The Vuhifellian States
18-08-2006, 05:34
The UPEO has been a peacekeeping organization based in the Vuhifellian Federation for years, providing peace and security for the inhabitants of the Special Refugee Regions, now, it is opening to foreign membership, as a peacekeeping alliance.
Universal Peace Enforcement Organization
Charter of the UPEO
PREAMBLE - The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization hereby pledges itself to the betterment and well-being of mankind. It is bound by the Charter of the UPEO, and shall not violate the boundaries of this charter. Its member states shall promote peace, freedom, and security throughout their territories, and shall make the best efforts to promote these ideologies in other areas of the globe. It is hereby noted that the UPEO shall defend these ideologies, for the sake of future generations.
Article I - Governance
Section I - The UPEO shall be led by a General Council, whose members consist of all UPEO member states. Each state shall recieve one vote in all general decision making matters. The duties of the General Council are as follows:
-To vote of certain resolutions affecting the entire alliance as a whole
-To approve new members
-To elect a Secretary-General of the General Council
-To nominate a member to the Security Council
-To approve humanitarian missions that do not involve peacekeepers or observers
The General Council shall be led by a Secretary-General, who shall be elected every month. Members of the Security Council shall immediately recieve a nomination for Secretary-General position, non-Security Council members must be nominated through vote in the General Council.
The Secretary-General may veto any resolution in the General Council, his veto may be overridden by a unanimous YEA vote of all members. Any NAYS or ABSTENTIONS will count towards the veto.
Section II - Security Council
The Security Council shall be the military organ of the UPEO. In order to join the Security Council, a member nation must have been approved by a majority of the General Council, and a unanimous approval of the existing Security Council members. The Security Council's duties shall include:
-Approving armed peacekeeping missions/observation missions
-Condemning actions by organization or states
-To vote on resolutions that relate to combat missions
-To appoint Ministers
-To open and operate UPEO bases around member states
The Security Council shall be led by a President, whose position shall rotate between members every week. The President holds the power to veto a Security Council resolution, their veto may be overturned by a unanimous YEA vote; any NAY or ABSTAINS shall count towards the veto.
Article II - Operations
Section I - All UPEO humanitarian operations must have a primary backer inside the UPEO. The primary backer shall provide most of the supplies for the humanitarian mission. States may only apply as secondary backers if the primary backer isn't supplying everything needed by the mission
Section II- All combat missions must have a clearly stated goal before troops are deployed. If it is a peacekeeping operation, the UPEO must have consent of the host nation before the mission begins. If the UPEO declares a combat mission a police action, consent of the host government is not needed (OOC: Although we may not interfere with closed/semi-closed wars). Observation missions may only be carried out in conjunction with a peacekeeping or humanitarian mission.
Article III - Amending
Amending of this charter may be done at any time, with a simple majority of the General Council, as well as approval of the President of the Security Council.
Amendment I - UPEO members shall be barred from declaring a state of war on one another
Amendment II - The UPEO shall supercede any and all alliances in which the member state is a member of
Amendment III - The UPEO shall defend member states against aggression, however, it shall be barred from interfering in an offensive campaign initiated by a UPEO member state.
Member states:
The Vuhifellian States
Van Luxemburg
[NS]ICCD-Intracircumcordei (ICCD)
Security Council members:
The Vuhifellian States
Van Luxemburg
Universal Peace Enforcement Organization
Charter of the UPEO
PREAMBLE - The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization hereby pledges itself to the betterment and well-being of mankind. It is bound by the Charter of the UPEO, and shall not violate the boundaries of this charter. Its member states shall promote peace, freedom, and security throughout their territories, and shall make the best efforts to promote these ideologies in other areas of the globe. It is hereby noted that the UPEO shall defend these ideologies, for the sake of future generations.
Article I - Governance
Section I - The UPEO shall be led by a General Council, whose members consist of all UPEO member states. Each state shall recieve one vote in all general decision making matters. The duties of the General Council are as follows:
-To vote of certain resolutions affecting the entire alliance as a whole
-To approve new members
-To elect a Secretary-General of the General Council
-To nominate a member to the Security Council
-To approve humanitarian missions that do not involve peacekeepers or observers
The General Council shall be led by a Secretary-General, who shall be elected every month. Members of the Security Council shall immediately recieve a nomination for Secretary-General position, non-Security Council members must be nominated through vote in the General Council.
The Secretary-General may veto any resolution in the General Council, his veto may be overridden by a unanimous YEA vote of all members. Any NAYS or ABSTENTIONS will count towards the veto.
Section II - Security Council
The Security Council shall be the military organ of the UPEO. In order to join the Security Council, a member nation must have been approved by a majority of the General Council, and a unanimous approval of the existing Security Council members. The Security Council's duties shall include:
-Approving armed peacekeeping missions/observation missions
-Condemning actions by organization or states
-To vote on resolutions that relate to combat missions
-To appoint Ministers
-To open and operate UPEO bases around member states
The Security Council shall be led by a President, whose position shall rotate between members every week. The President holds the power to veto a Security Council resolution, their veto may be overturned by a unanimous YEA vote; any NAY or ABSTAINS shall count towards the veto.
Article II - Operations
Section I - All UPEO humanitarian operations must have a primary backer inside the UPEO. The primary backer shall provide most of the supplies for the humanitarian mission. States may only apply as secondary backers if the primary backer isn't supplying everything needed by the mission
Section II- All combat missions must have a clearly stated goal before troops are deployed. If it is a peacekeeping operation, the UPEO must have consent of the host nation before the mission begins. If the UPEO declares a combat mission a police action, consent of the host government is not needed (OOC: Although we may not interfere with closed/semi-closed wars). Observation missions may only be carried out in conjunction with a peacekeeping or humanitarian mission.
Article III - Amending
Amending of this charter may be done at any time, with a simple majority of the General Council, as well as approval of the President of the Security Council.
Amendment I - UPEO members shall be barred from declaring a state of war on one another
Amendment II - The UPEO shall supercede any and all alliances in which the member state is a member of
Amendment III - The UPEO shall defend member states against aggression, however, it shall be barred from interfering in an offensive campaign initiated by a UPEO member state.
Member states:
The Vuhifellian States
Van Luxemburg
[NS]ICCD-Intracircumcordei (ICCD)
Security Council members:
The Vuhifellian States
Van Luxemburg