South Asian Wars E20 (closed)
Galveston Bay
09-08-2006, 18:51
South Asian War
The preliminaries
The destruction of the Pakistani Army and Indian revolt in 1964 during the height of the Twilight War massively destabilizes South Asia. The dismemberment of the Central Asian Republic further aggravates this trend.
By the end of 1964, FNS occupation troops are in the Sind and Punjabi areas of the former nation of Pakistan, while the provisional Indian government as set up in the remainder of Pakistan, now called India. The Sikhs are seeking independence as is the Kashmir.
By 1965, the UIR has annexed all of the former Central Asian Republic except for Kazakhstan (which has been annexed by Russia) plus the remnants of Pakistan not taken by India. The Sikh autonomous region is created out of the portions of the former Pakistani state of Punjab (essentially RL life India Punjab and a bit of Pakistan) and a UN resolution and funding allows for the creation of the Sikh Borderers, a three division sized unit of infantry that patrols the borders between India and the UIR in armored cars, land rovers and trucks. Meanwhile the Kashmir (RL Kashmir) declares its independence and becomes a conservative Islamic republic.
Punjab Autonomous area
Population 12 million (75% Sikh)
2 production centers, 1 tourism, tech level 7.5
food production 15
3 infantry divisions
Kashmir Sufi Islamic Republic (RL Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh)
Population 6 million
1 production center, 1 Coal, tech level 7
food production 10
1 militia unit (national police force), 1 light infantry brigade
India 1965 -69
The Vanara Sena Party increasingly dominates politics in India and some scholars begin to notice distinct similarities between it and Fascist movements in the past. By 1970 India isn’t yet a one party state, but increasingly the other parties are becoming powerless and Indira Ghandi begins to appear to be President for Life in all but name.
In Eastern Bengal (RL Bangladesh) media reports begin to become widely divorced from reality. The Indian government commits significant numbers of troops and even more police troops, and also continues food rationing, media controls and economic controls aimed at breaking a nascent pro UIR independence movement. Although arms and supplies trickle in via Burma (through a torturous route via Tibet, Kashgaria and China) police efforts are becoming increasingly effective, and by 1970 the Bangladeshi Liberation Army has only managed to arm 200,000 men and most of them have since been caught, arrested, tried, imprisoned and / or shot, leaving the BLA with a mere 50,000 men under arms, and nearly all are in hiding. Death squads controlled by the National Police and the Party are also operating, and tens of thousands have disappeared because of their work. (In all 300,000 people have disappeared into India prisons, and 100,000 of them have disappeared further into unmarked or marked graves or have been cremated or dumped into the Ganges)
For an example of how things are going.. look up the Algerian War of Independence, the Dirty War in Argentina and similar situations in El Salvador.
Galveston Bay
09-08-2006, 18:52
All through the Twilight Years the Indian government, soon joined by the Chinese government, funnel arms, equipment and advisors into the Pushtun and Punjabi areas of the former Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. The Kashmir is the key supply route, but some supplies are also smuggled in by ship.
A network of cells is established in the urban areas, while the tribal regions of the old Northwest Frontier as well as Afghanistan, wild and semilawless even in peacetime, with rugged terrain and dominated by the tribes and clans are perfect for building a covert army.
By 1970 the Pushtun Army of God (PAG) and National Front for the Liberation of Pakistan (NFLP) have managed to build an army of nearly 300,000 equipped with small arms, anti tank weapons, and explosives. They have also with the help of foreign advisors formed the cadres for 18 light infantry brigades (organized into companies and battalions for the most part).
Meanwhile, the UIR has brought in massive numbers of police troops to hold down unfriendly areas, organized local militias to protect friendly areas, and is also getting assistance from foreign advisors. French forces are also in the UIR and are protecting base areas.
The fighting up to 1970 has been merely occasional fights between police and guerillas, with losses of less then 1,000 UIR casualties and around 10,000 insurgents killed or captured (70/30 killed/captured).
In the winter and early spring of 1970 this changes. Guerilla light infantry begin attacking police units in the Pushtun and Punjab region and conducting raids on militia forces elsewhere in the country. Attacks are also made on economic targets, such as oil pipelines, rail lines, airports and even some terrorist and sabotage attacks occur in western Persia (ooc costs the UIR 10 production points for 1970 over the course of the year). Fighting begins to intensify as spring comes, and soon UIR commanders are finding that they are facing well trained insurgent troops equipped with first rate infantry and infantry support weapons, as well as plenty of mines and explosives.
By June 4,000 UIR and 2,000 insurgents have been killed and three times that number injured, and over 20,000 civilians have been killed or injured (usually 5 injured for every one killed).
Friendly intelligence determines that the insurgents are receiving massive amounts of aid from China and India, and have a sophisticated and well trained army.
Galveston Bay
09-08-2006, 18:52
In India, the Bengali rebels begin to strike back by 1968 as the effectiveness and ruthlessness of the Indian occupation of their homeland (ooc as they see it) becomes apparent. Terrorists begin to infiltrate other portions of India looking for soft targets and making a list.
By 1970 they are ready to strike and decide to make their most potent attack first. In the early morning hours, at 3 AM on April 23, terrorists infiltrate the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, a facility that makes insecticide and other toxic but useful materials, and slaughter the security guards and then plant a series of bombs that go off shortly after. Within a few minutes, vast clouds of toxic gasses are spreading across the city. By the time warnings get out and civil defense authorities are alerted, nearly 100,000 people have been poisoned, and nearly all die within the next hour, with the survivors dying by dawn.
Over the course of that day and the weeks that follow bombs in marketplaces, bus and rail stations, temples and other meeting places go off, resulting in the deaths of nearly 30,000 Indians, mainly Hindus. This causes a backlash that leads to rioting as vengeful Hindu mobs attack their Moslem neighbors, and by May the Army and National Police is forced to take steps to restore order as economic productivity is suffering.
India suffers damage to 2 production centers and also losses 10 production points on top of that to reflect economic problems caused by rioting
Galveston Bay
09-08-2006, 18:53
posting more today and tonight
09-08-2006, 19:06
Will wait for that to respond, but of course an I told you so by the UIP would be a little uncouth, so I'll find a round about way of saying it. But yeah.
09-08-2006, 19:21
Is there any infomation about the civil war in Burma
09-08-2006, 19:46
so will there be photos of people being pushed out of airplanes in India?
Galveston Bay
10-08-2006, 17:59
All through the Twilight Years the Indian government, soon joined by the Chinese government, funnel arms, equipment and advisors into the Pushtun and Punjabi areas of the former Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. The Kashmir is the key supply route, but some supplies are also smuggled in by ship.
A network of cells is established in the urban areas, while the tribal regions of the old Northwest Frontier as well as Afghanistan, wild and semilawless even in peacetime, with rugged terrain and dominated by the tribes and clans are perfect for building a covert army.
By 1970 the Pushtun Army of God (PAG) and National Front for the Liberation of Pakistan (NFLP) have managed to build an army of nearly 300,000 equipped with small arms, anti tank weapons, and explosives. They have also with the help of foreign advisors formed the cadres for 18 light infantry brigades (organized into companies and battalions for the most part).
Meanwhile, the UIR has brought in massive numbers of police troops to hold down unfriendly areas, organized local militias to protect friendly areas, and is also getting assistance from foreign advisors. French forces are also in the UIR and are protecting base areas.
The fighting up to 1970 has been merely occasional fights between police and guerillas, with losses of less then 1,000 UIR casualties and around 10,000 insurgents killed or captured (70/30 killed/captured).
In the winter and early spring of 1970 this changes. Guerilla light infantry begin attacking police units in the Pushtun and Punjab region and conducting raids on militia forces elsewhere in the country. Attacks are also made on economic targets, such as oil pipelines, rail lines, airports and even some terrorist and sabotage attacks occur in western Persia (ooc costs the UIR 10 production points for 1970 over the course of the year). Fighting begins to intensify as spring comes, and soon UIR commanders are finding that they are facing well trained insurgent troops equipped with first rate infantry and infantry support weapons, as well as plenty of mines and explosives.
