NationStates Jolt Archive

Corporate Takeover (Terra Recedentia)

24-08-2006, 06:19
Corporate Takeover
The future lies behind

THe docks sweltered in the heat of the unseasonally warm summer, crates of perishables being moved quickly to avoid spoiling, while other cargos languished on the dockside, left unattended but not entirely forgotten. Today was going to be one for the history books, as the research vessel PRV Hermes was due in that morning after a several month research trip into the center of some of the largest oceans on the planet searching for various sea creatures to help the MierTech R&D department for their various applications. THere was news that they had some really important material that they had to show the CEO of the company, and no-one else was allowed to view it until he had seen it.

The ship pulled into the dock just after 11am, towed by two tugs, and the ship itself looked a little the worse for ware, which was understandable given the weather around those parts of the world. As soon as the ship had berthed, the captain ran down the hastily placed ramp, and jumped into a waiting staff car, which sped off as soon as the door was shut. The first mate was left in charge and he organised the offloading oft he various items that were on board before letting most of the crew off for shore leave. THe car arrived 30mins later at MierTech HQ, whereupon the captain was taken swiftly up to the CEO's office. One hour after he entered the room, the captain left again, getting back into the car and calling all his crew back from shore leave, calling the dock master to organise supplies immediately, and calling his first mate to tell him of the new plans. After a short discussion, the mate agreed to what the captain asked him to do and headed off into the city to acquire the materials needed.

Within the next couple of hours the PRV Hermes was ready to set off again, some of the crew mumbling but most were happy with the compensation that had been offered. By the end of the day the ship was in deep water, heading for the area of sea it had just left, travelling as fast as possible with a lot of construction gear on board.

Over the next few days anyone watching various MierTech facilities would observe an increase in activity, with construction equipment being prepared and packaged, along with other items such as military hardware, medical and food supplies, along with a few various other miscellaneous items. Transport ships were loaded, and a few other, more military-orientated ships were assigned as escorts - being the main supplier of military hardware to the Phoenixius Council meant that they had access to some of the most sophisticated pieces around, and that meant that their security forces were also some of the best.

In a few weeks the research vessel had got to its last recorded location, the purpose of the recent burst of activity, and a place that could hold the future of MierTech. It was land. In the middle of an ocean that was supposedly empty but for the few old ramblings of explorers long gone. There was only one name for this place: Terra Recedentia.

Apparently there were other people there, other nations, but that was all insignificant, as since they were a company they would have little to do with them. However, the Phoenixius Council would undoubtedly take an interest, so it was up to the MierTech heads to insure that they got a good deal out of any dealings about the new land with the Council. Hence all the activity. The landing place and eventual colony, was situated on the coast, right on a river delta, a place full of tropical rainforests, and a wet humid environment. Heavy work would have to be done to make the place habitable, and there were the few natives that had been spotted to contend with. That was the purpose of the research vessels rapid return - to meet the natives and attempt to broker the release of the lands around that area to them. In return they would grant them various bonus' such as crops and medical supplies, since it seemed that the natives, at least those in that area, were little more than tribes, and didn't appear to have much in the way of agriculture. Disease was also fairly common, and much of it was curable with todays medicine.

The dawn of the Phoenixians in Terra Recedentia had started, and in honour their colony was called Avalon.

OOC: This is for the Terra Recedentia 'campaign' RP. Link: TR (
28-08-2006, 02:24
Troubled Waters

Though the PRV Hermes had managed to get through to the island, twice, with no obvious problems, it was reason to get slack. Or so the thinking of the MierTech Fleet was. Arrayed around the various cargo ships and transports that were bringing the various machinery and materials to the new land, there was a veritable armarda of MierTech Security warships, some of the best they make. Cruisers, battleships and destroyers were all in prominent positions, with submarines patrolling even further afield to give warning of any enemy forces that might decide to get some tasty cargo ships. Though the fleet was hastily cobbled together within a couple of days, the ships were all operational, and well supplied as most of the warships had been taken off of the endurance trials they were undergoing, and so had some of the best crews available to MierTech.

