NationStates Jolt Archive

Ruins of Shaedaeharn (PW Signup)

20-08-2006, 17:32

Nations in this particular PW will be gauged with several different characteristics, some of which I have borrowed from other systems and some of which I have devised on my own.


The world of Aulien is just beginning to come out of the dark ages caused by the collapse of the Empire. Once a world-spanning entity, the Shaedaeharn Empire was reduced to rubble and myth. History does not record the reasons for the Great Fall, but that does not matter. The new world is looking to write its' own history.


First off, I welcome you to the Ruins of Shaedaeharn, a P.W. or persistent world for the nationstates forum. I am the founder and head god of R.O.S., Shalrirorchia (although that is not my name in-game). I am responsible for moderating the game world, for settling player/player disputes, and for causing dreadful things to happen at random on occasion in the Realm. :D

All players wishing to join this persistent world must do several things:

1.) Examine the Cultural Organization List and the Civics List. Players (as of this time) receive 15 points for joining, which they may then distribute amongst Orgs and Civics as they see fit. You may of course distribute them evenly amongst the categories (Level 3 is considered "average" for the sake of ratings), but I suggest that you consider a more salient Culture with strengths and weaknesses that will be fun to roleplay repeatedly.

2.) Write a backstory for your culture and include your picks off of the Cultural Org and Civics lists. Then send that information to me in an email with the subject line "ROS CULTURAL ENTRY- (Your CultureName Here). Cultures need to have a "serious" name and a plausible history (I encourage players to conspire with each other and develop histories that include each others' cultures). If I approve of your culture, I will post it on this thread with my official STAMP of approval. If not, I will send you a nice little e-mail asking you to make adjustments and re-submit. (my email is

Human cultures are the norm, but there are nonhumans to be had as well. There are also gods (moderators and the founder), plagues and monsters (the mischevious pranks of the gods). I support and appreciate creativity....if you have an uncoventional idea, throw it at me and we'll see what we can do.


"From dust we came and to dust we shall return."

Every culture relies, ultimately on the resources available in the environment. Stone and ores to craft tools and food to feed a population are all drawn from the land itself.

4 pts. INSANE- The Culture is the very definition of material wealth. It has the money and materials to do just about anything it desires, from large public works to maintaining standing armies. It has a large, well-developed economy that reaches far. Goods from this culture are known around the world, and their merchants are not an uncommon sight both abroad as well as at home. They are a dominant economic force in their region, if not a dominant economic force in the world.

3 pts. WEALTHY- The Culture is relatively wealthy, although its' coffers are not limitless. There is enough in terms of resources to meet all of the civilization's needs, and many of its' desires. Public projects are common, and this Culture's soldiery will not want for coin. The society is a powerful economic force in its' region, and its' trade goods will generally be recognized around the globe.

2 pts. ADEQUATE- The Culture has sufficient resources to sustain and defend itself. Public works projects are not as common as in a Wealthy Culture. The Culture's trade is enough to supplement its' income, although trade alone will not pay the nation's bills.

1 pts. POOR- The Culture's resources are slim. Valuable resources are not easily found in the culture, and the economy is smaller and less developed. There is enough in terms of natural resources to support the culture, and perhaps a little extra (in case of national crisis), but this nation will not be building a Versailles any time soon.

0 pts. ABYSMAL- The Culture has been cursed by the Gods with poverty. Resources such as iron and coal are scarce. The land itself may still be fertile (leading to an agricultural state), but this nation will rarely threaten its' neighbors, and public works are uncommon (save for highly wealthy individuals).

"Location is everything!"

4 pts. STRATEGIC- The Culture owns a piece of land with exceptional value in terms of geography. It may sit astride a major trade route (or more likely SEVERAL trade routes). In addition, the Culture is easily defended...the Culture can use the land to its' advantage and thwart all but the most determined or serious of invasions.

3 pts. IMPORTANT- The Culture is based in a territory that is both defensible and important, though not so much as a Strategic culture. Assaulting such a culture will be difficult, but not impossible.

2 pts. STANDARD- The Culture rests on territory that is easily reached and that confers no appreciable defensive bonus or penalty.

