops
Some nations can draw from their colonial populations to raise troops. However, Imperial and Colonial units are only 50% natives, as the officer corps, senior NCOs, and specialists are almost always non natives. This ensures reliability and also is because the natives generally are interested in fighting, not counting beans or bullets.
Special rules
Britian can recruit infantry and garrison units from its Caribbean, African and Asian territories. British Imperial forces cannot be stationed in Europe except in wartime, and are generally stationed in their home country except for Indian forces, which can be anywhere east of Suez.
Belgium, Portugal, and the Netherlands can only recruit garrison units from their colonial territories which can only be stationed in the colony that they are raised.
The US can recruit infantry, coast defense, fortress and garrison troops from the Philippines for service in the Philippines.
Spain and Germany can recruit infantry and garrison units from their African territories for service in their colonial territories.
France and Italy can recruit infantry, garrison and cavalry units from their African territories but these troops cannot be stationed in either France or Italy except during wartime.
Russia can recruit infantry and cavalry units from its Central Asian territories (and that population counts seperate from its ethnic European population). Central Asian troops cannot be stationed in Central Asia.
Japan can recruit fortress and garrison units only from its Manchurian and Korean territories, and also can recruit supply units from those territories (an exception to above rule). Manchurian and Korean troops can be stationed in anywhere desired.
Special Wartime size restrictions
In wartime, after the first year of a war, and once a war economy is chosen as an economic option, you can mobilize up to 15% of your population into the military. However, that extra 5% can only be defensive units like flak, garrison, police, fortress and militia units. This represents your drafting men over 35, boys under 18, and women volunteers (as the century goes along), and even men as old as 60. These people aren't physically able to man front line units. There is also a trade off in food production (see economic rules) and industrial production
Foreign Legions
The French and Spanish each have Foreign Legions. The French can have up to 20,000 (up to 4 brigades), while the Spanish can have 10,000 (2 brigades). These troops cannot be stationed in either France or Spain for political reasons. The size maximum will change from time to time. They are generally light infantry but can be motorized or even marine units.
The Sharif of Mecca also has a foreign legion type unit. This unit cannot exceed the size of his own army but otherwise has no other size restriction. It must be cavalry or light infantry only.
In wartime, the maintenance costs of air and ground units are doubled.
in peacetime, reserve units have their maintenance costs halved.
note changes in red
Galveston Bay
15-12-2006, 17:42
Ground combat 1914
Supply and support units
Headquarters unit 6 points, maintenance 1, must be tech level 5 to build one
Can reorganize 1 unit a turn, and acts as a forward supply base
Supply unit 4 points, maintenance .5 (must be tech level 3 to build one)
Acts as a forward supply base
Motorized HQ unit cost 10 points, maintenance 2, (US cost 8, maintenance 1), can reorganize 2 units a turn, and acts as a forward supply base
Motorized Supply units cost 6 points, maintenance 1 (US cost 4, maintenance 1),
Acts as a forward supply base
HQ and supply units are corps sized units. An HQ or Supply unit can supply all units with 4 hexes of them. A motorized HQ or supply unit can support all units within 6 hexes of them. HQ and supply units in turn must be within 4 hexes of a major port, or major city with a railline that is free of enemy forces back to their homeland or a major port. Ports can only be used as supply sources if the enemy doesn't own the sea leading to that port. A supply unit can be used to provide a link to extend this range. So for example an HQ unit that is 12 hexes away from a port or rail line can have 2 supply units or HQs in between to extend that range. Ranges of course are halved on the Asian WIF map.
Units can also be directly supplied if within 4 hexes of a major port or major city with a direct rail connection to their capital. A unit in a fortress (not a fort) remains in supply for 6 months even if not otherwise in supply. Units that are out of supply attack at half their combat strength, and cannot move except by rail or sea.
HQs can also be used to reorganize units that are fought out. An HQ can reorganize 2 corps, while a motorized HQ can reorganize 4 corps.
Combat units
Corps sized units
Infantry corps (formerly heavy infantry) – equipped with heavy field artillery (155 and 105 mm guns), has 2 infantry divisions plus engineers, recon, corps artillery and other support units. Cost 4 points, maintenance .75 points, firepower 9 (attack or defense), movement 3 (1 on Asia map)
Cavalry Corps 5 points, maintenance .5
Weaker then infantry in combat value but can move further in a turn, firepower 5 (attack or defense), movement 4 (2 on Asia map)
Fortress Infantry corps 4 points, maintenance .5, includes fort, if moves out of fort becomes a static infantry corps, cannot move except by rail or by sea. Cannot attack, defense is 9.
Static infantry corps – cost 3 points, maintenance .25 points, has lighter artillery or lower quality personnel or both then an infantry corps, firepower is 6, movement 2 (1 of Asia map)
Motorized infantry corps – same as infantry corps, but has enough trucks to move all of its heavy equipment, supplies and artillery (while an infantry corps uses horses for that). Can move as far as a cavalry corps in good terrain and also gets a firepower bonus (speedier ammunition flow, more flexibility with its artillery). Cost 6 points (5 points for US), maintenance 1 point (horses are almost as expensive as trucks to run). Movement is 4 (2 on Asia map), firepower is 10
Militia corps – inadequately trained and equipped static infantry. Firepower is 4, movement is 2 (1 on Asia map), cost 2, maintenance .10. However, if survives a major battle or 6 months on the front line without being destroyed automatically becomes a static infantry corps.
Division sized units
Police unit 2 points, maintenance .25
1 police unit per 10 million will prevent uprisings in home territory or colonial territory and also reduce the effects of guerilla warfare and terrorism and anti state movements. Has negligible combat value however. Democratic nations can only build police units if an insurrection or rebellion is underway or imminent.
Garrison unit 2 points, maintenance .25, firepower 0, movement 2 (1 Asia map)
1 garrison unit per 5 million will prevent uprisings in colonial territories or reduce effects of guerilla warfare in occupied territories, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
Light or Mountain Infantry Division 2 points, maintenance .10
Can operate in difficult terrain, and moves faster then regular infantry, movement 4 (2 on Asia map), ignores effects of weather or terrain for movement, firepower 2,
Cavalry division 3 points, maintenance .25 Can also act as a garrison unit, firepower 1, movement 4 (2 on Asia map)
Motorized infantry division cost 3 points (2 for US), maintenance .25 (.10 for US), movement 5 (3 on Asia map), firepower 4,
Fortress division, cost 2 points, maintenance .5 (includes a fort) if moved out of the fort becomes a garrison unit, firepower 4 (defense only, cannot attack), movement by rail or sea only
militia divisions cost 1, maintenance .05, firepower 2, movement 2 (1 on Asia map), becomes a light infantry division if survives a major battle or 6 months on the line without being destroyed
flak division cost 2. maintenance .5, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
provides anti aircraft defense for critical areas, can be disrupted
Artillery divisions cost 8 points, maintenance 4, movement 2 (1 on Asia map), firepower (attack) 9, firepower (defense) 3, has no defense unless stacked with an infantry unit of same size or larger
Brigade sized units
Coast defense fortress, cost 3 points, maintenance .5, cannot move (once built stays in place). If moved, becomes a garrison unit. Firepower 1 (against ground units), Firepower 5 (against amphibious assault), Can be disrupted by naval or air bombardment.
