Griffincrest searches for mercenary commanders
Blackhelm Confederacy
21-08-2006, 01:15
Griffincrest is a corporation, supplied by mercenaries. These mercenaries need a leader to command them. Being a Griffincrest commander is a hard task, and not for the faint of heart. If you want to become a Griffincrest commander, fill out the following form. If you are accepted, you will be attached to a division, and your pay will be based on your victories. If you are not..well dont quit your day job.
Former Military:
Former Rank:
Reason for leaving:
Awards earned:
Battles fought in:
Other info:
OOC: If you are accepted, keep an eye out for Griffincrest RP's, your commanders name just may show up!
21-08-2006, 01:20
OOC: This looks cool. People in the MT part of my nation will be interested, but first I must make contact with the world. COuld you assume I will be in in two days max?
Blackhelm Confederacy
21-08-2006, 01:21
uh...yea sure
21-08-2006, 01:23
OOC: Cool thanks.
Raven corps
21-08-2006, 01:47
Name: Harvey Markum
Nationality: formerly willinkian
Former Military: Sec. General
Reason for leaving: Fired for not killing entire town also indangering Raven corps assets
Awards earned: Raven corps 30 years of Service, 3000 kills gold star, Black heart ( injured in battle )
Battles fought in: The battle of Frenzia, as well as small battle around the world with little or no press coverage.
Other info:
A graduate of the Willink university of War and peace, Markum has a degree in First landing tactics- graduated with honors
Drexel Hillsville
21-08-2006, 01:47
Name: General Roy Keane (retired)
Age: 42
Nationality: Hillian
Former Military: Hillian Army
Former Rank: General (second class)
Reason for leaving: Dishonorably discharged for insubordination
Awards earned: Celtic Cross of Honor (Highest Hillian award, similar to RL Medal of Honor), Gold Banner of Valor (Great Honor, similar to multiple Gold Stars), Green Heart with Maple Leaf Cluster (The Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster).
Battles fought in:
Fought- 15
Commanded- 12
Other info: Fought in several wars including one of the Xharnian Civil War and Hillian Invasion of The Aeson. The battles in which he fought are classified as are the ones he commanded. Just after an invasion of a classified nation he returned home and was dishonorably discharged wrongfully. He had tried to give advice to a rather egotistical higher ranked officer who later court martialed him for insubordination. After this he joined a radical group known as Hades Deep. Rumors say that this group is actually a Hillian Special Ops group but those rumors are unconfirmed. He was one of the three officers that the Hillian Army had pleged to the LIN.
21-08-2006, 01:47
Name: Garcia Townes
Age: 66
Nationality: Neo-Erusean
Former Military: Neo-Erusean Republican Army
Former Rank: Lt. General
Reason for leaving: Discharged for attacking Mossad forces after cease-fire due to communication problems
Awards earned: Broken Sword (Participated in Mossada invasion)
Medal of Patritism (Shows extreme pride and nationalism)
Battles fought in: Operation: Broken Sword (Invasion of Mossada in War of Neo-Erusean Secession)
Other info: Ruthless, clever, gets along with almost anyone.See this page for information on the army. (
Blackhelm Confederacy
21-08-2006, 07:02
To Mr. Harvey Markum,
The Griffincrest Corporation must unfortunatly decline your offer. You stated in your application that you did not assault and destroy a village. Being a Griffincrest commander, you may be asked to raze entire cities, and so, a man of your moral fortitude may not make it so well in the Corporation.
Best of Luck,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Roy Keane,
We are very happy to announce that you have been accepted to join Griffincrest as a mercenary commander. After reading your application, we have decided that the medals you have recieved have proven you as a capable soldier, and also your knowledge of the Aesonic military will be a major advantage to our forces. You will be placed in command of the 22nd Mechanized Brigade. The men under you include the following:
- 4,000 Infantry
- 800 Mercury AFV's
- 100 Leopard II's
- 50 Behemoth II's
If you need any further imformation on any of the systems, feel free to ask.
Welcome aboard,
Claudius Griffincrest
Dear Mr. Garcia Townes,
We are pleased to tell you that you have been accepted to join Griffincrest as a mercenary commander. After reading your application, we have decided that your combat experience would be a major bonus to the Griffincrest military. You are being placed in command of the 73rd infantry division. It contains the following units:
- 10,000 Infantry
- 1,000 5 ton trucks
- 100 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers
If you need any further imformation on any of the systems, feel free to ask.
Welcome aboard,
Claudius Griffincrest
Blackhelm Confederacy
21-08-2006, 22:47
Clan Ansu
21-08-2006, 23:56
Name: Vakim Cassir Jantsk
Age: 52
Nationality: Mandalorian
Former Military: Imperial Ansurian Army
Former Rank: Brigadier
Reason for leaving: Dishonourable discharge due to command in ethnic cleansing operation.
Awards earned: Imperial Cross (1st Class), Infantry Assault Badge (Silver), Jaig Eyes, Tank Destruction Badge (Three), Parachute Badge, Wound Cross. All revoked.
Battles fought in: Ansurian Civil War, Operation Sandstorm, Battle of Akkalan, First Battle of Jorim, Dothmir Campaign, Second Battle of Jorim, Garanston Offensive, Jorim Offensive. Twenty-nine years of service.
Other info: Jantsk joined the IAA's officer corps shortly before the Ansurian Civil War, and was quickly thrown into the midst of a full-scale military operation. He emerged as a Major in the 77th Para, after participating in a number of guerilla operations and other battles against the Communist enemy.
