The Blue Boy (MT, Mainly Caracter RP, Open)
OOC: Right, basic background here. This takes place in the mid-21st centuary, maybe 20 years after modern day but is set in the NS world. You can put your nations responce to the discovery or whatever, maybe you'll try to steal it, I don't mind really. keep it relaistic though and lets try to keep it vaugly quality.
Thsi first bits just an introducion, I'll be RPing from the point-a-view of Kate, and the Austian authoritys that currently hold the rights to this discovery.
The blue boy haunts my dreams. He’s always there, calling in his sad silent way to me. No matter how much I turn my thoughts from him, he’s always there looking mournfully at me through the water.
It’s not my fault, it was never my fault, you can’t blame me, I only saw him twice, how could I know what they would do.
I’m the only one he knows, he wants me to help him, I put my dry palm against his soft, wet one. I’m the only friend he has, even if we never spoke, not normally anyway.
And I betrayed him.
I saw him again yesterday, only this time behind glass, out palms didn’t touch this time, an invisible wall kept them apart, everything we did was recorded by men in white coats. They keep him in a tank now, they test him, they weigh him, he’s just a specimen to them.
They call him Toby, it’s all over the newspapers now, I can’t leave the house. His real name I can’t pronounce, I’m the only one who knows it though. He showed me it written down at the bottom of the sea, on a tablet.
This should have been a relaxing holiday, 2 weeks with the sun in Jersey. And it was until I went jet skiing.
It’s not my fault the bloody things engine broke is it, the rock was submerged, I couldn’t see it. I could have chosen to surf instead then he’d still be free.
You saved my life, they said I should have worn a life jacket but I refused, I thought that looks came over safety. I was starting to drown when your webbed fingers pushed me back towards the fading light. You kept me afloat until the rescue boat arrived then with a smile you left me as quickly as you’d been.
Oxygen deprivation they called it-hullications-they don’t now. They know your real know and I wish they didn’t.
I saw you next out scuba diving, I got separated from the group, an easy thing to do, when you swooped by, moving with grace that I could never match. You showed me your home, our poor, ruined, dead city, you spoke to me in your silent, funny way the words appearing inside my head. I forgot about your blue skin, your webbed hands, your gills, and saw you as another person.
They don’t, they see a creature, they came the next day with nets and planes and boats, they called you savage, an animal, when you tried to fight back.
I’m seeing you again tonight; I want to free you but how? I can’t smash the glass or you’ll die, you need water to breath. Your legs, so well designed for swimming aren’t strong enough to walk.
I’ll get you out though, no matter what, there not putting you in a zoo. I won’t let them, better to die than be an exhibit, huh. I’m sure you’d prefer to be free in death than trapped in life. They say that death is the greatest freedom you ever know; then again they say a lot of things.
It’s cruel to keep too cooped up in that cage, 30 meters by 20 meters, where before you had the entire ocean at your disposal. There coming now, coming to take me to see you again. The big black vans just rolled up outside.
“Give me a smile Kate!” “One for the front page Kate!” “For the Sun Kate!” “Over here Kate!”They call every time I step out of the door. I’m going to give them one hell of a headline tomorrow, psycho girl kill precious exhibit mainly. I won’t be there to know, I’ll be with you in the giant ocean of the sky.
I’m ready to go. I’ve got what I need. A stone. A knife. They’ll never suspect me; they’ll never see this coming. There coming up the stairs now, I have to go. I don’t know if you can hear this but if you can then know this: I’m coming.
Wandering Argonians
15-08-2006, 03:06
Motives weren't exactly an issue, at least not when money was involved. The Black Marsh had changed, and sometimes he believed that it wasn't for the better. Industrialization had begun to consume the swamps that were the namesake for his homeland, and not that he cared, but they had always offered a sense of solitude he'd come to enjoy.
His opinions, however, didn't matter at this point. He'd been contacted by one of the many radical rebel groups that still hid out in the marshlands, away from the government and its developing army. Unlike many in his trade, he didn't like guns, and the rebels seemed to respect him for that. For some reason, they'd come across a news reel from Aust, a distant land he'd never visited. They had mentioned something about a new specie being discovered there, possibly another breed of Argonian, but that didn't matter. What it was wasn't the issue. They wanted it set free, informed that the Argonian Liberation Front had freed him, and to rally the rest of his race (they were convinced there were more of them) to their anti-modernization cause, and attack the offshore shipping and oil drilling their brethren were conducting.
None of that mattered now, at least to him. This sort of stupid scheme was the kind of thing that got people like him killed, but the money was more than right. Somehow, the stupid bastards had gotten hold of some serious currency, and it was real. He'd tested it himself, as had the rest of his guild. The Jihad had apparently conducted a raid into Grayrock, the capitol city of the new Argonian democratic government, and robbed one of the banks, recently stocked with the new paper currency, back by the national gold supply. Somehow they'd carted their bounty back into the marshlands, and some of it had found its way into the hands of the Silent Butcher, Jekel Slipstream.