By June 4,000 UIR and 2,000 insurgents have been killed and three times that number injured, and over 20,000 civilians have been killed or injured (usually 5 injured for every one killed).
Friendly intelligence determines that the insurgents are receiving massive amounts of aid from China and India, and have a sophisticated and well trained army.
new information
Galveston Bay
10-08-2006, 18:00
In India, the Bengali rebels begin to strike back by 1968 as the effectiveness and ruthlessness of the Indian occupation of their homeland (ooc as they see it) becomes apparent. Terrorists begin to infiltrate other portions of India looking for soft targets and making a list.
By 1970 they are ready to strike and decide to make their most potent attack first. In the early morning hours, at 3 AM on April 23, terrorists infiltrate the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, a facility that makes insecticide and other toxic but useful materials, and slaughter the security guards and then plant a series of bombs that go off shortly after. Within a few minutes, vast clouds of toxic gasses are spreading across the city. By the time warnings get out and civil defense authorities are alerted, nearly 100,000 people have been poisoned, and nearly all die within the next hour, with the survivors dying by dawn.
Over the course of that day and the weeks that follow bombs in marketplaces, bus and rail stations, temples and other meeting places go off, resulting in the deaths of nearly 30,000 Indians, mainly Hindus. This causes a backlash that leads to rioting as vengeful Hindu mobs attack their Moslem neighbors, and by May the Army and National Police is forced to take steps to restore order as economic productivity is suffering.
India suffers damage to 2 production centers and also losses 10 production points on top of that to reflect economic problems caused by rioting
new information
10-08-2006, 18:19
The UIR govvernenment, upon learning of Chinese involvement, are furious. The ambassador from China is called back for "consultations" and the rest of the embassy staff in Calcutta is withdrawn, fearing Hindu reprisals.
OOC: more orders to be sent soon GB
10-08-2006, 18:29
Effective immediately, no oil will be sent to China or India from the UIR, and no oil will be sent to nations who buy the oil and then sell it to China or India
10-08-2006, 18:33
A note of protest is sent to the ATO and a proclemation of condemnation of Chinese and Indian Actions is issued, An embargo is proposed to the Members of the ToD. Meanwhile the French representative will present arguments in the UN shortly.
The Arab Federation hereby joins the UIR in their embargo on selling oil to both China and India as long as they support violent groups in ANY nation. The Arab Federation also warns that any nation reselling energy resources it purchased from the AF to either nation risks the issuing of an oil embargo on their nation as well. The Arab Federation reiterates that once the support of these groups ends on the part of India and China, the embargo will be lifted.
ooc: mostly symbolic
The Rumanian government promptly withdraws embassy staff from both India and China, declaring that the funding of rebels inside the UIR is an "immoral, disgusting act tantamount to war."
The Rumanian government offers the use of a F4G Phantom unit as well as pilots for action against the rebels, along with a mechanized infantry division, to be used in addition to the Light Infantry already in the UIR.
10-08-2006, 19:31
Didn't Bhopal happen in rl?
Galveston Bay
10-08-2006, 19:33
The Indian government releases pictures of the Bhopal massacre and invites in North American and European journalists, which spread the word along with video images world wide.
Private donations and non governmental agencies send sufficient aid to more then feed and help the nearly 1 million displaced by the disaster (essentially 5 points worth).
Meanwhile the organization Amnesty International is founded in London, and its first report strongly condemns India for its actions in Bengal, as well as the UIR for its actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Dixie for some incidents involving jail 'suicides' involving Black civil rights activists and China for imprisoning some activist journalists.
Noticably lacking is any reports by Amnesty International to back up Chinese claims that Kashgaria is mistreating or has mistreated Chinese refugees.
Galveston Bay
10-08-2006, 19:34
Didn't Bhopal happen in rl?
I generally try to bring in RL events when possible.. Bhopal injured about this many but didn't kill nearly this many. But then this Bhopal was planned instead of the result of incompetence and greed.
10-08-2006, 22:23
India releases all information the information it has the East Bengal insurgents are being supplied by the UIR to the world press and strongly condemns the UIR for having planned the terror attack against the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal.
Gandhi, acting in her capacity as President, upon hearing of the massacre immediately declared, with Parliamentary approval, a six month State Emergency within East Bengal. A curfew is declared as are restrictions on assembly and travel out of the State. The transport of materials that can be used as explosives across State lines is also forbidden. The Federal Government officially takes control of the State Police.
Furthermore six corps of infantry are ordered to take up positions either around East Bengal’s production centers (to protect them from attack) and along the State Border, to police it and prevent unauthorized travel.
10-08-2006, 22:24
The UIR in response releases all information on rebels in Afghanistan and Pakistan, including information that Chinese and Indian advisors are there
10-08-2006, 22:40
The Netherlands is sending a Light Infantry Divison to the former Pakistan part of UIR to help the police and milita located there. The Netherlands just wants peace to reign in the area and the fighting to end here.
10-08-2006, 22:41
French Officials remark on the authenticity of reports coming from a nation which created a first rate army in their neighbor and even more remark that these are merely counter-allegations made by the Indians following the release of French Intel concerning the situation.
The Lightning Star
10-08-2006, 22:48
Is the Bangladesh Liberation Army the RL Awami League, or no?
10-08-2006, 23:29
Activist journalists influenced strongly be the radical student idealist movement in Indochina, begins large scale coverage of the conflict in neighbouring South Asia. Large scale protests call for peace between the combatants.
The government not wanting to provoke the radical students into uprising (That is after all how they got into power in the first place) while at the same time not wanting to anger China, decides to be neutral in the conflict which has torn its allies apart.
Meanwhile in the South of Thailand, which has a large Muslim population, calls for Indochinese intervention in the conflict on the UIR's side are largely ignored by the government.
A carrier battle group consisting of; UIS Indochina, UIS Lin Yen, UIS Jo Fai, UIS Yo Bia, UIS Hue, UIS Dhonburi and UIS Phuket is sent to the Persian Gulf where it observes the conflict and prepares to act as an offshore medical facility should the need arise.
Inside the UIR a few UIMC observers ordered there at the start of the conflict, remain in place but the UIR government is questioned as to their status.
Red Lotus (The international Bhuddist Aid organization set up in Indochina) aid workers ask permission from both governments to send teams to conflict areas and specifically Bhopal to help with recovery and medical efforts.
However the organisation is severly over stretched as it is already in engaged in aid operations in Burma which is wracked with civil unrest.
*Jumps up and down wanting to know about the conflict in Burma*
10-08-2006, 23:46
Red Lotus (The international Bhuddist Aid organization set up in Indochina) aid workers ask permission from both governments to send teams to conflict areas and specifically Bhopal to help with recovery and medical efforts.
However the organisation is severly over stretched as it is already in engaged in aid operations in Burma which is wracked with civil unrest.
India denies the Red Lotus request to be sent into conflict areas (i.e. East Bengal), explaining the rebels will likely attack them, but asks them to assist in recovery and medical efforts in Bhopal, where there is a "real need".
10-08-2006, 23:54
The UIR allows Red Lotus workers into the areas but warns them that it is a dangerous place, and casualties may occur.
The UIR police arrested 1,000 susprected rebels or assiters of rebels in Pakistan today. The suspects were detained and questioned. 3 Policement and 23 suspects are dead after some suspects opened fire on police when they came to detain them, signifying their guilt
11-08-2006, 00:03
Strangely the Philippines remains silent, more interested in its current internal debates than the SOuth Asian conflict. As it has doen in the past, all it does state is it's neutrality, and that it shall neither help, nor hinder anyone more than natural trade allows.
Australasia condemns the violence on both sides this soon after the Twilight War (even though the fact that we had a timewarp guaranteed something like this would happen! :) ).
PM Sinclair decreases the number of active duty workers in Australian embassies and consulates in both India and the UIR. Notes are passed to Malyasia and Indonesia conferming Australian neutrality in this conflict. However, observant citizens notice that the RAAF is flying a few more missions than usual over Western Australia.
