26-08-2006, 06:20
This is open to everybody here on NS. A while back I was part of a mythology RP but because of work and school, I had to drop out of it. Now that I have more time I wanna try this again, only a little different. I tell the storyline once I get enough people.
There are a couple of rules:
1. This is a character RP about heros (or villians) from different cultures and mythologies in Earth's past (Ill take anything as early as Egyptians and as late as Aztec). You can have up to three characters, including a pet if you wish. You can also be famous people, like Alexander the Great.
2. Your character(s) can be whatever you choose. If you want a berserker, go on ahead. A necromancer? Sure. A sorcerer? Right on. Summoner? Go right ahead. Just try not to godmode, which may be hard in terms of magic.
3. Greece and Rome were not the only civilizations on Earth. I don't want a huge party of Greecians and Romans. I want diversity. It'll make the RP more interesting with different cultures and personalities than if we all have a bunch of "God of War Kraetus" clones. Here are some good examples of some other cultures:
Japan and China
Native South and North America (A challenge I would like someone to try)
Middle and South Africa
Egypt and the Northern part of Africa
Ireland and Scotland
Western Europe
Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Burma
Basically, I would like diversity, like a samurai fighting alongside a viking. I will still take Greecians and Romans, but only one of each of those.
4. (OPTIONAL) Everyone is allowed to play as a god. The god doesnt go on the quest, but simply helps when necessary, like the ancient stories of the Illiad and The Odyssey. Once again, dont godmode and don't use their powers on every quest.
5. Religion: This is a toughy and may prove controvosial. You can use a religion instead of a mythology. However, don't pick anyone major to be your character (i.e. Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed). We don't need to offend anyone on this thread
Thats about it. Just play nice and have respect for the other players. Ill be back on later today, then after that I have to move out, which'll take a couple days, so Ill be back on the 19th. That'll give some time to make characters.
26-08-2006, 06:34
I am Neptune! God of the Sea!
I like the idea you have of allowing people to be Gods that only help out. That way I don't have to be that active and pop in as much as I can without much consequence, I mean, who can kill a God?
26-08-2006, 06:36
true, but I am hoping for more active members, so you can make a character if you want.
Zactarn Prime
26-08-2006, 07:20
Can I be the 8 Immortals from CHinese Mythology and a Vilkacis which is a werewolf from Latvian Mythology
The Vilkacis profile:
Name: Yuri
Height: 6' 9"
weight: 287
Personality: Malicious
26-08-2006, 13:45
Can I be the 8 Immortals from CHinese Mythology and a Vilkacis which is a werewolf from Latvian Mythology
The Vilkacis profile:
Name: Yuri
Height: 6' 9"
weight: 287
Personality: Malicious
He Xiangu, Cao Guojiu, Li Tieguai, Lan Caihe, Lü Dongbin, Han Xiang Zi, Zhang Guo Lao, & Zhongli Quan as well as the Vilkacis? I am proud!! Now that is what I am talking about! You are in, but you gotta make a backstory for your character.
26-08-2006, 14:37
I guess I can make my character now
Name: Anacaona
Sex: Female
Country of Origin: Boriken (present-day Puerto Rico)
Civilization: Taino Indian Tribe
Weapon: Macana (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Macahuitl.png/150px-Macahuitl.png)
Powers: Can summon the animal spirits of the Taino tribe for a short periods of time, but it drains away life spirit. The more summoned, the faster the drain is:
Ao'n, the loyal dog
Guacamayo, the great plumed bird
Guaba, the tricky spider
Iguana, the ferocious reptile
Jeje'n, the irritating mosquito
Boba, the sly serpent
Tiburon, the massive shark
Caguama, the mysterios sea turtle
Mucaro, the owl with futuresight
Lusca, the suffocating bobas-fish
I will also be playing as Juracán, the god of chaos, anger, and winds. As him, however, I won't do much with him since I wanna focus more on my character.
26-08-2006, 15:38
Imperial isa
26-08-2006, 16:36
this looks a bit like morrowind i look back later
31337 soup
26-08-2006, 16:39
Do we have to be a god. I mean couldn't we be a demon or a devil?
26-08-2006, 16:43
You can be anything. God was optional. You can even be evil and against the heroes. You can have up to three characters, depending on how many people we get.
31337 soup
26-08-2006, 16:55
fictional or real. (as in can i make up my own god?)
26-08-2006, 16:58
well, for this one, it has to be a real god, however the character can be anything you choose. Monsters, heroes, Demons and Angel types can also be your own creation. The god has to be a areal god though.
