NationStates Jolt Archive

The Felucan Offensive (Attn: Sochatopia and co.)

The Xeno
13-08-2006, 07:11
OOC: Taking Leafanistan's plan a step further...
OOC thread:

"Island 075"

Climate: Temperate (Not a jungle island.)
Wildlife: Large numbers of small, spotted deer. Birds, mammals, snakes. Plenty of fish locally.
Water supply: Many springs.
Food supply: Moderate indigenous growth, but supplys are necessary for extended operations.
Surrounding waters: Fairly shallow for several hundred yards in all directions, amphibious assault vessels are safe, but deep-draft carriers, battleships and cruisers risk hitting reefs.


Operation Staredown

As noted previously, a rather large Felucan fleet had been on its way to Sochatopia for an invasion. However, after a nuclear strike destroyed the advance guard, the fleet had simply turned around and disappeared over the horizon.

Where they had gone was likely a mystery until signals began to transmit from an island approximately 600 miles south-east of Sochatopia itself. These signals were quite obviously multi-band RADAR and IR scanners, cutting the sky into a complex grid of coordinates which were monitored at all times.

The Felucans had established a presence on the island, secretly shipping in huge cargo haulers full of concrete mixture and steel reinforcments. Weapons and ammunition were brought on, and the island fortified on all sides. The cliffs and mountain overlooking the beaches were studded with hidden gun emplacements and pop-up SAM sites were everywhere. Two airfields were laid out, as were several sprawling helipad bases.

Of course, this was rather typical Felucan thinking. They had originally been after Blackhelm, but then Sochatopia presented itself as a softer target. The blade of the Felucan warmachine had been driving towards Sochatopia's guts, only to be deflected by the arrive of massive ammounts of reinforcments for the enemy. So, the Felucans had moved to a nearby position and established defenses. Far enough from Sochatopia to avoid conventional artillery, but close enough to be a major threat.

Northport, New Feluca

Another convoy of cargo ships were setting out towards Island 075 with heavy escorts of destroyers, frigates and gunship cruisers.

Standing alongside one of the huge piers was a news crew from Tiger Broadcasting, and the anchor was interviewing a young Marine Corporal. "We're here with Corporal Dasa of the 13th Marine Division." She turned her mic towards the soldier, "So, have you been told why you're being posted in the middle of nowhere?"

The Marine bobbed his head, wolf eyes turning to stare at the camera in an unsettling way (For those not used to anthros.) as he spoke, "Well m'am, I think it's pretty obvious. Sochatopia has played a major part in deflecting the offensive away from Blackhelm. Thus, they're a target now too. See, we're about six hundred miles out from their territory. That means if we wanted to, we could stage air raids from the island or use it as a depot for sending a huge invasion force."

The Corporal grinned slightly, "Basicly, they or their allies have to come out and drive us off the island." He then stared straight into the camera, "We're gonna be there. If you want a piece, come get some. No more screwing around."
13-08-2006, 16:34
OCC guys im assuming that the other war is over beacuse of a lack of RPing also if it has been long enough to build a military base on a island 600 miles from me thousends form you then my nation has recovered from the EMP for the most part and my airforce is rebuilt kind of.

IC Sochatopian main land. A code red confrence was called in the Sochatopian war cabnet. Sir it appers a enemy base has been established on Bali Island just over 600 miles off the sochatopian cost. If they have a air base they could hit as far as port michal. Damn sir whats the plan. Well on defence inplant sams every were send awaxes 250 miles away from the island patrol in all drictions I will not allow them to have a suprise attack on sochatopia every plane that takes off and lands their I must know about.

On offence we must recapture the island only our airforce is not strong enought to attack it drictly if we did losses would be great. However we can blocade it let them have their self guarded prison.

The sochatopian fleet sent out to blocade Bali island.

14 empierer class carriers 130 aircraft each 1,400 F35s 350 SB3 vikings anti sub aircraft and 70 awaxes.

50 Thunder class cruisers

120 oliver hazerd perry class frigates

75 serch class destroyers

75 hunter class attack subs

18 ohio class boomers

8 posidion class sub carriers 50 aircraft each 320 F35s 64 SB3vikings and 16 awaxes

1440 re supply

400 repair vessles.

2,200 total ships.

2,220 toatl aircraft.

The ships recive the orders from high command and begin their long mission.
13-08-2006, 20:28
OOC: I wanted a small island, phooey. So how long is this thing on the longest axis? 5-7 kilometres?

