NationStates Jolt Archive

Hunter Inc: A Bounty Hunter Adventure set in Deep Space

Hunter Inc
27-08-2006, 21:02
It was sunset. You couldn't hear the man's panting over the noise of the crowded spaceport, but you could certainly see the sweat dripping off his brow.

The ship...if only he could make it to his ship....why hasn't Jak lifted off yet??

He pushed over a stack of boxes in an effort to slow down his persuer. He looked back to see a flash of orange leap over them. The man cursed, grapping his pistol from his belt. He turned..


The pistol flew out his hand as the tall figure fired a second shot. The man's eyes grew wide. A single dart sang as it flew through the air...and hit the man in the chest.

Instantly the man shook violently as volts of electricity incapacitated him. The cat-like creature holstered his weapon and began to walk slowly towards his prey.

OCC: Welcome to Hunter Inc! A series of adventures in FT that takes you below the huge dramatic space battles and into the seedy underbelly of the future world. Now to introduce the stars of our show:

Name: Sam Talon
Race: Bearkat, a tall creature that boasts the best features of both tiger and bear. His body is much like a bear, but he has the eyes, tail, and whiskers of feline persuasion.
Occupation: Bounty Hunter. Guarnteed to take down anyone, anywhere.


Name: Derek Darkstar
Race: Human
Occupation: Pilot of the Gunslinger. As the pilot he is overconfident, reckless, and hot-headed. And that's Derek on a good day. When not trying to charm the local ladies, he is using his expert flying skill to get themselves out of trouble. With the Gunslingers's oversized engine and quad ion cannon turrets, Derek Darkstar is a very dangerous opponet.

So, got a big huge massive war to fight and don't have the time to track down terrorists, spies, and criminals? Well then, why don't you give HUNTER INC a try?