NationStates Jolt Archive

Omega Computer Systems Shows new Medium Tank

The PeoplesFreedom
11-08-2006, 05:40
NM-20 "Bear"
While the NM-19 "Howler" was a outstanding tank, the armoured forces also needed a smaller, multipurpose tank to assist Infantry, however, they also wanted it to have a nice punch against MBT's. Omega set to work.

Weapon Systems

At first, Omega designers were locked in a debate. Should the tank have a 125mm ETC gun and no 30mm cannon? Or, a 105 ETC cannon with a 30mm Airburst autocannon. They knew it was for Infantry support so in the end they chose the 105mm ETC gun and the 30mm Airburst autocannon.

The Bear also sports a 40mm automatic grenade launcher, a .50 machine gun for the commander, and a 7.62mm Coxial machine gun.

Defense Systems

The armour used is the same used by it's larger cousin, the Howler.

First, the Bear is protected by a Energy Dispersial System. When a high-speed weapon comes in, the metal bends and forces the round to bouce off or glance the armour. The Second Layer is a Non-Explosive Reactive Armour (NxRA) this advanced armour provides protection against HEAT rounds. The Third Layer is a Honeycomb Magnesium Armour, and provides protection against any weapon, it is superior to steel and titanium armours. The Fourth Layer Is made of Depleted Uranium and provides more protection aganist KE rounds. The Fifth and final layer provides defense from NBC using a special Alloy.

Finally, the armour under the Bear is reinforced in order to help the tank and crew members survive anti-tank mines.


The Bear uses the Infantry Tatical Uplink which communicates directly to Infantry, givining threats, traget information, and area.

A CM-19 Periscope is used as the primary viewfinder of the Bear. 360 degree rotation, X-ray, Infared, Night-vision and normal views. Electronic Target Finder, and laser range finder. Information about the traget is dispayed. Also Cameras are placed in critical locations on the tank allowing greater visability. In addition information is uploaded to the XM Graphic System, which displays a 3-D view to Commanders.

The Gunner has access to a quad magnifaction sight, with Target Identifcation, with laser rangefinder, and linked to XM Graphic System and the Center Fire Control Computer. It also sends target information to other tanks. The Laser ranfinder finds targets in two to three seconds and displays weak-points and the suggested weapon to use. It also comes with a link-up to GPS systems and Infantry.

After much thought, Omega designers decided for the first time, not to have a loader. Instead, an autoloader would work with the Gunner and Computer systems to give the round needed. A round can be loaded in three seconds.

Engine Systems
In order to ensure support of Infantry, and good better movement speeds, it is powered by a GP 2,500 Gasoline- Electric Hybrid.

Length: 8.8 m with gun forward Width: 3.9 m Height: 3.4 m
Weight: 55,700 kg
Weapons: 105 ETC gun, 30mm Airburst autocannon, one 40mm grenade launcher, one .50 machine gun and one 7.62mm coxial machine gun.
RHA Values:
Front: 1,000 mm
Sides: 500 mm
Rear: 320 mm
Top:: 249 mm
Complement: Three (commander, driver, and gunner)
Propulsion: one BP 2,500 hp Gasoline-Electric Hybrid
Speed: 90mph (road) 60mph (battlefield)
Price: $8 million