The Mafia had shifted its focus, the Bonstockian made scanners and commercial satellites they used had detected Felucan type RADAR and IR scanning in the area. They decided to put priorities on finding the source. Within a day the answer streamed in, an island far off the coast of Sochatopia, most likely for a counter-offensive.

They owed their allies a bit, but not as much as the Blackhelm Confederacy. So they sent a message to the Coalition.

Encrypted Message to Coalition Forces

Our scanners have located an island with a large concentration of enemy combatants, most likely this is the start of an offensive on our ally Sochatopia, some of our top people believe that a new offensive will probably be a bad idea. Others want to make sure the furries don't get a chance to do anything again.

We can move 4 carrier fleets and a few new toys into the area. What do you say?

13-08-2006, 20:29
ooc: can i join?
The Xeno
13-08-2006, 22:04
OOC: I wanted a small island, phooey. So how long is this thing on the longest axis? 5-7 kilometres?


OOC: I'll say, lengthwise is about 8km. Width'll be 5.5ish or so.
13-08-2006, 22:44
OOC: I wanted a small island, phooey. So how long is this thing on the longest axis? 5-7 kilometres?

The Mafia had shifted its focus, the Bonstockian made scanners and commercial satellites they used had detected Felucan type RADAR and IR scanning in the area. They decided to put priorities on finding the source. Within a day the answer streamed in, an island far off the coast of Sochatopia, most likely for a counter-offensive.

They owed their allies a bit, but not as much as the Blackhelm Confederacy. So they sent a message to the Coalition.

Encrypted Message to Coalition Forces

Our scanners have located an island with a large concentration of enemy combatants, most likely this is the start of an offensive on our ally Sochatopia, some of our top people believe that a new offensive will probably be a bad idea. Others want to make sure the furries don't get a chance to do anything again.

We can move 4 carrier fleets and a few new toys into the area. What do you say?


Message to Leafanistan. We would love your help. What do you mean by toys.
13-08-2006, 22:52
Message to Leafanistan. We would love your help. What do you mean by toys.

Encrypted Reply

Strategic Missiles, Propellor Driver Ground Attack Fighters to replace Attack helicopters, etc.

13-08-2006, 23:13
great I have a plan for this war once he trys to break the blocade it is going to get messy.
13-08-2006, 23:20
great I have a plan for this war once he trys to break the blocade it is going to get messy.

Encrypted Reply

Please wire us 30 billion USD and ensure another fleet from another nation will be there before our strike or else we cannot be sure this will work.

14-08-2006, 03:52
*wirers 15 billion* you get the rest when the other nation shows tell me witch one. OCC Ok this should be good lets destroy New Feluca and make it New Feluca will be called New Feluca 2 after were done with it.
The Xeno
14-08-2006, 04:05
Island 075 "Bali Island"

There was activity on the eastern shores of the island. A large LCH Frogger class amphibious assault ship was carefully towed through the reefs and shallows until it could open up its nose to the beach and allow LCACs (Hovercraft, basicly.) to shuttle back and forth carrying supplies. There was plenty of ammunition, food and water, plus a heafty supply of mines and explosives.

Further down the beach, ships were shuttling between several huge cargo ships sitting further out to sea to avoid the shallows. These smaller ships were bringing over rebar and concrete powder, which would then be mixed with natural gravel and sand from the island as well as water, then trucked further inland.

There was a sense of urgency about it all, hurrying to get everything into place before the enemy arrived. And they would. Soon.

Island Center

The center of the island rose up gently to around 400 meters at its peak, the top rounded off and heavily forrested. Recon teams were peering out to sea with digital binoculars as well as remote sensing equipment.

Other teams were at work with rangefinders and GPS, writing up range and targeting charts which would then be printed out and passed around the island's big guns.
14-08-2006, 04:30
SIC Just off the island a sub patrol of 4 subs had been near the area serching for the Felucan fleet when it got word it was to blocade a Felucan held island As the ships scanned the island it saw huge supply ships and many smaller landing ships. It weighted in secreat 40 miles away undeceted until the other 3 subs could begin their attack all at once. As they were at a great depth the enemy was unlikely to see them until they had attacked so it weighted.

After a hour the other 4 subs approched they surrounded the enemy force as they got closer the tention was so thick you could cut it with a knife as they approched 20 miles the order was given. the 4 subs each launched 15 anti ship LADAR guided missles. A total of 60 anti ship missles went rushing at the undefended enemy transports. As they firer their missles they withdrew and headed out to meet the rest of the fleet to resupply.

