NationStates Jolt Archive

A terrifying message from Morghanne

Left Euphoria
11-08-2006, 07:45
Greetings Euphorians & Euphobians,

I'm Morghanne Q.E. Wolfe-Slattery, Left Euphorian.

Now some of you may not totally understand what a Euphorian is?

Euphoria is a state of mind where everything is fair, there is no competition, and animals are equal to or more important than people.

We call the earth "Our Mother" and virtually any behavior is allowed...if it makes everyone feel good.

The people of Euphoria celebrate their diversity and take political correctness to new heights. For example, there is no Christmas in Euphoria.

Some of our favorite words include:

Euphorians live in fear of global warming, exposure to the sun, urban sprawl and wear helmets to protect us from all the dangers of life. Most importantly, everything we do is for the children.
Valley of the Giant
11-08-2006, 08:06
The Drow Empire spits on your pitiful exsistance. Animals are not our equal, tehy are simply tools and food, so long as we are willing to elevate ourselves to where we SHOULD be. The only way we become the equal with animals is by lowering ourselves to their position, and people who do so are too weak to be called an intelligent being. To think animals are as our equals is simple stupidity.

Competition is what drives us. Without it, we would not change and we would not evolve. By eliminating this in yourselves, you risk yourselves to stagnation, which is also your inevitable doom. Without competition and ambition, one cannot succeed in ANY task.

As for enviromental concerns, we somewhat empathize, but the only way to correct these mistakes is by taking our current course of being aware and active, but eliminating the causes of it and ignoring what technology has brought into the world will prevent any possibility of improving these technologies to prevent and heal the damage that humans have brought into this world.

What you aim for is impossible. You ask to ascend to Angelisism before we have advanced to that point. Be patient. Work out your kinks instead of ignoring them. This is not an instant task and you will not live to see the day it comes. You lead a pitiful life, and your nation is only taking up space.

However, we will not exterminate you, as you are simply not enough sport for we Drow. Euphoria is bliss. Ignorance is bliss. Stupidity is ignorance.

-The Drow Imperium