Jekel had a passion for knives, of all kinds. He'd only carried one into Aust, however, which he'd barely managed to get past the airport security on both parts of his flight. He'd chosen his newest blade, a Benchmade Infidel. The weapon was as compact as a folding blade (which he never used in combat), with the strength of a fixed blade (his favorite style). It functioned a bit like a switchblade, pushing up on the slider would cause the four-inch double-sided blade to suddenly appear, while pulling it back downward would make the blade disappear back into the handle. As with his other knives, he always kept it sharper than a razor, to a degree that one didn't feel the incision (he thought the word 'cut' sounded so unprofessional) when it was made, at least until it was too late.
The Silent Butcher had experimented on quite a few things, including himself, to determine the effects of edged steel entering various locations on various species. His forearms bore several thin scars across his dark scales where he'd sliced himself. Surprisingly, he hadn't felt a thing for the first few seconds, then that cold feeling of dead nerve tissue. His victims, however, felt quite a bit more of that cold feeling before they'd bled to death.
Their deaths had not been in vain, however. Jekel could effectively kill any number of different races, but he specialized on Argonians and Humans. His clawed thumb toyed lightly with the slide-release on the Infidel as he exited the airport, clad entirely in black, from his low-cut Oakley combat boots to the ballistic nylon motorcycle jacket on his shoulders. The knife rested in his right pants pocket, where his right hand was hidden. The sharp green eyes were concealed by mirrored Oakley sunglasses he'd had custom-made for his strangely shaped Argonian head. The ear-fins sticking out from the side of his head were adorned with stainless steel rings, blackened for that shadow effect he always went for when he went out on an operation.
His first order of business was to locate the facility the creature was being held at. His eyes caught sight of a discarded newspaper...
'That might be easier than it sounds...'
In big, bold letters, the words 'MYSTERIOUS TOBY TO APPEAR AT ZOO' screamed at him, begging for attention. After further reading, he was able to locate the address of the research firm currently holding the creature. Now all he had to do was some quick recon before heading to his hotel and planning a more extensive fact-finding operation...
Steps, flights of steps lead towards you, lead towards your place of captivity. Men in white jackets wander escort me down past half finished security cordons and bollards. They don’t bother searching me, after all what is a sixteen year old girl going to do? They just take me towards him and ask questions, so many questions.
Finally we reach the room where you’re held. I’ve been here before but it still revolts me how they can keep a conscious being in these sorts of conditions. Had you been human they’d all have been locked up for this yet as you’re something different they think it’s okay. They know your not an animal now, yet still they keep you in conditions more terrible than I could imagine.
Wires cover your body, measuring heart rates, brain-waves, blood pressure. A dozen bruisers and cuts mark your skin from there they’ve tested you to see how you react to pain, what colour your blood is and your reactions. When you took these wires off they sedated you and when you tried to fight them they called you an animal, a savage. Why don’t they see that they’re the savages?
I can’t even here your voice anymore though I can se that your trying to call out to me, I can see that in the cold, blue, pleading fire in your eyes. You look so ill, and so thin, as if you are in the last stages of some sort of starvation-but they claim to be keeping you healthy.
One of them introduces himself to me. Tall and thin with a mop of grey hair that looks as though it’s trying to crawl off his head. Obviously he isn’t used to meeting young people, and he patronises me unsure weather to treat me as a child or an adult. Instead we get this strange situation where he acts as though I’m some sort of imbecile. His name is Doctor Grey and I hate him instantly.
He introduces me to the other people, I will not give them the dignity of calling them doctors or scientists for Doctors heal and scientists research while these people torture. They are all like him, old and grey with dead eyes and deader faces.
Finally it is time to act and it seems that though you know that to as you stir from where you have been lying and fly upwards towards the top of the water, ripping off the wires as you go. The tortures imminently move into activity, moving swiftly towards instruments and panels. Yours brainwave activities are through the roof I’m told and for a second I can hear you. ‘Kate;’ the word is superimposed upon my mind as I slowly edge towards your cage. They don’t notice me as I edge towards the glass, they have forgotten my presence amid there exclamations and excitement.
‘Kate’ I hear you again, faint and almost indistinguishable among the thousands of thoughts that hurry around my brain. What I’m going to do will make me a villain, a murderer and I’ll be hated for all time-but it is worth it. You are with me now and I know that you’ll be with me at the end.
My hand moves slowly to my jacket pocket, the right concealed one on the inside and the stones there. My hand tightens around it’s shape, feeling it’s reassuring weight and taking in every dip and rise in its surface. I am concentrating, almost meditating as I slowly being it out of my pocket and conceal it in my hand. This will hurt.
My nerve is beginning to fail me, do I really want to do this, kill the one I love, make myself a villain? No, I don’t but I know I have to. It is the right thing to do and suddenly I know that if I wait any longer I will never do it.