He later served during the controversial Operation Sandstorm, in which the IAA drove the entire native population of the troublesome province of Akkalan from Ansurian territory, and also in the ensuing Thirteenth Amartrand War against an alliance of nations who attempted to intervene.
During the war, Jantsk commanded VIII Brigade - a specialist airborne infantry formation who served with distinction during the entire campaign, even defeating enemy parachute infantry during the First and Second Battles of Jorim and the eventual Jorim Offensive.
Following the war and an eventual change of government, Jantsk and a number of other officers were dishonourably discharged from the IAA for the part they had played in the war's cause, and their battle honours revoked.
OOC: Though my MT nation is actually Ansuria, I've grown a little slack in it's use, and for ease of rp will be using the Clan to post in any required roleplay situations.
22-08-2006, 00:29
Upon recieving his letter, Townes immediatly smiled and thought to himself, Finally, once again will I have a military under my control. Especially foot soldiers. They are so much smarter than tankers, since they have a shirt to protect them, instead of two feet of armor. Makes 'em think.
To: Griffoncrest CEO
From: Garcea Townes
Thank you for accepting my offer. I will be leaving Neo-Erusea to the Blackhelm Confederacy tomorrow. I will be eagerly waiting for my rank and my uniform. Your men will serve like you've never seen before under my command.
Garcia Townes
The Aeson
22-08-2006, 01:20
Name: Maxmillian
Age: 39
Nationality: New Aesonic
Former Military: Shadowman Special Forces Unit
Former Rank: Shadowman Group Leader
Reason for leaving: A difference of opinion. They thought that I should be loyal to them first and foremost. I thought I should get paid more.
Awards earned: The Shadowmen don't go in much for awards.
Battles fought in: Classified.
Other info: I admit I don't have experience in battlefield command, apart from spec-ops, but what I do have is experience in how Shadowmen operate, which, given your differences, could prove invaluable to you.
Mer des Ennuis
22-08-2006, 02:07
OOC: Is this for a future rp? are we going to be involved in it if chosen?
Name: Ivan Ruslan
Age: 35
Nationality: Mer des Ennusian
Former Military: Deathshead Division
Former Rank: Colonel
Reason for leaving: Injury sustained in the line of duty
Awards earned: Combat Action Badge, Master Infantryman Badge, Expert Field Medic Badge, Overseas Service Bar (17), Badge of Merit, Soldier's Medal, The Mark of Death, Distinguished Service Medal, Award of the Sacred Heart
Battles fought in: Pacification of Ville des Lumieres, classified
Other info: Commanded a Deathshead Regiment. The Deathshead is a group that has, to date, committed to any "official" combat operations. Deathshead units do not operate with the support of the Mer des Ennusian government, but have the ability to call upon any and all assets of the Mer des Ennusian military, including naval and air assets. Col. Ruslan was injured and successfully recovered, and has served in the Mer des Ennusian Army for 17 years.
Blackhelm Confederacy
22-08-2006, 06:03
To Mr. Vakim Cassir Jantsk
We must inquire about the dismissal before hiring. Upon recieving more information, we will make our decision.
Respond Soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Maximillian
You have been hired, but are not given a unit to command. I am instead going to pay you as a security advisor for when Shadowmen strike again.
Best of luck,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan
Your combat experience, as well as ability to put down rebellion and amount of medals won shows to me that you would be a welxome asset to the Griffincrest forces. You will be in command of the 56th infantry division.
- 10,000 Infantry
- 1,000 Humvees
- 200 5 ton trucks
- 100 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers
Welcome aboard,
Claudius Griffincrest
Hurtful Thoughts
22-08-2006, 06:23
Name: Jamison 'Overkill' O'Brian
Age: 53
Nationality: Hurtian/PROHT
Former Military: Hurtian Marine Corps
Former Rank: Brigadier General,
Has lead:
2nd Hurtian Marine Division, 106th Hurtian Marine Division, 408th Mechanized Army Division, and New Roanoke Island CDF.
Reason for leaving: Retired
Awards earned: None in public record
Battles fought in:assault on New Roanoke Island, New Roanoke Island uprisings, I, II and III, assault on Vietnamexico
Other info:
Marine sharpshooter
Jump qualified
Expert electrician
Pilot certified
Liscense to kill
Hello, I am a veteran of the Hurtian Marine Corps, and I would be willing to offer my services in destroying the competition for your corporation.
To do so I would like to have a list of known competitors, and their Executives, and perhaps where I might find them at this time, photos or descriptions would be very much appreciated.
I shall ask you to pay $10,000 for every corporation I "take care of" to a PROHT bank account, there it will be cashed and then dispersed and then recollected in a hidden account in order to pay for the expenses of our high quality work.
Blackhelm Confederacy
22-08-2006, 06:26
We do not own our country, we are merely a corporation in the Confederacy. There is a Confederate military which would handle these things. If you wish, I can direct you to them.
Hurtful Thoughts
22-08-2006, 06:31
Eh, the quote was an offer made to Vietnamexico...
I just copied and pasted it...
I'll reword the letter now...
Done editing.
Blackhelm Confederacy
22-08-2006, 06:36
To Mr. Jamison O'Brien,
You mentioned that you were able to fly. How would you feel about commanding an airbase? If you accept, you will become one of three commanders of The Husk Air Base, in RFF. This is going to be a very tough job, as it is Griffincrest main overseas airbase. Should you accept, you will be co-commanding the following in The Husk.