It would be a week before the fleet reached the colony, and in that time the crew from the research vessel had already made contact with the natives. They were finding it tough going bargaining with the natives as they were speaking a peculiar dialect, and translation was evry difficult. However the natives seemed to understand roughly what the crew wanted, and had offered some of their crops in return for a few of their weapons. For some reason they enjoyed the noise and destructive power the 'bangsticks' had. While some of the more linguistic of the crew attempted to from a relationships with the natives, the rest were busy preparing the start of the new colony.

To start with, they had to clear some of the jungle that surrounded this part of the continent, as the environment was more like the rainforests of South America than any other terrain. The heat was also sapping the crews energy, meaning that siestas at noon were becoming common while they got used to the temperatures. There was a rough and ready dock to be built, basically a few of the trees that were cut down, and placed by the side of the river, and out into the river to have somewhere to tie up the ships. At the moment the large ships would have to stay out at sea until a proper harbour could be built to house them.

Captain John Davis had been given the honour of choosing the name for the new colony, as he was the captain of the ship that discovered it, and he was well liked by his crew, so they gave him the honours of choosing the name, rather than it being a joint effort. And so he named it Avalon after the mystical land that their ancestors dreamt of, and it suited the place aptly. He had decided against joining the liguist crew up with the natives, not because he didn't have the ability to attempt to converse, but because he preffered manual labour.
29-08-2006, 02:40
Home Sweet Home

It had been a day already on this new land, and the next was beginning with the usual glorious sunrise, and bird chorus. Work had gone well on the previous day, with a smallish area being cleared, and crude housing having been constructed out of this material. A rough dock had also been constructed, basically a pier made of several trees, with posts holding them together and onto the riverbed. It would do until the real construction crews got here with the proper machinery. There had been a hickup with the natives, but after lengthy negotiations it had been settled, and they had got the support of the nearby natives. This would be useful as prelimenary UAV scoutings had uncovered several other villages of natives in the nearby area, fortunately outside the designated area, but could be a problem in the future.

All this didn't matter to the captain at the moment - he was out hunting with some of his crew, his concentration entirely on the large creature a couple of hundred meterrs in front of him. They were downwind of the creature, and were looking forward to the kill, the first kill by the Phoenixians on this new land. Just as the creature saw them, and began to flee, John Davis shot the creature straight between the eyes. The creature slumped to the ground, as shocked look on its face as near as they could tell, though whether that was from the sight of them or the shot they would never know.

"Good shot cap'n, a first for you and for all of us." the crew member thumped his back, "Lets go get your prize shall we?"

They headed off for the dead carcass, realising that there would probably be carnivorous creatures around that would love to have such a free meal. it took them a while to drag the body to their vehicle and load it up, but then they made good time back to the base, dodging the various trees and undergrowth that would seriously hamper the vehicle. Once back at the base camp, information that the fleet was only a day or so away brought out cheers as the entire crew there began to celebrate the kill and the incoming fleet and made a lot of noise as they cooked the carcass and prepared the head to hang up in the captains quarters once they were built.

Meanwhile the fleet was steadily moving through the ocean, the warships constantly on guard for any vessels that could become a threat to the fleet. So far nothing untoward had happened, but there was still a few days to go before they reached their landing location.
01-09-2006, 02:38
Wealth of Knowledge

Within a few weeks, the initial colony was up and running. The clearing had increased in size and was full of various buildings ranging from housing to communications to labs. A wall had been put up around the base, but it was more for a way of marking the edge of the base rather than a decent way to prevent enemies for gaining access. The docks had been improved and looked like something you would find in a well financed city on a river - there was even a bridge being built to allow for easier access to the other side of the river, and access to the rest of their colonial grounds.

There had been no incidents for the fleet on its way here, but nethertheless the warships had been placed in a protective ring around the transport and cargo vessels. Plans were afoot to build a proper harbour near the sea for the ships, but that was a little bit in the future - they had to cement their initial base first before any grand plans were to be put into action. In actual fact there hadn't been anything of interest going on, just routine construction, albeit in a rather more tropical location.

Various reports from the local natives indicated that they were using their new weapons to terrorise their neighbours, and were growing in power as they began to ask for tribute from them. Though this was a concern to the base leader, at the moment it wasn't a serious problem yet, and so orders to just observe them were sent - this might mean that in the future when they expanded, they would just have to deal with the one native tribe that they had already dealt with.