NationStates Jolt Archive

The Crime of the Century (open)

Emerald Springs
26-08-2006, 22:03
Emerald Springs is robust and bustling society. While a monarch, it was a free country, ruled by a fair and kind king, and has almost always been that way. The most well known Royal Family was the Martin Family. The only family to come from common hertiage to be elected to the state, and take the name of state Ludokai. Besides that, they had the most children out of any Previous King. 10 to be exact, Two we're now married and away from home, but as for the other 7, life went on. It was a little tough to be the Prince or Princess of the nation, having to be surrounded by security and publicity. It was tough on the parents too, trying to raise their children in the lam light of polotics, but it worked.

In the darkness of night, a terror group known as the Anti-Monarcy Soceity (AMS) had been plotting the demise of the King, and his family. They would stake out and watch the day to day activites of the family, and then they would kidnap one of the children, and put the family in panic, then slowly pick them all off one by one, untill Robert and Allena Ludokai would be on their nees begging for their children back.

Their fist target was Jessica Ludokai, 12 years old second eldest daughter. A few of these men waited in their cars to snatch her as she departed for school. The black car that was escorting her to her school departed. Her twin brothers we're already at middle school, the younger kids we're put into diffrent vehicles. The shady black cars began to tail them, breaking formation to avoid suspicion, and suddenly a car cut off Jessica's car. Two men came out with guns ablazing.

"Get out of the car!" They waisted no time to shoot the bodyguard, and snatch Jessica up. Jessie didn't go easy, she went kicking and screaming.

In no time everyone knew about the kidnapping. Including the media.

"I'm here live infront of the Royal Mansion, where only hours ago Princess Jessica Ludokai, departed for school but was kidnapped. Local police are working on it, but they aren't working fast enough. The Royal Protection Service is likley to turn to international police forces to ensure Jessica is returned saftly. The family is quite distraught with the abduction of their daughter, and are begging for her return."

How long would it be? Days, Weeks, Months? Who knows.
26-08-2006, 23:16
The High Leader, Aimless von Strangaild, expresses his condolences for the Royal Family. " THe people who kidnapped those children are monsters and terroists and only push back there goal. If Emerald Springs needs it, I am willing to send my best dective and police to help search for the missing children"
26-08-2006, 23:25
INTERPOL is willing to aid in the kidnapping
26-08-2006, 23:37
HAHA someone got kidnapped *points and laughs*
26-08-2006, 23:37
The Demidian People express their most deep condolences. An Amber Alert has been issued nationwide, if their is anything that can be done to assist, please contact either of these offices.

Dwight Goodman
Minister of Foreign Affairs

John P. Wiley
Minister of National Security