2000 miles - RFF, The Husk Air Base
- 500 Folland Gnat fighters
- 350 F-4 Phantom II's
- 200 Mercury AFV's
- 120 Leopard II"s
- 25 Behemoth II's
- 5000 base personnel
- Numerous base defenses
- POW camp
- Weapons testing ground
- The Husk Military Hospital
- Griffincrest Overseas Air Command (GOAC)
31337 soup
22-08-2006, 06:46
Name: Pariah C. Grant
Nationality: Gaurdiani di anima
Former Military: Holy church of Gaurdiani di anima militia
Former Rank: Commander
Reason for leaving: Lost faith in the militia
Awards earned: None
Battles fought in: None
Other info: served in the militia for 11 years takeing tactical and stratigical classes along with sharpshooting and airbourne operations. Recomomended by his superiors for a special forces team but was rejected because of the lack of social status his family had. It was then that he lost faith in the militia.
Blackhelm Confederacy
22-08-2006, 06:53
To Mr. Pariah C. Grant
Your lack of actual combat skill is unfortunatly not something we like to see. We are sorry, but we decline your application.
Best of Luck,
Claudius Griffincrest
Hurtful Thoughts
22-08-2006, 15:37
To Mr. Jamison O'Brien,
You mentioned that you were able to fly. How would you feel about commanding an airbase? If you accept, you will become one of three commanders of The Husk Air Base, in RFF. This is going to be a very tough job, as it is Griffincrest main overseas airbase. Should you accept, you will be co-commanding the following in The Husk.
2000 miles - RFF, The Husk Air Base
- 500 Folland Gnat fighters
- 350 F-4 Phantom II's
- 200 Mercury AFV's
- 120 Leopard II"s
- 25 Behemoth II's
- 5000 base personnel
- Numerous base defenses
- POW camp
- Weapons testing ground
- The Husk Military Hospital
- Griffincrest Overseas Air Command (GOAC)
I humbly accept, although your planes are low tech in comparision to the stuff I'm used to - though I have flown much worse into combat, such as the UL-2000 Minion, a flying kite - the POW camp shall become very useful, you shall expect your base to be a profitable enterprise shortly after I set them to work.
[more of a ground slugger though]
I shall take care of airport security, POWs, and readiness drills.
And who shall be my Co-commanding officers be?
[buys a plane ticket from Vietnamexico to Husk.]
*TG me when I need to do anything*
Mer des Ennuis
22-08-2006, 17:10
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan
Your combat experience, as well as ability to put down rebellion and amount of medals won shows to me that you would be a welxome asset to the Griffincrest forces. You will be in command of the 56th infantry division.
- 10,000 Infantry
- 1,000 Humvees
- 200 5 ton trucks
- 100 BM-21 multiple rocket launchers
Welcome aboard,
Claudius Griffincrest
To: Griffincrest Corporation
From: Col. Ivan Ruslan
Subj: 56th Infantry Division
Thank you for this honorable commission. I would like to question what my budget is to shape-up this division to a form and efficiency that I am best able to command (yearly), as well as how much leeway I may have in shaping this division, how many men I may increase this division to, and what roles I will be called upon to fufill in the forseable future.
Col. Ivan Ruslan
Commander, 56th Infantry Division
22-08-2006, 17:58
Name: Charles Wang
Age: 45
Nationality: Leafanistani, Standard Gen-Mod
Former Military: Leafanistani Glorious Republican Army
Former Rank: Major in the Mechanized Infantry
Reason for leaving: Discharged from Conscription after exceeding age 28
Awards earned: Red Star for Valor, saved his platoon by shooting out a window on an enemy Humvee killing the driver, and then killing the main gunner and using the MG to provide covering fire for his platoon to escape. Sickle for valorious action resulting in injury for same action
Battles fought in: Invasion of Rovonia, Short Skirmish to take the Algeristani Strip
Other info: Battle School and Command School records show that Charles was an excellent student and his reimagining of Waterloo with the integration of 'flying artillery' was creative and had even surprised the N.I. assigned to his student unit. However disciplinary records show his unwillingness to comply with simple 'reinventing' of battles and his demands to completely restructure simulated armies under his reasoning. However, after a demand from his superior officier, he quickly snapped to attention and complied. He was sent to Command School because of this outburst, he showed leadership.
Discharge records made public showed that despite his resourcefulness commanders didn't like his ruthlessness while dealing with possible civilian infiltrators, his insistance that he is in charge of what his company should be armed with and his willingness to obey an order to fire the BM-21s and level a small town. He wasn't promoted and quickly became disillusioned and left through standard means.
After military his disillusionment grew and he joined the Concord arm of the State Defense Initiative and was one of the leading SDI officiers to defect to High Father during the beginnings of the Memorial Square Massacre.
He is reported to have destroyed a BMP-3 and killed its crew via him risking his neck and firing his AK in the open while throwing a molotov cocktail to keep the forces from dismounting and other molotovs rained down setting the vehicle and its occupants ablaze.
Disappeared shortly after the Reformists bombed his suburb and killed his girlfriend.
Sighted with Mafia agents during an ambush and later theft of a fleeing arms train carrying experimental fighters. Believed to have stolen the only MiG-47s available to the Reformists.
Currently he is working as one of several Mafia liasons assigned to the Griffencrest Corporation.