11-08-2006, 00:25
The Red Lotus Aid organisation is formed in 1968 to help deal with the recovery efforts after the nuclear bombardment. Funded by Buhddist monastries and more recently the government it has become the official aid organisation of Indochina and ahs recently expanded its area of operations from Burma and Indochina to the whole of South Asia with the insurgencies in Bengal and Pakistan.
The Red Lotus heavily utilses military surplus vehicles in its projects, Ht-5 Aoi transport and medievac helicopters allow for quick transportion of teams to needed areas and then wounded back to hospitals. Also used are surplus Type-7 'Kili' armoured personel carriers that can transport wounded and medical teams around active combat areas in relative safety.
A number of rugged utility vehicles such as those made by Jokpe Auto are also heavily used.
All vehicles used by the Red Lotus are painted white with a large red lotus visibly shown on the sides, most vehicles also have many Bhuddist prayer flags affixed to them.
Nigeria condemns the horrifying terrorist attack against the Indians and offers to send aid if it is needed.
11-08-2006, 02:01
Germany harshly condemns the terrorist strikes in both countries and calls for an end to the conflicts.
In the meantime, Germany condemns the in-all-but-name invasion of the UIR by the Chinese, and immediately orders DuetschPetrol to cut off all oil to China and urges all other ToD members to follow suit.
Germany informs the UIR that it cannot do anything to assist them at the moment, as Germany, unlike China, was not preparing a war machine, instead it was helping its citizens get through the worst period in human history.
Meanwhile, Germany closely eyes the Indochinese movement into the Gulf and the High Seas Fleet is ordered to make a tour in the Gulf of Oman. All units in the area are also placed on alert and prepositioned units are called up.
(what did I say about coming into my playground?)
In response to the sailing of the Indochinese fleet to the Persian Gulf, the South African airbase at Hormuz is alerted, and the 1st Fleet is put to sea with intent to observe the situation in conjunction with German and Omani allies.
The Nigerian fleet follows suit, intending to rendevous with the South Africans in the Indian Sea.
[2xDestroyer Units [4 destroyers],1xLight missile cruiser, 1xCV with Air Group]
11-08-2006, 10:22
In response to the sailing of the Indochinese fleet to the Persian Gulf, the South African airbase at Hormuz is alerted, and the 1st Fleet is put to sea with intent to observe the situation in conjunction with German and Omani allies.
Why is it that every time I sail a small force of ship to help my allies in the middle east they get met with massive fleets?
They arn't in anyones's playground, they are in international waters preparing to give humanitarian and medical assistance to the UIR.
The Indochinese are shocked by the what seems a hugely disproportianante response by several powers in the area to the appeareance of a group of ships going to help an ally.
Complaints about blatent agressiveness when peoples should be co-operating are sent to the embassies of these nations, and the full intents of the task group are stated.
The Indochinese intelligence agency is ordered to do several things, first is to find the origins of the Burmese civil war.
Second is to asses the Scale and seriousness of the Burmese Civil war.
Third is to find out exactly where the arms being used in the Burmese civil war are coming from and how they are getting there.
Fourth is to pass all infomation gained about either insurgencies in UIR and Idia to both governments.
(OOC: I would really like to recieve some intel now becasue it seems i'v been left out of the loop completely on this one, regardless of my intelligence agency with spy satellites, spy planes, listining trawlers and legions of analysts.)
A carrier battle group consisting of; UIS Indochina, UIS Lin Yen, UIS Jo Fai, UIS Yo Bia, UIS Hue, UIS Dhonburi and UIS Phuket is sent to the Persian Gulf where it observes the conflict and prepares to act as an offshore medical facility should the need arise.
In response to the entry of the Indochinese fleet to the Persian Gulf and in response mobilizes all remaining units of the Arab Federation government. Meanwhile the Mukhabarat has begun infiltrating intelligence agents into local fishing boats in order to gather up-close intelligence on the ships. The entry of a Indochinese fleet so close after the assassination of the AF Head of State is VERY suspicious to many in the government.
11-08-2006, 16:53
In response to the entry of the Indochinese fleet to the Persian Gulf and in response mobilizes all remaining units of the Arab Federation government. Meanwhile the Mukhabarat has begun infiltrating intelligence agents into local fishing boats in order to gather up-close intelligence on the ships. The entry of a Indochinese fleet so close after the assassination of the AF Head of State is VERY suspicious to many in the government.
The Indochinese task group allows the boats to come as close as they want meanwhile, the task group begins to co-ordinate operations with Red lotus teams in the UIR.
Red Lotus helicopter's regularly use the UIS Indochina to refuel and repair on, while the cruiser UIS Lin Yen acts as a communications relay for all the Red Lotus teams and operations in the UIR.
Later two hospital ship the UIS Paron and the UIS Koh Chang and one civillian freighter ship SS Varak join the task group.
The UIS Paron and the UIS Koh Chang, both painted with the Red Lotus embelm, begin recieving serious casulties from conflict zones in the UIR via Red Lotus helicopters.
A mixture of Red Lotus and UIN helicopters ferry Red Lotus vehicles (including Type-7 'Kili' APCs) and supplies to the mainland.
The UIS Nachi resupply vessel enters the gulf a few days later.
The Arab Federation governemnt is contacted stating the Task group's purpose and inviting an AF Military liason officer aboard the UIS Indochina.
In Bhopal, India a large Red Lotus field hospital is constructed with regular flights for supplies and medical delliveries to nearby Indian cities.
Lesser Ribena
11-08-2006, 17:57
The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office issues strong adviseries that British citizens make arrangements to leave India and the UIR, those who cannot find transport are advised that the Royal Navy has chartered vessels (Largely RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 and SS Arcadia - the two ocean liners maintained in my budget) to transport British citizens from the major ports in India and the UIR, these vessels can transport 4000 people at a time and a space will be guaranteed for those citizens who arrive at any British Embassy or Consulate in the two countries. The vessels will head for Kuwait City where onward transport by air will be arranged by the RAF commander stationed there.
Not wanting to provoke alarm nearby nations are advised that the British Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf Fleet will be on hand to escort the vessels purely for security reasons.
Once all British citizens who wish to leave have done Britain is willing to transport Commonwealth, EEC and Treaty of Daresalaam citizens as well. Though no firm guarantees can be made.
Galveston Bay
11-08-2006, 18:40
*Jumps up and down wanting to know about the conflict in Burma*
In Burma, from 1964 -69, things begin to fall apart. The Depression severely hurts the Burmese economy and aggrevates long standing historical grievences between the Burmese people and the mountain peoples such as the Kachins. Authority, always weak in this area of rugged mountains and thick jungles is weakened further.
Essentially the Kachins and their neighbors become quasi autonomous and begin smuggling drugs into their neighbors, specifically Indochina and China, where authority is weakened post war. Drug networks are set up while authority and police forces are distracted by more urgent matters, and a sophisticated drug smuggling network that reaches all the way to Europe, Africa and the Americas is set up.
Marijuana is also exported, but the big money crop is the poppies and the opium byproducts.
Substantial elements of Burmese police and judicial authority is subverted during this time
Things worsen when covert arms aimed at radicalizing the peoples of Indian Assam are instead sold to the Burmese at a tidy profit by the Assam peoples, who also cheerfully turn in UIR intelligence operatives for a reward at every oppurtunity.
In this way Assam becomes the strongest bastion of pure capitalism in India.
These arms are used by the Kachins and other mountain peoples to establish first militias and then light infantry brigades which places Burma in a serious quandry.
Reempose government authority and fight a civil war that it can't afford and will likely lose, or let the situation continue and keep northern and western Burma as an essentially feudal dependency.
11-08-2006, 21:35
In 1970 the Indochinese ask the Burmese govenment if they would accept assitance from the Red Lotus aid organization and Indochinese military units.
Several Indochinese Army and Marine units are prepared for mobilization into Burma.