1 pts. VULNERABLE- The Culture's territory is in a bad locale. Either they are too far out of the way to take advantage of the trade its' wealthier neighbors are enjoying, or the territory is wide open and unbroken...making the movement of armies all too easy.

0 pts. RIDICULOUS- The Culture sits on territory twisted by a freak act of nature. They are out-of-the way and their lands are exposed to incursions of other nations.

"The spear or the shiny red button?"

4 pts. STEAM AGE- The Culture enjoys the benefits of the mighty steam age. It has the technology to develop complex machines and craft magnificient works of architecture. Primitive musketry and rifles are the leading edge of the Steam Age's military forces.

3 pts. HIGH MIDDLE AGES- The Culture commands the technology of the High Middle Ages. Complex machines are common, but steam-powered machines are not. High-grade steel is abundant, as is complex and majestic architecture.

2 pts. EARLY MIDDLE AGES- The Culture possesses technology equivalent to the early Middle Ages. Simple machines are common, but complex machines are more of a curiosity than a common fixture. Lower-grade steel is common, and there is some higher quality steel as well. Most metal use amongst commoners is of lesser quality...bronze and copper.

1 pts. CLASSICAL- The Culture possesses technology equivalent to classical Rome, with catapults and bronze armor and weapons. Large building projects are less common than in later Ages, but are still accomplished (mostly thanks to the power of human muscle).

0 pts. PRE-CLASSICAL- The Culture is either Stone-Age or very recently post-Stone Age. Metalworking is uncommon, and is limited to small (personal) objects instead of being used for larger projects.

"Size DOES matter!"

4 pts. EMPIRE- The culture is an imperial power spanning a broad geographical area in several regions. It is of sufficient size and density as to represent a nearly insurmountable is unlikely to be completely overrun by an enemy invasion.

3 pts. HUGE- The Culture is a large force in its' region, but does not necessarily have holdings in several regions.

2 pts. CONSIDERABLE- The Culture takes up a substantial regional presence, but its' vistas are typically limited to its' immediate neighbors (and perhaps THEIR neighbors).

1 pts. SMALL- The Culture is smaller than most, taking up perhaps the better part of a province or coastline.

0 pts. TINY- The Culture is limited to the size of a major city and environs, or an island chain.

"Fireball beats rifle!"

4 pts. MASTER- The Culture is attuned to the magic around them, spawning large numbers of practitioners. They routinely produce great magical theorists and wielders of magic, and their skill in the Art awes those of a lesser calling.

3 pts. SKILLED- The Culture understands the deep mysteries of magic, and is the home of some of the world's most skilled practitioners. It's wizards and sorcerors are known and respected around the world.

2. pts. FAMILIAR- The Culture is familiar with the basic concepts of magic, but those with the ability to use the Art are far rarer than in Skilled or Master.

1 pts. NOVICE- The Culture's understanding of or skill in magic is atrophied. Magic-users are highly uncommon, and their power is usually far less than those of higher cultural skill levels.

0 pts. NON-EXISTANT- The Culture (whether for social/biological reasons or something else) has no place for magic. Magic is almost unheard of.

Each civilization also gets to choose up to 2 free CIVICS that define the nature of that civilization. Additional civics can be chosen with points drawn from the C.O.L. list (2 points for the first extra civ, 3 extra points for the second extra civ, and so on).


Diplomatic- The Culture is reknowned for the skill of its' diplomats. It garners respect from the international community, and is automatically assumed to know (well) all other cultures in the Persistent World. Those negotiating with the Culture are more readily charmed (or intimidated) by its' envoys.

Financial- The Culture's moneychangers are some of the best in the business. They know how to make money work, how to invest it, and what to invest in. They are shrewd negotiators, and their money talks in both diplomacy and espionage (although not so much as the Diplomatic or Secretive civs).

Secretive- The Culture is a hotbed of xenophobia (or, if everyone really IS out to get you, paranoia is simply good thinking!). The agents and spies of the Culture are a force to be reckoned with.

Elite- The ground soldiers or warriors of the Culture are either fanatical or highly skilled (or perhaps both). The Culture's troops could rub elbows with the ancient Spartans if they wanted to, and are feared on the battlefields of the P.W.

Skilled- The culture's mages and wizards (if any) are highly effective at causing things to explode. It's even better when it is an enemy doing the exploding.