Dear Claudius Griffencrest,
I'm sure you have seen my name at least a few times stamped on the order approved letters between our two illustrious organizations, and to tell you the truth, I grow bored of this desk job. The urge to command my own brigade of men, infantry, air cavalry, dragoons, mechs, was irresistable.
I have spoken with my Mafia commanders and they believe it is a good idea that I apply for a job within the Griffencrest Corporation. I can be a direct line to the Mafia and help assist you in creating better armed units to create the best fighting force I can.
I will do anything for my employer, anything. Level a school, gun down a POW camp, anything.
However, I request a bit of openness. I want to be in charge of the budget for my unit and arrange my own arming of them. However, I can change to suit what my superior officer wants.
P.S.: Request detailed info on unit assigned if assigned.
Charles Wang
Clan Ansu
22-08-2006, 18:39
To Mr. Vakim Cassir Jantsk
We must inquire about the dismissal before hiring. Upon recieving more information, we will make our decision.
Respond Soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
Mr. Claudius Griffincrest.
My dismissal was due to a change of power after the war had ended. The new leaders of the Empire disapproved of the events which had led to the invasion, and decided to distance the Imperial Ansurian Army from Operation Sandstorm by issuing dishonourable discharges to a number of senior officers, including myself.
I hold true that I carried out my orders and did my duty in the field, and my dismissal was unrelated to my ability as a commander.
Yours faithfully,
Vakim Cassir Jantsk
Name: Bradley Thames IV
Age: 47
Nationality: Ocic
Former Military: Ocion Army
Former Rank: Colonel
Reason for leaving: Grew dissatisfied with the quality of Ocic Colonial troops under hios command and his inability to acquire a post in an Ocic Regular Army unit
Awards earned: Ribbon of Merit, Bronze Ribbon, Red Ribbon (wounded in action) X 3
Battles fought in: Kenyan Bush War of '88, Operation Vigilant Stallion (OOC: these are ficitonal and have not been RPed)
Other info: Graduate of the Ocic Military Academy, 25 years active duty service, graduate of the Airborne School and Basic Mechanized Warfare Course, unmarried, one son (estranged)
Blackhelm Confederacy
23-08-2006, 05:16
To Mr. Jamison O'brien,
Your co-commander will be Faustus Bronzehammer, an Ex-Exponential (Confederacy before plague) general who, during the civil war went against orders and butchered 3 villages suspected of hiding communists, and a man yet to be chosen. Also, do not underestimate the Gnats, they have been upgraded to carry AMRAAM's, are incredibly cheap, and provide a small target.
We hope to see you soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan,
To begin, you get paid by battle. There is a salary, but it is only 100,000 dollars a year. Every battle lost you will be paid 60K. Other battles, which are won, are paid by the significance of victory, usually a price between 250K - 2 million dollars. You can increase or decrease your division by 2,000 men. Roles will most likely be capturing foreign oil fields.
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Charles Wang,
I did recogize your name. With your backround in both the Leafanistani military, and the mafia, we have decided to give you command of a new group of men, meant for guerilla warfare. The 1st Insurgent Brigade consists of the following:
- 1,000 infantry (arm them as you wish
- 250 Qassam Rockets
- 20 Katyushas
See you soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
OOC: Will get to other 2 later
Hurtful Thoughts
23-08-2006, 05:26
To Mr. Jamison O'brien,
Your co-commander will be Faustus Bronzehammer, an Ex-Exponential (Confederacy before plague) general who, during the civil war went against orders and butchered 3 villages suspected of hiding communists, and a man yet to be chosen. Also, do not underestimate the Gnats, they have been upgraded to carry AMRAAM's, are incredibly cheap, and provide a small target.
We hope to see you soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
Reminds me of the 'Minion', which operationally was used best as literal flying artillery... Not one has successfully been intercepted by a modern airplane. I'll bring a few along with some of my most trusted associates (3 planes and 5 associates) just for comparision's sake.
I'll see if I can rig a Sidewinder/Stinger up to them... They are really cheap, easy to fly, and easier to maintain.
Mer des Ennuis
23-08-2006, 05:34
To: Griffincrest Corporation
From: Col. Ivan Ruslan
Subj: 56th Infantry Division
To fully outfit the 56th, I would like to bring the division up to the Strength of a Mer des Ennusian light division. This would cost $1,960,754,564.00 total to impliment, and would require an increase in numbers to 15,429 men total, in addition to the procurement of 2,367 vehicles. I will agree, this is expensive, and I do not expect to have my request met in full, but I can assure you; when armed in this way, the 56th will hold its own against nearly any force that can be brought against it. As the nation of Mer des Ennuis is dumping some excess military equipment, I believe the cost could be brought down to half of that, if not less.
With respect,
Col. Ivan Ruslan
Commander, 56th Infantry Division
Blackhelm Confederacy
23-08-2006, 18:15
To Mr. Vakim Cassir Jantsk
You will be given command of the 331st artillery regiment. Regiment includes the following:
- 700 infantry
- 300 G7 105mm Howitzers
- 200 Mongoose 165mm cannons
- 100 Metal Storm area denial systems
Welcome to the force,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Bradley Thames IV
By dissatisfied with quality, do you mean the equipment or the troops themselves?
Please respond,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan
Are you planning on re-arming the men as well, or will they be kept in Griffincrest standards?
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Bradley Thames IV
By dissatisfied with quality, do you mean the equipment or the troops themselves?