Normaly I would have RP my ships getting close but you posted no escort vessles so It would be a farly easy attack.
14-08-2006, 04:30
SIC Just off the island a sub patrol of 4 subs had been near the area serching for the Felucan fleet when it got word it was to blocade a Felucan held island As the ships scanned the island it saw huge supply ships and many smaller landing ships. It weighted in secreat 40 miles away undeceted until the other 3 subs could begin their attack all at once. As they were at a great depth the enemy was unlikely to see them until they had attacked so it weighted.

After a hour the other 4 subs approched they surrounded the enemy force as they got closer the tention was so thick you could cut it with a knife as they approched 20 miles the order was given. the 4 subs each launched 15 anti ship LADAR guided missles. A total of 60 anti ship missles went rushing at the undefended enemy transports. As they firer their missles they withdrew and headed out to meet the rest of the fleet to resupply.

Normaly I would have RP my ships getting close but you posted no escort vessles so It would be a farly easy attack.
The Xeno
14-08-2006, 04:54
Unseen equipment on the rise in the island's center began to detect the launches and immedietly word was forwarded to the Marine Command. It took only a second for the information to reach the Froggers, and their Buckler CIWS mounts swiveled aft to face the launches. Typically the interception range is around 3km.

However, with the proximity of much larger detection equipment and triangulation, the interception range for the CIWS was doubled.

At 6,200 meters the Bucklers opened up, dozens of them sending 20mm shells outwards on a guided arc dictated by the island's sensors. The CIWS was basicly being directed from somewhere other than the Froggers, and by combining the defenses of the ships, they struck down missiles at even that range.

At 4,000 meters, the number of enemy missiles in the air was down to half. And by 2,500 meters, less than a fifth of the missiles launched were still homing in on the ships sitting seemingly helpless on the beach.

As the missiles crossed the 1,750 meter threshold, a small dome-like periscope mounted on the eastern side of the hill began to transmit its own signal. This was in the form of an IR beam, which basicly sent out multi-band sweeps of lightwaves.

Missiles guided by LADAR works by an echo system. In effect, the inbound missiles were quite suddenly and fatally .. blinded. Much like a man trying to stare into a high-powered spotlight, the LADAR guidance packages would simply be blindfolded. What had been a 3-dimensional world to the missiles was suddenly a solid block of feedback, and in the end.. the six enemy missiles that made it through the CIWS defenses flew right by the ships and crashed into the hills beyond the beach.

At Sea

This was the signal for the escort fleet, (Which had fallen behind the faster transports) to spread out and begin pinging with SONARs for enemy submarine activity as they approached the island from the east.

In the lead of this small fleet was a single Gladiator Class Felucan Dreadnought, and its huge forward SONAR array pounded at the ocean in detection mode.
14-08-2006, 05:03
OCC transport ships with so many CIWS guns to shoot down 60 missles and ladar jammers and im not attacking the ships on the beach rather the larger ones out to sea. Very wankish.

IC the sub missles missed all of them almost unreal but their it was the sub continued to with draw. To rest of the fleet to resupply and tell of the scaners and equipment. The fleet continued twards the the rendevoo point a scout Sights a enemy fleet coming to defend the enemy supply ships.
Blackhelm Confederacy
14-08-2006, 05:14
The Griffincrest Kraken, along with its battle group, set its sights on the Xeno held island. The group brought with it 25,000 Confederate Marines and Griffincrest mercenaries, and these men prepared to make a landing on Bali. Aboard the Kraken's flight decks, the crews of the Confederate SufB-8 Phoenix fighter bombers prepared for their first runs, while elsewhere on the dreadnought, crews readied the massive cannons and loaded torpedo and missile tubes. Other men ran about checking wounds attained in the previous fight. The Chieftains around it were preparing for full out bombarment as well, and readied not just their guns, but also their countermeasures. One can never be too safe.
14-08-2006, 05:55
Reaching the point as the fleet reached the point they began to look around at the ships unloading supplys. To target those juicy supply vessle would be nice. But with their almost unreal CWIS they were more trouble than they were worth. On the other hand the 2nd air feild was only guarded by bunkers and if the F35s could avoid the smaller island by flying at north west driction then turning drictly north their were no air decetible air defence.

200 F35s split in to 20 groups of 10. They were highly stealthed and came around the small island to the south and the big island to the north. Going at mach 1.7 hiding in the clouds were ladar and Radar are less effective they would be nearly impossible to decet an travling so fast they could easly carry their payment of 2 2000 pound bombs each.

At the same time the subs re supply with the fleet and set off again to try to attack the transports.