They are:
-Central Strategic Army Command: [General Vo Nguyen Giap]
1x HQ Unit (Saigon Military Acadamy) [Highly Trained]
-1st Army Corps: [General Tran Van Tra]
1st Light Infantry Division (Saigon Military Acadamy) [Highly Trained]
2nd Light Infantry Division (Saigon Military Acadamy) [Highly Trained]
-2nd Army Corps: [General Sunan Mongkut]
3rd Light Infantry Division (Bangkok) [Highly Trained]
4th Light Infantry Division (Bangkok) [Highly Trained]
-Central Strategic Marine Command: [General Shui Huan Bai]
1x HQ Unit (Nha Trang) [Highly Trained]
-1st Marine Division: [General Sopheap Phirun]
1st Marine Light infantry Brigade (Nha Trang Marine Acadamy) [Highly Trained]
2nd Marine Light infantry Brigade (Nha Trang Marine Acadamy) [Highly Trained]
1st Marine Mechanized Brigade (Nha Trang Marine Acadamy) [Highly Trained]
-2nd Marine Division: [General Quy Vien Tu]
3rd Marine Light infantry Brigade (Louangphrabang) [Highly Trained]
4th Marine Light infantry Brigade (Louangphrabang) [Highly Trained]
2nd Marine Mechanized Brigade (Louangphrabang) [Highly Trained]
- 1st Marine Air Support Group: [General Phan Anh]
1st Marine Air Support Wing [Nanchang Q-5 Light bomber Unit] (Laem Chabang MAFB)
2nd Marine Air Support Wing [Nanchang Q-5 Light bomber Unit] (Laem Chabang MAFB)
1x Expert pilot (Laem Chabang MAFB)
1x Expert pilot (Laem Chabang MAFB)
The aircraft carriers UIS Nuygen Ai Quoc (Heavy Fleet) and UIS Jiao (Light) can be stationed off the Burmese coast to assist in pacification of the rebels and co-ordination of Aid operations.
11-08-2006, 22:07
CICME Rommel informs the Indochinese that the movement of any type of non-allied warcraft into the Middle Eastern Region is immediately seen as a threat, and ensured that if it does indeed become a threat, that that will be dealt with. However, as Indochina seems to only to wish to help, the German Fleet will back down.
However, Rommel informs them that it would make them feel much safer if German and South African officers were let aboard to ensure that there is no threat to German or African forces in the region.
A small note of apology is sent but a reminder that the Middle East is of strategic importance to Germany and that any potential threats are dealt with.
11-08-2006, 22:09
Parthini']CICME Rommel informs the Indochinese that the movement of any type of non-allied warcraft into the Middle Eastern Region is immediately seen as a threat, and ensured that if it does indeed become a threat, that that will be dealt with. However, as Indochina seems to only to wish to help, the German Fleet will back down.
However, Rommel informs them that it would make them feel much safer if German and South African officers were let aboard to ensure that there is no threat to German or African forces in the region.
A small note of apology is sent but a reminder that the Middle East is of strategic importance to Germany and that any potential threats are dealt with.
The Indochinese thank the Germans for their understanding and their apology.
German and African Liason officers will be allowed aboard the UIS Indochina aircraft carrier
12-08-2006, 01:50
OOC: I've been gone for about 2 weeks, let me get things sorted out a bit before doing anything major, but for now, here's Russia's preliminary actions.
Russia strongly condemns India and China's actions in dealing with the UIR. As such, the free oil (and other energy aid) provided to China since early 1964 (the first aid anyone pledged, I might add) is immedieately halted, and all oil companies that provided the oil (with government compensation) are informed their export licenses to China are revoked under emergency conditions. To balance this, they try to find deals with African and European nations who need oil.
The UIR is granted permission to buy all Russian military designs except the Yak-38, and missile designs. 6 F-105/F-4 units recently retired are offered for 2 points apiece.
Galveston Bay
12-08-2006, 02:34
I find it amusing that the Vietnamese are about to get drawn into a long guerilla war in Southeast Asia
The big oil companies are still selling oil to China at present, but are talking to the Russians, Arab Federation, Texas, Columbia and Nigeria to ensure that they don't annoy them by doing so
(ooc as those are the biggest oil exporting nations besides the UIR)
12-08-2006, 02:44
IC: Russia does not mind nations exporting to China (its good buisness practice, after all). Russia's termination of shipments is solely because the free aid we had been granting was going towards causes we deemed unacceptable. As a side note, free energy to Korea, Japan, and Indochina has not ended.
12-08-2006, 02:52
OOC: Well, I'm trying to embargo China so it would be nice if they followed suit :)
Galveston Bay
12-08-2006, 06:16
June 18, 1970
Chinese armies invade Kashgaria and Tibet
In Tibet, the local militias let the first wave of mountain, airborne and mechanized troops enter the country, and then as second wave forces and logistics troops (HQ unit) comes through the passes, the Tibet army detonates 3 x 300 kiloton warheads, destroying the HQ unit and inflicting serious casualties on the Chinese forces (50,000 killed or wounded)
meanwhile, the militia fight desperately but are gradually overwhelmed after a week, and Lhasa falls to Chinese forces. The Dali Lhama escapes overland to Nepal, and remnants of the militia flee to the mountains to fight a guerilla war.
The Chinese are unable to pursue, as they spend nearly a month having to reopen the passes and restore supply lines, and are forced to use their entire transport aircraft fleet to keep their forces from running out of food and ammunition.
By June 30, Tibet is mostly under Chinese control however. China has suffered 100,000 casualties in the fighting (20,000 dead or missing) and 200,000 people in Tibet are casualties (1/4 dead) However, 20,000 militia remain in the mountains determined to resist
in real life, after Red China took over Tibet, guerillas fought for the next decade
Meanwhile, in Kashgaria, the Chinese launch a massive invasion and easily overwhelm border guards
By June 30 they have reached the city of Urumchi, which fights a determined battle. Kashgar holds out until July 10 before surrendering.
20,000 Kashgari and 20,000 CHinese troops are dead, and Kashgar and Tibet are in ruins
all production centers are damaged, all resources also damaged and will require repair just like industrial centers
Meanwhile, the world universally (NPC world that is) criticizes the Chinese invasion of Kashgar and unnecessary reincorporation of Tibet by force, and many sympathize with Tibet, in spite of its use of 3 nuclear weapons
NORAD, with some apparent glee, announces to the world that the weapons used were Chinese based on their signature and radiation detected (ooc: every production facility has a unique signature because of the unique background radiation where the facility exists)
What's the list of resources and prod centers in Tibet and Kashgaria?
I'd like to know so I can commence re-construction efforts as quickly as possible.
Galveston Bay
12-08-2006, 07:39
What's the list of resources and prod centers in Tibet and Kashgaria?
I'd like to know so I can commence re-construction efforts as quickly as possible.
in the old economic thread for Kashgaria (Safehaven did their builds), Tibet is even further back, probably the 2nd economic thread
in any case, it would be helpful if you looked that up
in the old economic thread for Kashgaria (Safehaven did their builds), Tibet is even further back, probably the 2nd economic thread
in any case, it would be helpful if you looked that up
According to what I could find...
Kashgaria's last build was in 1964, which gave it 13 production centers, 1 oil, 1 natural gas, 1 nuclear (1964 build), and 1 coal (Econ thread 3.0 main post).
Econ 3.0 main post:
1964 build by Safehaven:
As for Tibet, I can't seem to find it, but I do recall it did have 1 oil resource point. As for prod centers, I'm guessing Tibet has maybe 5, considering it was part of China in the 1950's and early 1960's during China's economic growth.
Therefore, its 22 points worth of "income" I need to repair, correct?
Galveston Bay
12-08-2006, 08:47
According to what I could find...
Kashgaria's last build was in 1964, which gave it 13 production centers, 1 oil, 1 natural gas, and 1 coal.
As for Tibet, I can't seem to find it, but I do recall it did have 1 oil resource point. As for prod centers, I'm guessing Tibet has maybe 5, considering it was part of China in the 1950's and early 1960's during China's economic growth.
Therefore, its 22 points worth of "income" I need to repair, correct?
thats reasonable
12-08-2006, 10:59
Things worsen when covert arms aimed at radicalizing the peoples of Indian Assam are instead sold to the Burmese at a tidy profit by the Assam peoples, who also cheerfully turn in UIR intelligence operatives for a reward at every oppurtunity.