assault engineer brigade 2 points, maintenance .25, firepower 0 (assists other troops), movement 4, triples the combat strength of 1 corps or 2 divisions or 6 brigades against fortresses and fortress troops or if attacking a city. Can also be used in amphibious landings if stacked with a marine unit. MUst be tech level 5 to build these units (and unlike other units, cannot be provided by a friendly ally for you. You country must be tech level 5)
Light infantry brigade 1 point, maintenance .10, firepower 1, movement 5 (3 on Asia map), ignores terrain and weather, can be carried by any naval unit (except submarines), can make unopposed amphibious landings
Motorized infantry brigade cost 2 points, maintenance 1, firepower 2, movement 4 (2 on Asia map),
Marine brigade 2 points, maintenance .5, firepower 2, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
Can make opposed amphibious landings, includes landing craft, can only be transported by a transport or liner unit
Siege artillery brigade cost 2 points, maintenance .25, firepower 2 (1 defense)
Can only be transported by rail, reduces the effects of forts and fortresses, can also be used to shoot at ships (although not as well as a coastal defense unit)
militia brigades cost .25, maintenance .05, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
proficiency ratings
untrained militia 1 (created by referee when applicable)
police units 2
trained militia 3
older (have been out of the serve over 4 years) reservists (static and fortress units) 4
reservists (infantry and cavalry units) 5
conscript regulars / volunteer reservists 6
volunteer regulars 7
elite regulars 8 (only marines, mountain troops)
national bonuses to profiency at end of Great War
All marine units get an extra +1
Germany, France + 2
UK, Russia, Japan, Imperial China, Italy, USA, Australia, Canada, Spain, South Africa, India +1
Ottoman Empire, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, KMT China, Siam, Argentina, Brazil, all other European + 0
all other Asian, African, Latin American nations - 1 or - 2 or even -3
Effects of profiency
When a unit with higher profiency attacks a unit with lower profiency it gets a combat bonus to dice rolls. You may also spend less peacetime maintenance on your troops, for economy reasons, which halves the cost of their maintenance but reduces profiency by - 2
German heavy Infantry corps are either prof 8 or 9, while Russian infantry corps are 7 or 6
Other adjustments
Units defending are doubled in strength
units defending in rough terrain, behind a river line, or in a major city are tripled in defense
units defending in a fortress are quadrupled in defense
Certain locations are so heavily fortified (and have been for so long) that they are especially difficult to attack. A fortress costs 1 point a year to maintain and any combat unit can defend them without penalty. To build a fortress costs 1 point a year for 5 years.
Forts are less difficult to attack (but still hard) and are created and maintained along with their fortress troops.
Ammunition stockpile - cost 6 points, maintenance 2 points, (stack with 1 HQ unit and moves with it), doubles attack strength of 8 corps sized units in one attack
Chemical Weapons stockpile (as above, but only when chemical weapons capability is achieved). Also doubles attack strength of 8 corps. Can be used in conjuction with an ammunition stockpile to quadruple in attack strength up to 8 corps.
Stockpiles can be used to improve the defenders as well, and yes, if a corps is in a fortress, supported by a General, and uses an ammunition and chemical stockpile it can indeed have its defense improved by x 9
Generals are created by the referee only, A general doubles the firepower of up to 2 corps worth of units. Generals do not exist in peacetime for game purposes.
Replacement units – Available in wartime only and during lulls in the action, or in parts of the front when no large battles are going on, or because of illness or disease, units will still suffer casualties unless they are behind the lines. It is possible for a unit to literally melt away because of this. Replacements are therefore needed. You can scrap a lower quality unit to keep a higher quality unit on the front line or replace it as it dies or most cheaply, buy replacement units that are essentially pools of trained personnel that are assigned as needed. A replacement unit (corps, division or brigade) can be used to provide people to keep the army up to strength.
replacement corps are 2 points, .25 points maintenance, 4 months
replacement divisions are .5 points, .10 points maintenance, 4 months
replacement brigades are .25 points, .05 point maintenance, 4 months
Upgrading units
spend the difference in cost and allow for 6 months and you can upgrade a unit from brigade to division, or division to corps, or improve a brigade, division or corps sized unit in quality from militia or reserve to regular, or convert it from one type of unit (such as garrison etc) to another (such as infantry)
note that coast defense units are now brigade sized
Galveston Bay
15-12-2006, 19:09
air units costs and rules
Air units 1916
As of 1916, only the US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Japan and Italy can produce aircraft, and only nations that spend the research can produce Zeppelins or Blimps
1916 Fighters (existing units upgraded for cost of maintenance)
Air combat 2, bombing 1, range 3, cost 3, maintenance .5
1916 light bombers
Air combat (1), bombing 2, range 4, cost 4, maintenance .5
1916 medium bombers
air combat (1), bombing 3, strategic bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance 1
1916 Flying boats (maritime patrol)
air combat 1, bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance 1
1916 Observation planes (merged with light bombers)
1916 Naval bombers
air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 4, cost 3, maintenance .5
(all ranges are for the European WIF map, halved (rounded up) for WIF Asia map)
Zeppelin air combat (1), bombing rating 1, naval attack 0, strategic bombing 1, range 10 hexes, cost 6, maintenance 3, build time 1 year (20 aircraft)
(airline units can be converted into military Zeppelin units)
Heavy Zeppelins air combat (2), bombing rating 1, strategic bombing 2, range 20 hexes, cost 10, maintenance 5, (20 aircraft)
(Germany, France only)
Blimp 0-bombing 1-naval 0-strategic bombing 0, range 5 hexes, cost 2, maintenance .5, build time 6 months (20 aircraft)
air combat rating in parenthesis means defense only
Ratings are likely to stay around the same until tech level 5.5
Nations may purchase air units from nations that build them if they lack an aviation industry of their own.
To acquire an aviation industry costs 100 points (which can be spread out), and referee approval. You must be tech level 5, and not be at war.
Russia, United States, UK, and Germany can build all types
Japan can build only light bombers, naval bombers and flying boats
Austria can only build light bombers and fighters
Air units at this tech level require 4,000 men and have 100 aircraft, and if you have over 4 air units, you must have 1 air depot for each 5 air units or 10 carrier units that you have. Air depots are essentially the same thing as a naval base and yard combined, and also act as training centers for pilots and development centers for aviation technology, and provide logistical support for air forces. They cost 3 points to build, and require 1 point a year to maintain. Air Depots are brigade sized units, while wings (air units) are brigade sized units
Aircraft Carrier rules
Must be tech level 5, and be able to build your own aircraft
6 points gives you Seaplane Carriers (free for UK, US due to pioneering work)
these ships allow your fleet to have some built in scouting ability. However, they are slow. (seaplane carrier combat 0, protection 0, speed 3, range 3) and are all converted merchant ships. They have no combat value, only increase your ability to find other ships
Seaplane carriers cost 2 points, require 1 year (as are converted merchant ships) and maintenance is .25 points
1 year after getting seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you improved seaplane carriers technology. Cost is 3 points, require 1 year to convert (and you are converting a liner) and one liner unit will give you 2 seaplane carriers (for 3 points to convert both ships). They have a combat rating of 0, protection of 0, speed of 6, and range of 4. They also have an naval bombing rating of 1.
