Magi-Tech (Open, hiring)
Soviet Trasa
06-08-2006, 07:48
The Trasian Government for years has needed a new assault Mechwarrior that can channel Magical attacks ,so the Trasian Government is issuing a Contract to any Nation who can Research and Develop this 'Magi-Tech' as we call it and create a Mech that can actually help a person Channel their Magic Abilities into Energy Attacks or anything of a similar Nature.
Also any other Magi-Techology that you can develope would like to be purchused.
All Prices are up to the buyer, however it must be reasonable.
Thank you for your time.
Grand Admiral Lokith Nigarth, head of Research and Development.
Magic Sorcery
15-08-2006, 02:12
We have for starters a great assment of magic items and schrolls
*=Very Powerful Spells
Magic/Schrolls (All prices are in Sickles 1 sickle = $0.54)
Speed Charm-Increases Speed S50
*Divine Cross-Recover health to max (great for serious injuries or sickness)
Warrior's Bane-Decrease Physical attack of a target S200
Knights Bane-Decr. Phys. Defense S200
Beats Bane-Decr. Physical Accuracy S200
Wizards Bane-Decr. Magical Accuracy S200
Hermits Bane-Decr. Magical Attack S200
Summon Earth-Summon the Yarthhkins S2000
Summon Water-Summon Merrows S2000
Summon Wood-Summon Krake S2000
Summon Fire-Summon the Vulcan S2000
Summon Thunder-Summon Lancheol S2000
Summon Night-Summon Wryneck S2000
*Aqua Call-S10000
*Inferno Call-S10000
*Green Call-S10000
*Thunder Call-S10000
*Night Call-S10000
Hale Cross-Recovery
Metor Strike-Drop Bulders on Target-S100
Cosmic Truth-Raise Stone Collumes S200
*Absolute Zero-Incase in Ice S2000
Permafrost-Generate a Tornado with Ice Blocks-S100
Hell Storm-Fiery Tornado S200
Inferno Strike-Fire Balls Converge on traget S1000
Jungle Rage-Tornado With Leaves S200
Forest of Fear-Raise Trees Bellow target S1000
Night Shade-Raise Dark Claws Below Traget S1000
Cygus-Converge ice blocks on a target. S500
Ion Strike-Drop Lightning balls on target S500
Dark Traitor-Converges Skulls on Target S100
Raging Earth-Creat Earth Quake, Magnitude will varrie S1000
Dark Night-Shroud the area in darkness S200
Staffs and Wands (All Staffs are smootly cut and made of metal)
MXCX22A Glory Good strong, sturdy staff, gem solid and intact
Price: S300
NC17PGR15 Bolt Very good staff. Great with thunder elements, and very good with charms
Price S500
Holly Phoenix Feather 9in Springy Good for charm work and transfiguration
Price S126
Thirteen and a half inches, yew, and phoenix feather, very powerful.
Price: S1150
MXC92AB Star
Only used by the Imperial Godheads, now released to the republic
Great for many uses, and evenly powered
Price S2250
OC12-Oak Staff, pretty weak, rarely used. Makes for nice decoration though
Comes with your choice of Gem in various colors and cuts
Orb Cut-Standered traditional S5
Emerald Gem Cut-Fancy Royal S15,000
Diamond Cut-Nice Semi-Fancy/Royal S1200
Non Gem Cuts/des-
Shapes include Stars, Suns, Mini-Solar Systems, and Discs
S50 per designe
15-08-2006, 06:30
ooc: ICCD has been involved and researching psionics/psychic powers for many years, however the concept of "artifact based" magic as well as spiritual powers, miracles, borders somewhere between myth and reality. Long ago the Holyness appeared to commute to dogmatic political capacities. However within some orders of the Holy Empire there is a deep beleif in "magic" or the capacity of the Holy Spirit to perform great miracles and wonders. The Emperor himself is a follower of archane research as are many high officials especially in the Lictor Services and upper national security indivivduals. The Emperor is posing as an artificier. Dressed in a loaffers, slacks and a white shirt. - I do relize that this was originally about magictec armour and not a storefront however i thought I'd take the chance to add to the thread as it occured.
Emperor: I will purchase (10) of each scroll.
also purchase (10) ten MXCX22A, NC17PGR15
(20) twenty Holly Phoenix Feather
(10) ten Thirteen and a half inches, yew, and phoenix feather, very powerful.
MXC92AB (10) ten Star
(1000) one thousand OC12
(200) two hundred Orb Cut
1 (one) Emerald Gem Cut
1 (one) Diamond Cut
OOC: (or as many as you are able to provide if I am buying more then your stock)
Emperor: I would like to know if you have any extra special "magical" objects or items or know of anyone that does, that I can get in contact with?
Perhaps you know of some other people selling magical items and artifacts?
In Correspondence to Soviet Trasa:
ICCD would like to propose a new battlemech magictec armour for your use.
What we do is have a scanner attached inside the suit, it scans the scroll and analyzes it with the internal minicomputer. The computer simulated voice program then reads scroll, and drains the energy from the person or alteratively if sources or batteries for the "S" energy can procured. We still require greater information on the means of a small battery. In ICCD's reasearch of the mystic forces, we assume that sacrificing lifeforms and related rituals may charge an artifact with "S" energy. The artifact can then be recharged by doing more rituals on it. There is rumour of some artifacts that are holy and thus have unlimited power. If they were attached to it then we may assume powers may be derived from that source. We also in our reasearch of PSIONICS feel that adepts may be able to be a greater source of this, much like prophets and great holy persons such as the saints were in their ability to perform miracles.
We can provide a beta LEVEL FIVE bodyarmour equiped with powersource, cpu & scanner as well as communications and other sensors, as well as the scroll shifter speaker system and human machine plugins. It is quite crude. Our initial unit can be provided for 250,000 $'s. With scrolls being able to bought seperately where suppies exist.
4 units in total are available for purchase by years end. We need further study on potential energy sources for "S" energy, if you have any magi / adepts available then ICCD is under the impression that they may be the easiest source of renewable energy. Our scientists are still sorting out quantum string potentials; however we are years off from making science from magic.
ICCD is still in testing phases, however we are willing to provide these intial units at $250,000 each delivered in one year time. More advanced units are sure to follow.
Soviet Trasa
15-08-2006, 06:35
Interesting, the Trasian Magika Corps is very interested in the usage of these machines in combat.
If you could produce these machines for us we will fully fund their construction/Research as well as a heafty fee of your naming.
You may Contact me further VIA PM, just look for the Nation Soviet Trasa in World and we can hammer out any other details there.
Magic Sorcery
21-08-2006, 17:02
Emperor: I will purchase (10) of each scroll.
also purchase (10) ten MXCX22A, NC17PGR15
(20) twenty Holly Phoenix Feather
(10) ten Thirteen and a half inches, yew, and phoenix feather, very powerful.
MXC92AB (10) ten Star
(1000) one thousand OC12
(200) two hundred Orb Cut
1 (one) Emerald Gem Cut
1 (one) Diamond Cut
OOC: (or as many as you are able to provide if I am buying more then your stock)
Emperor: I would like to know if you have any extra special "magical" objects or items or know of anyone that does, that I can get in contact with?
Perhaps you know of some other people selling magical items and artifacts?
It's a pleasure doing business with you ICCD. What kind of special obejct do you have in mind and we'll see what we can do