25-08-2006, 01:48
"Good evening, welcome to this special breaking news edditon of World Prime Time News. After a long and tiring man-hunt INTERPOL along help from Ostia Authorites have at long last captured two fugatives wanted for their part in mass murder stranger than fiction. Months ago a group of innocent tourists we're lured to this remote island in the Pacific, but not for a vacation but to be hunted like wild game. The plot was the brainchild of Billionair Oil Tycoon Richard Bellmont, who hired several cold blooded killers to participate for an award. When it was all over Bellmont was dead, along with three people, and a handfull of survivors who's lives will never be the same again. When INTERPOL took over the investigation and narrowed the fields. Jason Hart and Maria Santiago we're apreheanded in southern Ostia, and finally brought to justice.
Head of Interpol and the investigation Jason Gossard personally hunted down Hart and Santiago himself with the FIA and other INTERPOL agents. After issuing a red notice for both of them tips poored in, and finally both we're caught and will face a tribunal for mass murder. Hart and Santiago we're the last two fugaitves from the island. Another nammed Wolverstein was found dead in his apparment from apparent sucide.
Peter Gossard, INTERPOL Agent: What these two did was sick, pure sick. To ability to hunt human beings and not feel a thing is staggering.
Curtis Strong, FIA Agent: "We found Hart and Santiago in a vaction home living it up, and now we've taken it all away.
Upon conviction Hart and Santiago confessed to all the killings, and that they took the cash reward from Bellmont. It is expected to be the tiral of the century. As for the victems they are happy both are now behind bars.
Daphine Stone, Survivor: It's been hard since this. I've lost sleep, I've had sever post-truama I still wake up in the middle of the night and run to myc children's rooms to make sure they are all there, and safe. The one thing that I rember most is that man comming out of the water and shooting wildy at us, this nice man ultimatley saved my life by getting me into the river and down stream.
Daphine Stone was one of the hunted on the island. Her husband and her children all survived. But some didn't get lucky to escape with their family.
Brooke Thompson, Survivor: It was just me and my father, I made it but he didn't. He died trying to sneak in the house. I still have nightmares of what could have happend to him, I have nighmares of that cave where we're being traild by two of them . They we're so malicefull. Their eyes showed no remorse, hesitation, or guilt. It was frightning
As for the rest, many still are too traumatized to talk about it. As for INTERPOL they will continue to build the case against the Paradise Island Killers, and after that contiue to enforce the law of the world."
Head of Interpol and the investigation Jason Gossard personally hunted down Hart and Santiago himself with the FIA and other INTERPOL agents. After issuing a red notice for both of them tips poored in, and finally both we're caught and will face a tribunal for mass murder. Hart and Santiago we're the last two fugaitves from the island. Another nammed Wolverstein was found dead in his apparment from apparent sucide.
Peter Gossard, INTERPOL Agent: What these two did was sick, pure sick. To ability to hunt human beings and not feel a thing is staggering.
Curtis Strong, FIA Agent: "We found Hart and Santiago in a vaction home living it up, and now we've taken it all away.
Upon conviction Hart and Santiago confessed to all the killings, and that they took the cash reward from Bellmont. It is expected to be the tiral of the century. As for the victems they are happy both are now behind bars.
Daphine Stone, Survivor: It's been hard since this. I've lost sleep, I've had sever post-truama I still wake up in the middle of the night and run to myc children's rooms to make sure they are all there, and safe. The one thing that I rember most is that man comming out of the water and shooting wildy at us, this nice man ultimatley saved my life by getting me into the river and down stream.
Daphine Stone was one of the hunted on the island. Her husband and her children all survived. But some didn't get lucky to escape with their family.
Brooke Thompson, Survivor: It was just me and my father, I made it but he didn't. He died trying to sneak in the house. I still have nightmares of what could have happend to him, I have nighmares of that cave where we're being traild by two of them . They we're so malicefull. Their eyes showed no remorse, hesitation, or guilt. It was frightning
As for the rest, many still are too traumatized to talk about it. As for INTERPOL they will continue to build the case against the Paradise Island Killers, and after that contiue to enforce the law of the world."