Affinity- The Culture has an affinity for Shadaeharn artifacts and ruins, and finds these objects more frequently (NOTE: The ruins of the Shaedaeharn Empire are my perogative as Founder. Appearances of Shaedaeharn technology, magic, and structurals are cleared by me!)

Nautical- The Culture's sailors and marines are legendary in their exploits. No sane man would wish to cross sabers with them.

Religious- The culture has a dominant religion that draws it together, conferring both social and militaristic advantages (soldier fanatics, unity of purpose).

Philosophical- The culture encourages deep, complex thought. It is the home of great thinkers and dreamers, which leads to innovative new politics, tactics, and economics.
20-08-2006, 17:39
I accidently cut off the two bottom civics when I posted the article. Be advised:

Religious- The culture has a dominant religion that draws it together, conferring both social and militaristic advantages (soldier fanatics, unity of purpose).

Philosophical- The culture encourages deep, complex thought. It is the home of great thinkers and dreamers, which leads to innovative new politics, tactics, and economics.
20-08-2006, 20:47
23-08-2006, 01:55
The Ashenar Tribes

Tribes of sentient, felinoid creatures inhabit the vast Ashenar Desert in central Aulien. While they have many (often derogatory) nicknames, they refer to themselves most frequently as the Asheerans. Loose translation of this name into Common is "sand dancers" or "desert walkers". They are amongst the fiercest of a desert that is literally saturated with dangers. They are not, however, apparently native to the desert themselves. It appears likely that the Asheerans emigrated from the blasted reaches of the south known as the Shattered Lands, where the land alternates between charred wasteland and wretched hell-jungles. Despite such adversity, they were and remain a beautiful, if mysterious people.

The archeological record is incomplete, but it appears that the Asheeran civilization first rose to prominence in the late 400 BIC (Before Imperial Collapse). That they quarreled violently with the Shaedaeharn Empire is beyond contention...indeed, this might explain the condition of the Shattered Lands even today. The great historian Plethy spent much of his life seeking to unravel the deep secrets of the culture of Ashenar...what we know of the history is primarily drawn from Plethy's accounts, particularly his famous tome, "A Short History of the Shaedaeharn Empire".

It seems likely that the nation of the Asheerans was defeated by the forces of Imperial Shaedaeharn at some time around 350 BIC. If so, this makes them one of the last civilizations to be conquered by the Empire prior to the creation of that famous, worldwide empire. By 350 Shaedaeja (the imperial capital province of Shaedaeharn) had reached what many historians consider to be its' zenith...the word of the Empire was law all around the world. Victorious Shaedaejan Emperor Merix II was not kindly disposed towards the race of catmen after their ferocious resistance. His terms were set out in the infamous Kaagust Decree, in which every man, woman, and child of Asheeran blood was placed into abject slavery. Slavery they were born into, and slaves they would remain until death, Merix commanded. It is perhaps from this heritage that the current negative image of the Asheeran people hails from. Despire Merix's decree, administration of the southern provinces of the Empire was always difficult...there were far too many Asheerans and far too few Imperial soldiers to maintain the type of control that Merix desired. There are chains both lighter and stronger than steel, however; for the next three-hundred years the chains of fear and shocking brutality kept the slaves in line and the provinces (relatively) peaceful.

Imperial fortunes were reversed in 24 BIC when an Asheeran slave named Aranu, acting for the sake of vengeance, actually managed to murder the Emperor Virstride I. That date has never been forgotten, as Virstride's death plunged the Shaedaeharn Empire into a civil war which would eventually tear it apart. Aranu's action brought the wrath of not only the Imperial Army but also many of the commoners...Asheerans were butchered on a scale that made the 350's War seem like nothing more than a border skirmish. Genocide was a very real possibility.

Aranu survived both the murder of Virstride and the subsequent event which is known to the Tribes simply as "The Massacre". Recognizing that what remained of his people could not hope to fight the Empire, Aranu took on the mantle of leadership and gathered many to his banner. They marched right into the one place that Aranu could think of where the Shaedaeharn Empire held no sway...the brutal Ashenar Desert.