OOC: How many UIR intelligence operatives are turned in to Government authorities?
12-08-2006, 11:13
The Republic of France publically condemns China for its Unilateral action in Kashgaria over dubious claims which do not warrent outright invasion, The Chinese have disregarded the role of the UN in handling matters of Human Rights.
Meanwhile, the French criticise Chinese mishandling of the situation in Tibet causing the use of nuclear weaponry.
France affirms that it will tighten its Embargo on China and urges its allies to do the same as China is becoming an international menace citing the extensive use of their veto powers in the UN prior to their suspension, their outright funding of a rebellion in the UIR and their Unilateral invasion of Kashgaria despite public announcements that the UIR and France Gurantee the indpendance of that soverign nation.
French officials announce that they are considering the use of military action if the matter is not resolved by the UN security council and urges its ally's to support them.
Meanwhile, with the UIR-Indian Crisis being concluded sucessfully in the UN the Republic of France suggests an extra formal gesture be concluded; UIR and India would sign a 5 year Non-Aggression pact agreeing not to undertake offensive actions towards each other.
The French President also officially expresses his deepest regrets that neighboring conflict has spilled over to Burma, in efforts to ease the situation 14 points relegated to be used for the ESA will be instead be provided to Indochina to relieve the situation, The French Red Cross is directed to assist aswell.
12-08-2006, 14:51
The UIR, upon learning of the invasion of Kashgaria, accepts any and all refugees wishing to flee from the fascist government and forms a government in exile in Teheran.
The UIR accepts the 6 F-4 units from China, and will pay them 12 points (in 1971, makes it easier).
Meanwhile, 3rd Army is transferred to the Kashgarian-UIR border (the UIR government refuses to call it Chinese, they will refer to it and Tibet as "occupied territories")
OOC: orders sent tonight
GB, how many refugees will I get from Kashgaria, as I am letting them in?
Nigeria has little to say on the subject, as it begins concentrating on Africa.
The Turkic Republic of Kashgaria
1969 Builds / Market Economy National Effort
Tech Level 7.5 / Population: 12 Million + 1 Million Chinese Refugees
Production: 35.75 = 17 Production (25.5), 2 Nat. Airlines (4), 3 Int. Airlines (6), Tourism (.25)
Basic Spending:
Military Upkeep: 2 (2 Garrisons, 1 MIG25, 1 Expert Pilot)
Lv.3 Social Services: 4
Production: 28.5 = Production Center (24), Production Center (4.5, 19.5 Left)
Imports: 1.25 (Food)
Energy Reserves: 10.25 = 2.5 Oil, 3.25 Coal, 4.5 Gas
Rumania soundly condemns China's unilateral actions and joins France in the demand that China withdraw from the Republic of Kashgaria.
New Dornalia
12-08-2006, 22:33
Korea is shocked at the Chinese invasion of Kashgaria. Anti-war protesters flood the streets of Seoul and Pusan, and pressure results in the Park Government threatening to suspend aid and trade with the Chinese government unless a withdrawal is made.
12-08-2006, 23:48
Korea is shocked at the Chinese invasion of Kashgaria. Anti-war protesters flood the streets of Seoul and Pusan, and pressure results in the Park Government threatening to suspend aid and trade with the Chinese government unless a withdrawal is made.
OOC: TG for you New Dornalia
The UIR is furious at China's invasion and withdraws all remaining embassy staff from China. India and China are declared non-sfae areas and tourists are strongly advised not to go there. Many industrial workers and owners in India and China soon leave
12-08-2006, 23:56
Many industrial workers and owners in India and China soon leave
As India nationalized any and all UIR owned property at the beginning of the year (ooc: part of India's shift from a Market Economy to a Command Economy) India could care less about a few UIR citizens, who for some reason chose live in India even though the Indian-UIR border had been closed for over five years, leaving the country.
OOC: I think there would be no more then a handful given the border closing, so that is pretty much an empty gesture.
The South African public is outraged at what they view as unprovoked Chinese military action against Kashgaria and Tibet. Though the South African government has intentionally remained silent on the issue of alleged Kashgarian crimes against Chinese refugee, reports from both Amnesty International and various international media organizations (especially German ones) are readily available to the public, who are much more ready to believe Amnesty International and the European press than they are Chinese state propaganda.
Many have called for President van Aarten to withdraw South Africa's embassy staff from China, though the President has stated that such a move would be a "gross overreaction on the part of the South African Republic."
The President did, however, issue a strong condemnation of both Chinese policy and the Chinese president. Van Aarten pledged moral solidarity with the people of Tibet and Central Asia, and urged the UN to take immediate action.
13-08-2006, 06:19
Germany harshly condemns China for its actions against Kashgaria and Tibet, and escalates its embargo from a simply oil one, to a full Embargo on all Chinese goods and stops all trade from going to China. Coastal Patrol units in the Arabian Sea are ordered to investigate German shipping going past the Gulf of Oman and confiscate it if it is headed to China.
Germany also calls upon its EEC and ToD allies to follow suit. Germany, while not withdrawing its embassy staff, disbands its consolates in Tsingtao, Shanghai, Canton, Guangzou, Taipei, Hong Kong and Harbin, leaving only the Shanghai embassy.
China refuses to bow down to international demands to withdraw from Kashgaria, as Kashgaria is rightfully Chinese.
Kashgaria has been Chinese before the despicable Soviet Union wrenched it away from China, and China was forced to sign a treaty under duress to recongize Kashgarian independence in return for Soviet and Japanese withdrawal from China at the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Despite this, the Soviets and Japanese invaded anyway during World War 3 shortly after the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, which essentially nullified the treaty in all its aspects. Adding to that is the fact that the Union and the United States are no longer around as they had been in the 1930's, which is another reason why the treaty is invalid.
We have already made it clear we are not interested in taking over Nepal and Bhutan, as we wish these two nations to remain as an "Asian Switzerland". You may note that there are no Chinese troop mobilizations along the Russian borders, the Kashgaria / UIR border, China / India borders, China / Nepal border, and China / Bhutanese border.
13-08-2006, 08:22
Meanwhile, with the UIR-Indian Crisis being concluded sucessfully in the UN the Republic of France suggests an extra formal gesture be concluded; UIR and India would sign a 5 year Non-Aggression pact agreeing not to undertake offensive actions towards each other.
India does not reject the French proposal regarding a 5 year Non-Aggression pact, but voices its opinion that agreeing to it under present circumstances would be very premature.
13-08-2006, 09:42
India does not reject the French proposal regarding a 5 year Non-Aggression pact, but voices its opinion that agreeing to it under present circumstances would be very premature.
The French Recognises the willingness on the part of the Indians nontheless.
China refuses to bow down to international demands to withdraw from Kashgaria, as Kashgaria is rightfully Chinese.
Kashgaria has been Chinese before the despicable Soviet Union wrenched it away from China, and China was forced to sign a treaty under duress to recongize Kashgarian independence in return for Soviet and Japanese withdrawal from China at the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Despite this, the Soviets and Japanese invaded anyway during World War 3 shortly after the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, which essentially nullified the treaty in all its aspects. Adding to that is the fact that the Union and the United States are no longer around as they had been in the 1930's, which is another reason why the treaty is invalid.
We have already made it clear we are not interested in taking over Nepal and Bhutan, as we wish these two nations to remain as an "Asian Switzerland". You may note that there are no Chinese troop mobilizations along the Russian borders, the Kashgaria / UIR border, China / India borders, China / Nepal border, and China / Bhutanese border.
The Chinese have revealed their true motives, The Republic of Kashgaria, a democratic and soverign nation is therefore to be deduced to be innocent of all charges of human rights abuse and that the decietful performance put on by the CHinese representative was no more than a sharade.
The French Media uses these to condemn the Chinese in the Harshest of terms, indicating that the Chinese are on war of conquest, as the republic of Kashgaria is an independant nation of its own accord which has been recognised internationally by all nations since the collapse of the Soviet Union including China itself; the soverignty of a nation and its independance was not conditional on the duration of the treaty as it owuld be absurd to say that the treaty stated that Kashgaria waas indpendant "until war was declared between China and Japan or the Soviet Union".