Imperial isa
26-08-2006, 16:59
NAME sword
SEX male
WEAPONS longsword,knife
PETS two wolfs
26-08-2006, 17:11
Cool. So we now have
Imperial isa
26-08-2006, 17:14
cool have a beer
26-08-2006, 17:15
31337 soup
26-08-2006, 17:22
I would like to play as the jewish angel of death. if that is fine.
26-08-2006, 17:28
Sure. What is his name?
31337 soup
26-08-2006, 17:34
He has none he is the Angel of Death. Or if you prefer the grim reaper. Claimer of souls, ender of lives, holds power over all creatures below only God.
26-08-2006, 18:53
Ok cool.
26-08-2006, 19:10
27-08-2006, 03:59
Perhaps I should take this moment to insert my foot in the proverbial door. I'm interested, but I have a few questions. Namely, will the gods be actively raining down doom on us? Obviously false gods are allowed, so what about ancient gods, such as Quetzalcoatl and Marduk? If we just want to play a character, can we skip being a god?
I have some more questions, but they all (more or less) relate to the plot. So, that leaves but one: Was this old mythology RP you were in run by a nation called Einhauser for a while?
EDIT: Oh, forgot what the origional jist of this message was. I'm thinking about playing as a Zapotec, Olmec, Toltec, or Mayan guy. I don't know too much about any of them, but if this won't start till the 19th of next month, it should be fine.
27-08-2006, 07:27
Perhaps I should take this moment to insert my foot in the proverbial door. I'm interested, but I have a few questions. Namely, will the gods be actively raining down doom on us? Obviously false gods are allowed, so what about ancient gods, such as Quetzalcoatl and Marduk? If we just want to play a character, can we skip being a god?
I have some more questions, but they all (more or less) relate to the plot. So, that leaves but one: Was this old mythology RP you were in run by a nation called Einhauser for a while?
EDIT: Oh, forgot what the origional jist of this message was. I'm thinking about playing as a Zapotec, Olmec, Toltec, or Mayan guy. I don't know too much about any of them, but if this won't start till the 19th of next month, it should be fine.
First off, being a god is optional. You don't have to have a god and in fact the god has very little importance to the plot. Yes, you can you Queztal and Marduk and Loki and Hachimano and ANY god from any civilization. And the 19 was for August..hehe I am resurrecting this old post, but I can start this once we get enough people. So you can make your character anything from Zapotec to Aztec to anything. If you have any questions, just ask.
27-08-2006, 14:45
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 14:49
how do we get around is there magic teleports you pay a fee to use
27-08-2006, 14:53
Getting around will change depending on where we are. All the characters will b going around the world so things like caravans, ships, and even walking can be used. Magic can too like teleporters, but Id rather use them sparringly
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 15:02
so we sleep in pubs, outside and so on and do jobs to get gold like in games
27-08-2006, 15:05
well, somewhat. This will be focused on an important storyline rather than little miniquests. I'll reveal the storyline when I get enough people.
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 15:09
you played morrowind?
27-08-2006, 15:10
Never in my life.
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 15:13
oh dont tell me warcraft
27-08-2006, 15:14
lol naw. To be honest, I am more of a fighting game/RTS guy. But I have always been interestd in different mythologies and so I started this up.
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 15:21
clams down oh good i have not played warcraft i only played morrowind on xbox
i do know sameone who goes to work cames home and play warcraft ever day
oh iam in to shooting games and starwar kotor
27-08-2006, 15:22
Name: Naglfari (http://www.therebelution.com/uploaded_images/viking_warrior-765290.jpg)
Country: Scandinavia
Tribe: Bori of the Vikings
Personal Deity: Thor
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 312 pounds
Occupation: warrior priest
Weapons: dagger, great war axe, long sword, shield
Naglfari was once the greatest warrior among his tribe, the Bori. However on the urging of Thor he has set upon a great quest. He knows not what he seeks nor when he will find it, only that he is meant for something and that Thor will guide his hand.
27-08-2006, 15:23
Starting sometime today, I am going to set up the main storyline for everyone and put together an IC thread, but people can still come in join the thread and make characters
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 15:25
Name: Naglfari (http://www.therebelution.com/uploaded_images/viking_warrior-765290.jpg)
Country: Scandinavia
Tribe: Bori of the Vikings
Personal Deity: Thor
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 312 pounds
Occupation: warrior priest
Weapons: dagger, great war axe, long sword, shield
Naglfari was once the greatest warrior among his tribe, the Bori. However on the urging of Thor he has set upon a great quest. He knows not what he seeks nor when he will find it, only that he is meant for something and that Thor will guide his hand.