Please respond,
Claudius Griffincrest
The Ocic Army is divided into two distinct forces:
The Regular Army composed of Ocic citizens and based mostly within Ocion itself. These units are the among best trained and soem of the best equipped in the world, though actual combat experience is limited by Ocion's formerlt isolationalist foreign policy.
The Colonial Forces are made up mostly of conscripts from Ocion's African Territories aas well as criminals sentenced to naitonal service as punishment. The force is led for the most part by Regular Army officers on tempporary assignments and by locals. The force is mainly a security and "cannon fodder" force for Ocion and as a result is quite low on the priority list for new kit and training budgets are too low to my liking. However, these units are typically much more battle hardened than Regulars given the constant strife as of late in our African holdings (OOC: I'm setting this up for a furture RP).
My reason for leaving Ocic service was my frustration with the quality of Colonial troops and my inability to acquire a post in a Regular Army unit.
Col. (ret) Bradley Thames IV
Blackhelm Confederacy
23-08-2006, 18:54
To Mr. Bradley Thames IV,
After reviewing your application, we have decided to put you in charge of the 2nd Insurgency Brigade. They will be consisting of the following:
- 1,000 infantry
- 250 Qassam Rockets
- 20 Katyushas
See you soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
Imperial isa
23-08-2006, 18:59
OOC can i use a person iam using in one of your rps
Mer des Ennuis
23-08-2006, 19:05
To: Claudius Griffincrest
From: Col. Ivan Ruslan
Subj: 56th Infantry Division
Depending on equipment, I would like to rearm them. Obviously, I would not like to issue inferior weapons. I've attached a detailed list of equipment I would like to procure that you may review at your leisure, as well as the new cost for the total of each weapons system. Since my home country is having military updates, and with my connections in the quartermaster's corps, I believe I could procure the sum-total equipment for around $1,000,000,000. I would be willing to front the costs of training, as well as much of the ammunition, out of my own pocket. Thank you for your time and patience.
With respect,
Col. Ivan Ruslan
Commander, 56th Infantry Division
Fabrique Nationale Five-Seven - 17,243 - $4,310,750
Steyr Aug A3 - 7,664 - $9,680,000
General Dynamics m312 - 162 - $97,200
HK MSG-90 - 324 - $142,560
Javelin ATGM - 324 - $2,069,064
Starstreak MANPAD - 354 - $1,412,460
HK-MP7-PDW - 1,680 - $1,302,000
M-249 SAW - 1,030 - $618,000
Fabrique Nationale P90 - 2,370 - $284,400
Starstreak/Javelin Missiles - 2,832 - $19,257,600.00
M252 81mm Mortar - 540 - $13,347,180
Barret XM500 50 cal rifle - 324 - $168,480
Franchi SPAS-15 - 840 - $75,600
Colt M79 Grenade Launcher - 515 - $25,750
Palletized Load System - 378 - $124,740,000
M557A3 Command Post - 270 - $216,000,000
HEMTT 2 - 15 - $3,750,000
M104 Wolverine AVLB - 6 - $1,500,000
Grizzley Breacher - 6 - $1,500,000
Small Emplacement Excavator - 12 - $600,000
Warrior IFV - 56 - $184,800,000
2s6m Tunguska - 36 - $33,840,000.00
M998 HMMWV - 451 - $40,590,000 (this includes necessary modules and up-armoring)
RQ-9 Predator B - 20 - $125,000,000.00
M777A1 Howitzer - 36 - $18,983,520
HIMARS - 36 - $52,560,000
AH-60 Apache Longbow - 48 - $480,000,000
UH-60 Blackhawk - 150 - $750,000,000
To Mr. Vakim Cassir Jantsk
You will be given command of the 331st artillery regiment. Regiment includes the following:
- 700 infantry
- 300 G7 105mm Howitzers
- 200 Mongoose 165mm cannons
- 100 Metal Storm area denial systems
Welcome to the force,
Claudius Griffincrest
I understand that the regiment is mine to expand, within reason, as I see fit? I would propose that a greater number of personnel be sought, so that the regiment may deploy its full arsenal when required, as seven hundred men cannot man five hundred guns with any degree of efficiency.
With you permission, I would also apply the 331st for airborne deployment training, which I personally used to great effectiveness during my service in the IAA.
I am honoured by your acceptance of my application, and thank you for the opportunity that I have been given.
Vakim Cassir Jantsk
Cmdr, 331st Artillery Rgmt
OOC: Question. What rank does Jantsk hold in the Griffincrest military? As commander of a regiment, I would expect him to be a Colonel, but he was previously a Brigadier General, and I wasn't sure if you were restoring that rank.
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-08-2006, 05:34
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan,
Your request is denied. For now, your division is equipped with standard Griffincrest equipment. Equipment is:
- G36E assault rifle
- Colt 1911
- M60
- Javelin ATGM
- Stinger
- Leafanistani 80mm mortar
- Kraven .50 sidearm (Officers)
- Leafanistani Katana (Officers)
Pertaining to the HMMWV's, you may purchase them if you wish to replace the trucks you have, and put them on the corporate account.
Any more questions?
Claudius Griffincrest
To Mr. Vakim Cassir Jantsk,
I believe you misunderstood. The 700 men are additional soldiers, the guns are all crewed seperatly, these men are to assure the crews are not harrased. Also, artillery training would be a good idea, and ypu may pay for it using the corporate account.
Thank you,
Claudius Griffincrest
OOC: The Griffincrest forces are not a real military. Each division is somewhat autonomous, and they operate from the commander down. The commander must only take orders from either Claudius Griffincrest, or rarely, a campaign commander who gets decided upon during a large war to lead the soldiers.