2 years after getting improved seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you fleet carrier technology
. You must convert a battle cruiser at a cost of 3 points and 1 year construction time. Gives you a carrier with a combat rating of 0, defense rating of 1, speed of 5 (BC conversion) or 3 (armored cruiser conversion), range of 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), and air combat rating of 1, naval bombing rating of 1-3. Some BC conversions have a speed of 6 or even 7 incidently. Stats will be provided by referee for you carriers. American and Japanese carriers carry 75-100 aircraft, everyone elses carriers operate 40-60 aircraft for reasons of philisophy (Americans and Japanese willing to carry their planes on deck and accept the disadvantages of paying extra maintenance).
You may choose to instead convert armored cruisers into light carriers, which are cheaper.
Seaplane tenders cost 2, maintenance .25, provide improved spotting capability, combat 0, defense 0, speed 4, range 4
Seaplane carriers (converted ocean liners) cost 3 points and 1 ocean liner unit, maintenance is .25 for each carrier (2 created), combat 0, defense 0, speed 5, range 4, air combat 1, naval strike 1, (once fleet carrier technology obtained, become light carriers)
Fleet carriers (converted battlecruisers) cost 3 points and 1 BC (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 1, speed 5 or 6, range 4 or 5, air combat 1, naval strike 1-3 (depending on nationality), maintenance .75(1 US and Japan),
Fleet carriers (converted improved battlecruisers) cost 4 points and 1 BC2 (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 2, speed 6 or 7, air combat 1, naval strike 1-3 (depending on nationality), maintenance .75 (1 for US and Japan)
Light carriers (converted armored cruisers), cost 2 points and 1 armored cruisers (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 1, speed 4 or 5, range 4 or 5, air combat 1, naval strike 1, maintenance .5 (heavy cruisers can also be converted this way, and have a speed of 7, otherwise identical)
additional carrier rules will be provided when the time comes.
Incidently, aircraft carriers must burn oil instead of coal
note changes
keep in mind that air units assigned to the Navy or Army need air depots too
Galveston Bay
15-12-2006, 22:38
Special Rules:
Guerilla forces - a brigade sized units. They do not hold territory, nor may they capture it, and they cannot be attacked by conventional forces. However, regular military forces can fight them in attrition warfare, and its possible to eventually wear them out. Guerilla forces can be formed into light infantry units, at which point they can take territory, and also can be attacked and destroyed like regular units.
Guerilla forces are created by the referee, and the cost of raising and maintaining them varies, as does their effectiveness and ability to avoid being wiped out. They inflict civilian casualties on the locals, military casualties on opposing forces and create economic damage and disruption.
Police, cavalry, light infantry and garrison units are able to inflict twice normal attrition against guerilla forces.
new rule
16-12-2006, 00:52
I'm confused. In one psot Air Depots cost the same as naval bases as well as maintenance costs, and in another they cost 3 points, and 1 point to maintain. Which is correct?
16-12-2006, 01:09
I'm confused. In one psot Air Depots cost the same as naval bases as well as maintenance costs, and in another they cost 3 points, and 1 point to maintain. Which is correct?
Obviously the latest one (as its now on the first page of the military thread), lets hope its the last change (in the last week its gone from 4 points to 6 points to 3 points).
16-12-2006, 07:28
Belgium, Portugal, and the Netherlands can only recruit garrison units from their colonial territories which can only be stationed in the colony that they are raised.
I think that that Belgium should be allowed to raise several light infantry brigades in its colonial army and be allowed a certain freedom to deploy them in Africa and Asia. The Force Publique was one of the most well equipped colonial armies in Africa, and was made up of a mixture of ex Belgian military, conscripted Africans, and foreign mercenaries/volunteers. King Leopold (while still alive and firmly in control) attempted to use them to seize parts of Southern Sudan, and also tried to arrange it so that he could deploy some of them to China to establish a personal fiefdom there as well. When there was violence in Armenia and Crete he also suggested the Force Publique troops be used to restore order (and he was serious).
Now in RL after Leopold’s death nothing was ever done with this force besides keep control of the Congo, suppress rebellions, and take part in the world wars, but it could have been different. This would also have the added benefit of making Belgium more interesting to play for any perspective player.
16-12-2006, 22:05
That's true, though I have a question about troop loyalty of colonial troops. Are we going to keep the loyalty of the colonial troops historical? Or is it based on whether we do better or worse in treatement of our colonies. This is a concern for me as in Moroccan troops serving the Spanish were about 85% to 90% loyal. Only a handful of battalions rebelled during the RIF wars. So if I do better in treating my Moroccans than the real ones, does that mean that I'd have no loyalty problems? Cause that was a concern of mine about colonial troops.
Galveston Bay
17-12-2006, 06:27
I think that that Belgium should be allowed to raise several light infantry brigades in its colonial army and be allowed a certain freedom to deploy them in Africa and Asia. The Force Publique was one of the most well equipped colonial armies in Africa, and was made up of a mixture of ex Belgian military, conscripted Africans, and foreign mercenaries/volunteers. King Leopold (while still alive and firmly in control) attempted to use them to seize parts of Southern Sudan, and also tried to arrange it so that he could deploy some of them to China to establish a personal fiefdom there as well. When there was violence in Armenia and Crete he also suggested the Force Publique troops be used to restore order (and he was serious).
Now in RL after Leopold’s death nothing was ever done with this force besides keep control of the Congo, suppress rebellions, and take part in the world wars, but it could have been different. This would also have the added benefit of making Belgium more interesting to play for any perspective player.
will consider it, but not in the immediate future
20-12-2006, 03:17
would fast battleships be classified under which fleet carrier, BC or BC2?
Also, I notice some american Super Dreadnoughts have 14 inch guns, other have 16 inch guns. How do we know which ones ours are?
Also, is a naval reserve allowed, or are the ships just mothballed?
Aside from ships and airplanes, only motorized units need oil, and their is the maintenance cost correct?
Galveston Bay
20-12-2006, 04:11
would fast battleships be classified under which fleet carrier, BC or BC2?
Also, I notice some american Super Dreadnoughts have 14 inch guns, other have 16 inch guns. How do we know which ones ours are?
Also, is a naval reserve allowed, or are the ships just mothballed?
Aside from ships and airplanes, only motorized units need oil, and their is the maintenance cost correct?
fast battleships are really tech level 5.5 ships. Battlecruisers converted into fast battleships are treated as either DNs or SDNs depending if BC1 or 2
use existing historical ship classes to base your fleet on
Fuel costs will be added soon, but essentially it will be just like last game (maintenance cost is how much oil they need)
Galveston Bay
21-12-2006, 00:42
Washington Naval Treaty Conference
Galveston Bay
21-12-2006, 18:38
American experiments with naval aviation
experiments with the Seaplane tender Wright, and Seaplane Carriers Langley and Curtis determine that aircraft are an extremely useful addition to the fleet, but the ships themselves are inadequate. The Wright is far too slow, while the Langley and Curtis are too cramped and the seaplanes have serious flaws as well.