OOC ha a drink mate for steel
27-08-2006, 15:29
Very nice. Very nice. Always been a fan of the Vikings, especially their god of war Tyr.
27-08-2006, 16:09
Ok here is the storyline.
Loki, the mischevious god in Norse mythology, has been bound by the gods for the killing of Baldr. With his children killed and his fate sealed at Ragnarok, Loki has lost all to live for. Over the centuries, he has had visits from the Greek god of death, Thanatos. There they have convosations about philosophy, mostly concerning mortals and death. Loki continues to use his trickery by trying to get Thanatos to free him, but to no success. After many visits, Loki realizes that his death cannot be escaped but wants revenge against the gods that imprisoned him as well as all living being. So in one visit. Loki and Thanatos get into a heated talk about death and Loki tricks Thanatos into thinking that with all of the pain and suffering that human kind is enduring from the so-called righteous gods, humans need a release from the hurt now and the gods need to be locked up and replaced. Thus begins a plan of ursurping the power of all of the gods by unleshing the Titans and restarting the world under a new world order.
And we must stop him from finding the keys that will unlock these beasts
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 16:24
cool but we need a healer
27-08-2006, 16:25
I got that covered.
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 16:27
I got that covered.
you found steel in a pub
*panics* buh, buh, I'm not ready! I still have research to do.
27-08-2006, 17:37
*panics* buh, buh, I'm not ready! I still have research to do.
its ok. I wont start it yet lol. I can help you with such research. Which civilization do you need?
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 17:40
hey steel is just here to kill thing and let the people with the smrats do think if that ok he can think when he needs to
its ok. I wont start it yet lol. I can help you with such research. Which civilization do you need?
Everything Mayan. Right now I am reading the articles on Mayan civilization, their mythology, Tikal, Palenque, human sacrifice, the role of priests in the culture, Mayan language, and um, I think that's it. For now. Should only take me an hour or so.
I have to leave in about two hours, and won't be back for an additional two and a half hours.
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 17:47
human sacrifice i hate that
i well help by looking up on net
27-08-2006, 17:49
Everything Mayan. Right now I am reading the articles on Mayan civilization, their mythology, Tikal, Palenque, human sacrifice, the role of priests in the culture, Mayan language, and um, I think that's it. For now. Should only take me an hour or so.
I have to leave in about two hours, and won't be back for an additional two and a half hours.
Ok. Well something that'll make things easier for you is to just have the stuff on hand. That is what I do, because alot of times you won't remember some gods of certain cultures, so Ill just have a website (sometimes wikipedia) or a book nearby so I can just look things up. And you don't have to worry too much about the ritiuals yet until we get to mesoamerica. Here is a link to help you out.
btw im proud of everyone here for making characters that are from all over the globe. I was afraid that I would get a bunch of Greeks and Romans, but this is pretty cool.
Thanks for the link, but I already have it. I use Wiki for everything ;)
So, if it will take a while to get to Central America, do I not enter the RP until then?
27-08-2006, 17:54
Thanks for the link, but I already have it. I use Wiki for everything ;)
So, if it will take a while to get to Central America, do I not enter the RP until then?
No. All of our High gods (Zeus, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, etc..) Send us all together to Japan, where we begin our quest.
Ok, great. I have a wonderful idea for my character post. I must log off now for breakfast. Might be on before I have to leave again, but not sure.
Imperial isa
27-08-2006, 17:57
i guest you found steel in pub in japan
27-08-2006, 18:00
Ok have a good breakfast. I always forget that people are on different time zones.
Another thing I forgot to mention is a small bit of character realism. For example, my character it from the tropics of Puerto Rico, so she cant really stand the cold of Norway, likewise Naglfari isnt used to the deserts of Persia or the tropics so that may be difficult. Dont worry about diseases. Also with different cultures comes different personas (sometimes) so a Roman used to women obeying him may not enjoy fight along with my character, which is from a slight matriarichal society. Warning with that one because it may offend. But it is a good idea to consider these things as we journy from Japan towards the west.
27-08-2006, 18:19
Thanks for the link, but I already have it. I use Wiki for everything ;)
So, if it will take a while to get to Central America, do I not enter the RP until then?
hehe All Hail Wikipedius, god of information.
27-08-2006, 19:24
27-08-2006, 22:15
27-08-2006, 22:21
The IC thread is below
We can start a bit slowly so we can get more people.