Furthermore the media points out the the Republic of Kashgaria is a muslim democracy a culture much different than their neighbors to the East, who are effectively a Confucian Authoriterian State.
China retorts aganist France in an equally, if not harsher, tone.
"Where was the world when Kashgaria, the former Central Asian Republics, and various Soviet client states committed genocide, ethnic cleansing, atrocities, et-al aganist China in the 1930's?
The Russians, Kashgarians, Central Asian nations, and so forth killed millions of Chinese refugees in the 1930's, and the Kashgarians and Central Asian nations have apparently continued their anti-Chinese attitudes, culminating into their atrocities aganist the second round of Chinese refugees in 1964 - 1969. We believed that the world would do nothing about it, just like they did nothing about the 1930's genocides and atrocities.
We chose to act, instead of waiting another 30 - 40 years or even at all, for the world to act. The Chinese people demanded immediate action, and the Chinese government listened and gave the Chinese people exactly what they wanted.
Something the world never gave China for the genocides and atrocities aganist its people by Kashgaria and the Central Asian nations back in the 1930's and now 1964 - 1969. Essentially, we Chinese simply righted a wrong aganist our people when the world has shown a refusal to do so for almost forty years, not counting forty more years for justice for the 1964 - 1969 atrocities.."
In related news...
China officially closes its borders with the UIR, citing the UIR buildup along the UIR-Kashgarian border, and maintains a high level of alert among the Chinese forces currently in Kashgaria to prepare for a possible UIR offensive.
Lesser Ribena
13-08-2006, 11:25
Britain adds to the international condemnation, stating that just because a nation was once part of another does not allow an unlawful invasion. The international community has already stated this and yet China remains agressive, the UN is idle due to China's veto powers and it falls to the world to speak out against them. The uncloaked imperialism of China has grave consequences for future events, if nations can see that they can act without fear of the UN then choas will surely ensue as nations occupy each other on the flimsiest of excuses. Perhaps Britain should re-occupy the North American nations, much of Africa, Australasia, India, and even Ireland where the esteemed UN council sits just because they once did so, in some cases as recently as 15-20 years ago?
Britain adds to the international condemnation, stating that just because a nation was once part of another does not allow an unlawful invasion. The international community has already stated this and yet China remains agressive, the UN is idle due to China's veto powers and it falls to the world to speak out against them. The uncloaked imperialism of China has grave consequences for future events, if nations can see that they can act without fear of the UN then choas will surely ensue as nations occupy each other on the flimsiest of excuses. Perhaps Britain should re-occupy the North American nations, much of Africa, Australasia, India, and even Ireland where the esteemed UN council sits just because they once did so, in some cases as recently as 15-20 years ago?
China states that it has already withdrawn its veto on the UIR-India conflict and changed its vote to "Yea".
China also points out that the majority of British colonies weren't forcefully wrenched away from Britain within the past 70 years by foreign powers, and that the various British colonies did not commit widescale genocide aganist British refugees or civilians (in the hundreds of thousands or even millions) as Kashgaria did to innocent Chinese refugees in the 1930's and late 1960's.
China took justice into its hands because the world failed to force Kashgaria to answer for its atrocities. The Chinese people demanded it, and the Chinese government provided.
13-08-2006, 11:37
The French dismiss the Chinese claims as more "sharades" to justify their unacceptable behaviour by using examples without actually providing proof or attempting in addressing these matters through the UN first.
The Truth of the matter is that China unlawfully unilaterally invaded Kashgaria over dubious reaons without even seeking the consel of their closest allies let alone the international body known as the UN which it has pledged to seek its arguments peacefully through.
Not to mention the fact that the Soviet Union has in fact collapsed nearly three decades ago and any perpetrators would have been so long gone.
The French dismiss the Chinese claims as more "sharades" to justify their unacceptable behaviour by using examples without actually providing proof or attempting in addressing these matters through the UN first.
The Truth of the matter is that China unlawfully unilaterally invaded Kashgaria over dubious reaons without even seeking the consel of their closest allies let alone the international body known as the UN which it has pledged to seek its arguments peacefully through.
Not to mention the fact that the Soviet Union has in fact collapsed nearly three decades ago and any perpetrators would have been so long gone.
The point still stands.
The world said and did nothing about the Kashgarian atrocities and genocide aganist Chinese refugees. The world could have done so in the 1940's, 1950's, or 1960's, yet it did not.
Besides, those who commited genocide aganist Chinese refugees in the 1930's are still alive, despite what France implies. Adolescents who helped in the genocides would be in their 40's, while soldiers or young adults would be in their 50's or early 60's by now, and could have very easily influenced their children and grand-children to undertake similiar acts in 1964 - 1969.
13-08-2006, 12:08
One of India's Diplomats in France, in a particularly helpful mood, sends a private message to the French Foreign Ministry concerning a possible reason for China's actions in Tibet and Kashgaria beyond simple imperialism. President-for-Life Heng Ming is an ethnic Han who was apparently born in Chinese controlled Kashgaria and whose family was uprooted during the 30s when it declared independence with Union support. It is reasonable to assume a long standing grudge and deep seated hatred going back to his childhood is the reason for Chinas invasion of that former nation. It is also noted that Ming lost family in the unprovoked American nuclear attack upon China, as did many Chinese, and what is seen now is the sorrow of those losses, 200 million people dead, being transformed into an intense fury. Further diplomatic pressure would likely be futile given the intense emotion involved on the part of the Chinese Leadership and its President. Further threats would also accomplish nothing and possibly make the situation worse. The most likely way to make progress would be to talk personally, face to face, with President Ming himself.
13-08-2006, 15:24
The UIR in response to the Chinese move ejects the Chinese embassy and closes the border with China, but allows refugees to come across if they can make it
New Dornalia
13-08-2006, 20:16
Upon hearing China's remarks, Speaker Park retorts in a snidely worded letter:
"Yeah. Like you're getting any sympathy whatsoever by your claims of revenge, Mr. Heng. While my government understands the fact atrocities against Han Chinese occurred in the 30's, we're not entirely sure it entails your government irrationally waging a distruptive and idiotic war when a simple call for reparations would've been nice. I am frankly offended--no, the Korean nation is--that our closest ally did not even bother talking to us before this occurred.
And frankly, when you alienate most of the planet, you have to wonder where you're going with this."
13-08-2006, 20:19
Upon hearing China's remarks, Speaker Park retorts in a snidely worded letter:
"Yeah. Like you're getting any sympathy whatsoever by your claims of revenge, Mr. Heng. While my government understands the fact atrocities against Han Chinese occurred in the 30's, we're not entirely sure it entails your government irrationally waging a distruptive and idiotic war when a simple call for reparations would've been nice. I am frankly offended--no, the Korean nation is--that our closest ally did not even bother talking to us before this occurred.
In fact, I'm starting to think we're through. Consider our diplomatic facilities closed.
And frankly, when you alienate friends, you have to wonder where you're going with this."
The UIR sends a message conragulating Korea on their decision and inviting them into the ToD for protection
New Dornalia
13-08-2006, 20:45
The UIR sends a message conragulating Korea on their decision and inviting them into the ToD for protection
OOC: Actually, after looking at the ATO thread, I had to make some edits.
The Park Government says to the UIR, "Sorry guys. We don't feel the ToD is for us."
Galveston Bay
14-08-2006, 01:34
China and India, your plans involving Bangladesh, Tibet and Kashgaria will carry the economic penalty of no economic production from those areas the year the plan is carried out, and 4 more years after that in the case of Tibet and Kashgaria.
and will be noticed
August 1970
The New York Times and London Times break stories concerning plans by the Chinese government to deport the entire population of Tibet and Kashgaria from their homelands and replace them with Chinese settlers. Sources are unnamed but the indication is that they are intentional leaks from NORAD and British intelligence as well as sources from Japan, Tibet, France, the UIR and from inside China itself.