The US Navy in 1917 authorizes the conversion of the battle cruisers Wasp, Hornet and Ranger into aircraft carriers, to join the fleet in 1918.
Meanwhile, the Hughes Administration and Congress agree that a solid base is needed for the future of American military aviation, and authorizes the construction of 10 more air depots (5 for Navy, 5 for Army)
24-12-2006, 20:47
Is it possible to build a fortress on an island, namely Iwo Jima or Okinawa, and have it function as a normal fortress, or would I need to build the firtress in a more smaller space (say Mount Suribachi)
Galveston Bay
25-12-2006, 05:50
Is it possible to build a fortress on an island, namely Iwo Jima or Okinawa, and have it function as a normal fortress, or would I need to build the firtress in a more smaller space (say Mount Suribachi)
islands that don't fill up an entire hex, like the ones on the WIF Asia map can indeed be made into fortresses
although unless troops are there they are empty fortresses
Galveston Bay
26-12-2006, 20:12
note changes to naval and general rules
fuel requirements are now posted
changes go into effect 1919
26-12-2006, 20:55
The Dutch government is selling a light cruiser to anyone for .5 point.
26-12-2006, 20:58
They are 5.
26-12-2006, 21:01
The Dutch agree and send the light cruiser over to Brazil.
Galveston Bay
17-01-2007, 23:06
air units costs and rules
Air units 1916
As of 1916, only the US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Japan and Italy can produce aircraft, and only nations that spend the research can produce Zeppelins or Blimps
1920 Fighters (existing units upgraded for cost of maintenance)
Air combat 2, bombing 1, range 3, cost 3, maintenance .5
1920 light bombers
Air combat (1), bombing 2, range 4, cost 4, maintenance .5
1920 medium bombers
air combat (1), bombing 4, strategic bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance 1
1920 heavy bombers
air combat (2), bombing 1, strategic bombing 3, range 6, cost 8, maintenance 2
1920 Float Planes (maritime patrol)
air combat 1, bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance 1
1920 Flying boats (maritime patrol)
air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 2, strategic bombing 1, range 8, maintenance 2, can only base at ports and naval bases
1920 Naval bombers
air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 5, cost 3, maintenance .5
1920 Carrier planes can only engage ships in the same sea area and ports and coastal hexes bordering the sea area they are in
(all ranges are for the European WIF map, halved (rounded up) for WIF Asia map)
Zeppelin air combat (1), bombing rating 1, naval attack 0, strategic bombing 1, range 10 hexes, cost 6, maintenance 3, build time 1 year (20 aircraft)
(airline units can be converted into military Zeppelin units)
Heavy Zeppelins air combat (2), bombing rating 1, strategic bombing 2, range 20 hexes, cost 10, maintenance 5, (20 aircraft)
(Germany, France only)
Blimp 0-bombing 1-naval 0-strategic bombing 0, range 5 hexes, cost 2, maintenance .5, build time 6 months (20 aircraft)
air combat rating in parenthesis means defense only
Ratings are likely to stay around the same until tech level 5.5
Nations may purchase air units from nations that build them if they lack an aviation industry of their own.
To acquire an aviation industry costs 100 points (which can be spread out), and referee approval. You must be tech level 5, and not be at war.
Russia, Italy, Japan, United States, UK, France, and Germany can build all types
Netherlands can build only light bombers, fighters and flying boats
Hungary can only build light bombers and fighters
Air units at this tech level require 5,000 men and have 100 aircraft, and if you have over 4 air units, you must have 1 air depot for each 5 air units or 10 carrier units that you have. Air depots are essentially the same thing as a naval base and yard combined, and also act as training centers for pilots and development centers for aviation technology, and provide logistical support for air forces. They cost 3 points to build, and require 1 point a year to maintain. Air Depots are brigadel sized units, while wings (air units) are brigade sized units
note changes
Galveston Bay
17-01-2007, 23:14
Special note
Beginning at tech level 5.5, destroyer, submarine and escort ship flotillas are 10 ships instead of 20. You will be able to modernize battleships and cruisers (adds float planes allowing those ships air search capability, and anti aircraft guns in significant numbers). Purpose built aircraft carriers become available as well. Tech level 5 destroyers become escort ships, and tech level 5 escort ships and submarines become obsolete and useful only if you can't get better.
The Americans, British and Japanese will be able to refuel at sea, meaning that they can convert 10 shipping units into oilers, and each oiler unit allows 4 warship units to extend their range by 1 sea zone. Everyone else has to research this, and it takes 10 years and 10 points (1 point a year) then they too can refuel at sea.
The British at this tech will get Asdic for free, and everyone else will have to research it. Information on that much later.
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 00:51
Ground combat changes
After studying the Great War, the leading armies (France, Germany and Russia) determine that the old 20,000 man infantry division is too large and cumbersome, and lacks flexibility. The old structure of 12 infantry battalions organized into 4 brigades is simply too manpower intensive for the firepower of its 4 artillery battalions.
A new triangular infantry division, with 9 infantry battalions and 4 artillery battalions becomes standard, with only 13,000 men.
Now infantry corps have 3 infantry divisions, plus corps artillery, engineers, signals and associated units, and thus the corps remains the same size.
The increasing numbers of motor vehicles, even in corps equipped mainly with horse drawn wagons, and increasing numbers of radios and other complicated equipment also results in an increase in maintenance costs for all armies.
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 01:17
Ground combat 1925
Supply and support units
Headquarters unit 6 points, maintenance 1, must be tech level 5 to build one
Can reorganize 1 unit a turn, and acts as a forward supply base
Supply unit 4 points, maintenance .5 (must be tech level 3 to build one)
Acts as a forward supply base
Motorized HQ unit cost 10 points, maintenance 2, (US cost 8, maintenance 1), can reorganize 2 units a turn, and acts as a forward supply base,
Motorized Supply units cost 6 points, maintenance 1 (US cost 4, maintenance 1),
Acts as a forward supply base,
HQ and supply units are corps sized units. An HQ or Supply unit can supply all units with 4 hexes of them. A motorized HQ or supply unit can support all units within 6 hexes of them. HQ and supply units in turn must be within 4 hexes of a major port, or major city with a railline that is free of enemy forces back to their homeland or a major port. Ports can only be used as supply sources if the enemy doesn't own the sea leading to that port. A supply unit can be used to provide a link to extend this range. So for example an HQ unit that is 12 hexes away from a port or rail line can have 2 supply units or HQs in between to extend that range. Ranges of course are halved on the Asian WIF map. All HQ and supply units have 1 point of defense value.
Units can also be directly supplied if within 4 hexes of a major port or major city with a direct rail connection to their capital. A unit in a fortress (not a fort) remains in supply for 6 months even if not otherwise in supply. Units that are out of supply attack at half their combat strength, and cannot move except by rail or sea.
HQs can also be used to reorganize units that are fought out. An HQ can reorganize 2 corps, while a motorized HQ can reorganize 4 corps.