27-08-2006, 22:59
I'm back. Just read the IC. Pretty good stuff. I can have my character ready to go in about an hour.
28-08-2006, 00:11
k cool. Hopefully we can get a couple more people in.
I'm slightly concerned that people will have a hard time distinguishing between our characters. Puerot Rican culture/ mythology seems remarkably similar to Mesoamerican...
28-08-2006, 00:23
I'm slightly concerned that people will have a hard time distinguishing between our characters. Puerot Rican culture/ mythology seems remarkably similar to Mesoamerican...
There are some key differences in our cultures. Taino (Puerto Rican) is very naturebased, especially with weather and animals. Also, Taino are more peaceful and more explorer type. And there aren't that many deities in Taino mythology, mostly ancestor worship.
Also, technologically speaking, you are way ahead of me.
True. But, curse you, you stole my Macana!
Anyway, I'm typing my first post now. As soon as it is done I will post my character.
28-08-2006, 01:24
True. But, curse you, you stole my Macana!
Anyway, I'm typing my first post now. As soon as it is done I will post my character.
lol there are always spears
True, but they were not very good without an atlatl.
I have writers block really bad, so I'm just going to post my character profile now and do the post tomorrow. Any questions you have about him will be cleared up in my first post.
Name: Ahkal Ohl Mat
Sex: Male
Country of Origin: Chichen Itza city-state
Civilization of Origin: Maya
Weapon: Enchanted Micomitl quiver and bow
Powers: Can turn objects to jade; various other abilities
Ahkal Ohl Mat is a man transformed by the might of the Plumed Serpent. Offered up as a sacrifice to Chaac, Quetzalcoatl spared him and made him His champion. Ahkal’s flesh was changed to jade, his eyes, bones, nails, and teeth to gold, and his hair to multi-colored feathers. Ahkal’s weapon of choice is an enchanted bow and a quiver that never ceases to provide arrows.
I also reserve the gods Quetzalcoatl, Gukumatz, and Kukulcan. Since they are all different names for the same god, it shouldn’t be a problem.
28-08-2006, 04:21
True, but they were not very good without an atlatl.
I have writers block really bad, so I'm just going to post my character profile now and do the post tomorrow. Any questions you have about him will be cleared up in my first post.
Name: Ahkal Ohl Mat
Sex: Male
Country of Origin: Chichen Itza city-state
Civilization of Origin: Maya
Weapon: Enchanted Micomitl quiver and bow
Powers: Can turn objects to jade; various other abilities
Ahkal Ohl Mat is a man transformed by the might of the Plumed Serpent. Offered up as a sacrifice to Chaac, Quetzalcoatl spared him and made him His champion. Ahkal’s flesh was changed to jade, his eyes, bones, nails, and teeth to gold, and his hair to multi-colored feathers. Ahkal’s weapon of choice is an enchanted bow and a quiver that never ceases to provide arrows.
I also reserve the gods Quetzalcoatl, Gukumatz, and Kukulcan. Since they are all different names for the same god, it shouldn’t be a problem.
That sounds likeone gnarly but badass man. A bow, hard skin, and a nice grill! Nice character. And Gukumatz is the main one for Mayans. Quetzalcoatl is for Aztec and Kukulcan is for the Yucatan indians. Its kinda like the Zeus/Jupiter Paradox. Same guy, two different cultures so technically different gods. And it must've been hard to find that name. Nice name.
Thanks ^_^. Actually, it was easy to get the name. "Ahkal" is the first part of the city-state Palenque's third ajaw (Ahkal Mo' Naab) and "Ohl Mat" is from the eighth ajaw (Aj Ne' Ohl Mat).
Isn't it generally thought that Zeus/Jupiter were different names for the same god? I assumed the same with Quetzalcoatl.
28-08-2006, 12:39
Thanks ^_^. Actually, it was easy to get the name. "Ahkal" is the first part of the city-state Palenque's third ajaw (Ahkal Mo' Naab) and "Ohl Mat" is from the eighth ajaw (Aj Ne' Ohl Mat).
Isn't it generally thought that Zeus/Jupiter were different names for the same god? I assumed the same with Quetzalcoatl.
Well the thing with that is that the Romans kinda copied the Greeks, likewise the Aztec copied the Mayans. So in a way they are the same but I am treating them as different gods.
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 12:42
what is the name of the german god of war as i think it be him who send sword to help
28-08-2006, 13:02
what is the name of the german god of war as i think it be him who send sword to help
Germanic Mythology seems to relate to Norse mythology, Tyr being the god of war in Norse. The name seems to be Tiwaz. This is kinda like the Zeus/Jupiter paradox I was talking about.
