The Red Army expands (ATTN Beiraq/Blackhelm/ CLOSED)
13-08-2006, 21:46
The Wanderjarian Marines, 40,000 highly trained men, boarded infantry landing craft, which in turn farried them into the small area of Beiraqi beach. It was dark, the sun due to rise in less than an hour, giving the Wanderjarians a blanket of darkness as they landed on shore. Immediately after landing, platoon by platoon, they reorganized themselves, and waited for the rest of the units to unload.
100 Behemoth IIIs lumbered into transports bound for the beach head, their massive form instilling awe into all who saw them. The 6th Armor had arrived.
At the moment, only 5 were ashore, setting up to defend the beachhead against a possible counter attack. They were now at their weakest.
One Naval GSG-9 team had infilitrated Beiraq earlier. They had made their way to the Griffincrest Palace, which stood majestically, surrounded by a golden gate, and metal palisade walls.
Captain Pierce smiled. This would be too easy.
A Naval GSG-9 team is divided into three units. Alpha Team, Bravo Team, and Charlie Team, each consisting of 4 men. The Commander, who stays with Alpha team, is able to easier command and control the units this way.
Eyeing the ZSU anti-aircraft guns, he noted that, even though unlikely to cause harm for the Wanderjarian Fighter-Bombers, they still needed to be destroyed, as did the garrison. Then, an SA-11 caught his eye, and he knew that needed to be destroyed.
"Bravo, you take the ZSUs on the left side of the palace, and Charlie takes the right. Put C-4 on them, and when I give the signal, blow it."
Bravo team, sneaking over the wall, crossed quickly, weapons at the ready, towards the anti-aircraft guns. A guard patrolling around the building was immediately shot by the commander's silenced XM8.
They finally moved to the ZSUs, and placed the bombs, while Charlie team did the same. As soon as they were set, they sprinted away from them, and over the wall.
"Alright team," Pierce said. "Now I'll get the SA-11." He lifted a AT-4 Anti-Tank launcher to his shoulder, and pressed the firing button.
One Battalion, 500 Marines, had landed so far. Now the Beiraqi forces were bound to know of the invasion and would surely try to attack. The Battalion needed to hold for only a little while longer, while the rest of the men landed.
OOC: The palace is very far from the coast, near Lebadad. Also, I would have seen a coastal invasion, and fired on you prior to landing.
13-08-2006, 22:09
OOC: The palace is very far from the coast, near Lebadad. Also, I would have seen a coastal invasion, and fired on you prior to landing.
OOC: I'm just unloading right now, waiting for your Counter Attack. And the GSG-9 guys had landed much prior. Meaning ingame weeks prior. Since an hour is a month outside, and I've been planning this for about 12 hours, six ingame months have passed, therefore its entirely feasible that my special forces have assaulted Blackhelms palace.
still waiting for your forces, since if you're going to attack me, I'd do it now while I'm unloading, and relatively disorganized.
F/A-18 Hornet Squadrons flew sorties over the Wanderjarian Beach head, ensuring that no enemy aircraft would harm the soldiers on the ground. If any enemy forces came within a hundred miles of the beachhead, the Wanderjarians would know, and immediatley take them down from beyond visual range missile attacks.
13-08-2006, 22:17
450?!?!? Four Hundred and Fifty Heavy-Battle-tanks-that-are-almost-Super-Heavy-Battle-Tank in one attack? Wow.
I'd either Make them Behmoth II's, or reduce the number by a factor of ten
OOC: I would have begun firing at your transports before they landed. ISn't that a god mod to have your men just miraculously appear on my shores?
13-08-2006, 22:22
OOC: I would have begun firing at your transports before they landed. ISn't that a god mod to have your men just miraculously appear on my shores?
I RPd the landing, so I don't think so, I'm only beginning to land. There are likely not too many men on shore so far, since to unload everything would take hours. Which is why its not a god mod. Like I said, if you want to attack, do it now, before I do finish unloading, because once I do, you'll have a hard as hell time getting me out. :)
I'll put another IC explaining that theres only say, a Battalion of Wanderjarian Marines on shore, and maybe 5 Behemoths.