Combat units
Corps sized units
Infantry corps (formerly heavy infantry) – equipped with heavy field artillery (155 and 105 mm guns), has 3 infantry divisions plus engineers, recon, corps artillery and other support units. Cost 4 points, maintenance 1 point, firepower 6 (attack or defense), movement 3 (1 on Asia map)
Cavalry Corps 5 points, maintenance 1,
Weaker then infantry in combat value but can move further in a turn, firepower 3 (attack or defense), movement 4 (2 on Asia map)
Fortress Infantry corps 4 points, maintenance 1, includes fort, if moves out of fort becomes a static infantry corps, cannot move except by rail or by sea. Cannot attack, defense is 6.
Static infantry corps – cost 3 points, maintenance .25 points, has lighter artillery or lower quality personnel or both then an infantry corps, firepower is 3, movement 2 (1 of Asia map)
Motorized infantry corps – same as infantry corps, but has enough trucks to move all of its heavy equipment, supplies and artillery (while an infantry corps uses horses for that). Can move as far as a cavalry corps in good terrain and also gets a firepower bonus (speedier ammunition flow, more flexibility with its artillery). Cost 6 points (5 points for US), maintenance 1.5 points (horses are almost as expensive as trucks to run). Movement is 4 (2 on Asia map), firepower is 7
Militia corps – inadequately trained and equipped static infantry. Firepower is 2, movement is 2 (1 on Asia map), cost 2, maintenance .10. However, if survives a major battle or 6 months on the front line without being destroyed automatically becomes a static infantry corps.
Division sized units
Police unit 2 points, maintenance .25
1 police unit per 10 million will prevent uprisings in home territory or colonial territory and also reduce the effects of guerilla warfare and terrorism and anti state movements. Has negligible combat value however. Democratic nations can only build police units if an insurrection or rebellion is underway or imminent.
Garrison unit 2 points, maintenance .25, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 Asia map)
1 garrison unit per 5 million will prevent uprisings in colonial territories or reduce effects of guerilla warfare in occupied territories, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
Light or Mountain Infantry Division 2 points, maintenance .25
Can operate in difficult terrain, and moves faster then regular infantry, movement 4 (2 on Asia map), ignores effects of weather or terrain for movement, firepower 1,
Cavalry division 3 points, maintenance .5 Can also act as a garrison unit, firepower 1, movement 4 (2 on Asia map)
Motorized infantry division cost 3 points (2 for US), maintenance .5 (.25 for US), movement 5 (3 on Asia map), firepower 2,
Fortress division, cost 2 points, maintenance .5 (includes a fort) if moved out of the fort becomes a garrison unit, firepower 2 (defense only, cannot attack), movement by rail or sea only
militia divisions cost 1, maintenance .25, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map), becomes a light infantry division if survives a major battle or 6 months on the line without being destroyed
flak division cost 2. maintenance .75, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
provides anti aircraft defense for critical areas, can be disrupted
Artillery divisions cost 8 points, maintenance 4, movement 2 (1 on Asia map), firepower (attack) 4, firepower (defense) 1, has no defense unless stacked with an infantry unit of same size or larger
Brigade sized units
Coast defense fortress, cost 3 points, maintenance .5, cannot move (once built stays in place). If moved, becomes a garrison unit. Firepower 1 (against ground units), Firepower 5 (against amphibious assault), Can be disrupted by naval or air bombardment.
assault engineer brigade 2 points, maintenance . 5, firepower 0 (assists other troops), movement 4, triples the combat strength of 1 corps or 2 divisions or 6 brigades against fortresses and fortress troops or if attacking a city. Can also be used in amphibious landings if stacked with a marine unit. MUst be tech level 5 to build these units (and unlike other units, cannot be provided by a friendly ally for you. You country must be tech level 5)
Light infantry brigade 1 point, maintenance .10, firepower 1, movement 5 (3 on Asia map), ignores terrain and weather, can be carried by any naval unit (except submarines), can make unopposed amphibious landings
Motorized infantry brigade cost 2 points, maintenance 1, firepower 2, movement 4 (2 on Asia map),
Marine brigade 2 points, maintenance .5, firepower 2, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
Can make opposed amphibious landings, includes landing craft, can only be transported by a transport or liner unit
Siege artillery brigade cost 2 points, maintenance .25, firepower 2 (1 defense)
Can only be transported by rail, reduces the effects of forts and fortresses, can also be used to shoot at ships (although not as well as a coastal defense unit)
militia brigades cost .25, maintenance .05, firepower 1, movement 2 (1 on Asia map)
armored brigades (only available if you have researched them), cost 2.5, maintenance .5, firepower 2, movement 4 (2 on Asia map)
proficiency ratings
untrained militia 1 (created by referee when applicable)
police units 2
trained militia 3
older (have been out of the service over 4 years) reservists (static and fortress units) 4
reservists (infantry and cavalry units) 5
conscript regulars / volunteer reservists 6
volunteer regulars 7
elite regulars 8 (only marines, mountain troops)
national bonuses to profiency as of 1925
All marine units get an extra +1
Germany + 3
France, UK, USA Regular forces, German reserves + 2
UK reserve, Russia, Japan, Imperial China, Italy, USA reserve, Australia, Canada, Spain, South Africa, India, French reserve +1
Turkish, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, KMT China, Siam, Argentina, Brazil, all other European + 0
all other Asian, African, Latin American nations - 1 or - 2 or even -3
Effects of profiency
When a unit with higher profiency attacks a unit with lower profiency it gets a combat bonus to dice rolls. You may also spend less peacetime maintenance on your troops, for economy reasons, which halves the cost of their maintenance but reduces profiency by - 2
German heavy Infantry corps are either prof 8 or 9, while Russian infantry corps are 7 or 6
Other adjustments
Units defending are doubled in strength
units defending in rough terrain, behind a river line, or in a major city are tripled in defense
units defending in a fortress are quadrupled in defense
Certain locations are so heavily fortified (and have been for so long) that they are especially difficult to attack. A fortress costs 1 point a year to maintain and any combat unit can defend them without penalty. To build a fortress costs 1 point a year for 5 years.
Forts are less difficult to attack (but still hard) and are created and maintained along with their fortress troops.
Ammunition stockpile - cost 6 points, maintenance 2 points, (stack with 1 HQ unit and moves with it), doubles attack strength of 8 corps sized units in one attack
Chemical Weapons stockpile (as above, but only when chemical weapons capability is achieved). Also doubles attack strength of 8 corps. Can be used in conjuction with an ammunition stockpile to quadruple in attack strength up to 8 corps.
Stockpiles can be used to improve the defenders as well, and yes, if a corps is in a fortress, supported by a General, and uses an ammunition and chemical stockpile it can indeed have its defense improved by x 9
Generals are created by the referee only, A general doubles the firepower of up to 2 corps worth of units. Generals do not exist in peacetime for game purposes.