Meanwhile, Time magazine breaks the story of plans by the Indian government to strip Eastern Bengal of its factories and other useful economic output in order to further repress rebels in that area.
Walter Cronkite of CBS News, the most respected newsman in North America, visits the UIR and confirms that the UIR government is indeed fighting under the rules of war for the most part and that the various rebel groups have no support outside of their homelands and limited support inside them.
That summer, students protest vigorously in France and Germany over EEU involvement in other peoples wars (specfically South Asia) and in Italy over the continue colonial rule over Libya (which isn't actually colonial, but quasi colonial)
Students in China also protest the invasion of Kashgaria and Tibet, demanding an end to Fascism, return to Democracy and reduction in military spending.
Ottoman Khaif
14-08-2006, 01:53
In reaction to China ethnic cleansing of innocent people, the Russian Government here by breaks all trade relations with China and bans trade with China for good, well in till a more friendly government could take over and improve human rights for the region.
14-08-2006, 01:53
August 1970
Meanwhile, Time magazine breaks the story of plans by the Indian government to strip Eastern Bengal of its factories and other useful economic output in order to further repress rebels in that area.
President/Prime Minister Gandhi publicly refutes Times magazine's article and in a public statement issued from her office declares that upon being granted independence East Bengal will be economically assisted by India. In a scathing public letter she attacks Times magazine for printing an unsubstantiated rumor that could inflame tensions and cost lives, demanding a retraction and apology.
The Federal troop deployments in East Bengal were to prevent terrorists from attacking East Bengals industrial sites and causing further mass losses of life in India, as well as to safeguard valuable facilities essential to East Bengal’s economy.
Meanwhile Indian troops withdraw from around the East Bengal Production Centers and take up positions just outside the State's borders instead. The Time magazine article is not allowed to be printed or reported on in Indian/Bengal Media.
Gandhi also (to everyone's surprise, even her own Government) announces that a referendum on the issue of East Bengal sovereignty will be held in November.
New Dornalia
14-08-2006, 01:53
August 1970
The New York Times and London Times break stories concerning plans by the Chinese government to deport the entire population of Tibet and Kashgaria from their homelands and replace them with Chinese settlers. Sources are unnamed but the indication is that they are intentional leaks from NORAD and British intelligence as well as sources from Japan, Tibet, France, the UIR and from inside China itself......Students in China also protest the invasion of Kashgaria and Tibet, demanding an end to Fascism, return to Democracy and reduction in military spending.
Korea, hearing of these plans, sees mass protests in front of the Chinese Embassy by anti-war and liberal protestors from the Juche Party. Meanwhile, the Park Government promptly orders shipping to China suspended for the duration of the occupation, and offers to escort Chinese diplomatic personnel out of Korea proper to Vladivostok to avoid any trouble.
Meanwhile, the Park Government sends a letter to the Heng Government, urging them to cease the occupations or else calls for explusion will begin again, and other consequences may result.
Preparations are made to close the border, should anything get nasty....
14-08-2006, 02:00
The UIR upon learning of Cronkite's story (I think fighting under the rules is good) quietly celebrate. In lighter news, the Interior ministry announced the finishing of the city of Islamabad in Pakistan. While outer work has yet to be done, the inner part and government buildings are finished.
The UIR allows any media outlet in the world to come to the UIR and are given limited media access (basically they have UIR guards to protect them, occaisonally denied access to areas)
OOC: It's basically to help the people, look good
14-08-2006, 02:13
Germany quietly mentions that Switzerland recently joined the EEC.
On a side note, after recieving a note from French about President-for-Life Heng, the Kaiserin immediately evokes her "God-Given Powers" and against the protestations of nearly all of her staff, asks the Chinese Minister if he is willing to meet with her to discuss the situations, in Nepal.
Galveston Bay
14-08-2006, 04:53
Soon after pressures begin to build in the Western world over Eastern Bengal, in addition to denying the reports, the Indian government announces that an election will be held in that region to determine whether it will remain part of India or become the new nation of Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, in the UIR, fighting continues in the rebellious Pushtan and Punjab regions. In addition to fighting a military action, the UIR government also spends billions on (72 points total) on civil affairs projects to upgrade schools, hospitals, water systems, electrical and telephone services, and roads; billions on a massive public relations campaign; billions on crime fighting efforts including constructions of secure and acceptable prisons; and billions on relief for the victims of the war.
The Rebels find their support base rapidly eroding by December and begin to consider desperate measures.
Galveston Bay
14-08-2006, 04:57
The announcement of possible elections in Bangladesh leads to a rebel cease fire for the moment, and terrorist attacks cease for the most part.
Occasional assissinations continue though directed at pro Indian Moslem leaders (what few there are in that area), and some of the worst offenders of the Dirty War.
Meanwhile, in Burma, the deployment of massive numbers of British, Burmese and Indochinese troops is able to seal the border with India, ending arms smuggling for the most part (reducing it to a trickle).
Facing overwhelming odds, the Kachin Rebels and other rebellious tribes for the most part cease hostilities, with leaders going into hiding.
Meanwhile Commonwealth and Indochinese intelligence determines that some of the worst offenders in the drug trade are actually Burmese officials
Galveston Bay
14-08-2006, 05:00
In Tibet and Kashgaria, nearly half the population flees during the summer to Kazakstan.. mostly the young, mothers, and the elderly.
Most of the remaining population takes to the hills and mountains and deserts and continues to resist as arms are smuggled in to suppliment the substantial preparations both countries made prior to the Chinese invasion.
A guerilla war fierce and unrelenting is underway
By the end of the year, 20% of the population of both countries are dead or missing, another 20% are under detention, and 30% have fled.
RL Afghanistan was like this
Ottoman Khaif
14-08-2006, 05:03
In Tibet and Kashgaria, nearly half the population flees during the summer to Kazakstan.. mostly the young, mothers, and the elderly.
Most of the remaining population takes to the hills and mountains and deserts and continues to resist as arms are smuggled in to suppliment the substantial preparations both countries made prior to the Chinese invasion.
A guerilla war fierce and unrelenting is underway
By the end of the year, 20% of the population of both countries are dead or missing, another 20% are under detention, and 30% have fled.
RL Afghanistan was like this
So how many people is Russia going to gain by this, 500,000 or so?
Galveston Bay
14-08-2006, 05:13
So how many people is Russia going to gain by this, 500,000 or so?
get back to you on that
not really worth worrying about, they don't actually add anything to your economy at the moment
14-08-2006, 07:22
November, 1970
On November 11th the Indian Federal Government, announcing it feels no need to wait for the UN, unilaterally holds a snap referendum asking the East Bengal population whether or not they wish for East Bengal to separate from the Republic of India and become an independent State. The electoral practices, due to the sudden nature of the election, are questionable. There are not enough ballots; some polling stations that should be open remain closed, the voter rolls are incomplete, and its never clear if the votes are even counted. Despite all this the government announces 82% of East Bengal’s citizens to be in favor of independence and on November 15th East Bengals independence is granted.
East Bengal is formerly renamed The People's Republic of Bangladesh, Governor Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad (Bangladesh Communist Party) is sworn in as Provisional President, Rajinder Shandar (Bangladesh Communist Party) becomes Prime Minister, and Lt. General Hossain Mohammad Ershad of the Dhaka Garrison Unit becomes Army Chief.
The Bangladesh Provisional Parliament (the renamed State legislature) schedules elections for 1972 and passes several new laws, one declaring the Bengal Liberation Army an illegal terrorist group, banning its members from ever running for or holding public office, and promising to extradite all captured members (present and future) to India for trial for their “heinous crimes,” and another making it so Bengal Hindus are joint citizens of Bangladesh and India, with their own law code and court system.
The Bangladesh Government also signs the Indian Subcontinent Neutrality and Trade Pact, applies to join the United Nations, and agrees to the Indian/Bengal Security Accords which establishes the following:
-The Indian Intelligence Agency shall continue to serve as Bangladesh’s intelligence agency, officially it being a joint agency (ooc: in reality it being entirely Indian controlled).
-All grants of foreign aid must be approved by the Indian Government.