13-08-2006, 22:22
450?!?!? Four Hundred and Fifty Heavy-Battle-tanks-that-are-almost-Super-Heavy-Battle-Tank in one attack? Wow.
I'd either Make them Behmoth II's, or reduce the number by a factor of ten
I don't own any Behemoth IIs, but I'll take it down to 100.
And by the way, they are SHBTs ;)
[ooc: Sorry for intruding, but it still is a GM. Does he have a navy or coastal defenses that could have fired before your transports made it to shore? Does he have an air force that could have attacked while they were miles out en route to the LZ? You have to RP the traveling there as well as the landing.
*2 Cents*
Thats what I am trying to say. I have a number of Brom batteries in place on the coast for this reason. I think I should have been allowed to fire my coastal defenses at your transports before you landed.
13-08-2006, 22:27
[ooc: Sorry for intruding, but it still is a GM. Does he have a navy or coastal defenses that could have fired before your transports made it to shore? Does he have an air force that could have attacked while they were miles out en route to the LZ? You have to RP the traveling there as well as the landing.
*2 Cents*
(OOC: Honestly, I don't know. He made no mention in his military page, other than artillery cannons, but those wouldn't be too effective against moving transport ships. He has an airforce though.
And no problem DMG! You da man!
13-08-2006, 22:29
Read the last bit of that. As your ally I want you to do well, although I think you need to understand just the amount of force you'd still be deploying. 100 SHBT's on one attack? 100 HBT's are what I'd use in a battle, with maybe 2 or 3 SHBT's as Command and Control and possibly siege warfare.
Anyway, it's your thread, and I'm going to go and get some sleep. Have a good RP.
I have the Brom batteries listed on that page, and Yugo Slavia told me to position them along my coast, which is on page 2 of that thread, which I did, being as they are anti-ship missiles.
13-08-2006, 22:31
Thats what I am trying to say. I have a number of Brom batteries in place on the coast for this reason. I think I should have been allowed to fire my coastal defenses at your transports before you landed.
But its very possible, that with an undeclared operation, you would not have known it was coming until the transports were on your shores. Since I cut the force number down to 500 men, and 5 tanks, I feel thats very reasonable, and your battaries can fire on my forces, and I still have a beachhead, which is undersiege by you, and I have to get out of it.
Or, to remove the Brom battary problem, I could smart bomb them, but I'm not mean ;)
I'll save that for once you've actually had a chance to respond.
13-08-2006, 22:34
I have the Brom batteries listed on that page, and Yugo Slavia told me to position them along my coast, which is on page 2 of that thread, which I did, being as they are anti-ship missiles.
Ok, I apologize, I did a shitty job so far on this RP. :(
Ok, I'm sorry I screwed you over, we can do one of two things.
1. Ignore it. Continue how it was going, while you bomb me.
2. Start a new thread.
You're call bud.
I have radar which would have seen them coming. The Persian Gulf is not a hard area to cover with radar. And how many planes do you have, where are they coming from, and where is the rest of your fleet?
I guess we can continue this one, provided you answer the previous questions
13-08-2006, 22:39
I have radar which would have seen them coming. The Persian Gulf is not a hard area to cover with radar. And how many planes do you have, where are they coming from, and where is the rest of your fleet?
Didn't I list my navy in the invasion thread?
*checks thread*
Damn! I alright. First off, this force was deployed from another place I was invading. Unfortunately, that thread was closed, so now I have nothing for that army to do. So, I moved that carrier battlegroup here. It had 2 Nimitz Class Carriers, 12 Los Angeles Class SSNs, 7x Lord Class destroyers, and 4x Aegis Cruisers.
Grr....Ever just have one of them days?
13-08-2006, 22:46
Ok, thats it. This threads closed. I'm starting a new one.
I screwed this one up, but the next one will be better.
13-08-2006, 23:02
Heres the link to the new thread.
I'm sure you'll find this one much better.