Replacement units – Available in wartime only and during lulls in the action, or in parts of the front when no large battles are going on, or because of illness or disease, units will still suffer casualties unless they are behind the lines. It is possible for a unit to literally melt away because of this. Replacements are therefore needed. You can scrap a lower quality unit to keep a higher quality unit on the front line or replace it as it dies or most cheaply, buy replacement units that are essentially pools of trained personnel that are assigned as needed. A replacement unit (corps, division or brigade) can be used to provide people to keep the army up to strength.
replacement corps are 2 points, .25 points maintenance, 4 months
replacement divisions are .5 points, .10 points maintenance, 4 months
replacement brigades are .25 points, .05 point maintenance, 4 months
Upgrading units
spend the difference in cost and allow for 6 months and you can upgrade a unit from brigade to division, or division to corps, or improve a brigade, division or corps sized unit in quality from militia or reserve to regular, or convert it from one type of unit (such as garrison etc) to another (such as infantry)
note changes
which go into effect for 1925
(which means your budgets are going to be unhappy)
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 01:41
Naval units costs and rules 1925
Capital Ships
Battleship (formerly SDNs, DNs and BC 1, BC2 and BC3) cost 6 points a year for 3 years, maintenance .5 (note the increase),
Coast defense battleship (small size SDNs) cost 4 points a year for 3 years, maintenance is .25, and are generally heavily gunned and armored for their size, but have short range and moderate speed.
Pre dreadnought battleships are no longer being built, maintenance is .5 as parts are getting scarce
Unless you already have battleship technology, you will have to spend 100 points (10 points a year for ten years) and build one navy yard to get it. If you have DN or BC technology but not SDN or BC2 technology it will cost 50 points (10 points a year for 5 years). Coast defense battleship technology costs the same as DN technology (50 points over 5 years).
Battleship tech level 5.5 battleships require 5 points a year for 5 years research before construction is allowed. They require 4 years in peacetime to be completed
16 inch gun battleships cost 10 points a year for 4 years to build (gets you a ship around 40,000 tons with combat value 5-6-5-5 or a combination thereof (you can sacrifice speed or range for greater defense, or protection for more speed) (historical North Carolina class)
15 inch gun battleships cost 7 points a year for 4 years to build (gets you a ship around 40,000 tons with a combat value of 4-6-5-5 of combination (see above)(historical King George V class or Littorio class)
another 5 points a year for 5 years gets you 50,000 ton battleships
(historical Iowa class or Bismark)
add another 20 points and you can build the Yamato (Japan only)
the Yamato class costs 12 points a year for 5 years
modernizing battleships – you can spend 6 points for 1 year, and modernize a older battleship. This gives it anti aircraft guns, improvement torpedo protection, more reliable engines, float planes and otherwise brings it up to tech level 5.5. You can modernize 1 battleship for every naval yard you have but no more then 25% of your fleet can be in the dockyard at one time.
Aircraft Carriers
Must be tech level 5, and be able to build your own aircraft. Initially carriers are converted from other ships and aren’t as efficient as later (tech level 5.5) purpose built carriers. Maintenance includes the cost of the carrier air planes and aircrews assigned.
Seaplane tenders cost 2, maintenance .25, provide improved spotting capability, combat 0, defense 0, speed 4, range 4
Seaplane carriers (converted ocean liners) cost 3 points and 1 ocean liner unit, maintenance is .5 for each carrier (2 created), combat 0, defense 0, speed 5, range 4, air combat 1, naval strike 1, (once fleet carrier technology obtained, become light carriers)
Fleet carriers (converted battlecruisers) cost 3 points and 1 BC (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 1, speed 5 or 6, range 4 or 5, air combat 1, naval strike 1-3 (depending on nationality), maintenance 1 (1.5 US and Japan),
Fleet carriers (converted improved battlecruisers) cost 4 points and 1 BC2 (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 2, speed 6 or 7, air combat 1, naval strike 1-3 (depending on nationality), maintenance 1 (1.5 for US and Japan)
Light carriers (converted armored cruisers), cost 2 points and 1 armored cruisers (which you already built or bought), combat 0, defense 1, speed 4 or 5, range 4 or 5, air combat 1, naval strike 1, maintenance .5 (.75 US and Japan) (heavy cruisers can also be converted this way, and have a speed of 7, otherwise identical)
Carrier technology
6 points gives you Seaplane Carriers (free for UK, US due to pioneering work)
these ships allow your fleet to have some built in scouting ability. However, they are slow. (seaplane carrier combat 0, protection 0, speed 3, range 3) and are all converted merchant ships. They have no combat value, only increase your ability to find other ships
Seaplane carriers cost 2 points, require 1 year (as are converted merchant ships) and maintenance is .25 points
1 year after getting seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you improved seaplane carriers technology. Cost is 3 points, require 1 year to convert (and you are converting a liner) and one liner unit will give you 2 seaplane carriers (for 3 points to convert both ships). They have a combat rating of 0, protection of 0, speed of 6, and range of 4. They also have an naval bombing rating of 1.
2 years after getting improved seaplane carriers and 6 more points gives you fleet carrier technology
. You must convert a battle cruiser at a cost of 3 points and 1 year construction time. Gives you a carrier with a combat rating of 0, defense rating of 1, speed of 5 (BC conversion) or 3 (armored cruiser conversion), range of 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), and air combat rating of 1, naval bombing rating of 1-3. Some BC conversions have a speed of 6 or even 7 incidently. Stats will be provided by referee for you carriers. American and Japanese carriers carry 75-100 aircraft, everyone elses carriers operate 40-60 aircraft for reasons of philisophy (Americans and Japanese willing to carry their planes on deck and accept the disadvantages of paying extra maintenance).
You may choose to instead convert armored cruisers into light carriers, which are cheaper.
Special note: If your navy has had carriers for at least 5 years (had them in 1920), you can build purpose build carriers.
Fleet carriers cost 10 points a year for 3 years, gets you a CV with rating of 1-2-7-5 air rating of 5, or a CV with rating of 1-4-7-5 air rating of 2
Heavy cruisers have 8 inch guns and are designed to kill other cruisers and escorts as well as hunt down merchant shipping. Light cruisers have 6 inch guns and are designed to hunt down merchant shipping and provide command space for destroyer squadron.
Heavy cruiser cost 2 points a year for 2 years, maintenance .10, range 4 (5 for US and UK and Japan), attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 4 (German ships have defense 2, range 4, French and Italian designs speed 8, range 4), burns oil
Light cruiser (CL) 1 point a year for 2 years (1 ship) maintenance .10
Light guns, torpedoes, speed and range of 4 (average) – 5 (US, Japan, UK) sea areas, burns oil
Armored and protected cruisers are now treated as heavy and light cruisers for purposes of maintenance, but are slower and have less range and still burn coal. They are effectively obsolete at this point but are still useful for showing the flag, patrol duties and escorting merchant shipping.