The Ashenar Deset is a forbidding place, and has remained an essential barrier between much of northern and southern Aulien as long as time can remember. Even Shaedaeja never sought to garrison the interior of the Province...Imperial presence was light and confined mostly to the arid fringe surrounding the desert. Aranu led his people into the heart of this unforgiving land. Many died before the Asheerans began to learn the desert's harsh lessons; but Aranu's decision proved to be correct. The Empire did not make but a token effort to follow the Tribes into the desert...the soldiers refused to pursue further, claiming that the desert would kill with thirst just as readily as a soldier could kill with a sword. Compelled by this argument (and the widening civil war at home), Imperial authorities let the slaves flee. Indeed, the last Historiee'd'Imperiala (Imperial History) to be published before the collapse listed the Asheerans as "extinct".

The Ashenar Tribes proved to be far from extinct, however, and they managed to build a sophisticated culture even while the world tore itself apart all around them. The Desert went from being a bitter enemy to a valued friend and companion that shielded the Asheerans from the worst their enemies had to offer. Gradually, they adapted. Today, the hard desert remains as their refuge from the world. There, amongst the dunes, they live the free life that their ancestors did.

3 Pts Wealthy- Ashenar hides many valuable resources...gems, gold, and spices. The Asheerans know the locations of the these resources and exploit them for the benefit of the tribes.

4 pts Strategic- The desert is an implacable foe, a murderous force for those who do not know well the lessons of survival amongst the parched dunes. Ashenar's central location makes it an important route for trade...but the danger of the sands ensures that any trader worth his salt will hire Asheeran guides and protection.

2 pts Classical- Asheeran technology is not particularly complicated. They are skilled archers, and wield swords and spears of bronze. Iron and steelwork is rare among them. Most Asheeran armor is light...though in the climate of Ashenar, heavy armor might prove more of a drawback than an asset.

2 pts Considerable- The edicts of the Asheeran tribes do not reach beyond the sands of Ashenar. Within the sandy precincts, however, their word is law.

4 pts Master- The Asheerans command some of the mightiest magic to be seen in Aulien. Acolytes tend to focus on raw elemental spells...bursts of terrifying lightning, fire, wind, and sand, whereas full-fledged Mystics learn about the deeper and more subtle powers of the Art.


Elite- The Asheerans are not numerous, but their warriors are among the toughest and most skilled in all of Aulien. Their Su'rahan death commandos are feared by any who know of their existance. Little more can be said of a warrior culture.

Religious- The Tribal religion practiced by the Asheerans is perhaps the oldest known religion in Aulien. It is not a widespread religion, however, as it is confined mostly to the Asheerans themselves.
26-08-2006, 03:59

Anatoray and Disith- Enemies at Bay

In the beginning, there was Prester. And, in the beginning of Prester, there
was the Grand Stream, a massive storm that embroiled the skies above the
kingdoms of Anatoray and Disith, two nations on opposite sides of the storm.
The guild, a mysterious organization possessing power far greater than
either side, overlooked development and acted as the arbiter between the two once their nations began warring.

Disith, you see, had developed ships that could breach the Grand Stream, a
feat that Anatoray engineers thought impossible. Thus, raids and wars began
between the two nations, fought in the skies above Anatoray. Time and time
again, Anatoray beat Disith back- but it got harder and harder to do so.
Eventually, the time came when the Guild allowed an underhanded attack by
the Disith that crippled the main Anatoray Fleet. All seemed lost for

But a rogue commander, on a veangeful quest of his own to destroy the guild,
led Anatoray and Disith down a path which would change them forever- a path that led to war with the Guild.

Anatoray and Disith- Brothers in Arms
The two kingdoms were being mired in technological development by the Guild,
which obsessively regulated the control of the Claudia units on board the
battleships controlled by the two warring kingdoms. only a select few
vessels, all highly secretive, were in possession of their own Claudia
units. Convincing the Disith of the necessity for an alliance, the
newly-crowned Empress of Aantoray led the two nations in a planning campaign to unseat the guild and reclaim the mysterious Exile from the Guild.