Mer des Ennuis
24-08-2006, 19:14
To: Claudius Griffincrest
From: Col. Ivan Ruslan
Subj: 56th Infantry Division
I must appologize for the last letter; the cheif quartermaster was away on leave, and his assistant had not yet briefed me. The small arms are more than accecptable, and would save much on retraining the soldiers. I have ordered the cheif medical officer to begin basic life support training for all combat soldiers, under the philosophy that it will save lives, and I am looking into jump training.
As one last request for funding, I have conferred with many of my old contacts in the Mer des Ennusian quartermaster corps, and they have informed me that, sans small arms, I can procure all necessary vehicles for $774,400,940.00. If I do not give purchase orders, the vehicles and associated munitions will be destroyed in target practice or sold off. I must urdge you to accecpt this offer, as the division will have all necessary logistics, close air support, and transport needs taken care of.
With respect,
Col. Ivan Ruslan
Commander, 56th Infantry Division
Mandalore Prime
24-08-2006, 19:45
To: Claudius Griffincrest
From: Col. Ivan Ruslan
Subj: 56th Infantry Division
Depending on equipment, I would like to rearm them. Obviously, I would not like to issue inferior weapons. I've attached a detailed list of equipment I would like to procure that you may review at your leisure, as well as the new cost for the total of each weapons system. Since my home country is having military updates, and with my connections in the quartermaster's corps, I believe I could procure the sum-total equipment for around $1,000,000,000. I would be willing to front the costs of training, as well as much of the ammunition, out of my own pocket. Thank you for your time and patience.
With respect,
Col. Ivan Ruslan
Commander, 56th Infantry Division
To: Claudius Griffincrest
From: Col. Charles E. Roosevelt, Mandalore Prime Military Procurement
Subj: Col. Ivan Ruslan/56th Infantry Division
It has come to the attention of our Illustrious leader's attention. That you have been hiring Mercenary Commanders... Ceasar Valtane was impressed with your ingeniuity... Has decreed if you'll accept the transfer of the necessary funds from our treasury to yours so that your Mercenary Commands will be fully prepared for any contingency... He has also expressed hope that this will foster friendship between our nations...
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-08-2006, 21:18
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan,
Seeing as how an outside source is willing to pay for your upgrades, we see that you may purchase vehicles, to an extent. The artillery is not the responsibility of the infantry, and would fall upon the artillery regiments, and so must be denied. Also, the helicopters would be part of the air corps, and would also be denied. Finally, we prefer to use the Mercury rather than the Warrior as our IFV, and explain the M557A3 Command Post and HEMTT2.
Thank you,
Claudius Griffincrest
To Col. Charles E. Roosevelt,
We thank you for the funds, and look forward to cooperating in the future.
Keep in touch,
Claudius Griffincrest
Mer des Ennuis
24-08-2006, 21:49
OOC: Sorry if this is a bit much, I base my divisional layouts off of a text book from the Army Staff College, as well as about a half dozen or so field manuals. I've found this made my individual divisions extremely well organized and effective at what they do.
To: Claudius Griffincrest
From: Col. Ivan Ruslan
Subj: 56th Infantry Division
Lacking documentation on the success of the Mercury IFV, I will trust your wisdom. The HEMTT-2 is a heavy vehicle assigned to combat engineer batallions as wreckers, cargo trucks, and heavy (2500) fuel/water transport. They are also used in communications platoons as heavy prime movers. They are C-130 deployable. More importantly, it is designed to operate under any climactic condition, and can ford up to 2 feet of water. The m557A3 command post is a lightweight, amphibious, armored staff/officer post, augmented with improved communications and electronics systems, better allowing for network-centric warfare. They are attached at the batallion level and up, and provide a good network heirachy.
Although I do not think it is the best idea to send any type of division into combat without organic (read: native to the unit and not reassignable) artillery and Airsupport, I have no choice but to respect your decision. I have to ask for 126 blackhawks; 10 electronics-warfare modules and 116 medical-evacuation blackhawks. If the medical ones are denied, the difference will need to be made up for in either additional IFVs or HMMWVS.
With respect,
Col. Ivan Ruslan
Commander, 56th Infantry Division
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-08-2006, 22:04
To Mr. Ivan Ruslan
Your request for the command post, Blackhawks, transport, and HMMWV's are granted. I hope you use them well, and are able to train the men to use them correctly. The mercenaries are a rowdy bunch, and do not take well to change.
Anything else?
Claudius Griffincrest
25-08-2006, 03:05
To Mr. Charles Wang,
I did recogize your name. With your backround in both the Leafanistani military, and the mafia, we have decided to give you command of a new group of men, meant for guerilla warfare. The 1st Insurgent Brigade consists of the following:
- 1,000 infantry (arm them as you wish
- 250 Qassam Rockets
- 20 Katyushas
See you soon,
Claudius Griffincrest
OOC: Will get to other 2 later
Dear 'Commander' Claudius Griffencrest,
I am currently unsure what to call you, commander? General? Commander in Chief? Also, what is my new rank, will it be Major, or Colonel, as a Colonel commands a brigade in the Leafanistani Military, and needless to say, I would like a promotion, who wouldn't?
I thank you deeply and I hope this improves our relationship and the relationship between our mutual friends. I wish to know my new budget for which to arm my men. I also want to know if I can restructure this Brigade as a regular infantry, dragoon, or artillery unit.