You can modernize cruisers just like you can battleships (and should). Cost is 2 points for 1 year in the dockyard, and naval yards can modernize either 2 cruisers or 1 battleship at one time each year.
other warships
tech level 5.5 Submarine flotillas are automatically long range (5 sea zones), and cost 10 points, maintenance .5 (SSK2)
Submarine flotilla (SSK1) 6 points a year for 1 year (10 submarines) maintenance .25 uses oil
Tech level 5.5 destroyer flotillas have a range of 4 sea zones (other destroyers have a range of 2 sea zones), cost is 10 points a year (10 destroyers) maintenance .25
Destroyer flotilla (DD1) 6 points a year for 1 year (10 destroyers) maintenance .25 uses oil
Escort flotilla (CE) 4 points a year for 1 year (10 submarine chasers or corvettes) maintenance .25 uses oil, range is 4 sea zones
patrol flotilla (PY) 3 points a year for 1 year (20 gunboats) maintenance .10, River patrol flotillas are also available at the same price and can operate in large rivers. Useful only for patrolling colonial areas, acts as a garrison unit. 1 unit will act as a garrison unit for all colonies in that sea area (so 1 US gunboat unit in the Caribbean watches all nations in the Caribbean). Gunboats have no combat value against any other warships but can fight each other (briefly). Have a short range, usually 2 sea areas
Minesweeper flotilla (MS) 2 points a year for 1 year (20 minesweepers) maintenance .10 uses oil
Motor torpedo boat flotilla (PT) 1 point a year for 1 year (50 PT boats), maintenance .10 uses oil
Escort groups -- once you have researched or acquired ASW technology, you may convert older destroyers into Escort groups. Essentially, old destroyers lose their torpedo tubes and replace them with depth charge racks.
Destroyers can attack submarines and surface ships, submarines can attack shipping and warships, escort flotillas can only attack submarines, and minesweepers can only be used to clear mines.
Minefields 1 point covers the approaches to one major port, 5 points for a major strait like the Dardenelles or English Channel, and 10 points to construct a mine barrier across the North Sea (as in real life Allied North Sea Mine barrage). Can only be created during wartime and only friendly naval forces and shipping may pass through minefields. Submarines, destroyers and light cruisers can lay minefields (but cannot carry out any other duties that turn). You may however stockpile mines
older or obsolescent or obsolete warships
tech level 4.5 or older destroyers and torpedo boats are considered escort flotillas at
tech level 5 submarines and destroyers cannot be modernized (not enough hull)
Transport groups (represents 85 transport ships or 500,000 tons of shipping) cost is 3 points, maintenance .25 points, range is 4 sea areas a turn. You can get them for free by converting 5 shipping units into 1 transport unit. Can carry 2 corps of troops or 6 divisions or 18 brigades
Liners can carry 2 light infantry divisions or 6 brigades of light infantry or marines.
You can also build light transport units. These cost .5 point, take 1 year to build, .10 points to maintain, range is 4 sea areas a turn, and can carry 1 light division or 3 light infantry or marine brigades. You can also convert a single shipping unit into a light transport for free.
Naval yards can repair and build ships. However, they are expensive to maintain, and cost 1 point a year. To build one costs 24 points. Some nations start off with naval yards (and those will be indicated). Naval Yards can also refuel ships and act as a base. Personnel are accounted for in your naval units already. A naval yard can provide maintenance or repairs for 10 naval units. A naval base can be converted into a naval yard for 12 points and takes one year. A naval yard is required for the construction of naval units.
Naval bases can refuel ships. To build one costs 6 points and requires a major port or suitable anchorage (see list of suitable anchorages). They also are expensive to maintain, and cost .5 points a year. Major port cities can also act as a naval base. Naval bases and naval yards must be located at a sizeable harbor. Bases that you own will be indicated, as will places that would make a good base. Up to 15 naval units can operate from a naval base, naval yard or major port.
Naval units must end their turn at a minor port, major port, naval base or naval yard (generally they go out to sea and return to the nearest base)
useful places for a base that don't have one yet
tech 5 naval ratings
When you acquire warships from a foreign power, you have to also come up with the crews. Now when you build a unit, the costs are included, but notice that when you bring a unit out of laid up status (mothballs), you have to spend 2 points and it takes 6 months to make it operational.
Part of this is the cost and time required to man the warship or unit of warship and part of it is dockyard time to get it ready for sea.
So far, when the Germans for example have been getting British build DNs and BCs, I have either taken crews away from predreadnoughts and added them to the mothball fleet, or instead of activating a ship out of reserve, have instead used those points and crews to man the new warship instead (and left a BB1 in reserve).
So if you get a ship from a foreign power you must either a) lay up another warship unit or b) spend 2 points and 4 months working up that unit before its combat ready
Special note
The Americans, British and Japanese can refuel at sea, meaning that they can convert 10 shipping units into oilers, and each oiler unit allows 4 warship units to extend their range by 1 sea zone. Everyone else has to research this, and it takes 10 years and 10 points (1 point a year) then they too can refuel at sea.
The British at this tech will get Asdic for free, and everyone else will have to research it. Information on that much later. Asdic first shows up in 1932, unless war comes (will come sooner then, more urgency)
note changes
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 01:51
Tech level 5 projects
naval warfare
Dreadnought warships -- must be tech level 5, have 1 naval yard, and 1 major port to research. cost is free, but takes 3 years.
Battle cruisers -- see above (also includes light and heavy cruisers)
super dreadnoughts (see above)
Long range submarines -- must be tech level 5, and have at least one tech level 5 submarine flotilla, then spend 12 points of research and you can have long range submarine units which have a range of 4 sea areas instead of 2, and cost 8 points per flotilla, maintenance .5
Basic ASW warfare -- allows destroyers and smaller escort ships to defend against submarine attack (invention of hydrophones, depth charges). Cost is 12 points and must be tech level 5
Rigid Airships (Zeppelins) -- Germany free, France 6 points, all others 12 points, and allows you to build Zeppelins. Each Zeppelin unit is 5 airships, and they have a range of 400 miles and can be used for terror bombing or scouting or used as an airline unit (provides 1 point of income a year, maximum 2 points)
Improved Zeppelins - Germany free, all others must have Zeppelin technology AND spend 12 points (6 points for Brazil and France). You can build an international airline unit for a cost of 6 points (and you can have a domestic airline unit too).
Non Rigid Airships (Blimps) -- 6 points, and allows you to build Blimp units. Each unit is 20 blimps and they can be used for scouting up to a range of 200 miles. They also act as ASW coastal patrol aircraft.
Amphibious Doctrine -- allows you to conduct invasions of defended beaches and build Marine units. Marine units include both the landing craft and the ground unit (see ground units for cost). US, UK must spend 6 points for amphibious doctrine (as they have more experience then everyone else put together), while all other nations must spend 12 points.
carrier rules (see above)
armored warfare
nations can start to research tanks, this will cost 24 points, and take 2 years. At the end of the 2nd year, one free tank brigade is developed. (its effects will be a surprise).
After that, tank brigades can be built. Cost is 3 points, time is 6 months. They function much like seige artillery, and can only move 1 hex a turn. Maintenance and reliability for early tanks was awful, so annual maintenance is 2 points a year.
Additional restrictions:
1. Must be tech level 5
2. Only the US, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Italy can research tanks, as they are the only nations with a substantive auto industry at this point.
3. Other nations can buy tanks, but their maintenance is doubled (as they have fewer people around to man them, fix them and don't have a parts industry)
beginning 1920, Austria Hungary (Skoda works) and Russia (big tractor industry) can research tanks, and Japan (develops a car industry) can after 1922.
