18-08-2006, 06:56
(OOC: Yar, Ontary needs to make diplomatic ties, dammit!)
Greetings, nations of the world! it is with great pride that I, People's Chancellor Michael Gifkins, announce that Ontarium, a nation which has been largely isolated for the past fifteen years (because of the revolution that overthrew the old monarchy, many nations refused to recognise the new republic), has opened it's borders to all nations of the world, we are more than willing and ready to begin negotiations for trade, cultural and military alliances... provided your nation fill out the following application:
Leader Name:
Ambassador Name:
Number of Embassy Personnel:
Number of Security Personnel (Limited to 50):
Number of Vehicles:
Now, if you find yourself asking: 'Why would I bother opening trade with this nation?', the answer is simple- Ontarium sits atop one of the largest uranium deposits in the world, and her competitive arms manufacturing industry mirrors this fact. Although, as a counter-balance, the nation also has a substantial Automotive industry and produces high quality beef.
We look forward to forging friendships and alliances with you.
The Peoples Chancellor of the Republic, Michael Gifkins
Allowed embassies-
Leader Name: Madame Noisette Bianco.
Ambassador Name: Ambassador Adis Toban (Not present at Embassy)
Number of Embassy Personnel: 100
Number of Security Personnel (Limited to 50): 50
Number of Vehicles: 25
Greetings, nations of the world! it is with great pride that I, People's Chancellor Michael Gifkins, announce that Ontarium, a nation which has been largely isolated for the past fifteen years (because of the revolution that overthrew the old monarchy, many nations refused to recognise the new republic), has opened it's borders to all nations of the world, we are more than willing and ready to begin negotiations for trade, cultural and military alliances... provided your nation fill out the following application:
Leader Name:
Ambassador Name:
Number of Embassy Personnel:
Number of Security Personnel (Limited to 50):
Number of Vehicles:
Now, if you find yourself asking: 'Why would I bother opening trade with this nation?', the answer is simple- Ontarium sits atop one of the largest uranium deposits in the world, and her competitive arms manufacturing industry mirrors this fact. Although, as a counter-balance, the nation also has a substantial Automotive industry and produces high quality beef.
We look forward to forging friendships and alliances with you.
The Peoples Chancellor of the Republic, Michael Gifkins
Allowed embassies-
Leader Name: Madame Noisette Bianco.
Ambassador Name: Ambassador Adis Toban (Not present at Embassy)
Number of Embassy Personnel: 100
Number of Security Personnel (Limited to 50): 50
Number of Vehicles: 25