I turn with surprising, almost incredible speed. Time seems to slow and the world fades as I release the stone and it makes its incredibly slow way towards the glass. Perhaps I’m screaming, I don’t know but already my hand is closing round the knife in my other pocket.
The glass breaks. I watch each crack in slow motion as it speeds up the side of the tank and I watch as you speed towards the hole. The first splash of watch touches my foot. I bring out the knife. Behind me there is a shout but I don’t glance back, I just watch as you become bigger and bigger, as you move faster and faster towards the tiny hole.
Then your reeling away from it as though you’ve hit concrete. Your holding your skull, and then, slowly, time returns. Suddenly I can hear again, the blare of alarms deafens me and I turn away from the tank and begin to run, dropping the knife as I go.
A arm grabs my sleeve but slides of as the material tears. I’m through the double doors and up the stairs towards the way out. The exits blocked by a dozen police officers swarming around the half made machinery and defences. I turn back, but the other ways blocked by advancing scientists. There’s nowhere to run.
The mans name wasDoctor Lionel Grey, of the Austian Instute for Scientific Advancment in Human Physiology and he was in charge of the specimen that had been discovered in Austian waters of the Isle of Jersey a few days ago. Now he was steppeding up onto a raised platform in the middle of courtyard outside his reseach center to give a statement.
It was a warm summers day in Aust, the tempreture reaching -6 C in places and I sweatlered in my furs as the man began his speech. He told us of the latest discoverys about the creature and a assination attempt on it that had been attempted earlier on today.
He told us that the boys physiology was very similar to humans, he was slightly smaller than the average Ausian of his age-around 5’3’’ instead of the usual 5’7’’, and of course there was the obvious differences with him having gills and blue scales instead of skin on most of his body. He still retained ‘normal’ skin on the palms of his hands, his feet and his face though.
His digestive tract, we where told, was almost identical to a humans with only a slightly larger appendix and colon for dealing with with large amount of raw fish he ate. He was a omnivore. However the main difference was in his brain, the righ hemisphere, traditionally assioated with communication, was far larger than his left though the reason for this was nclear.
Finally Doctor grey stepped down from the platform, refusing to answer questions about the boys condition and human rights. I hurried away to the trailer that had been set up nearby to cover the story and began to get ready for the next news bulliten.
OOC: Just bringing another character in in the final bit.
Wandering Argonians
23-08-2006, 17:15
The air was quite a bit cooler here than in the Marsh, and Jekel didn't like that. Cold made his metabolism slow down, and therefore dulled his reflexes. He despised humans for their abilities in adapting to changing climates, but it was more of a jealousy issue than anything. He'd probably need to locate a sporting goods store and purchase some warmer clothing.
The brisk pace he made towards the research center, named something about physiological advancement or some such nonsense, kept him moderately warmed and alert. Had he known it would be this cold, he wouldn't have taken the assignment.
The building was large, imposing, and definitely government-funded. Judging by the amount of construction equipment on location, they must have been erecting a new addition to research this strange new creature or further fortifying their position to prevent attempts like his own. It seemed he'd arrived at an excellent time.
Some sort of press conference was going on in what appeared to be the front courtyard of the center's entrance. It appeared to have just ended as Jekel slipped into the crowd, observing the man leaving the stage...
'He must know something, otherwise they wouldn't put him on stage....'
Jekel burned the man's face into his memory, attaching other vital details like height and hair color, as well as approximated age to his mental mugshot. While he might need other members of his guild to assist him on this one, he wasn't about to call them in. He'd earned a reputation for working alone, and he loved doing his assignments with as little assistance as possible. His only friends were his knives, and knives wouldn't betray you, or jam, or misfire, or abandon you, and couldn't be bribed. All you had to do was oil them, keep them sharp and happy, and occasionally feed them some blood or tissue, and they would serve you well.
The Dark Argonian assassin began looking for alternative entry points as the crowd dispersed around him...
The Aeson
23-08-2006, 17:39
OOC: Tell me if I do anything wrong here, first character RP, so I'm not quite sure how it works.
IC: I am the first. A holy warrior born from the knowledge of devils. A einheri. A one-army. The creature is an abomination, I am given to understand. Born of devils and false gods. A monster. The last of an ancient race that once battled man. Dragged sailors down to the depths and drowned them. It must die.
The Austians are unbelievers. That much is made clear. Their lives are meaningless, and those who stand in my way are to be removed, by any means necessary. I swim ashore, towing the armor behind me, and donning it on the beach. A young man sees me, no more than a child really. I snap his neck before he can call out and leave him dead on the beach.
In the dead of night, the nearby streets are empty. I take a newspaper from a doorstep. The creature- they have given him a name, but he does not deserve it- is to be put on display at a zoo. Like the animal he is. I start walking. On a deserted stretch of highway, a car stops, the driver screaming abuse at me for walking in the middle of the highway. His window is rolled down. I strangle him, and leave his body by the side of the road, taking the car.
The Aeson
24-08-2006, 17:01
OOC: Sorry for not being around, starting a new school and all, will post in two morrow.