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 13:08
thank you
now i wait for the time to talk to sword as he is pissed
28-08-2006, 13:13
Now I need to find the last guy who said he was gonna be a werewolf.
Also, I may create a Samurai. Why? Because a part of me has always wanted to see a viking and a samurai teamup and fight side by side. lol the simple things in life
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 13:16
Now I need to find the last guy who said he was gonna be a werewolf.
Also, I may create a Samurai. Why? Because a part of me has always wanted to see a viking and a samurai teamup and fight side by side. lol the simple things in life
i too like to see that
you seen 13 warrior
28-08-2006, 13:20
no. i never heard of it. Well, gotta get to C++. My teacher sounds like Agent Smith from the Matrix. Ill be back on in two hours.
28-08-2006, 17:45
Name: Hasekura Raijin
Civilization: Kōtoku Shogunatem (Modern Day Japan)
Height: 5' 8"
Weapon: Katana named Bishamonten
Hasekura is a wandering Ronin, once a great and honorable samurai in the Japanese army. With his blade named after the god of warriors, he cut through the enemies of the shogunate and helped create an empire of justice and honor. Alas, during a campaign against Chinese aggressors, his entire squad was killed except for him. After the terrible loss, he was discharged and stripped of everything. He soon became bitter and angry at the gods for putting his men through such dishonorable and lost all love of war and victory.
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 17:50
the movie is a cross over about mid-east man goes to help the vikings
Ugh, that post was a demon. Took me 2+ hours to write (I had severe writers block) and another hour to edit, not to mention the 3+ hours of research. And yet, it still manages to suck...
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 18:21
you can post that long i cant dont know way
oh its ok at lest you can think same up that long
i think samll
Everyone writes differently. And if you succeed in conveying the same amount of story and information in a shorter post, why not?
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 18:37
Everyone writes differently. And if you succeed in conveying the same amount of story and information in a shorter post, why not?
28-08-2006, 19:24
That was a really good post. Although to be honest, you don't have to worry about rough drafts or extensive research. Like my posts I did in about 15 minutes with Wiki open. But that was a badass post and I am glad that everyone is taking such initiative in this. You all make me proud *sniffle*
28-08-2006, 22:39
*hem, hem* Who doesn't like my Viking post!?
Imperial isa
28-08-2006, 22:42
*hem, hem* Who doesn't like my Viking post!?
i dont
think your viking and my german well get along as drinking mates when we are not killing
Thank you. I did have to do the research, though, because how else would I know anything about the Maya? And I always do drafts of my longer posts. Keeps the grammar and spelling good.
*hem, hem* Who doesn't like my Viking post!?
I thought it was good. Although, I would like to ask why Thor disguised himself as a woman there for a minute.
Edoniak...etc, I have some questions about your last post. First, you realize that the ocean is south of Osaka, and the hot spring where Ahkal appeared is in the mountains north of the city, right? And you do know it was a hotspring I came out of, not the ocean, yes?
28-08-2006, 23:48
Thank you. I did have to do the research, though, because how else would I know anything about the Maya? And I always do drafts of my longer posts. Keeps the grammar and spelling good.
I thought it was good. Although, I would like to ask why Thor disguised himself as a woman there for a minute.
Edoniak...etc, I have some questions about your last post. First, you realize that the ocean is south of Osaka, and the hot spring where Ahkal appeared is in the mountains north of the city, right? And you do know it was a hotspring I came out of, not the ocean, yes?
whoops! you are infact correct. Ill make the proper changes. Thats what I get for hurring before a date.
Also by technicallity, Osaka should be called Naniwa at this period in time, but eh, I dont mind.
28-08-2006, 23:49
*hem, hem* Who doesn't like my Viking post!?
very nice. may I ask what time zone you are in?
29-08-2006, 01:30
very nice. may I ask what time zone you are in?
Eastern European.
Also by technicallity, Osaka should be called Naniwa at this period in time, but eh, I dont mind.
Crud, I knew I would screw something up! Haha, well, I guess we can call it even. But really, what time period are we even in? It seems... restrictive to pick a specific one.
BTW, I'm gonna change the tag to Naniwa now.
29-08-2006, 12:40
Crud, I knew I would screw something up! Haha, well, I guess we can call it even. But really, what time period are we even in? It seems... restrictive to pick a specific one.
BTW, I'm gonna change the tag to Naniwa now.
before 1000 AD, but nothing really specicfic