Combined arms warfare
Germany starts off with this for free, other nations must be tech level 5.5, and spend 5 points a year for 5 years. This is required to in order to build armored divisions. Armored divisions require another 20 points of research, and you can convert cavalry or motorized infantry divisions into armored divisions for 2 points or build them from scratch for 10 points. Maintenance is 3 points a year, and combat rating is 4, movement is 6 (3 on Asia map). You must have armored warfare AND combined arms warfare to build armored divisions. Incidently, historically, the French, British and Russians all developed them at the same time as the Germans, but didn't have the combined arms concept down, and used them for less effectively then the Germans did. So what they had were collections of 3 armored brigades instead of a combined arms armored division.
parachute units will show up when actual transport aircraft appear
22-01-2007, 02:00
is Yamato tech take 4 or 5 years? Also, what's the cost/build time for Bismarck type ships take
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 02:32
is Yamato tech take 4 or 5 years? Also, what's the cost/build time for Bismarck type ships take
total of 11 years in all, and 70 points to research total
which means it will show up around the time it did historically or a bit earlier, but not much
10 years to get the Bismark
22-01-2007, 06:45
Do tank brigades become armored brigades?
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 17:58
Do tank brigades become armored brigades?
Galveston Bay
22-01-2007, 18:02
Because a lot of nation staters and E20 players in particular like to fight wars and the 20th Century is full of them
Building ground units
It takes one year to build a ground unit, 6 months if you don't mind them being the equivilant of 2nd line reservists. Upgrading a unit from one type (cavalry) to another type (armor) takes another year (so 2 years to convert a unit or 1 year to build it from scratch) This represents retraining that is necessary.
note addition
22-01-2007, 23:18
1 more year and Spain has an aircraft building industry. I've spent the 100 points. So will need to know what kind of planes I can builde for myself.
Also wonder if having the growth of an airplane building industry in Spain will do for my economy.
Galveston Bay
23-01-2007, 00:48
1 more year and Spain has an aircraft building industry. I've spent the 100 points. So will need to know what kind of planes I can builde for myself.
Also wonder if having the growth of an airplane building industry in Spain will do for my economy.
you start with 2 aircraft types (fighters, float planes etc), and you pick the 2 you can start building
Galveston Bay
23-01-2007, 01:09
Because a lot of nation staters and E20 players in particular like to fight wars and the 20th Century is full of them
Air units scale for game purposes
each air unit requires 4,000 men to support and man it and is 75 aircraft. Typically air units are called either Wings or Groups
Air depots are brigade sized units and have 4,000 men.
If you have over 4 air units, you also need an supply unit for every 5 air units you have. These supply units are called air depots and cost the same as a naval base to build and maintain. You must designate where each air depot is located.
[ .
note change in aircraft unit size
23-01-2007, 07:35
Then I choose light bombers and fighters. Spain has those already from France, and therefore it'd be the most likely for them to build first.
Galveston Bay
24-01-2007, 06:33
The American press notes that Russia is in violation of the Washington Naval Treaty, having 16 battleships, including those in mothballs, when it is supposed to have only 12 and that the Ukraine is violating the moratorium on new battleship construction, which includes ALL battleships
The British press picks up the story, and soon its world wide, and considerable outrage is generated.
The American press notes that Russia is in violation of the Washington Naval Treaty, having 16 battleships, including those in mothballs, when it is supposed to have only 12 and that the Ukraine is violating the moratorium on new battleship construction, which includes ALL battleships
The British press picks up the story, and soon its world wide, and considerable outrage is generated.
There is a swift investigation into the matter by the Russian government, which results in several higher ups being summarily sacked and two admirals court-martialed and dishonorably discharged.
The mistake is quickly rectified as the four older battleships still in mothballs are used for target practice and the Ukranians told to halt their construction of their battleship immediately or face investigations into their government.
25-01-2007, 15:23
Why is it that Naval Bombers have a naval bombing rating of 1 and flying boats have a naval bombing value of 2?
Galveston Bay
25-01-2007, 18:00
Why is it that Naval Bombers have a naval bombing rating of 1 and flying boats have a naval bombing value of 2?
Flying boats are bigger and thus carry a heavier payload
at least for now.. that changes later on
Galveston Bay
25-01-2007, 19:06
air units costs and rules
Air units 1925
Air units 1925
1925 Fighters (existing units upgraded for cost of maintenance)
Air combat 2, bombing 1, range 3, cost 3, maintenance .10
1925 light bombers
Air combat (1), bombing 2, range 4, cost 4, maintenance .10
1925 medium bombers
air combat (1), bombing 4, strategic bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance .25
1925 heavy bombers
air combat (2), bombing 1, strategic bombing 3, range 6, cost 8, maintenance .5
1925 Float Planes (maritime patrol)
air combat 1, bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 5, cost 6, maintenance .10
1925 Flying boats (maritime patrol)
air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 2, strategic bombing 1, range 8, maintenance .5, can only base at ports and naval bases
1925 Naval bombers
air combat (1), bombing 1, naval bombing 1, range 5, cost 3, maintenance .10
1925 Carrier planes can only engage ships in the same sea area and ports and coastal hexes bordering the sea area they are in
(all ranges are for the European WIF map, halved (rounded up) for WIF Asia map)
Zeppelin air combat (1), bombing rating 1, naval attack 0, strategic bombing 1, range 10 hexes, cost 6, maintenance 3, build time 1 year (20 aircraft)
(airline units can be converted into military Zeppelin units)
Heavy Zeppelins air combat (2), bombing rating 1, strategic bombing 2, range 30 hexes, cost 10, maintenance 5, (20 aircraft) can substitute cargo instead, which means it can carry 1 light infantry brigade
(Germany, France only)
Blimp 0-bombing 1-naval 0-strategic bombing 0, range 6 hexes, cost 2, maintenance .5, build time 6 months (20 aircraft)
Nations may purchase air units from nations that build them if they lack an aviation industry of their own.
To acquire an aviation industry costs 100 points (which can be spread out), and referee approval. You must be tech level 5, and not be at war. Nations without an aircraft industry pay double maintenance, nations that are below tech level 5 pay triple maintenance.
Russia, Italy, Japan, United States, UK, France, and Germany can build all types
Netherlands can build only light bombers, fighters and flying boats
Poland, Spain, Sweden, Hungary and Rumania can only build light bombers and fighters
Air units at this tech level require 4,000 men and have 75 aircraft, and if you have over 4 air units, you must have 1 air depot for each 5 air units or 10 carrier units that you have. Air depots are essentially the same thing as a naval base and yard combined, and also act as training centers for pilots and development centers for aviation technology, and provide logistical support for air forces. They cost 3 points to build, and require 1 point a year to maintain. Air Depots are brigadel sized units, while wings (air units) are brigade sized units
For now, maintenance automatically upgrades aircraft to latest models
note major change
Main reason for the change is that aircraft at Tech level 5.5 are much more reliable, and don't require constant replacement (older aircraft wear out after a year, even when they don't crash due to mechanical failure)
25-01-2007, 19:11
Well that's cool then. And YAY Spain is on the list. Thanks. So my question is what other nations get car industries to start building tanks in the 30's? Cause the list ends at Japan in 1922. Are there any nations that get that ability in 1923-1930? Just curious.
28-01-2007, 22:16
When do Anti-Tank Brigades come out? Also, can we get artillery or flak brigades, not divisions? if so, what's the cost?