Return to Form (OOC)
I'm back after two months of not being able to log in to the forums and I'm looking for a small war RP to get me back in the swing of things. I'll be kinda busy wih a RL move the next 3-4 days, but after that I'm good.
If anyone is interested let me know and I have a few scenarios I'll run by you.
06-08-2006, 06:43
I'm back after two months of not being able to log in to the forums and I'm looking for a small war RP to get me back in the swing of things. I'll be kinda busy wih a RL move the next 3-4 days, but after that I'm good.
If anyone is interested let me know and I have a few scenarios I'll run by you.
I wouldn't mind taking part in a conflict, what scenarios do you have planned?
I wouldn't mind taking part in a conflict, what scenarios do you have planned?
Right now I'm looking at a Israel-Lebanon parallel with my well trained, heavily mechanized forces facing a neighboring state and/or paramilitary forces. I don't have much power projection capability so that rules out major overseas involvements and I'm not big enough to square off with some of NS's powerhouses either.
06-08-2006, 07:01
Right now I'm looking at a Israel-Lebanon parallel with my well trained, heavily mechanized forces facing a neighboring state and/or paramilitary forces. I don't have much power projection capability so that rules out major overseas involvements and I'm not big enough to square off with some of NS's powerhouses either.
True, well, I can always watch though.
06-08-2006, 13:58
you called dude, I'm your neighbour, I'm not too much larger than you and i've already been at war with you, though I have moved onto PMT but I'm still willing to temporarily downgrade for the sakes of RPing.
This is Hydac, I'm having to post with my puppet since I'm having problems logging into Jolt once again. Hopefully this will be corrected quickly and we start a RP.