And so, at a synchronized time, while elite units of the Anatoray fleet
searched for Exile in the Grand Stream, the action to free Prester from
Guild control began. Trained teams of commandos smashed their way into
Claudia control rooms, seizing control of their own ships from the Guild.
Though some were lost, the combined fleets then met the Guild in battle,
where the Allied Coalition saw victory thanks to the effort of vanship
pilots employing entirely new tactics against the guild. Retreating into the
Grand Stream, the Guild was finally crushed as an entity in the skies over
Disith, as the battleship Silvana gave the crippling blow to the Guild
command vessel.

Anatoray and Disith- The United Kingdoms of Prester

With that, Exile was revealed- a massive colony ship that had once brought
the human ancestors of the peoples of Prester from a far-away planet. The
Grand Stream dissolved, but another mystery remained. What lay beyond the
edges of the newly-revealed hourglass that was Prester? Another storm, as
powerful as the original Grand Stream. And so it was named in honor of the
original Grand Stream, the storm that separated Anatoray and Disith from
each other at one time. Now, united under one ruler and a single nation for
the first time in history, the kingdoms of Anatoray and Disith are ready to
face the brave new world beyond the Grand Stream- as the United Kingdoms of Prester.

4 pts. (Insane): The Kingdom of Anatoray was already exceedingly wealthy ,
and the incorporation of Disith into it added their substantial natural
resources, minerals, and trade goods. Thus, the United Kingdoms of Prester
can call upon immense reserves of percious metals, strategic resources, and
trade goods at any time. Even with the general difficulties of penetrating
the Grand Stream, traders still manage to get through with their goods,
technologically advanced goods that fetch huge prices on the market.

0 pts. (Ridiculous)- Seperated from the rest of the world by the largest
storm ever seen, a swirling vortex that rests square above the Northern
Pole, Prester is almost cut off from the outside world. Drifting hulks of
ships that could not get across the Grand Stream bear a silent testimony to
the difficulty of getting from the hourglass-shaped lands of Prester to the
rest of the world. And, once on the other side, there’s no good land for
miles, with the proximity to the Northern Pole.

4 pts. (Steam age)- From the massive floating battleships to the
steam-powered muskets and rifles of the marines and infantry, the UKP
possess extremely advanced technology. Claudia Drives, a miracle of
engineering, power everything from the aforementioned battleships to
vanships, which are being harnessed as a potent fighting wing. Rudimentery
ship-to-ship communications exist, though flares are still used for gneeral
fleet commands and warnings. (Combines with magic)

3 pts. (Huge)- With what amounts to almost a mini-continent of its own, the
UKP is a large nation that stretches its stated borders across the entirety
of the hourglass-continent that is Prester. The power of the UKP, on the
other hand, stretches much farther than its actual borders.

2 pts. (Familiar)- Magic has never been observed in either Anatoray or
Disith. As the descendents of human immigrants from a far-away planet,
whatever is required for magic is just not possessed by anyone in the UKP.
HOWEVER, when technology is advanced enough it is impossible to distinguish
from magic. This is the case with the UKP. Claudia drives, massive reactors
that can float battleships, are something that is a feat of engineering so
advanced that to other cultures it may very well appear to be magic. The
communication through the units on battleships also exhibits this appearance
of magic, as do some of the weapons employed by elite vessels. (Combines
with Technology)

Elite- The ground soldiers of the UKP are immensely trained and extremely
brave. Though not fanatics by any means, their training, technology, and
commanders mean that the men of the UKP are to be feared by anyone who runs afoul of them.

Nautical- What the ground troops are, the navy is with a little extra.
Though it is in the air as opposed to the water, the sailors and marines of
the navy are the most well-trained and experienced warriors in either
Anatoray or Disith. Decades of warfare have honed their skills and massive
Universities dedicated only to military training continue to produce a
caliber of soldier far above the norm.

(2 Points) Philosophical- The rapid pace of technological advancement would
never have been possible without the open forum for knowledge and ideas that is present within the societies of Anatoray and Disith. Commoners can pull
themselves up by the bootstraps, and the wealthy are free to engage in
sponsorship of whatever they wish. Government involvement in academics is
limited and allows great thinkers and new ways of doing things to develop.
29-08-2006, 15:18
[OOC- Bump and such. Good concept, so where are the PEOPLE!?!]
06-09-2006, 20:37
This topic is NOT dead. I am still here and still accepting applications.