These comments are all respectful sir and I wish no offense. This is a great honor sir.
Charles Wang
Cogs turned at the Mafia station where Charles worked and papers were flying along with orders, including a thousand AR-550s, 200 BR-545s, and 900 R-9s were being moved.
Blackhelm Confederacy
25-08-2006, 22:37
To Mr. Charles Wang,
You may call me Mr. Griffincrest when nessecary, and you have the rank of Commander. Griffincrest military forms from the rank of commander down to field mercenary. The ranks are very different from normal military. If you need more info on the rank system, feel free to ask.
Pertaining to the restructuring of the brigade, as you work for a friendly company, feel free to go nuts with the corporate account. Don't over do it though, or I'll kill you (literally). Also, if you want, you may upgrade it to an infantry brigade.
Stay in touch,
Claudius Griffincrest
25-08-2006, 23:15
To Mr. Charles Wang,
You may call me Mr. Griffincrest when nessecary, and you have the rank of Commander. Griffincrest military forms from the rank of commander down to field mercenary. The ranks are very different from normal military. If you need more info on the rank system, feel free to ask.
Pertaining to the restructuring of the brigade, as you work for a friendly company, feel free to go nuts with the corporate account. Don't over do it though, or I'll kill you (literally). Also, if you want, you may upgrade it to an infantry brigade.
Stay in touch,
Claudius Griffincrest
Dear Mr. Griffencrest,
Thank you for clearing this up, however, I would prefer to know the entire ranking system in order to ensure proper assignments with my subordinates and to show proper respect to my superiors.
I would also like to know the structuring of military units in the Griffencrest Corporation. As a Brigade is around 4000 men in the Leafanistani Military, but a 1,000 men unit is a Battalion. If you wish I can 'obtain' the services of all the 'goons' in my former command, (250 of them) and buy the remainder from Universal Exports.
I have negotiated a 5% discount at 'Universal Exports', for the entire corporation. They have decided it is about time. Factor that into your calculations and they will gladly accept it.
I am currently rearming all the men with the AR-550 (5.56mm), and the R-38 pistols. I will sell the Qassam rockets back to Universal Exports for a discount on uniforms, I'm assuming it will be the corporate standard uniforms I've seen all the time on order forms.
Current Expenditure with discounted equipment: $360,000 USD
1000 x AR-550
1000 x R-38
1000 x Uniforms
5% discount
Negotiated deal on sell-back Qassams and personal favors.
Charles Wang, now Commander Charles Wang, donned a uniform newly stitched by his former employer, and walked outside to inspect the troops. They were a raggity bunch, but he had seen worse. When the Tiger helicopters left him in Rovonia, his men even discussed cannibalism. It was lucky they ambushed a resupply convoy.
He called his old men ahead and began training the new grunts. Weapons training along wtih tactics classes began. He would have to wait for a reply before more training.
Blackhelm Confederacy
25-08-2006, 23:30
To Commander Charles Wang,
The Griffincrest military is set up as follows:
- Campaign Commander (Rare, elected before major wars)
- Commander
- Colonel
- Coordinator
- Captain
- Lieutenant
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Private
- Field Mercenary
Every different unit in the GSF is structured differently, Artillery, Armoured, Mechanized, Infantry, Insurgency, Martyr, Air Support, and Air Combatant.
Also, this new discount is welcome, and the Mafia can expect purchases soon.
Thank You,
Claudius Griffincrest
26-08-2006, 01:51
To Commander Charles Wang,
The Griffincrest military is set up as follows:
- Campaign Commander (Rare, elected before major wars)
- Commander
- Colonel
- Coordinator
- Captain
- Lieutenant
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Private
- Field Mercenary
Every different unit in the GSF is structured differently, Artillery, Armoured, Mechanized, Infantry, Insurgency, Martyr, Air Support, and Air Combatant.
Also, this new discount is welcome, and the Mafia can expect purchases soon.
Thank You,
Claudius Griffincrest
Dear Mr. Griffencrest,
I have grateful for this, rest assured, I will make sure that my brigade will be one of the best in the Corporation.
Commander Charles Wang
Orders were being placed for more goons to join the ranks of the forces, and recruitment drive throughout the Mafia. Another 800 volunteers, only 2050 more for a full brigade thought Commander Wang. Or so he thought, his math was bad nowadays.
Blackhelm Confederacy
26-08-2006, 18:13
To Commander Garcia Townes,
Your division has been ordered to move out to Scandinvia as of 0400.
Good Luck,
Claudius Griffincrest
Imperial isa
26-08-2006, 18:30
name: peter water
age: 20
nationality: imperial isa
former military: imperail isa army
former rank: captain
reason for leaving: can not say
award earned: one platinum cross
battles fought in: 1,2,3 bloodly hell valley and others
other: was in the 501st under colonel wolf steel
Blackhelm Confederacy
26-08-2006, 18:39
Until we know why you left you cannot be hired.
Imperial isa
26-08-2006, 18:44
Until we know why you left you cannot be hired.
its class as top secret but can say it was not for samething bad
Blackhelm Confederacy
26-08-2006, 18:48
To Mr. Peter Water
We are sorry, but due to lack of information, we cannot hire you at this time.
Good Luck,
Claudius Griffincrest
26-08-2006, 18:50
Commander Charles Wang smiled for himself. He had done it. In only a year he had built a full Brigade. Now to specialize it, the training had been mostly infantry tactics and defensive bunkering. He had spent about $1 million US on new equipment and was rather happy about being a penny-pincher.