-India is bound to provide East Bengal with a Merchant Marine, International Airlines, pay for its Garrison Unit, and protect it from attack.
The Indian Military withdraws fully from Bangladesh territory, leaving only the East Bengal Garrison Unit, the Police, and the South American/South African Special Forces Units assisting them. (Secret IC: Meanwhile the State Police, now National Police, continue the crack down upon the BLA and all those associated with it.)
(ooc: It should be noted that this Bangladesh only borders India…rather then the RL Bangladesh which has a sliver bordering Burma.)
Galveston Bay
14-08-2006, 08:29
previous post was approved, so it stands as reported
The student protestors in China are arrested under charges of sedition, and Chinese media propagandizes the students demands as "wishing to weaken China's military so foreign powers can invade unopposed as what had occurred during the 1930's".
President-for-Life Heng Ming sends a message to Germany and France that he is willing to meet with their leaders in Nepal, a neutral nation. Included in the message is a willingness to work out a treaty.
OOC: Heng Ming isn't "Chariman"- its "President-for-Life". Please correct that in your IC posts.
14-08-2006, 13:33
The Philippines watches, and doesn't say much. THey confer with Korea on the current SOuth Asian decentralization, and wonders what Asia should do about it despite European involvement.
New Dornalia
14-08-2006, 15:27
The Philippines watches, and doesn't say much. THey confer with Korea on the current SOuth Asian decentralization, and wonders what Asia should do about it despite European involvement.
The Park Government replies quietly that it would be best to let the Indians stew in their own mess; after all, they started the situation with the UIR anyway.
14-08-2006, 17:10
*Other Secret Notes to Korea* So Korea is going to take a hands off method to the current situation on mainland Asia. A little harder for Korea considering it's location. But probably the best idea at this time.
Lesser Ribena
14-08-2006, 18:17
Following the revelations in The Times British students hold various protests outside of the Chinese embassy. The Metropolitan Police allows these to continue without much interference, as is their policy on protests, several roads are closed and the police keep the protestors away from the main embassy building. British authorities continue applying pressure to China over the occupation of Kashgaria but continues diplomatic efforts in the UN first.
Following recent revelations about the drugs trade Commonwealth forces begin tracking down and arresting any officials and politicians implicated. They will be detained for trial by Indo-Chinese authorities. Work will begin shortly on rebuilding the democratic system from the roots upwards, all existing politicians being removed from office, but being allowed to stand for election again (unless they're in detention for drugs offences of course).
14-08-2006, 19:14
Parthini']Germany quietly mentions that Switzerland recently joined the EEC.
On a side note, after recieving a note from French about President-for-Life Heng, the Kaiserin immediately evokes her "God-Given Powers" and against the protestations of nearly all of her staff, asks the Chinese President if he is willing to meet with her to discuss the situations in Nepal.
OOC: There. Someone owes me 10 bucks :p
14-08-2006, 19:16
OOC: I literally just said that on chatzy
The UIR 3rd Army:
1 Armored Divisions
2 Mechanized Divisions
2 Mechanzied Flak Groups
2 Mechanized Artillery Groups
1 Infantry Division
2 Attack Helicopters w/ 2 Regular Pilots
(total manpower, not including helicopters: 120,000)
The 3rd Army will dig in on the Kashgarian-UIR
border. 24 points are spent to create a solid defensive belt
ooc: sorry about lack of IC involvement lately--time has been and seems to remain scarce. Some brief notes:
IC: Massive protests rock major Australasian cities concerning the Chinese invasion of Tibet and Kashgaria. The government, facing a crisis of legitimacy, reduces relations with China to the bare minimum (all consulates closed and embassies have limited staff) and declares a trade embargo of that nation. The outbreak of domestic troubles again forces the nation to look more inward, drawing more isolationist.
15-08-2006, 01:37
The UIR call's up all units until the crisis ends. 5 Armored Divisions join the existing divisions and form 5 armored corps (whenever you see an armored division, it is now a corp). The attached infantry divisions left for other duties. 2 Additional Armored Divisions were sent to the Kashgarian border, and coupled with the reserve units they made more corps.
Current 3rd Army:
3 Armored Corps
6 Mechanized Infantry Divisions
2 Mechanized Artillery Brigades
2 Mechanized Flak Brigades
1 HQ
Rumania sees protests by students and by members of the Anti-war Communist party, and responds by cutting off all trade with China, as well as expelling the Chinese embassy staff from the country.
In the meantime, a mechanised division and a second wing of F4 Phantoms are deployed to the UIR, supposedly to increase security in Afghanistan, where a Rumanian Light Infantry division and F4 unit are already operating.
The South African government, observing the sometimes violent protests in other nations, and fearing that protestors in South Africa may escalate the intensity of anti-Chinese sentiment given the fact that the Republic has not cut diplomatic or trade ties with China, orders Staatspolitie to guard the Chinese Embassy in Pretoria, and increases Staatspolitie and regular plice patrols in urban Chinese neighborhoods.
Galveston Bay
15-08-2006, 03:59
All through the Western World, and then into Africa and Latin America protests continue through the summer and fall of 1970 against China.
In North America, and quickly spreading to the UK and Ireland, students begin stalking Chinese Embassy and Consulate vehicles and throwing eggs at them.. in large quantities. This soon spreads to egging of their diplomatic quarters, homes and even their persons.
Initially fresh eggs, this soon spreads to rotten eggs, as well as balloons filled with paint and dye and bleach.
This continues into the winter and into 1971
Lesser Ribena
15-08-2006, 11:20
The Metropolitan Police limit the number of trips outside that Chinese Embassy staff can make so that the force isn't over stretched. All staff and their families are put up in the nearby Regent's Park Hotel to make protecting them easier. The Chinese government is advised to withdraw as many non-essential staff and citizens as possible so that potential incidents can be better managed.
Lesser Ribena
15-08-2006, 12:28
Preparations for the evacuation of British citizens from China are made, using the same procedure as the evacuation of the UIR and India, British citizens who wish to leave have only to show their documentation at an embassy or consulate and a place will be reserved for them aboard one of the liners being sent to pick tehm up at several places on the coast. Those who cannot make it to the coast will be flown out by the British Overseas Airways Corporation.
All transportation will be free of charge and open to any allies of Britain as well, though British citizens will get precedent over other nationalities, followed by Commonwealth citizens, EEC citizens, North American citizens, Treaty of Daresalaam and then any other allies.
15-08-2006, 12:40
Central American citizens are advised to leave India and China. Citizens in India are directed towards Ceylon, where they can obtain safe transport home. Citizens in China are told to make their way to Japan.
USCA asks the Ceylon and Japanese Gov'ts for the right to land military transports on their bases to take the civilians home. Similar requests are sent to the Indian and Chinese Gov'ts, however a positive response is not expected. Civilians from the North American Federation, FNS, and other civilians from the Americas will also be taken, but not at the expense of Central American citizens.
The USCA Government withholds from an embargo for the time being, fearing that it could jeopardise the safety of its citizens in the region. However, USCA has little trade with China anyway.
Central American citizens are advised to leave India and China. Citizens in India are directed towards Ceylon, where they can obtain safe transport home. Citizens in China are told to make their way to Japan.
USCA asks the Ceylon and Japanese Gov'ts for the right to land military transports on their bases to take the civilians home. Similar requests are sent to the Indian and Chinese Gov'ts, however a positive response is not expected. Civilians from the North American Federation, FNS, and other civilians from the Americas will also be taken, but not at the expense of Central American citizens.
The USCA Government withholds from an embargo for the time being, fearing that it could jeopardise the safety of its citizens in the region. However, USCA has little trade with China anyway.
South Americans in India or China are free to stay if they wish. If they require transportation home then they can contact their South American embassy.
20-08-2006, 17:23
OOC: Assume the French governmnt copies the British gvernment actions regarding domestic issues.
A conference in Nepal is informed to be agreeable only if the following nations are allowed to participate aswell:
-Kashgaria (representatives from government in exile)
-Tibet (Dalai Lama or other)
-United Kingdom
-The United Islamic Republics