He decided to spend another $20 million and equip his men well.
130 more BM-21 Katyushas, total 150
200 Jeeps towing the 200 105mm Howisters
100 82mm Mortars
35 82mm Automatic Mortars
500 2.5 ton trucks.
3000 Infantry:
1250 Light Infantry: AR-550, R-38, M1968 Bayonet/Combat Knife
82 Light Anti-Armour Forces: RPG-7, FMK-3, R-38
43 Heavy Anti-Armour Forces: Javelin, FMK-3, R-38
50 MANPADS Operators: SA-18 Grouse, FMK-3, R-38
25 Assualt Cannoneers: AC-20, FMK-3, R-38
75 Light Machine Gunners: MG-560, R-38
45 Scouts: SVD, Type 85 silenced MG, silenced Glock 25 pistols
830 Drivers: FMK-3, R-38
600 Artillerymen: FMK-3, R-38
1st Shock Artillery Brigade.
He had first heard 'Shock Artillery' when the teacher was commenting on his 'flying artillery' strategy during a Waterloo simulation. Apparently it meant highly mobile artillery troops that fire and run, and put lots of firepower into an area.
The trucks with a full salvo of Katyushas could put a medium artillery division to shame and it would take 10 minutes to set, 5 minutes to finish firing, another 5 minutes to run. By then he could destroy an enemy.
Imperial isa
26-08-2006, 19:08
to mr claudius griffincrest
about peter water
he left the army after a top secret mission want bad.
peter lead 8 man and himself out after 10 man and the major who was leading the mission was killed.
he ask to leave the army after that as the major was his brother
he was give the ok
from colonel wolf steel 501st
26-08-2006, 19:21
Name: William "Bill" Kertech
Age: 42
Nationality: Errikan
Former Military: Errikan Nationalist Forces, Rachkdlite Forces, the Errikan Imperial Army
Former Rank: Captain (Errikan), Colonel (mercenary)
Reason for leaving: Looking for better pay
Awards earned: Purple Cross (injured; this award is usually only given for more serious injuries and/or those that resulted as the result of a particularly brave and/or strategically important action)
Battles fought in: Battle of North-Derchton (Errikan Civil War), several battles in the Rachkldite struggle, Arterusian Battles against the natives and Kraven
Background: He fought for Errikan Nationalist Forces during the civil war, and was very badly injured in the Battle of North-Derchton when he attempted to sacrifice himself against the Youlandi forces. He survived and made a full recovery, but was too late to fight in the taking of Wretterburg at the end of the war. After that, he became a professional mercenary and fought in many wars in Mucro, most notably the Rackldite conflicts. He was eventually hired by the Errikan Imperial Army as a consultant for the Arterusian Campaigns, and eventually fought the Capitol Police in the brief war with Kraven. With the recent wars in southern Arterus all but over, most of the consultants are looking for other work.
Other info: He is the cousin of famous weapons designer Franz Kertech
Blackhelm Confederacy
26-08-2006, 19:32
To Mr. Bill Kertach
We see that you have experience on Arterus. We have airbases there, and we know little of this land. We need you to command South Arterus Air Base. The base is layed out as follows:
100 acres – Errikland, South Arterus Air Base
- 50 Folland Gnat fighters
- 20 F-4 Phantom II's
- 10 Mercury AFV's
- 400 base personnel
- Numerous base defenses
Your co-commander will be Agrippa Axehead.
Keep in contact,
Claudius Griffincrest
26-08-2006, 19:42
To Mr. Bill Kertach
We see that you have experience on Arterus. We have airbases there, and we know little of this land. We need you to command South Arterus Air Base. The base is layed out as follows:
100 acres – Errikland, South Arterus Air Base
- 50 Folland Gnat fighters
- 20 F-4 Phantom II's
- 10 Mercury AFV's
- 400 base personnel
- Numerous base defenses
Your co-commander will be Agrippa Axehead.
Keep in contact,
Claudius Griffincrest
OOC: Do you assume control of the character now or do I have to say something?
Blackhelm Confederacy
26-08-2006, 19:43
I'll let you know when he has to do something, probably in a TG.
26-08-2006, 20:07
I'll let you know when he has to do something, probably in a TG.
Okay. I just realized that I forgot to add any information that would be useful for RPing his command and personality.
During the civil war, he was an infantry commander, and proved himself quite competant. He initially stuck to commanding infantry in his mercenary years, but soon found that his true talent was in tank command, and was a major commander of a joint infantry-tank force in his largest commands in Rachkldom. In Arterus, he also commanded both heavy infantry and armored units.
Colonel Kertech is very frank in manner.
Hurtful Thoughts
26-08-2006, 21:01
I'll let you know when he has to do something, probably in a TG.
Thank you.
Don't forget to attach the link to the thread you want me on in that TG.
Otherwise I'll just sit here and wait.
Name: Henry Blake
Age: 43
Nationality: Granatian (Russian/German)
Former Military: Granatian Army
Former Rank: Lt. Col.
Reason for leaving: Dishounorable Discharge due to Genocidal tendencies during the Rebel Conflict
Awards earned:Iron Sword of Victory, Given to Commanders after winning their first battle. Purple Sash, given to those injured in battle.
Battles fought in: Granatian Rebel Conflicts 1, 2, and 4. He was injured throughout 3.
Other info:Graduated Valedvictorian in the Granatian Military Academy.